Primary and Secondary Source of Information
Primary and Secondary Source of Information
Primary and Secondary Source of Information
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Primary and
Secondary Sources
of Information
A Brief Lesson Plan for C.O.T
Prepared by: Evelyn A. Obedencio, LPT
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
define primary and secondary sources of information;
differentiate primary from secondary source of information;
participate actively in the different activities about primary and secondary
sources of information and
appreciate the importance of primary and secondary sources of information in
crafting paper works
III. Procedure
Preparatory Activity:
Everybody is requested to stand ….(students and teacher are
and let us pray. In the name ….. praying)
Okay class, before we have our topic (One of the student gave the
for today; let us have first the recapitulation)
recapitulation about our topic last
Friday. Anyone who can give me a
short recap about our topic?
Right. Thank you Abby for refreshing (students answered from the
all of us about the terms used in question)
research. So our topic for today is
connected with our topic last Friday.
We all know that as we craft our
research paper, we need to dig
information to the different but
reliable sources, right?
A. Activity
Lesson Plan in Grade 10- English Teacher: Evelyn A. Obedencio, LPT
Primary and Secondary Source of Information
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You will be given 3 minutes to do the (Each group are working with
activity. the given activity)
Time is up. Finished or not, post your (Each group presented their
output. Okay rapporteur, present your output)
output. Let start with group no.1 then
followed by 2, 3, 4 and 5.
B. Analysis:
Okay class, based from the activity (Each group answers the given
that we have, answer the following questions)
questions and present your answer in
the class. You will be given 5 minutes
again to answer these questions. (The
teacher flashes the questions)
Define primary and secondary
Differentiate primary sources
from secondary sources.
What is the importance of these
sources in crafting paper works
specifically research paper?
A. Abstraction
B. Application:
(Individual Work)
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment
Read in advance the Text on page 411 “The Little Prince” and take note
the difficult words that you encounter and give its synonyms.
Observed by: