Heart Failure
Heart Failure
Heart Failure
2nd YR MSc (N)
After the completion of the class the students acquire knowledge regarding heart
failure, appreciate its importance and apply the acquired knowledge in clinical practice.
2 Definition
3 Incidence
5 Pathophysiology
6 Clinical features
7 Diagnostic measures
8 Medical management
9 Surgical management
10 Nursing management
11 Conclusion
12 Bibliography
The human heart, through rhythmic contraction, provides the pressure necessary to
propel blood through the body. Blood flow is essential to deliver nutrients to the tissues
of the body and to transport metabolic wastes, including heat, to removal sites. The
presence of an arterial pulse caused by the beating of the heart is appropriately
designated as a vital organ. This seminar provides a detailed discussion of a condition in
which cardiac muscles are not able to pump enough amount of blood to vital organs and
to meet the metabolic need of the body.
Heart failure (HF) is a clinical syndrome that occurs in patients who, because of an
inherited or acquired abnormality of cardiac structure and/or function, develop a
constellation of clinical symptoms (dyspnea and fatigue) and signs (edema and rales)
that lead to frequent hospitalizations, a poor quality of life, and a shortened life
Heart failure is a physiological state in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to
meet the metabolic needs of the body.
- Joyce M Black
Heart failure, often referred to as congestive heart failure (CHF), is the inability of the
heart to pump sufficient blood to meet the needs of the tissues for oxygen and
-Brunner and Suddharth
Heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome manifested by shortness of breath, fatigue,
and abnormal heart function.
Heart failure is a condition in which the heart fails to discharge its contents adequately.
(1) The beginning of isovolumic contraction, when LV pressure exceeds the atrial
pressure, or
(2) Mitral valve closure. These correspond reasonably well, because mitral valve closure
actually occurs only about 20 milliseconds after the crossover point of the pressures.
Starling, in 1918, related the venous pressure in the right atrium to the heart volume in
the dog heart-lung preparation. He proposed that within physiological limits, the larger
the volume of the heart, the greater the energy of its contraction and the amount of
chemical change at each contraction. Starling did not, however, measure sarcomere
length but could only relate LV volume to cardiac output. This holds true in normal,
compliant hearts. One modern version of Starling's law is that stroke volume is related
to the end-diastolic volume.
The left ventricular diastolic filling pressure, the difference between the left atrial
pressure and the left ventricular diastolic pressure, is easier to measure and, in diseased
noncompliant hearts, may be used as a surrogate for heart volume. The venous filling
pressure can indirectly be measured in humans by the technique of Swan-Ganz
catheterization, as can the stroke volume. The left ventricular pressure and volume are,
however, not linearly related because of variations in the compliance of the
myocardium. Therefore, a jump from pressure to volume is required to apply the
Starling concept to the hemodynamic management of those critically ill who are
undergoing Swan-Ganz catheterization.
If a larger heart volume increases the initial length of the muscle fiber to increase the
stroke volume and hence the cardiac output, then diastolic stretch of the LV actually
increases contractile function. Frank, in 1895, had already reported that the greater the
initial LV volume, the more rapid the rate of rise, the greater the peak pressure reached,
and the faster the rate of relaxation. He described both a positive inotropic effect and
an increased lusitropic effect. These complementary findings of Frank and Starling are
often combined into the Frank-Starling law, which can account for two of the
mechanisms underlying the increased stroke volume of exercise—namely, increased
diastolic filling (Starling's law) and increased inotropic state (Frank's findings).
This is the systolic load on the left ventricle after it has started to contract. In the
nonfailing heart, the left ventricle can overcome any physiological acute increase in
load. Chronically, however, the LV must hypertrophy to overcome sustained arterial
hypertension or significant aortic stenosis. In clinical practice, the arterial blood pressure
is often taken to be synonymous with the afterload while ignoring the aortic compliance
—the extent to which the aorta can yield during systole. A stiff aorta, as in isolated
systolic hypertension of the elderly, increases the afterload.
These distinctions between preload and afterload do not allow for those situations
when the two change concurrently. By the Frank-Starling law, an increased LV volume
leads to increased contractile function, which in turn will increase the systolic blood
pressure and hence the afterload. Nonetheless, in general, the preload is related to the
degree to which the myocardial fibers are stretched at the end of diastole, and the
afterload is related to the wall stress generated by those fibers during systole.
When the aortic pressure is elevated abruptly, a positive inotropic effect follows within
1 or 2 minutes. This was formerly called homeometric autoregulation (homeo, the same;
metric, length), because it was apparently independent of muscle length and, by
definition, a true inotropic effect. A reasonable speculation would be that increased LV
wall tension could act on myocardial stretch receptors to increase the cytosolic sodium
level and then, by Na+/Ca2+ exchange, the cytosolic calcium level. Thus, this effect would
be different from that of an increase in preload, which acts by length activation.
Approximately 1 in every 100 older adults has HF. Annually about 300,000 clients die
from direct or indirect consequences of heart failure, and the number of deaths
attributed to heart failure has increased 6 fold over the past 40 years. Heart failure
affects both men and women although the mortality is higher among women. There are
also racial differences at all ages. It is also the leading cause of hospitalization in older
Abnormal loading is associated with any condition that increases either the pressure or
the volume load of the ventricle. The effect of increasing volume on the ventricle can be
explained by the analogy that the heart muscle is like a stretched rubber band. When
the rubber band id stretched, it contracts with more force. The heart muscle does the
same. Venous return stretches the heart and improves contractility. When the rubber
band is over-stretched, however, it becomes limp and cannot contract. Likewise, when
the heart is overloaded with blood, excessive stretch and decreased contraction occur.
Overload develops because blood does not leave the ventricles during contraction.
Therefore cardiac workload increases in an effort to move blood.
Preload refers to the stretch of the ventricular myocardial fibers just before ventricular
contraction. The load or stretch placed on the ventricular fibers corresponds to the end-
diastolic ventricular volume and pressure. Preload is determined by the condition of the
heart valves (especially mitral valve), blood volume, ventricular wall compliance and
venous tone.
Conditions that increase preload:
Increased preload usually increases contractility (more stretch on the rubber band) and
stretch because of filling pressures from venous return and previous volume. Stretch
and filling pressures may rise beyond the capabilities of the normally compliant heart.
This increased preload lessens the force and efficiency of ventricular contraction.
Cardiac output decreases. Under the strain of this load, the heart will fail.
Increased pressure load in the ventricle is related to afterload, the amount of tension
the heart must generate to overcome systemic pressure and to allow adequate
ventricular emptying. Thus afterload indicates how hard the heart must pump to force
blood into circulation. The tone of systemic arterioles, the elasticity of the aorta and
large arteries, the size and thickness of the ventricles, the presence of aortic stenosis,
and the viscosity of the blood all determine afterload. High peripheral vascular
resistance and high blood pressure force the ventricle to work to work harder to eject
blood. Subjected to prolonged high pressures, the ventricle eventually fails.
Hypertension-pulmonary or systemic
Aortic or pulmonic stenosis
High peripheral vascular resistance.
Disorders that impair the contractile function of the myocardial fibrils and reduce
ventricular filling and stroke volume affect the cardiac muscle’s ability to pump
Ventricular aneurysm
Long term alcohol consumption
Coronary heart disease
Metabolic heart disease
Endocrine heart disease.
Myocardial fibrils are injured during an MI and during the healing phase some of the
heart muscle is replaced by non-contracting scar tissue. Scar tissue does not move
during contraction and the ventricles pump less efficiently. Some degree of heart failure
either chronic or transient appears in more than half of clients after MI.
Certain conditions that externally compress the heart, thereby limiting ventricular filling
and myocardial contractility. Disorders that greatly restrict cardiac chamber filling and
myocardial fiber stretch include constrictive pericarditis, an inflammatory and fibrotic
process of the pericardial sac; and cardiac tamponade, which involves the accumulation
of fluid or blood within the pericardial sac. Because the pericardium encloses all four
heart chambers, compression of the heart both decreases diastolic relaxation, thereby
elevating diastolic pressure, and hampers forward blood flow through the heart.
Some clients have preexisting mild to moderate heart disease with no evidence of heart
failure. In these clients adequate cardiac output depends on functional compensatory
mechanisms. When the heart undergoes undue stress these compensatory mechanisms
may prove inadequate and heart fails.
Heart failure can be precipitated by conditions that increase cardiac and systemic
oxygen demand reduces the ability of the heart to contract or increase the work load of
the heart. Some of the conditions include:
The healthy heart can meet the demands for oxygen delivery through the use of cardiac
reserve. Cardiac reserve is the heart’s ability to increase the output in response to
stress. The compromised heart has a limited ability to respond to body’s needs to
increased output in situation of stress. When cardiac output is not sufficient to meet the
metabolic needs of the body, compensatory mechanisms, including neuro hormonal
responses, become activated. These mechanisms initially help to improve contraction
and maintain integrity of the circulation but, if continued abnormal cardiac muscle
growth and reconfiguration (remodeling) of the heart. The compensatory responses to a
decrease in cardiac output are ventricular dilatation, increased sympathetic nervous
system stimulation, and activation of the renin angiotensin system.
Ventricular dilation
Ventricular dilation refers to lengthening of the muscle fibers that increase the volume
in the heart chambers. Dilation causes an increase in pre load, and thus cardiac output,
because a stretched muscle contracts more forcefully (Starling’s law) however dilation
has limits as a compensatory mechanism. Muscle fibers, if stretched beyond a certain
point, become ineffective. Second a dilated heart requires more oxygen. Thus the
dilated heart with a normal coronary blood flow can suffer from a lack of oxygen.
Hypoxia of the heart further decreases the muscle’s ability to contract.
When blood flow through the renal artery is decreased the baroreceptor reflex is
stimulated, and renin is released into the blood stream. Renin interacts with the
angiotensinogen to produce angiotensin I. When angiotensin I comes into contact with
ACE it is converted to angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor. Angiotensin II increases
arterial vasoconstriction, promotes the release of norepinephrine from sympathetic
nerve endings and stimulates the adrenal medulla to secrete aldosterone, which
enhances sodium and water absorption. Stimulation of renin angiotensin system causes
plasma volume to expand and preload to increase.
When compensatory mechanisms fail, the amount of blood remaining in the left
ventricle at the end of diastole increases. This increase in residual blood in turn
decreases the ventricle’s capacity to receive blood from the left atrium. The left atrium
having to work harder to eject blood dilates and hypertrophies. It is unable to receive
the full amount of incoming blood from the pulmonary veins and left atrial pressure
increases this leads to pulmonary edema. Left ventricular failure results.
The right ventricle because of the increased pressure in the pulmonary vascular system,
must now dilate and hypertrophy to meet its increased workload. It too eventually fails.
Engorgement in the venous system then extends backward to produce congestion in the
gastrointestinal tract, liver, viscera, kidneys, legs and sacrum; edema is the main
manifestation. Right ventricular failure results. This usually follows LVF.
It is based on the fact that fluid accumulates behind the chamber that fails first. Because
the circulatory system is a closed circuit, however, impairments of one ventricle
common progress to failure of the other. This is referred to as ventricular
Dyspnea (difficult breathing) is a subjective problem, and it does not always correlate
with the extent of heart failure. To some degree exertional dyspnea occurs in all clients.
The mechanism of dyspnea may be related to the decrease in the lungs’ air volume (vital
capacity) as air is displaced by blood or interstitial fluid. Pulmonary congestion can
eventually reduce the vital capacity of the lungs to 1500 ml or less.
Orthopnea is a more advanced stage of dyspnea. The client often assumes a ‘‘three
point position” sitting up with both hands on the knees and learning forward.
Orthopnea develops because the supine position increases the amount of blood
returning from the lower extremities to the heart and lungs (preload). The clients learn
to avoid respiratory distress at night by supporting the head and thorax on pillows. In
severe heart failure the client may resort to sleeping upright in a chair.
Cough is a common manifestation of LVF. The cough often hacking may produce large
amounts of frothy blood tinged sputum. The client coughs because a large amount of air
is trapped in the pulmonary tree, irritating the lung mucosa. On auscultation bilateral
crackles may be heard.
Cardiovascular manifestation also denotes LVF. Inspecting and palpating the precordium
may reveal an enlarged or left laterally displaced apical impulse. This occurs because the
left ventricle dilates in an effort to supplement ventricular contraction and emptying.
Heart gallop (S3-S4) sounds may be an early finding in heart failure as the left ventricle
becomes less compliant and its walls vibrate in response to filling during diastole.
Acute pulmonary edema, a medical emergency, usually results from LVF. In clients with
severe cardiac decompensation, the capillary pressure within the lungs becomes so
elevated that fluid is pushed from the circulating blood into the interstitium and then
into the alveoli, bronchioles, and bronchi. The resulting pulmonary edema if untreated
may cause death from suffocation. Clients with pulmonary edema literally drown in
their own fluids.
When right ventricle functioning decrease, peripheral edema and venous congestion of
the organs develop .Hepatomegaly and abdominal pain occurs as the liver becomes
congested with venous blood. In severe RVF the lobules of the liver becomes so
congested with the venous blood that may become anoxic. Anoxia leads to necrosis of
the lobules. In long standing heart failure these necrotic areas may become fibrotic and
then sclerotic. As a result a condition called cardiac cirrhosis develops, manifested by
ascites and jaundice.
In chronic heart failure, the increased workload of the heart and the extreme work of
breathing increase the metabolic demands of the body. Anorexia, nausea and bloating
develop secondary to venous congestion of the GIT. The combination of increased
metabolic needs and decreased caloric intake results in a marked wasting of the tissue
mass, called cardiac cachexia. Anorexia and nausea may also result from digitalis
Dependent edema is one of the early manifestations of RVF. Venous congestion in the
peripheral vascular beds causes increased hydrostatic capillary pressure. This
overwhelms the opposing pressure of plasma proteins, and fluid shifts out of the
capillary beds and into the interstitial spaces, with resultant pitting edema. In
ambulatory clients edema begins in the feet and ankles and moves up the lower legs. It
is most noticeable at the end of the day and often subsides after a night’s rest. In the
recumbent client pitting edema may develop in the pre sacral area and as it worsens
progress to the genital region and medial thighs.
In 1832, James Hope first described backward failure as the failure that results as the
ventricle fails to pump its volume, causing blood accumulation and subsequent rise in
ventricular, atrial, and venous pressures. A primary etiology of backward failure is
mechanical cardiac obstruction.
High output failure occurs when the heart, despite normal output to high output levels,
is simply not able to meet the accelerated needs of the body. Causes include sepsis,
Pager’s disease, beriberi, anemia, thyrotoxicosis, arterio venous fistula, and pregnancy.
Low output failure occurs in most forms of heart disease, resulting in hypo perfusion of
tissue cells.
The onset of heart failure may be acute, as when a client experiences an MI, or gradual
as in chronic heart failure. In chronic heart failure there is a progression of
compensatory events: a decrease in contractility, neurohormonal activation, increased
preload and afterload, and finally cardiac remodeling.
The manifestations of heart failure depends on the specific ventricles involved, the
precipitating causes of failure, the degree of impairment, the rate of progression, the
duration of the failure, and clients underlying condition.
1. Fatigue: - fatigue is one of the earliest symptoms of chronic HF. The patient
notices fatigue after activities that normally are not tiring. The fatigue is caused
by decreased CO, impaired perfusion to vital organs, decreased oxygenation to
tissues, and anemia. Anemia can result from poor nutrition, renal disease, or drug
therapy (e.g. ACE inhibitors).
2. Dyspnea: - it is caused by increased pulmonary pressures secondary to interstitial
and alveolar edema. Dyspnea can occur with mild exertion or at rest. Orthopnea
is shortness of breath that occurs when the patient is in a recumbent position.
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea occurs when the patient is asleep. It is caused by
the reabsorption of fluid from dependent body areas when the patient is
3. Tachycardia:-it occurs as body’s first compensatory mechanism for a failing
ventricle. Because of diminished CO there is increased SNS stimulation which
increases heart rate.
4. Edema: - it is occur in dependent body areas (peripheral edema), liver
(hepatomegaly), abdominal cavity (ascites), and lungs (pulmonary edema and
pleural effusion).pressing the edematous part with the finger may leave a
transient indentation(pitting edema).
5. Nocturia:-when the person lies down at night fluid movement from interstitial
spaces to circulatory system is enhanced. This increases increased renal blood
flow and diuresis. The patient may complain of having to void 6 or seven times
during the night.
6. Skin changes: - the skin may appear dusky, cool and damp to the touch from
diaphoresis because tissue capillary oxygen extraction may increases. Lower
extrimities are shiny and swollen, with diminished or absent hair growth.
7. Behavioral changes: - due to decreased CO cerebral perfusion may impaired.
Patient exhibit unusual behavior, restlessness, confusion, decreased attention
span, or memory. It also occurs due to poor gas exchange and worsening HF.
8. Chest pain:-it occurs due to decreased coronary perfusion secondary to
decreased CO and increased myocardial workload.
9. Weigh changes:-initially there will be progressive weight gain from fluid
retention. But gradually. Patient becomes too sick to eat and due to
hepatomegaly and ascites patient feels anorexia and nausea. In many cases
muscle fat loss is masked by edema.
Class I
No limitation on physical activity. Ordinary physical activity does not cause undue
fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea, or angina pain
Class II
Slight limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest, but ordinary physical activity
results in fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea, or angina pain.
Class III
Marked limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest, but less than ordinary
physical activity causes fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea, or angina pain.
Class IV
The diagnosis of heart failure depends primarily on the history and physical examination
datas. Other diagnostic modalities include:
Chest X-ray:- reveals an enlarged cardiac silhouette, pulmonary and venous congestion,
and interstitial edema. On X-ray interstitial edema produces images called Kerley’s
Blines. Pleural effusions may develop and generally reflect biventricular failure.
Early hear failure with pulmonary edema may lead to respiratory alkalosis that is due to
hyperventilation. As the disorder progresses and oxygenation becomes more impaired,
acidosis develops. Pulse oximetry values show decreased oxygen levels.
Liver enzymes: may reflect the degree of liver. Elevated blood urea nitrogen and
creatinine levels reflect decreased renal perfusion.
ECG:- gives clues to the cause of LVF. Abnormality in the ECG occurs from the underlying
cardiac disorder and from therapeutic agents. It may demonstrate evidence of a prior
MI, dysrhythmias, or left ventricular dysfunction.
B) Digoxin: - digoxin is used in clients who remain symptomatic despite ACE inhibitor
and beta blocker therapy. It is very effective in heart failure associated with low cardiac
output caused by ischemic, rheumatic, hypertensive, or congenital heart disease.
Digoxin is contraindicated in constricted pericarditis or cardiac tamponade and should
be used with caution in clients who have had acute MI because it increases myocardial
oxygen demand.
Reduce workload
Reduce after load: - vasodilating agents are used here. Vasodilator helps in
Direct dilation of veins: venous dilators relax venous smooth muscle and increase the
capacity of the systemic venous bed; blood is trapped in the veins, and venous return to
the heart is reduced. This increased venous capacity reduces preload. E.g.:-
nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate.
Combined venous and arteriolar dilators decrease both preload and afterload.
Eg: - Sodium nitroprusside- it does not directly affect heart muscle or heart rate, but it
relaxes smooth muscles of veins and arterioles.
ACE inhibitors are now considered as first choice treatment and are the cornerstone of
heart failure drug therapy. ACE inhibitors reduce afterload by blocking the production of
angiotensin a potent vasoconstrictor. They also increase renal blood flow and decreases
renal vascular resistance, which enhances diuresis.
Nesiritide: - it is newer medication for treatment of heart failure. It mimics the beta
natriuretic peptide secreted by the ventricles during heart failure, producing
vasodilation and diuresis. The medication is given intravenously and blood pressure
response is closely monitored.
Reduce preload
Diuretic enhances the renal excretion of sodium and water, which reduces circulating
blood volume, diminishes preload, and lessens systemic and pulmonary congestion.
Although they are effective they have so many side effects like electrolyte imbalance
especially hypokalemia potentiates digitalis toxicity and can cause myocardial weakness
and cardiac dysrhythmias. Also it produces hypo volemia and hypotension.
The client is placed in a high Fowlers position or chair to reduce pulmonary venous
congestion and to relieve dyspnea. The legs are placed in a dependent position as much
as possible. Even though the legs are edematous, they should not be elevated. Elevating
the legs increases venous return rapidly.
Sodium is restricted on the diet to prevent, control or eliminate edema. Diets with 2-4g
of sodium are usually prescribed. Use of some loop diuretics produce electrolyte
imbalances especially hypokalemia that produce digitalis toxicity. So potassium
supplement and adequate dietary potassium are important. In mild to moderate heart
failures fluid restriction is not necessary. But in advanced cases it is beneficial to reduce
water to 1L/day.
Total artificial hearts are also used but its use is limited to smaller people because the
device may not fit for client’s small body. Initially these are limited to people awaiting
heart transplantation but currently it is used in patients who are not fit for
transplantation such as advanced age.
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) systems are used for short term
hemodynamic stabilization. These devices remove blood from the inferior vena cava to
a centrifugal pump that pump the blood to an oxygenator. The oxygenated blood is
returned to the client via the femoral artery. Long term use does not promote recovery;
also bleeding is also a problem due to needed anticoagulation therapy.
Rest is an important aspect in the management of heart failure. Rest can promote
diuresis, slow the heart rate, and relieve dyspnea, all of which allow more conservative
use of pharmacologic agents. The physician may prescribe a mild sedative or small doses
of barbiturates and tranquilizers to promote rest and overcome problems of
restlessness, insomnia, and anxiety.
Give specific guidelines to clients who are confined to bed rest to prevent harm full
effects of immobility. Client should perform passive leg exercises several times daily to
prevent venous stasis which may leads to venous thrombi formation and pulmonary
Heart transplantation:- when the heart is irreversibly damaged and no longer functions
adequately and when the client is at risk of dying, cardiac transplantation and use of an
artificial heart to assist or replace the failing heart to assist or replace the failing heart
measures of last resort. With the development of cyclosporine, and more recently FK-
506 and mycophenolate mofetil, and with improvements in the procurement and
preservation of donor hearts, cardiac transplantation has become an accepted
therapeutic procedure. One year survival rates after transplantation are greater than
85%. Although transplantation may not be appropriate for all clients, it may be the only
option available to some.
For clients with low cardiac output who are not candidates for cardiac transplantation, a
procedure called cardiomyoplasty may support the failing heart. This procedure involves
wrapping the latismus dorsi muscle around the heart and electro stimulating it in
synchrony with ventricular systole. Continuous cardiac and hemodynamic monitoring is
initiated. Inotropic and vasopressor agents are administered to maintain cardiac output
until the pulse generator is activated (within 2-3 weeks). Because the muscle flap
obliterates the left upper lobe and can reduce vital capacity by as much as 20%,
aggressive pulmonary hygiene and judicious pain management are essential to prevent
atelectasis or pneumonia. In addition an upper-extremity exercise regimen is prescribed.
The goals of nursing management for clients with heart failure:
Outcome: the client will have cardiac output as evidenced by regular cardiac rhythm,
heart rate, blood pressure, respirations, and urine output within normal limits
Outcomes: the client will have improved levels of activity without dyspnea.
Outcomes: the client will not exhibit manifestations of anxiety and will be able to
express concerns.
1. Medicines currently being studied are aimed both at preventing cardiovascular
disease and treating the symptoms of those who already suffer from it. They
include 29 for lipid disorders, such as high cholesterol, 30 for heart failure, 17 for
hypertension, and 19 for stroke.
Many of the potential medicines use cutting-edge technologies and new scientific
approaches. For example:
A gene therapy that uses a patient’s own cells to treat heart failure.
A medicine that blocks the transfer of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL).
A genetically-engineered medicine that dissolves clots to treat stroke.
These new medicines promise to continue the already remarkable progress against
heart disease and stroke and to raise the quality of life for patients suffering from these
Disorders of cardiac function are the leading cause of death in the industrialized world.
CHD is the precursor to several problems. Our role is to educate the client about risk
reduction. Heart failure is a frequent end point of cardiac disease. It is important to
maximize cardiac output and reduce system demands on the heart.
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10. Christopher Nicholson (2009) Heart Failure- A Short Textbook (1 st Edition) John
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