Report On The Preparation of The Annual Financial Statements As at
Report On The Preparation of The Annual Financial Statements As at
Report On The Preparation of The Annual Financial Statements As at
as at
31 December 2017
Musterholz GmbH
90451 Nürnberg
4/2010, IDW S7 und Anhang oder Angaben unter der Bilanz" finden Sie auf der
Table of Contents
6. Attestation Report 19
7. Other Appendices 20
Account detail for the balance sheet to 31 December 2017 21
Account detail to the profit and loss account to 31 December 2017 26
© DATEV eG Page 1
Report on the preparation of the annual financial statements
as at 31/12/2017
The management of
Musterholz GmbH,
engaged me to prepare the annual financial statements as at 31 December 2017 on the basis of the accounting records
that I prepared, as well as the additional vouchers and inventory records provided to me, which I have not audited in
accordance with the terms of my engagement, taking into account the information provided to me in accordance with the
statutory requirements and in accordance with the instructions by the client within this framework to exercise existing
accounting options. I performed this engagement to prepare the annual financial statements with no assessments in the
period from &IAV& to &IAV& at my business premises in and at the premises of the company in Nürnberg.
My engagement to prepare the annual financial statements did not comprise any activities over and above the
The company is a small corporation according to the size classes set out in § 267 of the Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB –
The size-related exemptions set out in §§ 267, 276, 288 and 274a of the Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB – German Commercial
© DATEV eG Page 2
Report on the preparation of the annual financial statements
as at 31/12/2017
In the course of the preparation of the annual financial statements and in my reporting on these preparation activities, I
have compiled with the relevant standards of the legislation regulating our profession and my professional obligations,
including the principles of independence, diligence, confidentiality and personal professional responsibility (§ 57 of the
Irrespective of the nature of my engagement, preparation of the annual financial statements comprises the activities
necessary in order to prepare the balance sheet and income statements required by law, as well as the notes to the
financial statements and additional components of the financial statements, on the basis of the accounting records and
the inventory records as well as the information obtained by me on the accounting policies to be applied, including
The annual financial statements were prepared in accordance with the statutory provisions of commercial and tax law,
German Accepted Accounting Principles and the provisions of the partnership agreement.
Representation letter
The company provided me in writing, as requested, with the standard professional representation letter in respect of the
accounting records, vouchers and inventory records as well as the information provided to me, which I have stored in my
The company assured me in a standard professional representation letter that the balance sheet contains all assets,
liabilities and risks of the company that are required to be recognised correctly and in full.
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Report on the preparation of the annual financial statements
as at 31/12/2017
The company is required by § 238 of the Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB – German Commercial Code) to keep accounting
The accounting was prepared using my IT systems. In accordance with a certificate issued by Ernst & Young GmbH on 15
February 2016, the DATEV eG “Kanzlei-Rechnungswesen pro” accounting software used for this purpose satisfies the re-
quirements for proper financial accounting and preparation of the annual financial statements.
The presentation of the company's net assets derived from the balance sheet as at 31 December 2017 is shown in the fol-
Changes in
Balance at Balance at comp. to prior
31/12/2017 31/12/2016 year
Tangible fixed assets 1,729.0 57.4 1,765.5 58.4 -36.5 -2.1
Long-term financial assets 330.0 10.9 330.0 10.9 0.0 0.0
Inventories 181.7 6.0 184.1 6.1 -2.4 -1.3
Receivables 177.7 5.9 209.2 6.9 -31.5 -15.1
Other property 46.7 1.5 38.3 1.3 8.4 21.9
Cash funds/securities 535.4 17.8 478.4 15.8 57.0 11.9
Prepaid expenses 14.1 0.5 16.8 0.6 -2.7 -16.1
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Cashflow statement
from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016
The sources and application of funds in the 2017 reporting period are presented in the following in a cash flow statement,
with the three activity sections of the cash flow statement being treated as a single statement.
Changes in liquidity and financial strength are illustrated by showing how cash funds (cash-in-hand, cheques and bank
balances) changed in the reporting period due to cash inflows and outflows. A distinction is made between cash flows
The cash flows in the cash flow statement convey information classified by cash flows from operating activities, from
investing activities (including divestitures) and from financing activities, with the total cash flows from these three activities
corresponding to the net change in cash funds in the reporting period not attributable to the effects of exchange rate
The presentation of the cash flow statement follows the principles set out in “German Accounting Standard No. 2 (GAS 2),
Cash Flow Statements”, issued by the German Accounting Standards Board (GASB).
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Cashflow statement
from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016
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Cashflow statement
from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016
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Report on the preparation of the annual financial statements
as at 31/12/2017
Supplementary information on the financial and liquidity structure and cash flow ratios:
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Report on the preparation of the annual financial statements
as at 31/12/2017
On completion of my preparation work, I have issued the following attestation report dated 19. January 2018 on the an-
nual financial statements of Musterholz GmbH, Nürnberg, as at 31 December 2017 attached as Annexes, which I am
In accordance with the terms of my engagement, I have prepared the preceding annual financial statements – comprising
the balance sheet, income statement and notes to the financial statements – of the Musterholz GmbH for the financial
year from 01 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 in accordance with the provisions of German Commercial Law.
The basis of preparation was the accounting records maintained by me and the additional vouchers and inventory records
provided to me, which I have not audited in accordance with the terms of my engagement, as well as the information
provided to me.
The accounting records and the preparation of the inventory records and the annual financial statements in accordance
with the provisions of German Commercial Law and the supplementary provisions of the partnership agreement are the
I have performed my engagement in accordance with the "Verlautbarungen der Bundessteuerberaterkammer zu den
Grundsätzen für die Erstellung von Jahresabschlüssen" (Pronouncement by the German Federal Chamber of Tax Advisers
on the principles for the preparation of annual financial statements). This engagement comprises the preparation of the
balance sheet and income statement, as well as the notes to the financial statements, on the basis of the accounting
records, the inventory records and the accounting policies required to be applied.
Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)
Chris Marlin
- tax advisor -
© DATEV eG Page 9
Report on the preparation of the annual financial statements
as at 31/12/2017
4. Notes on the items in the balance sheet and profit and loss account
A. Fixed assets
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
3.00 3.00
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
1.00 1.00
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
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Report on the preparation of the annual financial statements
as at 31/12/2017
A. Equity
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
260,000.00 260,000.00
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
1,250,000.00 1,240,000.00
C. Liabilities
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
© DATEV eG Page 11
Report on the preparation of the annual financial statements
as at 31/12/2017
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
2,501,071.38 3,313,136.90
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
1,495.77 -879.61
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
© DATEV eG Page 12
Report on the preparation of the annual financial statements
as at 31/12/2017
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
1,154.00 0.00
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
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Report on the preparation of the annual financial statements
as at 31/12/2017
5. Appendices
© DATEV eG Page 14
Balance sheet to 31 December 2017
II. Tangible fixed assets III. Net retained profits 835,775.63 810,685.45
- of which retained profits brought forward
1. Land, land rights and buildings, including buildings on EUR 660,685.45 (EUR 688,443.30)
third-party land 1,687,533.83 1,709,112.83
2. Technical equipment and machinery 13,055.00 25,704.00 B. Provisions
3. Other equipment, operating and office equipment 28,422.00 1,729,010.83 30,733.00
1. Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 106,636.56 109,048.06
III. Long-term financial assets 2. Provisions for taxes 0.00 0.00
3. Deferred tax liabilities 0.00 0.00
1. Other long-term equity investments 90,000.00 90,000.00 4. Other provisions 70,393.19 177,029.75 81,553.85
2. Long-term securities 240,000.00 330,000.00 240,000.00
C. Liabilities
B. Current assets
1. Liabilities to banks 100,183.60 157,243.75
I. Inventories - of which due within one year EUR 67,952.49
(EUR 98,981.79)
1. Raw materials, consumables and supplies 106,560.52 107,439.53 - of which due after more than one year
2. Work in progress 25,116.10 25,575.39 EUR 32,231.11 (EUR 58,261.96)
3. Finished goods and merchandise 50,056.70 181,733.32 51,093.18 2. Payments received on account of orders 2,100.84 18,781.51
- of which due within one year EUR 2,100.84
II. Receivables and other assets (EUR 18,781.51)
3. Trade payables 212,119.53 161,708.28
1. Trade receivables 177,748.04 209,168.81 - of which due within one year EUR 212,119.53
2. Other assets 46,693.34 224,441.38 38,337.80 (EUR 161,708.28)
4. Other liabilities 177,540.88 491,944.85 183,370.68
III. Cash-in-hand, central bank balances, bank balances and - of which to shareholders EUR 110,437.50
cheques 535,420.48 478,425.25 (EUR 125,162.50)
- of which taxes EUR 65,060.04 (EUR 74,278.54)
C. Prepaid expenses 14,140.22 16,797.79 - of which due within one year EUR 177,540.88
- of which discount EUR 12,438.22 (EUR 13,153.63) (EUR 183,370.68)
© DATEV eG Page 15
Fixed Asset Schedule as of 31 December 2017
A. Fixed assets
Total intangible fixed assets 47,531.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 47,527.77 0.00 4.00
Total tangible fixed assets 2,841,518.70 5,988.52 181,431.15 0.00 937,065.24 0.00 1,729,010.83
1. Other long-term equity investments 90,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90,000.00
2. Long-term securities 240,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 240,000.00
Total long-term financial assets 330,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 330,000.00
Total fixed assets 3,219,050.47 5,988.52 181,431.15 0.00 984,593.01 0.00 2,059,014.83
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Profit and Loss account from 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2017
© DATEV eG Page 17
as at 31/12/2017
The prior-period amounts were also adjusted due to the initial application of the thresholds under the Accounting
Directive Implementation Act (BilRUG), and no comparison with the prior-period annual financial statements is possible.
Liabilities with a remaining term of up to one year amount to EUR 459,713.74 (prior year: EUR 462,842.26).
Liabilities with a remaining term of more than one year amount to EUR 32,231.11 (prior year: EUR 58,261.96).
Signature of management
© DATEV eG Page 18
Report on the preparation of the annual financial statements
as at 31/12/2017
6. Attestation Report
In accordance with the terms of my engagement, I have prepared the preceding annual financial statements – comprising
the balance sheet, income statement and notes to the financial statements – of Musterholz GmbH for the financial year
from 01 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 in accordance with the provisions of German Commercial Law.
The basis of preparation was the accounting records maintained by me and the additional vouchers and inventory records
provided to me, which I have not audited in accordance with the terms of my engagement, as well as the information
provided to me.
The accounting records and the preparation of the inventory records and the annual financial statements in accordance
with the provisions of German Commercial Law and the supplementary provisions of the partnership agreement are the
I have performed my engagement in accordance with the "Verlautbarungen der Bundessteuerberaterkammer zu den
Grundsätzen für die Erstellung von Jahresabschlüssen" (Pronouncement by the German Federal Chamber of Tax Advisers
on the Principles for the Preparation of Annual Financial Statements). This engagement comprises the preparation of the
balance sheet and income statement, as well as the notes to the financial statements, on the basis of the accounting
records, the inventory records and the accounting policies required to be applied.
I have not raised any material objections to certain carrying amounts advocated by the company or against the
accounting records.
Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)
Chris Marlin
- tax advisor -
© DATEV eG Page 19
Report on the preparation of the annual financial statements
as at 31/12/2017
7. Other Appendices
© DATEV eG Page 20
Balance sheet accounts
as at 31/12/2017
0035 Goodwill 1.00 1.00
Long-term securities
0525 Long-term securities 240,000.00 240,000.00
© DATEV eG Page 21
Balance sheet accounts
as at 31/12/2017
Work in progress
7050 Unfinished goods (inventories) 25,116.10 25,575.39
Trade receivables
0996 Globl valuatn allowances rec.
due 1 y 4,434.00- 5,588.00-
0998 Spec valuatn allownces rec due
w/in 1y 3,822.00- 3,163.00-
1400 Trade receivables 186,004.04 177,748.04 217,919.81
Other assets
1500 Other assets 18,196.73 23,493.37
1540 Receivables from trade tax
overpaymts 8,645.00 4,287.00
1545 VAT receivables 10,788.27 4,343.03
1548 Input tax ded. following period/
year 0.00 362.14
1549 Reclaimed corporate income tax 8,638.73 5,338.25
1571 Deductible input tax, 7% 425.82 453.23
1574 Dedctbl input tax on intra-EU
acqstn 19% 23,360.86 30,681.51
1576 Deductible input tax, 19% 234,157.42 319,417.24
1577 Dedctbl inpt tax sec 13b UStG
19% 1,423.86 2,449.00
1774 VAT on intra-EU acquisitions,
19% 23,360.86- 30,681.51-
1776 VAT, 19% 434,912.26- 719,457.98-
1780 VAT prepayments 164,427.29 367,299.22
1781 VAT prepayments 1/11 36,326.00 32,802.00
1787 VAT under section 13b UStG,
19% 1,423.86- 2,449.00-
1789 VAT, current year 0.34 46,693.34 0.30
© DATEV eG Page 22
Balance sheet accounts
as at 31/12/2017
Prepaid expenses
0980 Prepaid expenses 1,702.00 3,644.16
0986 Discount 12,438.22 14,140.22 13,153.63
© DATEV eG Page 23
Balance sheet accounts
as at 31/12/2017
Subscribed capital
0800 Subscribed capital 260,000.00 260,000.00
Other provisions
0965 Provisions for personnel ex-
penses 30,000.00 30,000.00
0966 Provsns for record retntn obli-
gations 3,382.48 3,173.87
0974 Provsns warranties (contra acc
4790) 30,656.11 42,025.38
0977 Provsns period-end closing/
audit costs 6,354.60 70,393.19 6,354.60
Liabilities to banks
0631 Liabilities to banks due w/in 1
year 26,030.85 28,064.89
0640 Liabilities to banks due btwn 1-5
years 32,231.11 58,261.96
0696 Loan - Schleifmustermühle 25 58,261.96 82,902.86
0698 Instalment loan panel van 0.00 3,423.99
0699 Contra acc 0630-0689 if
0690-0698 allctd 58,261.96- 86,326.85-
1200 Aareal Bank Frankfurt 41,921.64 100,183.60 70,916.90
Trade payables
1600 Trade payables 212,119.53 161,708.28
© DATEV eG Page 24
Balance sheet accounts
as at 31/12/2017
Other liabilities
0755 Liablts to shrehldrs/prtnrs o/s
distrbtn 110,437.50 125,162.50
1400 Trade receivables 2,500.00 3,917.98
1593 Allctn acc payments rcvd
account orders 2,500.00- 22,350.00-
1700 Other liabilities 2,043.34 2,361.66
1736 Liabilities from taxes and levies 0.00 18,291.06
1741 Wage and church tax payables 9,783.52 11,149.98
1746 Liab. tax withheld open distrib. 39,562.50 44,837.50
1797 VAT liabilities 15,714.02 177,540.88 0.00
© DATEV eG Page 25
Income statement accounts
from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016
8120 Tax-exempt third-country re-
venue 37,353.12 42,469.20
8125 Tax-exempt EU revenue 151,493.04 209,735.10
8336 Tax-exemt other serv. s. 18b
UStG 11,193.09 15,850.30
8400 Rev. from kitchens/furnitures,
19% VAT 1,240,932.30 1,311,526.97
8401 Revenue from roofes,19% VAT 157,394.93 0.00
8402 Revenue, 19% VAT 80,000.00 0.00
8405 Rev. from windows/doors/floors,
19% VAT 514,318.68 830,856.37
8406 Revenue from Others, 19% VAT 272,914.82 355,824.04
8407 Revenue real wood, 19% VAT 46,719.28 561,392.20
8730 Cash discounts granted 873.54- 708.24-
8736 Cash discounts granted, 19%
VAT 9,307.71- 10,925.67-
8742 Cash disc rev other services s.
18b UStG 350.98- 593.13-
8743 Sales disc tax-xmpt intra-EU
deliveries 715.65- 2,501,071.38 2,290.24-
© DATEV eG Page 26
Income statement accounts
from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016
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Income statement accounts
from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016
Occupancy costs
4200 Occupancy costs 12,600.00 18,600.00
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Income statement accounts
from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016
Occupancy costs
4210 Rent (immovable property) 24,000.00 34,000.00
4240 Gas, electricity, water 32,502.30 43,666.32
4250 Cleaning 11,492.26 18,957.37
4260 Maintenance of operating pre-
mises 2,239.41 2,232.44
4270 Levies real property used ope-
rating prps 4,577.46 4,393.95
4280 Other occupancy costs 3,348.54 90,759.97 3,838.08
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Income statement accounts
from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016
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Income statement accounts
from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016
Losses on write-downs or on
disposal of current assets and
transfers to valuation all-
owances on receivables
2406 Bad debt allowances 19% VAT 1,009.43 1,168.55
2450 Transfrs globl valuatn allownc
rcvbls 0.00 347.00
2451 Transfer spec. valuatn allownc
rcvbls 659.00 1,668.43 0.00
© DATEV eG Page 31
Income statement accounts
from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016
Taxes on income
2200 Corporate income tax 40,114.00 48,359.00
2208 Solidarity surcharge 2,206.27 2,659.75
2213 Withholding tax investment
income, 25% 1,167.99 1,191.82
2216 Soliarity surcharge withholding
tax 25% 64.24 65.55
2255 Income addns./reversals de-
ferred taxes 0.00 25,756.29-
4320 Trade tax 43,055.00 86,607.50 51,673.00
Other taxes
2375 Land tax 1,080.00 3,880.00
4510 Motor vehicle tax 2,176.00 3,256.00 3,449.00
Appropriation to revenue
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