Prayer Bulletin
Prayer Bulletin
Prayer Bulletin
¶ His sustaning grace upon the life of the leadership of the youth choir at all levels.
(Ps 26:2; Prov 17:3; Ezek 36:26; Hab 3:2; Jas 4:6-8; Rom 5:20; Job 34:32; II Pet 3:9; Rev 2:4-5)
¶ He will change our hearts and give us hearts that are willing to hear and obey Him
¶ God will help us not to disappoint our generation and the next generation
¶ Erring YC members all over Lagos will be corrected by the Holy Spirit and the backslidden will be
restored by His mercy
¶ YC members who are willigly but blindly treading the path of destruction and doom will receive their
sight and regain their spiritual senses
¶ the Lord will take us back to our first love, back to Calvary and true, godly conviction
(Is 64:8; Jer 18:1-6; Is 57:15; Rom 12:1-2; I Chro 29:5; Jam 4: 6; Prov 23:26; Eph 3:16-19)
Let us pray :
¶ that God will deal with us as doth a potter to the clay and beat us into His desired shape
¶ that God will restore to us the brokeness of spirit that made us submissive servants of His in the past.
¶ that we shall be totally conformed to the one who bought us with His blood
¶ that God will deal with every inward resistance to His word, His will and ways, the reason for which
the devil has sometimes taken advantage of us
¶ that God will uproot out of us, every atom of love for the world
¶ that we will grow up in Christ and be filled with the fullness of God
¶ that God will give all YC members and leaders a resolute determination to follow him till the end
¶ that from this day we all shall continually and truly be God's, sold out in holy service unto Him
Let us pray:
¶ that all YC members who may have been caught in satan's net will be delivered again
¶ that any YC member who is currently, sheepishly treading on hot coals will be delivered
¶ that all the forces of hell contending against this ministry will be contended with by the Lord himself
¶ that all the agent of darkness who have subtily entered into our midst to wreck us will be exposed and
excommunicated from the YC
¶ that God will deliver us all from every plot of Satan to ensnare any of us as we run this race
(I Pet 5:7; II Thess 1:6; Josh 1:8; Mk 11:23-24; Phill 4:19; Jn 16:23; I Kgs 3:5; II Chro 1:7; Eph 3:20)
Let us:
¶ ask for success for all those who have written exams and those who will write any exams this year.
¶ ask Him whatever we need for ourselves, our families and our friends