Ra Fps-008-Welding
Ra Fps-008-Welding
Ra Fps-008-Welding
Group Smelters
This form aligns the HIRA process called for in accordance with Procedure no. ALLSM-EPR-ENG-STD-0001 and must be filled in as a
Record of a specific Work Procedure.
Production Section
1. Baseline Construction / Installation Procedure (Construction of New Workplace and/or Equipment) Yes No N.A.
Purpose of Work Procedure.
i.e. Smelter No. 2 expansion project
2. Issue Based Construction/Installation Procedure (Construction / Installation pertaining to a change) Yes No N.A.
Purpose of Work Procedure.
i.e. re-routing of HT supply cable
3. Continuous HIRA for Non Routine Maintenance Work (Major Furnace/Smelter Rebuild , Overhaul etc) Yes No N.A.
Purpose of Work Procedure.
i.e. Rebuild of No. 1 Smelter
4. Operating Procedure
(Describe: i.e. Tap Hole Closing Procedure)
5. Maintenance Procedure
(Describe: i.e. Daily Inspection of No.1 Vent Fan)
HIRA Facilitator. Name: Signature:
Team Member Occupation Name Signature Team Member Occupation Name Signature
Defective equipment to
be reported and
deviations to be
recorded on register
Obtain the Hot work is done in an Not obtaining hot work Prior to any work that Employees, Low
necessary Hot Work area where it has not permit prior to work to could lead to flammable Supervisor
Coiled cables will Not uncoiling length of Uncoil complete length Welder Low
cause a magnetic field cable before connecting of cable before
and build up heat. power connecting or switching
on power supply.
Plugging welding Not ensuring appropriate Ensure that the power Welder Low
machine into the voltage of power supply supply is of the
incorrect power supply appropriate voltage and
correct plug.
Welding earth place Not placing earth clamps All earth clamps must Welder Medium
more than 1m away less than 1m away from not be placed more than
from striking point. striking point 1m away from striking
Arc eyes or temporary Not placing welding Welding screens are to Supervisor, medium
blindness to passer- screens where welding be erected, placed or Welder
Employees falling from Employees not attaching Artisan and assistants Artisan, medium
elevated areas. safety harness above must attach the safety Assistant
themselves ,they can harness to a suitable
slip& fall point above themselves.
Set-up welding Unprotected areas can Not barricading the drop Barricade off below the Welder medium
equipment where cause hot slag to fall zone elevated work area with
welding must take onto other persons. yellow and black tape
pace and inspect and barricading and the
area. (Elevated) necessary warning
(Conti.) signage. (See drop zone
Standing in water or Welding while having wet Welder to ensure that Welder medium
wearing wet clothes. clothes on or standing in he is not standing in
water water or that he is
wearing any wet or most
clothes during welding
Welding fumes can Not avoiding welding Ensure good Welder medium
lead to unhealthy fumes could result in ventilation / direction of
working conditions to injuries and or health the wind to avoid
employees. risks. welding fumes. Dust
masks to be worn where
Where applicable,
mechanical ventilation
must be used to extract
Completion of task. Smouldering sparks or Not visually inspecting Do inspection after Welder Low
slag can set the area area after welding welding operations has
alight. operations is complete been completed.
Bad housekeeping. Not doing housekeeping It is the responsibility of Welder Low
ongoing everyone on site to
ensure that good