Taller 03 PDF
Taller 03 PDF
Taller 03 PDF
Taller # 3
Temas: Presión. Estática de fluidos.
Profesor encargado: Juan P. Beltrán.
p = p0 + ρgz,
Al integrar la ecuación resultante, los lı́mites de integración son tales que la densidad
inicial ρ0 corresponde a z = 0.
evels in the two open tanks shown in Fig. P2.36.
*2.39 Both ends of the U-tube mercury manometer of Fig. P2.39
are initially open to the atmosphere and under standard atmospheric
SG = 0.90 pressure. When the valve at the top of the right leg is open, the level
of mercury below the valve is hi. After the valve is closed, air pressure
is applied to the left leg. Determine the relationship between the
0.4 m differential reading on the manometer and the applied gage pressure,
pg. Show on a plot how the differential reading varies with pg for
hi " 25, 50, 75, and 100 mm over the range 0 ! pg ! 300 kPa.
3. Un tanque de ∆h
almacenamiento de that
Assume agua thede profundidad
temperature 12 mairestá
of the trapped lleno.
remains La parte
rior del tanque está expuesto a la presión atmosférica ambiente. Calcule a) la presión
manométrica del agua al fondo del tanque, b) la presión absoluta al fondo del tanque
(p0 + ρgh). Exprese sus resultados en Pa, atm, bars y psi.
Water hi aguja en una vena del brazo del paciente y
4. En la alimentación intravenosa, se inserta una
F I G U R E P2.36
se conecta un tubo entre la aguja y un depósito de fluido (con densidad 1050 kg/m3 ) que
está a una altura h sobre el brazo. El depósito está abierto a la atmósfera por arriba. Si la
2.37 For the configuration shown in Fig. P2.37
presión what must be
manométrica the
dentro de la vena es de 5980 Pa. ¿Qué valor mı́nimo de h permite
value of the specific weight of the unknown fluid? Express your Mercury
nswer in lb/ft . que entre fluido en la vena? Suponga que el diámetro de la aguja es suficientemente
grande como para despreciar la viscosidad del fluido. F I G U R E P2.39
Open Open
5. El manómetro en forma de 2.40
U invertida representado
The inverted en laof figura
U-tube manometer contiene
Fig. P2.40 contains aceite
oil (Gra-
1SG " 0.92 and water as shown. The pressure differential between
d 9/23/08 9:09 AM Pagevedad
83 especı́fica SG= 0,9) y agua. La presión diferencial entre los tubos A y B es
pipes A and B, pA # pB, is #5 kPa. Determine the differential
∆p = pA − pB = −5 kPa. Determine
reading, h. la lectura diferencial de altura h.
.5 in.
4.9 in. Oil
3.3 in.
0.2 m
h Problems 83
1.4 in.
Carbon tetrachloride A
F I G U R E P2.37 0.3 m
0.7 ft Oil
Water Brine
2.38 An air-filled,
1 ft hemispherical shell is attached to the ocean 12 in.
loor at a depth of 10 m as shown inh Fig. P2.38. A mercury B
barometer located inside the shell reads 765 mm Hg, and a Carbon
1 ft F I G U R E P2.40
mercury U-tube manometer designed to give the outside water tetrachloride
pressure indicates a differential reading of 735 mm Hg Figura as 1: Manómetro en U invertida
Ullustrated. θ
Based on these data what is the atmospheric pressure 2.41 An inverted
R E P2.41 U-tube manometer containing oil (SG " 0.8) is
t the ocean surface? located between two reservoirs as shown in Fig. P2.41. The
the left, which contains carbon tetrachloride, is closed
ized to 8 psi. The reservoir on 6. the
manómetro inclinado
contains water F I de
G U laRfigura
E P2.44se encuentra en equilibrio y permite medir la di-
to the atmosphere. With the given data, determine the
ferencia de presiones en los tubos A y B como se representa en la figura. La lectura
ter, h, in the right reservoir. 2.45 Determine the new differential reading along the inclined leg
diferencial en esa posición es l = 50 mm en el tubo inclinado. Si la presión en el tubo
of the mercury manometer of Fig. P2.45, if the pressure in pipe A
mine the pressure of the water inApipe A shown in10
disminuye Fig.kPaisydecreased
la presión enand
10 kPa el the
tubo B permanece
pressure constante,
in pipe B remains unchanged.determine la nueva
gage pressure of the air in the tank is 2 psi. The fluid in A has a specific gravity of 0.9 and the fluid in B is
lectura diferencial l en el segmento inclinado del manómetro.
p = 2 psi
SG = 0.9
SG = 0.9
100 mm
80 mm
1 ft 4 ft
50 mm
2 ft
F I G U R E P2.45
A Figura 2: Manómetro inclinado
2.46 Determine the change in the elevation of the mercury in the
left leg of the manometer of Fig. P2.46 as a result of an increase
U R E P2.42 in pressure of 5 psi in pipe A while the pressure in pipe B remains
g. P2.43 pipe A contains gasoline 1SG ! 0.72 , pipe B 2
l 1SG ! 0.92 , and the manometer fluid is mercury. Water
he new differential reading if the pressure in pipe A is Oil (SG = 0.9)
5 kPa, and the pressure in pipe B remains constant. The
ential reading is 0.30 m as shown. 6 in. B
Blaise Pascal (1623-62)
French mathematician, physicist and philosopher. He
had the ability of a highly gifted scientist even in
early life, invented an arithmetic computer at 19
years old and discovered the principle of fluid
mechanics that carries his name. Many units had
appeared as the units of pressure, but it was decided
7. En una prensa hidráulica como la de la tofigura, se requiere
use the pascal in SI units in levantar
memory of hisel peso de un carro
con masa m = 1520 kg con una fuerza deachievements.
125 N. ¿Cuál es la razón entre los radios de las
superficies A1 y A2 suponiendo que son superficies con forma circular.
p dA - p + ~ dz d A - pg d A dz = O