SAP FICO Zero Level
SAP FICO Zero Level
SAP FICO Zero Level
Chart of Depreciation
SAP FICO Organizational Structure
Cost Center
Chart of Depreciation
Profit Center
SAP FICO Organizational Structure
Cost Center
Chart of Depreciation
Profit Center
Client: The client is the highest level in the SAP System hierarchy.
Specifications that you make, or data that you enter at this level are valid for all company codes
and for all other organizational structures. You therefore only need to make these specifications,
or enter this data once. This ensures that the data is consistent.
SAP FICO Organizational Structure
Cost Center
Chart of Depreciation
Profit Center
Cost Center
Chart of Depreciation
Profit Center
Chart of Accounts: The chart of accounts in SAP ( COA ) is a list of GL accounts master record
That are used by the organization. The chart of accounts must be assigned to each company
code. Chart of Accounts is defined at client level.
SAP FICO Organizational Structure
Cost Center
Chart of Depreciation
Profit Center
Cost Center
Chart of Depreciation
Profit Center
Controlling Area: Controlling area is the central organizational unit in CO module. It represents
a closed system for cost accounting purposes, where costs and revenues can be managed.
SAP FICO Organizational Structure
Cost Center
Chart of Depreciation
Profit Center
Profit Center: Organizational unit within a controlling area that represents a location where
revenues occur.
Profit Center Hierarchy: Profit Center Hierarchy is a tree structure for grouping all profit
centers which belong to a controlling area.
SAP FICO Organizational Structure
Cost Center
Chart of Depreciation
Profit Center
Cost Center: Organizational unit within a controlling area that represents a location where
costs occur.
Cost Center Hierarchy: Cost Center Hierarchy is a tree structure for grouping all cost centers
which belong to a controlling area.
Overall SAP Organizational Structure
Organizational units are used to structure business functions and for reporting.
Chart of Depreciation
Company Code Controlling Area
Sales Organization
The Controlling
Purchasing Organization
Area is the
Sales Organization is business unit
the central Distribution Channel where Cost
organizational Accounting is
element that controls carried out.
Division Plant
the terms of sale to
the customer.
Distribution Channel is
Finance & the element that
Controlling related describes through what
channel goods and/or Shipping Point
(Plant is one of the condition to Storage Location
Logistic related services will be derive shipping point)
distributed to the
HCM related customer.
SAP Financials Components
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivables
Asset Accounting
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivables
Asset Accounting
The GL master record controls how business transactions are recorded and
processed by the system.
Specific control checks are assigned in GL master Data which are triggered at the
time of transactional posting.
General Ledger Accounting
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivables
Asset Accounting
The master record contains data that controls how business transactions are
recorded and processed by the system.
It also includes all the information about a vendor that you need to be able to conduct
business with him.
Vendor master data is used by both the accounts and purchasing department in an
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable component records and manages accounting data of all vendors.
It is also an integral part of the purchasing system, where deliveries and invoices are
managed according to vendors.
Postings made in Accounts Payable are simultaneously recorded in the General
Ledger where different G/L accounts are updated based on the transaction involved
(such as payables and down payments).
The system also maintains forecasts and standard reports that can be used to keep
track of all the open items.
Process Flow-Accounts Payable
Clearing of Payment to
Vendor Vendor
SAP Financials Components
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivables
Asset Accounting
The master record contains data that controls how business transactions are
recorded and processed by the system.
It also includes all the information about a customer that you need to be able to
conduct business with him.
Customer master data is used by both the accounts and sales department in an
Accounts Receivables
Raise Sales Post Goods
Start Documents/
Order Issuance
Direct billing
Clearing of Receipts from
document can
End Customer Customer/
also be raised
ledger Collection
in FI
SAP Financials Components
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivables
Asset Accounting
Asset Accounting covers the entire life of the asset from the purchase order or initial
acquisition (which can be managed as an asset under construction) right through to
retirement of the asset. Between these two events, the system handles all asset-
related business transactions and ensures integration with the general ledger.
Process Flow-Assets
Raise Technical
Good Receipts
Purchase Create PO with
Start posting/
Requisitions for reference to PR
Asset Accounting
Asset can also
retirement as
End be directly
and when
SAP Financials Components
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivables
Asset Accounting
Cost Center
Chart of Depreciation Business Area
Profit Center
SAP FICO Organizational Structure
Cost Center
Chart of Depreciation Business Area
Profit Center
Cost Center
Chart of Depreciation Business Area
Profit Center
Cost Center: Organizational unit within a controlling area that represents a location
where costs occur.
Cost Center Hierarchy: Cost Center Hierarchy is a tree structure for grouping all
cost centers which belong to a controlling area.
SAP FICO Organizational Structure
Cost Center
Chart of Depreciation Business Area
Profit Center
Profit Center: Organizational unit within a controlling area that represents a location
where revenues occur.
Profit Center Hierarchy: Profit Center Hierarchy is a tree structure for grouping all
profit centers which belong to a controlling area.
SAP Controlling Processes
Cost Element Accounting allows Controlling costs and revenues that incur in an
organization, serves as an interface between Financial Accounting and Management
Accounting and ensures that FI and CO are reconciled.
Controlling: Cost Center Accounting
Cost Center Accounting serves as a tool for monitoring overhead costs and assigning
them to the particular location at which they occurred in line with their source.
Assigning costs to Cost Centers in a Cost Center hierarchy lets you determine where
costs are incurred within the organization.
Planning the costs at Cost Center level will help to check the cost efficiency at a
particular Cost Center through variance analysis report.
Controlling: Cost Center Accounting
Cost Centers and the Standard Hierarchy
H1210: Admin.
H1200: Finance & Admin.
Internal order management is the most detailed operational level of cost and activity
Real orders are normally used to plan, collect, and settle the costs of internal jobs and
tasks. The SAP system enables you to monitor your internal orders throughout their
entire life-cycle; from initial creation, through the planning and posting of all the actual
costs and to the final settlement. E.g. Asset Under Construction.
Statistical Order is purely for Statistical purpose for Management Analysis purpose.
E.g. To analyze vehicle maintenance cost
Controlling: Profit Center Accounting
Profit Center Accounting is used for analyzing internal profit of the company. Profit
Centers represent organizational sub-units that operate independently on the market
and bear responsibility for own costs and revenues. In other words, in Profit Center
accounting a company is divided in to Profit Center according to the companies’
requirement e.g. Profit Centers can be setup according to product (product lines,
divisions), geographical factors (regions, offices or production sites) or by department.
Controlling: Profit Center Accounting
H1 Corporate
IDES Europe Finance
H1000 9000
Stock Corporate
H1110 H1120 H1400
Motorcycle Bicycles Techical
1110 1000
H1210 H1220 H1230
Model R1100 Model BX4
Bike Parts Sportwear Helmets
Model CV2
2100 2200 2300 Sales &
1210 Seats Shirts Motorcycle Marketing
Model MX3 Helmets
Model RX7
SAP AG 1999
Controlling: Profit Center Accounting
Controlling Area
Profit Centers
Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit
Center Center Center Center Center Center
A Ltd A1 Ltd HQ
Company Codes 1000