Tugas Rutin 5
Tugas Rutin 5
Tugas Rutin 5
Nim : 8206117003.
Rujukan 1 :
Health is not merely to live happy, wealthy, successfully and absence of disease
but it is a state of mind and body that can survive in worst condition (Prof. Dr.
Salahuddin Khan).
Wellness reflects how one feels (a sense of well-being) about life as well as
one’s ability to function effectively.
Two other concerns expressed most often were good family life and good self
Health varies greatly with income, gender, age, and family origin.
Health varies widely depending on income, gender, age, and family origin.
It is evident that many more people in poor or near-poor income groups are
considered to be fair or poor in health as opposed to good or excellent.
There is good evidence that older adults are especially likely to report poor
health and wellness.
The principal public health goal of Western nations is to increase the healthy life
span of all individuals.
During this century, the life expectancy for the average person has increased by
60 percent.
By 1930, the life expectancy increased by more than 10 years; currently, the
average life expectancy is slightly more than 76 years.
Women live longer than men, with the difference between men and women
becoming more dramatic with each passing decade.
Unfortunately, the average person can expect only about 64 years of healthy life.
Approximately 12 years are characterized as dysfunctional or lacking in quality
of life (see Figure 1).
Disease and illness often associated with poor health limit length of life and
contribute to the dysfunctional living.
Over 50 years ago, the World Health Organization defined health as being more
than freedom from illness, disease, and debilitating conditions. In recent years,
public health experts have identified wellness as “a sense of well-being” and
“quality of life.” Healthy People 2010 objectives use the number of “activity
days” as one indicator of wellness.
Many illnesses are manageable and have only limited effect on total health.
Many illnesses are curable and may have only a temporary effect on health.
Others, such as diabetes, are not curable but can be managed with proper eating,
physical activity, and sound medical supervision.
For example, unmanaged diabetes is associated with high risk for heart disease
and other health problems.
Death, disease, illness, and weakening conditions are negative components that
take away from optimal health.
Wellness allows the expansion of one’s potential to live and work effectively
and to make a significant contribution to society.
Rujukan 2 :
Pengertian Sport
Setiap sport merupakan permainan. Hal ini bukan hanya berarti bahwa ia
mengandung unsur gembira tetapi juga bahwa ia bersifat non-realitas ( misalnya
pertandingan tinju bukanlah perkelahian sungguhan ) dan non-utilitarian (karena
itu sport profesional tak lagi dapat disebut sport tetapi adalah kegiatan mencari
nafkah ).
Setiap sport adalah permainan yang dilakukan dengan gerak fisik (jasmani) yang
melibatkan otot-otot besar tubuh.
Aspek-aspek Sport
Rujukan 3 : “Sport Psychology for Dummies” by Leif. H. Smith Psy. D and Todd.
M Kays Ph. D
Building confidence in sports and life One of the wonderful aspects of sports
psychology principles and techniques is that they’re applicable both on and off the field.
They help you improve your confidence. And all improved performances — on and off
the field — result from a gradual improvement in your confidence. The more confident
you are, the more risks you’ll take, and the more rewards and positive consequences
you’ll experience. All successful athletes know that when they’re confident and
comfortable, their chances for success are dramatically higher, even though their
preparation and physical fitness may be the same. Confidence frees you to perform,
compete, and reach your highest potential. And confidence is not an all-or-nothing game
— it changes and develops over time. In Chapter 5, we show you the art and the science
of building true confidence. We take the guesswork out of the process of improving
your self-confidence, and give you a solid framework from which to improve your
performance in sports and in life. We also show you how best to address and manage
those times when your confidence drops. Your goal is to maximize the times when your
confidence is high and minimize the times when it’s not.