Statement of Fund Allocation-SP
Statement of Fund Allocation-SP
Statement of Fund Allocation-SP
Salaries and Wages-Regular Pay 5-01-01-010 96,462,804.00 17,594,904.00 31,906,452.00 145,964,160.00
Personnel Economic Relief Allowance 5-01-02-010 8,232,000.00 1,464,000.00 3,552,000.00 13,248,000.00
Representation Allowance (RA) 5-01-02-020 2,553,600.00 228,000.00 684,000.00 3,465,600.00
Transportation Allowance (TA) 5-01-02-030 1,596,000.00 142,500.00 598,500.00 2,337,000.00
Clothing/Uniform Allowance 5-01-02-040 2,058,000.00 366,000.00 888,000.00 3,312,000.00
Subsistence Allowance 5-01-02-050 - 937,800.00 180,000.00 1,117,800.00
Laundry Allowance 5-01-02-060 - 73,800.00 18,000.00 91,800.00
Hazard Pay 5-01-02-110 - 3,647,224.80 655,005.60 4,302,230.40
Longevity Pay 5-01-02-120 105,000.00 25,000.00 30,000.00 160,000.00
Overtime and Night Pay 5-01-02-130 2,370,000.00 40,000.00 882,722.00 3,292,722.00
Year End Bonus 5-01-02-140 16,077,140.00 2,932,484.00 5,317,722.00 24,327,346.00
Cash Gift 5-01-02-150 1,715,000.00 305,000.00 740,000.00 2,760,000.00
Life and Retirement Insurance Premiums 5-01-03-010 11,575,536.48 2,111,388.48 3,828,774.24 17,515,699.20
Pag-IBIG Contributions 5-01-03-020 1,929,256.08 351,898.08 638,129.04 2,919,283.20
PHILHEALTH Contributions 5-01-03-030 1,052,251.23 215,015.97 367,292.51 1,634,559.71
ECC Contributions 5-01-03-040 411,600.00 73,200.00 177,600.00 662,400.00
Other Personnel Benefits 1,715,000.00 885,000.00 2,533,461.77 5,133,461.77
TOTAL, PERSONAL SERVICES 147,853,187.79 31,393,215.33 52,997,659.16 232,244,062.28
Traveling Expenses-Local 5-02-01-010 3,747,550.00 450,000.00 1,336,195.00 5,533,745.00
Training Expenses 5-02-02-010 3,078,550.00 251,500.00 979,500.00 4,309,550.00
Office Supplies Expenses 5-02-03-010 13,012,696.47 484,200.00 3,058,000.00 16,554,896.47
Accountable Forms Expenses 5-02-03-020 1,405,000.00 - 981,000.00 2,386,000.00
Food Supplies Expenses 5-02-03-050 25,000.00 150,000.00 80,000.00 255,000.00
Drugs and Medicines Expenses 5-02-03-070 5,000,000.00 1,380,000.00 6,380,000.00
Medical, Dental and Laboratory Expenses 5-02-03-080 85,000.00 85,000.00
Fuel, Oil and Lubricants Expenses 5-02-03-090 11,856,187.40 1,100,300.00 16,678,800.00 29,635,287.40
Textbooks and Instruction Materials Expenses 5-02-03-110 311,400.00 - - 311,400.00
Other Supplies and Materials Expenses 5-02-03-990 5,636,790.65 - 2,874,500.00 8,511,290.65
Water Expenses 5-02-04-010 1,426,500.00 17,700.00 1,356,748.00 2,800,948.00
Electricity Expenses 5-02-04-020 10,000,000.00 186,000.00 2,505,000.00 12,691,000.00
Cooking, Gas Expenses - - 210,000.00 210,000.00
Postage and Deliveries 5-02-05-010 6,000.00 - - 6,000.00
Telephone Expenses 5-02-05-020 2,340,754.09 209,800.00 853,900.00 3,404,454.09
Internet Subscription Expenses 5-02-05-030 1,677,996.00 26,400.00 452,800.00 2,157,196.00
Cable, Satellite, Telegraph & Radio Expenses 5-02-05-040 103,640.00 53,800.00 157,440.00
Membership Dues and Contribution to Organization 5-02-05-060 377,000.00 - 211,000.00 588,000.00
Awards/Rewards Expenses 5-02-06-010 15,000.00 95,000.00 - - 110,000.00
Prizes - 78,000.00 - 78,000.00
Advertising Expenses 5-02-99-010 510,000.00 5,000.00 30,000.00 - 545,000.00
Printing and Publication Expenses 5-02-99-020 510,000.00 - 128,000.00 - 638,000.00
Rent Expenses 5-02-99-050 334,760.00 - 50,000.00 - 384,760.00
Representation Expenses 5-02-99-030 6,918,900.00 543,200.00 3,503,000.00 10,965,100.00
Transportation and Delivery Expenses 5-02-99-040 52,000.00 - - - 52,000.00
Subscription Expenses 5-02-99-070 104,500.00 2,200.00 18,300.00 125,000.00
Auditing Services 5-02-11-020 992,500.00 - - - 992,500.00
Other General Services 5-02-12-990 21,270,800.00 - 29,148,000.00 - 50,418,800.00
Repairs /Maint. - Buildings & Other Structures 5-02-13-040 175,000.00 43,159.60 1,952,670.00 2,170,829.60
Repairs / Maint. - Machinery & Equipment 5-02-13-050 1,139,250.00 121,400.00 5,226,500.00 6,487,150.00
Repairs and Maint.-Transportation Equipment 5-02-13-060 4,084,000.00 170,400.00 917,500.00 5,171,900.00
Repairs and Maint.-Furnitures and Fixtures 5-02-13-070 36,000.00 - 50,000.00 86,000.00
Repairs and Maint. - Infrastructure Assets 5-02-13-030 - - 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00
Subsidy to LGU 5-02-14-030 - 1,172,600.00 - 1,172,600.00
Taxes, Duties and Licenses 5-02-16-010 5,022,700.00 11,000.00 70,500.00 5,104,200.00
Fidelity Bond Premiums 5-02-16-020 380,000.00 8,800.00 - 388,800.00
Insurance Expenses 5-02-16-030 6,064,114.00 27,500.00 9,080,000.00 15,171,614.00
Other Maint. & Operating Expenses 5-02-99-990 208,021,328.40 200,000.00 732,500.00 208,953,828.40
Statutory and Contractual Obligations: -
- Loan Amortization - Principal 27,500,000.00 27,500,000.00
- Loan Amortization - Interest 14,000,000.00 14,000,000.00
-Bank Charges (GRT) 370,000.00 370,000.00
TOTAL, MAINT. & OPERATING EXPENSES 310,635,917.01 10,439,159.60 127,288,213.00 - 448,363,289.61
BALANCE FORWARDED 310,635,917.01 10,439,159.60 127,288,213.00 448,363,289.61
Flood Control System 1-07-03-020 - - - -
Other Land Improvements 1-07-02-990 - - - -
Buildings 1-07-04-010 - - 50,000.00 - 50,000.00
Other Structures 1-07-04-990 - - 900,000.00 - 900,000.00
Office Equipment 1-07-05-020 805,000.00 150,000.00 955,500.00 - 1,910,500.00
Furniture and Fixtures 1-07-07-010 1,435,000.00 122,000.00 1,300,000.00 - 2,857,000.00
Information and Communication Technology Equipment 1-07-05-030 3,963,000.00 33,000.00 1,432,159.10 - 5,428,159.10
Power Supply System 1-07-03-050 - - 300,000.00 300,000.00
Library Books 1-07-07-020 200,000.00 - 10,000.00 - 210,000.00
Machinery 1-07-05-010 - - 510,000.00 - 510,000.00
Communication Equipment 1-07-05-070 405,000.00 11,000.00 319,200.00 - 735,200.00
Disaster Respnse and Rescue Equipment 1-07-05-090 - - 400,000.00 - 400,000.00
Medical, Dental and Laboratory Equipment 1-07-05-110 - 200,000.00 - 200,000.00
Technical and Scientific Equipment 1-07-05-140 - 12,315.60 2,632,100.00 - 2,644,415.60
Other Machinery and Equipment 1-07-05-990 - - 20,000.00 - 20,000.00
Motor Vehicles 1-07-06-010 21,680,000.00 - 2,080,000.00 - 23,760,000.00
Other Property, Plant and Equipment 1-07-99-990 100,000.00 - - - 100,000.00
Communicty Development Program 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Project Monitoring & Evaluation System 150,000.00 150,000.00
Development Planning & Investment Programming 150,000.00 150,000.00
Information Technology & Management Systmen 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00
City Sports Dev. Program 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00
Local Youth Development Council (SK) 200,000.00 200,000.00
Support to the Operation of Muslim Communities 100,000.00 100,000.00
Support to Liga ng mga Barangay 500,000.00 500,000.00
Support to Information Technology Development Prog 100,000.00 100,000.00
Peace and Order Program 60,018,092.97 60,018,092.97
GAD Program 19,160,000.00 19,160,000.00
Child Protection Program 300,000.00 300,000.00
Senior Citizen and PWD 2,759,641.08 2,759,641.08
TOTAL, CAPITAL OUTLAY 119,025,734.05 528,315.60 10,908,959.10 130,463,008.75
20% Development Fund 167,992,821.60 167,992,821.60
5% Calamity Fund 48,798,205.40 48,798,205.40
Miscellaneous personnel Benefits Fund 28,137,113.11 28,137,113.11
Aid to 26 Barangays 26,000.00 26,000.00
Discretionary Fund 483,882.00 483,882.00
Confidential and Intelligence Fund 32,158,227.89 32,158,227.89
TOTAL, SPECIAL LUMP-SUM APPROPRIATIONS 277,596,250.00 277,596,250.00
TOTAL APPROPROPRIATIONS 577,514,838.85 42,360,690.53 191,194,831.26 277,596,250.00 1,088,666,610.64
Certified correct:
Approved by:
OFFICE OF THE CITY HEALTH OFFICER (4411) 22,744,897.87 7,802,200.00 750,000.00 - 31,297,097.87
SUB-TOTAL 22,744,897.87 7,802,200.00 750,000.00 - 31,297,097.87
C.S.W.D.O. - ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (7611) 6,977,463.92 1,058,459.60 78,315.60 - 8,114,239.12
C.S.W.D.O. - DAY CARE SERVICES (7999) 1,670,853.54 1,578,500.00 - - 3,249,353.54
SUB-TOTAL 8,648,317.46 2,636,959.60 78,315.60 - 11,363,592.66
OFFICE OF THE CITY AGRICULTURE (8711) 7,164,797.82 2,062,500.00 150,000.00 - 9,377,297.82
OFFICE OF THE VETERINARIAN (8721) 4,994,092.91 2,549,000.00 325,000.00 - 7,868,092.91
OFFICE OF THE CITY ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES (8731) 7,188,182.66 12,755,643.00 655,000.00 - 20,598,825.66
OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER-ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (8751) 4,907,002.90 2,910,800.00 2,680,000.00 - 10,497,802.90
OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES (8752) 1,509,611.67 120,000.00 60,000.00 - 1,689,611.67
OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER-MAINTENANCE SERVICES (8753) 1,172,699.30 11,766,000.00 1,850,000.00 - 14,788,699.30
OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER-MOTORPOOL SERVICES (8754) 1,115,151.41 - 190,000.00 - 1,305,151.41
OFFICE OF THE CITY COOPERATIVE OFFICER (8761) 2,652,911.68 1,227,270.00 133,959.10 - 4,014,140.78
OFFICE OF THE CITY TOURISM OFFICER (8852) 1,635,158.72 2,070,000.00 420,000.00 - 4,125,158.72
OFFICE OF THE CITY INVESTMENT OFFICER (8992) 2,611,547.45 746,000.00 570,000.00 - 3,927,547.45
SUB-TOTAL 34,951,156.52 36,207,213.00 7,033,959.10 - 78,192,328.62
OCEEM-Vehicle Terminal Operation (8801) 5,900,673.55 13,511,400.00 870,000.00 - 20,282,073.55
OCEEM-Market Operation (8811) 6,149,605.57 66,540,000.00 730,000.00 - 73,419,605.57
OFFICE OF THE CITY VET.-Slaughterhouse Operation (8812) 3,310,000.00 7,900,000.00 590,000.00 - 11,800,000.00
OCEEM-Cemetery Operation (8841) 2,686,223.52 3,129,600.00 1,385,000.00 - 7,200,823.52
SUB-TOTAL 18,046,502.64 91,081,000.00 3,575,000.00 - 112,702,502.64
Particulars AMOUNT
(1) (2)
2.1 20% Local Development Fund 167,992,821.60
TOTAL 282,793,231.70
Approved by:
(1) (2)