A Survey of Methods and Tools Used For Reliability Evaluation of Sscs

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A survey of methods and tools used

for reliability evaluation of SSCs

André Lannoy, EDF R&D
6 quai Watier, 78401 CHATOU, France

BRM Bayesian Restoration Maximization (algorithm, [13]) PROBAN PROBabilistic ANalysis (structural
FIABAYES Bayesian reliability tool [15] reliability tool, [19])
IBS Bayesian Inference for the reliability law of a standby PSA Probabilistic Safety Assessment
component (tool, [17]) RCM Reliabity Centered Maintenance [9]
IBW Bayesian Inference for a Weibull law (tool, [16]) SEM Stochastic Expectation Maximization
KM Kaplan-Meier estimator (algorithm, [13])
LCM Life Cycle Management SSC Systems, Structures and Components
ML Maximum Likelihood [13]


The first part of this paper will attempt to point out the principal difficulties inherent to the necessary
collection and validation of the needed failure data. The second part will present a survey of the reliability
methods and tools presently used at EDF (Électricité de France) to determine reliability parameters and their
evolution with age. The conclusion will focus on some priority fields to be studied in the near future.

1 Context – RCM and LCM need reliability predictions

In today’s context of an increasingly deregulated market, competitiveness and safety represent high stakes for all industrial
The desire to reduce global costs is a continuous concern. It drives optimization of preventive maintenance programmes and
extension of equipment lifetime. In this framework, reliability performances and their evolution must be assessed but this is
not possible if feedback data relative to failure and maintenance history, are not available.

The RCM method, developed in the early Nineties, optimizes preventive maintenance programmes. It includes three main
• phase 1 enables ranking components in terms of their contribution to safety, availability and maintenance cost
objectives; in particular, the criticality of a failure mode is evaluated by coupling the seriousness of its effects with its
observed occurrence rate; PSAs will enable ranking the importance of these failure modes according to their
contribution to accident situations,
• phase 2 is the phase in which one identifies the degradation mechanism at work; operating feedback analysis
(component failures and maintenance history) is central, permitting calculation of reliability parameters and their
• for each critical failure, the most efficient reliability-based and cost-based maintenance task is determined in phase 3.
Failure and maintenance data must be reported [8, 9]. Reliability parameters (number of failures and degradations, failure
rates) are important indicators [9]. It is important to detect any reliability trend. Reliability indicators are calculated and
updated every five years, to monitor the behaviour of components and demonstrate that ageing effects are well controlled.
Similarly, LCM is the process of integrating plant engineering, operation, maintenance, regulatory, environmental and
economic planning activities that:
• ensure control over ageing and assets,
• optimize operating life (including the options of licence renewal or early retirement),
• maximize return on investment,
• while maintaining, and even improving, safety.
In other words, the main objective of LCM is to improve the reliability of equipment; this implies the identification of critical
components and the monitoring of their behaviour taking into account ageing and obsolescence factors.
Reliability parameters and their evolution are therefore essential. Failure rate (optimized maintenance requires that this rate
remains constant) and cumulative failure probability (a key parameter contributing to decision analysis) are the two main
reliability parameters to be determined. The reliability of important SSCs is indeed decisive for the technico-economic
optimization of the life cycle.
2 Operating feedback

2.1 General remarks

Because safety targets are involved, the equipment found in most large-scale industries is generally well designed. It is
reliable and failure data (also called complete data) is therefore rare.
Moreover, in order to limit the number and the consequences of failures, preventive maintenance operations are carried out
whose objective is to reduce the probability of failure. At the time of the preventive maintenance task (but also on the date
when observations are ended), the piece of equipment is not defective; it may, of course, be degraded or worn. Any failure
(loss of function) will occur later, after the date of the preventive maintenance (or after observations are ended) if the
equipment continues to function. Much of this kind of data is available, because preventive maintenance operations are
widely carried out to avoid failures and eliminate degradations. These are called censored data, characterized by a large
amount of missing data. The term “survival data” is also used. However, we must be cautious. Depending on the sector, this
term may refer either to right censored data only, or to the sum of all complete data (failures) and incomplete data (censored
Lastly, it should be noted that other data may be available from feedback on equivalent components in the same
environmental, operating and maintenance conditions; they may also be provided by expert assessments on the components,
plant operators or maintenance engineers, and they must be exploited.
We must particularly stress the quality required of both complete and censored feedback data, without which it is extremely
difficult to obtain reliable results and information that can be used [8]. The user must examine the accuracy, the relevance
and the representativeness of the sample. It should remembered that validation requires logical analysis of the failure or
degradation in light of an equipment tree (or maintenance model). Attribution and verification of the failure mode, the degree
and the measurable effect (the physical degradation mechanism of the failure) are essential.
In this context, characterized by a limited number of complete observations, the failures, and a high proportion of censored
data, one attempts to model the lifetime of a piece of equipment and its evolution in relation to the period of operation.
Feedback aims at improving understanding of the behaviour of an installation and of its constituent components, as well as of
their degradation, dysfunction or damage modes. It is based on collection and processing of technical facts (failure and
maintenance data), observed over the lifetime of an installation from its commissioning to its dismantling. Constitution of a
satisfactory data sample for estimating a lifetime model for a piece of equipment therefore requires complete background
information on the operation and maintenance of this component for a fixed period of observation [8].
2.2 The “disruptive” effect of preventive maintenance
It should be noted that one problem inherent to exploiting background information on a component is the degree to which the
maintenance performed is efficient.
After maintenance, the component may be “as good as new”, which means that it has been totally refurbished thanks to the
maintenance operation. The date of this type of maintenance should be considered as the date of entry into service of a new
component, and serves as the starting point for calculating the subsequent time to failure or to censored data.
After maintenance, the component may be “as bad as old”, meaning that the maintenance has had no effect on the real age of
the component, its lifetime has not been extended. In this case, the starting point for calculating failure data or censored data
remains the date on which the equipment was entered into service or the date on which observations began.
In reality, the situation is generally somewhere between these two extremes which are used as a reference only because the
real efficiency of maintenance is extremely difficult to model. Nevertheless some studies on this last point can be quoted [24,
25] and it is to be hoped that future research will focus on the question.

3 Methods and tools used

Two laws of probability are very widely used, when possible:
• the exponential law is appropriate for modelling the lifetime law for a component whose random failures occur with a
virtually constant failure rate,
• the Weibull law with two parameters: the shape parameter and the scale parameter, is frequently used for modelling
the lifetime law for a physical entity and is indeed very practical for physical interpretation.
The following table gives the main methods and tools, with their references, now used at EDF to estimate the reliability law
of an important SSC, i.e. mainly:
• the evolution of the failure rate with age or operation time or the number of demands or fatigue cycles, etc. even in the
long term,
• the evolution of the failure probability.
Reliability must be calculated for variety of SSCs which are designed for different lifetimes, ranging from a short lifetime for
some components which are replaced at rather short intervals (less than 5 years) to a life expectancy of 30, 40 years or even
more, mainly for structures and large components.
Predicted reliability is needed to maintain ageing degradation within acceptable limits.
Algorithms or tests to detect an ageing effect [10, 11, 12] must always to be used at the outset, before any calculation of
The uncertainties of the calculated parameters must always be determined, as they are used afterwards in the context of
decision analysis.
The table below highlights the main progress to be hoped for in the near future:
• methodology in the absence of failure data, when equipment is very reliable,
• confidence region/range for the KM, [7]
• elicitation and modelling of expertise for Bayesian techniques,
• any improvement of data concerning structural reliability data: loads, non-destructive examination, kinetics of
degradation which are often not very well known, even when the relevant degradation mechanisms are known,
• acceptance criteria.
Table – Evaluating the reliability law of an SSC: methods and tools

Operating experience
(failure data, maintenance history, operation times)
Type of component No data A few failure data ( ÿ 1) More than 20 failure data (ÿ 20)
Active Khi-2, • non parametric: Johnson, KM [1, 2] • non parametric: “life table”, K-M
? • parametric, classic: SEM [13] • parametric, classic: ML, SEM
• Bayesian: BRM [13], [13], COX3 [14]
Fiabayes1 [15], IBW [16] • Bayesian: BRM [13], IBW [16]
Standby, active Khi-2, • Bayesian: IBS [17], • parametric, classic: ML
? Fiabayes1 [15] • Bayesian: IBS [17]
Passive Structural reliability: Structural reliability: Structural reliability or
PROBAN [19 to 23] PROBAN [19 to 23] • parametric, classic: ML,
or or SEM [13], COX3 [14]
specific tools² specific tools² • Bayesian: BRM [13], IBW [16]

1 when industrial reliability data are available.

2 tools adapted to the type of component, e.g. reactor vessel, steam generator, piping…
3 used for explanatory modelling of reliability; data mining techniques are also used.

4 Conclusions
It is clear that these methods are particularly well suited to the safety, maintenance and design issues encountered daily in
industry. There are also potential uses for these methods and techniques in other sectors such as medicine.
Care must, however, be taken: any use of these methods with real feedback data requires prior validation of the data, in the
absence of which the results obtained might be absurd. The main difficulty stems from this very validation, when it is
necessary to pass judgement on the mode, the measurable effect and the degree in the context of a failure analysis.
The reliability of SSCs in design, operation and maintenance, remains largely a research field. Present research at EDF is
focused on the following questions:
• the efficiency of a maintenance task, or the impact of maintenance on the reliability of a component [24, 25],
• long-term reliability prediction, including degradation modelling,
• the impact, including uncertainty ranges, of SSC reliability on performance and maintenance-replacement-redesign of
• anticipation of failures by means of expert assessment,
• reliability / maintenance / costs-monitoring methods,
• sourcebooks identifying and containing all data necessary for a reliability assessment.

Fundamentals in reliability
[1] Kaplan E. L., Meier P. – Non-parametric estimation from incomplete samples – Journal of the American Statistical
Association, 53, 457-481 – 1958.
[2] Johnson L. G. – The statistical treatment of fatigue experiments – Elsevior, 1964.
[3] Efron B. – Censored data and the bootstrap – Journal of the American Statistical Association, 76, 312-319 – 1981.
[4] Lawless J. F. – Statistical models and methods for lifetime data – J. Wiley and Sun, 1982.
[5] Droesbeke J. J., Fichet B., Tassi P. – Analyse statistique des durées de vie – Economica – 1989.
[6] Cocozza – Thivent C. – Processus statistiques et fiabilités systèmes – Springer, 28 – 1997.
[7] Deheuvels P., Einmahl J. – Functional limit laws for the increment of Kaplan-Meier product-limit process and
applications – The Annals of Probability, 2000, vol. 28, N°3, 1301-1335.

[8] Lannoy A., Procaccia H. – Méthodes avancées d’analyse des bases de données du retour d’expérience industriel -
Eyrolles, 86 – 1994.
[9] Dubreuil-Chambardel A., Lannoy A., Perchet F. – Optimiser la maintenance – Revue REE, N°8 septembre 1998, pp

Detection of ageing
[10] ISdF 5/97 – Constance des paramètres de sûreté de fonctionnement en exploitation ? – Décembre 1998.
[11] Bertholon H. – Une modélisation du vieillissement – Thèse de l’Université Joseph Fournier – GRENOBLE 1 –
[12] Clarotti C., Lannoy A., Odin S., Procaccia H. – Detection of equipment ageing and determination of the efficiency
of a corrective measure – Conference λu 13 – ESREL’2002 – Lyon – Mars 2002.

Active, classic
[13] Bacha M., Celeux G., Idee E., Lannoy A., Vasseur D. – Estimation de modèles de durées de vie fortement censurées
– Eyrolles, 99, 1998.
[14] Pitner P. – Maintenance programming as a function of parameters influencing ageing – Euredata meeting « Ageing
and maintenance » - Chamonix – October 1990.

Active, bayesian
[15] Aufort P., Procaccia H., Cruveiller G., Software Fiabayes : evaluation of reliability parameters of equipment.
ESReDA Seminar on “Maintenance and system effectiveness” – Chamonix, 1994.
[16] Clarotti C., Procaccia H., Villain B. – Bayesian analysis of general failure data from an ageing distribution :
advances in technical methods – ESREL’1996 – PSAM III - Crete – 1996.

Active, standby
[17] Clarotti C., Lannoy A., Procaccia H. – Probabilistic risk analysis of ageing components which fail on demand:
a Bayesian model: application to maintenance optimisation of diesel engine linings – CAPE’97 – Balkema, 1997,
[18] Bracquemond C., Chevalier M., Gaudouin O. – Modèles de fiabilité des systèmes non réparables en temps discret –
Conference λu 12, Montpellier, 2000.

Passive, structural reliability

[19] DNV (Det Norske Veritas) PROBAN (PROBalitistic ANAlysis) software – User’s manual.
[20] Ardillon E., Venturini V. – Mesures de sensibilité dans les approches probabilistes – Sensitivity measures in
probabilistic methods – Rapport EDF, 96NB00102, 1996.
[21] Pitner P., Procaccia H., Villain B. – Probabilistic approaches to life prediction of nuclear plant structural
components – ASME PVP 1996, Montreal.
[22] Bryla P., Hugonnard-Bruyere S., Venturini V., Verite B., Villain B. – Reliability models for maintenance
optimization of nuclear plant structural components – ASME PVP 1998, San Diego.
[23] ESReDA – Industrial application of structural reliability theory – P. Thoft-Christensen, editor – DNV, 1998.

Maintenance efficiency
[24] Clarotti C, Lannoy A., Procaccia H., Villain B.- ARCS – Outil logiciel pour la qualification de l’effet et la
maintenance sur la durée de vie - Conference λu 9 – ESREL’94 – La Baule,1994.
[25] Doyen L. – Modélisation et évaluation de l’efficacité de maintenance des systèmes réparables – Rapport INPE-
LMC, O. Gaudoin et J.-L. Soler, juillet 2001.

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