EEE341 Lab 3:matching Networks: 1 Objective
EEE341 Lab 3:matching Networks: 1 Objective
EEE341 Lab 3:matching Networks: 1 Objective
1 Objective
2 Introduction
3 Pre-Lab
4 Procedure
In this section you will simulate in ADS the quarter-wave transformer match-
ing network that you designed in pre-lab.
Build the circuit shown in Fig.4.1 in ADS. Note that the characteris-
tic impedance of the quarter-wave section has been left blank. Be sure to
enter the value that you have obtained from pre-lab section into your own
schematic. Simulate the circuit, and then generate a plot to demonstrate the
magnitude of the refection coecient (S11 ) vs. frequency over the frequency
range from 100MHz to 1000MHz.
When you plot the S11 for the quarter-wave transformer matching net-
work, you should see additional frequencies at which the load is matched to
the source. Why is that happening?
In this section you will simulate in ADS the single-stub matching network
that you designed in pre-lab.
Build the circuit shown in Fig.4.2 in ADS. Note that the electrical lengths
of the transmission lines comprising the single-stub tuner have been left
blank. Be sure to enter the values that you have obtained from the pre-
lab into your own schematic. Simulate the circuit, and then generate a plot
to demonstrate the magnitude of the refection coecient (S11 ) vs. frequency
over the frequency range from 1GHz to 3GHz.
There is another single-stub solution using open-circuited stub to match
the RC load to 50Ω transmission line. Design that matching network, im-
plement it in ADS (using ideal component) and then plot S11 vs. frequency
over the same frequency range. Compare your results for this solution to the
ones for your original solution.
5 Lab Report
Utilizing report template to complete the assigned tasks. Compile your work
into a single PDF le, and submit it using the link provided in Canvas. Be
sure to include a header with course title, your last name and Lab.
For instance, EEE341_ your last name_ Lab3.pdf.