3rd Harmonic
3rd Harmonic
3rd Harmonic
Derek Grant
Harmonics are multiples of the fundamental
frequency of a wave. They cause waveform
distortions like the one seen below.
What causes harmonics?
• Non-linear components
• Diodes
• Transistors
• Electric motors
• SMPSs (switch-mode power supply)
• Etc.
Harmonics can be modeled in a system separately as a source with a frequency an
integer multiple of the fundamental frequency (60 Hz in our case). So a model
including harmonics can be seen as a source sending a 60 Hz sine wave to a load
(and since the load generates the harmonics) and a source bank at the load with
each source sending an integer multiple of 60 Hz sine wave.
Harmonics can be modeled as current sources as we have seen, but equivalently, they
can be modeled as voltage sources. Lets look at the 2nd Harmonic…
The system will still be balanced in the presence of the 2nd harmonic (except negative
sequence) and the current from the 2nd harmonic sources will still cancel in the neutral
wire! It can be shown that this is true with ANY even harmonic. Now lets examine the
3rd harmonic…
In a similar derivation as the previous slide, with current instead of voltage we can get in
the neutral wire: Ian3 = Ibn3 = Icn3
In the 2nd harmonic, the current still cancels in the neutral wire, but the 3rd harmonic
current adds, producing a very large neutral current.
S = VI *
So we need to get rid of the neutral wire. By using a delta configuration, we can trap the
current in the delta loop and also take advantage of one useful property. We all know that
when going from line-to neutral voltage, to line-to-line voltage:
we can easily see that the power across the load in a delta loop due to the third
harmonic is zero.
S = VI *