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Government of Kerala



Ms.)No249/2020/ H.Edn Dated. 3.07.2020)

(Approved vide G.O.(Ms 3.07.2020

Office of the Director of Technical Education

Padmavilasom Street, Fort, Nalumukku, Pazhavangadi
Thiruvananthapuram 695 023

Page Page
Clause ITEM Clause ITEM
No. No.

1 Introduction 3 9 Certificates/Documents to be
uploaded along with the Application
2 Institutions and Intake 3 10 Entrance Examination 13

3 Categorization of Seats 3 11 Centralized Allotment Process(CAP) &

Online Submission of Options
4 Fee Structure 3 12 Admissions 19

5 Eligibility for Admission 3 13 Preventive measures against Ragging 20

6 Reservation of Seats 4 14 20
No Liquidated Damages

7 Claim for Reservation 6 15 Other Items 21

8 How and When to Apply 9

Page No. Page No.

No. Annexure No. Annexure

List of college that participated in CAP Creamy Layer

Proforma for Non-Creamy
I 2019-20 22-24 Certificate for SEBC Candidates

List of Socially and Educationally Proforma for community Certificate

II 25-26 IX 34
Backward Classes(SEBC) for SC/ST Candidates
Proforma for anti-ragging verdict for
III List of Scheduled Castes (SC) 27 X 35
all candidates
Certificate to be produced by the
IV List of Scheduled Tribes (ST) 28 XI 36
applicants belonging to AAY and
PHH category
List of Other Eligible Communities
V 29
(OEC) Income and assets certificate to be
XII 37
List of communities eligible for produced by EWS
V(a) 30
education concession as is given
to OEC XIII 38
Guidelines for images to be uploaded
Proforma for Income & Community
VI 31
Certificate for SEBC Candidates
XIV Instructions for filling OMR Answer sheet 39-41
Proforma for Inter-caste
VII 32
Marriage Certificate XV District Facilitation Centres 42

Page 2 MCA-2020,(C)DTE
Master of Computer Applications (MCA) is a Programme of two years duration
consisting of four semesters. This course is intended to train graduates in Computer Science
Engineering ,Computer Applications OR Science,Commerce and Arts with Mathematics as
one of the subjects at 10+2 level or Graduation level in development and use of
software for different applications. The major thrust is on giving the students a sound
background in computing, business functions and Mathematics relevant to Information
Technology. The Prospectus for admission to M.C.A. Course 2020-21 is published
herewith. The Prospectus issued in earlier years is not valid for 2020-21.


During the current year, allotment for admission to MCA Course will be made to
those institutions willing to participate in the Single Window System of Centralized
Allotment Process (CAP) and having AICTE approval, NOC of Government and University
affiliation for the academic year 2020-21. Allotment will also be made to new
institutions/ additional seats sanctioned before the Centralized Allotment Process (CAP)
and fulfilling the above requirements.


The seats available are mainly categorized as Government, Management and Lapsed

(a) Government seats are those seats against which allotment will be made by the Director,
LBS Centre for Science and Technology under the supervision of Director of
Technical Education based on the rank list published by Director, LBS Centre for
Science and Technology.

(b) Management seats are those seats set apart in Aided/Self-financing institutions to
be filled up by the Management concerned on the basis of the Supreme Court
direction and Government Orders on this behalf.

(c) Lapsed seats are those seats that may be filled up by the institution itself before
the closing of admissions a n d when the Director, LBS Centre for Science and
Technology intimates that he would not be allotting any more candidates after the
scheduled allotment process against such seats.

The fee structure in the above categories of seats will be announced before the
allotment process and will be published in the website.


(a) Nativity
The candidate must be an Indian Citizen. Certificate from a Village Officer or a
competent authority showing that the candidate is a native of any State or Union Territory of
India should be uploaded. True copies of the birth certificate issued by the competent
authority/ passport/ school certificate-showing place of birth will also be accepted as proof
Page 3 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
of nativity.

(b) Academic Eligibility

Candidates should have passed BCA/Bachelor Degree in Computer Science Engineering or

equivalent Degree.


Passed B.Sc./B.Com/BA with Mathematics at 10 + 2 level or Mathematical

Sciences(Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics, Operations Research) at Graduation
level (With additional bridge courses as per the norms of the concerned University). Since it is
not practicable to conduct bridge course for this year, these students will have to acquire
proficiency through an “Online MOOC Course” [Massive Open Online Course] as per the norms
of Kerala Technological University.

Candidates should have obtained at least 50 % marks in the Degree examination. It is 45 % in

the case of candidates belonging to reserved category. No rounding off of percentage of
marks to the nearest higher integer is permitted.

Note: (1) Candidate seeking admission to the course should be qualified from any of the
universities in Kerala or any other Universities, recognized by any of the Universities
in Kerala.
(2) Final Year regular Bachelor’s Degree students are also permitted to appear for the
Entrance Examination subject to the condition that the original degree certificate
and mark lists of all parts of the qualifying examination shall be produced by the
candidate at the time of admission. Inclusion in the ranklist is provisional and subject to
the academic eligibility conditions referred in clause 5(b).


(A) Reservation for Differently Abled (DA)

Five percent of the seats available to the State for allotment from the State rank lists are
reserved for candidates with disabilities, for all courses in Govt./Aided Colleges as
stipulated in Section 39, Chapter VI of the Persons With Disabilities Act 1995. As per
Clause 2 (t), Chapter I of the Act, ‘Person with Disability’ means a person suffering
from not less than 40% of any disability as certified by a medical authority. Generally,
candidates who have a minimum of 40% disability alone will be eligible to apply for this
quota. A disability certificate from the District Medical Board obtained within 12
months prior to the date of submission of the application has to be uploaded while
submitting application online. Such candidates are also required to upload a certificate
obtained from a Medical Officer not below the rank of Assistant Surgeon to the effect that
the candidate is fit enough to undergo the M.C.A. Course.
(B) Mandatory Reservation
Leaving the seats set apart under items (A) above, the remaining seats will be distributed
as per the mandatory reservation principle as contemplated in G.O. (P) 208/66/Edn.
dated 2.5.1966, G.O.(MS) No. 95/08/SCSTDD dated 06/10/2008, G.O (MS)
No. 10/2014/BCDD dated 23/05/2014 and as modified from time to time.

Page 4 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
a) For Govt. and Govt. Aided Institutions/Self Financing Institutions:

Sl.No Category Percentage

(i) State Merit (SM) 50%
(ii) Forward Community Members belonging to EWS category 10%
(As per G.O(P)No.1/2020.H.Edn.dated. 03.01.2020)
(iii) Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) 30%
a) Ezhava (EZ) 9%
b) Muslim (MU) 8%
c) Other Backward Hindu (BH) 3%
d) Latin Catholic and Anglo Indian(LC) 3%
e) Dheevara and related communities (DV) 2%
f) Viswakarma and related communities (VK) 2%
g) Kusavan and related communities (KN) 1%
h) Other Backward Christian (BX) 1%
i) Kudumbi (KU) 1%
(iv) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 10%
a) Scheduled Caste (SC) 8%
b) Scheduled Tribe (ST) 2%

b) For Self Financing Institutions with minority status (if any):

Sl.No Category Percentage

(A) State Merit 60%
(B) Socially and Educationally Backward Classes 30%
a. Ezhava (EZ) 9%
b. Muslim (MU) 8%
c. Other Backward Hindu (BH) 3%
d. Latin Catholic & Anglo Indian (LA) 3%
e. Dheevara and Related communites (DV) 2%
f. Viswakarma and related communities (VK) 2%
g. Kusavan and related communites (KN) 1%
h. Other Backward Christian (BX) 1%
i. Kudumbi (KU) 1%
(C) Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes 10%
a. Scheduled Casts (SC) 8%
b. Scheduled Tribes (ST) 2%

Note: i. The seats unavailed by the SC candidates will go to the ST candidates and
vice versa in the final allotment for all colleges.
ii. The seats unavailed by the SC/ST candidates will be filled from OEC
category. Seats unavailed by OEC candidates will be allotted to state merit
candidates in the final allotment for all colleges.
iii. The seats unavailed by SEBC candidates will be allotted to State Merit
candidates in the final allotment for all colleges.
Page 5 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
iv. The seats unavailed in any reservation quota will go to General Merit for all
v. As per the G.O (P) No.1/2020/P& ARD dated 03.01.2020, Government have
decided to implement reservation for Economically Weaker Sections in general
category (EWS) to all Higher educational institutions other than minority
institutions, where reservation to other backward classes are provided. The
candidates should upload necessary certificates from concerned Village
officer (Annexure XI/Annexure XII) to be considered under this category. The
seats ar e reserved in all institutions other than minority institutions, where
reservation to Other Backward Classes are provided and the seats unavailed by
them will be allotted to State Merit candidates.


(A) State Merit: The seats under the State merit will be filled purely on the
basis of merit (State wide).

(B) Claim for Communal Reservation under Socially and Educationally Backward
Classes (SEBC).
Note: (a) Reservation to the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes will be in
accordance with the provisions contained in G.O.(P)208/66/Edn.dated
2.5.1966, G.O(MS) No.95/08/SCSTDD dated 06.10.2008 and as amended from
time to time and will be in accordance with the Orders of the Hon’ble
Supreme Court of India/ Hon’ble High Court of Kerala or Orders of the
Government of Kerala/ Government of India.
(b) Candidates belonging to Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC)
should upload a certificate to the extent that the candidate belongs to the
community which is designated as a Socially and Educationally Backward Class
and does not belong to the category of Creamy Layer , in the proforma given
as Annexure VIII of GO (P) No. 112015/BCDD, dated: 01.01.2015 (Annexure VIII
of this prospectus).. The names of castes and communities under SEBC are
given in Annexure II of the Prospectus. Only the claims of the candidates of
those communities that are included in the list as incorporated in the
respective Annexure II of the Prospectus 2020 will be considered. Claims
by candidates belonging to other communities, which are not included in the
Annexure II, will be rejected even if certificates from the Concerned Revenue
Officers have been uploaded while submiting the application.
(c) The guidelines and criteria to be adopted for excluding from the Creamy Layer
among SEBCs for the purpose of reservation of seats in Admission to M.C.A
Course-2020 shall be as given in the Annexure II of G.O(P)No. 1/2015/BCDD,
dated 01.01.2015. Candidates belonging to Ezhava, Muslim, Other Backward
Hindus, Latin Catholic & Anglo Indians, Dheevara and related communities,
Viswakarma and related communities, Kusavan and related communities,
Other Backward Christians and Kudumbi communities, claiming reservation
under SEBC Quota should invariably upload the Non-Creamy Layer Certificate
from the authority concerned. The above certificate should be uploaded while
submiting the application.

Page 6 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
(d) Children of Inter-caste married couple with either the father or mother
belonging to a community included in SEBC list, or with father and mother
belonging to different communities, both of which are included in the SEBC list,
are eligible for reservation under SEBC. Such candidates should upload Non-
Creamy Layer Certificate from the authority concerned. The claim made in the
application will be final and cannot be changed subsequently.
(e) However, all candidates desirous of being considered for any fee concession/
scholarship/ any other benefits, based on annual family income should upload
Income Certificate from concerned Village Officer,while submiting the
(f) Candidates who are children of Inter-caste married couple, of which one is
SC/ST who will be eligible for educational and monitory benefits admissible to
SC/ST as per Section 2 (ii) of GO (MS) No.25/2005/SCSTDD dated 20-06-2005 &
G.O (Rt) No.240/09/H.Edn dt.25.03.2009, if eligible for reservation under SEBC,
will be granted the same, based on the community shown in the inter-caste
marriage certificate (Annexure VII) issued by Revenue officials and uploaded
while submitting the application.
(C) Claim for Reservation under Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Quota
(i) Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates should obtain the caste/
community certificate from the Tahsildar in the prescribed format (Annexure
IX ) which should be uploaded while submiting application (See Annexure III &
IV for the list of SC/ST communities). SC/ST community status of children of
parents contracted inter-caste marriage will be subject to the
orders/clarification issued in G.O(MS) No.25/2005/ SCSTDD dated 20- 06-2005
and the judgment dated 10-08-2005 of the Full Bench of the Hon’ble High
Court of Kerala in WP 2483/2005 and connected cases and G.O(Ms)
No.109/2008/SCSTDD dated 20.11.2008.

(ii) As per G.O.(MS)No.109/2008/SCSTDD, dated 20.11.2008, the children born of

inter- caste married couple of which one of the parents is SC/ST can claim the
status of SC/ST on proof of the conditions of acceptance, customary traits and
tenets under which such children are brought up.

(iii) The competent authority issuing SC/ST community certificate to children

born of inter-caste married couple, of which one of the parents is SC/ST,
should ensure that the claimant is subjected to same social disabilities and
following the same customs and traditions and the community has accepted
that person to its fold as such. The authority to issue caste certificate should
also ensure that
(a) Each case shall be examined individually in the light of the existing
facts and circumstances.
(b) The claimant has suffered disabilities – socially,
economically and educationally.
(c) The society has accepted the claimant to their original fold as one among
them and is living in the same social tenet.

(iv) The Christian converts who have subsequently embraced Hinduism should
upload caste/community certificate certificate in the prescribed format while

Page 7 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
submiting the application. The following certificate should also be got
recorded by the revenue official below the certificate “The certificate is
issued after observing the guidelines issued in Government Circular
No.18421/E2/SC/ST/DD dated 15.12.1987.”

(v) The applications for the reserved seats of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes
candidates which do not contain SC/ST Certificate (Community Certificate)
from the Tahsildar in the prescribed format will not be considered on any
account for claiming community reservation against the seat reserved for
SC/ST candidates (vide G.O.(MS) 31/90/SC/ST/DD dated 25.05.1990).
The community certificate should clearly specify that the candidate himself/herself (not
the father or mother) belongs to the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes. The
community certificate as per G.O.(MS) No.136/07/RD, dated 27.04.2007 will be
The candidates who are reconverted to Hinduism from Christianity, of Scheduled
Caste origin, should upload community certificate from the Tahsildar concerned
along with a copy of Gazette Notification regarding re-conversion.

(vi) The SC/ST claims in respect of those who have migrated from one State to
another will be subject to the provisions of G.O (MS) No.10/86/SC/ST/DD
dated 12.2.1986. Only the children of those who had migrated to this State
before the promulgation of the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1950
and the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order 1950 and ordinarily reside in
this State can claim SC/ST benefits from the State of Kerala. They must be
able to prove this, if required.

(vii) Claim of OEC candidates against the unavailed seats of SC/ST candidates:
Other Eligible Community (OEC) candidates are eligibile for the unavailed seats,
if any, under SC/ST quota, as per GO(P) No. 135/87/H.Edn, dated 06.05.1987.
They should specify their community status in the application. Such candidates
should upload “Non-Creamy Layer Certificate” from the authority concerned in
the proforma given in Annexure VIII. Relaxation in marks in the qualifying
examination as in the case of SEBC candidates will be applicable to OEC
candidates (As per GO(P) No.53/2000/SCSTDD dated 03.07.2000 ). The list of
Other Eligible Communities is given in Annexure V of the Prospectus.
1.Those who produce false SC/ST Certificate for claiming reservation under SC/ST
quota shall be liable for the penalties stipulated in Section 15 of the Act
referred to in Clause (C) above. Candidates and their parents who make such
applications are warned that in addition to prosecution they will have to suffer
the following consequences, in case the SC/ST certificate produced is found to
be false and the candidate does not belong to any SC/ST communities, under
Section 16 of the Act "Benefits secured on the basis of false community
certificates will be withdrawn:”

2. Whoever not being a person belonging to any of the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled
Tribes secures admission in any educational institution against a seat reserved for
such castes or tribes or secures any appointment in the Government,
Government Undertakings, Local Authority or in any other Company or

Page 8 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
Corporation owned or controlled by the Government or in any aided institution

against a post reserved for such castes or tribes or enjoys any other benefits
intended exclusively for such castes or tribes by producing a false community
certificate shall, on cancellation of the false community certificate, be removed
by cancelling the irregular admission in the concerned educational institution, or
as the case may be, removed from the said service forthwith and any benefit
enjoyed by him as aforesaid shall be withdrawn forthwith.
3. Any amount paid to such person by the Government or any other agency by
way of scholarship, grant, allowance, stipend or any other financial benefit shall
be recovered as if it is arrears of public revenue due on land.
4. Any degree, diploma or any other educational qualifications acquired by such
person after securing admission in any educational institution on the basis of a
false community certificate shall also stand cancelled on cancellation of the
community certificate obtained by him."

(D)Claim of fee concession to OEC candidates :

1. Candidates belonging to Other Eligible Communities are exempted from payment of
fee at the time of allotment to professional Degree Courses under
Government/Community quota as per G.O. (MS) No. 36/07/SCSTDD dated
03.07.2007. Those OEC candidates who have uploaded the Non-Creamy Layer
Certificate for availing the applicable reservation will be granted the fee concession
based on the Non-Creamy Layer Certificate. But those OEC candidates who do not
come under Non-Creamy Layer Category should upload the Community Certificate
obtained from the village officer to the online application for availing the fee
2. Claim for fee concession to the candidates belonging to communities listed in
Annexure V (a): Candidates belonging to the communities listed in Annexure V (a)
whose annual family income is up to Rs.6 lakhs are exempted from payment of fee
at the time of allotment to Professional Degree Courses under
Government/Community Quota as per GO (MS) No. 10/2014/BCDD dated:
23.05.2014. They should upload Community and Income Certificates from the Village
Officer in the prescribed format to the online application.

(E) Claim for reservation of candidates belonging to general candidates,

who are classified as members of EWS
As per the G.O (P) No.1/2020/P& ARD dated 03.01.2020, Government have decided
to implement reservation for Economically Weaker Sections in general category
(EWS) to all Higher educational institutions other than minority institutions, where
reservation to other backward classes are provided. The candidates should upload
necessary certificates from concerned Village officer (Annexure XI/Annexure XII)
8.1 Application for appearing in the Entrance Examination
Candidates seeking admission to the course have to apply online through the
website of the Director of LBS Centre for Science
and Technology. Application Fee for General and SEBC candidates is Rs.1000/-
(Rupees Thousand Only). In the case of SC/ST candidates and those eligible for
SC/ST benefits as per G.O. (MS) No.25/05/SCSTDD dated 22.06.2005, the
application fee is Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only). Application fee can be
remitted at any one of the branches of the Scheduled Bank (to be notified) in

Page 9 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM

Candidates referred to in Clause 7(d)(f), who are children of Inter-Caste married

couple of which one is SC/ST who will be eligible for educational and
monetary benefits admissible to SC/ST as per Clause 2 (ii) of GO (MS)
No.25/2005/SCSTDD dated 20.6.2005, should remit the fee meant for SC/ST and
should upload an inter-caste marriage Certificate from the Revenue officials.

8.2 Remittance of Application Fee and Submission of Application Form

Application fee can be remitted by all applicants at any one of the notified branches
of a Scheduled Bank in Kerala, either online or using the challan generated
during the process of submission of application.
The application fee once remitted will not be refunded under any circumstances.
8.2.1. Availability of Prospectus
Prospectus and all annexures can be downloaded from
However, it will not be available by post or from the Office of the Director of
Technical Education, LBS Centres or from any other office.
8.2.2 Submission of Application Form
Candidate has to visit the website and click the link
Various Allotments . In the page thus obtained click on the link Admission to MCA
Course 2020-21
Step 1: Registration

Candidate should click the button “NEW CANDIDATE”. The personal details of the
candidates have to be filled in the page thus obtained. All the basic
information,required in the application are to be filled in at this step.Before filling the
details,read the Prospectus carefully.The data provided here will be used for processing
the application.Any mistake in filling this sheet or providing false/incomplete/wrong
information will affect the candidates eligibility for admission or claim for reservation
under any category.It is obligatory that the candidate should fill all the items in the
registration stage. If the data is filled completely, after confirming that all the
information given are correct and true,click the Save and Continue button to complete
the registration process.

Step 2:Fee payment

At this step,the candidate has to make the payment of application fee by way of Online
Payment or by way of challan.
Select the Mode of Payment
A. Online Payment
The fee may be paid by credit card/debit card/Internet Banking.On successful payment
of fee,a Payment Confirmation page will appear displaying the message ‘Transation
Successful ‘ .This page will display the Application number, Transation Id, Challan
number, Date and Amount. . Candidate should note this application number and
challan number which will be required for future LOGIN OF FEE REMITTED
CANDIDATES . If the payment is unsuccessful, the message ‘Transaction Unsuccessful’

Page 10 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
will be displayed. Due to communication failure, if the outcome of the payment attempt
is not displayed, the Bank may be contacted to ensure whether the attempt was

successful or not. If not, the transaction was unsuccessful and the payment needs to be
made again and ensure that it’s successful. If the amount was debited from the account
of the candidate for an unsuccessful transaction, the debited amount will be reverted to
that account within 5-7 working days. After successful payment the candidate can
resume filling of application.

B. Challan Payment
When mode of payment by challan is selected , a three part challan form (Candidate
copy,office copy and Bank Copy) will appear on the screen. Candidate has to take a print
out of the challan, produce the same in the bank and remit the requsite application fee
at any branch of the designated bank (which will be notified later). The Challan will
contain the system generated application number which the candidate should note for
future login purpose.
After the remittance of fee in the bank, he /she will get back the candidate copy of the
challan from the bank.The candidate copy of the challan is to be retained by the
A candidate who remitted the fee by way of challan can continue with step 3 on the next
day or within the prescribed time limit for completion of the online application
submission process. The candidate has to click the button LOGIN (FEE REMITTED
CANDIDATE) . In the page thus obtained he/she has to enter the Application
Number,Date of remittance,Branch and challan number regarding the fee remittance if
logging in for the first time . Now facility will be provided for creating password. Also a
Registration Id will be provided to the candidate. Candidate should note this
Registration Id and password which are required for future login. The Candidate
should keep them confidential .

Step 3: Application Entry and uploading of Photograph/Signature/Certificates/Documents

The candidate should fill all the remaining items in the application entry stage.
A recent passport size photograph of the candidate and Signature of the candidate, all in
jpeg format of given specifications are to be uploaded (Refer Annexure XI for
guidelines). In addition all the certificates and documents in support of the various
claims made in the application should be uploaded. Nativity proof as stipulated in clause
5(a) and proof for date of birth are mandatory. When a candidate selects an option in
the application, the button to upload the corresponding certificate/document, if any,
required, will be activated against that option. The candidate will have to upload the
same there itself, without which, the candidate will not be able to proceed.

Step 4: Final Confirmation and Print Application

After completing step 4, the candidate can “Preview’ the application before
confirmation and submission. After Preview the candidate has to accept the declaration
and make final submission. The facility to accept the declaration (Tick box) will be
enabled only if all the mandatory fields are filled and uploading of supporting
documents and images are completed. Candidate should then take a printout of the
Application Form page from the online application for future references.

Page 11 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
The candidate will get an acknowledgement following the Final Confirmation. Candidate
can take a printout of this acknowledgement or make a note of the acknowledgement
number for future reference.

Applications of candidates who have not made final confirmation will be considered
incomplete and will not be considered.
Applications should be complete in all respects. A candidate will be considered eligible
for positioning in the Ranklist , only if he/she has uploaded the relevant certificates
prescribed in the Prospectus, in proof of eligibility, or in support of any claim for
reservation, under any category. Candidates are directed to keep a copy of the printout
of Application Form page of the online application for future reference. Do not send
the printout of the page and supporting documents to the Office of Director, LBS
Centre by post /e-mail/ in person. Candidates are liable to produce all the original
documents at the time of admission at the concerned allotted institution.

Candidates are requested to keep the Password and Registration ID strictly confidential to
protect their interest. Do not send the printout of the page and supporting documents to
the Office of Director, LBS Centre by post /e-mail/ in person.


1. Scanned copy of the S.S.L.C book or any other relevant record to prove date of birth.
2. Scanned copy of the degree certificate & mark lists of the qualifying examination (if
3. Scanned copy of Equivalence/Eligibility Certificate for candidates who have passed
from universities outside Kerala
4. Any one of the certificates as per clause 5(a) to prove nativity.
5. Scanned Copy of Non Creamy Layer Certificate for SEBC / OEC if applicable
6. Scanned Copy Community Certificate in support of SC/ST claim

7. Scanned Copy Inter-Caste marriage certificate in the prescribed format, if applicable

8. Scanned copy of Certificate from the Medical Board for Persons with Disabilities.
9. Scanned copy of the certificate from a Medical Officer not below the rank of Assistant
Surgeon to the effect that the candidate is fit enough to undergo the M.C.A. Course
(only for candidate claiming PD reservation seat)
10. Scanned copy of Income & Community Certificates in the prescribed format if
11. Scanned copy of EWS Certificate issued by Village officer (Applicable to general
community candidates, claiming EWS reservation).
12. Any other documents mentioned in the Notification of the Director, LBS Centre for
Science and Technology.
WARNING: Incomplete applications with defective or incomplete certificates will be rejected.
No opportunity will be given to incoporate any details/certificates after submission of the
online application.

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Entrance examination will be conducted by the Director, LBS Centre for Science and
Technology for the selection of candidates for admission to MCA Course. All
candidates who are eligible for admission and whose application have been
accepted will be allowed to appear for the Entrance Examination. The Entrance
Examination will be of two hours duration and will be conducted at selected venues in
Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam and Kozhikode. This may change depending upon
the number of candiates. Admit cards for Entrance Examination will have to be
downloaded by the candidate from their homepage at the website during the time period notified. Admit cards will not
be sent by post to the candidates.
a) The questions for the Entrance Examination will cover the subjects of
Mathematics, Statistics, General Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude and Logical
Ability, General English and Computer Science at Graduate level. The scheme of
examination is as follows:

Number of
Sl.No. Subject
Mathematics (10,+2 Level 50% and Degree
1 50
Level 50% )
2 Statistics (Degree subsidiary Level ) 10
3 Computer Science (Basic 10, Degree Level 10) 20
4 Quantitative aptitude 10
5 Logical ability 10
6 English 10
7 General Knowledge 10
Total 120
b) Answer sheets (OMR Answer sheets) will be given to mark the answers. All entries in
the OMR Answer sheet including the filling of bubbles should be done by using ball
point pen (blue or black ink) only (Refer Annexure XIV).
c) All questions will be of objective type and will be given in the form of a
Question Booklet. Each answer with correct response shall be awarded three marks.
More than one answer indicated against a question will be deemed as incorrect
response .No marks will be deducted for incorrect response and zero marks for the
questions not answered.

d) The Question Booklets can be taken by the candidates at the end of the Examination.
e) In the case of tie in the total marks in the Entrance Examination, the candidates
scoring higher marks in the section 'Computer Science' in the Entrance
Examination will be placed higher in rank. If the tie still exists, the candidate

Page 13 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
having higher marks in the section ” Mathematics” in the Entrance Examination will be
given preference. If the tie still persists, the candidate having higher marks in the
section ” Logical Ability” in the Entrance Examination will be given preference

f) If any candidate has any complaint regarding the answer keys, the same should
be submitted to the Director, LBS Centre for Science and Technology, by e-mail to
the E-mail ID within 3 working days from the date of
publication of answer keys in the website .
Complaints received after the stipulated date will not be considered under any

g) Publication of Results- The rank list for admission to the course will be published
on the basis of the total marks secured by the candidates above the fixed cut off
marks of 5% for the Entrance Examination.
Warning: - Any malpractice or attempt to commit any kind of malpractice in
the examination will result in the summary disqualification of the candidate.


The Allotment Process will be done through a Single Window System (SWS) of
Allotment to give allotments to the various Government/ Aided/ Private Self
Financing Colleges/ Self Financing Colleges under Govt. Control based on the
options submitted online by the candidates who have been included in the rank
list for admission to the MCA Course 2020-21, Kerala. It is a simple and
transparent process of allotment to the courses and it gives the candidate
opportunity to exercise his/her options for colleges of his/her choice conveniently
in the order of his/her preference considering all those available to be chosen
from. The allotments will be strictly based on the options exercised, the rank
obtained and eligible reservations of the candidate. Candidates should register
options only to those colleges, which they are sure to join on allotment. If the
candidate fails to remit fee/join the college, he/she will not be eligible for any
further allotment to the course.

11.1(a) The Single Window System of Admissions for the MCA Course 2020-21 will be
done by the Director, LBS Centre for Science and Technology.
(b) Seats in the Government/ Aided/ Private Self Financing Colleges/ Self Financing
Colleges under Govt. Control to be allotted by the Director, LBS Centre for
Science and Technology will be included in the SWS and will be done as per the
provisions of allotment.

(c) Candidate to register options: Options can be registered only through the
website, Candidates included in the MCA Course
2020-21 rank list will have to register their options in the ‘Home Page’ of the
candidate through the website within the stipulated period of time. Candidates
can access this website and follow the instructions given therein to register
their options for colleges. Options submitted to the Director, LBS Centre for
Science and Technology by Fax, Post, Hand Delivery etc., will not be processed
or considered on any account for allotment of seats.

Page 14 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
d) Time schedule for registering options: The facility for registering of options
will be available only during the period specified in the notifications to be
issued by the Director, LBS Centre for Science and Technology. Wide publicity
will be given through electronic and print media regarding the schedule and
related matters. The facility will be withdrawn once the time period is over
and candidates will not have access to this facility after this time period. A
candidate, not registering his/her options as per the time schedule announced,
will not be considered for allotments under any of the seats available then,
irrespective of his/her rank. No extension of time will be granted under any
circumstances for registering options.

(e) Eligibility for registering options: Only those candidates included in the Rank List
published by the Director, LBS Centre for Science and Technology for MCA
Course 2020-21 based on the Entrance Examination are eligible to register their
options online. Moreover, the candidates registering their options should
satisfy all the eligibility conditions with regard to Nativity (Clause 5(a)),
Academic qualifications (Clause 5(b)) etc., of the Prospectus for admission to
MCA Course 2020-21. Academic eligibility should be satisfied on the date of
admission to the Course.
Principal/Head of the Institution will be personally responsible for
verification of eligibility conditions as prescribed in the Prospectus, when the
candidate reports for admission. Only those candidates who are found to be
qualified as prescribed shall be admitted to the college/institution, irrespective
of the fact that he/she has an allotment through the SWS.

(f) Essentials for registering options: Candidates should have particulars such as
Application Number and Password which he/she has created.
(g) Procedure for Registering Options : Any candidate, who wishes to register his/her
options, should have the Application Number and Password, readily available
with him/her. The candidate must also have access to internet facility. The
candidate should follow the procedure given below for registering options:
(i) Accessing the website: The candidate can access the website, from any computer having internet facility. The
platform can be Windows-based or Linux-based and any browser will be sufficient.
(ii) Logging on to the Candidate's Home page: The candidate can log on to his/her
home page by entering the credentials (i.e., Application number and Password)
If the system finds that the one who has requested for ‘login’ is the genuine
candidate, the candidate will be directed to his/her ‘Home Page’. If any
discrepancy is observed by the system on these credentials, the candidate will
not be permitted to proceed further.
(iii) Colleges available for registering options: The list of Colleges for allotments
through the SWS will be available in the Home page of the candidate. The ‘Option
Registration’ link when clicked will show all the Government/ Aided/ Private Self
Financing Colleges/ Self Financing Colleges under Govt. Control, Total Seats and
Course fee applicable to the candidate.
(iv) How to register options in his/her Home Page: By entering the option number for
a college, the candidate can type his/her preference numbers for the colleges
displayed. Here all the eligible options of the candidate will be displayed and the
candidate is expected to enter his/her preference number for a particular college.

Page 15 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
(v) Registering of the Options and saving/revising the Options registered: All
eligible options of the candidate will be displayed. The candidate may follow the
directions given therein to register the options. The data entered may be saved
regularly by clicking the ‘Save’ button, so that the data already entered is not lost
due to unexpected reasons. The candidate should enter only those options in which
he/she is interested. Candidates should also note that he/she will be considered
for allotment only to those colleges opted by him/her. So, a candidate who has
not opted for a college will not be considered for allotment to that college. The
registered options will be displayed in the order of preference number under
the title “Selected College Preference List”. The registered options can be
cancelled by entering the number '0' against that particular option to be cancelled
and by clicking the 'Update' button. All options registered by the candidate will be
processed. If a candidate gets allotted to a particular seat, based on his/her
option, he/she is bound to accept it, failing which, he/she will lose that
allotment as well as his/her claims for any seat in any college. Such candidates
will not be eligible for any further allotment in any college.
(vi) Viewing and Printing of the Option List based on the options registered: Once
the candidate completes the option entry, he/she can view his/her options by
clicking on the link provided. An option list will be generated and the
candidate can take a printout of the same and keep it for future reference.
If the candidate wants to change his/her options already registered, he/she may
revise the options as desired and ensure that the option list has come as per his/her
(vii) Logging off from the Home page: Once the candidate is satisfied with the
options registered, he/she should ‘Log off’ the system by clicking on "logout" link.
The process of ‘Registration of Options’ is complete when the candidate logs off.
This action is compulsory for preventing the misuse of his/her Home Page by others.
(viii) Rearranging option priority: A candidate may change his/her option priority
any number of times within the time schedule permitted. The priority of options
registered at the time of closing of the facility for registering options alone will be
considered for processing.

11.2 Processing of Options and Allotment: After the period earmarked for registering
options, they will be processed and the allotment for all colleges will be published
on the website, "", on the date notified by the
Director, LBS Centre for Science and Technology. The allotment memo, the
printout of which can be taken from the website, will show the college to which
the candidate is allotted and the fee to be remitted. The schedule of allotment
will be notified separately.

11.3 Remittance of Fee: Those who have obtained an allotment should take the print
of the allotment memo from the LBS Centre web site
( and remit Rs.10,000/- (part of the tuition fee) either
through online or by direct payment at the prescribed bank. After the candidate
remits the fee, a fee receipt will be generated o n l i n e by the system o r i s s u e d
b y b a n k i n t h e c a s e o f d i r e c t p a y m e n t . T h e r e c e i p t i s t o b e produced
at the college at the time of admission. Those candidates who do not remit the
fee on or before the date prescribed for the same will lose their allotment as well
as the eligibility for further allotments. Candidates who have not received any
allotment in the first allotment and who have received an allotment in any

Page 16 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
subsequent allotment will have to remit the prescribed fee as above for the course

11.4 Admission to the Course: Candidates allotted to courses, and who have remitted the
fees as prescribed, should take admission in the allotted college as per the
schedule published by the Director, LBS Centre for Science and Technology.
Candidates who do not take admission will lose their allotment as well as their
further claims in the Central Allotment Process (CAP).

11.5 Cancellation of options/alteration of priority of options after each allotment:

a. Candidates who remit the fees as per each allotment within the prescribed time
limit will have the facility to cancel/alter the priority of their higher order
options in the list of options registered by them before the next allotment. This
facility will be activated in the ‘Home Page’ of the candidates on the dates
b. After each allotment, the options below the ‘allotted one’ of the candidate will
automatically be removed from the option list of the candidate. For
example, if a candidate had registered 10 options in all, and if he/she is
allotted his/her 8th option, options 9 and 10 will be removed from the option
list. Since the 8th option is the allotted one, it will not be seen in the option
list. Options from 1 to 7 only will remain valid and will be considered for future
c. If a candidate is satisfied with an allotment and does not want to be considered
against his remaining options, he/she will have the facility to cancel all the
remaining options or specific options among the remaining options as per
his/her desire. The candidate will also have the facility to alter the priority
of the remaining options. But the candidate will not be permitted to register
any fresh option to the existing ones.
d. The facility for cancellation/deletion/alteration will be available as notified,
after which the facility will be withdrawn. A candidate retaining all or any of
the options after each allotment is bound to accept the next allotment, if any,
given to him/her. If the candidate fails to accept the allotment,
he/she will lose all the
allotments/admission and will not be considered for any further allotments
in the Central Allotment Process(CAP).

11.6 Further Allotments: Details regarding further allotments will be notified by the
Director, LBS Centre for Science and Technology.

11.7 Post Allotment Activities:

(a) Reporting at the College: Candidates who get allotment will have to report
to the Principal/Head of the Institution concerned for admission on the dates
notified with the required documents.

The candidate is specifically instructed NOT to inform his/her PASSWORD to the

institutions concerned.

Page 17 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
a) Admit Card of the Entrance Examination.
b) Allotment Memo.
c) SSLC or any relevant school records to prove date of birth.
d) Originals of Degree Certificate and Mark list of all parts of the qualifying exam.
e) Originals of Certificates, the copies of which are enclosed with the print out of
application form.
f) Transfer certificate and conduct certificate from the
institution where the candidate studied last.
g) Two copies of passport size photograph of the candidate.
h) Candidates who passed their qualifying examination from Universities/Boards outside
the State shall produce “Eligibility Certificate / Equivalency Certificate” from any of
the Universities in Kerala.
i) Applicant who is employed or a trainee in Government service, Scheduled Bank etc.
should produce, at the time of interview, a relieving order and a certificate of good
conduct from the Head of the office where the applicant is employed.
j) The student who qualifies from other universities should produce migration
certificate at the time of admission.
Note: All certificates as listed above must be produced for verification at the
time of admission. Candidates will not be given any chance to produce the original
documents/certificates asked for, on a subsequent occasion.
(b) Verification of Documents: The Principal/Head of the College or Institution
shall be personally responsible for verification and satisfaction of the correctness
of the records produced by the candidate at the time of seeking admission in
the college/institution. The Universities concerned shall also verify the records
produced by the candidates securing admission in the colleges/institutions
coming under them by deputing special teams and submit report to Government
within 10 days from the last date fixed for final allotment of seats.
(c) Failure to Report for Admission: Candidates who do not pay the tuition fee or do
not take admission on the prescribed date will lose their allotment. They will
not be considered for any further allotments in the Central Allotment

(d) Cancellation of Higher Options after joining a College: Candidates who join the
college on the dates specified can cancel their remaining options fully or partially
or change the priority of their remaining options before the dates prescribed. A
candidate not interested in any further allotments, must cancel all the remaining
options before the specified date failing which, the options will remain live
and will be considered for further allotments. In this case the candidate will be
bound to accept allotment in the higher options.

(e) Admission/Allotment of seats is governed by a statewide principle of selection.

Accordingly, the total seats available in all the Institutions will be distributed
statewide for the different categories by applying mandatory reservation principle
as mentioned in Clause 6 (B). While doing selection as per the statewide break up
of seats, an institution wise break up of seats for the various categories following
the principle of reservation, will also be maintained for the allotment of seats for
the course in each college.

Page 18 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
(f) Selection / Allotment of College: Selection/Allotment of a candidate to any
college will be based on the rank of the candidate and the availability of seats, at
that point of time when the candidate files option. The procedure adopted for
admission will be as per the selection principle approved in G.O. (MS)
No.122/98/HEdn dated 7-10-1998. According to the G.O., “candidates of the
reserved category who will otherwise come in the open merit list will be allotted
to the college of his choice provided he would have been eligible for allotment to
that college if he was treated as candidate coming under reservation quota.
While a reserved category candidate entitled to admission on the basis of his
merit will have the option of taking admission to the colleges where a
specified number of seats have been kept reserved for reserved category, when
computing the percentage of reservation he will be deemed to have been
admitted as an open category candidate and not as a reserved category
i. The allotment to colleges will be as per the break-up of seats for the course
in each college. But on applying the principle of selection mentioned above,
the break-up of seats for allotment in certain colleges are likely to change.

ii. Allotment of Government seats in all Self financing Colleges will be done
college/institution wise in accordance with the reservation policy of the

iii. Allotment memo will be issued to the selected candidates in the Centralised
Allotment Process. It is obligatory for the candidates to report to the College
to which he/she is selected. Candidates should report for admission to the
college with their parents/guardians. No extension of time for reporting to
the college will be granted under any circumstances. Failure to appear
before the Principal concerned for joining the course on the notified date and
time will result in the forfeiture of his/her admission to the course and he/she
will not be considered for any vacancies arising in future.

iv. Vacancies arising after the first round of allotment of seats will be filled up
according to the rank and options submitted by the candidates and observing
the reservation rules on the basis of the priority given in the option form.
There will be no mutual transfer between the candidates from one college to

(g) If a candidate who got admission in any Allotment of any phase under CAP
conducted by the Director, LBS Centre for Science and Technology, discontinues
the course by taking TC to join another college or course which is not the part of
CAP or for any other reasons not related to CAP, such candidate will not be
considered for further allotment Process in the CAP.

(h) No allotment of seats to the 1st year of the Course will be made after the last
date of closing of admission even if vacancy / vacancies arise thereafter.

(i) Weeding out Rule: The records of the MCA Entrance Examinations will be
preserved upto 31st December of the year of conduct of Entrance Examination.
Admission to the college will be made by the Principals of the Colleges after

Page 19 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
Allotment, after the conduct of the personal interview with the candidates
and their parents/ guardians. The candidates who do not participate in this
personal interview will not be eligible for admission.


According to the Kerala Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1998, ‘ragging’ means doing of
any act by disorderly conduct to a student of an educational institution, which
causes or is likely to cause physical or psychological harm or raising
apprehension or shame or embarrassment to that student and includes teasing or
abusing or playing practical jokes or causing hurt to such students or asking a
student to do any act or to perform something which such student will not in the
ordinary course be willing to do.
All institutions will have to abide by the directives of the Honourable Supreme
Court of India, Dated May 16, 2007 in SLP No. (S) 24295 of 2006 University of
Kerala Vs Council, Principal’s, Colleges, Kerala & Ors [with SLP (C) No.24296-
99/2004 & W.P (Crl) No. 173/2006 & SLP (C) No.14356/2005] and the
recommendations approved by the Honourable Supreme Court of India on
effective prevention of ragging in educational institutions.
In case, the applicant for admission is found to have indulged in ragging in the past
or if it is noticed later that he/she has indulged in ragging, admission may be
refused or he/she shall be expelled from the educational institution.It shall be the
collective responsibility of the authority of the institution to see to it that
effective steps for preventing ragging are taken. Anti-ragging committees and
anti- ragging squads will have to be formed to take effective measures against
ragging and they should adhere to the stipulations and effectively monitor and
comply with the directives.
Each of the student of the institution and his/her parents, or guardian are
required to submit a combined undertaking at the time of registration/admission in
prescribed format available in Annexure X which is mandatory for

As per G.O.(Rt)No.77/2020/H.Edn dated 18.01.2020, the liquidated damages are fully

exempted and stated that the clause of chapter 7.13 of AICTE approval process Hand
Book 2020-21 stated as follows:
14.1 In the event of a student withdrawing before the start of the course, the entire
fee collected from the student, after a deduction of the processing fee of not
more than Rs.1000/- (Rupees One thousand only) shall be refunded by the
Institution. It would not be permissible for institutions to retain the
school/institution leaving Certificates in original.
14.2 In case, if a student leaves after joining the course and if the vacated seat is
consequently filled by another sutdent by the last date of admission, the
institution must refund the fee collected after a deduction of processing fee of
not more than Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One thousand only) and proportionate
deductions of monthly fees and hostel rent, where applicable.
14.3 In case the vacated seat is not filled, the Institution should refund the Security
Deposit and return the original documents.
14.4 The Institution should not demand fee for the subsequent years from the

Page 20 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
students cancelling their admission at any point of time. Fee refund along with
the return of certificates should be completed within 7 days.
14.5 Institutions not following guidelines issued by the Council regarding refund of fee
for cancellation of admission or delaying refunds shall be liable to any one or more
of the following punitive actions by the Council.
 Fine for non-compliance of refund rules of the fee levied against each case
shall be five times the total fee collected per student.
 Suspension of approval for NRI and Supernumerary seats, if any, for one
Academic Year.
 Reduction in “Approved Intake”
 No admission in one/more course(s) for one Academic Year/Withdrawal of
approval for program(s)/courses(s)
a) Director of Technical Education or Director, LBS Centre for Science and
Technology will not entertain any request for change of the date of Entrance
Examination or Centralised Allotment Process or enquiries with regard to the
date of declaration of the results.
b) The Allotment for admission to MCA course-2020 will be done by The
Director, LBS Centre for Science and Technology under the supervision of
DTE, Kerala.
c) Candidate will not be permitted to take items such as Pencil, eraser,
correction fluid, calculator, electronic gadgets, mobile phones etc,in to the
examination hall. Any attempt of malpractice in the Examination will result
in the disqualification of the candidate and will lead to debarring of the
candidate for not less than two years. Barcode tampering will also be treated
as an act of Malpractice.
d) All disputes pertaining to the Examination, selection or admission shall fall
within the jurisdiction of the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala.
e) Any other items not specifically covered in this prospectus will be decided by
the Director of Technical Education, Kerala/Director, LBS Centre for Science
and Technology and their decision shall be final and he is also empowered to
cancel any admission found to be illegal subsequent to the admission.

Director of Technical Education

Page 21 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
List of colleges that participated in the CAP 2019-20
(Final list for 2020-21 will be published in the website later)

Sl. College Govt

Code Seats . D
s Y
Govt. Institutions
College of Engineering, Sreekaryam,
1 TVA G 60 60 APJ Abdul Kalam
Thiruvananthapuram. Ph: 0471-
Tech. University
Government College of Engineering, Thrissur –
2 TRA G 30 30 APJ Abdul Kalam
680 009. Ph: 0487-2334590
Tech. University

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam – APJ Abdul Kalam

3 RIA G 60 60
686 501. Ph: 0487- Tech. University
Aided Institutions

4 TKA TKM College of Engineering, Kollam.Ph:0474-2713126 A 40 34 Kerala University

Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, APJ Abdul Kalam
5 MHA A 30 Managem
Kothamangalam-686 666. Ph: 0485- e nt-4 Tech. University
Self Financing institutions in Thiruvanananthapuram District (Allotment is only for 50% of the Total Seats)

Lourdes Matha College of Science & Technology,

6 LMA S 30 15 APJ Abdul Kalam
Kuttichal, Trivandrum. Ph:0472-
Tech. University
Mohandas College of Engineering & Technology,
7 MTA S 60 30 APJ Abdul Kalam
Anad, Nedumangad,Trivandrum. Ph:0472–
Tech. University
CHMM College of Advance Studies Metca Land,
8 HMA Chavarcode, Palayamkunnu P.O, Varkala, S 60 30 Kerala University
Thiruvananthapuram ,Kerala Ph: 0470–
9 PAA 2667617
P.A.Aziz College of Engg. And S 30 15
Technology,Karakulam, Trivandrum

Self Financing institutions in Kollam District (Allotment is only for 50% of the Total Seats)

Sree Narayana Institute of Technology ,Vadakkevila.

10 SIA S 60 45 Kerala University
P.O, Kollam - 691 010. Ph: 0474-
Marthoma Institute of Information Technology,
11 MMA S 60 30 Kerala University
Chadayamangalam ,Kollam, Kerala Ph: 0474 - 2476535

Mar Baselios Institute of Technology,Post Bag No. 3,

12 MIA S 60 30 Kerala University
Anchal P.O Kollam, Kerala – 691306. Ph: 0475-2279663

Page 22 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
Self Financing institutions in Pathanamthitta District (Allotment is only for 50% of the Total Seats)

K V V S Institute of Technology, Kattaparambil,(via)

13 KVA S 60 30 Kerala University
Enathu, Adoor – 691 526. Ph: 0473-
Musaliar College of Engineering & Technology,
14 MLA S 60 30 APJ Abdul Kalam
Kumpazha, Pathanamthitta. Ph:0468-
Tech. University
Mar Athanasios College for Advaced Studies,
15 MAA S 60 60 MG University
Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta. Ph:0469-
Mount Zion College of
16 MZA S 60 30 APJ Abdul Kalam
Tech. University

Self Financing institutions in Alappuzha District (Allotment is only for 50% of the Total Seats)

KVM College of Engineering and Information

17 KEA Technology, KVM Trust, PB No 30, Cherthala, S 60 30 APJ Abdul Kalam
Alappuzha Ph:0478- Tech. University
Self Financing institutions in Kottayam District (Allotment is only for 50% of the Total Seats)

Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kottayam. APJ Abdul

18 ACA S 60 30
Ph: 04828-305500 Kalam Tech.
Kristu Jyothi College of Management Technology,
19 KJA Chethipuzha, Kurisummodu.P.O., Chagnassery, S 60 30 MG University
Kottayam, Kerala 6861004 Ph: 0481-2720696
St. Joseph College of Engineering & Technology, Palai. APJ Abdul
20 SJA S 60 30
Kottayam Ph: 04822-239301 Kalam Tech.
Self Financing institutions in Idukki District (Allotment is only for 50% of the Total Seats)

Marian College, Kuttikkanam, Peerumade, Idukki

21 MRA S 60 30 MG University
Ph: 0486-9232354

Santhigiri College of Computer

22 SGA S 60 30

Self Financing Institutions in Ernakulam District (Allotment is only for 50% of the Total Seats)

College Total Govt. AFFILIATED
Code Seats seats UNIVERSITY
Sree Narayana Guru Institute of Science &
APJ Abdul Kalam
23 SNA Technology, Manjali, Mannanam P.O, S 60 30
Tech. University
North Paravur, Ernakulam. Ph: 0484-2440220
MES- Advanced Institute of Management and
24 MEA Technology (MES-AIMAT), Marampally, Aluva, S 60 30 MG University
Ernakulam. Ph: 0484-2679967
ILA Ilahia College of Engg. And Technology ,Mulvoor, S 60 30
Moovattupuzha, Ernakulam APJ Abdul Kalam
Tech. University

Page 23 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha, Ernakulam.
26 NMA S 60 30 MG University
Ph : 0485-28363

DePaul Institute of Science and Technology, De Paul

27 DIA S 60 30 MG University
Nagar, Angamaly, Ernakulam. Ph: 0484-2911811

28 UCA Union Christian College, Aluva. Ph: 0484-2603633 S 60 30 MG University

SCMS School of Technology & Management , Muttom,

29 SMA S 60 30 MG University
Aluva. Ph:0484-2625004

SCMS School of Engineering and Technology Vidya

30 SCA Nagar, Palissery, Karukutty, Ernakulam. S 60 30 MG University
Ph: 0484-2450330
Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering,
APJ Abdul Kalam
31 SRA Kadayirippu, Kolencherry, Ernakulam District S 60 30
Tech. University
Ph:0484-276 4841
Federal Institute of Science & Technology, Hormis
32 APJ Abdul Kalam
FIA Nagar, Mookkannoor .P.O, Angamaly Ph: 0484-2616403 S 60 30
Tech. University
33 KMA KMM College of Arts and Science,Thrikkakkara, Kochi S 60 30
34 STA Regional Centre School of Technology and Applied S(Govt.
sciences,Edappally ,Kochi Contrl.) 30 15 MG University

Self Financing Institutions in Thrissur District (Allotment is only for 50% of the Total Seats)
Vidya Academy of Science & Technology,
35 VDA S 60 30 APJ Abdul Kalam
Thalakottukkara P.O, Thrissur Ph: 0488-5287751
Tech. University
Nehru College of Engineering, Research Centre,
36 NCA S 60 30 APJ Abdul Kalam
Pampady, Thiruvilwamala, Thrissur Ph: 0488-4282070
Tech. University
Self Financing Institutions in Malappuram District (Allotment is only for 50% of the Total Seats)
MES College of Engineering, Kuttippuram,
37 MSA S 60 30 APJ Abdul Kalam
Thrikkanapuram P.O, Malappuram. Ph: 0494-3051234
Tech. University
Self Financing College Under Govt. Control in Kozhikode District (All Seats will be filled in CAP)
College of Applied Sciences, Balan K Nair Road,
38 CAA S 30 Managem- Calicut University
Kiliyanad, CalicutPh:0495-2765154 ent -15

College of Engineering, Madarathur.P.O., Vadakara. APJ Abdul Kalam

39 CEA S 60 60
Kozhikode. Ph:0496-2537225 Tech. University

Self Financing Institutions Kozhikode District (Allotment is only for 50% of the Total Seats)
AWH Engineering College, Kuttikkattoor, Calicut - 673
40 AWA S 30 15 APJ Abdul Kalam
008. Ph: 0495-2352552
Tech. University
KMCT College of Engineering, Manasserry PO, Calicut
41 KCA S 60 30 APJ Abdul Kalam
- 673 602. Ph: 0495-2289099
Tech. University
Self Financing Institutions Kannur District (Allotment is only for 50% of the Total Seats)

Chinmaya Institute of Technology, Govindagiri, Chalai

42 CIA S 60 30 Kannur University
P.O., Kannur Pin- 670007

DON BOSCO COLLEGE, Anappanthy -,

43 DBA S 30 15 Kannur University
Angadikadavu, Iritty , Kannur Kerala Ph:0490-2426212

Page 24 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
[Vide G.O. (P) 208/66/Edn. dated 02.05.1966, G.O. (Ms) No. 95/08/SCSTDD dated 06.10.2008 & G.O. (Ms) No.
58/2012/SCSTDD dated 16.04.2012, G.O.(Ms) No. 10/2014/BCDD dated: 23.05.2014, Lr No. 1538/A2/2014/BCDD
dated 02.07.2014, G.O.(Ms) No. 03/2018/BCDD dated 09.04.2018]

12. Ezhavathi (Vathi)

I. Ezhavas including Ezhavas, Thiyyas, Ishuvan,
13. Ezhuthachan, Kadupattan
Izhuvan, Illuvan and Billava
II. Muslims (all sections following Islam) 14. Gudigara

III. Latin Catholics and Anglo Indians 15. Galada Konkani

IV. Dheevara including Dheevaran, Araya,Arayas, 16. Ganjam Reddies
Arayan, Valan, Nulayan, Mukkuvan, Arayavathi,
Valinjiar, Paniakkal, Paniakel, Mukaya, Bovis- 17. Gatti
Mukayar, Mukaveeran, Mogaveera, 18. Gowda
V. Viswakarmas including Viswakarma, Asari, 19. Ganika including Nagavamsom
Chaptegra, Kallassari, Kalthachan, Kammala, 20. Hegde
Kamsala, Kannan, Karuvan, Kitaran, Kollan,
Malayala Kammala, Moosari, Pandikammala, 21. Hindu Nadar
Pandithattan, Perumkollan, Thachan, Thattan,
22. Idiga including Settibalija
Vilkurup, Villasan, Viswabrahmanan or
Viswabrahmanar, Viswakarmala and Palisa 23. Jangam
24. Jogi
VI. Kusavan including Kulalan, Kulala Nair,
Kumbaran, Velaan, Velaans, Velaar, 25. Jhetty
Odan, Kulala, Andhra Nair, Anthuru Nair 26. Kanisu or Kaniyar-Panicker, Kaniyan, Kanisan
VII. Other Backward Christians or Kamnan, Kannian or Kani, Ganaka
(a) SIUC 27. xxx
(b) Converts from Scheduled Castes 28. Kalarikurup or Kalari Panicker
to Christianity 29. Kerala Muthali, Kerala Mudalis
VIII. Kudumbi 30. Oudan (Donga) Odda (Vodde or Vadde or
IX. Other Backward Hindus, i.e. Veddai)
1. Agasa 31. Kalavanthula

2. Kharvi 32. Kallan including Isanattu Kallar

3. Aremahrati 33. Kabera
4. Arya, Atagara, Devanga, Kaikolan, (Sengunthar) 34. Korachas
Pattarya, Pattariyas, Saliyas (Padmasali, Pattusali, 35. x x x
Thogatta, Karanibhakatula, Senapathula, Sali,
Sale, Karikalabhakulu, Chaliya, Chaliyan) 36. Kannadiyans
Sourashtra, Khatri, Patnukaran, Illathu Pillai, Illa
37. Kavuthiyan, Kavuthiya
Vellalar, Illathar
5. Bestha 38. Kavudiyaru

6. Bhandari or Bhondari 39. Kelasi or Kalasi Panicker

7. Boya 40. Koppala Velamas

8. Boyan 41. Krishnanvaka

9. Chavalakkaran 42. Kuruba

10. Chakkala (Chakkala Nair) 43. Kurumba

11. Devadiga 44. Maravan (Maravar)

Page 25 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
45. Madivala 67. Ural Goundan
46. Maruthuvar 68. Valaiyan
69. Vada Balija
47. Mahratta (Non-Brahman) 70. Vakkaliga
48. Melakudi (Kudiyan)
71. Vaduvan(Vadugan), Vaduka,
49. xxx
Vadukan, Vadugar
50. Moili
72. Veera Saivas (Pandaram, Vairavi,
51. Mukhari
Vairagi, Yogeeswar, Yogeeswara,
52. Modibanda
Poopandaram, Malapandaram,
53. Moovari
Pandaran, Matapathi and Yogi)
54. Moniagar
73. Veluthedathu Nair including Vannathan,
55. Naicken including Tholuva Naicker and Vettilakkara
Veluthedan and Rajaka
Naicker, Naikkans
74. Vilakkithala Nair including Vilakkathalavan,
56. Padyachi (Villayankuppam)
Ambattan Pranopakari,
57. Palli
Pandithar and Nusuvan
58. Panniyar or Pannayar
75. Vaniya including Vanika, Vanika Vaisya,
59. Parkavakulam (Surithiman, Malayaman, Nathaman,
Vaisya Chetty, Vanibha Chetty, Ayiravar
Moopanar and Nainar)
Nagarathar, Vaniyan, Vaniya Chetty, Vaniar
60. Rajapuri
76. Yadava including Kolaya, Ayar, Mayar,
61. Sakravar (Kavathi)
Maniyani, Eruman, Iruman, Erumakkar,
62. Senaithalaivar, Elavania, Senaikudayam
Golla and Kolaries
63. Chetty/Chetties including Kottar Chetties, Parakka
77. Chakkamar
Chetties, Elur Chetties, Attingal Chetties, Pudukkada
78. Mogers of Kasaragod Taluk
Chetties, Iraniel Chetties, Sri Pandara Chetties,
79. x x x
Telugu Chetties, Udiyankulangara Chetties,
80. x x x
Peroorkada Chetties,Sadhu Chetties, 24 Mana
81. x x x
Chetties, Wayanadan Chetties, Kalavara Chetties
82. Reddiars (throughout the State except in
and 24 Mana Telugu Chetties
Malabar area)
64. Tholkolan
83. Mooppar or Kallan Moopan or Kallan
65. Thottiyan, Thottian
66. Uppara (Sagara)

Page 26 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
[As Amended by The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 (Act 61 of 2002)
Vide Part VIII – Kerala - Schedule 1 Notified in the Gazette of India dated 18.12.2002, The Constitution
(Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Act 2007, The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment)
Act 2016, No. 24 of 2016]

1 Adi Andhra 37 Mannan (മാൻ), Pathiyan, Perumannan,

2 Adi Dravida
Peruvannan, Vannan, Velan
3 Adi Karnataka
38 xxx
4 Ajila
39 Moger (other than Mogeyar)
5 Arunthathiyar
40 Mundala
6 Ayyanavar
41 Nalakeyava
7 Baira
42 Nalkadaya
8 Bakuda
43 Nayadi
9 xxx
44 xxx
10 Bathada
45 Pallan
11 xxx
46 Palluvan, Pulluvan
12 Bharathar (Other than Parathar), Paravan
47 Pambada
13 xxx
48 Panan
14 Chakkiliyan
49 xxx
15 Chamar, Muchi
50 Paraiyan, Parayan, Sambavar, Sambavan, Sambava,
16 Chandala Paraya, Paraiya, Parayar
17 Cheruman 51 xxx
18 Domban 52 xxx
19 xxx 53 xxx
20 xxx 54 Pulayan, Cheramar, Pulaya, Pulayar, Cherama,
21 xxx Cheraman, Wayanad Pulayan, Wayanadan
22 Gosangi Pulayan, Matha, Matha Pulayan
55 xxx
23 Hasla
56 Puthirai Vannan
24 Holeya
57 Raneyar
25 Kadaiyan
58 Samagara
26 Kakkalan, Kakkan
59 Samban
27 Kalladi
60 Semman, Chemman, Chemmar
28 Kanakkan, Padanna, Padannan
61 Thandan (excluding Ezhuvas and Thiyyas who are
29 xxx known as Thandan, in the erstwhile Cochin and
30 Kavara (other than Telugu speaking or Tamil Malabar areas) and (Carpenters who are known as
speaking Balija Kavarai, Gavara, Gavarai, Gavarai Thachan, in the erstwhile Cochin and Travancore
Naidu, Balija Naidu, Gajalu Balija or Valai Chetty) State) Thachar (Other than carpenters)
62 Thoti
31 Koosa
63 Vallon
32 Kootan, Koodan
64 Valluvan
33 Kudumban
65 xxx
34 Kuravan, Sidhanar, Kuravar, Kurava, Sidhana
66 xxx
35 Maila
67 Vetan
36 Malayan [In the areas comprising the Kannur,
68 Vettuvan, Pulaya Vettuvan (in the areas of
Kasaragode, Kozhikode and Wayanad Districts].
erstwhile Cochin State only).

Page 27 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
69 Nerian

Page 28 MCA-2020,(C)DTE,TVPM
[As Amended by The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002 (Act 10 of
2003) Vide Part - VII - Kerala - Second Schedule Notified in the Gazette of India dated 8.1.2003, G.O. (Ms)
No. 06/2014/SCSTDD dated 29.01.2014]

1 Adiyan 23 Malakkuravan
2 Arandan [Arandanan] 24 Malasar

3 Eravallan 25 [Malayan, Nattu Malayan, Konga Malayan

(excluding the areas comprising the Kasaragod,
4 Hill Pulaya, Mala Pulayan, Kurumba Pulayan,
Kannur, Wayanad and Kozhikode Districts)
Kuravazhi Pulayan, Pamba Pulayan
26 Malayarayar
5 Irular, Irulan
27 Mannan (മാൻ)
6 Kadar [Wayanad Kadar]
7 xxx 28 xxx
8 Kanikkaran, Kanikkar 29 Muthuvan, Mudugar, Muduvan
9 Kattunayakan 30 Palleyan, Palliyan, Palliyar, Paliyan
10 [Kochuvelan] 31 xxx
11 xxx 32 xxx
12 xxx 33 Paniyan
13 Koraga 34 Ulladan, [Ullatan]
14 xxx 35 Uraly
15 Kudiya, Melakudi 36 Mala Vettuvan(in Kasaragod & Kannur districts)
16 Kurichchan [Kurichiyan] 37 Ten Kurumban, Jenu Kurumban
17 Kurumans, Mullu Kuruman, Mulla Kuruman, 38 Thachanadan, Thachanadan Moopan
Mala Kuruman 39 Cholanaickan
18 Kurumbas, [Kurumbar, Kurumban] 40 Mavilan
19 Maha Malasar 41 Karimpalan
20 Malai Arayan [Mala Arayan] 42 Vetta Kuruman
21 Malai Pandaram 43 Mala Panikkar
22 Malai Vedan [Malavedan] 44 Maratis of Kasargod and Hosdurg Taluk

Page 29 MCA-2020(C)DTE,TVPM


[GO (Ms) No.14/2017/BCDD dated: 02.08.2017, GO (Ms) No.7/2013/BCDD dated: 19.07.2013]


1 Allar (Alan)
2 Chingathan 1 Chakkamar
3 Irivavan 2 Madiga
4 Kalanadi 3 Chemman/Chemmar
5 Malayan, Konga-Malayan(Kasargod, Kannur,
Wayanad and Kozhikode Districts) 4 Kudumbi
Kundu-Vadiyan 5 Dheevara/Dheevaran (Arayan, Valan, Nulayan,
Kunnuvarmannadi Mukkuvan, Arayavathi, Valanchiyar, Paniyakal,
8 Malamuthan Mokaya, Bovi, Mogayar, Mogaveerar)
6 Scheduled Caste converted to Christianity
9 Malavettuvar (Except Kasargod and Kannur
Districts) 7 Kusavan, Kulalan, Kumbharan, Velaan, Velaar,
Odan, Andhra Nair, Andhuru Nair,
10 Malayalar
8 Pulaya Vettuvan (Except Kochi State)
11 Panimalayan
12 Pathiyan (other than Dhobies)
13 Hindu-Malayali

Page 30 MCA-2020(C)DTE,TVPM
[G.O.(Ms) No. 10/2014/BCDD dated: 23.05.2014]]

1 Vaniya (Vanika, Vanika Vaisya, Vanibha Chetty, Vaniya Chetty, Ayiravar, Nagarathar and Vaniyan
2 Veluthedathu Nair (Veluthedan and Vannathan)
3 Chetty/Chetties (Kottar Chetties, Parakka Chetties, Elur Chetties, Attingal Chetties, Pudukkada Chetties, Iraniel
Chetties, Sri Pandara Cetties, Telugu Chetties, Udiyankulangara Chetties, Peroorkada Chetties, Sadhu
Chetties, 24 Mana Chetties, Wayanadan Chetties, Kalavara Chetties and 24 Mana Telugu Chetties
4 Ezhavathi (Vathy)
5 Ganika
6 Kanisu or Kaniyar Panicker, Kani or Kaniyan (Ganaka) or Kanisan or Kamnan, Kalari Kurup/Kalari Panicker
7 Vilkurup, Perumkollan
8 Yadavas (Kolaya, Ayar, Mayar, Maniyani and Iruman), Erumakkar
9 Devanga
10 Pattariyas
11 Saliyas (Chaliya, Chaliyan)
12 Pandithar
13 Vaniar
14 Ezhuthachan
15 Chakkala/Chakkala Nair
16 Reddiars (throughout the State except in Malabar Area)
17 Kavuthiya
18 Veerasaiva (Yogi, Yogeeswara, Poopandram, Malapandaram, Jangam, Matapathi, Pandaram, Pandaran,
Vairavi, Vairagi)
19 Vilakkithala Nair – Vilakkithalavan
20 Vaduka – Vadukan, Vadugar, Vaduka, Vaduvan
21 Chavalakkaran
22 Agasa
23 Kaikolan
24 Kannadiyans
25 Kerala Mudalis
26 Madivala
27 Naikkans
28 Tholkolans
29 Thottian
30 Mooppar or Kallan Moopan or Kallan Moopar

Page 31 MCA-2020(C)DTE,TVPM

(These Certificates are required only if the candidate claims reservation under theSocially and Educationally Backward Classes/Other
Eligible Communities/Anglo Indian.)
[Note: In case, where the Community is noted only as, ‘Latin Catholic’ or ‘Latin Christian’ in the SSLC and reservation under ‘Latin Catholic Other thanAnglo Indian’
QUOTA is sought, a Certificate from the Village Officer to the effect that the candidate belongs to ‘Latin Catholic Other than Anglo Indian’ or ‘Latin Christian Other
than Anglo Indian’ should be obtained in the COMMUNITY CERTIFICATE].

CERTIFIED that Shri/Smt./Kum. …….……………………….………………………….....…………………………. son/daughter of

Shri/Smt…………………………………………………………….…………… House ……………………….....………………………
Village ……………………………………………….....……. Taluk ………………………………………………………………
District …………………………….....…….. of Kerala State, belongs to ……………………………………….…….………… caste
……………………….………….. religion, which is included as O.E.C. / Socially and Educationally Backward Class as per
G.O(P) 208/66 dated 02-05-1966, G.O(MS) No.95/08/SCSTDD dated 06-10-2008 and subsequent amendments, thereof.

Signature of the Village Officer :

Place : Name:
Date (Office Seal) Designation & Address :

Income Certificate for SEBC & OEC Candidates

ANNUAL FAMILY INCOME: Income certificate is to be produced by : (i) Candidates who claim communal reservation under
SEBC/OEC category (except children of inter-caste married couples) (ii) All ‘Keralite’ candidates.
വരുമാന സർ
ിഫി ്
നർ: ………………… വിേല
ആഫീ: …………………………

തീയതി :………………….……………..

………………………..………...ജില യിൽ...............................................താലൂിൽ..........................................വിേല ജിൽ

.................................................. വീി ൽ ശീ./ശീമതി......................................................................... ………………)o തീയതി സമർി

അേപ!യി.ൽ…………………………...…………………." േവ#ി ഒരു വരുമാന സർിഫി'് ആവശ)െിരു+ു. ടിയാെ-

വാർഷിക കുടുംബ വരുമാനം ………………….രൂപയാെണ+് പ3ാവിി4#്. എെ- അേന6ഷണ7ി.ൽ

േബാധ)െതനുസരി് ടിയാെ- വാർഷിക കുടുംബ വരുമാനം താെഴ കാണിിരിു+ പകാരമാെണ+് ഞാ.ൻ

ഇതിനാ.ൽ സാ!)െടു7ു+ു. കുടുംബ7ിെല അംഗസംഖ) ………….ആ?. അതിൽ േജാലിയു@വ ർ …….. ഉം

പഠിു+വർ ..............ഉം േജാലി ഇല ാ7വC ………..ഉം ആ?.

ആദായ ഭൂമിയിൽ ശളം/ െപൻഷ.ൻ ക#വടം കൂലിേവല വിേദശ'് വാടക മ+ിനം ആെക

മാർ .ൾ നിു േജാലിയുവ

(കുടുംബ െപൻഷ.ൻ
ആദായം രുെട

െമാ''ിലു തുക അ.'ിൽ : ………………………

തുക അ/ര'ിൽ : ………………………………………………………………..

മൂു കു0ികളിൽ കൂടുതലുവരുെട കാര1'ി.ൽ

കൂടുതലുളള കു0ികൾ.് കുറവു െചേ45 തുക : …………………………………………………………

ബാ.ി തുക അ/ര'ി.ൽ : …………………………………………………………

Page 32 MCA-2020(C)DTE,TVPM
Proforma for Inter-Caste Marriage Certificate

Certified that Master / Kumari ……………………………………………………….an Applicant for

admission to the MCA Course, 2020-21, is the son/daughter of an Inter-Caste
married couple, and his/her father Sri…………………………………………...belongs to
…………………………………….Community and his/her mother Smt
……….………………….………… belongs to …………………………………. Community.


Signature of Village Officer/Tahsildar:

Name of Village Officer/ Tahsildar:
Name of Village & District/Taluk Office:

(Office Seal)

Page 33 MCA-2020(C)DTE,TVPM
Annexure VIII


[Certificate to be produced by Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) Other Eligible Communities (OEC)
for admission to Professional Degree courses in educational institutions under the Government of Kerala and in Government
and Self Financing Educational Institutions other than minority institutions under Article 30 (1)]

This is to certify that Shri./Smt. ………………………………………………..…….

.Son/daughter of ……………………… ……………residing at………………



…………………………… ………….District/Division in the State of Kerala belongs to

………………..…………………………………………… …………………………

…………………………… Community which is designated as a Socially and Educationally

Backward Class (SEBC) / Other Eligible Communities (OEC).

This is also to certify that the above Shri/Smt. ……………………………

……………… ……………………………………………… does not belong to the category

of “Creamy Layer” in the light of the guidelines dated

……………………………………………………………………… and the schedule

prescribed there under to exclude the ‘Creamy Layer” among the designated “Socially and

Educationally Backward Classes (SEBCs)/Other Eligible Communities (OEC)” in the State

of Kerala.

Place: Signature of Revenue Officer

Date: (Not below the Rank of Village Officer/Competent Authority)

(Office Seal)

Page 34 MCA-2020(C)DTE,TVPM
Annexure IX
Community Certificate for SC & ST
Note: (i) Candidate claiming reservation under SC/ST, should furnish the Community Certificate given below in support of the claim.
(ii) SC / ST Caste status of children of parents contracted inter caste marriage will be subject to the orders / clarifications issued in G.O. (M.S.)
No.11 / 05 / SCSTDD Dated 22-03-2005, G.O. (MS.) No. 25 / 05 / SCSTDD Dated 20-06-2005, G.O. (MS.) No. 109 / 2008 / SCSTDD Dated 20-11-
2008, and judgement dated 10-08-2005 of the full bench of the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala in WP 2483 / 2005 and connected cases.
(iii) As per prospectus clause 5.5.2(h) son / daughter of inter-caste married couple, claiming communal reservation under SEBC,
should produce the ‘Inter-caste Marriage Certificate’ in the proforma given in Annexure X(e) of the Prospectus.

(For Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe Candidates)

1. This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari ……………………………………………………………………………., son/daughter of

………....………….……………………………………… of ………………………………………………………………… House
……………………..……………………………………. Village/Town ……………………………………………….. Taluk
…………………………………………………………………….………………………………. District of Kerala State belongs to the
……………………………………………………………………………. Caste/*Tribe which is recognized as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled
Tribe under:-

The Constitution Ammendment (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950; The Constitution Ammendment (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950 [As
amended by The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002 / The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders
(Second Ammendment) Act, 2002].

Certified that Shri/Smt./Kumari ………………………………………………………… (name of person) Son/daughter of

……………………………………………………………… of ………………………………….. ………………………… House
……………………..……………………………………………….. Village/Town ……………………………………………….. Taluk
………………………………………………………. District is a member of Malai Araya Christian family converted to Christianity from Hindu
Malai Arayan Community, which is included in the list of Scheduled Tribes.

2. Shri/Smt./Kumari …………………………………………………………………………………………… and his/her* family ordinarily

reside(s) in ………………………………………..……………………………………………………….. Village/Town of
…………………………………………………………… District of Kerala State.

Signature of Tahsildar :
Place : ……………………….. Name :
Date : ………………………..

(Office Seal)

* Please delete the words/clause which are not applicable.

Note: 1. The term ordinarily resides used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation of the Peoples
Act, 1950.
2. In case of X’ian converts from SC who have subsequently embraced Hinduism should get the following certificate
recorded by the ‘Tahsildar’ below the community Certificate. “The certificate is issued after observing the guidelines issued in Government
Circular no. 18421/E2/SC/ST/DD. Dated 15-12-1987”
3. Issue of Community Certificate to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe will be regulated by Act II of the Kerala
(Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe) Regulation of Issue of Community Certificate Act 1996.
4 Certificate to persons belonging to Malai Arayan Commuity (ST) converted to Christianity should be in this form

Page 35 MCA-2020(C)DTE,TVPM

I, Mr. /Ms. ………………………………………………………….………………………….…………., Application No………………Course:

………………………………………….student of ……..………………………..……… do hereby undertake on this day

………………………… Month ……………… Year……………….,the

following with respect to above subject and Office Order No: ………………………………………………………

1) That I have read and understood the directives of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India on anti-ragging and the measures
proposed to be taken in the above references.

2) That I understand the meaning of Ragging and know that the ragging in any form is a punishable offence and the me is
banned by the Court of Law.

3) That I have not been found or charged for my involvement in any kind of ragging in the past. However, I undertake to face
disciplinary action/legal proceedings including expulsion from the Institute if the above statement is found to be untrue or the
facts are concealed, at any stage in future.

4) That I shall not resort to ragging in any form at any place and shall abide by the rules/laws prescribed by the Courts, Govt. of
India and Institute authorities for the purpose from time to time.

Signature of Student

I hereby fully endorse the undertaking made by my child/ward.

Signature of Mother/Father and or Guardian

Witness : …………………………………..

Signature of Mother/Father and or Guardian

Witness : …………………………………..

Page 36 MCA-2020(C)DTE,TVPM

Office of the ......................................

Date: .............................


(Vide G.O.(Ms.)No.2/2020/P&ARD dated 12.02.2020)

This is to certify that Shri/Smt/Kumari

Son/daughter/wife of .................................................... is a
permanent resident of ......
…………………………..…....(H.E.address) .... …………………………………..Village
………...District, Kerala State, whose
photograph is affixed below, is a member of Anthyodaya Annayojana
(AAY)/Priority House Hold (PHH) and that his/her name is included in the
Ration Card issued under this category and that he/she does not belong to a
caste/class recognised as Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes or Other
Backward Classes in the State and therefore he/she belongs to Economically
Weaker Sections in General Category.

Signature ...........................................
Recent passport size
photograph of the
Designation ........................................


Page 37 MCA-2020(C)DTE,TVPM

Certificate No................ Date .......................

This is to certify that Shri/Smt/Kumari............................ ......................

Son/daughter/wife of .................................. ...................... ……………….
is a permanent resident of…......................................................... …...
...Village ...................................................Taluk………………………………..
...District in Kerala, Pin Code. ........ ,
whose photograph is affixed below, belongs to Economically Weaker Sections in General
Category (*) and that his/her family income is at Rs. ..........................
.......................(in words also) for the financial
year……………………………………………...and that his/her family does not own or possess assets
exceeding the limit specified in G.O.(Ms.)No.2/2020/P&ARD dated 12.02.2020 and that
he/she belongs to caste/community/class which is not recognised as a Scheduled Caste,
Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Class as listed in List I, II and III in the Schedule to Rule 2
Part I, K.S & S.S.Rs, 1958.

Signature with Office Seal ................................

Recent passport
size photograph of Name.....................................................
the applicant ....

Designation .................................................

(*) General Category means and includes all Castes, Communities and Classes
of citizens other than Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward

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For applying the candidate has to upload scanned images of photograph and signature to the
application portal.

Photograph of candidate:
For applying online, the candadate must have a scanned/digital image of photograph.
The Specification of photograph image should be be strictly followed.
1. Photograph must be in colour with a light colour background, white is preferable. It must be taken
by mobile phone/tab is not accepted
2.Photograph should be in passport size format and taken recently. Front view of full face and
shoulder portion of candidate is to be seen clearly in the photograph.
3.The face of the candidate should be at the centre and straight.
4.Photo, wearing caps and dark glasses will be rejected.
5.Scanned image file should be in jpg format (Jpeg).
6.Dimensions of the photograph should be 200 pixels height and 150 pixels width and image file
should be between 15 kb ansd 30 kb file size
7.Candidate’s name and date of photo taken should be printed at the bottom portion of the
photograph with black letter and white background.

Points to be noted:
1.If the face in the photograph is not clear or the image is not as per the above guidenline, your
application is liable to be rejected.

In Future, Your Admit Card, Data Sheet and Allotment Memo will be printed with the same
photograph you have submitted at this stage. Moreover, in examination hall, the Invigilator has to
verify the same photograph for identifying the candidate. So strictly follow the specifications and
guidelines for the photo to be uploaded.

Signature of Candidate
1. On a plain white sheet, the candidate should put his/her signature with black /blue ink. Signature
should be clear.
2.Scan this signature and crop around the signature. Do not scan the full sheet. Scanned image file
should be in jpg format.(Jpeg)
3.Dimensions of the image of signature must be 100 pixels height and 150 pixels width.
4.Image file should be between 10 kb and 30 kb file size.
Subsequent to selecting the two images, candidate needs to verify whether the photograph shown in
the screen is clear and sufficient to identify the candidate.
Press ‘Upload Images ‘button to upload all images to the application portal.
If you try to upload an image which is not in the prescribed format, an error messages will be
displayed in ‘upload images ‘column . All images should match the corresponding specification.
The images once uploaded cannot be changed after completing of ‘Fill Application’ step.
1 All documents uploaded in proof of various claims made in the application must be in PDF format.
The file size should be from 30 kb to 100 kb. The documents must be legible and readable.
2. The documents with digital signature should be valid with tick[√] mark. The document with digital
signature not verified (?) will be treated as invalid.

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Sl no Place Address Phone Number

LBS Centre
Nandavanam, Palayam 0471 - 2324396
1 Thiruvananthapuram
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 033 0471 - 2324148
LBS Regional Centre 0474 – 2764654
2 Kollam Thengazhikathu Veedu, ‘Ágini’, Anjili Road,
LBS Sub Centre 0473 – 4227538
Adoor KRM Towers, East of Central Junction
Adoor, Pathanamthitta
LBS Sub Centre
Municipal Library Building 0477 – 2254588
4 Alappuzha
Thattampally P.O, Alappuzha
LBS Sub Centre
Kadavumbhagam Buildings 0481 – 2505900
5 Pampady Near Police Station, K.K.Road,
Pampady, Kottayam.
LBS Local Centre
GMDC, Neelima Complex 0486 – 2229442
6 Thodupuzha.
Mangattukavala P O, Thodupuzha.
LBS Regional Unit 0484 – 2541520
7 Kalamassery HMT Junction, NAD Road 0484 – 2551466
Kalamassery – 683 104.
LBS Regional Unit 0487 - 2250657
8 Thrissur Alumvettuvazhi Road 0487 – 2250751
Chiyyaram, Thrissur – 680 026
LBS Sub Centre
II Floor, Charutha Chambers, Noorani 0491 – 2527425
9 Palakkad.
Shornur Road, Palakkad
LBS Sub Centre
Indira Gandhi Bus Terminal, Kacherypady 0483 – 2764674
10 Manjeri
Manjeri, Malappuram.
LBS Regional Unit
17/420, Indira Gandhi Road 0495 – 2720250
11 Kozhikode
Kozhikode – 673 004.
LBS Local Centre
12 Wayanad Govt. High School Buildings O493-6285939
Kariyampetta P.O, Wayanad - 673124
LBS Regional Unit
Old Engg. College Campus 0497-2702812
13 Kannur
Near S.N.Park, Kannur - 1.
LBS Sub Centre
Taluk Office Compound 0499-4221011
14 Kasaragod.

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