Calculus: Isaac Newton
Calculus: Isaac Newton
Calculus: Isaac Newton
! Isaac Newton
using the procedure of Hudde. His method builds into it the product
rule for derivatives.
He justifies this rule by defining the moment
" + -",
substituting and resolving the terms àla Fermat. Note the term - is
viewed as infinitely small.
At this time infinitesimals have been completely accepted by some
while wholy rejected by other. That is, the infinitesimal is a real object,
not a potentiality or convenience of expression!!!!
There is, I must emphasize, no theory of any of this infinitesimal
analysis. Mathematicians are “flying about by the seat of their pants”,
just doing it, and not all worried about the grand Aristotelian/Euclidean
To resolve the “length of space” question, Newton reverses the pro-
cedure if possible. This is an antiderivative approach. Otherwise he
resorts to power series.
Example. Consider the equation
!_ " = "_ !_ + "" "_
The Calculus 7
is resolved as
µ ¶"
!_ !_
= + ""
"_ "_
!_ 1 1
= § + "" %
"_ 2 4
! !
" "
! ! !
$ ' $
! ! ! !
& !" !" &
From this he noticed that
.#$ = .#!!%$ ¡ .#%$*!
.#$ = .#%$!! ¡ .#!!%$!! %
This means that sums along 45" diagonals of . are sums of differences.
So for example
µ ¶ µ ¶
1 1 1 1 1 1
+ + + ¢¢¢ = 1¡ + ¡ + ¢ ¢ ¢ = 1%
2 6 12 2 2 3
µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+ + + ¢¢¢ = ¡ + ¡ + ¡ + ¢¢¢
3 12 30 2 6 6 12 12 20
1 1 1
= + + + ¢¢¢
2 6µ 12 ¶
1 1 1
¡ + + + ¢¢¢
6 12 20
µ ¶
1 1
= 1¡ 1¡ = %
2 2
The Calculus 10
where Z
! = !# + !! + ¢ ¢ ¢ + !!
&! = !# ¡ !#!!
&! = &! = !
Leibnitz interpreted the term & ! as area
& ! = ! &"
(i.e. &
&" ! = ! ). This gives in principle his fundamental theorem.
By 1673 he was still struggling to develop a good notation for his
calculus and his first calculations were
R clumsy. On 21 November 1675
he wrote
R a manuscript using the + (") &" notation for the first time.
The symbol was an elongated S, which of course stood for sum.
In the same manuscript the product rule for differentiation is given.
The quotient rule first appeared two years later, in July 1677. Leibnitz
was very conscious of notation. He recognizes two separate branches.
differentia and summa
Leibnitz’ clarity of differencing was applied to the difference trian-
gle, which is the one we use today. From it he derives the sum, product
and quotient rules, at first erroneously. It is
&("!) = " &! + ! &"
and not
&("!) = &" &!
as he originally thought.
In 1684 he gives the power rules for powers and roots. The chain
rule is transparent from his notation
&("! ) = #"!!! &"
p (p!
&( ! "' ) = "'!( &"
The Calculus 11
# Summary
Our modern calculus resembles that of Leibnitz far more than New-
ton. Possibly because of Newton’s reluctance to publish Leibnitz’s
version became better known on the continent. Leibnitz’s calculus was
somewhat easier to comprehend and apply. This cost English mathe-
matics almost a century of isolation from the continent and the resulting
progress implied.
The Calculus 12