Dormicum Inj PI Apr 2019
Dormicum Inj PI Apr 2019
Dormicum Inj PI Apr 2019
d maintenance of anesthesia. As an induction agent in used. Induction may instead be completed with volatile liquid
inhalation anesthesia or a sedative component in combined anesthesia, inhalational anesthetics. In resistant cases, a total dose of up to 0.6
Dormicum® including total intravenous anesthesia (i.v. injection, i.v. infusion). mg/kg may be used for induction, but such larger doses may prolong
Midazolam recovery.
Ataralgesia in combination with ketamine in children (i.m.
Short-acting benzodiazepine for premedication, sedation, administration). In adults over 60 years of age, debilitated and chronically ill patients
induction and maintenance of anesthesia lower doses will be required.
Ampoules for intravenous, intramuscular and rectal Long-term sedation in intensive care units (i.v. administration as bolus
administration injection or continuous infusion). Dormicum is not recommended for the induction of anesthesia in
children, as experience is limited.
Composition Dosage and administration Maintenance: The maintenance of the desired level of
Active ingredient: midazolam as hydrochloride. Standard dosage unconsciousness can be achieved by either further intermittent doses
Midazolam is a potent sedative agent which requires slow or continuous infusion of intravenous Dormicum typically in
Ampoules 15 mg/3 ml and 5 mg/5 ml for i.v., i.m. and rectal administration and individualization of dosage. combination with analgesics.
The dose should be individualized and titrated to the desired state of The maintenance dose usually ranges from 0.03-0.1 mg/kg/hr when
The content of the vial is a clear liquid, practically free from particles sedation according to the clinical need, physical status, age and used in combination with narcotics or ketamine.
and colourless to yellowish. concomitant medication.
In adults over 60 years of age, debilitated or chronically ill patients
Excipients: sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, In adults over 60 years of age, debilitated or chronically ill patients lower maintenance doses will be required.
water for injection. the dose should be determined with caution, the special factors
relating to each patient being taken into consideration. In children receiving ketamine for anesthesia (ataralgesia), an
Sterile product. intramuscular dose of Dormicum of 0.15 - 0.20 mg/kg is
a) Intravenous conscious sedation recommended.
Properties and effects For basal (conscious) sedation prior to diagnostic or surgical
Dormicum has hypotic and sedative effects characterized by a rapid intervention, Dormicum is administered i.v. The dose must be A sufficiently deep level of sleep is generally achieved after 2-3
onset and short duration. It also exerts anxiolytic, anticonvulsant and individualized and titrated and should not be administered by rapid minutes.
muscle-relaxant effects. Dormicum impairs psychomotor function after or single bolus injection. The onset of sedation may vary c) Intravenous sedation in the intensive care unit
single and/or multiple doses, but causes minimal haemodynamic individually depending on the physical status of the patient and the The desired level of sedation is reached by stepwise titration of
changes. detailed circumstances of dosing (e.g. speed of administration, Dormicum followed by either continuous infusion or intermittent
amount of dose). If necessary, subsequent doses may be bolus.
The central actions of benzodiazepines are mediated through an administered according to the individual need.
enhancement of the GABAergic neurotransmission at inhibitory The intravenous loading dose should be given slowly in increments.
The intravenous injection of Dormicum should be given slowly at a
synapses. In the presence of benzodiazepines the affinity of the GABA Each increment of 1-2.5 mg should be injected over 20-30 seconds
rate of approximately 1 mg in 30 seconds. The drug takes effect in
receptor for the neurotransmitter is enhanced through positive allowing 2 minutes between successive increments.
about 2 minutes after the injection has been given.
allosteric modulation resulting in an increased action of released
GABA on the postsynaptic transmembrane chloride ion flux. In adults below the age of 60 the initial dose is 2.5 mg given 5 - 10 The intravenous loading dose can range from 0.03-0.3 mg/kg but a
minutes before the beginning of the procedure. total dose greater than 15 mg is usually not necessary.
Chemically, midazolam is a derivative of the imidazobenzodiazepine In hypovolemic, vasoconstricted or hypothermic patients the loading
Further doses of 1 mg may be given as necessary. Mean total doses
group. Although the free base is a lipophilic substance with low dose should be reduced or omitted.
have been found to range from 3.5-7.5 mg.
solubility in water.
A total dose greater than 5 mg is usually not necessary. The maintenance dose can range from 0.03-0.2 mg/kg/hr.
The basic nitrogen in position 2 of the imidazobenzodiazepine ring
system enables the active ingredient of Dormicum to form In adults over 60 years of age, debilitated or chronically ill patients The level of sedation should be assessed regularly if permitted by
water-soluble salts with acids. These produce a stable and well the initial dose must be reduced to 1-1.5 mg and given 5-10 minutes patient's condition.
tolerated injection solution. before the beginning of the procedure. In hypovolemic, vasoconstricted or hypothermic patients the
This together with rapid metabolic transformation are the reasons for Further doses of 0.5-1 mg may be given as necessary. Since in these maintenance dose should be reduced, at times to as low as 25 % of
rapid onset and, because of rapid metabolic transformation, short patients the peak effect may be reached less rapidly, additional the usual dose.
duration of effects. Because of its low toxicity, midazolam has a wide Dormicum should be titrated very slowly and carefully. When Dormicum is given with potent analgesics, the latter should be
therapeutic range. administered first so that the sedative effects of Dormicum can be
A total dose greater than 3.5 mg is usually not necessary.
After parenteral administration anterograde amnesia of short duration safely titrated on top of any sedation caused by the analgesic.
b) Anesthesia
occurs (the patient does not recall events that occurred during the peak Special dosage instructions
Pre-medication: Pre-medication with Dormicum given shortly before
of activity of the compound). Compatibility with infusion solutions: The Dormicum ampoule
a procedure does produce sedation (induction of sleepiness or
drowsiness and relief of apprehension) and preoperative impairment solution can be diluted with sodium chloride 0.9 %, dextrose 5 % and
Pharmacokinetics of memory. 10 %, levulose 5 %, Ringer’s solution and Hartmann’s solution in a
Absorption after intramuscular injection mixing ratio of 15 mg midazolam per 100-1000 ml infusion solution.
Absorption of midazolam from the muscle tissue is rapid and Dormicum can also be administered in combination with These solutions remain physically and chemically stable for 24 hours
complete. Maximum plasma concentrations are reached within 30 anticholinergics. at room temperature, or 3 days at 5 °C (see also Special remarks).
minutes. Bioavailability is over 90%. The pre-medication is usually administered 20-60 minutes before The Dormicum Ampoule solution should not be diluted with
Absorption after rectal administration induction of anesthesia. Macrodex 6 % in Dextrose or mixed with alkaline injections.
Midazolam is absorbed quickly. Maximum plasma concentration is Intramuscular administration: In adults below the age of 60 the dose Patients with renal impairment
reached within 30 minutes. Bioavailability is about 50%. of Dormicum ranges from 0.07-0.1 mg/kg according to the general
condition of the patient. In patients with severe renal impairment, Dormicum may be
Distribution accompanied by more pronounced and prolonged sedation possibly
When midazolam is injected intravenously, the plasma The usual dose is 5 mg. including clinically relevant respiratory and cardiovascular depression.
concentration-time curve shows two distinct disposition phases. The Dormicum should therefore be dosed carefully in the patient
volume of distribution calculated under steady-state conditions is 0.7- In adults over 60 years of age, debilitated and chronically ill, the
dose ranges from 0.025- 0.05 mg/kg. population and titrated for the desired effect.
1.2 l/kg bodyweight. Studies show a protein binding of 96-98%.
The usual dose is 2-3 mg. In patients over 70 years i.m. Dormicum Hepatic Impairment
In animals and humans, midazolam has been shown to cross the
placenta and to enter fetal circulation. Small quantities of midazolam should be administered cautiously, under continuous observation, The clinical effects in patients with hepatic impairment may be
are found in human milk. Midazolam is not a substrate for drug because excessive drowsiness may occur. stronger and prolonged. The dose of midazolam may have to be
transporters. Children reduced and vital signs should be monitored.
Metabolism In children between ages of 1 and 15 proportionally higher doses are
Midazolam is metabolized rapidly and completely. The primary required than in adults in relation to body weight. The dose range Contraindications
from 0.08-0.2 mg/kg bodyweight has been shown to be effective and Dormicum must not be used in patients with known hypersensitivity to
metabolite is -hydroxy-midazolam. The fraction of the dose extracted
safe. benzodiazepines or any of their formulation excipients.
by liver has been estimated at 40-50%. Many medicaments have been
found to inhibit the production of this metabolite in vitro. For some of Dormicum should be administered deep into a large muscle mass 30-
these drugs, this has been confirmed in vivo (see Interactions). Precautions
60 minutes prior to the induction of anesthesia.
Dormicum ampoules should be used only when resuscitation
Elimination Rectal administration in children: The total dose of Dormicum facilities are available.
In young healthy volunteers, the elimination half-life of midazolam ranging from 0.3-0.5 mg/kg bodyweight should be administered 20- Benzodiazepines are not recommended for the primary treatment of
ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 hours. The elimination half-life of the 30 minutes before induction of anesthesia. psychotic illness.
metabolite is shorter than 1 hour; therefore after midazolam
administration of the parent compound and the main metabolite Rectal administration of the ampoule solution is performed by means Special caution should be exercised when administering Dormicum
decline in parallel. The metabolites are renally excreted. Plasma of a plastic applicator fixed on the end of the syringe. parenterally to patients representing a higher risk group:
clearance of midazolam is in the range of 300-400 ml/min. When - adults over 60 years of age
If the volume to be administered is too small, water may be added up
midazolam is given by i.v. infusion, its elimination kinetics do not - debilitated or chronically ill patients
to a total volume of 10 ml.
differ from those following bolus injection. Repeated administrations - patients with obstructive pulmonary disease
Induction: If Dormicum is used for induction of anesthesia before - patients with chronic renal failure
of midazolam do not induce drug-metabolizing enzymes.
other anesthetic agents have been administered, the individual -patients with impaired hepatic function (benzodiazepines may
Pharmacokinetics in special clinical situations response is variable. The dose should be titrated to the desired effect precipitate or exacerbate encephalopathy in patients with severe
In adults over 60 years of age, the elimination half-life may be according to the patient’s age and clinical status. When Dormicum is hepatic impairments)
prolonged up to three times and in some intensive-care patients used before other i.v. agents for induction of anesthesia, the initial - patients with congestive heart failure
requiring midazolam by i.v. infusion for long-term sedation, up to six dose of each agent may be significantly reduced, at times to as low - pediatric patients with cardiovascular instability
times. In these patients infusion at an unchanged rate results in higher as 25% of the usual initial dose of the individual agents.
plasma levels at steady state. These higher risk patients require lower dosages (see Dosage and
The desired level of anesthesia is reached by stepwise titration. administration) and should be continuously monitored for early signs
The elimination half-life may also be prolonged in patients with of alterations of vital functions.
The intravenous induction dose of Dormicum should be given slowly
congestive heart failure and with reduced hepatic function.
in increments. Concomitant use of alcohol / CNS depressants
In children (3-10 years) the elimination half-life is between 1 and 1.5
hours. The concomitant use of Dormicum with alcohol or/and CNS
Each increment of not more than 5 mg should be injected over 20 -
depressants should be avoided. Such concomitant use has the
30 seconds allowing 2 minutes between successive increments.
In neonates the half-life of elimination is prolonged with a mean of 6 potential to increase the clinical effects of Dormicum possibly
hours (3-12 hours) due to liver immaturity. In pre-medicated adults below the age of 60 the dose can range from including severe sedation that could result in coma or death,
0.15-0.2 mg/kg but a total dose greater than 15 mg is usually not clinically relevant respiratory and/or cardiovascular depression (see
Indications and usage necessary. Interactions).
Conscious sedation before diagnostic or therapeutic procedures with or In non pre-medicated adults below the age of 60 the dose may be Medical history of alcohol or drug abuse
without local anesthesia (i.v. administration). higher (0.3-0.35 mg/kg bodyweight), but a total dose greater than 20 Dormicum should be avoided in patients with a medical history of
Premedication before induction of anesthesia (i.m. or rectal mg is usually not necessary. If needed to complete induction, alcohol or drug abuse.
administration in children). increments of approximately 25% of the patient’s initial dose may be
As with any substance with CNS depressant and/or muscle-relaxant The following undesirable effects have been reported to occur when be less for intravenous compared to oral administration of
properties, particular care should be taken when administering Dormicum is injected: midazolam because CYP3A modulation is not confined to the liver
Dormicum to a patient with myasthenia gravis, owing to pre-existing but also occurs in the intestinal wall and hence not only affects the
Immune System Disorders: generalized hypersensitivity reactions
muscle weakness. systemic clearance, but also the bioavailability of oral midazolam.
(skin reactions, cardiovascular reactions, bronchospasm),
(ii) There are no studies investigating the effect of CYP3A
Tolerance angioedema, anaphylactic shock.
modulation on the pharmacokinetics of midazolam after rectal and
Some loss of efficacy has been reported when Dormicum has been
Psychiatric Disorders: Confusional state, disorientation, emotional intramuscular administration, respectively. As after rectal
used as long-term sedation in intensive care units (ICU).
and mood disturbances. Changes in libido have been reported administration the drug partly bypasses the liver and the expression
Dependence occasionally. of CYP3A in the colon is less compared to the upper gastro-
When Dormicum is used in long-term sedation in ICU, it should be intestinal tract, it is expected that the change in midazolam plasma
Paradoxical reactions such as restlessness, agitation, irritability,
borne in mind that physical dependence on Dormicum may develop. concentrations due to CYP3A modulation will be less for the rectal
involuntary movements (including tonic/clonic movements and
The risk of dependence increases with dose and duration of treatment; than for the oral route of administration. As after intramuscular
muscle tremor), hyperactivity, nervousness, hostility, anger,
it is also greater in patients with a medical history of alcohol and/or administration the drug directly enters systemic circulation, it is
aggressiveness, anxiety, nightmares, abnormal dreams,
drug abuse. expected that the effects of CYP3A modulation will be similar to
hallucinations, psychoses, inappropriate behavior and other adverse
those for intravenous midazolam. (iii) In line with pharmacokinetic
Withdrawal symptoms behavioural effects, paroxysmal excitement and assault, have been
principles, clinical studies have shown that after i.v. single dose of
During prolonged treatment with Dormicum ampoules in ICU, reported, particularly among children and the elderly.
midazolam the change in the maximum clinical effect due to CYP3A
physical dependence may develop. Therefore, abrupt termination of
Dependence modulation will be minor while the duration of effect may be
the treatment will be accompanied by withdrawal symptoms. The
Use of Dormicum - even in therapeutic doses - may lead to the prolonged. However, after prolonged dosing of midazolam, both the
following symptoms may occur: headaches, diarrhea, muscle pain,
development of physical dependence. After prolonged i.v. magnitude and duration of effect will be increased in the presence of
extreme anxiety, tension, restlessness, confusion, irritability, sleep
administration, discontinuation, especially abrupt discontinuation of CYP3A inhibition.
disturbances, mood changes, hallucinations and convulsions. Since
the product, may be accompanied by withdrawal symptoms
the risk of withdrawal symptoms is greater after abrupt The following listing gives examples of clinical pharmacokinetic
including withdrawal convulsions.
discontinuation of treatment, it is recommended that the dose is drug-drug interactions with midazolam after intravenous
Abuse has been reported in poly-drug abusers.
decreased gradually. In severe cases, the following symptoms may administration. Importantly, any drug shown to possess CYP3A
occur: depersonalization, numbness and tingling of the extremities, Nervous System Disorder: Drowsiness, Prolonged sedation, modulating effects in vitro and in vivo, respectively, has the potential
hypersensitivity to light, noise and physical contact. decreased alertness, headache, dizziness, ataxia, postoperative to change the plasma concentrations of midazolam and therefore its
sedation, anterograde amnesia, the duration of which is directly effects. The listing includes information from clinical drug-drug
related to the administered dose. Anterograde amnesia may still be interaction studies for oral midazolam in case that for the co-
Anterograde amnesia may occur with therapeutic doses, with the risk
present at the end of the procedure and in isolated cases prolonged administered drug in question no information on intravenous
increasing at higher dosages (frequently this effect is very desirable
amnesia has been reported. midazolam is available. However, as outlined above the change in
in situations such as before and during surgical and diagnostic
Convulsions have been reported in premature infants and neonates. plasma concentrations is expected to be less for intravenous
procedures), the duration of which is directly related to the
compared to oral midazolam.
administered dose. Prolonged amnesia can present problems in
Cardiac Disorders: Severe cardiorespiratory adverse events have
outpatients, who are scheduled for discharge following intervention. Azole antifungals
occurred on rare occasions. These have included cardiac arrest,
After receiving Dormicum parenterally, patients should be discharged
hypotension, bradycardia, vasodilating effects, slight increase in • Ketoconazole and voriconazole increased the plasma
from hospital or consulting room only if accompanied by an attendant.
heart rate. Life-threatening incidents are more likely to occur in concentrations of intravenous midazolam by 5-fold and by 3-4-fold
"Paradoxical" reactions adults over 60 years of age and those with pre-existing respiratory respectively, while the terminal half-life increased by about 3-fold. If
Paradoxical reactions such as restlessness, agitation, irritability, insufficiency or impaired cardiac function, particularly when the parenteral midazolam is co-administered with these strong CYP3A
involuntary movements (including tonic/clonic convulsions and injection is given too rapidly or when a high dosage is administered inhibitors, it should be done in an intensive care unit (ICU) or similar
muscle tremor), hyperactivity, hostility, delusion, anger, (see Precautions). setting which ensures close clinical monitoring and appropriate
aggressiveness, anxiety, nightmares, hallucinations, psychoses, Dormicum ampoules should be used only when resuscitation medical management in case of respiratory depression and/or
inappropriate behaviour and other adverse behavioural effects, facilities are available. prolonged sedation. Staggered dosing and dosage adjustment should
paroxysmal excitement and assault, have been reported to occur with be considered, especially if more than a single iv dose of midazolam
Dormicum. The highest incidence of susceptibility to such reactions Respiratory Disorders: Severe cardiorespiratory adverse events have is administered.
has been reported among children and the elderly. Should this be so, occurred on rare occasions. These have included respiratory
depression, apnea, respiratory arrest, dyspnea, laryngospasm. Life- • Fluconazole and itraconazole both increased the plasma
discontinuation of the drug should be considered. concentrations of intravenous midazolam by 2 – 3-fold associated
threatening incidents are more likely to occur in adults over 60 years
of age and those with pre-existing respiratory insufficiency or with an increase in terminal half-life by 2.4-fold for itraconazole and
Should such symptoms suggestive of a paradoxical reaction occur, the
impaired cardiac function, particularly when the injection is given 1.5-fold for fluconazole, respectively.
response to Dormicum should be evaluated before proceeding.
too rapidly or when a high dosage is administered (see Precautions). • Posaconazole increased the plasma concentrations of intravenous
Drug elimination may be delayed in patients receiving compounds Hiccup. midazolam by about 2-fold.
which inhibit certain hepatic enzymes (particularly cytochrome P 450
III A), in patients with liver dysfunction, low cardiac output and in Dormicum ampoules should be used only when resuscitation Macrolide antibiotics
neonates. facilities are available.
• Erythromycin resulted in an increase in the plasma concentrations
Sleep Apnoea Gastrointestinal System Disorders: Nausea, vomiting, constipation, of intravenous midazolam by about 1.6 – 2-fold associated with an
dry mouth. increase in midazolam’s terminal half-life by 1.5 – 1.8-fold.
Dormicum ampoules should be used with extreme caution in patients
with sleep apnoea syndrome and patients should be regularly Skin and Appendages Disorders: Skin rash, urticaria, pruritus. • Clarithromycin increased midazolam’s plasma concentrations by
monitored. General and Application Site Disorders: Fatigue, erythema and pain up to 2.5-fold associated with an increase in terminal half-life by 1.5
on injection site, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis. – 2-fold.
Adverse hemodynamic events have been reported in pediatric
patients with cardiovascular instability; rapid intravenous Injury, poisoning and procedural complications: There have been Additional information from oral midazolam
administration should be avoided in this population. reports of falls and fractures in benzodiazepine users. The risk is • Telithromycin increased the plasma levels of oral midazolam 6-
Preterm infants and neonates increased in those taking concomitant sedatives (including alcoholic fold.
Due to an increased risk of apnea, extreme caution is advised when beverages) and in the elderly.
• Roxithromycin: The roxithromycin effects on midazolam’s
sedating preterm and former preterm patients whose trachea is not pharmacokinetics are less compared to erythromycin and
intubated. Interactions with other Medicinal Products and other clarithromycin. After oral administration, the plasma concentrations
Rapid injection should be avoided in the neonatal population. Forms of Interaction of midazolam were increased by about 50% compared to a 4.4- and
Pharmacokinetic Drug-Drug Interactions (DDI) 2.6- fold increase caused by erythromycin and clarithromycin,
The neonate also has reduced and/or immature organ function and is
respectively. The mild effect on the terminal half-life of midazolam
also vulnerable to profound and/or prolonged respiratory effects of Midazolam is almost exclusively metabolized by cytochrome P450 by about 30% indicates that the effects of roxithromycin on
Dormicum. 3A4 (CYP3A4, CYP3A5). Inhibitors and inducers of CYP3A have intravenous midazolam may be minor.
Effects on ability to drive or use machines the potential to increase and decrease the plasma concentrations and,
subsequently, the pharmacodynamic effects of midazolam. No other Intravenous anesthetics
Sedation, amnesia, impaired concentration and impaired muscular
function adversely affect the ability to drive or use machines. Prior to mechanism than modulation of CYP3A activity has been proven as a • Disposition of intravenous midazolam was also changed by
receiving Dormicum, the patient should be warned not to drive a source for a clinically relevant pharmacokinetic drug-drug intravenous propofol (AUC and half-life increased by 1.6-fold).
vehicle or operate a machine for at least 12 hours. interaction with midazolam. Midazolam is not known to change the
pharmacokinetics of other drugs. When co-administered with a Protease inhibitors
If sleep duration is insufficient or alcohol is consumed, the likelihood
of impaired alertness may be increased. CYP3A inhibitor, the clinical effects of midazolam may be stronger • Saquinavir and other HIV protease inhibitors: Upon co-
and also longer lasting and a lower dose may be required. administration with ritonavir-boosted lopinavir, the plasma
Cognitive deficits Conversely the effect of midazolam may be weaker and last shorter concentrations of intravenous midazolam increased by 5.4-fold,
Some published studies in children have observed cognitive deficits when co-administered with a CYP3A inducer and a higher dose may associated with a similar increase in terminal half-life. If parenteral
after repeated or prolonged exposures to anaesthetic/sedative agents be required. midazolam is co-administered with HIV protease inhibitors,
early in life. These studies have substantial limitations, and it is not treatment setting should follow the description in the section above
clear if the observed effects are due to the anaesthetic/sedation drug In case of CYP3A induction and irreversible inhibition (so-called
mechanism-based inhibition), the effect on the pharmacokinetics of for ketoconazole within azole antifungals.
administration or other factors such as the surgery or underlying
illness. midazolam may persist for several days up to several weeks after • HCV protease inhibitors: Boceprevir and telaprevir reduce
administration of the CYP3A modulator. Examples of mechanism- midazolam clearance. This effect resulted in a 3.4-fold increase of
based CYP3A inhibitors include antibacterials (e.g. clarithromycin, midazolam AUC after i.v. administration and prolonged its
Pregnancy, nursing mothers
erythromycin, isoniazid); antiretroviral agents (e.g. HIV protease elimination half-life 4-fold.
Insufficient data are available on midazolam to assess its safety
inhibitors such as ritonavir (including ritonavir-boosted protease
during pregnancy. Benzodiazepines should be avoided during Histamine receptor 2 antagonists
inhibitors), delavirdine); calcium channel blockers (e.g., verapamil,
pregnancy unless there is no safer alternative. If, exceptionally, it is
diltiazem); tyrosine kinase inhibitors (e.g., imatinib, lapatinib, • Cimetidine increased the steady state plasma concentrations of
considered by a physician that administration of the medical product
idelalisib); or the oestrogen receptor modulator raloxifene and midazolam by 26%.
during labour or delivery is essential, effects on the neonate such as
several herbal constituents (e.g. bergamottin). In contrast to other
hypothermia, hypotonia, poor sucking and moderate respiratory Calcium-channel blockers
mechanism-based inhibitors, ethinyloestradiol combined with
depression can be expected, due to the pharmacological action of the
norgestrel or gestodene, used for oral contraception and grapefruit • Diltiazem: A single dose of diltiazem given to patients undergoing
product. Moreover, infants born to mothers who received
juice (200 ml) did not modify exposure to midazolam to a clinically coronary artery bypass grafting increased the plasma concentrations
benzodiazepines chronically during the latter stage of pregnancy may
significant degree. of intravenous midazolam by about 25% and the terminal half-life
have developed physical dependence and may be at some risk of
developing withdrawal symptoms in the postnatal period. The range of the inhibiting / inducing potency of drugs is wide. The was prolonged by about 43%. This was less than the 4-fold increase
antifungal ketoconazole, a very potent CYP3A inhibitor, increased seen after oral administration of midazolam.
Since midazolam passes into breast milk, Dormicum should not be
the plasma concentrations of i.v. midazolam by about 5- fold. The Additional information from oral midazolam
administered to breast-feeding mothers.
tuberculostatic drug rifampicin belongs to the strongest inducers of
An increased risk of congenital malformation associated with the use • Verapamil increased the plasma concentrations of oral midazolam
CYP3A and its co-administration resulted in a decrease in the plasma
of benzodiazepines during the first trimester of pregnancy has been by 3 fold. The terminal half-life of midazolam was increased by
concentrations of intravenous midazolam by about 60%.
suggested. 41%.
The administration route of midazolam also determines the
Undesirable effects magnitude of change in its pharmacokinetics due to CYP3A Various drugs/Herbs
modulation: (i) The change in plasma concentrations is expected to
• Atorvastatin resulted in a 1.4-fold increase in plasma Non-clinical studies/Animal toxicology
concentrations of i.v. midazolam compared to control group.
Published animal studies of some anaesthetic/sedation drugs have
• Intravenous fentanyl is a weak inhibitor of midazolam’s reported adverse effects on brain development in early life and late
elimination: AUC and half-life of i.v. midazolam were increased by pregnancy. These studies have demonstrated that anaesthetic and
1.5-fold in presence of fentanyl. sedation drugs that block N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors
and/or potentiate gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) activity during
Additional information from oral midazolam
the period of rapid brain growth or synaptogenesis may result in
• Fluvoxamine resulted in a mild increase in plasma concentrations neuronal and oligodendrocyte cell loss in the developing brain and
of oral midazolam (28%) while the terminal half-life doubled. alterations in synaptic morphology and neurogenesis when used for
longer than 3 hours. The clinical significance of these non-clinical
Nefazodone increased the plasma concentrations of oral midazolam
findings is yet to be determined. However, based on comparisons
by 4.6-fold with an increase in terminal half-life by 1.6-fold.
across species, the window of vulnerability to these changes is
• Tyrosine kinase inhibitors have been shown either in vitro believed to correlate with exposures in the third trimester through the
(imatinib, lapatinib or after oral administration in vivo (idelalisib) to first several months of life, but may extend out to approximately 3
be potent inhibitors of CYP3A4. After concomitant administration of years of age in humans.
idelalisib, oral midazolam exposure was increased on average 5.4-
• NK1 receptor antagonists (aprepitant, netupitant, casoprepitant) Symptoms
dose dependently increased the plasma concentrations of oral Benzodiazepines commonly cause drowsiness, ataxia, dysarthria and
midazolam up to about 2.5-3.5-fold and increased terminal half-life nystagmus. Overdose of Dormicum is seldom life-threatening if the
by approximately 1.5-2-fold. drug is taken alone, but may lead to areflexia, apnea, hypotension,
• Chlorzoxazone decreased the ratio of the CYP3A generated cardiorespiratory depression and in rare cases to coma. Coma, if it
metabolite 1’- hydroxymidazolam (also known as α- occurs, usually lasts a few hours but it may be more protracted and
hydroxymidazolam) to midazolam indicating a CYP3A inhibiting cyclical, particularly in elderly patients. Benzodiazepine respiratory
effect. depressant effects are more serious in patients with respiratory disease.
Benzodiazepines increase the effects of other central nervous system
• For a number of drugs or herbal medicines, a weak interaction with depressants, including alcohol.
midazolam’s elimination was observed with concomitant changes in
its exposure (< 2-fold change in AUC) (bicalutamide, everolimus, Treatment
cyclosporine, simeprevir, propiverine, berberine as also contained in Monitor the patient’s vital signs and institute supportive measures as
goldenseal). These weak interactions are expected to be further indicated by the patient’s clinical state. In particular, patients may
attenuated after i.v. administration. require symptomatic treatment for cardiorespiratory effects or central
Drugs that induce CYP3A nervous system effects.
• Rifampicin decreased the plasma concentrations of intravenous If taken orally further absorption should be prevented using an
midazolam by about 60% after 7 days of rifampicin 600 mg o.d. The appropriate method e.g. treatment within 1-2 hours with activated
terminal half-life decreased by about 50-60%. charcoal. If activated charcoal is used airway protection is imperative
for drowsy patients. In case of mixed ingestion gastric lavage may be
• Ticagrelor is a weak CYP3A inducer but has only small effects on considered, however not as a routine measure.
intravenously administered midazolam (-12%) and 4-hydoxy-
midazolam (-23%) exposures. If CNS depression is severe consider the use of flumazenil
(Anexate®), a benzodiazepine antagonist. This should only be
Additional information from oral midazolam administered under closely monitored conditions. It has a short half-
• Carbamazepine / phenytoin: Repeat dosages of carbamezepine or life (about an hour), therefore patients administered flumazenil will
phenytoin resulted in a decrease in plasma concentrations of oral require monitoring after its effects have worn off. Flumazenil is to be
midazolam by up to 90% and a shortening of the terminal half-life by used with extreme caution in the presence of drugs that reduce seizure
about 60%. threshold (e.g. tricyclic antidepressants). Refer to the prescribing
information for flumazenil (Anexate®), for further information on the
• The very strong CYP3A4 induction seen after mitotane or correct use of this drug.
enzalutamide resulted in a profound and long-lasting decrease of
midazolam levels in cancer patients. AUC of orally administered Special remarks
midazolam was reduced to 5% and 14% of normal values Incompatibilities
respectively. Do not dilute Dormicum ampoule solutions with 6% Dextran 70
• Clobazam and Efavirenz are weak inducers of midazolam in dextrose.
metabolism and reduce the AUC of the parent compound by Do not mix Dormicum ampoule solutions in alkaline injections.
approximately 30%. There is a resulting 4-5-fold increase in the ratio Midazolam precipitates in sodium bicarbonate.
of the active metabolite (α-hydroxy-midazolam) to the parent
compound but the clinical significance of this is unknown. Storage
Dormicum ampoules should not be frozen because they can burst.
• Vemurafenib modulates CYP isozymes and inhibits CYP3A4 Furthermore, precipitation can occur which dissolves on shaking at
mildly: Repeat-dose administration resulted in a mean decrease of room temperature.
oral midazolam exposure of 32% (up to 80% in individuals).
Herbs and food This medicine should not be used after the expiry date (EXP) shown
• Echinacea purpurea root extract decreased plasma concentrations on the pack.
(AUC) of i.v. midazolam by 20% associated with a decrease in half-
life of about 42%. Packs
Ampoules 15 mg in 3 ml 5
• St John’s wort decreased plasma concentrations of midazolam by Ampoules 5 mg in 5 ml 10
about 20 - 40 % associated with a decrease in terminal half-life of
about 15 - 17%.
Medicine: Keep out of reach of children
Additional information from oral midazolam
• Quercetin (also contained in Gingko biloba) and Panax ginseng
both have weak enzyme inducing effects and reduced exposure to Current at Apr 2019
midazolam after its oral administration to the extent of 20-30%.
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
Acute protein displacement Basel, Switzerland
• Valproic acid: Increased concentrations of free midazolam due to
displacement from plasma protein binding sites by valproic acid
cannot be excluded although the clinical relevance of such an
interaction is not known.
Pharmacodynamic Drug-Drug Interactions (DDI)
The co-administration of midazolam with other sedative / hypnotic
agents, including alcohol, is likely to result in increased sedative /
hypnotic effects. Examples include opiates / opioids (when they are
used as analgesics, antitussives or substitutive treatments),
antipsychotics, other benzodiazepines used as anxiolytics or
hypnotics, barbiturates, propofol, ketamine, etomidate; sedative
antidepressants, antihistaminics and centrally acting antihypertensive
drugs. Midazolam decreases the minimum alveolar concentration
(MAC) of inhalational anaesthetics.
Enhanced side effects such as sedation and cardio-respiratory
depression may also occur when midazolam is co-administered with
any centrally acting depressants including alcohol. Alcohol should
be avoided in patients receiving midazolam.
See section Overdose for warning of other central nervous system
depressants, including alcohol.
It has been shown that spinal anaesthesia can increase the sedative
effect of i.v. midazolam. The midazolam dose may therefore have to
be reduced. When lidocaine or bupivacaine, were administered
intramuscularly, the dose of i.v. midazolam required for sedation was
Drugs increasing alertness / memory, e.g. physostigmine, reversed
the hypnotic effects of midazolam. Similarly, 250 mg of caffeine
partly reversed the sedative effects of midazolam.