Importance of Education: March 2015
Importance of Education: March 2015
Importance of Education: March 2015
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1 author:
Afifa Bano
University of Bisha, Saudi Arabia
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Afifa bano
Alnamas campus
“Fundamental foundation,
Education is one of the most important necessities of our life. A man is incomplete without it. Education teaches
us how to think, how to work properly, how to make decision; in short it tells us how to lead a successful and
meaningful life. With the beam of education one can easily distinguish between correct and incorrect; true and
falls and more over between humanity and brutality.
For me education doesn’t mean to have only degrees from university with bookish knowledge; but education
means to have practical knowledge with one’s own sense of sensibilities. Its only education awakens you from
the slumber of ignorant. It gives us that light which makes us capable of seeing the things back the curtain.
As far as I believe, every individual has been bestowed with at least one such quality or talent by the Almighty
Allah that makes him or her different from other individual. And this innate individuality can be identified only
by means of education. It makes you acquaintance with yourself. Its only education that gives us an identity in
the society. It actually makes us “alive”. No doubt a society is a place where every kind of creatures live
together but the difference between educated and uneducated can be easily identified. I truly agree with the
saying of Aristotle that:
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“The educated differs from the uneducated as much as the also often misunderstood education only to the extent to pass
living differs from the dead.” university exams which is absolutely dangerous for any
society, community or nation. As we often say that children
Really, an uneducated person is almost equal to a dead as we
are the future of every country then of course it’s our
cannot expect a good support or any kind of contribution
responsibility to make children aware of the importance of
towards development from him. And for me the best example
education in a true ways. Education should help us to discover
of this is the present scenario of our beautiful world where
lasting values; unfortunately, the present system of education
everywhere non-violence has acquired its place. We cannot
is making us submissive, emotionless and deeply thoughtless.
expect destruction from any educated person or nation.
The environment of every school and college should be light
As we know that poverty is the biggest enemy of all human and full of entertainment so that they can learn with fun and
beings. We must not forget the fact that its illiteracy that drags don’t take it as punishment imposed by their parents on them.
man towards poverty and poverty towards destruction. An Different kinds of competitions, quizzes and sports must be
illiterate person cannot think to compete with an educated introduced in schools and colleges. Apart from it every student
person. Even if he is full of talent he is never provided the should be inculcated with certain goals of life not only by their
privilege to show his talent. Thus to fight with poverty the parents but by their teachers as well. If a child or youth goes to
only option is to get higher and meaningful education because school or college without any goal of life then he actually
education teaches us to handle any kind of situation smartly doesn’t gain education but only degree that may give him
and successfully. Its not wrong when Mahatma Gandhi says: success to certain extent and stage of life but cannot make him
a good human being. And for me:
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow
“Education is the foremost thing require,
Learn as if you were to live forever.”
Because without it only defeats are acquired.”
Now the question arises that what kind of education should be
given to our children that make him or her a perfect human Now after awakening the kid or the youth and after showing
being? The answer is very simple. At first it must be an him the light of education with it’s importance in our life the
Islamic education with all the doings and practices of Prophet next responsibility falls on the shoulder of teachers who can
Muhammad (PBUH). No one in this world can be the best actually convince students what exactly education is. In my
epitome of an educated person as he is. Besides, we must not opinion teacher’s behavior with students should not be like so
forget the saying of Prophet Muhammad himself that “for called teachers but like an awakener who is there to solve all
education if you need to go to China then go”. It means that he problems of students and make them out of the darkness of
is saying us not to keep worldly education too aside. Worldly ignorant and uneducated life. Teachers play a very important
education is equally important as without it we can never pace role in students’ life. As many of them become their role
with time and if we can’t pace with time then we can’t hope to models, so they must be very careful about their own
move ahead and get success. And if we are not successful then behaviors, presentations and over all performances. Besides,
nobody would give us respect and dignity upon which our giving lecture on prescribed topics they must keep on
right lies. Without education we can’t imagine respect in our convincing them to study well and remind them their goal of
society. life. Their responsibility should be more than giving lectures
in a given period of time. They should be friendly and
The biggest problem is that the importance of education is
understanding so that without any reluctance students can
understood and realized after a certain age. For children
communicate their problems with them.
education is punishment. Not only for children, but the youths
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Now the other question is should girls too equally be educated these to be perfect. This is the reason that now a days every
like boys? Then of course the answer is yes, yes and yes. where the education of women has been emphasized.
There is a very good saying that:
Towards conclusion I must say one thing that if you really
“If you educate a man; you educate a man. want to know that what the purpose of your existence in this
world and why the Almighty Allah has sent you here then you
But if you educate a woman; you educate a generation.”
must grab education. It is the only way to know not only
As we all know that the first school or the first teacher of any yourself but also Allah. Thus I’ll conclude by saying:
child is his or her mother and if a mother is living her life in
“Let’s break the monotony
the darkness of ignorance then how can she usher her child the
light of education. As far as my opinion is concerned Let’s set the economy
educating a woman is as important as oxygen to our life. A
Let’s all of us give call
woman is truly responsible for a perfect family, society or
nation and with an uneducated woman we just can’t expect all Education for all….”
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