Learner Group Targeted Intervention
Learner Group Targeted Intervention
Learner Group Targeted Intervention
Learner Group Targeted Intervention
Learners without parents or Make a weekly supervisory plan for them and check their module
household member who can and activity sheets. Organize, if possible, a learning support
guide and support their system in the area that can be composed of volunteers to provide
learning at home assistance to these learners.
Set a tutoring schedule.Create a schedule at least two times a
week for the tutoring group. Students join a Google Meet at the
same time each day. The consistent time establishes a familiar
routine for students. It is like sitting next to a student in a physical
classroom and guiding them through their work.
Beginning readers( K to 3) Provide additional reading materials in developing their reading
skills as video lessons including letter sounding and word
Attach monitoring sheets that parents/guardians may check.
Constant communication with the parents/guardians should be
Struggling readers (4 -14) Provide them variety of reading materials like story books with
questions to be answered to check their comprehension skills.
Assess their reading level at least once a week by means of
having an online meeting.
No access to device and Provide modules for them to study.Orient the parents on the
internet process of modular learning.
Inaccessible(living in remote Provide modules for them to study. Coordinate with the
and/or unsafe areas) concerned LGUs on the distribution of the modules as well as in
returning them. Make sure to orient parents about the modular
Indigenous people Provide self-learning modules and other additional learning
materials that are cultured friendly.
Coordinate with the concerned LGUs on the distribution of the
modules as well as in returning them. Make sure to orient
parents about the modular learning.
Person with disabilities Using alternatives to print, such as audio or other formats in
instruction, as well as pictures, flexible scheduling and deadlines,
and assistive technology.
Before the Lesson Lesson Proper After the Lesson
1. Review previous 1. Explain, model, 1. Wrap up activities
lesson demonstrate, and 2. Emphasize key
2. Clarify concepts from illustrate the information and
previous lesson concepts, ideas, skills, concepts discussed
3. Present warm-up or processes that 3. Ask learners to recall
activities to establish students key activities and
interest in new lesson will eventually concepts discussed
internalize 4. Reinforce what
4. Check learner’s prior
knowledge about the 2. Help learners teacher has taught
new lesson understand and 5. Assess whether lesson
master new has been mastered
5. Present connection
between old and new 6. Transfer ideas and
lesson and establish 3. Provide learners with
concepts to new
purpose for new feedback
lesson 4. Check for learners’
6. State lesson understanding
objectives as guide
for learners
(What is it that I (What will (What will push me to ( Where will I accomplish
repeatedly do that prevent me participate in this the requirements of this
may affect my from course) course? Describe this
participation in the participating environment)
course in a positive fully in this
or negative way) course)
Reading repeatedly Lack of focus 1. Course assessment I prepare to accomplish the
the course overview because and Certificate that I can requirement of this course
and content workdays are use in advancing my in school because I find the
orientation as well as flooded with professional school a quiet place and
the different Deped different forms development free from distractions
Orders influenced of digital,verbal 2.Learning new things
the level of my and written 3.Adapting to the new
participation because communication normal ways of teaching
doing so help me such as
understand what will email,phone
I am going to do rings,series of
throughout the webinars and
course other school
related matters
K to 12 Learning
Visulaizes and adds two-one digit Visualizes and adds the
numbers with sums up to 18 using following numbers using
the order and zero property of appropriate techniques
addition M1NS-II-a-26.1
a. two one-digit numbers with
Adds two-one digit numbers using sums up to 18
appropriate mental techniques
b . three one-digit numbers
c. Numbers with sums
Visualizes and adds three one digit
through 99 without or with
numbers using the grouping
property of addition M1NS-IIb-26.2
d Visualizes and adds two to three one
digit numbers horizontally and
vertically M1NS-IIb-27.1
Visualizes and adds numbers with sums
through 99 without or with
regrouping M1NS-IIc-27.3
Adds mentally two to three one-digit
numbers with sums up to 18 using
appropriate strategies M1NS-IIc-28.1
Identifies the number that is one more or Identifies the number that is
Retained one less from a given number M1NS-Ib-3 one more or one less from a
given number M1NS-Ib-3
Dropped Visualizes and counts by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s n/a
through 100 M1NS –Ie-8.1