SOP Canteen
SOP Canteen
SOP Canteen
1.02 Canteen floor area is hygienic and looks neat and clean.
1.03 The walls, windows, staircases are clean and free of dirt and clutter free.
1.07 Tops and insides of all cupboards, shelves, tables drawers, etc free of unwanted items at all place inside the cante
1.10 Soap of good quality is available and towel is provided in case of need for users of canteen.
1.12 Rules for disposal (Habitual Seiri) & detecting non-moving stocks are evident and are adhered to
2.01 Direction indication are available to all facilities from the entrance onwards
2.02 Food Serving desk; sitting place and hand washing place.
2.10 There is general appearance of orderliness and ability to find any item/document without delay
3.01 Bins kept at regular interval are clearly marked for the purpose and are cleaned at regular intervals.
3.02 Use of adequate cleaning tools is evident Finals for floor, mopping cloth, soap for hand wash, bins for water etc.)
3.03 Storage of cleaning tools well done;(* Hanging brooms, mops, * Other equipment properly stored)
3.05 Maintenance schedules of furniture, cooking machine, cupboard etc. in every week is maintained.
4.05 Eating area, work in process area, prohibited sign clearly demarcated.
* Type indicated
* Easily accessible
* Visible at a distance
* Checked at appropriate intervals
5.01 There are regular awareness training programs for hygiene for staff in canteen.
* Evidence of follow up
5.03 There are a 5S patrol team which regularly reviews: