Overcoming I Can't: Download Article As PDF
Overcoming I Can't: Download Article As PDF
Overcoming I Can't: Download Article As PDF
We also discuss how you benefit the most when you let go of resentment. Why? Because
devotees with deep issues of resentment usually find it more difficult to open their hearts to
Krsna. Forgiveness requires compassion, and a compassionate heart is necessary for spiritual
This conversation lays down many principles of forgiveness that you can practice
immediately, and also encourages you to seek personal guidance of qualified devotees if you
have more difficult or troublesome issues to deal with.
We also detail what forgiveness is not. For instance, forgiveness can exist even if you take
legal action against a person. Or you may choose to distance yourself from that person even
though you have fully forgiven him or her. Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning a wrong
action; it means releasing ill feelings.
Akrura is a transcendental coach and works as a coordinator for a counselor system for care
and guidance for devotees. He received professional training for coaching from New Castle
College. For the past eight years he worked with over 300 ISKCON devotees. He has helped
devotees succeed in such areas as health, sadhana, relationships, service, and leadership
I am impressed with the work Akrura is doing and how he is so effective in helping devotees
become more productive, successful and satisfied in their Krsna consciousness.
I have personally listened to this talk many times, each time gaining new benefit and insight
from it. The link to the conversation is found at the end of the email.
Mahatma das
I can’t
“I can’t” is an obstacle that arises not only with forgiveness but in many areas of life.
Embedded in “I can’t” are habitual excuses we make. A good beginning to explore why we
feel we can’t do something is by asking ourselves the question, “Why do I think I can’t do
it?” The answer to this question increases our awareness of the excuses we make, and how
these excuses prevent us from achieving our desired results.
To break the pattern of making excuses, recognize that you are a spirit soul and by
connecting properly with Krsna, anything is possible. Even if you feel that you cannot forgive
someone immediately, at least dream of what things will be like when you forgive. And
always remember that it’s possible to go beyond your modes of nature when Krsna helps you.
A devotee thinks that he deserves worse but that Krsna has sent just a token reaction for his
Forgiveness is a choice
When we are hurt, we usually feel there is no choice but to be angry, resentful, etc. But we
can always choose how we respond to any situation. No matter how difficult the situation, we
can always respond in a better way. Forgiveness is a choice.
Akrura explains that,” Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our
freedom to respond and thus lies our happiness and growth.”
What are the costs?
What is the cost of not forgiving? Does it really benefit us to hold on to our resentment? We
actually pay a very high price to hold onto resentment.
Ask empowering questions
We can always ask ourselves disempowering questions like, “Why me?” or we can ask
ourselves empowering questions like, “Where is Krsna in this situation?” “What will please
Krsna in this situation?” “What lessons are there for me?” Don’t think why you can’t do it;
think how you can do it. Asking empowering questions is a powerful tool for moving
What Is Forgiveness
1) Forgiveness does not mean that we must have a relationship with the person who hurt us.
We can maintain a distance if that’s what needed to maintain a healthy attitude towards that
2) We can learn that we are not going to allow ourselves to be exploited again.
4) When we forgive, we do not have to tell the other devotee or person who has offended us
that we have forgiven. Often times the “offender” does not recognize that they have offended