Soft Eng Answerkey
Soft Eng Answerkey
Soft Eng Answerkey
goals at the best value to the customer, and to continually improve the organization’s ability to
produce software products in the future is called
-software quality
provides the basis for the other management functions, particularly tracking and controlling
The structure that addresses the issue of organization of the individual project teams is called
-team structure
is a structure that does not enforce any formal team hierarchy
is a structure that draws upon the ideas from both the democratic organization and the
chief-programmer organization.
-mixed team org
is a part of project management, which relates to the use of schedules such as Gantt charts to plan
and subsequently report progress within the project environment.
-project planning
goal is to improve current and future management of outputs, outcomes and impact
and is mainly used to assess the performance of projects, institutions and programs set up
by governments, international organizations and NGOs
A continuous assessment that aims at providing all stakeholders with early detailed information on
the progress or delay of the ongoing assessed activities is called
Deals with the practical and theoretical problems of collecting and analyzing information in a
business function area. -Information Management
Describes a responsibility-driven methodology for modularization in an object-oriented context.
-Information System
The term that refers to computer programs and the manuals (if any) that support them.
They deal with structures and algorithms without regard for the meaning or importance of the data
that is involved.
-Software Engineer
A discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production from the early stages of system
specification to maintaining the system after it has been used.
-Software Engineering
-. Procedures
It requires learning to look at software and software components from two points of view: what it
does, and how it does it.
- Abstraction
This category includes the computer itself, which is often referred to as the central processing unit
(CPU), and all of its support equipment.
- Hardware
It refers to the high level structures of a software system, the discipline of creating such
structures, and the documentation of these structures.
- Software Architecture
The process of identifying, modeling and documenting how data moves around an
information system.
The process of identifying, modeling and documenting the data requirements of the system
being designed.
This is the stage where all the logical specifications of the systems are converted into descriptions
of the system in terms of real hardware and software.
-Physical Design
The stage where the analyst must decide on the overall design of the new system.
-Stage 2
In this stage, a large number of options for the implementation of the new system are generated.
-Stage 5
-Data Design
A software architecture based on the idea that changing the value of a variable should
automatically force recalculation of the values of variables which depend on its value
-Project Analysis
Determines the standards that are relevant for the Software Product, the Organization and the
means to achieve them.
A kind of validation is done against the written specifications and is actually based on the historical
data or evidence that has been documented
- Retrospective validation
This means that the Software product delivered should be as per the requirements defined.
-Software Metric
Comprises of processes that ensure that the Software Project would reach its goals. –Validation
It includes all the costs needed to achieve the required Quality levels.
-Cost of Quality
-Quality plan
It is a requisite in the quality management process and it makes sure that the process or product
meets the purpose intended.
-Configuration management
It is a kind of validation process that is usually carried out during the routine service, manufacturing
or engineering processing.
-Concurrent validation
It describes the quality objectives and specifies the quality assurance and control activities to be
performed in day-to-day company operations.
-Quality plan
Clearly determines the items that make up the software or system that includes source code, test
scripts, third-party software, hardware, data and both development and test documentation
-Configuration management