Lm-80 Test Report: Everlight Electronics Co., LTD

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Report No. : 委-14-04-VLP-0037-TP Page 1 of 13 Issued: Mar.

6, 2015


The following tested product(s) were submitted and identified by the vendor as:


Address of Applicant : No. 6-8, Zhonghua Rd., Shulin Dist., New Taipei City
23860, Taiwan

Testing Laboratory : Reliability Lab, Everlight Electronics

Testing Address : No.25, Lane 76, Sec. 3, Chung Yang Road, Tucheng,
New Taipei City 23673, Taiwan

Product Name : Low-Mid Power LED

Model/ Serial Number : 67-21S Series (3000K)

Manufacturer : Everlight Electronics Co., LTD

Rating : DC 150 mA

Test Standard/Method : IES LM-80-08 Approved Method: Measuring Lumen

Maintenance of LED Light Sources

Revision : 4

The submitted products have been tested as requested and the following results were obtained, and the report, not
applicable for lawsuit, refers only to the unit(s) submitted for test.

Signed for and on behalf of


1 Copyright © 2015, Everlight All Rights Reserved. Release Date: Mar. 6, 2015. Issue No:V4 www.everlight.com
Report No. : 委-14-04-VLP-0037-TP Page 2 of 13 Issued: Mar. 6, 2015


Apr. 22, 2014


Apr. 24, 2014 ~Feb. 26, 2015


Quantity Model Serial Number

25 67-21S Series #A01-#A25(55 oC)
25 67-21S Series #B01-#B25(85 oC)
25 67-21S Series #C01-#C25(105 oC)


4.1 Date Summary of Lumen and Color Maintenance

Test results were concluded by different Temperatures (Ts)

4.2 Lumen Maintenance and Color Maintenance Test

Testing specifications by different case temperatures according to IES LM-80-08 approved.

Method: Measuring Lumen Maintenance of LED Light Sources and client’s requirements were
implemented per the following items.

4.2.1 Total Luminous Flux(Φv)

The test results of total luminous flux were implemented referring to Clause 2
CIE127:2007 2nd edition MRASUREMENT OF LEDS and IES LM-80-08 Approved
Method: Measuring Lumen Maintenance of LED Light Sources, when the UUTs were
powered with constant current of IF.

4.2.2 Correlated Color Temperature (CCT), CIE Color Coordinate (CIEx, CIEy) & Chromaticity
shift(Δu’, Δv’)

The test results of correlated color temperature were implemented referring to CIE
127:2007 2nd editions MRASUREMENT OF LEDS, CIE 15:2004 COLORIMETY.
The test results of color coordinate were implemented referring to CIE 127:2007 2nd edition

2 Copyright © 2015, Everlight All Rights Reserved. Release Date: Mar. 6, 2015. Issue No:V4 www.everlight.com
Report No. : 委-14-04-VLP-0037-TP Page 3 of 13 Issued: Mar. 6, 2015

5.1 ISO 17025 accredited in respect of laboratory is approved by TAF Certificate No. :
5.2 EPA-Recognized Laboratories No.: 1125371


6.1 Main Test Equipment:

Name Brand Model Traceability Due Date
Spectroradiometer Photal LE-5400
Integrating Sphere Labsphere LMS-100CM 2013/5/31 2016/5/31
Standard Light Source Labsphere SCL-1400
Source Meter Keithley 2612A 2014/9/11 2015/9/11
(TAF 0245)
Source Meter Agilent N5751A 2015/2/25 2016/2/25
(TAF 0742)
Digital Multimeter Agilent E3634A 2014/5/10 2015/5/10
(TAF 0025)

6.2 Environmental Conditions:

Temperature: (25 ± 1) oC

Relative Humidity: < 65 %RH

6.3 Measurement Conditions:

Interval Time: 1000 h

Warm up Time: < 1 minute (initial)

Relative measurement uncertainty: 1.1 % (95 % Confidence Level)

6.4 UUT Conditions:

Drive Current: DC 150mA

Forward Voltage: 3V
Power Consumption: 0.5W (Rated Value)
Lumen: 50 lm – 60 lm
CCT: 3000K
Package Dimension: L 3.5 mm x W 2.8 mm
Prior operation: 0h
Total Operation Duration: 6000 h

3 Copyright © 2015, Everlight All Rights Reserved. Release Date: Mar. 6, 2015. Issue No:V4 www.everlight.com
Report No. : 委-14-04-VLP-0037-TP Page 4 of 13 Issued: Mar. 6, 2015

6.5 Photograph of device


7.1 Data Summary of Lumen and Color Maintenance

Initial( 0 h) Luminous Maintenance (%)

TLF(lm) Vf(V) 0h 1000 h 2000 h 3000 h 4000 h 5000 h 6000 h
55 oC 50.7 3.4 100% 102.88% 102.50% 102.34% 101.76% 101.37% 101.13%
85 oC 50.7 3.4 100% 100.81% 99.26% 98.34% 97.89% 96.74% 95.91%
105 oC 51.1 3.4 100% 100.03% 99.20% 97.74% 96.99% 95.92% 95.31%

Initial( 0 h) Chromaticity Shift (Δu’v’)

CIE u’ CIE v’ CCT 1000 h 2000 h 3000 h 4000 h 5000 h 6000 h
55 oC 0.2494 0.5253 3009 0.00064 0.00057 0.00099 0.00126 0.00144 0.00147
85 oC 0.2491 0.5257 3014 0.00066 0.00085 0.00126 0.00146 0.00246 0.00255
105 oC 0.2497 0.5257 2999 0.00082 0.00119 0.00171 0.00219 0.00256 0.00312

4 Copyright © 2015, Everlight All Rights Reserved. Release Date: Mar. 6, 2015. Issue No:V4 www.everlight.com
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7.2 Chart of lumen maintenance and TM-21 projection

7.2.1 Chart of lumen maintenance

5 Copyright © 2015, Everlight All Rights Reserved. Release Date: Mar. 6, 2015. Issue No:V4 www.everlight.com
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7.2.2 LM-80 test and TM-21 Projection

Table : Report at each LM-80 Test Condition

Case Temperature 1 Case Temperature 2 Case Temperature 3

Temperature (⁰C): 55 Temperature (⁰C): 85 Temperature (⁰C): 105

Temperature (⁰K): 328.15 Temperature (⁰K): 358.15 Temperature (⁰K): 378.15

α: 3.56E-06 α: 9.45E-06 α: 1.00E-05
B: 1.03 B: 1.01 B: 1.01
Calculated L70 (hrs): 109000 Calculated L70 (hrs): 39000 Calculated L70 (hrs): 37000
Reported L70 (hrs): >36000 Reported L70 (hrs): >36000 Reported L70 (hrs): >36000

6 Copyright © 2015, Everlight All Rights Reserved. Release Date: Mar. 6, 2015. Issue No:V4 www.everlight.com
Report No. : 委-14-04-VLP-0037-TP Page 7 of 13 Issued: Mar. 6, 2015

7.3 Lumen Maintenance and Color Maintenance Test

7.3.1 Test Condition: Ts = 55 oC
Case Temperature [Ts]: 54.3 C Average [Ts]: 54.3 oC
Ambient Temperature [Ta]: 52.1 oC Average [Ta]: 52.1 oC
Driver Current: 150 mA Air Flow: Minimized
Measurement Current: 150 mA Relative Humility: < 65 %RH Total Luminous Flux (Φv)
Initial(0 h) Luminous Maintenance(Φv)
TLF(lm) Vf(V) 1000 h 2000 h 3000 h 4000 h 5000 h 6000 h
A01 51.2 3.4 102.23% 101.90% 100.43% 99.84% 99.16% 99.65%
A02 50.8 3.4 102.09% 101.99% 101.47% 100.93% 100.44% 101.02%
A03 51.7 3.5 102.15% 101.81% 101.23% 100.89% 100.15% 100.40%
A04 51.0 3.4 102.54% 102.88% 102.27% 101.10% 100.87% 100.90%
A05 49.7 3.4 103.12% 102.81% 102.26% 101.58% 100.80% 100.55%
A06 51.6 3.5 102.87% 102.44% 101.93% 101.36% 100.74% 100.63%
A07 51.0 3.4 103.25% 103.23% 102.57% 101.92% 101.51% 101.69%
A08 51.4 3.4 103.32% 103.15% 102.80% 102.26% 101.97% 101.99%
A09 51.2 3.4 102.90% 102.49% 102.26% 101.88% 101.87% 101.50%
A10 51.2 3.4 102.51% 102.20% 101.82% 101.67% 101.21% 100.50%
A11 51.3 3.4 102.20% 102.02% 101.09% 100.59% 100.60% 100.20%
A12 51.0 3.4 102.34% 102.20% 102.07% 101.70% 101.20% 101.21%
A13 51.6 3.4 103.13% 102.77% 102.80% 102.24% 101.81% 101.67%
A14 49.0 3.5 103.68% 103.51% 103.23% 102.33% 102.23% 101.88%
A15 49.7 3.4 102.52% 102.34% 102.23% 101.70% 101.20% 101.06%
A16 50.5 3.4 102.81% 102.44% 102.60% 102.38% 101.82% 101.87%
A17 51.4 3.5 102.31% 101.61% 101.73% 101.44% 101.55% 101.32%
A18 50.7 3.5 102.82% 101.67% 102.19% 101.39% 100.96% 100.69%
A19 49.8 3.5 103.13% 102.85% 103.02% 102.35% 101.72% 101.13%
A20 50.7 3.4 104.23% 103.91% 103.21% 103.04% 102.77% 102.50%
A21 51.0 3.4 103.62% 103.09% 103.21% 102.37% 101.97% 101.50%
A22 50.8 3.4 102.77% 102.33% 102.26% 101.46% 101.02% 100.83%
A23 50.3 3.4 103.08% 102.81% 102.48% 101.73% 101.34% 100.14%
A24 49.3 3.4 103.52% 103.09% 103.19% 102.42% 102.09% 101.31%
A25 51.1 3.4 102.22% 100.40% 102.18% 101.50% 101.03% 100.76%
Avg. 50.7 3.4 102.88% 102.50% 102.34% 101.76% 101.37% 101.13%
Min. 49.0 3.4 102.09% 100.40% 100.43% 99.84% 99.16% 99.65%
Max. 51.7 3.5 104.23% 103.91% 103.23% 103.04% 102.77% 102.50%
Med. 51.0 3.4 102.82% 102.44% 102.26% 101.70% 101.21% 101.06%
St. Dev. 0.7 0.01 0.0056 0.0073 0.0071 0.0069 0.0076 0.0067

7 Copyright © 2015, Everlight All Rights Reserved. Release Date: Mar. 6, 2015. Issue No:V4 www.everlight.com
Report No. : 委-14-04-VLP-0037-TP Page 8 of 13 Issued: Mar. 6, 2015 CCT, CIEx, CIEy & Chromaticity Shift(△u'v')

Initial( 0 h) Chromaticity Shift(△u'v')
CIEx CIEy CCT 1000 h 2000 h 3000 h 4000 h 5000 h 6000 h
A01 0.4398 0.4115 3016 0.00102 0.00120 0.00141 0.00171 0.00204 0.00171
A02 0.4432 0.4147 2984 0.00040 0.00073 0.00051 0.00102 0.00117 0.00100
A03 0.4408 0.4136 3015 0.00060 0.00082 0.00092 0.00102 0.00149 0.00133
A04 0.4395 0.4139 3040 0.00051 0.00060 0.00070 0.00114 0.00117 0.00122
A05 0.4363 0.4088 3052 0.00067 0.00061 0.00113 0.00150 0.00178 0.00180
A06 0.4417 0.4149 3011 0.00072 0.00061 0.00106 0.00144 0.00180 0.00175
A07 0.4404 0.4127 3014 0.00067 0.00073 0.00108 0.00148 0.00148 0.00148
A08 0.4397 0.4095 3001 0.00028 0.00022 0.00092 0.00114 0.00120 0.00130
A09 0.4459 0.4179 2967 0.00072 0.00061 0.00103 0.00117 0.00134 0.00130
A10 0.4441 0.4166 2985 0.00086 0.00061 0.00125 0.00134 0.00161 0.00161
A11 0.4388 0.4106 3024 0.00064 0.00051 0.00113 0.00144 0.00144 0.00125
A12 0.4418 0.4117 2984 0.00078 0.00061 0.00120 0.00136 0.00142 0.00161
A13 0.4377 0.4090 3030 0.00067 0.00041 0.00108 0.00130 0.00144 0.00148
A14 0.4393 0.4103 3015 0.00067 0.00054 0.00103 0.00134 0.00139 0.00161
A15 0.4429 0.4140 2985 0.00072 0.00060 0.00094 0.00117 0.00148 0.00148
A16 0.4432 0.4140 2980 0.00086 0.00054 0.00130 0.00130 0.00153 0.00148
A17 0.4479 0.4193 2947 0.00086 0.00054 0.00121 0.00121 0.00130 0.00130
A18 0.4358 0.4079 3054 0.00063 0.00071 0.00100 0.00130 0.00153 0.00153
A19 0.4407 0.4134 3016 0.00064 0.00040 0.00086 0.00108 0.00136 0.00144
A20 0.4390 0.4120 3033 0.00022 0.00028 0.00042 0.00086 0.00103 0.00112
A21 0.4415 0.4117 2989 0.00045 0.00041 0.00086 0.00117 0.00130 0.00148
A22 0.4378 0.4099 3036 0.00072 0.00050 0.00114 0.00144 0.00166 0.00166
A23 0.4382 0.4094 3026 0.00058 0.00054 0.00089 0.00125 0.00148 0.00175
A24 0.4434 0.4151 2984 0.00057 0.00032 0.00081 0.00108 0.00125 0.00153
A25 0.4412 0.4164 3031 0.00050 0.00054 0.00095 0.00117 0.00139 0.00149
Avg. 0.4408 0.4128 3008.8 0.00064 0.00057 0.00099 0.00126 0.00144 0.00147
Min. 0.4358 0.4079 2947 0.00022 0.00022 0.00042 0.00086 0.00103 0.00100
Max. 0.4479 0.4193 3054 0.00102 0.00120 0.00141 0.00171 0.00204 0.00180
Med. 0.4407 0.4127 3015 0.00067 0.00054 0.00103 0.00125 0.00144 0.00148
St. Dev. 0.0029 0.0030 27.17 0.00018 0.00019 0.00023 0.00019 0.00022 0.00020

8 Copyright © 2015, Everlight All Rights Reserved. Release Date: Mar. 6, 2015. Issue No:V4 www.everlight.com
Report No. : 委-14-04-VLP-0037-TP Page 9 of 13 Issued: Mar. 6, 2015
7.3.2 Test Condition: Ts = 85 oC
Case Temperature [Ts]: 84.9 C Average [Ts]: 84.7 oC
Ambient Temperature [Ta]: 82.2 oC Average [Ta]: 82.2 oC
Driver Current: 150 mA Air Flow: Minimized
Measurement Current: 150 mA Relative Humility: < 65 %RH Total Luminous Flux (Φv)

Initial(0 h) Luminous Maintenance(Φv)
TLF(lm) Vf(V) 1000 h 2000 h 3000 h 4000 h 5000 h 6000 h
B01 51.1 3.4 100.67% 98.26% 96.66% 95.41% 95.04% 94.24%
B02 50.4 3.4 100.42% 98.26% 97.33% 96.67% 94.74% 94.32%
B03 48.9 3.5 102.85% 101.57% 101.03% 101.29% 100.12% 99.51%
B04 48.9 3.4 102.03% 100.56% 99.70% 99.22% 97.41% 96.98%
B05 49.4 3.4 101.70% 101.23% 101.01% 101.09% 99.47% 97.84%
B06 50.1 3.4 100.74% 98.12% 96.84% 96.12% 95.92% 95.17%
B07 51.3 3.5 100.82% 99.22% 99.03% 98.80% 97.51% 96.49%
B08 49.7 3.4 101.02% 99.62% 98.46% 97.92% 96.30% 95.80%
B09 51.9 3.4 100.20% 99.05% 98.23% 97.69% 96.10% 95.21%
B10 50.7 3.4 100.25% 97.74% 96.54% 95.85% 95.37% 94.64%
B11 48.7 3.4 101.86% 100.12% 99.38% 98.96% 96.98% 96.11%
B12 52.4 3.4 101.50% 101.52% 101.51% 101.58% 100.55% 99.50%
B13 51.7 3.4 100.52% 99.75% 98.85% 98.83% 97.34% 96.39%
B14 51.5 3.4 101.74% 100.69% 99.88% 99.73% 98.53% 97.50%
B15 51.0 3.5 99.69% 98.10% 97.12% 96.78% 96.62% 95.73%
B16 50.7 3.5 100.51% 98.37% 97.08% 95.53% 95.28% 94.88%
B17 51.4 3.5 99.48% 98.20% 96.81% 96.67% 95.19% 94.59%
B18 51.3 3.4 99.70% 98.50% 97.83% 97.61% 96.09% 94.93%
B19 50.7 3.4 100.08% 98.30% 97.75% 97.39% 96.38% 95.74%
B20 50.6 3.5 100.77% 98.88% 97.34% 96.50% 96.22% 95.35%
B21 50.9 3.4 100.43% 98.99% 98.22% 97.80% 96.50% 95.58%
B22 51.6 3.4 101.09% 99.91% 98.90% 98.68% 97.15% 96.19%
B23 50.9 3.4 100.99% 98.24% 96.72% 95.89% 95.46% 94.36%
B24 51.0 3.4 100.26% 98.99% 98.31% 97.82% 96.46% 95.57%
B25 49.5 3.4 100.91% 99.30% 97.95% 97.40% 95.76% 95.11%
Avg. 50.7 3.4 100.81% 99.26% 98.34% 97.89% 96.74% 95.91%
Min. 48.75 3.41 99.48% 97.74% 96.54% 95.41% 94.74% 94.24%
Max. 52.37 3.47 102.85% 101.57% 101.51% 101.58% 100.55% 99.51%
Med. 50.86 3.44 100.74% 98.99% 98.22% 97.69% 96.38% 95.58%
St. Dev. 0.973 0.013 0.0080 0.0114 0.0144 0.0175 0.0153 0.0143

9 Copyright © 2015, Everlight All Rights Reserved. Release Date: Mar. 6, 2015. Issue No:V4 www.everlight.com
Report No. : 委-14-04-VLP-0037-TP Page 10 of 13 Issued: Mar. 6, 2015 CCT, CIEx, CIEy & Chromaticity Shift(△u'v')
Initial( 0 h) Chromaticity Shift(△u'v')
CIEx CIEy CCT 1000 h 2000 h 3000 h 4000 h 5000 h 6000 h
B01 0.4408 0.4155 3030 0.00095 0.00102 0.00153 0.00188 0.00303 0.00311
B02 0.4403 0.4115 3007 0.00088 0.00082 0.00119 0.00149 0.00257 0.00247
B03 0.4375 0.4137 3071 0.00044 0.00053 0.00034 0.00042 0.00069 0.00057
B04 0.4360 0.4101 3068 0.00034 0.00009 0.00044 0.00080 0.00194 0.00193
B05 0.4372 0.4124 3065 0.00023 0.00025 0.00016 0.00024 0.00124 0.00106
B06 0.4370 0.4086 3038 0.00075 0.00137 0.00192 0.00214 0.00316 0.00297
B07 0.4425 0.4132 2985 0.00079 0.00117 0.00143 0.00152 0.00266 0.00275
B08 0.4460 0.4182 2967 0.00070 0.00098 0.00123 0.00168 0.00270 0.00265
B09 0.4397 0.4122 3022 0.00092 0.00117 0.00157 0.00186 0.00281 0.00276
B10 0.4397 0.4139 3037 0.00095 0.00138 0.00179 0.00208 0.00325 0.00343
B11 0.4362 0.4101 3064 0.00034 0.00004 0.00072 0.00087 0.00204 0.00223
B12 0.4465 0.4194 2970 0.00034 0.00022 0.00033 0.00041 0.00140 0.00146
B13 0.4440 0.4163 2986 0.00106 0.00120 0.00159 0.00160 0.00264 0.00261
B14 0.4458 0.4165 2959 0.00003 0.00026 0.00045 0.00060 0.00160 0.00170
B15 0.4412 0.4142 3014 0.00076 0.00115 0.00159 0.00168 0.00282 0.00303
B16 0.4372 0.4102 3048 0.00073 0.00098 0.00178 0.00221 0.00251 0.00313
B17 0.4441 0.4168 2987 0.00085 0.00102 0.00137 0.00163 0.00257 0.00256
B18 0.4464 0.4189 2967 0.00079 0.00084 0.00111 0.00119 0.00219 0.00233
B19 0.4398 0.4116 3017 0.00079 0.00112 0.00165 0.00166 0.00229 0.00267
B20 0.4417 0.4134 3000 0.00070 0.00103 0.00171 0.00208 0.00322 0.00345
B21 0.4429 0.4137 2983 0.00070 0.00103 0.00143 0.00144 0.00251 0.00253
B22 0.4399 0.4113 3012 0.00047 0.00076 0.00136 0.00152 0.00258 0.00265
B23 0.4410 0.4136 3012 0.00066 0.00112 0.00178 0.00215 0.00343 0.00387
B24 0.4361 0.4079 3048 0.00066 0.00089 0.00143 0.00165 0.00282 0.00299
B25 0.4444 0.4165 2981 0.00066 0.00089 0.00151 0.00174 0.00281 0.00283
Avg. 0.4410 0.4136 3013.5 0.00066 0.00085 0.00126 0.00146 0.00246 0.00255
Min. 0.4360 0.4079 2959 0.00003 0.00004 0.00016 0.00024 0.00069 0.00057
Max. 0.4465 0.4194 3071 0.00106 0.00138 0.00192 0.00221 0.00343 0.00387
Med. 0.4408 0.4136 3012 0.00070 0.00098 0.00143 0.00163 0.00258 0.00265
St. Dev. 0.0034 0.0031 34.79 0.00025 0.00039 0.00053 0.00058 0.00067 0.00075

10 Copyright © 2015, Everlight All Rights Reserved. Release Date: Mar. 6, 2015. Issue No:V4 www.everlight.com
Report No. : 委-14-04-VLP-0037-TP Page 11 of 13 Issued: Mar. 6, 2015
7.3.3 Test Condition: Ts = 105 oC
Case Temperature [Ts]: 104.7 C Average [Ts]: 104.6 oC
Ambient Temperature [Ta]: 102.0 oC Average [Ta]: 101.8 oC
Driver Current: 150 mA Air Flow: Minimized
Measurement Current: 150 mA Relative Humility: < 65 %RH Total Luminous Flux (Φv)

Initial( 0 h) Luminous Maintenance(Φv)
TLF(lm) Vf(V) 1000 h 2000 h 3000 h 4000 h 5000 h 6000 h
C01 51.2 3.4 99.85% 98.68% 96.73% 95.45% 95.42% 94.54%
C02 51.4 3.4 99.60% 98.78% 97.15% 96.35% 96.09% 95.17%
C03 50.7 3.4 99.92% 98.94% 96.82% 96.05% 95.65% 95.11%
C04 51.4 3.4 99.98% 99.30% 98.04% 97.00% 95.87% 94.83%
C05 52.0 3.4 100.02% 99.39% 97.94% 97.12% 95.43% 94.81%
C06 51.0 3.4 99.82% 99.09% 97.67% 97.12% 95.27% 94.69%
C07 51.1 3.4 99.46% 98.18% 96.82% 95.93% 96.11% 95.34%
C08 51.8 3.4 99.24% 98.59% 97.42% 96.48% 95.39% 94.95%
C09 51.4 3.4 99.95% 98.09% 96.42% 95.34% 95.39% 94.86%
C10 50.7 3.4 100.17% 98.54% 96.94% 96.06% 95.91% 95.42%
C11 50.1 3.4 100.31% 100.21% 99.07% 97.83% 96.50% 96.11%
C12 50.7 3.4 99.79% 99.01% 97.82% 96.72% 95.70% 95.37%
C13 51.0 3.4 102.29% 101.56% 100.12% 99.37% 98.17% 97.07%
C14 52.2 3.5 99.19% 98.41% 96.99% 96.39% 94.96% 94.40%
C15 51.1 3.5 100.31% 99.43% 97.97% 97.18% 95.68% 95.23%
C16 51.0 3.4 99.63% 98.81% 97.25% 96.62% 95.35% 94.92%
C17 52.3 3.4 99.68% 98.94% 98.04% 97.09% 95.71% 94.71%
C18 50.0 3.4 100.45% 99.21% 97.68% 96.75% 95.25% 94.56%
C19 51.4 3.4 99.66% 99.10% 97.93% 97.90% 96.71% 96.50%
C20 51.2 3.4 102.01% 101.16% 99.47% 98.68% 97.10% 96.74%
C21 52.6 3.4 99.19% 98.87% 97.67% 97.70% 96.87% 96.53%
C22 50.6 3.4 99.92% 99.54% 98.29% 98.15% 96.71% 95.99%
C23 50.3 3.4 100.10% 99.25% 97.76% 97.33% 95.82% 95.11%
C24 49.1 3.4 100.04% 99.08% 97.37% 96.83% 95.29% 94.80%
C25 51.6 3.4 100.16% 99.83% 98.10% 97.32% 95.64% 95.01%
Avg. 51.1 3.4 100.03% 99.20% 97.74% 96.99% 95.92% 95.31%
Min. 49.13 3.41 99.19% 98.09% 96.42% 95.34% 94.96% 94.40%
Max. 52.60 3.46 102.29% 101.56% 100.12% 99.37% 98.17% 97.07%
Med. 51.13 3.44 99.92% 99.08% 97.68% 97.00% 95.70% 95.11%
St. Dev. 0.766 0.012 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.009 0.007 0.007

11 Copyright © 2015, Everlight All Rights Reserved. Release Date: Mar. 6, 2015. Issue No:V4 www.everlight.com
Report No. : 委-14-04-VLP-0037-TP Page 12 of 13 Issued: Mar. 6, 2015 CCT, CIEx, CIEy & Chromaticity Shift(△u'v')
Initial( 0 h) Chromaticity Shift(△u'v')
CIEx CIEy CCT 1000 h 2000 h 3000 h 4000 h 5000 h 6000 h
C01 0.4443 0.4159 2978 0.00081 0.00132 0.00200 0.00314 0.00383 0.00437
C02 0.4464 0.4182 2962 0.00080 0.00126 0.00181 0.00250 0.00313 0.00376
C03 0.4457 0.4170 2963 0.00080 0.00130 0.00181 0.00260 0.00334 0.00409
C04 0.4469 0.4193 2963 0.00090 0.00117 0.00155 0.00211 0.00210 0.00262
C05 0.4414 0.4116 2990 0.00081 0.00122 0.00181 0.00255 0.00329 0.00386
C06 0.4394 0.4093 3005 0.00081 0.00102 0.00160 0.00211 0.00285 0.00351
C07 0.4389 0.4116 3030 0.00132 0.00202 0.00240 0.00321 0.00367 0.00413
C08 0.4420 0.4130 2992 0.00090 0.00117 0.00160 0.00211 0.00209 0.00228
C09 0.4403 0.4114 3006 0.00091 0.00130 0.00190 0.00269 0.00341 0.00411
C10 0.4426 0.4123 2976 0.00091 0.00140 0.00202 0.00263 0.00345 0.00408
C11 0.4402 0.4133 3023 0.00042 0.00099 0.00122 0.00194 0.00220 0.00274
C12 0.4379 0.4131 3059 0.00091 0.00126 0.00160 0.00221 0.00212 0.00250
C13 0.4437 0.4152 2982 0.00050 0.00094 0.00117 0.00153 0.00140 0.00174
C14 0.4384 0.4107 3033 0.00120 0.00155 0.00230 0.00271 0.00316 0.00371
C15 0.4419 0.4145 3005 0.00081 0.00098 0.00141 0.00170 0.00180 0.00219
C16 0.4420 0.4136 2997 0.00070 0.00103 0.00140 0.00170 0.00171 0.00215
C17 0.4400 0.4114 3011 0.00063 0.00050 0.00206 0.00150 0.00210 0.00273
C18 0.4391 0.4102 3017 0.00080 0.00122 0.00182 0.00224 0.00294 0.00338
C19 0.4421 0.4139 2997 0.00091 0.00117 0.00136 0.00165 0.00160 0.00197
C20 0.4394 0.4100 3010 0.00050 0.00099 0.00161 0.00200 0.00235 0.00289
C21 0.4365 0.4078 3040 0.00081 0.00098 0.00120 0.00150 0.00152 0.00183
C22 0.4431 0.4143 2984 0.00091 0.00108 0.00141 0.00180 0.00214 0.00258
C23 0.4440 0.4159 2983 0.00090 0.00126 0.00170 0.00220 0.00253 0.00311
C24 0.4446 0.4178 2987 0.00080 0.00141 0.00209 0.00257 0.00307 0.00355
C25 0.4455 0.4161 2960 0.00071 0.00140 0.00206 0.00269 0.00351 0.00412
Avg. 0.4418 0.4134 2999 0.00082 0.00119 0.00171 0.00219 0.00256 0.00312
Min. 0.4365 0.4078 2960 0.00042 0.00050 0.00117 0.00150 0.00140 0.00174
Max. 0.4469 0.4193 3059 0.00132 0.00202 0.00240 0.00321 0.00383 0.00437
Med. 0.4420 0.4133 2997 0.00081 0.00122 0.00170 0.00220 0.00253 0.00311
St. Dev. 0.0028 0.0029 25.96 0.00019 0.00027 0.00034 0.00049 0.00074 0.00084

12 Copyright © 2015, Everlight All Rights Reserved. Release Date: Mar. 6, 2015. Issue No:V4 www.everlight.com
Report No. : 委-14-04-VLP-0037-TP Page 13 of 13 Issued: Mar. 6, 2015

Ta (Measured Point of Ambient Temperature)

Ts (Measured Point of Case Temperature)

13 Copyright © 2015, Everlight All Rights Reserved. Release Date: Mar. 6, 2015. Issue No:V4 www.everlight.com

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