Rle Module Rle Unit Week: Bachelor of Science in Nursing: Rle NCM 105 - Psychiatric Nursing
Rle Module Rle Unit Week: Bachelor of Science in Nursing: Rle NCM 105 - Psychiatric Nursing
Rle Module Rle Unit Week: Bachelor of Science in Nursing: Rle NCM 105 - Psychiatric Nursing
This case scenario aims to broaden the students’ knowledge and develop their skills and
attitude in the care of clients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
It is therefore expected that at the end of this course unit (CU), students will:
● Understand the disease process of GAD.
● Discuss the anatomy and pathophysiology of GAD.
● Provide measurable and reliable short and long term goals.
● Formulate appropriate nursing diagnosis based on the assessment data gathered.
● Determine and provide nursing priorities, interventions and management to meet
the client’s needs.
● Distinguish and present psychopharmacological actions of the drugs involved in the
treatment of the disease, and identify the nursing considerations that must be employed,
● Develop an effective care planning which the client may benefit.
● Formulate relevant health teachings to patient with GAD.
A. Patient’s Profile
Name: Patient Mrs, Xenia
Birthday: Sept. 2,1972
Age: 45 y/o
Sex: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Address: Makati City
Date of admission: June 12, 2018
Mrs. Xenia was presented with exacerbation of her chronic generalized anxiety and recurrent
depressive symptoms in March 2010.
Mrs. Xenia had a history of anxiety dating back "as far as I can remember." She was an anxious
young girl with separation anxiety and shyness that manifested in elementary school. As she grew
up, she experienced ongoing anxieties about the health of her parents (worrying that her parents
would die, even though they were in good health) and her school performance (though she was a
good student). She remembers marked fears, including fears of the dark and lightning, most of
which she "outgrew" except for a persistent fear of insects, particularly cockroaches.
Her anxiety became more prominent and persistent after she left home at age 19 and entered
college. She sought care at the university health service and received a prescription for
Lamotrigine that she used over the next 5 years on an as-needed basis during periods of
increased anxiety such as examinations; she also met episodically with a therapist at the
counseling center. In her freshman year, she experienced her first major depressive episode
following a break-up with a boyfriend. She was prescribed Buspirone, which she took for a couple
of months but then discontinued because of intolerable side effects (nausea and
lightheadedness). The depression gradually resolved over the next 6 months.
After finishing college, Mrs, Zenia work to a university, where she met her husband. She
reported being attracted to his sense of calm and stability. He reported that part of what drew
him to her was the sense of how much she seemed to need and depend on him. They were
married shortly after graduation and had 2 children over the next 5 years. After the birth of her
second child, she developed a postpartum depression that lasted almost a year and for which
she didn't seek treatment. She said that her youngest child "is just like I was -- she's afraid of her
own shadow."
She grew up in a middle-class home, the second of 3 children. She reported that childhood was
"generally happy," although she was troubled by anxiety starting early in life. There was no
history of physical or sexual abuse. Both parents were still alive in January 2005, although they
had significant medical conditions and she was worried about their health. She noted that her
mother and father were both "nervous" people, and though never formally diagnosed and
treated, her maternal grandmother had a history of depression.
1. The class will be divided into groups depending upon the number of students.
2. Each group will discuss among themselves the case scenario provided.
3. Each group should make their PowerPoint for presentation.
4. Each group should present their case in a synchronous session via zoom class for 30
4. Each group should submit their manuscript and PowerPoint through email or
Canvas upload.
5. Students presentation will be graded with the use of a Rubric.
Can access to YouTube, Google and other electronic communicable disease nursing books