O2C C 2351 PIR Conversion
O2C C 2351 PIR Conversion
O2C C 2351 PIR Conversion
Functional Specification Document
Table of Contents
1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...................................................................................................5
1.1 OBJECT INFORMATION AND ATTRIBUTES........................................................................5
1.2 DETAILED TESTING REQUIREMENTS................................................................................5
1.3 BUSINESS DRIVER............................................................................................................6
1.4 DESIRED FUNCTIONALITY OVERVIEW.............................................................................6
1.5 ASSUMPTIONS...................................................................................................................6
1.6 PROJECT / DEVELOPMENT CONSTRAINTS........................................................................6
1.7 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA.................................................................................................6
1.8 APPLICATIONS AFFECTED................................................................................................7
1.9 DATA VOLUME.................................................................................................................7
1.10 DATA QUALITY METRICS................................................................................................7
1.11 OTHER OBJECTS AFFECTED.............................................................................................7
2 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................8
2.1 PRICEFW TYPE SPECIFIC INFORMATION – CONVERSION...............................................8
3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.......................................................................................18
3.1 BACKUP / RECOVERY.....................................................................................................18
3.2 INFORMATION SECURITY................................................................................................19
3.3 SECURITY ROLES (PROFILES AND AUTHORIZATIONS)...................................................21
3.4 AUDIT.............................................................................................................................21
3.5 CONVERSION ERROR HANDLING....................................................................................22
**For Estimation Purposes, fill out the full Executive Summary in detail**
Identification of which materials have been previously offered or supplied by a specific vendor
Indication of which vendors have offered or supplied a specific material
Ability to set tolerance Limits for Over Deliveries & Under deliveries
Planned Delivery Time ( Lead time required by the vendor to deliver the material )
Info record memo
o An internal note or comment that is adopted in the PO item. The info record memo is not
printed out.
PO text in info record
o This text serves to describe the order item and corresponds to the PO text in the material
master record. It is adopted in the PO item and included in the printout
Purchase Info Records will be created in SAP for the purpose of providing the above benefits and
moreover allow for the “No Touch” creation of purchase orders as needed (e.g. fixture orders). The
rationale for this decision is due to the sheer volume of said orders that are currently created on regular
If Purchase Info Records were not created for materials, the ability to create purchase orders in
an automated fashion would not exist.
That being said, all Purchase Orders would have to be manually created. Which in turn adds a
very large manual effort of creating Purchase Orders for various items (e.g. copious amounts of
fixture orders that are sent to Westrock today)
Once identified this source data point shall be converted from legacy source system to the target system
The Legacy Vendor Number shall be Transformed to SAP Vendor Account Number = ( LIFNR)
via the existing vendor number cross reference process within MDM
Organizational field such as Purchase organization are updated in the conversion file before upload to
Material group , Purchase group are extracted from Material master tables to update in conversion file.
Conversion file is stored in Application server with given Menu path. System will extracts records from
conversion file and upload to SAP to create Purchase info record.
1.4 Assumptions
All Master Data and Organization Structure will be set up prior to entering sales orders.
SD Organizational Data should be in place
Vendor Master conversion is assumed to have been handled in Release 1.
Vendor master data will exist in SAP for vendors that AG procures NPC, Direct Import,
(Evdy Replenishment & Ornaments; Wal*Mart cross-upplied Pallet Train Programs;
Retail Sales Promotion; and REX Fixture product from in Release 2, vendors in SAP
have been approved by AG Global Sourcing
Material Master conversion should be done
Material Master will contain the material country of origin and the material tariff code
Conversion Data is accurate and up to date
Data required for the creation of a Purchase Info Record shall reside within AG legacy
systems. Said data points shall have the ability to be placed within a file format that is
ingestible within the SAP system.
Prior to go live the conversion shall be performed again to ensure that any data changes
are loaded into SAP prior to go live
R1 vendor master create/modify process will be utilized in R2. Drop ship vendors will
require purchase view extension in SAP
Existing Shared Services vendor form will be used to initiate change/modify and
additional fields will be added to support drop ship vendor requirements
WestRock will be the vendor for fixtures in R2
Products or fixture components that are purchased domestically or from Asia sources and
imported or manufactured directly and distributed through AG distribution centers are not
in scope with the exception of NPC
Plus Mark will remain on Oracle for Release 2
Info Access service to process vendor invoice processing will be utilized for Release 2
Cost accounting group will continue to enter standard costs for RockTenn fixtures into
the cost accounting legacy system which feeds MRP (The purchase price will be entered
into SAP on the PIR record)
AG is Use Tax EXEMPT for RockTenn fixtures
2.1 PRICEFW Type Specific Information – Conversion
Identify the data requirements of this conversion including the business object, date range to be
considered for extracting information from Source System(s) for conversion, data cleansing and
detailed data mapping requirements. .
Extraction :
At present, the legacy system does not contain Purchase info records. We will need to extract last Purchase Order
data for active vendor /active material combination with latest price in a text file as per the mapping fields.
The AG Client team will be responsible for extracting data from the legacy systems. The reason being that this
activity will include data scrubbing activities that must be performed by ISD Client IT (removing duplicates and
unnecessary records). Additionally, ISD Client IT will use vendor cross-reference report to translate the legacy
vendor number to SAP vendor number. The SAP vendor number will be populated in the file. Only data
extracted and scrubbed from the legacy systems will be migrated to the new SAP system. BODS will be used to
upload this data to SAP. Remaining fields to be populated in the PIR will be inherited from the Vendor and
Material Masters.
Fields that are required in SAP but not available in Legacy system will be populated via with BODS interface.
Further detail of these fields is available in the mapping document.
We are having single Purchasing organization 1000-AG Global which will be updated as default value under
purchasing organization field. All the purchasing info record are created with info Category “Standard”.
Conversion file is available in Application server with menu path.
Using a middleware (e.g. BODS) interface, this data will be uploaded and populated in the appropriate fields in
the SAP PIR.
There should be a detailed log which indicates success/failure records, information on PIR number vendor master,
Material masterPricing validity dates will be defaulted to the date of entry to 12/31/9999
Note: For Source Application Conversion, the preferred option via ETL BODS is File or
Database Table and applies for all the applications listed above.
Due to the fact that the same file structures are generated by multiple source systems to a
single destination, you will need to list each source system. The BODS Staging
environment will consolidate the data for the Target system.
Source 2
Three or more
**For Estimation Purposes, estimate how many fields are required for the conversion**
# of Fields
**For Estimation Purposes, estimate how many fields will require special transformation rules
(e.g. require reading a table to put the appropriate value in the field)**
0 fields
1 - 2 fields
3 or more fields
**For Estimation Purposes, is there a SAP/JDA pre-formatted record that can be used?**
SAP/JDA pre-formatted
record available?
1. All the active records uploaded and processed should not have any difference i.e. the
number of agreements loaded in SAP and those created should match/tally. This will
be manually validated.
**For Estimation Purposes fill out the Post Execution Notification Details in terms of listing whether a
report, email notification or workflow is required.**
**For Estimation Purposes, list the proposed interface development tool (standard BAPI, standard SAP/JDA
program, standard IDOC, custom BDC, custom BAPI, LSMW, custom IDOC, JDA SQL Script, etc.) – done by Tech
Arch. Team member/Dev. Architect**
**For Estimation Purposes, if custom BDC is the proposed development tool then fill out the following section**
Identify the source that was used to document the TARGET fields that will be used for detailed data mapping– <Screen, ETL, File, Database Table>.
Identify the necessary TARGET fields in the detailed data mapping sheet below. Please indicate the type of integration types used to describe the
elements in the mapping. If you use the standard SAP/JDA form screens elements to identify the data elements to be used for integration, mark the same.
Likewise check mark the object used for identifying the data elements in the mapping spreadsheet. Note: The actual integration type used between systems
will be defined and designed in the Realization phase in the technical specs.
SAP/JDA Fields
Database Table
JDA SQL Script
Complete the mapping sheet which includes a definition of all data fields needed for this conversion. . For each additional SOURCE application, you may use an
additional data mapping spreadsheet, but can use the TARGET data fields defined already. As a norm, data conversion file format will be provided by SAP/JDA.
The mapping sheet will also describe the detailed mapping including transformation and business rules to be applied.
Detailed Data Mapping to Source System(s)
Source Application Source Application Source Application SME Contact Source Application Detailed Data
Sample Data
Name Description Info Conversion Type Mapping
<Name of Source <Describe the source <List the name & contact <Identify the source that was <Provide multiple sets
Application> application> information of source system SME. used to complete the detailed of sample data so that
Has the SME been made aware of data mapping to the SAP a full picture of the
our need to extract data?> fields – Screen, Report, File, TA.DEV.007_Functio requirements can be
Database Table, Application realized. Data
nal Specification Template - Conversion ThisMapping
can be v1.1.xlsx
JDA SQL Script> <Reusable an embedded file or
Template> link to sample data.>
**For Estimation Purposes, please list each field which has to be derived in the conversion and a brief description of the calculation/transformation**
Calculations / Transformations
Value to be Derived Business Rules / Algorithm For This Transformation
<Name> <description of calculation/transformation >
**For Estimation Purposes, please show a mock-up of each screen of the report**
**For Estimation Purposes, please list each field which has to be derived in the report and a brief description of the
Calculations / Transformations
Value to be Derived Business Rules / Algorithm For This Transformation
<Name> <description of calculation / transformation>
**For Estimation Purposes: For a Conversion Report only, please fill out the Default Sort Order, Sortable Columns
and Pagination**
For this Functional Specification, identify any unique backup/recovery needs. Where is the system
of record? Unique requirements will most likely come from inbound interfaces from 3 rd party
Access to form, report, enhancement, portal, workflow object is dictated by the security role
authorizations assigned to the user. The authorizations would be based on the role defined for
executing the task/activity.
Post Implementation Yes Offshore? Yes List the 3rd Capgemini team
3rd party system access required? No No Parties:
Business Impact Analysis
What may be impacted if the system or information/data is compromised? Check all that may apply.
Input any additional details related to business impact in the event of compromise:
*NDA – Non-Disclosure Agreement, MSA-Master Service Agreement
Information Classification
Action #1: Check the box below that represents the most restrictive classification.
Action #2: If Level 1 or 2 is selected, check the box below indicating data storage or data transmission.
Information has been defaulted to level 3. Please review and update in collaboration with the security team
Level 1 – Confidential – Secure Handling Required “SHR”
Confidential – Secure Handling Required represents the most sensitive data classification related to individual personal
identifiable information and personal financial account information. This information considered critical to AG such that, if
disclosed, may disrupt or impede business operations, and due to legal, reputational, or operational concerns, requires
additional security controls. Information in this category includes, but is not limited to:
1. Social Security Number
2. Driver’s License Number or Government-issued Identification Number
3. Financial Account Number (card number or personal bank number)
4. Protected Health Information & Electronic Protected Health Information
SHR data stored? SHR data transmitted? SHR data stored and transmitted?
Level 2 – Confidential
Confidential represents the second most sensitive data classification related to operationally significant business information.
This information considered critical to AG such that, if disclosed, may disrupt or impede business operations. Examples of
Restricted Confidential include but are not limited to regulatory governed data, trade secrets, mergers and acquisition
discussions, product formulas and designs, corporate earnings data prior to public announcements, reorganization details prior
to announcements, current/closed company investigations and litigation, detailed network diagrams that could jeopardize
network security, strategic development/marketing plans and information integral to the success and operations of the
This includes: Pre-release aggregated financial data relevant to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission oversight; AG’s
own commercial bank account numbers (i.e. where AG makes deposits, pays checks and executes ACH transfers for their own
Confidential data stored? Confidential data transmitted? Confidential data stored and transmitted?
Internal AG Use Only represents the third most data. It represents information that is less critical to privacy and business
operations but still must not be publicly disclosed. This information is not approved for general circulation outside AG.
Level 4 – Public
Public represents information that has been declared public knowledge by the information owner and can freely be given to
anyone without any possible impact to AG. As a result, no special data handling protections are required.
3.4 Audit
Audit Trail Requirements
Audit Event Description Audit Trail Updates
Last Modified Date Being another PIR load will be <Date last modified YYYY/MM/DD>
needed prior to go live go live a
audit trail to identify know of
updated data attributes at time of
final conversion
Note: Detailed error descriptions will be identified in the Data mapping section. This section
defines how to report those errors.
Failure Points
Possible Point Of Rules For Handling Failure
<Failure Point> “Display error message on screen and continue”, “
Write error to error log and continue processing”, “Terminate the screen and
contact the systems department, etc.>
Data Input Display Validation error message for the Data Element. e. g. Date Range entered
Validation on the and request input of correct date range. The Start Date Range cannot be greater
screen than the End Date.
Data Validation of Capture the transaction record having the data validation error and log it in an
the file/message, error report. Also capture the key fields identifying the record and the offending
when it is picked up data element with relevant message describing the error. The Error Report needs
by PI. to be sent via an email alert. The Source system should fix the transaction
file/message and resend the file/message.
Mapping and Send an email alert for the offending message to the PI Support team. The PI
Transformation Support Analyst would need to analyze and identify and recommend resolution.
Business Rule Flag the transaction record in the staging table to be an “Application Error” and
Validation and display an error message indicating type of error, with recommended fix if
Application Logic possible. A notification needs to be sent with the list of transactions that are in
Processing Error error and the type of error for each transaction. The user should be able to review
the transaction make necessary correction, and be able to resubmit transaction for
Cross Reference Flag the transaction record to be an “Application Error” of type X-REF Error and
Error send email notification. The notification should list the data elements with missing
cross reference and guide user to update the Xref Master table. The transactions in
error need to be reprocessed upon initiation by the user, after the Cross Reference
Master has been updated
Reports when generated will be saved on to file system for further display and
rendering through Portal/AL11
Error Logging <Identify how/where errors are to be logged>
Error Remediation <Identify what procedures are required to clear the error and (if applicable)
resubmit/re-run? .>
Sort Order and Pagination Requirements for the Error Report (if applicable)
Formatting Description
Default Sort <list of columns for the default sort order and indication on ascending or descending for each
Order column>
Sortable <list of columns that the list can be sorted by after the initial list is loaded; will only apply to
Columns on-line reports>
Pagination <define section breaks and page breaks for the report>
Header <identify the header information that will be repeated on each page of the report>