Climate-Smart Agriculture in Ethiopia
Climate-Smart Agriculture in Ethiopia
Climate-Smart Agriculture in Ethiopia
The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects an ambition that address challenges in environmental, social, and economic
to improve the integration of agriculture development and climate dimensions across productive landscapes. While the concept is
responsiveness. It aims to achieve food security and broader new, and still evolving, many of the practices that make up CSA
development goals under a changing climate and increasing food already exist worldwide and are used by farmers to cope with
demand. CSA initiatives sustainably increase productivity, enhance various production risks [2]. Mainstreaming CSA requires critical
resilience, and reduce/remove greenhouse gases (GHGs), and stocktaking of ongoing and promising practices for the future,
require planning to address trade-offs and synergies between these and of institutional and financial enablers for CSA adoption. This
three pillars: productivity, adaptation, and mitigation [1]. country profile provides a snapshot of a developing baseline created
to initiate discussion, both within countries and globally, about entry
The priorities of different countries and stakeholders are reflected
points for investing in CSA at scale.
to achieve more efficient, effective, and equitable food systems
National context People, agriculture and livelihoods
Economic relevance of agriculture in Ethiopia [3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Agriculture is the mainstay of Ethiopia’s economy and the primary
source of employment for its population. The agriculture sector
has contributed approximately 44% to the gross domestic product
(GDP) over the past 5 years1 [3] and employed more than three
quarters of the economically active population [4]. The livestock
sector, one of the largest in the world in terms of animal heads,
contributes 16–20% to the national GDP and represents a key
subsistence source for some 10 million pastoralists [5]. Roughly
90% of total exports earnings [4] come from agriculture, especially
through the commercialization of coffee, livestock products
(hides, skins), and seeds and pulses. Cereal production is mostly
for subsistence, with any excess sold to cater for other household
needs such as education and healthcare.
1 Taking into account 2011-2015 averages. It is worthwhile noting that agricultural GDP has been declining since 2012, from 48% to 40% in 2015.
2 “Holder” here is defined by the capacity to manage and make decisions over agricultural land [4].
3 Official statistics report 14.5–15 million farmers holding less than 2 hectares during the main season 2015/16 [4].
4 Lowlands are normally stated as lying between 500 m and 1,500 m.a.s.l., the midlands are said to be between approximately 1,600 and 2,000 m.a.s.l.
Ethiopia 3
Production systems key for food security in Ethiopia [3, 6, 23]
Fertilizers (organic and inorganic), supplied mainly by parastatals, Agricultural input use in Ethiopia [3, 6]
traders and private organizations, among others, were used
over a half of the cultivated area in the 2015/16 season. Almost
70% of the fertilizers used were inorganic,5 and were applied
for cereals; with high organic and inorganic fertilizer use being
recorded for teff, wheat and maize [4]. Overall Ethiopia’s average
fertilizer use stands at approximately 21 kg per hectare, above the
sub-Saharan average of 15 kg per hectare.
Although improved seeds of most cereals and pulses are available to
smallholders, use of purchased improved seed is quite uncommon
among smallholder farmers; in the 2015/16 season, improved
seed area accounted for only 10.7% of the total cereal growing
area, and this was mostly (83%) related to maize production [4].
Agricultural systems are almost exclusively rain-fed. Of an irrigation
potential of approximately 2.7 million hectares of land, only 2–3%
of the cropland is currently irrigated [5, 24]. In 2015/16, roughly
1.4 million farmers (180,000 ha of cultivated land) used irrigation
for crop cultivation, mainly from rivers and natural ponds, and, to
lesser extents, through installed water harvesting systems. Most of
this irrigated area was for maize, sorghum and coffee production,
[4] while sugarcane, potato and vegetables, such as onions and
tomatoes, are also among the commonly irrigated crops. However,
the country is endowed with huge water resources (springs and
rivers), and their irrigation potential is highly underused.
6 The PSNP was launched in 2005 and it’s now in its fourth Phase. It targets three
main AEZs, namely enset lowlands, drought-prone highlands, and pastoral areas
and covers approximately 7.9 million individuals.
7 The GHI score takes into account undernourishment rates of the entire population
and stunting, wasting and death rates among children under the age of five. The
higher the GHI score, the higher the level of hunger.
8 The FSI takes into account aspects of food availability, affordability, quality and
safety of food.
9 FAO Nutrition Country Profile for Ethiopia
Ethiopia 5
Greenhouse gas emissions Greenhouse gas emissions in Ethiopia [3, 6]
Total annual emissions in Ethiopia amount to 144 Mt CO2eq,10
the equivalent of approximately 0.3% of global emissions, while
per capita emissions are similarly low, amounting to 2 tons of
CO2eq annually. The agricultural sector in the country is a major
contributor to national emissions, accounting for approximately
60% of total emissions. Given that Ethiopia has the largest
livestock population in Africa and has one of the largest livestock
herds in the world [11], most of the agricultural GHG emissions
emanate from livestock-related activities (methane and nitrous
oxide emissions from enteric fermentation and manure left on
pastures respectively), which account for almost 92% of agricultural
emissions. Crop-related emissions are associated primarily with
burning of natural vegetation, cultivation of organic soils and the
use of synthetic fertilizer. Most emissions from the forest sector are
associated with deforestation for the expansion of agricultural land
[6, 15, 36].
In 2011, in response to the need to reduce emissions, develop
a green economy and build greater resilience to climate change,
the Government of Ethiopia developed the Climate Resilient Green
Economy (CRGE) Strategy. One of the CRGE’s main objectives
is to reduce per capita emissions by a third by 2030, along the
larger goal of advancing the economy and bringing Ethiopia to a
middle-income status country [15]. Furthermore, according to the
Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) prepared and
submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat in 2015, the country plans
to reduce its annual level of emissions by 64% by 2030 compared
to the business-as-usual scenario projection for 400 Mt CO2eq; a
significant portion of this being from the agriculture (90 Mt CO2eq
reduction) and forestry (130 Mt CO2eq reduction) sectors [37].
10 This includes emissions from Land-Use Change and Forestry (LUCF) sectors.
11 In Ethiopia, land tenure insecurity is reflected by the Government’s ownership of the land resources and the subsequent distribution to farmers, without any contractual
arrangements. However, over the past years, land-use certificates have commenced to be issued.
Projected changes in temperature and precipitation in Ethiopia by 2050 [49, 50, 51]
Changes in annual mean temperature (°C) Changes in total precipitation (%)
Ethiopia 7
Projected change in suitable area in Ethiopia based CSA practices also help build system’s resistance to pests and
(2040-2069) diseases, such as in the case of drought-tolerant crop varieties and
livestock breeds, and the use of rotations in crop production.
In the broader Ethiopian context, climate-smart practices and
technologies are being implemented within the framework of
integrated watershed management, which incorporate a broad range
of practices in crop and livestock production including agroforestry,
crop rotation and intercropping [11] as well as broader soil and water
conservation measures such as soil/stone bunds, terracing, infiltration
ditches, and tie-ridges among others. It is important to note that
although soil conservation practices, such as reduced tillage and
crop rotations, have long been practised by farmers in Ethiopia, the
promotion of conservation agriculture as a package with associated
benefits has experienced various challenges related to knowledge,
technology and awareness that still need to be addressed [53].
In terms of adoption, most of the CSA practices and technologies
identified have low-to-medium on-farm adoption rates, despite their
CSA technologies and practices potential benefits to adaptation, productivity increase and mitigation
efforts. Many of the key barriers to widespread adoption include
CSA practices present opportunities for addressing climate change
limited or no access to productive inputs (improved seeds and
challenges, while simultaneously supporting economic growth and
fertilizer), lack of access to credit, lack of adequate machinery and
development of the agriculture sector. For this profile, practices
technology (e.g. row planters), low access to formal markets to sell
are considered climate smart if they maintain or achieve increases
produce, and limited extension service quality and access particularly
in productivity as well as at least one of the other objectives of
in relation to climate-smart agriculture. Low participation in extension
climate-smart agriculture (adaptation and mitigation). Hundreds of
services programmes has also been noted; driven by factors such as
technologies and practices around the world fall under the heading
“suspicion of efficacy,” insufficient arable land, and unavailability of
of CSA [2].
programs that suit the farmers’ needs [4] as well as limited technical
Although traditional agricultural techniques such as repeated tillage, capacity by the extension agents on issues such as climate change
usage of ox-drawn wooden ploughs, low yielding crop varieties adaptation. Low access to and use of credit is mostly associated with
and traditional animal breeds are still common, Ethiopian farmers inability to repay the loan and lack of return on investments, both of
have begun to adopt new, improved technologies in both crop and which can be addressed through conducting of cost–benefit analysis
livestock production systems. For crop production, there are efforts of different CSA practices combined with sensitization of farmers
to promote organic fertilizer use and precise fertilizer application as and microfinance providers on which practices to invest in, the likely
opposed to the use of blanket fertilizer recommendations, while use returns and the required repayment periods.
of improved (drought- and heat-tolerant) cereal varieties (teff, maize,
Uncontrolled and free grazing, which limits implementation of
sorghum, wheat and barley) and crop rotations are increasingly
some climate-smart practices (e.g. mulching), has been part of the
being practiced. For pulses (faba beans and chickpea), the use of
tradition and routine of farmers for generations. Switching to new,
improved varieties, application of biofertilizers and development of
improved feeding systems would require a change in perceptions
cropping calendars informed by meteorological data are among the
and attitudes [54], and additional efforts of extension workers to
CSA practices being implemented. For coffee production, irrigation,
share and demonstrate to farmers the benefits of practices such
mulching and agroforestry (tree shade) comprise key climate-
as cut and carry. Capacity building of extension agents in the
smart practices. For agroforestry in coffee production, some key
on-field implementation of CSA technologies and practices, in
considerations for success include choice of tree, planting density
close cooperation with research institutions, becomes of utmost
and canopy management.
importance for effective knowledge transfer to farmers.
For livestock, the use of improved breeds (hybrids or crossbreeds),
The following graphics present a selection of CSA practices with
changing to more resilient animal types (goats), fodder conservation
high climate smartness scores according to expert evaluations. The
and feed production are common practices. These livestock
average climate smartness score is calculated based on the individual
management practices are also being combined with broader
scores of each practice on eight climate smartness dimensions that
sustainable land management practices such as improved rangeland
relate to the CSA pillars: yield (productivity); income, water, soil, risks/
management, controlled grazing, planting of fodder trees and area
information (adaptation); energy, carbon and nutrients (mitigation).
closures,13 which are implemented for environmental, economic and
A practice can have a negative/ positive/ zero impact on a selected
social benefits. For example, area closures in Ethiopia have been found
CSA indicator, with 10 (+/-) indicating a 100% change (positive/
to improve soils and natural vegetation, regulate floods, improve
negative), and 0 indicating no change. Practices in the graphic have
soil fertility, provide alternate income in the form of beekeeping
been selected for each production system key to food security, as
and provide a source of fodder (cut-and-carry system) for livestock.
identified in the study. A detailed explanation of the methodology and
These benefits are in addition to the carbon sequestration benefits
a more comprehensive list of CSA practices can be found in Annexes
that accrue as the land fills with vegetation [52]. Improved animal
3 and 4, respectively.
veterinary services and the training of community animal health
workers (paravets) are also being promoted as a means of supporting
overall livestock health and resilience to climate hazards, as well as
improved efficiency of production. Many of the crop- and livestock-
13 Sometimes also referred to as exclosures.
Ethiopia 9
Case study of CSA in Ethiopia: the System of Teff Intensification (STI)
Teff (Eragrostis tef) is a staple cereal of Ethiopians’ diet, mainly grown by women and used primarily for making the
traditional fermented bread, injera. Planting involves the manual spread of very tiny seeds (approximately 2,500 per
gram) on repeatedly ploughed soil. This practice is labor intensive with low productivity (an average of just 1.5 ton
per hectare nationally).
In order to increase yields, the System of Teff Intensification (STI), an adaptation of the System of Rice Intensification
(SRI), was initiated in the 2008/09 season at the Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center, Central Ethiopia, by the
Sasakawa-Global 2000 program. In STI, young teff seedlings (20-days old) are transplanted at 20x20 cm spacing.
Organic and inorganic nutrients are also applied to the soil, to help improve yields and address inherent soil nutrient
The Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA), a federal government agency, conducted STI demonstration trials at
two major centers for agricultural research in Ethiopia, Debre Zeit and Mekele, in collaboration with the local partner,
the Institute for Sustainable Development (ISD), and with partial funding from Oxfam America. Positive results from
the trials encouraged efforts to increase the number of demonstration plots in major teff-producing regions of
Oromia, Amhara, Tigray and SNNPR (Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples’ Region) [55].
From applying STI methods, farmers obtained average yields of 2.7 t/ha in the 2011/12 season (higher than
the 1.5 t/ha national average for broadcasted teff), while maximum yields amounted to approximately 5 t/ha.
In the subsequent year (2012/13 season), a new, less intensified approach, for the STI was tested by roughly
160,000 farmers who replaced transplanting with direct seeding. This approach, which usually requires wider
row spacing and the utilization of a mix of organic (compost) and inorganic (urea and diammonium phosphate
[DAP]) fertilizers to increase soil organic matter, resulted in average yields of 2.1 t/ha [56]. While these yields are
slightly lower than those for full STI implementation, direct-seeded STI requires less labor for sowing and weeding
and improves the balance of moisture and air in the soil [57]. The choice of STI approach, however, depends on the
farmer’s capabilities. Following these trials, the Ethiopian Government scaled out the STI management area to over
1 million hectares in the 2013/14 season.
Highlands Maintains or increases yield. Reduces
Precise production costs.
fertilizer Adaptation
application: Adequate, timing, amount, and placement
type (organic/ of inorganic fertilizers can reduce negative
inorganic), effects of excessive fertilization. Reduces
time of soil salinity and nutrient leaching.
application, Mitigation
placement, Midlands Reduces emissions intensity. Precise
amount fertilizer management can reduce nitrogen
fertilizer-related nitrous oxide (N2O)
Increases in yield and quality at harvest.
Reduces yield loss due to pests and
Use of diseases in periods of adverse climatic
improved conditions.
varieties Mitigation
Benefits from reduced use of chemical
inputs and energy consumed for pesticide
30-60% application.
<30% Increases in yield and income (reduced
Use of cost for fungicide application).
Improves food security bridges during
shortage months and/or when other crops
resistance to
are not mature.
heat, drought,
diseases) Midlands Mitigation
Reduces emissions intensity per unit of
<30% product.
Ethiopia 11
Region and Predominant
adoption farm scale
rate (%) S: small scale Climate smartness Impact on CSA pillars
<30 30-60 60> M: medium scale
L: large scale
fertilizer Highlands Productivity
application: Maintains or increases yield. Reduces
<30% production costs.
type, time of
application, Adaptation
placement, Reduces the use of inputs. Reduces soil
and amount; salinity and nutrient leaching.
Integrated Mitigation
disease Reduces nitrogen emissions through
management Midlands efficient use of fertilizers. Reduces CO2
for bacterial emissions associated with fertilizer
wilt and late <30% transport.
<30% Productivity
Use of Increases in yield and income.
Increased responsiveness to unpredictable
weather patterns.
resistance to
heat, drought, Mitigation
diseases) Reduces emissions intensity per unit of
Midlands product.
Highlands Productivity
Increased crop productivity and farmer’s
<30% income.
Increases responsiveness to extreme
weather events. Reduces environmental
type, time of
impact when inorganic fertilizers are used
(leaching). Efficient use of scarce financial
Midlands Contributes to reduced emissions per unit
<30% of product.
Highlands Productivity
Contributes to an economically and
ecologically sustainable fertilization option.
Increases supply or availability of nitrogen
or other primary nutrients. Reduces
pollution in aquifers and soils due to
Midlands Mitigation
Reduces energy consumption and
<30% emissions intensity per unit of product.
Highlands Productivity
Increases land and crop productivity per
<30% unit of product.
Increases resilience to extreme natural
with access
events such as drought or floods, reducing
to timely
crop failure. Reduces soil erosion.
information Mitigation
Midlands Some impact on fertilizers, water and other
inputs saving by enabling timely fertilizer
<30% application and other agronomic practices.
Highlands Productivity
Increases milk and meat yield and income.
Improves efficiency in natural pastures
Feed and management. Increases availability of
feeding pastures/forages during extreme weather
systems conditions.
improvement Mitigation
Increases in productivity reduce GHG
Midlands emissions per unit of product. Reduces
<30% methane (NH4) emissions related to enteric
Ethiopia 13
Region and Predominant
adoption farm scale
rate (%) S: small scale Climate smartness Impact on CSA pillars
<30 30-60 60> M: medium scale
L: large scale
30-60% Increases in productivity and income
through increased product (milk and meat)
Contributes to the development of optimal
nutritional alternatives for animals. Potential
reductions in post-harvest loss.
Lowlands Mitigation
Increases production efficiency reducing
GHG emissions per unit of product.
30-60% Increases in yield and income.
Use of superior Adaptation
seed varieties Increased responsiveness to unpredictable
(tolerance/ weather patterns. Local varieties can
resistance to present greater resistance to diseases and
heat, drought, heat stress.
pests) Mitigation
Midlands Reduces emissions intensity per unit of
30-60% product.
Highlands Reduces financial vulnerability by
diversifying production. Medium- to long-
<30% term soil fertility increases can lead to
higher yields.
Crop rotation Improves soil quality (biological, physical
with pulses and chemical characteristics). Increases
efficiency in water and soil use.
Midlands Nitrogen fixation through leguminous
<30% plants reduces nitrogen fertilizer
requirements. Increases soil organic matter,
and soil carbon stock.
Highlands Reduces financial vulnerability by
diversifying production. Medium- to long-
>60% term soil fertility increases can lead to
higher yields.
Crop rotation Conserves soil nutrients and moisture.
with pulses Improves soil fertility and reduces pest
and disease risks.
Midlands Mitigation
Nitrogen fixation through leguminous
>60% plants reduces nitrogen fertilizer
requirements. Increases soil organic matter,
and soil carbon stock.
<30% Greater yield stability and income under
adverse soil conditions.
Precise Adaptation
application In conditions of drought or excessive rains,
of soil favors crop adaptation to soil pH. Reduces
amendments crop failure risk.
for acidic soil Mitigation
Increases in productivity reduce GHG
<30% emissions per unit of product.
30-60% Increases in yield stability despite climate
Use of variability and biotic stress. Greater income.
Increases in crop resistance to pests and
diseases. Reduction in water consumption.
resistance to
Greater product quality.
heat, drought,
diseases) Mitigation
Improves emissions intensity levels due to
30-60% productivity increases.
Ethiopia 15
Region and Predominant
adoption farm scale
rate (%) S: small scale Climate smartness Impact on CSA pillars
<30 30-60 60> M: medium scale
L: large scale
Highlands Maintains or increases yield. Reduces
production costs.
Precise 30-60%
Reduce the use of inputs. Reduces soil
salinity and nutrient leaching. Benefits
type, time of
in soil quality when integrating organic
amount Mitigation
Midlands Reduces nitrogen emissions through
efficient use of fertilizers. Reduces CO2
30-60% emissions associated with fertilizer
<30% Increases in yield and income. Minimizes
Use of yield loss.
improved Adaptation
varieties for Increases food availability and nutritional
heat and pest security. Minimizes damage risk due to
tolerance/ pests and diseases.
resistance Midlands Mitigation
Reduces GHG emissions per unit of
<30% product.
Highlands Productivity
<30% Contributes to an economically and
ecologically sustainable
fertilization option.
Bio-fertilizer Increases supply or availability of nitrogen
application or other primary nutrients. Reduces
pollution in aquifers and soils due to
<30% Reduces energy consumption and
emissions intensity per unit of product.
Increases in yields and reduces investment
Use of in pesticides and water use.
varieties for
Maintains local coffee germplasm as well
heat and pest
as quality. Diminishes yield loss due to
reduced risk of pest and disease incidence.
Midlands Reduces GHG emissions per unit of
Highlands Productivity
<30% Crop diversification can improve yields,
product quality and income.
Crop diversification can improve yields.
Potential benefits for food and nutrition
(shade trees,
security and income diversification (trees
cover crop,
for timber and fruits). Maintains or improves
soil fertility status.
and irrigation) Midlands Mitigation
Increases carbon capture and storage both
above- and below-ground. Benefits by
reducing chemical inputs.
Ethiopia 17
Enabling institutions and policies for CSA Ministry also implements the Managing Environmental Resources
to Enable Transitions (MERET) to More Sustainable Livelihoods
There are five tiers of government in Ethiopia, each with different roles Coordination Unit, which is a World Food Programme (WFP)-
and duties with regards to policy making and implementation: the supported project initiated in the 1980s, and includes activities such
federal government, the regions, zone administrations, woreda, and as water harvesting, reforestation, seedling production, soil fertility
kebele. The federal government is responsible for the formulation management and construction of farmland terraces [11].
and implementation of national policies, strategies and plans and
also allocates the budget to the regions, depending on population The Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) is an institution
size and capacity to contribute to national budget through revenues. mandated to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. ATA
The Regional Councils are entitled to legislate and execute laws, but undertakes four major programmes that target: (i) agricultural
also to exercise judicial power. The regions design socio-economic production and productivity of smallholder farmers; (ii) processing
development plans that meet national-level targets and are also able and value addition in agribusinesses for improved market access;
to generate their own revenue, although dependency on federal (iii) sustainable and inclusive growth for improved farmers’ resilience;
budget is still high [58]. This illustrates a complex context not only (iv) and capacity building of agricultural institutions for project
for legislation and policy development, but also for budget allocation implementation and impact maximization. ATA has a broad portfolio
and management. of CSA-related work, including the training of extension actors
on CSA practices, such as conservation agriculture, enhancing
As weather variability and changes in climate have continued to affect agricultural decision making through enhanced access to climate
Ethiopia’s agriculture sector, people’s livelihoods and the economy information and weather station installations, supporting improved
as a whole, the CSA approach has gained a lot of momentum in the access to agrometeorological information.15
institutional and policy sphere over the years, in an effort to reduce
climate impacts and to help build a more resilient, food-secure and In terms of research, the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research
economically competitive agriculture sector. (EIAR) and its regional research institutes, federal and regional
research centers, as well as universities constitute the National
Most institutions surveyed facilitate information sharing and Agricultural Research System (NARS) in Ethiopia, whose principal aim
extension, and, to a slightly lesser extent, promote technology is to generate and promote the adoption of information, knowledge,
development and innovation. Allocation of funds towards mitigation improved practices and technologies that increase agricultural
is minimal across all institutions surveyed. productivity. The NARS collaborates with extension workers,
civil society organizations, NGOs, seed enterprises, international
Climate change action was previously under the mandate of the
research centers, and the private sector. EIAR’s work related to
Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), established after the
climate-smart agriculture includes climate modelling; conducting of
Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in 2009. Following
on-farm trials of new varieties; and the testing of agrometeorological
the restructuring of governmental institutions, the Ministry of
tools such as Agro-weather Decision Support System (DSS)16 to
Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MEFCC) became the
improve farmers’ access to weather information and hence support
lead entity for the country’s climate framework, which is now also
adaptation efforts. Numerous international research institutes
in charge of the country’s legislation and coordination of activities
are also involved in CSA-related research in the country. CGIAR
related to environmental degradation and forests. MEFCC is the
Centers such as CIAT, International Crops Research Institute for the
overall coordinator of national climate-change-related activities in
Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), International Maize and Wheat
the country including being the focal point for the UNFCCC and
Improvement Center (CIMMYT), International Center for Agricultural
Global Environment Fund (GEF) as well as National Designated
Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), World Agroforestry Centre
Authority (NDA) for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Designated
(ICRAF), International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), and
National Authority (DNA) for the Adaptation Fund.
International Water Management Institute (IWMI), are working on
The Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (MoANR) is a key topics such as biogas from dairy waste management, soil and water
institution promoting CSA practices in the country, mainly through conservation, agroforestry and conservation agriculture. For example,
various projects and programmes implemented by its different CIMMYT is implementing the project on Sustainable Intensification of
units including: the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) Maize–Legume Cropping Systems for Food Security in Eastern and
Coordination Unit, the Sustainable Land Management Programme Southern Africa (SIMLESA), which is conducting research on and
(SLMP)14 Coordination Unit, the Soil Information and Fertility promoting maize–legume intercropping. The Farm Mechanization
Directorate, Agricultural Growth Programme (AGP) Coordination and Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification
Unit, and the National Agricultural Research System, among (FACASI) programme focuses on identifying appropriate small-scale
others [11]. CSA initiatives promoted by MoANR link to improved machinery (e.g. 2-wheel tractors) to improve planting, harvesting,
productivity and climate resilience of the agricultural sector, targeting milling and transport among smallholder farmers. Both projects
primarily practices such as soil and water conservation, conservation are funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural
agriculture, agroforestry systems, fodder production (cut and carry) Research (ACIAR) along with other partners. The Water and Land
and improved varieties. Apart from the above-mentioned SLMP, the Resource Centre (WLRC), associated with the Addis Ababa University,
14 The SLMP was launched in 2008 to address the challenges to agricultural production in the major agricultural potential regions of the Ethiopian highlands through watershed
rehabilitation and productive agricultural use of rehabilitated land. The Ministry has chosen CSA as a guiding paradigm to implement the second SLMP phase [59]. The
intention is to integrate climate-resilient production methods into the rehabilitated landscapes. On-farm soil conservation and re-vegetation measures as well as changes in
livestock management are an integral part of CSA, as they increase farmers’ capacities to adapt to climate impacts.
Ethiopia 19
Ethiopia ratified the UNFCCC in 1994 and the Kyoto Protocol in The Ethiopian Programme of Adaptation to Climate Change
2005. The Government presented two National Communications (EPACC) from 2011, built on the National Adaptation Program
to the UNFCCC, in 2001 and 2016. Furthermore, as part of of Action (NAPA),17 aims to mainstream climate adaptation
its commitments as a member of the Comprehensive Africa into national-level decision-making processes, with a particular
Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), it developed the focus on poverty elimination, climate resilience, and sustainable
CAADP Compact in 2009. This endorsed the three main objectives development. Sectoral and regional programmes for putting
set by African Heads of States and Governments through EPACC into action have already been developed.
CAADP, namely agricultural growth, food security and improved
The Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), now in its second
livelihoods, outlining the necessary instruments for using these as
phase (GTP II, 2016–2020), focuses on the gradual shift from
guiding pillars for future Government programmes and activities.
traditional to high-value crops and livestock production in the
The operationalization of the CAADP Compact is outlined in the
highlands and agricultural out-scaling in the lowland areas
Agricultural Sector Policy and Investment Framework (PIF, 2010-
(by converting rangelands into irrigation schemes), in order to
2020), which prioritizes research and development of crop varieties
accelerate growth in production. A concerted effort was also placed
and systems adapted to new (dry) climate conditions, water
on mainstreaming climate change adaptation and mitigation
harvesting techniques, agroforestry, and improved information
issues across all GTP II pillars.
systems (weather forecasts). In 2016, FAO supported the screening
of the PIF for climate-smart agriculture, a process meant to identify The country’s vulnerability to climate change is also acknowledged
and enhance climate-smart components within the investment in the Environmental Policy of Ethiopia (EPE), issued in 1997. The
plan, coinciding with its mid-term review. This screening along with EPE serves as the overarching environmental policy framework
other findings of the PIF mid-term evaluation could be important in the country, with a particular focus on forestry and sustainable
in directing national-level funding for CSA in the country. natural resource management.
The Government submitted the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Overall, the country has a clear institutional and policy framework
Actions (NAMA) to the UNFCCC Secretariat in 2010, where key to support the mainstreaming of climate change action in
mitigation strategies for the agriculture sector included investments agricultural sector development. The Government, in collaboration
in compost production and application and agroforestry systems. with its development partners, has shown progress in bringing
Ethiopia also submitted its Intended Nationally Determined CSA on the policy arena and closer within farmers’ reach, through
Contribution (INDC) to the UNFCCC in June 2015, pledging a investments in research, capacity building of extension workers
64% reduction in emissions by 2030 compared to the business-as- and field demonstrations. As such efforts continue to grow in
usual scenario. The INDC is based on Ethiopia’s Climate-Resilient number and scope, coordination of interventions and alignment
Green Economy (CRGE) Strategy established in 2011, which with existing policies will be key for effective resource spending
represents the first attempt to integrate climate change and green and value addition.
growth efforts across all sectors of the economy. The CRGE’s
Moreover, while efforts to increase productivity and adaptive
overall goal is to enhance the population’s adaptive capacity and
capacity are essential to the sector’s sustainable growth, exploring
climate resilience, while achieving middle-income status by 2025.
opportunities that current and potential policy innovations can
The strategy is based on four pillars, two of which relate to CSA,
bring for mitigation would increase the likelihood of achieving the
namely: 1) Agriculture: improving crop and livestock production
triple win: productivity, resilience, and low-emissions development
practices for greater food security and better income for farmers,
in agriculture.
while reducing emissions; and 2) Forests: protecting and
re-establishing forests for their economic and ecological values, The graphic on page 21 shows a selection of policies, strategies
including carbon stocks [11]. One of the strategies highlighted and programs that relate to agriculture and climate change topics
in the CRGE is the use of energy-saving stoves as a means of and are considered key enablers of CSA in the country. The
reducing deforestation. In agriculture, CSA-related strategies policy cycle classification aims to show gaps and opportunities
include soil fertility management, conservation agriculture, residue in policy-making, referring to the three main stages: policy
management, efficient irrigation and watershed management for formulation (referring to a policy that is in an initial formulation
crops, as well as controlled grazing and improved feed production stage/consultation process), policy formalization (to indicate the
for livestock. In total, 41 options are identified to facilitate the presence of mechanisms for the policy to process at national
attainment of the CRGE objectives in the agriculture and forestry level) and policy in active implementation (to indicate visible
sectors. progress/outcomes toward achieving larger policy goals, through
concrete strategies and action plans). For more information on
The Agriculture Sector Programme of Adaptation to Climate
the methodology and results from interviews, surveys and expert
Change (ASPACC) was also formulated in 2011 with the main
consultations, see Annex 6.
objectives of contributing to the country’s commitments to the
UNFCCC, through integration of climate change into sectoral
policies and development efforts. The development of a climate
change adaptation plan to minimize agriculture sector vulnerability
was another key objective set by the ASPACC [15].
17 The 2007 NAPA is considered to be the first attempt for inter-sectoral coordination on climate adaptation work [11]. Key priority actions and projects included in the NAPA
included, among others: promotion of a drought/crop insurance program; strengthening of drought and flood early warning systems; development of small scale irrigation and
water harvesting schemes; improvement of rangeland resource management practices; community-based sustainable use of wetlands; capacity building; and improved food
security through large-scale water development projects [60].
Financing CSA
In Ethiopia, future expenditures on drought-related interventions the 41 forestry- and agriculture-related options outlined in the
to ensure food security of the population have been projected to CRGE, additional funding of US$400–600 million is estimated
range from US$7.3 million to as high as US$1.2 billion annually, to be required [40]. The CRGE Facility was set up through a
depending on the climate scenario (wet/dry).18 On the other hand, collaboration between the Ministry of Finance and Economic
very wet climate change shocks could bring about a drop in GDP Development (MoFED) and MEFCC to enable the implementation
by 8%, while the very dry climate scenario may decrease GDP of the priority actions identified by the CRGE strategy, through
by 10% by 2050.19 These would include costs for infrastructure a coordinated administration of funds allocated from domestic
repair and maintenance (especially in the case of floods and (public and private) and international resources [61].
heavy rains), and investments in hydropower generation, among
others. Adapting the agricultural sector to climate change through Ethiopia currently spends approximately US$440 million annually
investments in research and development and farm management on climate change action (primarily on adaptation actions), which
practices, coupled with irrigation and drainage infrastructure could represents almost 11% of total government expenditure and
reduce the impacts of climate hazards, however, estimates have almost 6% of the yearly financing required to implement the CRGE
placed the costs of adaptation investments between US$68 and Strategy.20 Most funding (approximately 80%) channeled through
US$71 million annually between 2010 and 2050 [45]. the national budget comes from domestic contributions, and not
international public resources, as one would expect.21 International
At present, annual investments in the agriculture sector in the public climate funds mainly come from the UK, Japan, EU, Ireland,
country amount to US$1 billion. Over a third (approximately and Norway and target areas such as food security (37% of total
40%) is public funding, through MoANR. However, to implement
18 The figures are based on projections for a wet scenario in 2040 and a dry scenario in 2030 respectively.
19 Compared to a scenario with no climate change.
Ethiopia 21
international public funds), education (13%) and agriculture (11%), In March 2017, the Adaptation Fund Board approved the first
among others [62]. ever regional Adaptation Fund project titled “Agricultural Climate
Resilience Enhancement Initiative (ACREI),” for which Ethiopia is
In 2011/12, three-quarters of the climate change expenditure
one of the target countries along with Uganda and Kenya, and which
was at the MoANR (for irrigation and land management projects)
focuses on enhancing access to climate information and scaling
and the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity (MoWIE). The
up of CSA practices through farmer field schools and community
amount of international direct support to climate change projects
adaptation initiatives. The project will be implemented by the World
and programmes has yet to be estimated. It has also been observed
Meteorological Organization (WMO), FAO, the Intergovernmental
that spending is often vaguely reported, not offering much detail
Authority on Development (IGAD) and government departments
on the activities targeted by the funding.
and institutions in the three target countries.
Ethiopia has been accessing climate funds from various
In addition, agricultural insurance, particularly weather-index based
international sources, including the Scaling-Up Renewable
crop and livestock insurance, is limited. Some innovative financial
Energy Program for Low Income Countries (SREP) of the Climate
instruments, such as the Nyala weather index-based insurance
Investment Funds (CIF), the Global Environment Facility (GEF),
system; Oromia Insurance Company’s livestock insurance
the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), among the most
schemes; Horn of Africa Risk Transfer for Adaptation (HARITA)
important ones. For agriculture- and food security-related projects,
insurance for work scheme, and other input and technology
funds are sourced from partners such as the Canadian International
financing programmes have been developed in Ethiopia. However,
Development Agency (CIDA), the International Fund for Agricultural
most are small scale and have been restricted to pilot programmes
Development (IFAD), the World Bank, and the Government of
rather than being rolled out at scale. Greater effort could be placed
Norway, among others. NORAD and the Norwegian Development
on expanding insurance services to smallholder crop and livestock
Fund (DF), for example, have been supporting national CSA
farmers, with an opportunity to both build the resilience of farmers
coordination and various studies through partners such as FAO.
and also encourage private sector involvement in CSA.
Some of the key initiatives include training of extension service
workers in crop and livestock production, farmers and pastoralists Despite various funds being accessed by the country for CSA-
on good agricultural practices, livestock management, non-cereal related activities, additional financing is required to help Ethiopia
(vegetable and fruit) production, and women in nutritious feeding prepare for and adapt to the effects of climate change. Although
practices, among others. large international climate financing instruments such as the
Green Climate Fund (GCF) exist, access is contingent upon
Banks and microfinance institutes also play an important role in
countries developing high-quality proposals and having adequate
financing CSA investments of smallholder farmers and value chain
mechanisms for monitoring and implementation. An example of
entrepreneurs. The Oromia Cooperative Bank of Ethiopia (OCBE),
the need for high-quality proposals is the Green Climate Fund
for example, established by the Oromia Regional Government,
(GCF) Board’s lack of agreement to fund Ethiopia’s US$100
supports local agri-businesses that need to finance activities
million project on “Responding to the increasing risk of drought:
related to agricultural production, in a context where commercial
building gender responsive resilience of the most vulnerable
banks largely finance export-related infrastructure. However,
communities” that aimed to build resilience of drought-affected
access to credit in rural areas is generally low. Bank coverage in
communities in the country. The project has since been approved,
these areas is poor – roughly 1% of the rural population has a bank
however this highlights the need for development of improved
account. Moreover, land cannot be used as collateral for credit,
proposals that better integrate CSA-related activities. Other funds
which further alienates smallholders from opportunities to finance
from bilateral and multilateral partners, while crucially important,
their farm investments [63].
are at the moment not adequate to address the scale of the climate
To encourage increased adoption of vital agricultural inputs change challenge in Ethiopia. Ensuring sustainable financing from
(particularly fertilizer and improved seed), the MoANR and ATA public and private sources will be necessary for the scaling up of
have developed an Input Voucher System (IVS), as part of an overall CSA efforts. Additionally, increased transparency in how funds
Rural Financial Services (RFS) strategy. According to this new are allocated and spent would foster more cooperation between
strategy, distribution of inputs is primarily financed by the regional actors and would increase the likelihood that commitments would
governments and distributed through multipurpose cooperatives be turned into results. The methodology and a more detailed list
by cash or partial credit. of funds can be found in Annex 7.
20 The total cost of the CRGE Strategy is estimated at US$150 billion up to 2030, equaling approximately US$7.5 billion annually [41].
21 For 2010–2013, financing for adaptation activities constituted 51% of total international public finding, while mitigation and mitigation + adaptation activities were financed by
19% and 31% of these sources, respectively [58].
Ethiopia 23
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For further information and online versions of the Annexes, visit:
Annex 1: Ethiopia’s agro-ecological zones
Annex 2: Selection of agriculture production systems key for food security in Ethiopia (methodology and results)
Annex 3: Methodology for assessing climate smartness of ongoing practices
Annex 4: Long list of CSA practices adopted in Ethiopia
Annex 5: Institutions for CSA in Ethiopia (methodology and results)
Annex 6: Policies for CSA in Ethiopia (methodology and results)
Annex 7: Assessing CSA finances
This publication is a product of a collaborative effort between the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) – lead Center of the
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) – and the Bureau for Food Security, United States
Agency for International Development (BFS/USAID) to identify country-specific baselines on CSA in Africa (Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Niger,
Senegal and Uganda). The publication is based on the previous work commissioned and led by the World Bank Group to identify country-
specific baselines and entry points for scaling out CSA, through data analysis and a series of dialogues with national stakeholders. The
work complements the CSA Profiles series developed since 2014 by the World Bank, CIAT and CCAFS for countries in Latin America,
Asia, Eastern and Central Europe, and Africa (
The document was prepared under the co-leadership of Evan Girvetz, Andreea Nowak, and Andrew Jarvis (CIAT); and Oumou Ly, Anne
Williams and Moffatt Ngugi (USAID). It is based on a methodology prepared by CIAT, the World Bank and the Tropical Agricultural
Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) in 2014 and revisited in 2015 by Andreea Nowak, Caitlin Corner-Dolloff, Miguel Lizarazo,
Andy Jarvis, Evan Girvetz, Jennifer Twyman, Julian Ramírez, Carlos Navarro, Jaime Tarapues (CIAT/CCAFS), Charles Spillane, Colm Duffy
and Una Murray (University of Galway).
Main author: Aweke Mulualem Gelaw (independent consultant)
Editors: Andreea Nowak (independent consultant), Miguel Lizarazo (CIAT/CCAFS) and Sebastian Grey (CIAT)
Original figures and graphics: Fernanda Rubiano (independent consultant)
Design and layout: Daniel Gutiérrez and Ximena Hiles (CIAT)
This document should be cited as:
CIAT; BFS/USAID. 2017. Climate-Smart Agriculture in Ethiopia. CSA Country Profiles for Africa Series. International Center for Tropical
Agriculture (CIAT); Bureau for Food Security, United States Agency for International Development (BFS/USAID), Washington, D.C. 26 p.
Special thanks to representatives of the following institutions for providing information to this study: Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural
Research (EIAR) and its Centers (mainly Holeta, Debrezeit and Melkassa); Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (MoANR); Ministry
of Livestock and Fisheries (MoLF); Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA); Ministry of Water, Electricity and Energy (MoWEE); Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Sub-regional Office for Eastern Africa; and Norwegian Development Fund in
This document has benefited from comments received from: Kindie Tesfaye Fantaye (CIMMYT), Lulsegad Desta (CIAT) and Zenebe
Adimassu (IWMI).
December 2017