Aspirating Systems: Design and Application Guide
Aspirating Systems: Design and Application Guide
Aspirating Systems: Design and Application Guide
1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
2 AIR-SAMPLING..................................................................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Uses of Air-sampling............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1.1 Early Detection........................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
2.1.2 Easy Access.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
2.1.3 Protection of Voids, Limited Access and High Areas...................................................................................................................................................................4
2.1.4 Flexibility................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
2.1.5 Low Profile Installations...........................................................................................................................................................................................................4
3 GENERAL DESIGN.............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
3.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
3.2 A310 and A320 – Loop Driven Only����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
3.3 A211E-LSR and A222E-LSR Stand Alone or Loop Driven������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
3.4 System Layout...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.5 System Block Diagram.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.6 Wide-bore Systems, Units and Accessories...........................................................................................................................................................10
3.6.1 Aspirating Modules 1 and 2................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.6.2 Pipe Sections and Fittings...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.6.3 Brackets................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
3.6.4 Condensation Trap................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
3.6.5 Heater Element with Condensation Trap................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
3.6.6 Filter Elements...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.7 PipeTracer Software............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
4 Detailed Design and Installation................................................................................................................................................ 16
4.1 The Design Process..............................................................................................................................................................................................16
4.1.1 Requirements....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.1.2 Activities............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.1.3 Physical Characteristics......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.1.4 Environmental Conditions...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.5 Risk Assessment................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.6 Location................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
4.1.7 PipeTracer............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
4.2 Typical Layouts....................................................................................................................................................................................................18
4.3 Response Times and Dilution...............................................................................................................................................................................19
4.3.1 Response Times.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.3.2 Dilution.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................20
4.4 Commissioning and Installation...........................................................................................................................................................................21
4.5 Rules of thumb................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.6 Design for Still Air Environments or Secondary Sampling Systems......................................................................................................................... 24
4.6.1 General Still Air Design..........................................................................................................................................................................................................24
4.6.2 Inter-beam Sampling.............................................................................................................................................................................................................26
4.6.3 Capillary Sampling................................................................................................................................................................................................................26
4.7 Design for layouts with Air Handling Units (AHU) or Primary Sampling Systems or Focussed Sampling Systems........................................................27
4.7.1 Design for Rapid Air Movement Environments.........................................................................................................................................................................27
4.7.2 Simple Re-circulation Units....................................................................................................................................................................................................29
4.7.3 AHUs with Low Level Return...................................................................................................................................................................................................30
4.7.4 AHUs with High Level Return.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
4.7.5 AHUs with Under Floor Return................................................................................................................................................................................................32
4.7.6 AHUs with Above Ceiling Return............................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
4.7.7 Design for Duct Sampling Systems.........................................................................................................................................................................................34
4.7.8 Sub-floors and Ceiling Voids..................................................................................................................................................................................................35
4.8 Unusual Applications.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
4.8.1 High Areas............................................................................................................................................................................................................................36
4.8.2 Clean Rooms......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
4.8.3 Freezer Rooms.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................38
4.8.4 Cold Rooms...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................39
4.8.5 Supermarkets and Storage Areas...........................................................................................................................................................................................40
4.8.6 Warehouses..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................42
4.8.7 Server Rooms........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 43
4.8.8 Train Compartments..............................................................................................................................................................................................................44
4.8.9 Prison Cells and Detention Rooms..........................................................................................................................................................................................44
4.8.10 What sampling method to use............................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
4.9 Part Numbers and Descriptions........................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Glossary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 47
SECTION 1: page 2
Section 1
This document is a guide for the installation of pipe-work for air-sampling or aspirating systems. The pipe network is as important as the
detector itself and provides a means of obtaining a reliable and continuous sample of air to be monitored.
The pipe work for air-sampling systems can vary greatly depending on the particular application. This manual, therefore, gives overall
guidelines that can be applied to any system but also a number of specialised installations are described in more detail. These include:
l Clean rooms
l Cold stores
l Computer centres
l Duct sampling
l High or large area buildings
When designing a sampling pipe network one needs to achieve an air sampling network design that offers sampling hole (detector) area
coverage that meets as a minimum the requirements for point type detectors.
This guide is intended to give general guidelines for installing air-sampling systems but in each case, the local standards and codes of
practice are to be taken into account. For reference, guidance on the design of systems is given in BS 5839, BS 6266 (Code of Practice for
Fire protection for Electronic Data Processing installations) and in BFPSA COP. Other requirements can be company, industry or application
specific like (e.g. document WNP/CPG 57200 from British Telecom).
SECTION 1: page 3
Air Sampling
Section 2
System Sensor offers wide bore air-sampling systems with laser detectors. The system has specific applications ranging from simple duct
detection to monitoring sensitive installations such as clean rooms, computer centres, telecommunications rooms and many other areas.
Air sampling is the technique where air is actively drawn through pipes from protected areas to a central unit, where the actual smoke
detector is situated. This is in contrast with traditional point detectors, where the unit is actually in the protected area with the Aspirating
Module, the sampled air is monitored by sophisticated analysers for low levels of smoke. This enables early warning to be given well before
the first flame is visible.
Laser based air sampling systems employ a much more sensitive detector than point systems (point systems detect at 1.0% obscuration/
meter and higher). These sophisticated devices can pick up the traces of incipient fires (between 0.06% and 6% obscuration/meter) and
raise an alarm. The incident can then be dealt with well before it becomes an actual fire.
Desired sensitivity, pipe length, number of holes and transport time are to be calculated with the PipeTracer modelling software package.
This package will also take in account the number of bends and the use of capillary tubes.
2.1.4 Flexibility
TC866E units are microprocessor controlled. The control systems are therefore programmable from the unit front panels. Alarm levels and
sensitivities can be set individually for each pipe.
SECTION 2: page 4
General Design
Section 3
There are two main aspirating modules, available in one or two channel variants. They have been designed to provide both a standalone
and or a direct loop connection to the control and indicating panel dependent upon the type of controller used.
Single Channel
Dual Channel
System Sensor Protocol
Programmable with Config Tracer
Stand Alone Capability
Supplied with Laser Sensor & Base
Requires additional Power Supply
Operating Voltage 18 to 30V dc
Current Demand 80 to 500mA depending upon pipe length and fan speed
* Use the Pipe Tracer program to determine the exact number of holes based on sensitivity, pipe length and response time. The number of
holes detailed within the above table are based on the worst case test fire “N-Heptane”.
SECTION 3: page 5
General Design
Section 3
NOT USED 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CODE
SECTION 3: page 6
General Design
Section 3
functions NOT USED MODE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CODE CODE ENTRY
1 1or2 1&2 OK HI LO
l In-line air filter
l Local indication of airflow management status DETECTOR
CHANNEL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CODE
SECTION 3: page 7
General Design
Section 3
A typical system layout is shown below. This is the most basic of wide-bore applications.
Mounting brackets
Aspirating Module
Note: a smoke test conducted prior to installation will give you a good indication of how smoke will travel within the area to be covered.
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General Design
Section 3
Air intake
Air sampling points.
Hole diameter and location
along the pipes can be
calculated using the
PipeTracer software package
End cap
A single hole blockage is not an appropriate test for flow fault control. As per BFPSA COP, a 20% reduction in volumetric flow (EN54-
20) is considered an appropriate fault condition. It is generally the case that sampling holes do not block individually but all become
contaminated at similar rates. In this case, regular maintenance, including inspection/cleaning of sampling holes and monitoring for
changes in pipe flow rate between visits is sufficient to ensure the integrity of the ASD system.
SECTION 3: page 9
General Design
Section 3
The red pipes carrying the warning ‘ASPIRATING SMOKE DETECTION SYSTEM – DO NOT PAINT OR OBSTRUCT INLETS’ are preferred. It may,
in certain cases, be preferable to use standard plastic conduit to avoid attention and tampering. At all times make sure the installation
conforms to local regulations and is approved by local authorities.
NOTE: Pipes should be glued together to avoid separation or leaks but the pipes must not be glued into the unit itself. Removable unions
should be used where maintenance may require pipes to be taken apart or removed.
Gluing process
Make sure pipe is cut square and cleaned with appropriate solvent cleaner. Use adhesive sparingly but ensure
that it has been applied over the entire area to be bonded.
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General Design
Section 3
l Sticker to identify the sampling hole l End caps, (typically with a 6mm hole)
Used at the end of a pipe run. Diameter of the hole determines airflow and is
determined in the PipeTracer program.
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General Design
Section 3
3.6.3 Brackets
l Wall Bracket
Used to provide a fixing directly to a wall or ceiling.
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General Design
Section 3
SECTION 3: page 13
General Design
Section 3
Smoke particles, having a typical size of 0.01-2.5 µm, will pass through the dust filter and be detected
by the laser detector.
A sampling point like the one below can also be used to provide both a sturdy and safe end point and also an
aesthetically pleasing one. This sampling point can be screwed to walls or ceilings, with the small maze grid
acting as a filter.
SECTION 3: page 14
General Design
Section 3
This package has been designed to be very simple to use. For example, a set-up wizard simplifies the creation of your pipe network, while
a multi-level undo/redo facility is available in the editing stage, should the initial design require altering. Either metric or imperial units
may be selected for editing and display.
A key requirement of such software is the need to calculate air flows through the pipe network. Advanced numerical optimisation
techniques ensure that this process is very fast.
All calculations are based upon full fluid dynamics theory and so take account of laminar and turbulent flow regimes within the system.
PipeTracer software also allows the sampling pipe network and system sensitivity to be designed and adjusted to achieve one of three
levels of sensitivity. The different sensitivity classes are a requirement of EN54-20 and are referred to in the BFPSA COP.
l Class C: Normal Sensitivity – the same sensitivity as normal point optical detectors, typically over
2% obscuration/metre.
l Class B: Enhanced Sensitivity – responding to smoke concentrations of between 0.8% and 2% obscuration/metre.
l Class A: High Sensitivity – responding to smoke concentrations less than 0.8% obscuration/metre.
The obscuration values refer to the sensitivity at each sampling hole and not the claimed sensitivity
of the detector.
SECTION 3: page 15
Detailed Design and Installation
Section 4
4.1.1 Requirements
It is critical to define requirements and expectations at an early stage.
Without concrete answers to the above there is the risk of a badly performing system and an unsatisfied customer! Once these questions
have been answered, the type of design can be considered.
4.1.2 Activities
The types of activities that take place within the space are very important. A public area of a particular shape could well have different
system requirements to a warehouse of a similar shape. Some different examples are outlined below.
l Historic buildings
l Chill and cold stores
l Microelectronics clean rooms
l EDP (Electronic Data Processing) rooms, offices, communications switch rooms
l Shops, theatres, leisure centres, churches, libraries
l Hotels, hospitals, prisons
l Factories, warehouses
Other information such as the expected hours of operation, whether the area is manned or unmanned and whether any pollution or dirty
air is present should also be taken into account.
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4.1.6 Location
There are also factors to consider when deciding on the position at which the detector itself will be situated. The main aim when positioning
the detector unit is to try to ensure a balanced system. This means that the pipes should be kept at similar lengths. It is also important to
try and keep response times and dilution to a minimum. These are two very important factors in air-sampling and are discussed in more
detail in the following section.
The unit requires a power supply and access will be required for maintenance. There may also be aesthetic reasons why a particular
position is not suitable.
4.1.7 PipeTracer
Once the network has been designed, PipeTracer can be used to calculate the sensitivity, response times, flow volumes and pressure
drops. This shows whether the network will perform as expected and if any further design is required in order to achieve the desired
performance from the system.
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Using the type 1 layout both pipe runs can go up to 100 m and can have typical 20 holes.
For detailed planning, check application with PipeTracer.
Using the type 2 layout, U-pipe, both pipe runs each side of the T junction can go up to 50 m and can have typical 10 holes each. For
detailed planning, check application with PipeTracer.
Using the type 3 layout, Double U-pipe, both pipe runs each side of the T junction can go up to 25 m and can have typical 5 holes each. For
detailed planning, check application with PipeTracer.
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The simplest method of achieving this is to keep pipe lengths to a minimum. This is not always possible but in this example the benefits of
using more than one pipe in short lengths is demonstrated.
This room has a single sampling pipe that provides detection for the whole room.
Apart from the length of pipe and the distances between bends, all other variables were left at the default values for the purposes of this
example. This includes the heights of the room and system and the frequency and size of the sampling holes.
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The sampling holes in the system are at 5 metre intervals giving a general overall coverage of the room.
4.3.2 Dilution
As the name suggests, dilution is the process of lessening the concentration of smoke particles as the sample is sucked towards the
For example:
There is a sampling pipe measuring 100 metres. It has sampling holes every 10 metres, giving 10 sampling holes including the end cap. It
can be assumed in this simplified case that the sampling holes let in approximately the same amount of air as each other.
A smoke source of 2% obscuration/meter is introduced at the far end of the pipe. No other smoke is entering any of the other sampling
holes. As the smoke passes each hole, it is added to with clean air. When the sample reaches the detector it is now at 0.2% obscuration/
meter or 1/10th of its starting density. Therefore if the first alarm threshold is set at 0.2% obsc/m, the smoke outside the hole must exceed
2% obsc/m to sound the alarm.
It is the case, therefore, that the longer the pipe and the greater the number of sampling holes, the more susceptible the system will be to
dilution. It is wise to work on a worst case principle in these situations.
In practice the calculation of dilution is not as straightforward as the above and more factors are involved. Each system will have different
characteristics meaning precise calculation is extremely complicated.
Lower density to
SECTION 4: page 20
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After the wide bore pipe network has been installed, before the end cap is put on and before the pipes are attached to the unit, it is
necessary to clean the internal pipe system to remove unwanted swarf debris and dust which could affect the ASD system performance.
This may be done by either a positive blowing-out of the pipe network with compressed air or by the use of a vacuum cleaner.
Commissioning tests should be carried out depending on the ASD system application and only when the building is in its normal, intended
running state. Appropriate commissioning tests should also be performed after modifications and/or additions to the ASD system.
BFPSA COP presents a matrix of performance tests according to the desired response of the system (Class A,
Class B or Class C) and the type of application.
Always provide for an easy access test hole at the furthest end of all
pipe runs!
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In general:
l PipeTracer is the tool to be used to model the pipe lengths, holes, fan speeds and end caps
l Only smoke tests will show exact smoke travel within a room, helping the designer to correctly locate pipes and sampling holes
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Failure to design and install a properly thought out pipe network can result in slow response times thereby negating some of the early
warning ability of the system. The way to avoid any problems occurring is to ensure that all pipes are of similar, or preferably equal,
Typical examples:
Warehouses, store rooms, cold stores, historic buildings, places of worship, office buildings and residences.
Design Criterion:
l Design to BS EN 54 (BS 5839 Pt.1) that states that no area within a room should be further away from a smoke detector than 7.5
l Each traditional detector should cover an area no greater than 100 square metres
l Each system should not cover more than 2,000 square metres
l Keep the pipe lengths as similar as possible to ensure a balanced system and minimal response times
Distance A: maximum 5 m
Distance B: maximum 10 m
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This layout is showing point detectors in a simple 2000 square meter building.
The four pipes cover the same area. The red dots show the position of the sampling holes which are identical to the position of the point
detectors above.
The sampling pipes must be fixed in such a way that the sampling holes are 2.5 to 6cm below the ceiling and
facing down. Similar to point detectors, the sampling hole must be below the hot air layer that prevents smoke raising to the ceiling.
The width of the pipes and the detector in the picture are enlarged in order to make them clearly visible.
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Always use a grid overlay to determine the correct positioning of the pipe network and ensuring full area covering.
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For aesthetic reasons, the sampling points may need to be as unobtrusive as possible. Often the main wide-bore pipe runs through a
ceiling void, with capillary sample pipes taken off through the ceiling. The sampling holes are made using a sampling point assembly. This
is a simple assembly into which the capillary tube fits. If small insects or dirt is expected a sintered end of line filter can be mounted to
the sampling point itself.
Capillary tubes
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Detailed Design and Installation
Section 4
4.7 Design for layouts with Air Handling Units (AHU), or Primary Sampling Systems
In any situation where air handling units are involved, the nature of these has to be taken into account. The majority will require the
sampling holes to be drilled directly in the air flow at the return grill or duct. This is the point at which any smoke will definitely pass
through while the AHU is operating. If the AHU does not operate permanently, either due to power failure, maintenance or as a standard
setting, the directions for still air environments must be taken into account. If this is the case then a secondary element must be built into
the system to ensure complete twenty-four hour coverage, taking into account any ceilling or roof voids
In all cases the aim must be to place the sampling pipes at the position the smoke is most likely to reach. This should be established
by performing extensive smoke tests, making sure the smoke is clearly visible.
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Typical examples: Computer rooms, data storage rooms, server rooms, archives,
control rooms and environmental test chambers.
60 12
30 23
20 35
15 46
12 58
10 70
8.6 81
7.5 84
6.7 84
6 84
With sampling system installations it is very unlikely that there will be two that are identical to each other. The following examples of
various installations are, therefore, guidelines which are designed to show the principles behind designing such a system. In order not to
detract from the design basics, the illustrations have been kept simple by not showing brackets and holes where they would clutter the
picture although it must not be assumed that these are unnecessary.
Because of dilution caused by rapid air movement, no more than 3 air-handling units should be covered by one air-sampling system.
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Here, as established by a smoke test, the air is blown out of the sides of the ceiling mounted air-conditioning unit and drawn back in to the
centre of the unit. The arrows show the direction of the air flow. The pipe-work is suspended underneath the return grill with the sampling
holes facing into the air flow.
It is crucial that your pipe-work does not prevent access to the air-handling unit. Therefore use removable unions, rather than solvent
welded sockets in places where you will need to move pipe-work for access to other equipment for maintenance (e.g. replacing filters.)
Holes along the pipe should be at approximately 200-300mm distance from another.
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The pipes have sampling holes situated in front of the grills, facing into the airflow to maximise the sample. Smoke tests will show where
the best locations are, e.g. in the middle of the grill or at the edge of the grill.
The airflow is indicated by the arrows. Air is sucked in through the grill and pumped back out of the vents in the ceiling. Ideally, the pipes
between the AHUs would run under the floor or within the wall but are shown here, and throughout the examples, for demonstration
purposes. Unions are used on either side of the grill to enable maintenance to take place.
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The pipes have sampling holes above at the edge of the grills. These are at an angle of 45°, facing into the airflow.
The airflow is indicated by the arrows. The air is re-circulated and comes out of vents on the other side of the room. Smoke tests will show
where the best locations are.
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A pipe is used to ensure that the area of the grill is properly covered. The air is drawn up through the floor; therefore the pipe is suspended
beneath the air intake.
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Normally Aspirated Air Sampling Systems are installed within air return ducts, not the supply side. Supply air ducts can be filtered
or diluted with makeup air (fresh air or air from another part of the system) potentially reducing the sensitivity of the system and or
introducing nuisance alarms.
If the ventilation system does not operate permanently it may be necessary to install a secondary system to sample within the protected
area during the times that the Air Conditioning plant is shut down. In some countries this is mandatory.
The intake pipe should span approximately the entire duct width. If the duct is very wide, to increase rigidity, the pipe may be supported
at intervals across the duct. For small ducts, up to 1m across, sampling holes should be installed at intervals of 100 to 150mm. For larger
ducts sampling holes at intervals of 200-250mm would be more appropriate. It may also be necessary to run the sampling pipe at more
than one level through the duct, especially when the sampling is located close to bends in the ductwork. Holes should face 20 to 45
degrees above or below the centre line of the airflow stream so as to avoid the pressure curve that forms around the pipe as the airflow
passes around it. The first and last holes are normally located about 100mm from either side of the duct so that sampling is placed directly
within the laminar air flow area of the duct. Exhaust holes, as opposed to the inlet holes, must be facing down wind of the air flow.
In order that the system is correctly balanced, the same number of holes must be installed on the inlet pipe and the outlet pipe. In doing
so, if the airflow changes in the duct, the pressure across the detector will be maintained and therefore a flow fault will not occur. Flow
faults will only annunciate when the flow through the detector fails, i.e. failed air pump or blocked holes.
The end of the pipes should be extended through the side of the duct and have end caps fitted. The holes through the duct work, which
the pipes pass through, must be kept airtight. The intake should be offset from the exhaust pipe to avoid turbulence, with at least 300mm
(distance A) separating the two as well as being at least 50mm different in height (distance B).
Pressure curve
Air Flow
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The material of the sampling pipes should be suitable for the application i.e. verify if the duct is expected to carry extremely hot air or
gasses, in which case copper or steel conduit should be used as standard plastic pipe would not be suitable. Ensure that an extended
pipe run is made outside the duct to allow the sampled air to cool, to prevent damage to the laser sensor within the aspirating module.
If the air inside the duct is hot and/or humid, problems will occur if the temperature changes and causes condensation within the cooler
sampling pipe outside the ductwork. If this is the case, use a condensation trap before the sampling pipe enters the detector to stop the
ingress of moisture into the detector. Ensure the intake pipe is positioned lower than the detector to house the water trap. This further
ensures that overflow moisture cannot enter the detector.
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In these different and variable situations, it is vital to perform smoke tests to establish the air movements.
When designing a system to fit in a very large and high room such as an atrium or high level warehouse, it is very important to consider the
various possibilities. A simple atrium design is shown below, utilising two vertical pipes. The smoke cloud is shown as an example of how
a stratification layer prevents the pipes at the top of the building from detecting smoke particles. The height at which the smoke forms a
layer varies depending on temperature and therefore a vertical sampling pipe is used to cover this. There may be no stratification layer at
all if the air in the room is at a particular temperature, particularly if smoke ventilation is needed
Sample holes
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It is recommended that pipe lengths are kept to a minimum to reduce response times as much as possible.
(1) ULPA (Ultra-Low Penetration Air). Filters rated 99.999% efficient with particles 0.12 microns (µm) in diameter
(2) HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air [filter]) This type of air filter can remove at least 99.97% of airborne particles 0.3 microns (µm) in
Clean room
Floor void
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If the pipe network is inside the cold store the following points should be noted.
The pipes themselves should be suspended (or attached) further away than usual from the ceiling or wall as these may contract and
expand due to changes in air temperature..
Sampling holes should be drilled on the side of the pipes to minimise the risk of blockage due to ice formation. Vertical pipes running
into the room from outside and areas where condensation could collect must be avoided.
Heater element
Water trap
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Temperature changes may cause expansion or contraction in the pipe. ABS pipe has a linear coefficient of expansion of 10.1 x 10-5 /°C/m.
If this is multiplied by the length or pipe and the temperature change then a figure for the expansion or contraction is given. These large
changes normally happen as the system is installed at ‘room’ temperature and is run at operational temperature. So the changes can
easily vary from +18°C to -35°C, representing a 53°C differential. This drop applied to a 50m pipe run gives a required movement space
of over 26cm.
If the nature of the system gives no allowance for variation in the pipe length, it is advisable to incorporate a simple U-bend to act as an
expansion/contraction loop as shown below.
The temperature in a cold room is a lot less than in a freezer and is typically just
above 0°C. typically 0-5°C.
The pipes should be kept out of the immediate airflow of air blowing chiller unit
when used as this air is often significantly colder than the room itself to maintain
the correct temperature.
In cold room applications one does not need to use a heater element but only a
water trap to remove condensation.
Chiller unit
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There are two ways of applying the pipe network. The structure of the roof is likely to determine the better or most appropriate solution.
Below, the pipes will follow the contour of the roof and be placed at a maximum distance of 10m from each other. Sampling holes will also
be sited at a maximum of10m from each other, with the hole serving the apex no less than 60cm away from the roof.
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Below, the pipes will run in parallel along the room at a maximum distance of 10m. The pipes serving the apex should not be closer than
60cm to the top of the roof as hot air will prevent smoke from getting there. Sampling holes will also be sited at a maximum of 10m from
each other.
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4.8.6 Warehouses
Warehouses can be considered to be similar to supermarkets except the same problems that can occur with high buildings need to be
taken into account. Vertical sampling points may be needed and the pipe lengths should be monitored to ensure reasonable response
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Often the main wide-bore pipe runs through a ceiling void, with capillary sample pipes taken off through the ceiling. The sampling holes
are made using a sampling point assembly.
SECTION 4: page 43
Detailed Design and Installation
Section 4
SECTION 4: page 44
Detailed Design and Installation
Section 4
Aircraft hangers ü O O O
Anechoic chambers O O ü ü
Anti-smoking O ü ü O
Archives ü O O ü
Art galleries O O O O
Atria ü O ü O
Cable ducts ü O O O
Casinos ü O ü ü
Cinemas/theatres ü ü ü O
Clean rooms ü ü O O
Cold stores ü ü ü O
Control rooms ü ü O ü
Data storage ü ü ü ü
Detention cells ü O ü O
EDP area ü ü ü ü
Flight simulators ü O O ü
Flour mills ü O O ü
Freezers ü O O O
Heritage buildings ü O ü ü
Hospitals ü O ü ü
Hotels O O ü O
Houses of worship O O ü ü
Libraries ü O ü O
Lift shafts ü O O O
Manufacturing plants ü ü ü ü
Museums ü ü ü ü
Offices ü ü ü ü
Paper mills O O ü O
Power stations ü O ü ü
Prisons ü O ü O
Research facilities ü ü ü ü
Residences ü O O ü
Schools ü O ü O
Server rooms ü ü ü ü
Stables ü O O O
Supermarkets ü O ü O
Switch gear ü O O O
Telecom ü ü ü ü
Train carriages ü O O O
Warehouses ü O ü O
SECTION 4: page 45
Detailed Design and Installation
Section 4
Part Number Product Description
02-0001-25 Large Bore Red Pipe 3m Length, 25mm
02-0001-27 Large Bore Red Pipe 3m Length, 3/4”
02-1001-25 Straight Union Large Bore 25mm
02-1001-27 Straight Union Large Bore 3/4”
02-1002-25 90 deg. Bend Large Bore 25mm
02-1002-27 90 deg. Bend Large Bore 3/4”
02-1003-25 45 deg. Elbow Large Bore 25mm
02-1003-27 45 deg. Elbow Large Bore 3/4”
02-1005-25 Removable Union Large Bore 25mm
02-1005-27 Removable Union Large Bore 3/4”
02-1006-25 End Cap for Large Bore 25mm
02-1006-27 End Cap for Large Bore 3/4”
02-1007-25 T-Piece 25mm
02-1007-27 T-Piece 3/4”
02-1008-15 Flush Capillary Sampling Point (Union and adaptor, 1.5m Capillary Tube and Sampling Point) for both 25mm and 3/4 Inch use
02-1008-30 Stand Pipe Sampling Point
02-1009-00 Sampling Point Label (Roll of 100). Both 25mm and 3/4 Inch use
02-1010-00 Open Pipe Clip (25mm and 3/4”)
02-1110-00 Closed Pipe Clip (25mm and 3/4”)
02-1011-00 ABS Pipe Adhesive (250ml tin) (25mm and 3/4”)
02-1012-00 Socket with adaptor for capillary tube
02-FL50 Replacement Filter Element Kit
02-FL53 Filter Element Pack of 10 (Coarse) (25mm and 3/4”)
02-FL54 Filter Element for FLU1 Filter Unit
02-FLU1 Filter Unit 3/4” c/w Filter Element (for Harsh environment)
02-FLU2 Filter Unit 25mm c/w Filter Element (for Harsh environment)
02-2527-00 25mm pipe to 3/4” converter
10-LA0015-01 Replacement Key to Open Detector
SECTION 4: page 46
A very intense and uncontrolled fire. ASD
Aspirated Smoke Detector.
Early in development (e.g. when very few combustion products are Fire load
present). The total content of combustible material within a given space or room.
Laminar, or laminar flow means the gas is moving in smooth layers around
or through an object.
A flow regime characterized by chaotic property changes. This includes low
momentum diffusion, high momentum convection, and rapid variation of
pressure and velocity in a given space.
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