L Evy Driven Moving Averages and Semimartingales: Andreas Basse, Jan Pedersen
L Evy Driven Moving Averages and Semimartingales: Andreas Basse, Jan Pedersen
L Evy Driven Moving Averages and Semimartingales: Andreas Basse, Jan Pedersen
Received 19 June 2008; received in revised form 19 February 2009; accepted 23 March 2009
Available online 28 March 2009
The aim of the present paper is to study the semimartingale property of continuous time moving averages
driven by Lévy processes. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions on the kernel for the moving
average to be a semimartingale in the natural filtration of the Lévy process, and when this is the case we
also provide a useful representation. Assuming that the driving Lévy process is of unbounded variation, we
show that the moving average is a semimartingale if and only if the kernel is absolutely continuous with a
density satisfying an integrability condition.
c 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Semimartingales; Moving averages; Lévy processes; Bounded variation; Absolutely continuity; Stable
processes; Fractional processes
1. Introduction
The present paper is concerned with the semimartingale property of moving averages (also
known as stochastic convolutions) which are driven by Lévy processes. More precisely, let
(X t )t 0 be a moving average of the form
Z t
Xt = (t s)dZ s , t 0, (1.1)
where (Z t )t 0 is a Lévy process and : R+ ! R is a deterministic function for which the integral
exists. We are interested in the question whether (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale, where
(FtZ )t 0 denotes the natural filtration of (Z t )t 0 . In addition, two-sided moving averages (see
(1.6)) are studied as well.
⇤ Corresponding author. Tel.: +45 89423534; fax: +45 86131769.
E-mail addresses: basse@imf.au.dk (A. Basse), jan@imf.au.dk (J. Pedersen).
0304-4149/$ - see front matter c 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Basse, J. Pedersen / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 119 (2009) 2970–2991 2971
According to [1, page 533], a stationary process is a moving average if and only if its spectral
measure is absolutely continuous. Key examples of moving averages are the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck
process, the fractional Brownian motion, and their generalizations, the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck
type process (see [2]) and the linear fractional stable motion (see [3]). Moving averages occur
naturally in many different contexts, e.g. in stochastic Volterra equations (see [4]), in stochastic
delay equations (see [5]), and in turbulence (see [6]). Moreover, to capture the long-range
dependence of log-returns in financial markets it is natural to consider the fractional Brownian
motion instead of the Brownian motion in the Black–Scholes model (see [7, Part III]), and to
capture also heavy tails one is often led to more general moving averages.
It is often important that the process of interest is a semimartingale, and in particular the
following two properties are crucial: Firstly, if (X t )t 0 models an asset price which is locally
bounded and satisfies the No Free Lunch with Vanishing Risk condition then (X t )t 0 has
to be an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale (see [8, Theorem 7.2]). Secondly, it is possible to define a
“reasonable” stochastic integral 0 Hs dX s for all locally bounded (FtZ )t 0 -predictable processes
(Ht )t 0 if and only if (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale due to the Bichteler–Dellacherie
Theorem (see [9, Theorem 7.6]). In view of the numerous applications of moving averages it is
thus natural to study the semimartingale property of these processes.
Let (Z t )t 0 denote a general semimartingale, : R+ ! R be absolutely continuous with a
bounded density and let (X t )t 0 be given by (1.1). Then by a stochastic Fubini result it follows
that (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale, see e.g. [4, Theorem 3.3] or [5, Theorem 5.2]. In
the case where (Z t )t2R is a two-sided Wiener process, 2 L 2 (R+ , ) ( denotes the Lebesgue
measure) and (X t )t 0 is given by
Z t
Xt = (t s)dZ s , t 0, (1.2)
Knight [10, Theorem 6.5] shows that (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ ,1 )t 0 -semimartingale if and only if
is absolutely continuous with a square integrable density (FtZ ,1 := (Z s : 1 < s t)).
Related results can be found in [11–13]. Moreover, results characterizing when (X t )t 0 is an
(FtX,1 )t 0 -semimartingale are given in [14,15].
The above presented results only provide sufficient conditions on or are only concerned
with the Brownian case. In the present paper we study the case where (Z t )t 0 is a Lévy process
and we provide necessary and sufficient conditions on for (X t )t 0 , given by (1.1), to be an
(FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale. Assume that (Z t )t 0 is of unbounded variation and has characteristic
triplet ( , 2 , ⌫). Our main result is the following:
(X t )t 0 is an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale if and only if is absolutely continuous on R+ with a
density 0 satisfying
Z tZ ⇣ ⌘
x 0 (s) ^ x 0 (s) ⌫(dx)ds < 1, 8t > 0, if 2 = 0, (1.3)
0 [ 1,1]
Z t
0 2 2
(s) ds < 1, 8t > 0, if > 0. (1.4)
As a corollary of (1.5) it follows that (X t )t 0 is càdlàg and of bounded variation if and only if
it is absolutely continuous, which is also equivalent to is absolutely continuous on R+ with a
density satisfying (1.3)–(1.4) and (0) = 0.
Finally we study two-sided moving averages, i.e. where (X t )t 0 is given by
Z t
Xt = ( (t s) ( s))dZ s , t 0, (1.6)
(Z t )t2R is a two-sided Lévy process and , : R ! R are deterministic functions for which the
integral exists. Note that in this case (X t )t 0 has stationary increments, and when = 0 it is
a stationary process. Several examples, including fractional Lévy processes and hence also the
linear fractional stable motion, are given in Section 5.
The conditions on from the one-sided case translate into necessary conditions in the
two-sided case. That is, if (Z t )t2R is of unbounded variation and (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ ,1 )t 0 -
semimartingale then is absolutely continuous on R+ with a density satisfying (1.3)–(1.4).
Moreover, [10, Theorem 6.5] is extended from the Gaussian case to the ↵-stable case with
↵ 2 (1, 2].
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we collect some preliminary results. The
main results are presented in Section 3. All proofs are given in Section 4. The two-sided case is
considered in Section 5.
2. Preliminaries
For a general treatment of Lévy processes we refer to [16,17] or [18]. Let f : R ! R denote
a measurable function. Following [19, page 460] we say that f is Z -integrable R if there exists a
sequence of simple functions ( f n )n 1 such that f n ! f -a.s. and limn A f n (s)dZ s exists in
probability for all AR 2 B([0, t]) and all t > 0 (recall that Rdenotes the Lebesgue measure). In
t t
this case we define 0 f (s)dZ s as the limit in probability of 0 f n (s)dZ s . By [19, Theorem 2.7],
f is Z -integrable if and only if the following three conditions are satisfied for all t > 0:
Z t
f (s)2 2 ds < 1, (2.2)
Z tZ ⇣ ⌘
|x f (s)|2 ^ 1 ⌫(dx)ds < 1, (2.3)
Z t ✓ Z ◆
f (s) + x(1{|x f (s)|1} 1{|x|1} ) ⌫(dx) ds < 1. (2.4)
A. Basse, J. Pedersen / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 119 (2009) 2970–2991 2973
Rt 2, ⌫ )
In this case 0f (s)dZ s is infinitely divisible with characteristic triplet ( f, f f given by
Z t Z !
f = f (s) + x(1{|x f (s)|1} 1{|x|1} ) ⌫(dx) ds, (2.5)
Z t
f = f (s)2 2
ds, (2.6)
⌫ f (A) = (⌫ ⇥ )((x, s) 2 R ⇥ [0, t] : x f (s) 2 A \ {0}), A 2 B(R). (2.7)
R t f is locally square integrable it is easily shown that (2.2)–(2.4) are satisfied and hence
0 f (s)dZ s is well-defined for all t 0. Note also that (2.4) is satisfied if (Z t )t 0 is symmetric.
Recall that (Z t )t 0 is a symmetric ↵-stable Lévy process with ↵ 2 (0, 2] if = 2 = 0 and ⌫
has density s 7! c |s| 1 ↵ for some c > 0 when ↵ 2 (0, 2), and ⌫ = 0 and = 0 when ↵ = 2.
In this case (2.2)–(2.4) reduce to f 2 L ↵ ([0, t], ) for all t > 0.
A function f : R+ ! R is said to be of bounded variation if on each finite interval [0, t] the
total variation of f is finite, that is
Vt ( f ) := sup | f (ti ) f (ti 1 )| < 1, (2.8)
where the sup is taken over all partitions 0 = t0 < · · · < tnR = t, n 1 of [0, t]. Note that a
Lévy process (Z t )t 0 is of bounded variation if and only if [ 1,1] |s| ⌫(ds) < 1 and 2 = 0
(see e.g. [16, Theorem 21.9]). Let I denote an interval and f : I ! R. Then f is said to be
absolutely continuous if there exists a locally integrable function h such that
Z t
f (t) f (u) = h(s)ds, u, t 2 I, u t, (2.9)
and in this case h is called the density of f . If f : I ! R and g: R+ ! R+ are two measurable
functions, then f is said to have locally g-moment if
Z t
g(| f (s)|)ds < 1, u, t 2 I, u t. (2.10)
If (2.10) is satisfied with g(x) = x ↵ for some ↵ > 0 then f is said to have locally ↵-moment.
An increasing family of -algebras (Ft )t 0 is called a filtration if it satisfies the usual
conditions of right-continuity and completeness. For each process (Yt )t 0 we let (FtY )t 0 denote
its natural filtration, i.e. (FtY )t 0 is the least filtration for which (Yt )t 0 is (FtY )t 0 -adapted. Let
(Ft )t 0 denote a filtration. We say that (X t )t 0 is an (Ft )t 0 -semimartingale if it admits the
following representation
X t = X 0 + Mt + A t , t 0, (2.11)
where (Mt )t 0 is a càdlàg local (Ft )t 0 -martingale starting at 0 and (At )t 0 is (Ft )t 0 -
adapted, càdlàg, of bounded variation and starting at 0, and X 0 is F0 -measurable. (Recall that
càdlàg means right-continuous with left-hand limits.)
We need the following standard notation: For functions f, g: R ! (0, 1) we write f (x) ⇡
g(x) as x ! 1 if f /g is bounded above and below on some interval (K , 1), where K > 0.
Furthermore we write f (x) = o(g(x)) as x ! 1 if f (x)/g(x) ! 0 as x ! 1. A similar
notation is used as x ! 0.
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Assume that ⌫ has positive mass on [ 1, 1]. Similar to [20] we let ⇠ : [0, 1) ! [0, 1) be
given by
Z ⇣ ⌘
⇠(x) = |sx|2 ^ |sx| ⌫(ds), x 0. (2.12)
[ 1,1]
where the first inequality follows from H ⇠ and the second from (2.12) since |xs|2 ^
R |xs|. Hence by (2.14) and monotone convergence (i) follows. To show (ii) assume
[ 1,1] |s| ⌫(ds) < 1 for some ↵ 2 (1, 2]. For all ✏ > 0 we have
lim sup H (x)x ↵ |s|↵ ⌫(ds), (2.15)
x!1 [ ✏,✏]
K (x)x |s|↵ ⌫(ds), (2.16)
|s|<x 1
3. Main results
Ru 0 (u
where denotes the density of and ( 0 s)dZ s )u 0 is chosen measurable.
Hence we obtain the following corollary.
Corollary 3.3. Assume that (Z t )t 0 is of unbounded variation. Then the following four
statements are equivalent:
(a) (X t )t 0 is càdlàg and of bounded variation,
(b) (X t )t 0 is absolutely continuous,
(c) (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale and (0) = 0,
(d) is absolutely continuous with a density satisfying (1.3)–(1.4) and (0) = 0.
In the symmetric ↵-stable case with ↵ 2 (1, 2) the equivalence between (b) and (d) follows
by [21, Theorem 6.1]. Braverman Rt and Samorodnitsky [22] study, among other things, processes
(Yt )t 0 on the form Yt = 0 f (t, s)dZ s , where (Z t )t 0 is a symmetric Lévy process and f
is a deterministic function. Their Theorem 5.1 provides necessary and sufficient conditions on
f (t, s) for (X t )t 0 to be absolutely continuous. In [23,24] necessary and sufficient conditions on
are obtained for (X t )t 0 to have locally bounded or continuous sample paths.
The next corollary follows by Theorem 3.1 and the estimates on ⇠ given in (1)–(3).
where ⌧ is such that the integral exists. If (Z t )t 0 is a Wiener process and ⌧ > 1/2, (X t )t 0
is called a Lévy fractional Brownian motion (see [25, page 424]). Assume that (Z t )t 0 has no
Brownian component (i.e. 2 = 0). Using (2.2)–(2.4) it follows that for (X t )t 0 to be well-
defined one of the following (I)–(III) must be satisfied:
(I) ⌧ > 1/2, R
(II) ⌧ = 1/2 and [ 1,1] x 2 |log |x|| ⌫(dx) < 1,
R 1/⌧
(III) ⌧ < 1/2 and [ 1,1] |x| ⌫(dx) < 1.
Condition (I) is also sufficient for (X t )t 0 to be well-defined and when (Z t )t 0 is symmetric,
the conditions (I)–(III) are both necessary and sufficient for (X t )t 0 to be well-defined. When
⌧ = 0, (X t )t 0 = (Z t )t 0 ; thus let us assume ⌧ 6= 0. As a consequence of Theorem 3.1 we have
the following.
Corollary 3.5. Let (X t )t 0 be given by (3.3) and assume that (Z t )t 0 has no Brownian
component. Then (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale if and only if one of the following
(1)–(3) is satisfied:
(1) ⌧ > 1/2, R
(2) ⌧ = 1/2 and [ 1,1] x 2 |log |x|| ⌫(dx) < 1,
(3) ⌧ 2 (0, 1/2) and [ 1,1] |x|1/(1 ⌧ ) ⌫(dx) < 1.
Note that 1/(1 ⌧ ) 2 (1, 2) when ⌧ 2 (0, 1/2). Let us in particular consider
Z t
Xt = (t s) H dZ s , t 0, (3.4)
where (Z t )t 0 is a symmetric ↵-stable Lévy process with ↵ 2 (0, 2] and H > 0 (note
that (X t )t 0 is well-defined). To avoid trivialities assume H 6= 1/↵. As a consequence of
Corollary 3.5 (↵ 2 (0, 2)) and Theorem 3.1 (↵ = 2) it follows that (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ )t 0 -
semimartingale if and only if H > 1 when ↵ 2 [1, 2] or H > 1/↵ when ↵ 2 (0, 1).
4. Proofs
then g satisfies all the conditions in the lemma and g/2 ⇠ g. Thus, if f : I ! R is locally
integrable then f is absolutely continuous with a density having locally ⇠ -moment if and only if
(⇠( rk f ))k 1 is bounded in L 1 ([a, b], ) for all a, b 2 I with a < b.
Proof. Note that g is continuous and x 7! g(|x|) is a convex function from R into R, since g is
increasing and convex. Let a, b 2 I satisfying a < b be given and assume that (g( rk f ))k 1
is bounded in L 1 ([a, b], ). Since g(x)/x ! 1 as x ! 1, { rk f : k 1} is uniformly
integrable and hence weakly sequentially compact in L 1 ([a, b], ) (see e.g. [27, Chapter IV.8,
Corollary 11]). Choose a subsequence (n k )k 1 of (rk )k 1 and an h 2 L 1 ([a, b], ) such that
n k f ! h in the weak L ([a, b], )-topology. For all c, d 2 [a, b] with c < d we have
Z d Z d
nk f d ! hd , as k ! 1. (4.2)
c c
Z d Z Z !
d+1/n k d
nk f d = nk fd fd
c c+1/n k c
Z d+1/n k Z c+1/n k
= nk fd nk f d ! f (d) f (c), as k ! 1,(4.3)
d c
for ⇥ -a.a. c < d. Thus, we conclude that f is absolutely continuous with density h. Since
nk f ! h in the weak L 1 ([a, b], )-topology we may choose a sequence (n )n 1 of convex
combinations of ( n k f )k 1 such that n ! h in L 1 ([a, b], ), see [28, Theorem 3.13]. By
convexity and continuity of g we have
Z b Z b Z b
g(|h|)d lim inf g(|n |)d sup g( n k f )d < 1, (4.4)
a n!1 a k 1 a
which shows that h has g-moment on [a, b]. This completes the proof of the if -part.
Assume conversely that f is absolutely continuous with a density, h, having locally g-
moment. For all t > ✏, we have by Jensen’s inequality that
Z b Z s+1/t ! Z b Z 1/t !
g t h(u)du ds t g(|h(u + s)|)du ds
a s a 0
Z 1/t Z b Z b+1/✏
=t g(|h(u + s)|)dsdu g(|h(s)|)ds < 1, (4.5)
0 a a
which shows that {g(| t f |) : t > ✏} is bounded in L 1 ([a, b], ) and completes the proof. ⇤
In what follows, we are going to use two Lévy–Itô decompositions of (Z t )t 0 (see e.g. [16,
Theorem 19.2]).
(a) Decompose (Z t )t 0 as Z t = Z t1 + Z t2 , where (Z t1 )t 0 and (Z t2 )t 0 are two independent
Lévy processes with characteristic triplets (0, 2 , ⌫ ) respectively ( , 0, ⌫ ), where ⌫ =
1 2 1
⌫|[ 1,1] and ⌫2 = ⌫|[ 1,1]c . (Z t1 )t 0 and (Z t2 )t 0 are (FtZ )t 0 -adapted. Moreover, when is
locally bounded we let
Z t Z t
1 1 2
Xt = (t s)dZ s , and X t = (t s)dZ s2 , t 0. (4.6)
0 0
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Remark 4.5. (a) Let (X t )t 0 and (Yt )t 0 denote two independent càdlàg processes such that
P( X t = 0) = P( Yt = 0) = 1 for all t 0. Then as a consequence of Tonelli’s Theorem
we have P( X t Yt = 0, 8t 0) = 1. Rt
(b) If ⌫ is concentrated on [ 1, 1] then the mapping t 7! 0 (t s)dZ s is continuous from R+
into L 1 (P). This follows by approximating with continuous functions.
Proof of Lemma 4.4. Since X t = 0 ( (t s) 1)dZ s + Z t we may and do assume (0) 6= 0.
Recall that is chosen càdlàg; moreover, (0) = (0).
First we show the lemma in the case where ⌫ is a finite measure. Let ⌧n denote the time of the
nth jump of (Z t )t 0 ((⌧n+1 ⌧n )n 1 is thus an i.i.d. sequence of exponential distributions) and
let ( n )n 1 ✓ [0, 1) denote the jump times of . Note that the event
B := {9 ( j, k) 6= ( j 0 , k 0 ) : ⌧ j + k = ⌧ j0 + k 0 }, (4.14)
2980 A. Basse, J. Pedersen / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 119 (2009) 2970–2991
has probability zero. Since (Z t )t 0 only has finitely many jumps on each compact interval we
may regard (X t )t 0 as a pathwise Lebesgue–Stieltjes integral and hence it follows that
( X t )t 0 = Zt k ( k) . (4.15)
k 1 t 0
Let us show that on Bc
the series k 1 Z t k ( k ) has at most one term which differs from
zero for all t 0. Indeed, to see this assume that Z t k ( k ) and Z t k 0 ( k 0 ) both
differ from zero, where k 6= k 0 . Then there exist n, n 0 1 such that ⌧n = t k and ⌧n 0 = t k0
which implies ⌧n + k = ⌧n 0 + k 0 , and hence we have a contradiction. In particular, if Z t 6= 0
then Z t (0) 6= 0 and thus X t = Z t (0) = (0) Z t .
Now let (Z t )t 0 be a general Lévy process for which 2 = 0. For each n 1, decompose
(Z t )t 0 as Z t = Ytn + Utn , where (Ytn )t 0 and (Utn )t 0 are two independent Lévy processes with
characteristic triplets (0, 0, ⌫|[ 1/n,1/n] ) respectively (0, 0, ⌫|[ 1/n,1/n]c ). Moreover, set
Z t Z t
n n
X tY = (t s)dYsn and X tU = (t s)dUsn . (4.16)
0 0
Since (Utn )t 0 has piecewise constant sample paths the second integral is a pathwise
n n
Lebesgue–Stieltjes integral. Hence (X tU )t 0 is càdlàg and it follows that (X tY )t 0 is càdlàg as
well. Set
\ n
C := { X tY Utn = 0, 8t 0}, (4.17)
n 1
\ n
D := { X tU 1{ Utn 6=0} = (0) Utn , 8t 0}. (4.18)
n 1
From Remark 4.5(b) it follows that P( X tY = 0) = 1 for all t 0 which together with
Remark 4.5(a) shows that C has probability one. Moreover, from the first part of the proof it
follows that D has probability one. When Z t 6= 0, choose n 1 such that | Z t | > 1/n. Thus,
n n
Utn 6= 0, and hence X tY = 0 on C, which shows X t = X tU = (0) Utn = (0) Z t
on C \ D and completes the proof. ⇤
Hence ( Mt )t 0 and ( (0) Z t )t 0 are indistinguishable which implies that (Mt )t 0 and
( (0)Z t )t 0 are indistinguishable since they both are purely discontinuous martingales (see [33,
Chapter I, Corollary 4.19]). This completes the proof. ⇤
The following lemma is concerned with the bounded variation case and it relies on an inequality
by Marcus and Rosiński [20].
To show (i) assume that (X t )t 0 is of bounded variation. By Rosiński [29, Theorem 4], (· s)
is of bounded variation for -a.a. s 2 R+ ; in particular there exists an s 2 R+ such that (· s)
is of bounded variation. Hence is of bounded variation. Let T := [0, N ] \ Q, X : ⌦ ! RT
denote the canonical random element induced by (X t )t2T and let µ be given by
and hence
N ⇥ ⇤
sup inf E 2n (X i/2n X (i 1)/2n ) E[VD
0,N (X )]
2 n 1 2n N /2<i2n N
⇥ ⇤
N sup sup E 2n (X i/2n X (i 1)/2n ) , (4.27)
n 1 1i2n N
Lemma 4.8. Let (Yt )t 0 , (Ut )t 0 , (Ỹt )t 0 and (Ũt )t 0 denote four processes such that (Yt )t 0 is
(Ft )t 0 -adapted, (Ỹt )t 0 is (FtŨ )t 0 -adapted and (Y· , U· ) = (Ỹ· , Ũ· ). If (Yt )t 0 is an (FtU )t 0 -
Proof of Theorem 3.1. We prove the result in the following three steps (1)–(3). Recall the
Lévy–Itô decompositions (a) and (b).
(1) Let 2 > 0. Rt
Assume that (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale. Let Z̃ t = Yt Wt and X̃ t = 0 (t
s) d Z̃ s . We have FtZ = FtW _FtY = Ft W _FtY = FtZ̃ and since (X · , Z · ) = ( X̃ · , Z̃ · ), Lemma 4.8
shows that ( X̃ t )t 0 is an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale. Therefore (X tW )t 0 := ((X t X̃ t )/2)t 0 is
an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale and thus an (FtW )t 0 -semimartingale, and by Lemma 4.2(ii) we
conclude that is absolutely continuous on R+ with a locally square integrable density.
On the other hand, if is absolutely continuous with a locally square integrable density it
follows by Lemma 4.2(i) that (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale.
(2) Let 2 = 0 and (Z t )t 0 be of unbounded variation.
Assume that (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale. By Lemma 4.3 it follows that (X t1 )t 0 is
an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale. Let T = Q \ [0, t], q( f ) = sups2T | f (s)| for all f 2 RT and µ
be given by (4.23) with ⌫ replaced by ⌫1 . Since ⌫1 has compact support and is locally bounded
(recall that is chosen càdlàg) there exists an r0 > 0 such that µ( f 2 RT : q( f ) r0 ) = 0 and
hence, according to Rosiński [34, Lemma 2.2], E[sups2[0,t] X s1 ] < 1. This shows that (X t1 )t 0
1 1
is a special (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale. Let X t1 = Mt + At denote the canonical (FtZ )t 0 -
decomposition of (X t1 )t 0 . Then Lemma 4.6 yields (Mt )t 0 = ( (0)Z t1 )t 0 and hence (At )t 0 ,
given by
Z t
At = (t s)dZ s1 , t 0, (4.31)
where (t) = (t) (0) for t 0, is of bounded variation. Thus, by Lemma 4.7 we conclude
that , and hence also , is absolutely continuous on R+ with a density having locally ⇠ -moment.
Assume conversely that is absolutely continuous with a density having locally ⇠ -moment.
Since and (Z t2 )t 0 are càdlàg and of bounded variation it follows that (X t2 )t 0 is càdlàg and of
bounded variation as well. Let (At )t 0 be given by (4.31). By Lemma 4.7 it follows that (At )t 0
is càdlàg and of bounded and hence (X t1 )t 0 = ( (0)Z t1 + At )t 0 is an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale
and we have shown that (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale.
(3) Let (Z t )t 0 be of bounded variation.
Assume that (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale. By arguing as in (2) it follows that
(At )t 0 given by (4.31) is of bounded variation. Hence [29, Theorem 4] and a symmetrization
argument shows that , and hence also , is of bounded variation.
Assume conversely that is of bounded variation. Since (Z t )t 0 is càdlàg and of bounded
variation it follows that (X t )t 0 is càdlàg and of bounded variation and hence an (FtZ )t 0 -
semimartingale. ⇤
Lemma 4.9. Let T > 0, µ denote a finite measure on R+ and let f : R2+ ! R be a measurable
function such that either (i) or (ii) is satisfied, where
(i) 2 = 0, ⇠(| f (t, ·)|) 2 L 1 ([0, T ], ) for all t 0 and ⇠(| f |) 2 L 1 (R+ ⇥ [0, T ], µ ⇥ ).
(ii) 2 > 0, f (t, ·) 2 L 2 ([0, T ], ) for all t 0, and f 2 L 2 (R+ ⇥ [0, T ], µ ⇥ ).
2984 A. Basse, J. Pedersen / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 119 (2009) 2970–2991
Then ( 0 f (t, s)dZ s )t 0 can be chosen measurable and in this case
Z Z ! Z Z !
f (t, s)dZ s µ(dt) = f (t, s) µ(dt) dZ s P-a.s. (4.32)
0 0
Proof. Assume that (i) is satisfied. To show (4.32) we may and do assume that (Z t )t 0 has
characteristic triplet (0, 0, ⌫) where ⌫ is concentrated on [ 1, 1]. Let g be given by (4.1). Since
g is 0 at 0, symmetric, increasing, convex, limx!1 g(x) = 1 and g(2x) 4g(x) for all x 0,
g is a Young function satisfying the 2 -condition (see [35, page 5+22]). Let L g ([0, T ], ) denote
the Orlicz space of measurable functions with finite g-moment on [0, T ] equipped with the norm
⇢ Z T
khkg = inf c > 0 : g(c h(s))ds 1 . (4.33)
According to Chapter 3.3, Theorem 10, and Chapter 3.5, Theorem 1, in [35], L g ([0, T ], ) is
a separable Banach space. Let f t := f (t, ·) for all t 0. Since ⇠(| f t |) 2 L 1 ([0, T ], ) for
all t 0, it is easy to check that f t satisfies (2.2)–(2.4) and hence Yt := 0 f t (s)dZ s is well-
defined for all t 0. We show that (Yt )t 0 has a measurable modification. Since L g ([0, T ], ) is
separable and t 7! k f t hkg is measurable for all h 2 L g ([0, T ], ) it follows that t 7! f t is a
measurable mapping from R+ into L g ([0, T ], ). Furthermore, since L g ([0, T ], ) is separable
there exists (h nk )n,k 1 ✓ L g ([0, T ], ) and disjoint measurable sets (Ank )k 1 for all n 1 such
that with
f tn (s) = h nk (s)1 Ank (t), (4.34)
k 1
we have f t f tn g
2 n for all t 0. Set Ytn = k 1 0 h nk (s)dZ s 1 Ank (t) for all t 0 and
n 1. Then (Ytn )t 0 is a measurable process and by [20, Theorem 2.1] it follows that
Ytn Yt L 1 (P)
3 f tn ft g
3⇥2 n
, 8t 0, 8n 1. (4.35)
For all t 0 and ! 2 ⌦ let Ỹt (!) = limn Ytn (!) when the limit exists in R and zero otherwise.
Then (Ỹt )t 0 is measurable and for all t 2 R, Ỹt = Yt P-a.s. by (4.35). Thus we have constructed
a measurable modification of (Yt )t 0 .
Let us show that both sides of (4.32) are well-defined. Since g/2 ⇠ g and ⇠(ax)
(a + 1)2 ⇠(x) for all x, a > 0, it follows by Jensen’s inequality that
Z T Z ! Z Z
2(µ(R) + 1)2 T
⇠ | f (t, s)| µ(dt) ds ⇠(| f (t, s)|) µ(dt)ds < 1. (4.36)
0 µ(R) 0
Thus, the right-hand side of (4.32) is well-defined. The left-hand side is well-defined as well
Z Z T Z Z T ! Z T !1/2
E f (t, s)dZ s µ(dt) 3 ⇠(| f t (s)|)ds _ ⇠(| f t (s)|)ds µ(dt)
0 0 0
< 1, (4.37)
A. Basse, J. Pedersen / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 119 (2009) 2970–2991 2985
where the first inequality follows by [20, Corollary 1.1]. Furthermore, (4.32) is obviously true
for simple f on the form
f (t, s) = ↵i 1(si 1 ,si ] (t)1(ti 1 ,ti ] (s). (4.38)
If f is a given function satisfying (i) we can choose a sequence of simple ( f n )n 1 converging to
f and satisfying | f n | | f |. We have
Z Z T ! Z T Z !
f n (u, s)dZ u µ(ds) = f n (u, s) µ(ds) dZ u , (4.39)
0 0
and by estimates as above it follows that we can go to the limit in L 1 (P) in (4.39), which shows
The case (ii) follows by a similar argument. In this case we have to work in L 2 ([0, T ], )
instead of L g ([0, T ], ). ⇤
Proposition 3.2 is an immediate consequence of Theorem 3.1 and Lemma 4.9, since
Z t s Z t
(t s) = (0) + (u)du = (0) + 1{su} 0 (u s)du, s 2 [0, t]. (4.40)
0 0
Let (X t )t 0 be given by
Z t
Xt = ( (t s) ( s)) dZ s , t 0, (5.1)
where (Z t )t2R is a (two-sided) nondeterministic Lévy process with characteristic triplet
( , 2 , ⌫) and , : R ! R are measurable functions for which the integral exists (still in
the sense of [19, page 460]). Also assume that and are 0 on ( 1, 0) and let (FtZ ,1 )t 0
denote the least filtration for which (Z s : 1 < s t) ✓ FtZ ,1 for all t 0. From [19,
Theorem 2.8] it follows that (X t )t 0 is well-defined if and only if
Z t Z 0
X t1 = (t s)dZ s , and X t2 = ( (t s) ( s))dZ s , (5.2)
0 1
are well-defined. Similar to Lemma 4.8 we have the following.
Lemma 5.1. Let (Yt )t 0 , (Ut )t2R , (Ỹt )t 0 and (Ũt )t2R denote four processes such that (Yt )t 0
U,1 D
is (Ft )t 0 -adapted, (Ỹt )t 0 is (FtŨ ,1 )t 0 -adapted and (Y· , U· ) = (Ỹ· , Ũ· ). If (Yt )t 0
is an (FtU,1 )t 0 -semimartingale then (Ỹt )t 0 has a modification which is an (FtŨ ,1 )t 0 -
Since (Z t )t2R is symmetric (X · , Z · ) = ( X̃ · , Z̃ · ) and from Lemma 5.1 it follows that ( X̃ t )t 0
is an (FtZ̃ ,1 )t 0 -semimartingale and hence an (FtZ ,1 )t 0 -semimartingale since (FtZ̃ ,1 )t 0 =
(FtZ ,1 )t 0 . Thus, (X t1 )t 0 = ((X t + X̃ t )/2)t 0 is an (FtZ ,1 )t 0 -semimartingale and hence
an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale. Moreover, (X t2 )t 0 is an (FtZ ,1 )t 0 -semimartingale and hence
càdlàg and of bounded variation since X t2 is F0Z ,1 -measurable for all t 0. ⇤
We have the following consequence of Lemma 5.2 and Theorem 3.1.
for X t2 to be well-defined. A simple calculation shows that (5.5) is satisfied if and only if
⌧ < 1/2 and |x|1/(1 ⌧ ) ⌫(dx) < 1. (5.6)
[ 1,1]c
Thus it is necessary that (5.6) and (I)–(III) are satisfied for (X t )t 0 to be well-defined, and when
(Z t )t2R is symmetric these conditions are also sufficient.
R Marquardt [36] studies processes
R of the
form (5.4) under the assumptions that 2 = 0, [ 1,1]c |x|2 ⌫(dx) < 1, = [ 1,1]c x ⌫(dx)
and 0 < ⌧ < 1/2. See also [37] for a study of the well-balanced case.
To avoid trivialities assume ⌧ 6= 0. As an application of Proposition 5.3 and Corollary 3.5 we
have the following.
A. Basse, J. Pedersen / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 119 (2009) 2970–2991 2987
Corollary 5.4. Assume that (Z t )t2R has no Brownian component and let (X t )t 0 be
R by (5.4). If (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ ,1 )t 0 -semimartingale then ⌧ 2 (0, 1/2) and
1/(1 ⌧ )
[ 1,1] |x| ⌫(dx) < 1.
In particular let (X t )t 0 denote a linear fractional stable motion with indexes ↵ 2 (0, 2] and
H 2 (0, 1), that is
Z t ⇣ ⌘
H 1/↵
Xt = (t s) H 1/↵ ( s)+ dZ s , t 0, (5.7)
where (Z t )t2R is a symmetric ↵-stable Lévy process (see [3, Definition 7.4.1]). For ↵ = 2,
(X t )t 0 is a fractional Brownian motion (fBm) with Hurst parameter H (up to a scaling constant).
From Corollary 5.4 it follows that (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ ,1 )t 0 -semimartingale if and only if
H = 1/↵.
Let (X t )t 0 be given by (5.1) and assume that (Z t )t2R is a symmetric ↵-stable Lévy process
with ↵ 2 (1, 2]. If (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ ,1 )t 0 -semimartingale it follows by Proposition 5.3 and
result (1) at the end of Section 2 that is absolutely continuous on R+ with a density having
locally ↵-moment. The next result shows that this condition is actually necessary and sufficient
for (X t )t 0 to be an (FtZ ,1 )t 0 -semimartingale if we delete “locally”. Thus, extending [10,
Theorem 6.5] from ↵ = 2 to ↵ 2 (1, 2] we have the following.
Proposition 5.5. Let (X t )t 0 be given by (5.1) and assume that (Z t )t2R is a symmetric ↵-stable
Lévy process with ↵ 2 (1, 2]. Then (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ ,1 )t 0 -semimartingale if and only if is
absolutely continuous on R+ with a density in L ↵ (R+ , ).
Let B denote a Banach space (not necessarily separable) and assume that there exists a countable
subset D of the unit ball of B 0 (the topological dual space of B) such that
kxk = sup |F(x)| , 8x 2 B. (5.8)
Following [38, page 133], a B-valued random element X is called ↵-stable if i=1 ai Fi (X ) is a
real-valued ↵-stable random variable for all n 1, F1 , . . . , Fn 2 D and a1 , . . . , an 2 R.
Let T denote an interval in R+ and let B denote the subspace of RT containing all functions
which are càdlàg and of bounded variation. Then B is a Banach space in the total variation norm
(but not separable) and since the unit ball of B 0 consists of F of the form
F( f ) = ai ( f (ti ) f (ti 1 )), f 2 B, (5.9)
where (ai )i=1 n
✓ [ 1, 1] and (ti )i=0 is an increasing sequence in T , it follows that B satisfies
Proof of Proposition 5.5. For ↵ = 2 the result follows by [11, Theorem 3.1]; thus let us assume
↵ 2 (1, 2).
Assume that (X t )t 0 is an (FtZ ,1 )t 0 -semimartingale. According to Lemma 5.2 (X t2 )t 0 is
càdlàg and of bounded variation. Consider (X t2 )t 0 as an ↵-stable random element with values
in the Banach space consisting of functions which are càdlàg and of bounded variation equipped
with the total variation norm. Hence from [38, Proposition 5.6] it follows that (X t2 )t 0 is of
2988 A. Basse, J. Pedersen / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 119 (2009) 2970–2991
integrable variation on each compact interval. Moreover, by [20, Corollary 1.1] we have
h i 1 p
E n(X i/n X (i2 1)/n ) ai,n ^ ai,n , i, n 1, (5.10)
Z 1 Z
ai,n := ⇠ (| n (s)|)ds, and ⇠ (x) := (|xs|2 ^ |xs|) ⌫(ds).
˜ ˜ (5.11)
(i 1)/n
By (5.12) we conclude that (an,n )n 1 is bounded and hence (⇠˜ (| n |))n 1 is bounded in
L 1 ([1, 1), ). A straightforward calculation shows ⇠˜ (x) = c1 x ↵ for all x 0 for some constant
c1 > 0, which implies that ( n )n 1 is bounded in L ↵ ([1, 1), ). Since ↵ > 1, a sequence in
L ↵ ([1, 1), ) is bounded if and only if it is weakly sequentially compact (see [27, Chapter IV.8,
Corollary 4]). Thus, by arguing as in Lemma 4.1 it follows that is absolutely continuous with
a density in L ↵ ([1, 1), ). Furthermore, since (X t1 )t 0 is an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale it follows
by Corollary 3.4 that is absolutely continuous on R+ with a density locally in L ↵ (R+ , ). This
shows the only if -part.
Assume conversely that is absolutely continuous on R+ with a density in L ↵ (R+ , ). By
Corollary 3.4 (X t1 )t 0 is an (FtZ )t 0 -semimartingale. Thus it is enough to show that (X t2 )t 0
is càdlàg and of bounded variation. Since is absolutely continuous on R+ with a density in
L ↵ (R+ , ) it follows by arguing as in Lemma 4.1 that k (t ·) (u ·)k L ↵ (( 1,0), )
c(t u) for some c > 0 and all 0 u t. For all p 2 [1, ↵) and all u, t 0 we have
R 5.6. Let f : R+ ⇥ R ! R denote a measurable function such that X t =
R f (t, s)dZ s is well-defined for all t 0. If (X t )t 0 is càdlàg and of bounded variation then
ZZ ⇣ ⌘
1 ^ |x Vt ( f (·, s))|2 ⌫(dx)ds < 1, 8t > 0. (5.14)
and 2
P1 in particular (C j Vt ( f (·, U j ))) j 1 2 l . Thus, we have shown that the series
j=1 ✏ j C j Vt ( f (·, U j )) converges P-a.s. and from Theorem 2.4 and Proposition 2.7 in [39]
2990 A. Basse, J. Pedersen / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 119 (2009) 2970–2991
it follows that
Z 1Z
1 ^ H (u, v)2 ⇢(v)dvdu < 1, (5.18)
where H (u, v) = ⌫ (u⇢(v)) Vt ( f (·, v)). Furthermore, (5.18) equals
1 ^ (⌫ (u) Vt ( f (·, v)))2 du ⇢(v)dv
ZZ ⇣ ⌘
= 1 ^ (u Vt ( f (·, v)))2 ⌫(du)dv, (5.19)
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