How To Mail As A National PDF
How To Mail As A National PDF
How To Mail As A National PDF
Being that Moors have a pre-existing status in Law, Commerce and Interchange with the European
nations/side of this nation, We are able to Offset Mailing cost by operating from an foreign
office(including home). The USPS is the de facto postal service for the de jure United States Post
Office(headed by the Post Master). With that being said the remedy for moors is in the postal rules and the
UPU(universal postal union) rules. the UPU is like the parent company for every national postal service
world wide & they have treaties with all non-3rd-world countries. Directly from the USPS website: I take a
copy of this printout from their site to the post office to teach the employees who don’t know this rule.
742.1-742.2 are the usps rules of stamps not affixed & parcels w/o postage stamps. The UPU rule is
144(2.2). No currency is needed because according to HJR 192 - law 73-10 everything is prepaid”all
obligations dollar for dollar.” This is how to mail as a Moor foreign to the US (FREE!!! all services) .
UPDATE: Due to an increase in the sovereign-citizens Movement, and their use of a similar format of attempting to
use Taxe Percue, in an archaic format that the Post Office no longer use, I DO NOT suggest going into the post office
to, dropping of in any blue mail box will get the mail passed. I’ve personally used our Mailing technique for about 3
years and very few problems. And in this time I have Grown to see that our process is private, and going into the post
office & asking public employees to validate or accept our private process is a conflict of interest considering public
and private don’t mix. I have receipts multiple with Zeroed out balance that I got going inside to confirm the validity
but it is still my Highest suggestion to just drop it and don’t deal with the headache you could incur dealing with
educated employees that don’t know their own postal manual and the international postal manual. I’ve had spend more
time than is needed researching the topic and the law is clear but the employees work for the de facto USPS and not
the Post Office and most have never even seen a Post Master so complains are almost worthless. I Highly suggest
sending everything Certified with tracking.
Here’s an old example of how the Moorish affixed postage looks and how to use certified mail: No
stamps are added and we don’t pay because it is prepaid. This includes all services
Affixed postage is how most corporations mail, 99.99% of bills don’t use stamps so why do we? It’s a tax
to get your note Here’s proof it:works
Locations to put on notice of Nationality
Always send certified mail w/return receipt
Look up the current officers and locations of the offices
This method works if you drop in any USPS blue box, if you need to go inside for proof of mailing take the
online print-out ONLY(not this whole packet). Be prepared to spend 30min at-least, an to talk to several
employees & managers who have probably never seen this kind of foreign mail. I alot of times take the
position that it’s my bosses mail from our local consular office, I drop off this kind of mail all the time, it’s
prepaid for EVERYTHING, and “I need a receipt!” & be prepared to have to go to another one if needed to
get inside service if refused & then come back with a zeroed out receipt next time.