5G Channel Management

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Channel Management

4.1.3 Channel Management

Channel Management Feature Parameter
Issue 02
Date 2020-05-21

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4.1.3 Contents
1 Change History
1.1 5G RAN3.1 02 (2020-05-21)
1.2 5G RAN3.1 01 (2020-04-07)
1.3 5G RAN3.1 Draft B (2020-03-09)
1.4 5G RAN3.1 Draft A (2020-01-20)

2 About This Document

2.1 General Statements
2.2 Features in This Document
2.3 Differences Between NR FDD and NR TDD
2.4 Differences Between NSA and SA
2.5 Differences Between High Frequency Bands and Low Frequency Bands

3 Overview

4 PBCH Channel Management

4.1 Principles
4.2 Network Analysis
4.2.1 Benefits
4.2.2 Impacts
4.3 Requirements
4.3.1 Licenses
4.3.2 Software
4.3.3 Hardware
4.3.4 Others
4.4 Operation and Maintenance
4.4.1 Data Configuration Data Preparation Using MML Commands Using the MAE-Deployment
4.4.2 Activation Verification
4.4.3 Network Monitoring

5 PDCCH Channel Management

5.1 Principles
5.2 Network Analysis
5.2.1 Benefits
5.2.2 Impacts
5.3 Requirements
5.3.1 Licenses
5.3.2 Software
5.3.3 Hardware
5.3.4 Others
5.4 Operation and Maintenance
5.4.1 Data Configuration Data Preparation Using MML Commands Using the MAE-Deployment
5.4.2 Activation Verification
5.4.3 Network Monitoring

6 PUCCH Channel Management

6.1 Principles
6.2 Network Analysis
6.2.1 Benefits
6.2.2 Impacts
6.3 Requirements
6.3.1 Licenses
6.3.2 Software
6.3.3 Hardware
6.3.4 Others
6.4 Operation and Maintenance
6.4.1 Data Configuration Data Preparation Using MML Commands Using the MAE-Deployment
6.4.2 Activation Verification
6.4.3 Network Monitoring

7 PRACH Channel Management

7.1 Principles
7.1.1 RA Preamble Overview Preamble Sequence Generation Preamble Sequence Grouping
7.1.2 Time-Frequency Resources for RA
7.1.3 Increasing the PRACH Preamble Detection Threshold
7.1.4 PRACH False Alarm Detection Optimization
7.1.5 PRACH Root Sequence Conflict Detection and Self-optimization
7.1.6 Optimization of Non-Contention-based RA Beyond Cell Radius
7.2 Network Analysis
7.2.1 Benefits
7.2.2 Impacts
7.3 Requirements
7.3.1 Licenses
7.3.2 Software
7.3.3 Hardware
7.3.4 Others
7.4 Operation and Maintenance
7.4.1 Data Configuration Data Preparation Using MML Commands Using the MAE-Deployment
7.4.2 Activation Verification
7.4.3 Network Monitoring

8 CSI-RS Resource Management

8.1 Principles
8.2 Network Analysis
8.2.1 Benefits
8.2.2 Impacts
8.3 Requirements
8.3.1 Licenses
8.3.2 Software
8.3.3 Hardware
8.3.4 Others
8.4 Operation and Maintenance
8.4.1 Data Configuration Data Preparation Using MML Commands Using the MAE-Deployment
8.4.2 Activation Verification
8.4.3 Network Monitoring

9 SRS Resource Management

9.1 Principles
9.1.1 Overview
9.1.2 Cell-specific SRS
9.1.3 UE-specific SRS UE-specific SRS Slot UE-specific SRS Bandwidth
9.1.4 SRS Multiplexing
9.1.5 SRS Frequency Hopping
9.2 Network Analysis
9.2.1 Benefits
9.2.2 Impacts
9.3 Requirements
9.3.1 Licenses
9.3.2 Software
9.3.3 Hardware
9.3.4 Others
9.4 Operation and Maintenance
9.4.1 Data Configuration Data Preparation Using MML Commands Using the MAE-Deployment
9.4.2 Activation Verification
9.4.3 Network Monitoring

10 Parameters

11 Counters

12 Glossary

13 Reference Documents

1 Change History
This chapter describes changes not included in the "Parameters", "Counters", "Glossary", and
"Reference Documents" chapters. These changes include:
 Technical changes
Changes in functions and their corresponding parameters
 Editorial changes
Improvements or revisions to the documentation
1.1 5G RAN3.1 02 (2020-05-21)

This issue includes the following changes.

Technical Changes

Change Description Parameter Change RAT Base Station Model

Removed the descriptions None Low- 3900 and 5900

of the constraints on frequency series base stations
invalidating PDCCH symbol TDD DBS3900 LampSite
number adaptation when and DBS5900
slot assignment is 2:3. For LampSite
details, see 5.1 Principles.

None None FDD 3900 and 5900

High- series base stations

Editorial Changes

Revised descriptions in this document.

1.2 5G RAN3.1 01 (2020-04-07)

This issue includes the following changes.

Technical Changes


Editorial Changes

Revised descriptions in this document.

1.3 5G RAN3.1 Draft B (2020-03-09)

This issue introduces the following changes to 5G RAN3.1 Draft A (2020-01-20).

Technical Changes
Change Description Parameter Change RAT Base Station

Enabled adaptive None FDD 3900 and

configuration to take 5900 series
effect by default in base stations
NR FDD 5 MHz DBS3900
scenarios. For LampSite and
details, see 5.1 DBS5900
Principles. LampSite

Added PRACH false Added the FDD 3900 and

alarm detection PRACH_FALSE_ALARM_DET_ALGO_SW Low- 5900 series
optimization. For option to the frequency base stations
details, see 7.1.4 NRDUCellPrach.RachAlgoOptSwitch TDD DBS3900
PRACH False Alarm parameter. LampSite and
Detection Optimization.
Added the DBS5900
NRDUCellPrach.PrachFalseAlmDetDisThld LampSite

None None High- 3900 and

frequency 5900 series
TDD base stations

Editorial Changes

Revised descriptions in this document.

1.4 5G RAN3.1 Draft A (2020-01-20)

This issue introduces the following changes to 5G RAN2.1 01 (2019-06-06).

Technical Changes

Change Parameter Change RAT Base

Description Station

Added support Added the value 3SYM(3 Symbols) to the FDD 3900 and
for three physical NRDUCellPdcch.OccupiedSymbolNum parameter. 5900
downlink control series
channel base
(PDCCH) stations
symbols by NR
FDD. For details,
see 5 PDCCH

Added support Added the UE_PDCCH_SYM_NUM_ADAPT_SW FDD 3900 and

Change Parameter Change RAT Base
Description Station

for PDCCH option to the NRDUCellPdcch.PdcchAlgoExtSwitch Low- 5900

symbol number parameter. frequency series
adaptation in low TDD base
frequency bands. stations
For details, see 5 DBS3900
PDCCH Channel LampSite

Added PDCCH Added the NRDUCellPdcch.PdcchAlgoEnhSwitch FDD 3900 and

aggregation level parameter. Low- 5900
initial selection frequency series
optimization. For TDD base
details, see 5 High- stations
PDCCH Channel DBS3900
TDD LampSite

Added support Added the NRDUCellPdcch.PdcchAlgoSwitch FDD 3900 and

for PDCCH parameter. Low- 5900
uplink-to- frequency series
downlink control TDD base
channel element High- stations
(CCE) ratio frequency DBS3900
adaptation. For TDD LampSite
details, see 5 and
PDCCH Channel DBS5900

Added support Added the NRDUCellPucch.PucchAlgoSwitch High- 3900 and

for symbol parameter. frequency 5900
number TDD series
adaptation in base
short physical stations
uplink control
formats in high
frequency bands.
For details, see 6
PUCCH Channel
Change Parameter Change RAT Base
Description Station

Added support Added the NRDUCellPucch.StructureType parameter. FDD 3900 and

for PUCCH time- Low- 5900
frequency format frequency series
configuration in TDD base
low frequency stations
bands. For DBS3900
details, see 6 LampSite
PUCCH Channel and

Added support Added the following parameters: FDD 3900 and

for PUCCH  NRDUCellPucch.Format4RbNum Low- 5900
format 4 in low frequency series
 NRDUCellPucch.Format4CsiDedicatedRbNum
frequency bands. TDD base
For details, see 6 stations
PUCCH Channel DBS3900

Added support Added the PUCCH_RBRES_ADAPTIVE_SWITCH FDD 3900 and

for RB option to the NRDUCellPucch.PucchAlgoSwitch Low- 5900
adaptation in parameter. frequency series
long PUCCH TDD base
formats in low stations
frequency bands. DBS3900
For details, see 6 LampSite
PUCCH Channel and

Added support Added the NRDUCellPucch.SrResoureAlgoSwitch FDD 3900 and

for scheduling parameter. Low- 5900
request (SR) frequency series
period TDD base
adaptation. For High- stations
details, see 6 frequency DBS3900
PUCCH Channel LampSite

Added support Added the NRDUCellPucch.CsiResoureAlgoSwitch FDD 3900 and

for channel state parameter. Low- 5900
Change Parameter Change RAT Base
Description Station

information (CSI) frequency series

reporting period TDD base
adaptation. For High- stations
details, see 6 frequency DBS3900
PUCCH Channel TDD LampSite

Modified the  Added the FDD 3900 and

channel state NRDUCellCsirs.CsirsCellResourceNum Low- 5900
information- parameter. frequency series
reference signal  Modified the default value of the TDD base
(CSI-RS) period NRDUCellCsirs.CsiPeriod parameter. High- stations
configuration frequency DBS3900
scheme. For  Added the NRDUCellCsirs.CsiAlgoSwitch
parameter to the disuse list. TDD LampSite
details, see 8 CSI- and
RS Resource DBS5900

Added support Added the NRDUCellSrs.SrsAlgoSwitch parameter. FDD 3900 and

for sounding Low- 5900
reference signal frequency series
(SRS) period TDD base
adaptation in low stations
frequency bands. DBS3900
For details, see 9 LampSite
SRS Resource and

Modified the None Low- 3900 and

default physical frequency 5900
random access TDD series
channel High- base
(PRACH) frequency stations
configuration TDD DBS3900
index for slot LampSite
assignment 4:1. and
For details, see DBS5900
7.1.2 Time- LampSite
Resources for RA.

Optimized non- Added the NRDUCellPrach.RachAlgoOptSwitch FDD 3900 and

contention-based parameter. Low- 5900
Change Parameter Change RAT Base
Description Station

random access frequency series

beyond cell TDD base
radius. For High- stations
details, see 7.1.6 frequency DBS3900
Optimization of Non- TDD LampSite
RA Beyond Cell and
Radius. DBS5900

Added support None High- 3900 and

for 120 kHz frequency 5900
subcarrier TDD series
spacing (SCS) base
used by the stations
PRACH in high
frequency bands.
For details, see Overview.

Added support None FDD 3900 and

for PRACH root Low- 5900
sequence conflict frequency series
detection and TDD base
self-optimization. High- stations
For details, see frequency DBS3900
7.1.5 PRACH Root LampSite
Sequence Conflict TDD
Detection and Self- and
optimization. DBS5900

Added support Added the NRDUCellPrach.PrachThldIncreaseRate FDD 3900 and

for an increased parameter. Low- 5900
PRACH frequency series
preamble TDD base
detection stations
threshold. For DBS3900
details, see 7.1.3 LampSite
Increasing the and
PRACH Preamble
Detection Threshold.

Changed the None FDD 3900 and

name of U2020 Low- 5900
to MAE-Access frequency series
and the name of TDD base
CME to MAE- High- stations
Change Parameter Change RAT Base
Description Station

Deployment. frequency DBS3900

TDD LampSite

Editorial Changes

 Added descriptions of physical broadcast channel (PBCH) channel management. For

details, see 4 PBCH Channel Management.
 Added descriptions of PRACH channel management. For details, see 7 PRACH Channel
Management. Deleted descriptions of the RA procedure. For details about the RA
procedure, see 5G Networking and Signaling.
 Deleted the descriptions of uplink timing. For details about uplink timing, see 5G
Networking and Signaling.

 Reorganized the document and optimized descriptions.

2 About This Document

2.1 General Statements


Feature Parameter Description documents are intended to acquaint readers with:

 The technical principles of features and their related parameters
 The scenarios where these features are used, the benefits they provide, and the impact
they have on networks and functions
 Requirements of the operating environment that must be met before feature activation
 Parameter configuration required for feature activation, verification of feature
activation, and monitoring of feature performance

This document only provides guidance for feature activation. Feature deployment and feature gains
depend on the specifics of the network scenario where the feature is deployed. To achieve the desired
gains, contact Huawei professional service engineers.
Software Interfaces

Any parameters, alarms, counters, or managed objects (MOs) described in Feature Parameter
Description documents apply only to the corresponding software release. For future software
releases, refer to the corresponding updated product documentation.
2.2 Features in This Document

This document describes the following features.

Feature ID Feature Name Chapter/Section

FBFD- Channel Management 4 PBCH Channel Management

010009 5 PDCCH Channel Management
6 PUCCH Channel Management
7 PRACH Channel Management
8 CSI-RS Resource Management
9 SRS Resource Management

2.3 Differences Between NR FDD and NR TDD

Function Name Difference Chapter/Section

Physical broadcast This function is supported by both NR FDD 4 PBCH Channel

channel (PBCH) and NR TDD, with the following differences: Management
channel management The supported time-domain patterns vary
between NR FDD and NR TDD.

Physical downlink This function is supported by both NR FDD 5 PDCCH Channel

control channel and NR TDD, with the following differences: Management
(PDCCH) channel NR TDD allows for one or two PDCCH
management symbols, whereas NR FDD allows for one,
two, or three PDCCH symbols.
In NR TDD, the adaptively configured uplink-
to-downlink CCE ratio of the PDCCH takes
effect in each individual slot transmitting DCI
for both uplink and downlink scheduling.
NR FDD has a relative small number of
CCEs. To ensure coverage, the adaptively
configured uplink-to-downlink CCE ratio of
the PDCCH does not directly take effect in
each individual slot. Instead, the average
resource ratio is guaranteed to reach this
adaptively configured ratio.

Physical uplink control None 6 PUCCH Channel

channel (PUCCH) Management
channel management

Physical random This function is supported by both NR FDD 7 PRACH Channel

access channel and NR TDD, with the following differences: Management
Function Name Difference Chapter/Section

(PRACH) channel The supported random access (RA)

management preamble formats, PRACH configuration
indexes, and the number of physical
resource blocks (PRBs) for the PRACH vary
between NR FDD and NR TDD. For details,
see Overview and 7.1.2 Time-Frequency
Resources for RA.

Channel state This function is supported by both NR FDD 8 CSI-RS Resource

information-reference and NR TDD, with the following differences: Management
signal (CSI-RS) Only NR TDD, not NR FDD, allows for CSI-
resource management RS for beam measurement (CSI-RS for BM).

Sounding reference This function is supported by both NR FDD 9 SRS Resource

signal (SRS) resource and NR TDD, with the following differences: Management
management NR FDD only supports SRS resources with
usage set to codebook, whereas NR TDD
supports SRS resources with usage set to
codebook and antennaSwitching.
SRS is transmitted in uplink-only slots in NR
FDD and in self-contained slots in NR TDD.

NR FDD only involves low frequency bands, and therefore this section describes only the differences between NR
FDD and low-frequency NR TDD. It does not involve high frequency band scenarios.

2.4 Differences Between NSA and SA

Function Name Difference Chapter/Section

PBCH channel None 4 PBCH Channel

management Management

PDCCH channel None 5 PDCCH Channel

management Management

PUCCH channel None 6 PUCCH Channel

management Management

PRACH channel None 7 PRACH Channel

management Management

CSI-RS resource None 8 CSI-RS Resource

management Management

SRS resource None 9 SRS Resource

management Management
2.5 Differences Between High Frequency Bands and Low Frequency Bands

In this document, low frequency bands refer to those belonging to FR1 (410–7125 MHz), and
high frequency bands refer to those belonging to FR2 (24250–52600 MHz). For details about
FR1 and FR2, see section 5.1 "General" in 3GPP TS 38.104 V15.5.0.

Function Name Difference Chapter/Section

PBCH channel This function is supported in both high and 4 PBCH Channel
management low frequency bands, with the following Management
Both SA networking and NSA networking are
supported in low frequency bands, and only
NSA networking is supported in high
frequency bands.

PDCCH channel This function is supported in both high and 5 PDCCH Channel
management low frequency bands, with the following Management
Both SA networking and NSA networking are
supported in low frequency bands, and only
NSA networking is supported in high
frequency bands.

PUCCH channel This function is supported in both high and 6 PUCCH Channel
management low frequency bands, with the following Management
Both SA networking and NSA networking are
supported in low frequency bands, and only
NSA networking is supported in high
frequency bands.
Cell-level PUCCH time-frequency formats
include short formats and long formats. Both
short formats and long formats are
supported in low frequency bands, and only
short formats are supported in high
frequency bands.
Symbol number adaptation in short PUCCH
formats is supported only in high frequency
bands. Symbol number adaptation in long
PUCCH formats is supported only in low
frequency bands.
CSI reporting period adaptation is supported
in low frequency bands, but not in high
frequency bands.

PRACH channel This function is supported in both high and 7 PRACH Channel
management low frequency bands, with the following Management
Both SA networking and NSA networking are
Function Name Difference Chapter/Section

supported in low frequency bands, and only

NSA networking is supported in high
frequency bands.
The supported RA preamble formats,
PRACH configuration indexes, and the
number of PRBs for the PRACH are different
in high and low frequency bands.

CSI-RS resource This function is supported in both high and 8 CSI-RS Resource
management low frequency bands, with the following Management
Both SA networking and NSA networking are
supported in low frequency bands, and only
NSA networking is supported in high
frequency bands.
Periodic CSI-RS for CM and aperiodic CSI-
RS for CM are supported in low frequency
bands, and only aperiodic CSI-RS for CM is
supported in high frequency bands.
CSI-RS for BM is supported only in low
frequency bands.

SRS resource This function is supported in both high and 9 SRS Resource
management low frequency bands, with the following Management
Both SA networking and NSA networking are
supported in low frequency bands, and only
NSA networking is supported in high
frequency bands.
The periodic mode is used in low frequency
bands, and the aperiodic mode is used in
high frequency bands.
SRS period adaptation applies only in the
periodic mode and only in low frequency

3 Overview

Channel resource management maximizes data volume by offering proper signaling resource
configurations, which minimize signaling resource consumption and ensure signaling
demodulation performance. In an NR system, resource management is performed for each
physical channel, as described in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1 Resource management for channels
Channel Resource Management

Downlink PBCH 4 PBCH Channel Management

channel PDCCH 5 PDCCH Channel Management

Physical downlink shared channel (PDSCH) For details, see Scheduling.

Uplink PUCCH 6 PUCCH Channel Management

channel PRACH 7 PRACH Channel Management

Physical uplink shared channel (PUSCH) For details, see Scheduling.

In addition to the channel resource management outlined in the preceding table, this document
also presents CSI-RS (downlink physical signal) and SRS (uplink physical signal) resource
management. For more information, see 8 CSI-RS Resource Management and 9 SRS Resource

For more information on physical channels and physical signals, see 3GPP TS 38.211 "NR;
Physical channels and modulation."
For details of each channel's power configurations, see Power Control.

4 PBCH Channel Management

4.1 Principles

The PBCH broadcasts the system configurations of a cell.

Position of the PBCH

On an NR network, a synchronization signal and PBCH block (SSB), involved in beam

sweeping, carries the PBCH, primary synchronization signal (PSS), and secondary
synchronization signal (SSS). An SSB spreads over four consecutive symbols in the time domain
and 20 resource blocks (RBs) in the frequency domain. Figure 4-1 shows an example SSB, in
which the PSS and SSS spread over symbols 0 and 2 of the SSB, respectively, and the PBCH
spreads over symbols 1 and 3 and some resource elements (REs) of symbol 2.
The master information block (MIB) is mapped to the REs of the PBCH and carried in an
exclusive RRC message transmitted over the transport channel BCH. The BCH has a predefined
transport format, which enables a UE to receive the MIB over the BCH to obtain information
necessary for accessing the network without the need to obtain other information from the
Figure 4-1 Example SSB

Table 4-1 OFDM symbols and subcarriers within an SSB for signals and the channel
Channel or Signal OFDM Symbol Number Subcarrier Number

PSS 0 56, 57, ..., 182

SSS 2 56, 57, ..., 182

Set to 0 0 0, 1, ..., 55, 183, 184, ..., 239

2 48, 49, ..., 55, 183, 184, ..., 191

PBCH 1, 3 0, 1, ..., 239

Channel or Signal OFDM Symbol Number Subcarrier Number

2 0, 1, ..., 47
192, 193, ..., 239

Demodulation 1, 3 0+v, 4+v, 8+v, ..., 236+v

reference signal
(DMRS) for the 2 0+v, 4+v, 8+v, ..., 44+v
PBCH 192+v, 196+v, ..., 236+v

Note: "v" indicates the value returned by cell PCI mod 4. For more information, see section "Time-frequency structure of an SS/PBCH block" in 3GPP TS 38.211 V15.7.0.

 Frequency-domain position
NR allows for flexible configurations of the frequency-domain position of an SSB.
The NRDUCell.SsbFreqPos parameter specifies the SSB's frequency-domain position
in a cell, and the NRDUCell.SsbDescMethod parameter specifies the description
method of the SSB's frequency-domain position. For details, see Cell Management.
 Time-domain pattern
NR introduces the following SSB patterns in the time domain: case A, case B, case C,
case D, and case E, which suit different subcarrier spacing (SCS) values and frequency
bands. The maximum number of SSBs and the position of the start symbol vary
among the patterns, as shown in Figure 4-2. For details about the SCS values supported
in the current version, see Cell Management.
Figure 4-2 Time-domain SSB pattern
lists the 3GPP specifications-defined maximum number of SSBs on different
Table 4-2
working frequencies.
Table 4-2 Maximum number of SSBs in different frequency bands
Working Frequency (F) Maximum Number of SSBs

F ≤ 3 GHz FDD: 4
TDD (F ≤ 2.4 GHz): 4
TDD (F > 2.4 GHz): 8

3 GHz < F ≤ 6 GHz 8

F > 6 GHz 64

For more information, see section 4.1 "Cell Search" in 3GPP TS 38.213 V15.6.0.

PBCH and SSB Beams

 Number of SSB beams

Each SSB has a unique number, known as an SSB index. In low frequency bands, the
index is directly obtained from the PBCH DMRS. In high frequency bands, the least
and the most significant three bits of the index are obtained from the PBCH DMRS
and MIB, respectively.
The actual number of SSB beams (each corresponding to an SSB index) transmitted in
a cell depends on configurations such as slot assignment and scenario-specific beam
configurations. The number must be less than or equal to the maximum number of
SSBs defined in 3GPP specifications. SIB1 or RRC signaling can indicate which SSBs
are not transmitted and the PDSCH can be transmitted in the corresponding vacant
positions. For more information on slot assignment, see Standards Compliance. For more
information on scenario-specific beams, see Beam Management in low frequency bands
and mmWave Beam Management (High-Frequency TDD) in high frequency bands.
 SSB beam sweeping period
An 80 ms period of SSB transmission is applied. Within each 80 ms period, the
gNodeB repeats SSB beam sweeping over the air interface in a specified case (SSB
pattern). The SSB beam sweeping period can be specified by the NRDUCell.SsbPeriod
parameter. The default SSB beam sweeping period is 20 ms, allowing for four
repetitions of SSB beam sweeping within 80 ms. Each round of beam sweeping is
completed within 5 ms.
Figure 4-3 shows an example of an SSB time sequence diagram.

According to 3GPP TS 38.213 (Release 15), UEs expect the gNodeB to perform SSB beam sweeping
with a period of 20 ms during initial cell selection. If the actual SSB beam sweeping period is longer
than 20 ms, the UE access delay may increase, depending on SSB beam detection policies used by UEs.
If the SSB beam sweeping period is 5 ms, the SSB and Remaining Minimum SI (RMSI) may be
scheduled in the same subframe. In such cases, scheduling of the RMSI fails due to insufficient
downlink resources.
Figure 4-3 Example SSB time sequence diagram (case C for 3.5 GHz as an example)

4.2 Network Analysis

4.2.1 Benefits

PBCH channel management enables PBCH resources to be properly used to improve network
4.2.2 Impacts

4.3 Requirements
4.3.1 Licenses

This function is a basic function and is not under license control.

4.3.2 Software

Prerequisite Functions


Mutually Exclusive Functions

4.3.3 Hardware

Base Station Models

3900 and 5900 series base stations. 3900 series base stations must be configured with the
DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite. DBS3900 LampSite must be configured with the


All NR-capable main control boards and baseband processing units support this function. To
learn which main control boards and baseband processing units are NR-capable, see the related
BBU technical specifications in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Product Documentation.

RF Modules

All NR-capable RF modules support this function. For details about NR-capable RF modules,
see technical specifications of the related RF modules in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station
Product Documentation.
4.3.4 Others

4.4 Operation and Maintenance

4.4.1 Data Configuration Data Preparation

This function is a basic function and takes effect by default. Activation is not required. Table 4-3
describes the parameters used for function optimization.
Table 4-3 Parameters used for optimization
Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes

SSB Period NRDUCell.SsbPeriod Retain the default value.

Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes

A shorter SSB beam sweeping period

results in more overheads. An SSB
beam sweeping period longer than 20
ms increases access delay. Using MML Commands

Activation Command Examples

This function is a basic function and takes effect by default. Activation is not required.

Optimization Command Examples

//Setting the SSB period

MOD NRDUCELL: NrDuCellId=0, SsbPeriod=MS20;

Deactivation Command Examples

N/A Using the MAE-Deployment

For detailed operations, see Feature Configuration Using the MAE-Deployment.

4.4.2 Activation Verification

This function is a basic function and takes effect by default. Activation verification is not
4.4.3 Network Monitoring

This function is a basic function that ensures basic service performance. Monitoring is not

5 PDCCH Channel Management

5.1 Principles


The PDCCH carries downlink control information (DCI), which can be SRS DCI or CSI-RS
DCI. DCI carries the following information:
 Downlink grants
These include information such as the PDSCH resource indication, modulation and
coding scheme (MCS), and HARQ process. DCI formats 1_0 and 1_1 are supported.
 Uplink grants
These include information such as the PUSCH resource indication and MCS. DCI
formats 0_0 and 0_1 are supported.
 Transmit power control (TPC) commands
These include the TPC commands for the PUSCH for a group of UEs, supplementing
the TPC commands for the PUSCH and PUCCH in uplink grants.

For more information on DCI formats, see section 7.3 "Downlink control information" in 3GPP TS
38.212 (Release 15).

Position of the PDCCH

Each slot is 14 symbols (numbered 0 to 13) long. In accordance with NR protocols, the PDCCH
of a cell spreads over the first one to three symbols of a slot, as shown in Figure 5-1, where each
cell in the grid represents an RE. In the current version, NR TDD allows the PDCCH to spread
over one or two symbols. NR FDD allows the PDCCH to spread over one, two, or three symbols.
Figure 5-1 Position of the PDCCH

In high frequency bands, the number of PDCCH symbols can be specified by the
NRDUCellPdcch.OccupiedSymbolNum parameter.
In low frequency bands, the number of PDCCH symbols can be statically or adaptively
 Static configuration: Set the NRDUCellPdcch.OccupiedSymbolNum parameter to
specify the number of occupied symbols.
 Adaptive configuration: Select the UE_PDCCH_SYM_NUM_ADAPT_SW option
of the NRDUCellPdcch.PdcchAlgoExtSwitch parameter to enable adaptive
configuration. After this function is enabled, the number of PDCCH symbols is
adaptively adjusted based on required control channel elements (CCEs) and the setting
of the NRDUCellPdcch.OccupiedSymbolNum parameter no longer takes effect. Then,
all UEs are notified of the new number of symbols through an RRCReconfiguration
message. The adjustment occurs in the following scenarios:
 When the PDCCH requires a small number of CCEs, the number of
PDCCH symbols decreases and spared time-frequency resources are
allocated to the PDSCH.
 When the PDCCH requires many CCEs, the number of PDCCH symbols
increases until the number reaches the maximum value allowed in static

PDCCH Uplink-to-Downlink CCE Ratio

For a slot transmitting DCI for uplink and downlink scheduling, the percentage of available
CCEs for uplink scheduling can be statically or adaptively configured.
 Static configuration: Specify the NRDUCellPdcch.UlMaxCcePct parameter. In uplink
and downlink decoupling scenarios, the NRDUCellPdcch.SulMaxCcePct parameter is
used to adjust the percentage of CCEs for SUL.
 A larger value of this parameter results in a higher proportion of available
CCEs for uplink scheduling and a lower proportion of available CCEs for
downlink scheduling, decreasing the chances of downlink scheduling.
 A smaller value of this parameter results in a lower proportion of available
CCEs for uplink scheduling and a higher proportion of available CCEs for
downlink scheduling, decreasing the chances of uplink scheduling.
 Adaptive configuration: Select the UL_DL_CCE_RATIO_ADAPT_SW option of
the NRDUCellPdcch.PdcchAlgoSwitch parameter to enable adaptive configuration.
After this function is enabled, the ratio of available CCEs for uplink scheduling to
available CCEs for downlink scheduling is adaptively adjusted based on factors such
as required CCEs for uplink and downlink scheduling and CCE usage, and the setting
of the NRDUCellPdcch.UlMaxCcePct parameter no longer takes effect. Adaptive
configuration is enabled by default.
In NR TDD, the adaptively configured resource ratio takes effect in each individual
slot transmitting DCI for uplink and downlink scheduling.
NR FDD has a relative small number of CCEs. To ensure coverage, the adaptively
configured resource ratio does not directly take effect in each individual slot. Instead,
the average resource ratio is guaranteed to reach the adaptively configured resource
In NR FDD 5 MHz scenarios, adaptive configuration takes effect by default and is not
controlled by this option.
In low frequency bands, a CPE performs blind detection of a maximum 96 PDCCH RBs. In high frequency bands, a
CPE performs blind detection of a maximum 48 PDCCH RBs. For CPE users, the effective resource ratio is subject
to the CPE's blind detection capability.

PDCCH Aggregation Level

A CCE is the smallest resource unit for PDCCH transmission. One CCE contains six resource
element groups (REGs) and each REG corresponds to a single RB. Depending on the bit rate, the
gNodeB allocates 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 CCEs for the PDCCH. The number of CCEs allocated to the
PDCCH corresponds to aggregation level 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 stipulated in 3GPP specifications.
Aggregation level 1, which is not supported in the current version, indicates that the PDCCH
spreads over one CCE, while aggregation level 2 indicates that the PDCCH spreads over two
CCEs. The same rules apply to other aggregation levels.
 PDCCH aggregation level 16 provides the lowest bit rate and offers the best
demodulation performance.
In most cases, cell center users (CCUs) experience good signal quality. Applying
PDCCH aggregation level 16 to all UEs in a cell is a waste of PDCCH CCEs, as
CCUs do not require such a level.
 PDCCH aggregation level 1 provides the highest bit rate and offers the worst
demodulation performance.
UEs located at a medium distance from the cell center and cell edge users (CEUs)
experience relatively poor signal quality. If PDCCH aggregation level 1 is applied to
all UEs in a cell, the PDCCH may not be correctly demodulated by UEs located at a
medium distance from the cell center and CEUs.
By default, the gNodeB selects an appropriate PDCCH aggregation level based on the PDCCH
channel quality (calculated based on the PDSCH SINR) and the PDCCH block error rate (BLER)
to enable the PDCCH BLER to converge to the target BLER. The target PDCCH BLER is
specified by the NRDUCellPdcch.PdcchBlerTarget parameter.
The AGG_LVL_INIT_SELECT_OPT_SW option of the
NRDUCellPdcch.PdcchAlgoEnhSwitch parameter determines whether to enable PDCCH initial
aggregation level selection optimization. When this option is selected, the gNodeB optimizes
PDCCH initial aggregation level selection based on uplink measurement information and cell
load information. Under desirable channel conditions and heavy cell load, the gNodeB lowers
the PDCCH aggregation level to increase the number of UEs allowed by PDCCH resources.

PDCCH Modulation Scheme

The modulation scheme quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) is applied on the PDCCH.

PDCCH Frequency-Domain Resource Range

When the PDCCH rate matching function is disabled, each PDCCH symbol in a cell spreads
over a full bandwidth.
When the PDCCH rate matching function is enabled, the frequency-domain resources for each
PDCCH symbol in a cell are specified by the NRDUCellPdcch.OccupiedRbNum parameter.
 When the value of the NRDUCellPdcch.OccupiedRbNum parameter is 0 or greater than
or equal to the corresponding downlink system bandwidth specified by the
NRDUCell.DlBandwidth parameter, the PDCCH spreads over a full bandwidth.
 When the value of the NRDUCellPdcch.OccupiedRbNum parameter is greater than 0
and is less than the corresponding downlink system bandwidth specified by the
NRDUCell.DlBandwidth parameter, the frequency-domain resources for the PDCCH
are specified by the NRDUCellPdcch.OccupiedRbNum parameter.
 A smaller value of this parameter allows the PDCCH to use fewer
frequency-domain resources in a cell. This leads to more available resources
for the PDSCH and larger PDSCH capacity improvement.
 A larger value of this parameter leads to the opposite effects.
The NRDUCellPdcch.OccupiedRbNum parameter needs to be configured based on UE
distribution in a cell, to adapt to uplink and downlink DCI-indicated scheduling and
prevent access failures or service drops caused by scheduling failures. For details, see

For more information on the PDCCH rate matching function, see Scheduling.

5.2 Network Analysis

5.2.1 Benefits

PDCCH channel management enables PDCCH resources to be properly used to improve network
5.2.2 Impacts

Network Impacts

 After PDCCH symbol number adaptation takes effect, the changes in the number of
PDCCH symbols triggers RRC reconfiguration for all UEs. This may increase the
service drop rate.
 An increase in the number of PDCCH symbols, for example, from 1 to 2, has the
following impacts:
 An increase occurs in the number of available CCEs, and probably in the
number of UEs scheduled in uplink in each TTI (N.User.Schedule.Ul.Sum) and
the number of UEs scheduled in downlink in each TTI
(N.User.Schedule.Dl.Sum). In enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), the
uplink and downlink PRB usages and cell throughput may increase, and the
packet delay may decrease.
 An increase in the number of PDCCH symbols expands available CCEs
(N.CCE.Avail.Avg) and may decrease the CCE usage
 An increase in the number of PDCCH symbols reduces the number of
PDSCH symbols. In the case of PDSCH congestion not accompanied by
PDCCH congestion, throughput may decrease, and the packet delay may
 A decrease in the number of PDCCH symbols, for example, from 2 to 1, has the
following impacts:
 A decrease occurs in the number of available CCEs, and probably in the
number of UEs scheduled in uplink in each TTI (N.User.Schedule.Ul.Sum) and
the number of UEs scheduled in downlink in each TTI
(N.User.Schedule.Dl.Sum). In eMBB, the uplink and downlink PRB usages
may decrease, and the packet delay may increase.
 A decrease in the number of PDCCH symbols causes available CCEs
(N.CCE.Avail.Avg) to decrease and may increase the CCE usage
 A decrease in the number of PDCCH symbols increases the number of
PDSCH symbols. In the case of PDSCH congestion not accompanied by
PDCCH congestion, throughput may increase, and the packet delay may

Function Impacts

RAT Function Function Switch Reference Description



Low- rate option of the matching function is enabled,
frequency matching NRDUCellPdsch.RateMatchSwitc it is recommended that the
TDD h parameter NRDUCellPdcch.UlMaxCcePc
t parameter (indicating the
frequency maximum percentage of
TDD uplink available CCEs) be
set to 50.
 If this parameter is
set to a value less
than 50, the CCEs
used for DCI
containing uplink
information may
be insufficient.
This can cause
transmission of the
RAT Function Function Switch Reference Description

DCI containing
uplink scheduling
information to fail,
resulting in
failures. As a
result, RRC
reconfiguration is
triggered over the
air interface.
 If this parameter is
set to a value
greater than 50,
the CCEs used for
DCI containing
information may
be insufficient,

5.3 Requirements

5.3.1 Licenses

This function is a basic function and is not under license control.

5.3.2 Software

Prerequisite Functions


Mutually Exclusive Functions

RAT Functi Function Switch Refere Description

on nce


FDD W option of the FDD adaptation is enabled (the
and NR
and NRDUCellAlgoSwitch.Spectru Spectru UE_PDCCH_SYM_NUM_ADAPT_S
NR mCloudSwitch parameter m W option of the
RAT Functi Function Switch Refere Description
on nce

spectr Sharing NRDUCellPdcch.PdcchAlgoExtSwitch

um parameter is selected), LTE FDD and
sharin NR spectrum sharing cannot be
g enabled. For details about the
number of PDCCH symbols in an NR
cell enabled with LTE FDD and NR
spectrum sharing, see LTE FDD and NR
Spectrum Sharing.

FDD PDCC PDCCH_RATEMATCH_SW Schedul When PDCCH symbol number

H rate option of the ing adaptation is enabled (the
freque matchi NRDUCellPdsch.RateMatchSwit UE_PDCCH_SYM_NUM_ADAPT_S
ncy ng ch parameter W option of the
TDD NRDUCellPdcch.PdcchAlgoExtSwitch
parameter is selected), the PDCCH
rate matching function cannot be
enabled. Restrictions are placed on
the number of PDCCH symbols when
PDCCH rate matching is enabled. For
details, see Scheduling.

FDD Any- ANY_OCCASION_PDCCH_S None When PDCCH symbol number

Low- occasi W option of the adaptation is enabled (the
freque on NRDUCellAlgoSwitch.LowLate UE_PDCCH_SYM_NUM_ADAPT_S
ncy PDCC ncySwitch parameter W option of the
TDD H NRDUCellPdcch.PdcchAlgoExtSwitch
parameter is selected), the function of
transmitting the PDCCH at any
occasion in a non-slot symbol for
short-latency optimization cannot be
enabled. When any-occasion PDCCH
is enabled, PDCCH symbols are
transmitted at many occasions and
symbol number adaptation is not

Low- DL INTRA_GNB_DL_JT_SW CoMP When PDCCH symbol number

freque CoMP option of the (Low- adaptation is enabled (the
ncy NRDUCellAlgoSwitch.CompSw ncy UE_PDCCH_SYM_NUM_ADAPT_S
TDD itch parameter TDD) W option of the
parameter is selected), DL CoMP
cannot be enabled. When DL CoMP
is enabled, the number of PDCCH
symbols must be the same for the
cooperating cells and serving cell,
and symbol number adaptation is not
RAT Functi Function Switch Refere Description
on nce



H rate option of the ing rate matching function cannot be
freque matchi NRDUCellPdsch.RateMatchSwit enabled when either of the following
ncy ng ch parameter conditions is met:
TDD  NRDUCellPdcch.Occupied
High- SymbolNum is set to 2SYM
freque (indicating two UE-specific
ncy PDCCH symbols).
TDD  NRDUCellCoreset.Commo
nCtrlResRbNum is set to
RB24 or RB96 (indicating
two common PDCCH
In NR FDD scenarios, the PDCCH
rate matching function cannot be
enabled when either of the following
conditions is met:
 NRDUCellPdcch.Occupied
SymbolNum is set to 2SYM
nCtrlResRbNum is set to
RB48 (indicating two UE-
specific PDCCH symbols
and one common PDCCH
symbol, respectively).
 NRDUCellPdcch.Occupied
SymbolNum is set to 1SYM
nCtrlResRbNum is set to
RB24 or RB96 (indicating
one UE-specific PDCCH
symbol and two common
PDCCH symbols,
 The
SymbolNum parameter is set
to 3SYM.

5.3.3 Hardware
Base Station Models

3900 and 5900 series base stations. 3900 series base stations must be configured with the
DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite. DBS3900 LampSite must be configured with the


All NR-capable main control boards and baseband processing units support this function. To
learn which main control boards and baseband processing units are NR-capable, see the related
BBU technical specifications in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Product Documentation.

RF Modules

All NR-capable RF modules support this function. For details about NR-capable RF modules,
see technical specifications of the related RF modules in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station
Product Documentation.
5.3.4 Others

5.4 Operation and Maintenance

5.4.1 Data Configuration Data Preparation

This function is a basic function and takes effect by default. Activation is not required. Table 5-1
describes the parameters used for function optimization.
Table 5-1 Parameters used for optimization
Parameter Parameter ID Option Setting Notes

Occupied NRDUCellPdcch.Occupied None Set this parameter to its

Symbol SymbolNum recommended value.

Uplink NRDUCellPdcch.UlMaxCce None Set this parameter

Maximum Pct based on the
CCE proportions of UEs
Percentag running uplink services
e and UEs running
downlink services.

Number NRDUCellPdcch.Occupied None This parameter is

of RbNum configurable when the
RBs SW option of the
Parameter Parameter ID Option Setting Notes

tchSwitchparameter is
selected. Set this
parameter as required.

PDCCH NRDUCellPdcch.PdcchBler None Set this parameter as

BLER Target required.

PDCCH NRDUCellPdcch.PdcchAlg UL_DL_CCE_RATIO_ADAP Set this parameter to its

Algorithm oSwitch T_SW recommended value.

PDCCH NRDUCellPdcch.PdcchAlg UE_PDCCH_SYM_NUM_A Set this parameter to its

Algorithm oExtSwitch DAPT_SW recommended value.

PDCCH NRDUCellPdcch.PdcchAlg AGG_LVL_INIT_SELECT_O Set this parameter to its

Algorithm oEnhSwitch PT_SW recommended value.
Switch Using MML Commands

Activation Command Examples

Not involved

Optimization Command Examples

//Setting the number of PDCCH symbols to 2 for a cell (required when PDCCH
symbol number adaptation is disabled)
//Setting the maximum percentage of uplink available CCEs to 50% for a cell
//Configuring a full bandwidth for the PDCCH for a cell in the frequency
//Configuring the target PDCCH BLER
//Enabling PDCCH uplink-to-downlink CCE ratio adaptation
//Enabling UE-specific PDCCH symbol number adaptation
//Enabling initial aggregation level selection optimization

Deactivation Command Examples

Not involved Using the MAE-Deployment

For detailed operations, see Feature Configuration Using the MAE-Deployment.

5.4.2 Activation Verification

This function is a basic function and takes effect by default. Activation verification is not
5.4.3 Network Monitoring

This function is a basic function that ensures basic service performance. Monitoring is not

6 PUCCH Channel Management

6.1 Principles

The PUCCH carries uplink control information (UCI), which contains the following:
 Acknowledgement (ACK) and negative acknowledgement (NACK) feedback
Hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) ACK and NACK feedback for PDSCH
 Channel state information (CSI)
CSI-RS measurement results, such as CQI, precoding matrix indication (PMI), and
rank indication (RI)

CSI-RS refers to CSI-RS for channel measurement (CSI-RS for CM), which is used for downlink
channel state measurements. For more information on CSI-RS for CM, see 8 CSI-RS Resource

 Uplink scheduling request (SR)

Resource request for PUSCH scheduling
UCI formats include format 0, format 1, format 2, format 3, and format 4. For more information,
see section 6.3 "Uplink control information" in 3GPP TS 38.212 (Release 15).
PUCCH channel management works as follows:
1. The gNodeB performs cell-level PUCCH configuration. For more information, see
Cell-level PUCCH Configuration.

2. The gNodeB allocates resources to UEs based on cell-level PUCCH configurations.

For more information, see PUCCH Resource Allocation.
3. Based on the resources allocated by the gNodeB, UEs select a proper resource unit
for UCI transmission over the PUCCH. For more information, see Resource Unit

Cell-level PUCCH Configuration

PUCCH time-frequency resources are configured on a per cell basis. Cell-level PUCCH time-
frequency formats include short formats and long formats, depending on the setting of the
NRDUCellPucch.StructureType parameter.
In low frequency bands, both short formats and long formats are supported. Long formats are
recommended and used by default in low frequency bands. This is because long formats provide
better coverage than short formats and can guarantee the maximum number of supported UEs,
whereas short formats do not provide such guarantee.
In high frequency bands, only short formats are supported. This is because the default parameter
settings of short formats can guarantee the maximum number of supported UEs owing to the
limitations on analog beams.
Short format
Short PUCCH formats include format 0 or format 2, with time-frequency formats illustrated in
Figure 6-1 and Figure 6-2, respectively.

When a short format is used in low frequency bands, the time-domain resources are specified by
the NRDUCellPucch.ShortPucchSymbolNum parameter and this parameter can only be set to
SYMBOL1 or SYMBOL2, and a full bandwidth is used in the frequency domain.
In high frequency bands, only short formats are supported. In the time domain, static
configuration and adaptive configuration are supported, and a full bandwidth is used in the
frequency domain.
 Static configuration: If the PUCCH_RES_ADAPTIVE_SWITCH option of the
NRDUCellPucch.PucchAlgoSwitch parameter is deselected, the time-domain resources
are specified by the NRDUCellPucch.ShortPucchSymbolNum parameter.
 Adaptive configuration: If the PUCCH_RES_ADAPTIVE_SWITCH option of the
NRDUCellPucch.PucchAlgoSwitch parameter is selected, the number of PUCCH
symbols in the time domain is adaptively adjusted based on the number of UEs and
load. If this option is selected, the number of PUCCH symbols for different
component carriers (CCs) may be adaptively adjusted to different values. This setting
may result in conflicts between PUCCH beams and PUSCH beams, causing PUSCH
scheduling to fail and affecting uplink performance. Therefore, it is not recommended
that this option be selected in the current version.
Figure 6-1 Per-RB time-frequency format in format 0

Figure 6-2 Per-RB time-frequency format in format 2

Long format
Long PUCCH formats include format 1, format 3, or format 4, with time-frequency formats
illustrated in Figure 6-3 and Figure 6-4. Format 1, format 3, and format 4 always use 14 symbols in
the time domain, and support adaptive and static configuration in the frequency domain.
 If the PUCCH_RBRES_ADAPTIVE_SWITCH option of the
NRDUCellPucch.PucchAlgoSwitch parameter is selected, the number of RBs for the
PUCCH in the frequency domain is adaptively adjusted based on the number of UEs
and load.
 If the PUCCH_RBRES_ADAPTIVE_SWITCH option of the
NRDUCellPucch.PucchAlgoSwitch parameter is deselected, the frequency-domain
resources are specified by the following parameters:
 Number of RBs for ACK and NACK feedback
 NRDUCellPucch.Format1RbNum
 NRDUCellPucch.Format3RbNum
 NRDUCellPucch.Format4RbNum
 Number of dedicated RBs for CSI reporting
 NRDUCellPucch.CsiDedicatedRbNum
 NRDUCellPucch.Format4CsiDedicatedRbNum
The total number of RBs configured for the PUCCH is limited in specific scenarios.
During configuration, the number of RBs in each format must be properly planned.
The scenarios are as follows:
 For a 20 MHz NR TDD cell, no more than 26 RBs can be configured for the
 If a supplementary uplink (SUL) cell not enabled with LTE and NR
spectrum sharing provides a bandwidth of 10 MHz, 15 MHz, or 20 MHz, no
more than 30 RBs can be configured for the PUCCH.
Figure 6-3 Per-RB time-frequency format in format 1
Figure 6-4 Per-RB time-frequency format in format 3 or format 4

PUCCH Resource Allocation

According to 3GPP specifications, PUCCH resources can be configured through RRC signaling
messages, semi-persistently (through MAC CE activation and deactivation), or adaptively
(through PDCCH DCI). MAC CE is short for Media Access Control Control Element.
According to 3GPP specifications, the following restrictions apply:
 PUCCH resources for SR transmission can be configured only through RRC signaling
 PUCCH resources for periodic CSI transmission can be configured through RRC
signaling messages or semi-persistently.
 PUCCH resources for ACK and NACK transmission can be configured through RRC
signaling messages or adaptively.
The current version is subject to the following implementation restrictions:
 PUCCH resources for SR transmission can only be statically configured.
Static PUCCH resource allocation for SR transmission works as follows: The gNodeB
allocates a UE one resource set, which is signaled in a higher-layer RRC message and
provides configurations such as the time-frequency position, index ID, start symbol,
and number of symbols.
The SR period can be statically or adaptively configured.
 If the SR_PERIOD_ADAPT_SWITCH option of the
NRDUCellPucch.SrResoureAlgoSwitch parameter is deselected, the SR
period is always specified by the NRDUCellPucch.SrPeriod parameter.
 If the SR_PERIOD_ADAPT_SWITCH option of the
NRDUCellPucch.SrResoureAlgoSwitch parameter is selected, the gNodeB
adaptively adjusts the SR period based on the number of UEs. If a cell
serves a small number of UEs, a short period is configured for newly
admitted UEs. As the number of admitted UEs increases, the gNodeB
configures a long SR period for some UEs for which shorter periods were
originally configured. This mechanism ensures that the number of UEs in a
cell can reach the maximum number allowed for the cell. The maximum SR
period for UEs is 80 ms.
 PUCCH resources for CSI reporting can only be statically configured, meaning semi-
persistent PUCCH resource allocation is not supported.
Static PUCCH resource allocation for CSI reporting works as follows: The gNodeB
allocates a UE one resource set, which is signaled in a higher-layer RRC message and
provides configurations such as the time-frequency position, index ID, start symbol,
and number of symbols.
The CSI reporting period for a low-frequency cell can be statically or adaptively
 Static configuration: If the CSI_REPORT_PERIOD_ADAPT_SWITCH
option of the NRDUCellPucch.CsiResoureAlgoSwitch parameter is
deselected, the CSI reporting period is always specified by the
NRDUCellPucch.CsiReportPeriod parameter.
For FDD cells, a larger one between the parameter value and the value of
NRDUCellCsirs.CsiPeriod is used as the CSI reporting period.
For TDD cells, a larger one between the parameter value and the value of
NRDUCellCsirs.CsiPeriod is used as the CSI reporting period.
For SUL cells, a larger one between the parameter value and the value of
NRDUCellCsirs.CsiPeriod divided by two is used as the CSI reporting
 Adaptive configuration: If the
NRDUCellPucch.CsiResoureAlgoSwitch parameter is selected, the gNodeB
adaptively adjusts the CSI reporting period based on the number of UEs. If
a cell serves a small number of UEs, a short period is configured for newly
admitted UEs. As the number of admitted UEs increases, the gNodeB
configures a long CSI reporting period for some UEs for which shorter
periods were originally configured. This mechanism ensures that the
number of UEs periodically transmitting CSI in a cell can reach the
maximum number allowed for the cell. The maximum CSI reporting period
for UEs is 160 ms.
In high-frequency cells, CSI can only be aperiodically reported. In aperiodic reporting,
CSI is reported on the PUSCH. For details about the PUSCH, see Scheduling.
 PUCCH resources for ACK and NACK transmission can be adaptively configured.
Adaptive PUCCH resource allocation for ACK and NACK transmission works as
 The gNodeB allocates a UE multiple resource sets (four defined in 3GPP
specifications and two supported in the current version), which are
signaled in a higher-layer RRC message. Each resource set includes up to
eight PUCCH resources, with each providing configurations such as the
time-frequency position, index ID, start symbol, and number of symbols.
 Based on PDSCH data scheduling, the gNodeB allocates one set of idle
PUCCH resources to a UE to transmit HARQ feedback, and signals the
resource set index through the DCI.

For more information on SR resource configuration, see "SchedulingRequestResourceConfig" in 3GPP TS 38.331

(Release 15).
For resource set definitions, see "PUCCH-Config" in 3GPP TS 38.331 (Release 15).

Resource Unit Selection

A UE selects appropriate time-frequency resources to transmit UCI based on the time-frequency

resource range indicated in the resource set. The UE selects a resource unit based on the PUCCH
time-frequency format.
 3GPP specifications define the resource unit in format 0 (short format) as one RB.
 3GPP specifications define the resource unit in format 2 (short format) as one RB to
16 RBs.
 3GPP specifications define the resource unit in format 1 (long format) as one RB.
 3GPP specifications define the resource unit in format 3 (long format) as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, or 16 RBs. In the current version, the resource unit is only one RB
in format 3 (long format).
 3GPP specifications define the resource unit in format 4 (long format) as one RB.

PUCCH Modulation Scheme

In the current version, in regard to short PUCCH formats, format 0 and format 2 are used. No
modulation scheme is used in format 0, and the modulation scheme QPSK is used in format 2.
In the current version, in regard to long PUCCH formats, format 1, format 3, and format 4 are
used. The modulation schemes binary phase shift keying (BPSK) and QPSK are respectively
used in format 1 with one bit and format 1 with two bits. The modulation scheme QPSK is used
in format 3 and format 4.
6.2 Network Analysis

6.2.1 Benefits

PUCCH channel management enables PUCCH resources to be properly used to improve network
6.2.2 Impacts

Network Impacts


Function Impacts

RAT Functio Function Switch Referen Description

n Name ce

Low- High- NRDUCell.HighSpeedFlag High Only long PUCCH time-frequency

freque speed Speed formats are supported by high-speed
ncy Railway (Low- cells (for which
TDD Superio Frequen NRDUCell.HighSpeedFlag is set to

FDD FDD NRDUCell.DuplexMode Cell Only long PUCCH time-frequency

cell Manage formats are supported by FDD cells
(for which NRDUCell.DuplexMode is set

FDD SUL NRDUCell.DuplexMode Cell Only long PUCCH time-frequency

Low- cell ment
formats are supported by SUL cells
freque (for which NRDUCell.DuplexMode is set
ncy to CELL_SUL).

High- High- NRDUCell.FrequencyBand Cell Only short PUCCH time-frequency

freque frequen Manage formats (specified by
ncy cy cell NRDUCellPucch.StructureType) are
TDD supported by high-frequency cells (for
which NRDUCell.FrequencyBand is set
to N257, N258, N260, or N261).

FDD Intra- INTRA_BAND_CA_SW Carrier If low-frequency cells use short

Low- band option of the
formats (specified by
freque CA NRDUCellAlgoSwitch.CaAlg NRDUCellPucch.StructureType), intra-
ncy oSwitch parameter band CA does not take effect and
TDD therefore long formats must be used.
High- Short formats (specified by
freque NRDUCellPucch.StructureType), if
ncy used in high-frequency cells, do not
TDD affect whether intra-band CA takes

FDD Intra- INTRA_FR_INTER_BAND_ Carrier If low-frequency cells use short

Aggrega formats (specified by
Low- FR CA_SW option of the
freque inter- NRDUCellAlgoSwitch.CaAlg NRDUCellPucch.StructureType), intra-
RAT Functio Function Switch Referen Description
n Name ce

ncy band oSwitch parameter FR inter-band CA does not take effect

TDD CA and therefore long formats must be
High-frequency cells currently do not
support intra-FR inter-band CA.

Low- Power NRDUCellUePwrSaving.Bw UE When power saving bandwidth part

freque saving pPwrSavingSw Power (BWP) takes effect, the cell-level
ncy BWP PUCCH time-frequency formats
TDD (specified by
NRDUCellPucch.StructureType) can
only be long formats.
When the
H option of the
parameter is deselected:
 In NSA networking, if
Num is set to 2, BWP2
(narrow bandwidth) cannot
be allocated to UEs.
 In SA networking, if the
option of the
ConfigPolicySwitch parameter
is selected and the
Num parameter is set to 2,
BWP2 (narrow bandwidth)
cannot be allocated to UEs.
If the
H option of the
parameter is deselected and the
parameter is set to 2, BWP2 (narrow
bandwidth) cannot be allocated to

Low- DL INTRA_GNB_DL_JT_SW CoMP When DL CoMP is in effect, it is

freque CoMP option of the (Low- recommended that the following
ncy NRDUCellAlgoSwitch.Comp cy TDD) functions be enabled: RB adaptation in
TDD Switch parameter long PUCCH formats (specified by the
RAT Functio Function Switch Referen Description
n Name ce

H option of the
parameter) and CSI reporting period
adaptation (specified by the
TCH option of the
parameter). This aims to protect non-
CoMP UEs against service drops
resulting from resource preemption by

6.3 Requirements

6.3.1 Licenses

This function is a basic function and is not under license control.

6.3.2 Software

Before activating this function, ensure that its prerequisite functions have been activated and
mutually exclusive functions have been deactivated. For detailed operations, see the relevant
feature documents.

Prerequisite Functions


Mutually Exclusive Functions

RAT Functio Function Switch Refere Description

n Name nce

Low- High- NRDUCell.HighSpeedFlag High This function is mutually exclusive with

freque speed Speed the following PUCCH sub-functions:
ncy Railway (Low-  SR period adaptation
TDD Superio Freque (specified by the
Experie TDD)
TCH option of the
nce NRDUCellPucch.SrResoure
AlgoSwitch parameter)
 RB adaptation in long
formats (specified by the
E_SWITCH option of the
RAT Functio Function Switch Refere Description
n Name nce

Switch parameter)
 Format 4, which is a long
format (specified by
Num or
DedicatedRbNum. The value
RB0 indicates that this
function does not take
 CSI reporting period
adaptation (specified by the
DAPT_SWITCH option of
eAlgoSwitch parameter)


FDD W option of the FDD Spectrum Sharing is mutually
and NR
and NR NRDUCellAlgoSwitch.Spectru Spectru exclusive with RB adaptation in long
Flash mCloudSwitch parameter m PUCCH formats (specified by the
c H option of the
Spectru NRDUCellPucch.PucchAlgoSwitch
m parameter).

High- None None None None


6.3.3 Hardware

Base Station Models

3900 and 5900 series base stations. 3900 series base stations must be configured with the
DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite. DBS3900 LampSite must be configured with the

All NR-capable main control boards and baseband processing units support this function. To
learn which main control boards and baseband processing units are NR-capable, see the related
BBU technical specifications in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Product Documentation.

RF Modules

All NR-capable RF modules support this function. For details about NR-capable RF modules,
see technical specifications of the related RF modules in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station
Product Documentation.
6.3.4 Others

Support for format 4 is optional for UEs. If format 4 is configured, UEs must support this format,
which is indicated by the pucch-F4-WithFH IE in the UECapabilityInformation message over the
Uu interface.
6.4 Operation and Maintenance

6.4.1 Data Configuration Data Preparation

This function is a basic function and takes effect by default. Activation is not required. Table 6-1
describes the parameters used for function optimization.
Table 6-1 Parameters used for optimization
Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes

Structure NRDUCellPucch.StructureType Set this parameter based on the

Type network plan.

Short NRDUCellPucch.ShortPucchSymbolNum This parameter must be specified if a

PUCCH short time-frequency format is used.
Symbol Retain the default value.

Format1 NRDUCellPucch.Format1RbNum This parameter must be specified if a

RB long time-frequency format is used.
Number Retain the default value.

Format3 NRDUCellPucch.Format3RbNum This parameter must be specified if a

RB long time-frequency format is used.
Number In low-speed TDD cells, if RB
adaptation is disabled and mainstream
UEs support format 4, it is
recommended that this parameter be
changed to RB8.
It is good practice to retain the default
value in other scenarios.

Format4 NRDUCellPucch.Format4RbNum This parameter must be specified if a

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes

RB long time-frequency format is used.

Number In low-speed TDD cells, if RB
adaptation is disabled and mainstream
UEs support format 4, it is
recommended that this parameter be
changed to RB6.
It is good practice to retain the default
value in other scenarios.

Format3 NRDUCellPucch.CsiDedicatedRbNum This parameter must be specified if a

CSI- long time-frequency format is used.
dedicated Retain the default value.

Format4 NRDUCellPucch.Format4CsiDedicatedRbNu This parameter must be specified if a

CSI- m long time-frequency format is used.
dedicated In low-speed TDD cells, if RB
RB adaptation is disabled and mainstream
Number UEs support format 4, the
recommended parameter settings
(based on the recommended
CsiReportPeriod value of SLOT80) are
as follows:
 If the UBBPfw is used, it is
good practice to set this
parameter to RB2 in cases
where the number of UEs is
less than or equal to 96, and
RB4 in cases where the
number of UEs is greater
than 96.
 If the UBBPg is used, it is
good practice to set this
parameter to RB2 in cases
where the number of UEs is
less than or equal to 96, RB4
in cases where the number
of UEs is greater than 96 but
less than or equal to 160,
RB6 in cases where the
number of UEs is greater
than 160 but less than or
equal to 224, RB8 in cases
where the number of UEs is
greater than 224.
Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes

It is good practice to retain the default

value in other scenarios.

SR NRDUCellPucch.SrPeriod The following are recommended SR

Perioda period settings depending on the
number of UEs:
For TDD cells established on the
 If the number of UEs is less
than or equal to 50, SLOT20
is recommended.
 If the number of UEs is
greater than 50 but less than
or equal to 100, SLOT40 is
 If the number of UEs is
greater than 100 but less
than or equal to 200,
SLOT80 is recommended.
 If the number of UEs is
greater than 200, SLOT160
is recommended.
For low-frequency TDD cells
established on the UBBPg:
 If the number of UEs is less
than or equal to 100,
SLOT20 is recommended.
 If the number of UEs is
greater than 100 but less
than or equal to 300,
SLOT40 is recommended.
 If the number of UEs is
greater than 300 but less
than or equal to 600,
SLOT80 is recommended.
 If the number of UEs is
greater than 600, SLOT160
is recommended.
For TDD high-frequency cells
established on the UBBPg:
 If the number of UEs is less
than or equal to 16, SLOT40
is recommended.
 If the number of UEs is
Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes

greater than 16 but less than

or equal to 32, SLOT80 is
 If the number of UEs is
greater than 32 but less than
or equal to 64, SLOT160 is
 If the number of UEs is
greater than 64 but less than
or equal to 128, SLOT320 is
 If the number of UEs is
greater than 128, SLOT640
is recommended.
For FDD cells:
 If the number of UEs is less
than or equal to 100,
SLOT20 is recommended.
 If the number of UEs is
greater than 100 but less
than or equal to 200,
SLOT40 is recommended.
 If the number of UEs is
greater than 200, SLOT80 is


Resource option of this parameter determines
Algo whether to enable SR period
Switch adaptation.
 It is recommended that SR
period adaptation be enabled
for low-speed cells (for which
NRDUCell.HighSpeedFlag is
set to LOW_SPEED) to
adapt to different UE
 SR period adaptation is not
supported in high-speed cells
(for which
NRDUCell.HighSpeedFlag is
set to HIGH_SPEED).

PUCCH NRDUCellPucch.PucchAlgoSwitch The

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes

Switch option of this parameter determines

whether to enable symbol number
adaptation in short PUCCH formats.
This function applies only in high
frequency bands. Retain the default
value of this option.
H option of this parameter determines
whether to enable RB adaptation in
long PUCCH formats. This option
applies only to low-speed TDD cells,
and FDD/SUL cells not enabled with
LTE and NR spectrum sharing. Retain
the recommended setting for this

CSI NRDUCellPucch.CsiReportPeriod Set this parameter to its recommended

Report value.

CSI NRDUCellPucch.CsiResoureAlgoSwitch Set this parameter to its recommended

Resource value.

a: The actual SR period depends on the SCS and the number of slots. For example, 1 ms is
equal to one slot, two slots, four slots, and eight slots when the SCS is 15 kHz, 30 kHz, 60 kHz,
and 120 kHz, respectively. For more information, see "SchedulingRequestResourceConfig field
descriptions" in 3GPP TS 38.331 V15.5.1. Using MML Commands

Activation Command Examples

Not involved

Optimization Command Examples

Command examples in TDD

//Configuring the PUCCH format
//Configuring the number of symbols of the short PUCCH for a cell
//Configuring the number of RBs used in format 1 for a cell
//Configuring the number of RBs used in format 3 for a cell
//Configuring the number of RBs used in format 4 for a cell
//Configuring SR period adaptation
//Configuring the SR period (required when SR period adaptation is disabled)
//Configuring the number of CSI-dedicated RBs for a cell
//Configuring symbol number adaptation in a short format for a high-
frequency cell
//Configuring PUCCH RB adaptation for a low-frequency cell
//Configuring the CSI reporting period
MOD NRDUCELLPUCCH: NrDuCellId=0, CsiReportPeriod=SLOT80;
//Configuring CSI reporting period adaptation
MOD NRDUCELLPUCCH: NrDuCellId=0, CsiResoureAlgoSwitch=

Command examples in FDD

//Configuring the PUCCH format
//Configuring the number of symbols of the short PUCCH for a cell
//Configuring the number of RBs used in format 1 for a cell
//Configuring the number of RBs used in format 3 for a cell
//Configuring the number of RBs used in format 4 for a cell
//Configuring SR period adaptation
//Configuring the SR period (required when SR period adaptation is disabled)
//Configuring the number of CSI-dedicated RBs for a cell
//Configuring PUCCH RB adaptation for a low-frequency cell
//Configuring the CSI reporting period
MOD NRDUCELLPUCCH: NrDuCellId=0, CsiReportPeriod=SLOT80;
//Configuring CSI reporting period adaptation
Deactivation Command Examples

Not involved Using the MAE-Deployment

For detailed operations, see Feature Configuration Using the MAE-Deployment.

6.4.2 Activation Verification

1. Start Uu signaling tracing on the MAE-Access as follows: Log in to the MAE-Access

and choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management. On the
displayed page, choose Trace Type > NR > Application Layer > Uu Interface
2. Enable a UE to access the network. In SA networking, check the traced
RRCReconfiguration message, as shown in Figure 6-5. Check the fields in the pucch-
Config IE. If format information is present in the PUCCH-Resource field, the
indicated format has taken effect.

In NSA networking, check the SgNB Addition Request Acknowledge message for the IEs described
in SA networking.
Figure 6-5 RRCReconfiguration message tracing report (SA networking)

6.4.3 Network Monitoring

This function is a basic function that ensures basic service performance. Monitoring is not
7 PRACH Channel Management

7.1 Principles

7.1.1 RA Preamble Overview

During RA, a UE needs to send an RA preamble (signal) on the PRACH. RA preambles are
pulse signals with two formats: long and short. In the time domain, it consists of a TCP, a TSEQ,
and a TGT, as shown in Figure 7-1. TCP denotes a cyclic prefix, TSEQ a preamble sequence, and TGT
the guard time. In the frequency domain, an RA preamble is transmitted using multiple
subcarriers, specifically 839 subcarriers for a long preamble and 139 subcarriers for a short
Figure 7-1 RA preamble format

Table 7-1and Table 7-2 list the mapping among format indexes, preamble lengths ( ), and
PRACH SCS ( ) supported by the gNodeB in the current version. In NR TDD, the long
format is supported only in low frequency bands, while the short format is supported in both low
and high frequency bands. In NR FDD, only the long format is supported. For more information
on preambles formats, see section "Sequence generation" in 3GPP TS 38.211 (Release
Table 7-1 Long preamble

0 839 1.25 kHz

Table 7-2 Short preamble

C2 139 kHz
In the current version, the preamble format and PRACH SCS used by the gNodeB are
determined by the duplex mode (NRDUCell.DuplexMode), uplink-downlink slot assignment
(NRDUCell.SlotAssignment), PUSCH SCS (NRDUCell.SubcarrierSpacing), cell radius
(NRDUCell.CellRadius), and PRACH configuration index
(NRDUCellPrach.PrachConfigurationIndex), as listed in Table 7-3. The configurations in the fifth
and sixth rows are supported only in NR TDD high frequency bands.
Table 7-3 Preamble formats and PRACH SCS used by the gNodeB
Duplex UL-DL Slot PUSCH Cell Radius PRACH Preamble PRACH SCS
Mode Assignment SCS Configuration Format

CELL_FDD Not involved 15 kHz ≤ 14.5 km 0 to 21, 0 1.25 kHz


CELL_TDD 4_1_DDDSU 30 kHz ≤ 9.65 km 200, 202, C2 15 kHz

210, 65535

CELL_TDD 8_2_DDDDDDDSUU 30 kHz ≤ 14.5 km 0 to 7, 12, 0 1.25 kHz

or 17, 65535

CELL_TDD 8_2_DDDDDDDSUU 30 kHz ≤ 9.65 km 200, 202, C2 15 kHz

or 210

CELL_TDD 4_1_DDDSU 120 kHz ≤ 2.41 km 187, 65535 C2 60 kHz

CELL_TDD 4_1_DDDSU 120 kHz ≤ 1.16 km 189 C2 120 kHz

CELL_SUL Not involved 15 kHz ≤ 14.5 km 0 to 21, 0 1.25 kHz


The PRACH configuration index (specified by the NRDUCellPrach.PrachConfigurationIndex parameter) depends

on factors such as the networking scheme, system frequency band, duplex mode, slot assignment, and cell radius.
For more information, see the recommended values of the NRDUCellPrach.PrachConfigurationIndex parameter.
For more information on the PRACH configuration index, see 3GPP TS 38.211 (Release 15). Preamble Sequence Generation

Preamble sequences are generated through cyclic shifts of Zadoff-Chu (ZC) root sequences.
 The start logical ZC root sequence index is specified by the
NRDUCell.LogicalRootSequenceIndex parameter. For a long preamble, the parameter
value cyclically ranges from 0 to 837. For a short preamble, the parameter value
cyclically ranges from 0 to 137.
The following are examples:
 For a long preamble, logical index 837 is followed by index 0.
 For a short preamble, logical index 137 is followed by index 0.
 The gNodeB determines the number of cyclic shifts based on the cell radius, preamble
format, and PUSCH SCS.
Each cell can be configured with a maximum of 64 preambles. If fewer than 64 preamble
sequences are generated from a single ZC root sequence, subsequent ZC root sequences are used
until 64 preambles are generated. For more information on preamble sequence generation, see
section "Sequence generation" in 3GPP TS 38.211 V2.0.0. The logical ZC sequence
index and the number of cyclic shifts are indicated by the RACH-ConfigCommon IE.

In SA networking, the RACH-ConfigCommon IE is carried in SIB1. In NSA networking, the RACH-ConfigCommon

IE is carried in the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message. Preamble Sequence Grouping

A cell has 64 preamble sequences, which are used during requests for system information and
 If on-demand system information transmission is enabled for a cell, some preamble
sequences are used during requests for system information, and other preamble
sequences are used during RA.
 If on-demand system information transmission is not enabled for a cell, all the
preamble sequences are used during RA.

For more information on system information transmission policies of cells, see 5G Networking and

Based on RA contention, the preamble sequences for RA are classified into contention-based
preamble sequences and non-contention-based preamble sequences, as Figure 7-2 illustrates. The
proportion of contention-based preamble sequences to the total contention-based and non-
contention-based preamble sequences can be configured by the
NRDUCellPrach.CbraPreamblePct parameter.
 If this parameter is set to a value other than 255, the actual proportion of contention-
based preamble sequences is the value of this parameter.
 If this parameter is set to 255, the actual proportion of contention-based preamble
sequences is 82% for low-speed cells (for which NRDUCell.HighSpeedFlag is set to
LOW_SPEED) or 60% for high-speed cells (for which NRDUCell.HighSpeedFlag is
set to HIGH_SPEED).

Contention-based preambles are used for contention-based RA. Non-contention-based preambles are used for non-
contention-based RA. For more information on contention-based and non-contention-based RA, see 5G Networking
and Signaling.
The number of contention-based preambles varies with RA scenarios and is indicated by
totalNumberOfRA-Preambles in the RACH-ConfigCommon IE. For more information, see
section 6.3.2 "Radio resource control information elements" in 3GPP TS 38.331 V2.0.0.
Figure 7-2 Preamble sequence grouping

7.1.2 Time-Frequency Resources for RA

A UE initiates RA using specific time-frequency resources (namely, PRACH). When a UE

initiates an access request over the PRACH, a preamble is transmitted.

Time-Domain Position

The time-domain position of the PRACH refers to the frame number and slot number of a
preamble, which are determined by the PRACH configuration index. For more information, see
section "Mapping to physical resources" in 3GPP TS 38.211 V2.0.0. The PRACH
configuration index used by the gNodeB is specified by the
NRDUCellPrach.PrachConfigurationIndex parameter.
 If this parameter is not set to 65535, the PRACH configuration index used by the
gNodeB is the value of this parameter. For details about the configuration, see Table 7-

 If this parameter is set to 65535, the PRACH configuration index used by the gNodeB
is automatically generated by the gNodeB based on the system frequency band, duplex
mode (NRDUCell.DuplexMode), uplink-downlink slot assignment
(NRDUCell.SlotAssignment), PUSCH SCS (NRDUCell.SubcarrierSpacing), and cell
radius (NRDUCell.CellRadius). Table 7-4 lists the PRACH configuration indexes that
are automatically generated by the gNodeB based on the parameters in the current
Table 7-4 PRACH configuration indexes automatically generated by the gNodeB based on
parameters (when NRDUCellPrach.PrachConfigurationIndex is set to 65535)

Duplex Mode UL-DL Slot PUSCH SCS Cell Radius PRACH Configuration
Assignment Index
Duplex Mode UL-DL Slot PUSCH SCS Cell Radius PRACH Configuration
Assignment Index

CELL_TDD 4_1_DDDSU 30 kHz ≤ 9.65 km 210

CELL_TDD 8_2_DDDDDDDSUU 30 kHz ≤ 14.5 km 17


CELL_TDD 4_1_DDDSU 120 kHz ≤ 2.41 km 187

CELL_SUL Not involved 15 kHz ≤ 14.5 km  SA


Frequency-Domain Position

The start frequency-domain position of the PRACH is specified by the

NRDUCell.PrachFreqStartPosition parameter.
 If this parameter is not set to 65535, the start frequency-domain position of the
PRACH is the Xth RB of the initial BWP where X is the value of this parameter.
 If this parameter is set to 65535, the PRACH is located at the lower end of the initial
BWP. When the long PUCCH is configured in the initial BWP, the PRACH is
adjacent to the long PUCCH. When the long PUCCH is not configured in the initial
BWP, the PRACH is adjacent to the common PUCCH, as shown in Figure 7-3.
Figure 7-3 Frequency-domain position of the PRACH

For details about the long PUCCH, see 6 PUCCH Channel Management. The common PUCCH is
indicated by pucch-ResourceCommon. For details about the common PUCCH, see section 9.2.1
"PUCCH Resource Sets" in 3GPP TS 38.213 V15.5.0.
The PRACH spreads over multiple PRBs in the frequency domain. The number of PRBs
depends on the preamble length ( ), PRACH SCS ( ), and PUSCH SCS ( ). Table 7-5
lists the number of PRBs supported by the gNodeB in the current version. For more information
on all the quantities of PRBs defined in 3GPP specifications, see section "Mapping to
physical resources" in 3GPP TS 38.211 (Release 15).
Table 7-5 Number of PRBs for the PRACH
for the PUSCH Number of PRBs for the
for the PRACH

839 1.25 kHz 15 kHz 6

839 1.25 kHz 30 kHz 3

139 15 kHz 30 kHz 6

139 60 kHz 120 kHz 6

139 120 kHz 120 kHz 12

7.1.3 Increasing the PRACH Preamble Detection Threshold

If a UE does not send a preamble but the gNodeB detects a preamble from the UE, the erroneous
detection of the preamble is considered as a PRACH false alarm. The false alarm probability can
be reduced by increasing the PRACH preamble detection threshold through the
NRDUCellPrach.PrachThldIncreaseRate parameter. It is recommended that this parameter be
modified when the false alarm probability of a cell is higher than expected.
 A larger value of this parameter results in a lower probability of both preambles
detected and false alarms. It also results in a higher probability of both missing
detection and access failures for CEUs with weak coverage.
 A smaller value of this parameter results in a higher probability of both preambles
detected and false alarms. It also results in a lower probability of both missing
detection and access failures for CEUs with weak coverage.
For details about false alarms, see section 8.4.1 "PRACH False alarm probability" in 3GPP TS
38.104 V15.6.0.
PRACH false alarm detection optimization takes effect if it is enabled. For details, see 7.1.4
PRACH False Alarm Detection Optimization.

7.1.4 PRACH False Alarm Detection Optimization

If the gNodeB considers a received contention-based RA preamble as a false alarm, the gNodeB
does not send the UE a Random Access Response message and does not count the preamble in
related counters.
This function is controlled by the PRACH_FALSE_ALARM_DET_ALGO_SW option of the
NRDUCellPrach.RachAlgoOptSwitch parameter. It is recommended that this function be enabled
when the false alarm probability of a cell is higher than expected.
Figure 7-4 shows how the PRACH false alarm decision mechanism works.
Figure 7-4 False alarm detection optimization process

It is recommended that this function be used with the NRDUCellPrach.PrachFalseAlmDetDisThld

and NRDUCellPrach.PrachThldIncreaseRate parameters specified.
This function takes effect only in low frequency bands.
7.1.5 PRACH Root Sequence Conflict Detection and Self-optimization

PRACH preamble sequences are generated through cyclic shifts of ZC root sequences. Each root
sequence can generate multiple preamble sequences. For more information, see Preamble
Sequence Generation.

If the frequency-domain resources of the PRACH in adjacent cells overlap and the same
preamble is used, false alarms or collisions will occur during access request reception and
detection in the cells. See Figure 7-5 and Figure 7-6.
Figure 7-5 False alarms caused by PRACH root sequences
Figure 7-6 Collisions caused by PRACH root sequences

PRACH Root Sequence Conflict Detection

The MAE-Access provides the PRACH root sequence conflict detection function. This function
is used to detect PRACH root sequence conflicts between the serving cell and neighboring cells
managed by the MAE-Access. The MAE-Access determines that a PRACH root sequence
conflict occurs when both the following conditions are met:
 The time-frequency resources of the PRACH in the serving cell overlap with those in
neighboring cells.
 The serving cell and neighboring cells use the identical or partially identical root

For more information on how to enable PRACH root sequence conflict detection, see MAE SON Management User

PRACH Root Sequence Conflict Self-optimization

The MAE-Access provides the PRACH root sequence conflict self-optimization function. This
function is used to resolve PRACH root sequence conflicts between the cells managed by the
MAE-Access. Once a PRACH root sequence conflict between cells is detected, the MAE-Access
automatically allocates a new PRACH root sequence index (specified by the
NRDUCell.LogicalRootSequenceIndex parameter) and a new PRACH frequency-domain start
position (specified by the NRDUCell.PrachFreqStartPosition parameter) to the conflicting cell.

The reallocation causes the cell to automatically restart and become unavailable, interrupting ongoing services of
UEs for a short period.
For more information on how to enable PRACH root sequence conflict self-optimization, see MAE SON
Management User Guide.

7.1.6 Optimization of Non-Contention-based RA Beyond Cell Radius

Previously, when a UE initiates a non-contention-based RA beyond the cell radius configured on

the gNodeB (by sending a dedicated preamble), the gNodeB cannot correctly identify the
dedicated preamble. As a result, the non-contention-based RA procedure fails.
The procedure of non-contention-based RA initiated by a UE beyond the configured cell radius
is now optimized to ensure successful access.
This function is controlled by the CONTENTION_FREE_RA_OPT_SW option of the
NRDUCellPrach.RachAlgoOptSwitch parameter.
This function is recommended when the non-contention-based RA success rate in a cell is lower
than expected. This function takes effect only when both of the following conditions are met:
 The cell is a normal low-speed cell (this function is not supported in high-speed
railway/tunnel/hyper cell/CA scenarios).
 The distance between the UE and the gNodeB is greater than the cell radius but less
than twice the cell radius.
7.2 Network Analysis

7.2.1 Benefits

PRACH channel management enables PRACH resources to be properly used to improve network
After PRACH false alarm detection optimization is enabled, the probability that contention-
based preambles are detected as false alarms decreases and the RA success rate increases.
7.2.2 Impacts

Network Impacts

In NSA networking, when the ServingCellConfigCommon IE is updated, UEs re-access the

network, causing transient service interruption. For details, see section 6.3.2 "Radio resource
control information elements" in 3GPP TS 38.331 V15.5.1.
Optimization of non-contention-based RA beyond cell radius may have the following impacts on
 The number of RRC_CONNECTED UEs increases.
 The access or handover delay of UEs beyond the cell radius is longer than that of
common UEs. As a result, the overall access or handover delay may increase.
 If coverage for UEs located beyond the cell radius is poor, the following apply:
 If the UEs successfully access the network, uplink and downlink user
experience deteriorates and the service drop rate may increase.
 If the UE access or handover fails, the access or handover success rate
After the PRACH false alarm detection optimization function is enabled, contention-based RA
preambles may be incorrectly considered as false alarms. This may increase the random access
delay and service drop rate, and decrease the handover success rate (only in the case of
handovers during which the RA procedure switches from non-contention-based to contention-
After PRACH false alarm detection optimization is enabled, the CPU usage slightly increases
during false alarm detection.

Function Impacts

RAT Function Function Switch Reference Description


Low- High-speed NRDUCell.HighSpeedFlag High Speed High-speed cells (for which

frequency Railway Mobility NRDUCell.HighSpeedFlag is set
TDD Superior Frequency to HIGH_SPEED) support only
Experience TDD) PRACH preamble format C2.

High- None None None None


FDD None None None None

7.3 Requirements

7.3.1 Licenses

7.3.2 Software

Prerequisite Functions


Mutually Exclusive Functions

RAT Function Function Switch Referenc Description

Name e

Low- High- NRDUCell.HighSpeedF High This function is mutually exclusive with

frequenc speed lag Speed PRACH false alarm detection
y TDD Railway (Low- optimization (specified by the
Experienc y TDD) _SW option of the
e NRDUCellPrach.RachAlgoOptSwitch

High- None None None None


FDD None None None None

7.3.3 Hardware
Base Station Models

3900 and 5900 series base stations. 3900 series base stations must be configured with the
DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite. DBS3900 LampSite must be configured with the


All NR-capable main control boards and baseband processing units support this function. To
learn which main control boards and baseband processing units are NR-capable, see the related
BBU technical specifications in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Product Documentation.

RF Modules

All NR-capable RF modules support this function. For details about NR-capable RF modules,
see technical specifications of the related RF modules in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station
Product Documentation.
7.3.4 Others

In the case of high-frequency cells in a multi-carrier sector, PRACH channel resource

configurations, such as the PRACH SCS and PRACH configuration index, must be the same for
all the cells in the same sector. For details, see Cell Management. There are no such requirements in
low frequency bands.
For details about the PRACH SCS supported in the current version, see Table 7-3.
7.4 Operation and Maintenance

7.4.1 Data Configuration Data Preparation

This function is a basic function and takes effect by default. Activation is not required. Table 7-6
describes the parameters used for function optimization.
Table 7-6 Parameters used for optimization
Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes

CBRA NRDUCellPrach.CbraPreamblePct Configure this parameter based on the

Preamble network plan. For details, see
Percentag Preamble Sequence Grouping.

PRACH NRDUCell.PrachFreqStartPosition Configure this parameter based on the

Frequency network plan. For details, see 7.1.2 Time-
Start Frequency Resources for RA.

PRACH NRDUCellPrach.PrachThldIncreaseRate Configure this parameter based on the

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes

Threshold network plan. For details, see 7.1.3

Increase Increasing the PRACH Preamble Detection
Rate Threshold.

Random NRDUCellPrach.RachAlgoOptSwitch Select the

Algorithm option when many UEs are located
Opt Switch beyond the cell radius.
Select the
W option when the false alarm probability
of a cell is higher than expected.

PRACH NRDUCellPrach.PrachFalseAlmDetDisT Configure this parameter based on the

False hld network plan. For details, see 7.1.4 PRACH
Alarm False Alarm Detection Optimization.
Thld Using MML Commands

Activation Command Examples

Not involved

Optimization Command Examples

//Optimizing PRACH configurations

MOD NRDUCELLPRACH: NrDuCellId=0, CbraPreamblePct=255;
MOD NRDUCELL: NrDuCellId=0, PrachFreqStartPosition=65535;
//Optimizing the percentage by which the PRACH preamble detection threshold
MOD NRDUCELLPRACH: NrDuCellId=0, PrachThldIncreaseRate=0;
//Enabling non-contention-based RA optimization
//Enabling PRACH false alarm detection optimization
MOD NRDUCELLPRACH: NrDuCellId=0, RachAlgoOptSwitch=
//Optimizing the distance threshold for PRACH false alarm detection
MOD NRDUCELLPRACH: NrDuCellId=0, PrachFalseAlmDetDisThld=1000;

Deactivation Command Examples

Not involved Using the MAE-Deployment
For detailed operations, see Feature Configuration Using the MAE-Deployment.
7.4.2 Activation Verification

PRACH preamble configuration:

1. Start Uu signaling tracing on the MAE-Access as follows: Log in to the MAE-Access
and choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management. On the
displayed page, choose Trace Type > NR > Application Layer > Uu Interface
2. Enable a UE to access the network. In SA networking, check the SIB1 tracing result,
as shown in Figure 7-7. Check the fields in the rach-ConfigCommon IE in the SIB1. If
the value of prach-ConfigurationIndex is the same as the configured value, this
function has taken effect.

In NSA networking, check the LTE message RRCConnectionReconfiguration for the IEs described in
SA networking.
Figure 7-7 SIB1 tracing report (SA networking)

PRACH false alarm detection optimization: This function has taken effect if the value of
N.RA.Contention.Att changes after this function is enabled with the
NRDUCellPrach.PrachFalseAlmDetDisThld and NRDUCellPrach.PrachThldIncreaseRate
parameters reconfigured.
7.4.3 Network Monitoring

Observe the following counters to monitor RA:

 Contention-based RA: N.RA.Contention.Att, N.RA.Contention.Att.Max, N.RA.Contention.Resp,
N.RA.Contention.Msg3, and N.RA.Contention.Resolution.Succ

 Non-contention-based RA: N.RA.Dedicated.Att, N.RA.Dedicated.Resp, and


8 CSI-RS Resource Management

8.1 Principles

CSI-RS in NR is classified into the following types:

 CSI-RS for CM: for downlink channel state measurements. In the current version, the
gNodeB sends CSI-RS for CM within the active BWP. UEs process received CSI-RS
for CM to obtain corresponding information such as the CQI, RI, and PMI, and report
the information to the gNodeB.
 CSI-RS for BM: for downlink beam measurements. In the current version, the
gNodeB sends CSI-RS for BM within the active BWP. UEs process received CSI-RS
for BM to obtain the corresponding reference signal received power (RSRP), and
report the RSRP and CSI-RS resource indicator (CRI) to the gNodeB. The gNodeB
then obtains the RSRP information about the corresponding beam.

CSI-RS for BM is supported only in high frequency bands in NR TDD.

 Tracking reference signal (TRS): In the current version, the gNodeB sends TRS within
the active BWP. UEs receive TRS for tracking time and frequency offsets.

For more information on CSI-RS for CM, see section 5.2 "UE procedure for reporting channel state information
(CSI)" in 3GPP TS 38.214 V15.4.0.
For more information on CSI-RS for BM, see section "CSI-RS for L1-RSRP computation" in 3GPP TS
38.214 V15.4.0.
For more information on TRS, see section "CSI-RS for tracking" in 3GPP TS 38.214 V15.4.0.
"CSI-RS" as mentioned in this section is not differentiated among CSI-RS for CM, CSI-RS for BM, and TRS. If
CSI-RS types need to be distinguished, CSI-RS for CM, CSI-RS for BM, or TRS is used.
CSI-RS can be periodic, aperiodic, or semi-persistent.
Table 8-1 Periodic CSI-RS, aperiodic CSI-RS, and semi-persistent CSI-RS
Type Description Support in This Version

Periodic The gNodeB  In low frequency bands, CSI-RS for CM is

CSI-RS periodically sends periodically transmitted by default.
CSI-RS to UEs in The gNodeB periodically sends CSI-RS for CM
accordance with the to UEs in accordance with the period specified
configured period. by the NRDUCellCsirs.CsiPeriod parameter and
UEs send measurement reports to the gNodeB.
The number of resources for periodic CSI-RS
transmission is specified by the
 In high frequency bands, CSI-RS for CM cannot
be periodically transmitted.
 TRS can be periodically transmitted.
The gNodeB periodically sends TRS to UEs in
accordance with the period specified by the
NRDUCellCsirs.TrsPeriod parameter.
 CSI-RS for BM can be periodically transmitted.

Semi- After the MAC CE is The current version does not support semi-persistent CSI-
persistent activated, the gNodeB RS.
CSI-RS periodically sends
CSI-RS to UEs in
accordance with the
configured period.

Aperiodic The gNodeB sends  In low frequency bands, CSI-RS for CM can be
CSI-RS DCI to UEs and sends aperiodically transmitted in specific scenarios.
CSI-RS to UEs in the  In high frequency bands, CSI-RS for CM can be
slot indicated in the aperiodically transmitted.
DCI. UEs receive CSI-
RS from the gNodeB  TRS cannot be aperiodically transmitted.
in the indicated slot.  CSI-RS for BM cannot be aperiodically

CSI-RS measurement results are reported periodically or aperiodically. For details about periodic
reporting, see 6 PUCCH Channel Management. For details about aperiodic reporting, see Scheduling.
8.2 Network Analysis

8.2.1 Benefits

CSI-RS resource management enables CSI-RS resources to be properly used to improve network
8.2.2 Impacts
Network Impacts

A shorter CSI-RS transmission period increases the accuracy of channel measurements, and
guarantees the performance of the features that depend on CSI-RS measurements. However, it
also increases CSI-RS resource consumption.
A longer CSI-RS transmission period results in less CSI-RS resource consumption. However, it
also decreases the accuracy of channel measurements and results in performance deterioration of
the features that depend on CSI-RS measurements.
If a large number of UEs are served, UEs with high rate requirements are preferentially allocated
CSI-RS resources, and preempt CSI-RS resources of the UEs that have low rate requirements
when CSI-RS resources are insufficient. This mechanism increases the possibility of service
drops for UEs with low rate requirements.

Function Impacts

RAT Function Function Switch Referenc Description

Name e

Low- High- NRDUCell.HighSpeedFlag High High-speed cells (for

frequenc speed Speed which
y TDD Railway (Low- NRDUCell.HighSpeedF
Superior Frequenc lag is set to
Experienc y TDD) HIGH_SPEED) do not
e support TRS periods
longer than 20 ms.
This prevents delayed
tracking of time and
frequency offsets
when UEs are moving
at high speeds.

Low- DL CoMP INTRA_GNB_DL_JT_SW option of the CoMP For a cell enabled with
frequenc NRDUCellAlgoSwitch.CompSwitch (Low- DL CoMP, throughput
y TDD parameter y TDD) decreases for CoMP
UEs when periodic
CSI-RS for CM is
enabled and the value
of the
riod parameter is
equal to 5 ms.

Low- Hyper NRDUCell.NrDuCellNetworkingMode Hyper TRS is configured for

frequenc Cell Cell the TRPs in a hyper
y TDD Frequenc cell in a staggered
y TDD) manner to prevent
mutual interference
based on the different
results of TRP ID mod
RAT Function Function Switch Referenc Description
Name e

6. CSI-RS for CM is
configured in the
same manner as that
before TRP

FDD DRX BASIC_DRX_SW option of the DRX  Periodic

Low- NRDUCellUePwrSaving.NrDuCellDrxAlgo CSI-RS for
frequenc Switch parameter CM: The
y TDD gNodeB
High- does not
frequenc check CSI-
nt reports
from UEs in
sleep time.
As a result,
the number
of valid
nt reports
received by
the gNodeB
 Aperiodic
CSI-RS for
send CSI-
nt reports
on the
which may
of uplink
data of the
UEs. As a
result, the
UEs cannot
enter the
RAT Function Function Switch Referenc Description
Name e

sleep state.

8.3 Requirements

8.3.1 Licenses

This function is a basic function and is not under license control.

8.3.2 Software

Prerequisite Functions


Mutually Exclusive Functions

8.3.3 Hardware

Base Station Models

3900 and 5900 series base stations. 3900 series base stations must be configured with the
DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite. DBS3900 LampSite must be configured with the


All NR-capable main control boards and baseband processing units support this function. To
learn which main control boards and baseband processing units are NR-capable, see the related
BBU technical specifications in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Product Documentation.

RF Modules

All NR-capable RF modules support this function. For details about NR-capable RF modules,
see technical specifications of the related RF modules in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station
Product Documentation.
8.3.4 Others

8.4 Operation and Maintenance

8.4.1 Data Configuration Data Preparation

This function takes effect by default and no parameters are used for activation. Table 8-2 describes
the parameters used for function optimization.
Table 8-2 Parameters used for optimization
Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes

CSI NRDUCellCsirs.CsiPeriod Retain the default value.

Period This parameter takes effect only on CSI-RS
for CM in low frequency bands. It is
inapplicable to high frequency bands.

TRS NRDUCellCsirs.TrsPeriod Retain the default value.


CSIRS NRDUCellCsirs.CsirsCellResourceNum Retain the default value.

Cell This parameter takes effect only on CSI-RS
Resource for CM in low frequency bands. It is
Number inapplicable to high frequency bands. Using MML Commands

Activation Command Examples

Not involved

Optimization Command Examples

//Configuring the period of periodic CSI-RS for CM transmission

MOD NRDUCellCSIRS: NrDuCellId=0, CsiPeriod=SLOT40;
//Configuring the period of periodic TRS transmission
MOD NRDUCellCSIRS: NrDuCellId=0, TrsPeriod=MS20;
//Configuring the number of resources for periodic CSI-RS for CM
MOD NRDUCellCSIRS: NrDuCellId=0, CsirsCellResourceNum=4_RESOURCE;

Deactivation Command Examples

Not involved Using the MAE-Deployment

For detailed operations, see Feature Configuration Using the MAE-Deployment.

8.4.2 Activation Verification

1. Start Uu signaling tracing for cells enabled with periodic CSI-RS measurements as
follows: Log in to the MAE-Access and choose Monitor > Signaling Trace >
Signaling Trace Management. On the displayed page, choose Trace Type > NR >
Application Layer > Uu Interface Trace.
2. In SA networking, check the traced RRCReconfiguration message, as shown in Figure
8-1. If each resource field in the csi-MeasConfig IE contains the value of
periodicityAndOffset, periodic CSI-RS measurements have taken effect.

In NSA networking, check the SgNB Addition Request Acknowledge message for the IEs described
in SA networking.
Figure 8-1 RRCReconfiguration message tracing report (SA networking)

8.4.3 Network Monitoring


9 SRS Resource Management

9.1 Principles

9.1.1 Overview

SRS refers to uplink sounding signals. In the current version, UEs send SRS within the active
BWP. The gNodeB processes received SRS to obtain corresponding information such as the
signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR), RSRP, and PMI. The value of usage in SRS
resource configurations determines which functions SRS is used for. (In the current version, NR
TDD allows for the value of codebook and antennaSwitching. NR FDD allows for the value of
codebook.) Table 9-1 provides more details.
Table 9-1 Functions that SRS is used for
Value of usage Function Description

codebook Uplink single-user multiple-  UEs perform PMI-based weighting

input multiple-output (SU- on data to be transmitted.
MIMO)/multi-user multiple-  The gNodeB performs uplink SRS-
input multiple-output (MU- based link adaptation (LA) and
MIMO) sends the result to UEs to instruct
them in data transmission.

Uplink beam management The optimal receive beams are selected

based on SRS to serve uplink channels.

Uplink timing For details, see 5G Networking and Signaling.

antennaSwitching Downlink SU-MIMO/MU-  In low frequency bands, the

MIMO gNodeB performs SRS weight-
based weighting on data to be
transmitted. This is inapplicable to
high frequency bands.
 The gNodeB performs downlink
SRS-based LA and sends data
based on the LA result.

Downlink beam management In low frequency bands, the optimal transmit

beams are selected based on SRS to serve
downlink channels. This is inapplicable to
high frequency bands.

SRS is classified into three types: periodic SRS, semi-persistent SRS, and aperiodic SRS.
 Periodic SRS
After resource configurations for periodic SRS are received, UEs periodically send
The period of periodic SRS transmission can either be statically or adaptively
 If the SRS_PERIOD_ADAPT_SW option of the
NRDUCellSrs.SrsAlgoSwitch parameter is selected, the gNodeB adaptively
adjusts the SRS period based on SRS resource usage.
 When the number of UEs is small (for example, the
N.User.RRCConn.Avg counter returns a value less than 26 for 2T4R
UEs) and SRS resources are sufficient, a shorter SRS period
improves UE performance and cell performance.
 When the number of UEs is large (for example, the
N.User.RRCConn.Avg counter returns a value greater than 26 for
2T4R UEs) and SRS resources are insufficient, a longer SRS
period improves cell performance.
 If the SRS_PERIOD_ADAPT_SW option of the
NRDUCellSrs.SrsAlgoSwitch parameter is deselected, the SRS period is
specified by the NRDUCellSrs.SrsPeriod parameter.
 Semi-persistent SRS
After resource configurations for semi-persistent SRS are received, UEs periodically
send SRS only when the MAC CE is activated.
 Aperiodic SRS
After resource configurations for aperiodic SRS are received, UEs send SRS
according to the DCI for downlink scheduling.
In low frequency bands, the periodic mode is used. In high frequency bands, the aperiodic mode
is used.
The SRS resources of each UE include multiple SRS sets. For more information on the SRS
resource parameters included in each SRS set, see section 6.3.2 "Radio resource control
information elements" in 3GPP TS 38.331 (Release 15).
SRS-related concepts are denoted as follows:
 SRS slot period: indicates the SRS transmission period for a UE. If a UE sends SRS at
an interval of X slots (or ms), X is the SRS slot period.
 SRS slot offset: indicates the time-domain positions (slot number) for SRS
transmission in each period.
For more information on these concepts, see section 6.2.1 "UE sounding procedure" in 3GPP TS
38.214 (Release 15).
SRS resource configurations are signaled to UEs by the SRS-Config IE in an RRC signaling
message. After resource configurations for periodic SRS are received, UEs periodically send
SRS using the indicated time-frequency resources. After resource configurations for aperiodic
SRS are received, UEs send SRS using the scheduled resources indicated in the DCI.
9.1.2 Cell-specific SRS
A cell-specific SRS slot includes the time-domain resources for all UEs in a cell to transmit SRS.
In NR, the gNodeB obtains the number and positions of slots available for SRS transmissions in
a radio frame and the number and positions of symbols for SRS in the SRS slots based on the
duplex mode and slot assignment.

In NR TDD, SRS is configured only in the self-contained slots in a radio frame. In NR FDD, SRS is configured only
in the uplink-only slots in a radio frame.
For more information on the principles and configurations of slot assignment, see Standards Compliance.

9.1.3 UE-specific SRS UE-specific SRS Slot

A UE sends SRS in a UE-specific SRS slot. SRS slots are configured only for periodic SRS and
semi-persistent SRS, not for aperiodic SRS. The slots for aperiodic SRS are determined during
scheduling. UE-specific SRS Bandwidth

NR allows UE-specific SRS bandwidths to be configured. A UE sends SRS using a UE-specific

SRS bandwidth. 3GPP specifications define a maximum of four types of SRS bandwidths (BSRS
= 0, 1, 2, or 3 in the SRS bandwidth configurations). Table 9-2 describes a UE-specific SRS
bandwidth configuration example. For more information, see section "Sounding reference
signal" in 3GPP TS 38.211 V15.7.0.
Table 9-2 UE-specific SRS bandwidth configurations
CSRS BSRS = 0 BSRS = 1 BSRS = 2 BSRS = 3

mSRS,0 N0 mSRS,1 N1 mSRS,2 N2 mSRS,3 N3

0 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

9 32 1 16 2 8 2 4 2

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

63 272 1 16 17 8 2 4 2

 CSRS: indicates the SRS bandwidth index.

 BSRS: indicates the bandwidth tree level.
 mSRS,B: indicates the SRS bandwidth on a BSRS level.
 NB: indicates the number of leaf nodes on a BSRS level.
 When BSRS is not 0, NB is calculated as follows: SRS bandwidth corresponding to BSRS
minus 1/SRS bandwidth corresponding to BSRS.
 When BSRS is 0, NB is 1.
Figure 9-1shows an SRS bandwidth configuration tree corresponding to CSRS of 9, where a UE-
specific SRS bandwidth can be 32, 16, 8, or 4 RBs.
Figure 9-1 SRS bandwidth configuration tree

For aperiodic SRS, the system determines CSRS and BSRS for SRS bandwidths based on the BWP.
The system separately determines CSRS and BSRS for broadband bandwidths and narrowband
bandwidths of periodic SRS based on the BWP. To improve SRS measurement accuracy and
coverage capability, SRS bandwidths for UEs are adaptively adjusted based on the channel
9.1.4 SRS Multiplexing

An SRS multiplexing mode determines how different UEs transmit SRS using time-frequency
resources. In NR, frequency division multiplexing (FDM) and code division multiplexing
(CDM) are applied.


The FDM mode allows different UEs to transmit SRS using different frequencies. There are two
types of FDM: localized-FDM (L-FDM) and distributed-FDM (D-FDM).
Different UEs use different continuous frequency-domain resources to send SRS.
Different UEs alternately send SRS over subcarriers. In the current version, the
number of supported combs is 2, indicating that a bandwidth is divided into even and
odd subcarriers. For example, one UE sends SRS on odd subcarriers, and another
sends on even subcarriers, staggering SRS transmissions in the frequency domain.
Also, the SRS transmission period for a single UE is combed in the frequency domain,
also known as D-FDM combing. Figure 9-2 shows D-FDM combing. comb0 indicates
the subcarriers used to transmit SRS of one UE, and comb1 indicates the subcarriers
used to transmit SRS of another UE.
Figure 9-2 D-FDM combing


CDM allows SRS with the same symbol position, bandwidth, and comb (for example, the SRS
corresponding to two ports on a 2T4R UE) to occupy the same time-frequency position.
Codewords use cyclic shift sequences generated from the same ZC sequence. In the current
version, CDM allows for a maximum of four cyclic shifts.
9.1.5 SRS Frequency Hopping

SRS frequency hopping enables a UE to transmit SRS on a small bandwidth in one symbol and
to transmit SRS on another bandwidth in the next symbol. In this way, channel sounding is
realized across the entire system bandwidth. Frequency hopping offers channel quality
measurements across the entire bandwidth using a small sounding bandwidth. This version only
supports intra-slot frequency hopping for aperiodic SRS and inter-slot frequency hopping for
periodic SRS.
9.2 Network Analysis

9.2.1 Benefits

SRS resource management enables SRS resources to be properly used to improve network
9.2.2 Impacts

Network Impacts

Enabling the SRS period adaptation function by selecting the SRS_PERIOD_ADAPT_SW

option of the NRDUCellSrs.SrsAlgoSwitch parameter causes the cell to reset and all UEs served
by the cell to re-access the network. After the cell is reset, the initial SRS period of the cell is
large so that all UEs in the cell are allocated SRS resources. The time-to-trigger for each SRS
period change in the cell enabled with this function is 10 minutes. This mechanism prevents SRS
period changes from causing repeated signaling reconfiguration over the air interface in the case
of significant changes in the number of UEs.
After the SRS period adaptation function is enabled, the impacts on UEs in different scenarios
are as follows:
 When SRS resources are under light or normal load, the gNodeB separately configures
shorter SRS periods for newly admitted UEs in a cell. This provides better experience
for such UEs, but lowers the SRS capacity of the cell.
In the case of small inter-site distances or strong inter-cell interference, for example,
for CEUs, a short SRS period increases inter-cell SRS interference, affecting uplink
and downlink user-perceived rates and cell throughput.

If the difference between the measured SRS RSRP of the serving cell and that of a neighboring cell is 3
dB, the UE is considered a CEU.

 When SRS resources are under medium load, the gNodeB prolongs SRS periods for
newly admitted UEs in a cell when allocating SRS resources. This allows more UEs to
access the cell but may degrade user experience.
 When SRS resources are under heavy load or extremely heavy load, the gNodeB
separately configures longer SRS periods for newly admitted UEs in a cell. This
allows more UEs to access the cell and achieves a tradeoff between cell capacity and
A long SRS period affects the downlink experienced rates of users moving at a speed
of 30 km/h.
If SRS period adaptation is disabled by deselecting the SRS_PERIOD_ADAPT_SW option of
the NRDUCellSrs.SrsAlgoSwitch parameter, the gNodeB always uses the SRS period specified by
the NRDUCellSrs.SrsPeriod parameter.
 A smaller value of this parameter increases the accuracy of channel measurements and
guarantees the performance of the features that depend on SRS measurements.
However, it also results in more SRS resource consumption and fewer
RRC_CONNECTED UEs transmitting SRS. As a result, the number of UEs
transmitting SRS in a cell may not reach the maximum.
 A larger value of this parameter results in less SRS resource consumption and more
RRC_CONNECTED UEs transmitting SRS. However, it also decreases the accuracy
of channel measurements and results in performance deterioration of the features that
depend on SRS measurements.
 If a statically configured SRS period is used, the number of UEs transmitting SRS and
cell performance may be difficult to balance. The number of RRC_CONNECTED
UEs transmitting SRS is limited. Alternatively, cell throughput may decrease when the
number of UEs increases. Therefore, it is recommended that SRS period adaptation be
enabled by selecting the SRS_PERIOD_ADAPT_SW option of the
NRDUCellSrs.SrsAlgoSwitch parameter.

Function Impacts

RAT Function Function Switch Referenc Description

Name e

Low- High- NRDUCell.HighSpeedFlag High In high-speed

frequenc speed Speed scenarios, UEs move
y TDD Railway (Low- rapidly. A long SRS
Superior Frequency period adversely
Experienc TDD) affects UE
e performance.

FDD DRX BASIC_DRX_SW option of the DRX  Periodic

Low- NRDUCellUePwrSaving.NrDuCellDrxAlgo SRS: The
frequenc Switch parameter gNodeB
y TDD does not
High- check SRS
frequenc from UEs
y TDD in DRX-
RAT Function Function Switch Referenc Description
Name e

sleep time.
quantity of
valid SRS
by the
 Aperiodic
send SRS
ent reports
on the
which may
of uplink
data of the
UEs. As a
result, the
enter the

Low- Intra- NRDUCellAlgoSwitch.CaAlgoSwitch Carrier When intra-band CA

frequenc band CA Aggregati is enabled and the
y TDD (low- SRS period for a UE
High- frequency supporting antenna
frequenc TDD) selection in a PCell
y TDD (which works on the
primary component
carrier) is 5 ms or 10
ms, SRS resources
in an SCell (which
works on the
component carrier)
may fail to be
allocated, affecting
RAT Function Function Switch Referenc Description
Name e

user experience.

9.3 Requirements

9.3.1 Licenses

This function is a basic function and is not under license control.

9.3.2 Software

Before activating this function, ensure that its prerequisite functions have been activated and
mutually exclusive functions have been deactivated. For detailed operations, see the relevant
feature documents.

Prerequisite Functions


Mutually Exclusive Functions

RAT Function Function Switch Reference Description


Low- High-speed NRDUCell.HighSpeedFlag High Speed This function is mutually

frequency Railway Mobility exclusive with SRS period
TDD Superior Frequency adaptation.
Experience TDD)

High- None None None None


FDD None None None None

9.3.3 Hardware

Base Station Models

3900 and 5900 series base stations. 3900 series base stations must be configured with the
DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite. DBS3900 LampSite must be configured with the

All NR-capable main control boards and baseband processing units support this function. To
learn which main control boards and baseband processing units are NR-capable, see the related
BBU technical specifications in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Product Documentation.

RF Modules

All NR-capable RF modules support this function. For details about NR-capable RF modules,
see technical specifications of the related RF modules in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station
Product Documentation.
9.3.4 Others

9.4 Operation and Maintenance

9.4.1 Data Configuration Data Preparation

This function takes effect by default and no parameters are used for activation. Table 9-3 describes
the parameters used for function optimization.
Table 9-3 Parameters used for optimization
Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes

SRS Algorithm NRDUCellSrs.SrsAlgoSwitch This is a high-risk parameter. Changing the

Switch value of this parameter will cause the cell to
automatically restart.
this parameter specifies whether to enable
SRS period adaptation. It is recommended
that the default value be retained.

SRS Period NRDUCellSrs.SrsPeriod Set this parameter to its recommended

value. (This parameter needs to be
configured only when SRS period
adaptation is disabled.)
If a short SRS period is configured, the
number of UEs transmitting SRS in a cell
may not reach the maximum. If a long SRS
period is configured, the number of UEs
transmitting SRS in a cell increases, but the
performance of the features that depend on
SRS measurements deteriorates. Using MML Commands

Activation Command Examples

Optimization Command Examples

//Disabling SRS period adaptation

//Modifying the SRS period (required only when SRS period adaptation is
MOD NRDUCELLSRS: NrDuCellId=0, SrsPeriod=SL160;

Deactivation Command Examples

N/A Using the MAE-Deployment

For detailed operations, see Feature Configuration Using the MAE-Deployment.

9.4.2 Activation Verification

After SRS period adaptation is enabled, perform the following operations to check if this
function has taken effect:
1. Start Uu signaling tracing for cells enabled with SRS period adaptation as follows:
Log in to the MAE-Access and choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling
Trace Management. On the displayed page, choose Trace Type > NR >
Application Layer > Uu Interface Trace.
2. In SA networking, check the traced RRCReconfiguration message, as shown in Figure
9-3. If the value of periodicityAndOffset-p sl80 in the srs-Config IE varies with
different SRS periods, this function has taken effect.

In NSA networking, check the SgNB Addition Request Acknowledge message for the IEs described
in SA networking.
Figure 9-3 RRCReconfiguration message tracing report (SA networking)

9.4.3 Network Monitoring

This function is a basic function that ensures basic service performance. Monitoring is not
10 Parameters

The following hyperlinked EXCEL files of parameter reference match the software version with
which this document is released.
 Node Parameter Reference: contains device and transport parameters.
 gNodeBFunction Parameter Reference:contains all parameters related to radio access
functions, including air interface management, access control, mobility control, and
radio resource management.

You can find the EXCEL files of parameter reference for the software version used on the live network from the
product documentation delivered with that version.
FAQ: How do I find the parameters related to a certain feature from parameter reference?
1. Open the EXCEL file of parameter reference.
2. On the Parameter List sheet, filter the Feature ID column. Click Text Filters and
choose Contains. Enter the feature ID, for example, FBFD-020100.
3. Click OK. All parameters related to the feature are displayed.

11 Counters

The following hyperlinked EXCEL files of performance counter reference match the software
version with which this document is released.
 Node Performance Counter Summary: contains device and transport counters.
 gNodeBFunction Performance Counter Summary:
contains all counters related to radio access
functions, including air interface management, access control, mobility control, and
radio resource management.

You can find the EXCEL files of performance counter reference for the software version used on the live network
from the product documentation delivered with that version.
FAQ: How do I find the counters related to a certain feature from performance counter
1. Open the EXCEL file of performance counter reference.
2. On the Counter Summary(En) sheet, filter the Feature ID column. Click Text
Filters and choose Contains. Enter the feature ID, for example, FBFD-020100.
3. Click OK. All counters related to the feature are displayed.

12 Glossary

For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see Glossary.

13 Reference Documents

 3GPP TS 38.212: "NR; Multiplexing and channel coding"

 3GPP TS 38.331: "NR; Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol specification"
 3GPP TS 38.101: "NR; User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception"
 3GPP TS 38.211: "NR; Physical channels and modulation"
 3GPP TS 38.213: "NR; Physical layer procedures for control"
 3GPP TS 38.214: "NR; Physical layer procedures for data"
 3GPP TS 38.104: "NR; Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception"
 Scheduling

 Standards Compliance

 5G Networking and Signaling

 Beam Management

 mmWave Beam Management (High-Frequency TDD)

 High Speed Mobility (Low-Frequency TDD)

 Hyper Cell (Low-Frequency TDD)


 Cell Management
 UE Power Saving

 Power Control

 Carrier Aggregation

 CoMP (Low-Frequency TDD)

 Technical Specifications in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Product Documentation

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