MEng Energy - FAQs
MEng Energy - FAQs
MEng Energy - FAQs
How is the programme The M.Eng. Energy is 180 credits. Your coursework/subjects contribute
structured? to half of the credits (i.e. 90 credits) and the mini-dissertation another
90 credits. Complete 6 subjects (4 core + 2 electives).
Which elective subjects You are free to choose any 2 electives of your choice. Though be aware
could I choose? that some may require specific prior knowledge. Your 90 credits
coursework equate to 6 subjects. You are free to choose more than 2
electives, but the 4 core subjects are compulsory. It is possible to
obtain > 180 credits for the degree.
How do I choose the Generally electives are chosen based on your prior knowledge. E.g. if I
electives? am an electrical student, I would normally choose from the 3 electrical
electives available. Though any student is free to choose any electives
they prefer.
What is the duration of The programme has been developed to enable a student to complete
the programme? the degree in a minimum time of 18-24 months. The programme is
flexible and allows for fewer subjects to be completed in a year for
those who do not wish to complete in minimum time. The choice is left
to the student to decide how much time they have available to commit
to the programme.
When do I start the In this programme, the dissertation (is linked to the Research
dissertation? Methodology (RSM690S) subject. On completion of RSM690S you will
complete your research proposal to the satisfaction of your supervisor
in order to meet HDC requirements. If you wish to complete the degree
in minimum time, you will register for the dissertation from year 1.
How do I get access to Only registered students have access to HDC and institutional online
HDC? resources. On the HDC online system, all students need to register and
will be linked to a supervisor. The Research Methodology (RSM690S)
subject will explain this process in detail.
How do I get a All students on this programme will be allocated a supervisor. Students
supervisor? are free to discuss ideas they have for a research project with their
supervisors. In many cases supervisors also have a list of research
Can I change my offering Yes, after registration you are able to do this via the SNAPPA status
type e.g. 01 to 02? update form obtained from the secretary or faculty office.
Can I register in the 2nd CPUT does not have a 2nd semester registration. All students register
semester? at the beginning of each year for both 1st and 2nd semester subjects as
per CPUT registration deadline.
How does the For former MTech Energy students to obtain recognition of completed
recognition/exemption of subject credits, fully complete a recognition form. I will sign and you
subjects work? then submit to the secretary. Important! You need to first register for
all the subjects for which you wish to gain recognition. Recognition of
credits is granted after registration.