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doi: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.2007.00421.

A Perspective on the History of the Iberian Gypsies

Provided by Phylogeographic Analysis of Y-Chromosome
A. Gusmão1 , L. Gusmão1, ∗ , V. Gomes1 , C. Alves1 , F. Calafell2 , A. Amorim1,3 and M. J. Prata1,3
Ipatimup, Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia da Universidade do Porto. R. Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n. 4200-465 Porto. Portugal
Unitat de Biologia Evolutiva, Departament de Ciències Experimentals i de la Salut, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. 08003 Barcelona,
Catalonia, Spain
Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Pr. Gomes Teixeira, 4099-002 Porto. Portugal

The European Gypsies, commonly referred to as Roma, are represented by a vast number of groups spread across many
countries. Although sharing a common origin, the Gypsy groups are highly heterogeneous as a consequence of genetic
drift and different levels of admixture with surrounding populations. With this study we aimed at contributing to the
knowledge of the Roma history by studying 17 Y-STR and 34 Y-SNP loci in a sample of 126 Portuguese Gypsies.
Distinct genetic hallmarks of their past and migration route were detected, namely: an ancestral component, shared by
all Roma groups, that reflects their origin in India (H1a-M82; ∼ 17%); an influence from their long permanence in the
Balkans/Middle-East region (J2a1b-M67, J2a1b1-M92, I-M170, Q-M242; ∼ 31%); traces of contacts with European
populations preceding the entrance in the Iberian Peninsula (R1b1c-M269, J2b1a-M241; ∼ 10%); and a high proportion
of admixture with the non-Gypsy population from Iberia (R1b1c-M269, R1-M173/del.M269, J2a-M410, I1b1b-M26,
E3b1b-M81; ∼ 37%). Among the Portuguese Gypsies the proportion of introgression from host populations is higher than
observed in other groups, a fact which is somewhat unexpected since the arrival of the Roma to Portugal is documented
to be more recent than in Central or East Europe.

Keywords: Portuguese Gypsies, Gypsy diaspora, Roma, Y-chromosome lineages, Y-SNP haplogroups, Y-STR haplo-

Introduction ter entering Iberia they progressively lost the original lan-
guage, and while nowadays many Gitanos still speak Calo,
Portugal is the westernmost region reached by the Gypsy which is basically Spanish with a large amount of Romani
diaspora after the Roma people arrived in Europe 600– loan words, the Ciganos from Portugal speak Portuguese
700 years ago (Liégeois, 1989; Fraser, 1998; Kendrick & with the Calo just being a reminiscent reference language
Puxon, 1998). The establishment of Gypsy groups in Por- (Fraser, 1998).
tugal is recorded since the second half of the 15th century The Roma in Portugal, as indeed the Roma elsewhere,
and at present they are estimated to amount to 30–50 thou- are a transnational genetic isolate which fulfil the prop-
sand individuals. The Portuguese Gypsies are likely to be erties that make genetic isolates an interesting resource in
a branch of the group that crossed the Pyrenees as early genetic epidemiology; namely, they have reduced genetic
as the first quarter of the 15th century and rapidly spread diversity and increased linkage disequilibrium (González-
throughout Spain and Portugal. Contrary to many other Neira et al. personal communication). The Roma therefore
Roma, the Iberian Gypsies, known as Gitanos in Spain present a particular genetic disease spectrum, with some
and Ciganos in Portugal, are non-Romani-speakers. Af- prevalent diseases almost absent, others specific to Gypsies,
and others with private Roma mutations (for a review,
∗ Corresponding Author: Leonor Gusmão, Ipatimup Rua Dr. see Kalaydjieva et al. 2001b). Presently in Portugal, Gypsy
Roberto Frias, s/n 4200-465 Porto, Portugal. Tel: +351 22 5570700; communities are spread all over the country and represent
Fax: +351 22 5570799; E-mail address: lgusmao@ipatimup.pt indeed a conspicuous component of the Portuguese social

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C 2008 University College London
A. Gusmão et al.

and demographic landscape. Despite that, little is known Y-STR Typing

about the Portuguese Gypsies. How are they related with
Seventeen Y-STR loci (DYS19, DYS385, DYS389I, DYS389II,
other Gypsy groups? To what extent interaction with other DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438,
Portuguese contributed to change the founder gene pool? DYS439, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635 and GATA
What signs do they still retain from the complex history H4.1) were amplified using the AmpFlSTR Yfiler PCR Am-
that pre-dated their entrance in Iberia? plification Kit (AB Applied Biosystems), following the manufac-
Such questions cannot be satisfactorily answered by turers’ instructions. Genotypes were produced with a 310 Ge-
applying conventional historical approaches, because the netic Analyser (AB Applied Biosystems), and by comparison to
proper sources are almost non-existent. As happens with reference sequenced ladders provided with the kit. The nomen-
other Roma groups, the Ciganos from Portugal lack a writ- clature was according to the ISFG recommendations (Gusmão
ten history of their own and the documentary sources from et al. 2006) and alleles for GATA H4.1 locus were named by
non-Gypsies (Coelho, 1996) are limited to episodic refer- adding nine repeats to the allele numbering of the typing kit
(Mulero et al. 2006).
The absence of records constitutes a major complication
in Gypsy studies and explains why the most instructive
evidences about the original homeland of the proto- Y-SNP Typing
Gypsies have resulted from linguistics and genetics. Lin- Thirty-four Y-SNP markers were hierarchically typed, in order to
guistics has provided compelling evidence of an ancestral define the major male lineages (Figure 1). All samples were typed
origin in the Indian subcontinent (Liégeois, 1989; Fraser for the biallelic markers SRY1532, M213, M9, M70, M22, Tat,
1998; Kendrick & Puxon, 1998). Evidence for this hypoth- 92R7, M173 and P25, as previously described by Brión et al.
esis has been consistently found in genetic analyses (e.g. (2005). For the remaining SNPs, the following typing scheme
Gresham et al. 2001; Morar et al. 2004; Malyarchuk et al. was used:
2006), which, although essentially centred in non-Iberian - M201, M170, 12f2, M26, M62 and M172 were typed in samples
Gypsies, have further revealed a particular high level of carrying the M213 mutation and lacking M9, as in Brión et al.
sub-structuring among Gypsy groups, this is in sharp con- (2005);
trast to the surrounding relatively uniform European pop- - M96, M35, M78, M81, M123 and M34 were typed in samples
ulations. Small population size, strong drift effects, limited carrying only the SRY1532 mutation, as previously described by
inter-group gene flow and differential admixture with the Brión et al. (2005);
- M242 was tested in one individual that fell within haplogroup
host populations, seem to have acted together leading to
P (xR1). This mutation was typed by SNaPshot according to
strong genetic differentiation between Gypsy groups. This Blanco-Verea et al. (2006);
means that no group of Gypsies can be representative of - M269, M18 and M73 were screened in all individuals within
other groups, which consequently makes the group the R1∗ haplogroup. M18 and M73 were typed by SNaPshot using
basic unit of genetic research, as it is of social organisation the primers described in Brión et al. (2005). M269 was typed by
(Fraser, 1998). In view of this and in order to address the RFLP (Supplementary Table S1);
questions raised above about the Portuguese Ciganos, in - F∗ (xGIJK) individuals were screened for M69, M52, M82
this study we firstly examined a sample of 126 unrelated and Apt mutations in a newly implemented multiplex SNaPshot
Gypsy males with a high-resolution Y-chromosome STR reaction (Supplementary Table S1);
and SNP typing strategy; secondly we exploited the results - Samples carrying M172 were tested for M410, M67, M92,
in the context of previously published data on other Gypsy M12 and M241 using also SNaPshot methods (Supplementary
Table S1).
groups and respective host populations, and finally we tried
to unfold layers of genetic male lineages in the Portuguese The YCC (2002) and Jobling & Tyler-Smith (2003) nomen-
Gypsies to retrieve information about major events in their clature was updated according to Cruciani et al. (2004); Sengupta
demographic history. et al. (2006); Semino et al. (2004) and Cinnioğlu et al. (2004).

Material and Methods Data Analysis

Sample Collection Haplotype diversity, mean number of pairwise differences and

pairwise genetic distances (Rst, for STR-haplotypes and Fst for
Blood samples were taken under informed consent from 126 SNP-haplogroups) were calculated using the Arlequin software
unrelated Gypsy males, from 18 different communities in 11 dif- ver. 3.01 (Excoffier & Scheinder, 2005). In genetic distance
ferent Portuguese districts. Personal inquiries were made to each analyses, DYS385 was not considered, and the number of re-
individual in order to avoid close kinship. Genomic DNA was peats in DYS389I was subtracted from DYS389II. Haplogroup
extracted according to standard phenol-chloroform method. frequencies were estimated by direct counting.

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A Perspective on the History of the Iberian Gypsies

Figure 1 Phylogenetic network of Y-SNP haplogroups, indicating the biallelic markers typed in the present
work and their absolute frequencies in a sample of 126 Portuguese Gypsies. See Adams et al. (2006) for details
on P25 recurrence.

The YHRD - Y Chromosome Haplotype Reference Database 42% of distinct lineages (Supplementary Table S2). Out of
(Willuweit & Roewer, 2007), URL: www.ystr.org, release these, 38 were found only once (73.1% of unique haplo-
22 from August 10, 2007, was used for haplotype match types) while the remaining 14 were shared by two or more
analysis. males. Three of the shared haplotypes were very well rep-
Phylogenetic median-joining networks of Y-STR haplotypes resented (H18-7.9%; H21-15.9% and H24-13.5%) reach-
inside haplogroups were constructed using Network
ing unusually high values in comparison to those found
in most populations for lineages defined by such a high
number of Y-STRs (e.g. Alves et al. 2007; Turrina et al.
2006; Berger et al. 2005; Soltyszewski et al. 2007). In most
Results and Discussion
European populations haplotype diversity is higher than
99.9%, in contrast with the low value now detected in the
Y-STR Haplotype Diversity
Portuguese Gypsies (0.9437 ± 0.0107).
The analysis of 17 Y-STR loci in the Portuguese Gypsies Previous studies (Gresham et al. 2001; Zaharova et al.
revealed 52 different haplotypes yielding a proportion of 2001; Ploski et al. 2002; Nagy et al. 2007; Füredi et al.

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Pairs of Roma populations Pairs of non-Roma populations

3500 3500

3000 3000
Geographic distance (Km)

Geographic distance (Km)

2500 2500

2000 2000
R2 = 0,6493
1500 2
R = 0,0499 1500 P = 0,0002
P = 0,2529
1000 1000

500 500

0 0
0,000 0,050 0,100 0,150 0,200 0,250 0,000 0,050 0,100 0,150 0,200 0,250
Genetic distance (Rst) Genetic distance (Rst)

Figure 2 Correlation between genetic and geographic distances in Roma and non-Roma populations.

1999; Peričić et al. 2005a; Kalaydjieva et al. 2001a) al- from the distant Lithuanian or Slovakian groups. Accord-
ready had assessed Y-STR diversity in other Roma groups ingly, while genetic distances in the European host popula-
(see Table 1) using, however, very distinct sets of loci. Only tions were found to be correlated with geographic distance
seven Y-STRs were common to all studies, namely DYS19, (Figure 2), in agreement with the general picture widely
DYS389 I, DYS389 II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392 and reported for Europe (Rosser, 2000), the same was not ob-
DYS393. In view of that, comparisons with Roma and served in the Gypsy groups (r2 = 0.0499; P = 0.2529;
their host populations (which were available for all except Figure 2) as previously reported by Gresham et al. (2001)
Slovakia) were based exclusively upon those seven loci. in a study restricted to Gypsies from Bulgaria, Spain and
Haplotype diversity in the Portuguese Gypsies, using these Lithuania.
markers, was now 0.9097 ± 0.0121, fitting well in the The overall structure of the distance matrix can be
range of values observed in other Roma groups, which visualised by means of multidimensional scaling (MDS,
varied between a minimum of 0.8430 ± 0.0218 in Bul- Fig. 3), in which Roma and non-Roma groups are clearly
garian Gypsies and a maximum of 0.9200 ± 0.0373 in separated. Such separation is statistically significant: the dif-
Spanish Gypsies, both studied by Gresham et al. (2001). Y- ference between groups accounted for 14.8% of the to-
STR diversity in each Gypsy group was remarkably lower tal genetic variance (as computed with AMOVA; p =
than in any non-Gypsy host population where diversities 0.001), and was larger than that within groups (8.0%,
were always higher than 0.98. p < 0.001). Differentiation among Roma (Fst = 8.71%,
The reduced diversities in all Gypsy groups are signs of p < 0.000) was larger than among non-Roma (Fst =
drift effects acting in their pool of Y-STR lineages and 7.70%, p < 0.000). The high genetic distances observed be-
such effects can be explained by the small population size tween Roma groups pinpoints the fast differentiation that
of the Roma groups, together with the deeply rooted en- Gypsy populations experienced during their dispersion in
dogamy that characterises the Gypsy people (Kalaydjieva et Europe.
al. 2001b; Gresham et al. 2001).
Y-SNP Haplogroup Variation
Pairwise Genetic Distance Analysis
In the Portuguese Gypsies, 17 different Y-SNP haplogroups
Pairwise genetic affinities between Gypsy and non-Gypsy were detected (Figure 1) from which five accounted for
host populations were evaluated through Rst distances. 88% of their chromosomes, namely R1b1c-M269, J2a1b-
On average, the highest genetic distances were observed M67, J2a-M410, H1a and I-M170.
in comparisons involving a Gypsy and a non-Gypsy Comparing the Y-SNP profile of Gypsy and non-Gypsy
population (Table 1), with all values reaching statistical Portuguese populations (Beleza et al. 2003) highly signifi-
significance. Among the non-Gypsy pairs, absence of dif- cant differences were observed (Fst = 0.152; P < 0.001).
ferentiation was only detected between Spain/Portugal, What mainly differentiates them is the low prevalence of
Bulgaria/Macedonia and Bulgaria/Hungary, which de- R1b1c in non-Gypsies (∼ 60% against 27%), the much
notes an Y-STR sub-structuring pattern visibly influenced higher frequency of J lineages (∼ 40% versus ∼ 10%) as well
by geographical distance. Geography does not seem to play as the absence of H haplogroup in non-Gypsies, whereas
such a linear role in the inter-group differentiation be- in the Gypsy sample it reached a proportion nearing 17%.
tween Gypsies. In fact the Spanish Gypsies neither differed Furthermore, although the number of different hap-
from their Iberian neighbours, the Portuguese Gypsies, nor logroups in both samples is similar, the frequency

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A Perspective on the History of the Iberian Gypsies

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A. Gusmão et al.

RoBul1 0,6
0,4 Bul
RoBul2 RoSlo
0,2 Hun
Dimension 2

-1,5 -1 RoSpa -0,5 0 0,5 1 1,5 2

-0,8 Spa
Dimension 1

Figure 3 Multidimensional scaling plot of Rst pairwise values between Roma (grey
circles) and non-Roma (black circles) populations. Codes for populations as in
Table 1.

distribution in Gypsies was much less monotonous than in day India (Sengupta et al. 2006) where it is widespread
non-Gypsies, as indicated by haplogroup diversities that are throughout the entire subcontinent, reaching the highest
0.8367 ± 0.0138 and 0.6520 ± 0.0206, respectively. The frequencies in Central and Southern India. Being a major
high haplogroup diversity in Gypsies can be explained by haplogroup in all European Roma but absent in their host
admixture during the history of the group, which can be populations, it provides clear genetic evidence of the an-
simplistically outlined as encompassing three main phases: cestral geographical origin of the proto-Gypsies (Gresham
the period beyond the early establishment and fragmenta- et al. 2001; Kalaydjieva et al. 2001a).
tion of founder groups in Europe, possibly in the Balkan Haplogroup H was one of the most represented in
region (since it represented the fons et origo of Roma in Eu- our sample (16.7%). All individuals inside this haplogroup
rope; Fraser 1998), the fast journey towards Western Eu- were H1a, carrying both the M52 and M82 mutations.
rope, and the arrival in Iberia and subsequent settlement in Figure 4A depicts the network constructed after recover-
Portugal. ing the STR information currently available on H1 chro-
However, haplogroup diversity does not reflect other mosomes of different Gypsy groups (Gresham et al. 2001;
relevant demographic processes, such as founder effects, Kalaydjieva et al. 2001a). It shows a star-shaped network
although they are quite evident when comparing levels where an outstandingly high number of chromosomes lie
of diversity within haplogroups assessed from STR vari- in a modal haplotype, shared by all Gypsy groups, and the
ability. Dramatically low diversities characterise most of remaining differing from the modal by no more than two
the haplogroups present more than once in the sample molecular steps. Taking together all Gypsy H1 chromo-
(Supplementary Table S2), being particularly clear within somes, the internal STR diversity was remarkably reduced
(i) J2a∗ (xJ2a1b)-M410, in which 20 out of 21 chromo- with a haplotype diversity of 0.398 ± 0.049 and a mean
somes share exactly the same 16-STR haplotype; (ii) the variance across the seven STR loci of 0.033. This pattern
25 J2a1b∗ (xJ2a1b1)-M67 lineages, where 17 individuals of STR diversity within H1 is a clear indication that a
belong to the same STR background and 5 belong to a profound bottleneck happened in the most distant past of
different one; or (iii) I∗ (xI1b1b)-M170, with 10 out of 12 the Gypsy people, suggesting that, in full accordance with
individuals sharing a given haplotype. Gresham et al. (2001), a remarkably small number of
founders must have been present in the ancestral group
from which new Roma populations emerged.
Phylogeographical Analyses When searching for matches with the Gypsy H1 modal
haplotype (DYS19∗ 15, DYS389I∗ 14, DYS389II∗ 30,
Haplogroup H DYS390∗ 22, DYS391∗ 10, DYS392∗ 11 and DYS393∗ 12)
Haplogroup H, defined by the M69 mutation (Underhill it was possible to observe that it was shared by two tribal
et al. 2001), possibly arose in the boundaries of present- groups from Southern India, being rather common among
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A Perspective on the History of the Iberian Gypsies

Figure 4 Median-joining networks of Y STR haplotypes within haplogroups H1, J2a1b∗ (xJ2a1b1), I and R1∗ of Gypsy
populations. For each haplogroup the area of the circles is proportional to the number of individuals; the smallest area is
equivalent to one individual. Within the pie-charts, orange refers to Portuguese, blue to Bulgarian (Gresham et al. 2001 and
Kalaydjieva et al. 2001a), yellow to Spanish, and red to Lithuanians (Gresham et al. 2001). Arrows assign lineages possessing
the Dinaric modal haplotype (DMH) or the Nordic modal haplotype (NMH). ∗ identifies the Portuguese individual
belonging to I1b12.

one of them (Kivisild et al. 2003). Additionally, four exact tribes from North or South), means that it is not possible
matches for the Gypsy H1 haplotype extended to three to exclude any scenario for the Indian source population
more markers (DYS437∗ 14, DYS438∗ 9 and DYS439∗ 11) of the first wave of migration.
were also found among individuals belonging to castes Portuguese Gypsies preserved a low proportion of H
of Indian warriors, two of them from the North (Zerjal lineages in comparison to other Roma from Europe (17%
et al. 2007). These findings illustrate how difficult it is to against ∼ 80% in the Bulgarians, for instance).
address the questions: which specific Indian region and
social stratum did the first Gypsies arise? The widespread, Haplogroup J
although uneven, distribution of the Gypsy H1 modal Over one third of the Portuguese Gypsy males be-
haplotype in different Indian populations (either castes or long to haplogroup J2, being distributed in five different

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subgroups. Of the two subgroups defined by mutation was also observed at low frequencies in the Bulgarian and
M67, J2a1b∗ (xJ2a1b1) was very well represented account- Spanish Gypsies (Gresham et al. 2001) with the STR back-
ing for ∼ 20% of the Gypsy males. J2a1b∗ was also com- ground of two of the Bulgarian males differing just one
monly observed in the Roma from Bulgaria, Lithuania and molecular step from the Portuguese J2a1b1 lineage. J2a1b1
Spain (Gresham et al. 2001). has been predominantly found in the Northern Mediter-
The network produced with the STR haplotypes within ranean from Turkey westward (Di Giacomo, 2004), having
J2a1b∗ lineages (Figure 4B) was very similar to the one an overall geographical distribution and history of disper-
obtained for haplogroup H1. However, it is worth notic- sion quite similar to J2a1b∗ (xJ2a1b1). Thus, an identical
ing the almost opposite gradient of distribution of H1 explanation can be argued for the introduction of both
and J2a1b∗ between the Bulgarian Gypsies, on one side, lineages in the Gypsies, though not followed in the case of
and the Portuguese, Spanish and Lithuanian, on the other. J2a1b1 by the strong drift effects that drove the distribution
The frequency of J2a1b∗ in the latter three groups varies of J2a1b∗ (xJ2a1b1).
between approximately 21% and 33%, whereas in the Another very common J lineage in the Portuguese Gyp-
Bulgarian Roma it just attains 9%. Adding to these findings sies was J2a∗ (xJ2a1b), reaching 16.7%. It is characterised by
the non-detection of J2a1b∗ (xJ2a1b1) among the Macedo- the absence of M67 and the presence of the very recently
nian Roma (Peričić et al. 2005b), it seems likely that the discovered mutation M410 (Sengupta et al. 2006). It seems
haplogroup was not integrated in the ancestral gene pool extremely unlikely that such lineages were present among
of the first proto-Roma migrating from India, and that the Romani groups studied by Gresham et al. (2001), since
later on, during the fragmentation of the Roma settled with their typing strategy only five out of 252 samples were
in the Balkan region (which gave rise to the groups that not assigned to a specific haplogroup and these five sam-
continued to move west and northward in Europe), strong ples had microsatellite backgrounds very distinct from the
drift effects operated successively, enhancing the frequency J2a∗ (xJ2a1b) chromosomes now detected. As the pattern
of J2a1b∗ (xJ2a1b1) in a group that would turn out to be of geographical distribution of J2a∗ (xJ2a1b) is still incipi-
a common founder of both Iberian and North European ently known, in order to address the question of its origin
Roma. among the Portuguese Gypsies we recruited the STR in-
The spatial distribution pattern of the haplogroup in formation anchored in those lineages and we conducted a
Eurasia makes it likely that indeed the proto-Roma already haplotype match analysis using the YHRD. Based on the
carried J2a1b∗ (xJ2a1b1) when they first arrived in Europe. ‘minimal haplotype+SWGDAM core set’ of the database
Like other subgroups of the J2a-M410 cluster, its presence (11 STR loci) we only observed a full match in a world-
in Eurasia is widely recognised to be associated with the de- wide population sample of 23,979 haplotypes, in a set of
mographic spread of the Neolithic farmers. In India, M67 221 populations, and the match was with a Portuguese
lineages were found to be almost virtually absent (Zerjal sample. This led us to presume that admixture with Por-
et al. 2007; Sengupta et al. 2006) although two isolated tuguese non-Gypsies was responsible for the introduction
occurrences have been reported (Kivisild et al. 2003). The of the haplogroup in the Gypsy gene pool and again a strong
region where their frequency peaks is South Caucasus, but founder effect extraordinarily raised its frequency. Interest-
they have been observed from the Middle East through ingly, 20 of the 21 J2a∗(xJ2a1b) chromosomes shared the
Pakistan and also diffused throughout Europe. Moreover, same 16 STR haplotype which was only one molecular
since higher frequencies and variances have been registered step distant from the first. Given that the founder haplo-
in Europe and Turkey than in the Middle East, it has been type appeared in Gypsy communities spread throughout
suggested that M67 chromosomes arrived in Europe from Portugal, the introduction event must have occurred soon
Turkey (Semino et al. 2004) probably following an Aegean after the arrival of the first Gypsies in the country.
route (Di Giacomo et al. 2004). Each of the remaining two J lineages detected, J2b-M12
Having this in mind and knowing from historical sources and J2b1a-M241, were observed only once in the sample.
that Turkey and Greece represented open doors for the in- Consulting the YHRD, we found eleven full matches with
flux of Roma into the Balkan region, it seems quite admis- the STR haplotype harboured by the J2b chromosome
sible that the introduction of J2a1b∗ (xJ2a1b1) in the Gypsy in individuals from Romania, Macedonia, Bosnia, Albania
gene pool occurred prior to their arrival in the Balkans, and Italy. However, the same haplotype did not match any
maybe in the Turkish region where the Gypsies settled for of the Romani samples contained in the database, namely
a long time before entering Europe, either crossing the from Hungary (N = 224), Bulgaria (N = 81), Turkey
Bosphorus or following an Aegean route. (N = 111), and Slovakia (N = 63). We can admit that
Besides M67, one isolated chromosome further har- some J2b-M12 lineages were assimilated in the Balkan
boured M92, thus falling into J2a1b1. This haplogroup region.

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C 2008 University College London
A Perspective on the History of the Iberian Gypsies

Concerning J2b1a-M241, several haplotypes molecu- cluster fit in or are molecularly related to the known Di-
larly related with the Portuguese Gypsy J2b1a were ob- naric modal haplotype (16–24-11–11-13 at DYS19, 390,
served disseminated in Western European populations and 391, 392, 393), which is an STR motif strongly associated
a Pyrenean sample showed a full match to it. Therefore, this with the sub-cluster I1b (Barać et al. 2003; Rootsi et al.
might have been incorporated during their passage through 2004), the haplotypes within the most represented cluster
Western Europe. belong to, or are molecularly related to, the Nordic modal
haplotype (14–23-10-11-13 at the same STR loci), which
in turn has been connected to the sub-cluster I1a (this is
Haplogroup I only moderately observed in the Balkans). Admitting that
The M170 mutation defining haplogroup I was carried both clusters were incorporated into the Roma gene pool
by 10.3% of Portuguese Gypsy males. The clade contains by admixture events occurring in the Balkan region, it is
a variety of lineages restricted to Europe and almost ab- noteworthy that in Romani people the two clusters occur
sent elsewhere including in the Near-East and Middle-East. at inverted proportions compared to their host populations,
In Europe, where the haplogroup arose in middle Upper a finding that can easily be explained by drift effects, but
Palaeolithic times (Semino et al. 2000; Rootsi et al. 2004), which also testifies how these events can lead to misinter-
two distinct areas of very high incidence are observed, pretation when addressing the origin of specific lineages.
one located around Scandinavia and the other around the
Dinaric Alps in the Balkan region. These two foci of fre-
quency are due to different I sub-clades, namely I1a and Haplogroup R1b
I1b∗ , whose defining mutations were not assessed in this The second most common Y clade in the Portuguese Gyp-
study. Besides M170, only M26 was additionally tested and sies was R1, defined by M173, and detected in 36 indi-
the sub-clade it defines, I1b1b, was found in one out the 13 viduals (∼ 29%), 35 of them holding the derivative muta-
I chromosomes. The Portuguese Gypsy lineage classified tion M269 that characterises the sub-clade R1b1c. In one
as I1b1b had a STR background quite distinct from others sample it was not possible to type M269, because
but differing by just two steps from a chromosome of a of a large deletion of at least 3.5 Mb affecting this

Spanish Gypsy, which may also be I1b1b. Western Europe chromosome (see haplotype H33, classified as R1 -
is the region where I1b1b peaks and where the defining M173/del.M9/del.M269; Supplementary Table S2). Nev-
mutation, M26, most possibly arose in a population from ertheless, this sample haplotype profile is identical to the
Iberia/South France (Rootsi et al. 2004). A match anal- most frequent haplotype inside R1b1c haplogroup.
ysis with the extended haplotype revealed that the Por- R1 was found in all Roma groups with variable fre-
tuguese I1b1b chromosome fully matched six records in quency: 3.5% in Macedonians (Peričić et al. 2005b),
the YHRD, all from Portugal or Spain. We can safely con- 4.4% in Bulgarians; 10% in Lithuanians, 22.2% in Spanish
clude that the introgression of I1b1b in the Iberian Gypsies (Gresham et al. 2001). The gradient of distribution within
occurred after the Pyrenees crossing. Gypsy groups overlaps quite well with the global clinal
Gresham et al. (2001) showed that M170 lineages were pattern of R1 across Europe where the Palaeolithic R1b
present in Roma from Bulgaria (∼ 25%), Spain (∼ 15%) and subgroup of this paragroup occurs significantly more fre-
Lithuania (∼ 5%), Peričić et al. (2005b) also found them quently in Western populations, reaching 60% frequency
among the Macedonian Romani (∼ 5%). in Portugal (Beleza et al. 2006). The Iberian Peninsula is
In the YHRD, for the most frequent haplotype inside thought to be the region of origin of the major deriva-
I∗ (xI1b1b), we found 20 identical haplotypes. Fifteen were tive R1b1c as well as of its expansion after the Last Glacial
in Eastern Europe, eight of them in Gypsy populations Maximum (Semino et al. 2001; Cinnioğlu et al. 2004). In
from Slovakia and Hungary, supporting their possible in- agreement with the R1 distribution pattern, the Gypsies
corporation in the Balkan region. from Spain and Portugal present the highest frequencies
The phylogenetic network reconstructed with the STR of these chromosomes, and most likely a large proportion
data within I chromosomes from Gypsy individuals is pre- of them were essentially acquired by admixture with the
sented in Figure 4C and shows that the most common of Iberian surrounding populations. Two lines of evidence
the two Portuguese I∗ (xI1b1b) haplotypes is also the most lead to this interpretation. Firstly, the absence of founder
frequent among the Bulgarian Roma. Lineages molecu- lineages being transversal to all Roma groups, as shown in
larly close to this modal haplotype are found in Gypsies Figure 4D, where the network of the STR haplotypes an-
from Bulgaria, Portugal and Spain. A substantial propor- chored in Gypsy R1 is depicted. We can observe a cluster
tion of Bulgarian haplotypes fall in a second molecular of haplotypes molecularly related that contains chromo-
cluster to which the single Lithuanian I chromosome also somes from Portuguese, Spanish and Lithuanian Roma.
belongs. Interestingly, while the haplotypes within this last The remaining haplotypes are very divergent and occur

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erratically in distinct Roma populations. This suggests that Gypsies before entrance in Europe. This mutation was not
R1 chromosomes were incorporated independently in dif- detected in a sample of 57 Macedonian Romani, and the
ferent Roma and that diversification in loco within each lack of resolution in other studies on Gypsy groups does
group was of minor relevance in the context of the Gypsy not allow confirmation of its presence among them.
R1 diversity. E∗ (xE3b1)-M96, G-M201, and K2-M70 were observed
The other evidence comes from the haplotype match once each in the Portuguese Gypsy sample. They were not
analysis. Out of 35 STR haplotypes within R1b1c chro- found in other Roma and all are relatively uncommon in
mosomes, 28 showed complete coincidence within Euro- Europe. No matches were observed for these lineages. Like
pean populations in the YHRD, in a total of 183 matches. in other European populations, they are present in Portugal
From those, only 14 matches were with individuals from at low frequencies (Beleza et al. 2006).
Eastern European populations and none was with any of
the 479 haplotypes from Gypsy populations contained in
the database. The other 169 coincidences were dissemi- Conclusions
nated in Western Europe but nearly 38% were with Iberian
In this work we studied the Y-chromosome diversity of
haplotypes, 57% of which inside Portugal.
Portuguese Gypsies, aiming at deepening previous knowl-
These results led us to conclude that the majority of
edge about the population structure of the Roma in
R1b1c lineages were assimilated after the arrival in Iberia.
Combining a large amount of both SNP and STR in-
formation, it was possible to unfold layers of information
Other Lineages kept in the Portuguese Gypsy male gene pool, enabling
Three chromosomes were positive for M35, a mutation an extensive reconstruction of the major episodes in their
that defines haplogroup E3b. This haplogroup was not de- demographic history.
tected among the Lithuanian or Spanish Gypsies, but was
present in 4.4% of Bulgarian Roma and reached 29.8% in
the Macedonian Romani. At least the two M35 chromo- The Ancestral Component Shared by the
somes from the Portuguese Gypsies that additionally had European Roma
M81 (E3b1b), do not seem to belong to the array of E3b
In the Portuguese Ciganos four lineages were detected, H1a,
lineages of the Roma from the Balkans. M81 was absent in
I∗ (xI1b1b), J2a1b∗ (xJ2a1b1), and J2a1b1, which are widely
the Macedonian Romani, and although not typed in the
distributed in Roma groups. The sharing of this set of lin-
Bulgarian Gypsies, their E3b chromosomes had STR hap-
eages, usually uncommon in European non-Gypsy popu-
lotypes quite different from the Portuguese E3b1b. This
lations, is a genetic link among Gypsies that clearly bear
haplogroup was likely introduced in Iberia during the Is-
witness to the common origin of all Roma in Europe.
lamic occupation (Bosch et al. 2001; Cruciani et al. 2004)
Two other lineages, J2b∗ (xJ2b1a) and Q, could have also
being present in ∼ 6% of the Portuguese non-Gypsy pop-
been incorporated into the Gypsies prior to their entrance
ulation (Beleza et al. 2006). Searching in YHRD with
into Europe. On the whole, the proportion retained from
the extended haplotype, one of the chromosomes fully
an ancient gene pool already present in the Balkan Roma
matched 12 records out of which eight were from Portugal
(before the fragmentation event and westward dispersion
and one from Spain, seeming to imply that the lineages
that occurred during the 15th century) amounted to about
were introduced into the Gypsies already in Iberia.
48.4% of the Portuguese Gypsy chromosomes.
Concerning the third E3b chromosome, it belonged to
E3b1a-M78, with a distribution that encompasses North
and Eastern Africa, all of Europe, and the Middle East. The Passage from the Balkans to Iberia
In YHRD only two full matches were observed with both
chromosomes from non-Gypsies, one from Poland and an- During the short period spanning the exodus from the
other from Germany. Balkans to the entrance into Iberia, the frequency of lin-
A single male was found carrying the M242 mutation, eage R1b1c might have been considerably enriched. R1∗
belonging to haplogroup Q. This mutation originated in was present at 28.6% frequency in the Portuguese Gyp-
central Asia, although it is also been detected at low fre- sies, but only at 2%, 4% and 10% in Macedonian, Bulgar-
quencies in India, Pakistan (Sengupta et al. 2006), Iran ian and Lithuanian Roma, respectively, which implies that
(Regueiro et al. 2006) and Turkey (Cinnioğlu et al. 2004). about 18.6% of R1b1c lineages can be attributed to Iberian
Apart from its presence in Turkey, this mutation is virtu- influx. Actually, out of the 35 STR-haplotypes within the
ally absent in Europe, which supports its acquisition by the R1b1c Portuguese Gypsy chromosomes, 23 had previously

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A Perspective on the History of the Iberian Gypsies

been detected in non-Gypsy Iberians. Assuming that these pool, influxes of roughly six additional non R1b1c lineages
23 lineages were integrated into the Gypsy gene pool al- might also have occurred. From these, four were already
ready in Iberia, we can estimate that ∼ 18.3% (23 in 126) considered as Iberian influx (J2a, I1b1b and E3b1b). The
of chromosomes in Gypsies resulted from R1b1c admix- other expected lineages can belong to any of the tails of
ture in Iberia, in full conformity with that obtained when haplogroups, E∗ (xE3b1), G, J2b1a or K2, referred to above,
the Lithuania Gypsies were used as reference. Admitting since they are also present in Iberia.
this, the remaining proportion of the stock of Portuguese Summarizing, the emergence of the Portuguese Gyp-
Gypsies’ R1b1c, together with J2b1a, roughly 10.3%, may sies was the result of a complex process stretching over a
have been acquired in Europe, mainly during the journey vaguely known history of migration, multiple fragmenta-
towards Iberia. Despite the supposedly short lasting passage tion and interaction with other populations. In the current
from the Balkans to Iberia, interaction with surrounding study some progress was made towards disentangling a little
populations was nonetheless enough to leave visible im- more of their past. Emphasising a few, it seems now possi-
prints in the genetic composition of the Portuguese Gyp- ble to refute the hypothetical relevance of a second route
sies. of entrance of Gypsies into Europe through North Africa,
at least from the male point of view, as we did not find ge-
netic evidence supporting any considerable North African
Acquisitions after Arrival in Iberia influence.
We can also contest the common idea that the Por-
R1b1c and J2a∗ (xJ2a1b) are the two lineages among the tuguese Gypsies (and Gypsies in general) are an extremely
Portuguese Ciganos that provide the best clues to the ex- closed group. The minimum estimate of around 37% as the
tent of admixture that occurred in Iberia. Within Iberia proportion of male admixture that had already occurred in
it is impossible to discriminate between the Portuguese Iberia is in clear contradiction with the stereotype. This
and Spanish contributions since the Iberian Y-chromosome high rate of lineage assimilation means that through adop-
landscape is quite homogeneous. tion of a socio-cultural style of life, many people became
We have estimated the proportion of R1b chromosomes and are becoming Gypsy (and vice-versa). More than re-
of Iberian descendent to be ∼ 18.3%. flecting a biological/linguistic entity, the term “Gypsy”
We also hypothesized an Iberian origin for J2a∗ (xJ2a1b), must be perceived as a social construct in a continually
encompassing 16.7% of the Portuguese Ciganos, and for changing environment.
I1b1b and E3b1b, observed at the residual frequency of Despite the high rate of gene pool renewal, the process
2.4%. did not erase signatures of the strong endogamous nature
Summing up all contributions of probable Iberian ori- of the Portuguese Gypsy society. All Gypsy groups share
gin, we suggest 37.4% as the minimum estimate of the this structural tradition and all of them experienced iden-
admixture proportion between Gypsies and non-Gypsy in- tical and peculiar population histories. Along time, both
dividuals in Iberia. demography and culture acted together providing the con-
A number of other lineages detected in the Portuguese ditions for profound and continuous reshuffling of previ-
Gypsies, namely E∗ (xE3b1), E3b1a, G, J2b1a and K2, to- ous genetic compositions. Eventually, new founder effects
taling ∼ 4.0%, probably introgressed during their passage inside old founder effects under a continuous corridor of
from the Balkans to Iberia or after arrival in Iberia. Whilst gene influx will progressively attenuate the existing genetic
fully absent in the Balkan Roma, all are found dispersed signs of their origin. As this and previous works demon-
at low or moderate frequencies throughout Europe, it is strate, at the moment, genetic studies can still contribute
therefore difficult to infer where they were absorbed into to partially recover that past.
the Gypsy gene pool.
We have previously estimated that 23 R1b1c chromo-
somes were of Iberian origin, and that they are represented
by ten different 17-STR haplotypes. Pairwise comparisons Acknowledgements
between these ten haplotypes revealed that (with a single We thank all DNA donors and those, which made possible the
exception) out of 45 possible comparisons the observed contacts with Gypsy communities in Portugal, including ACIME
differences were always higher than four (between four to and Cruz Vermelha Internacional. This work was partially sup-
13 repeats). Therefore, we can say that at least nine R1b1c ported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, through POCI
Iberian chromosomes have been incorporated in Gypsies. (Programa Operacional Ciência e Inovação 2010) and project
Because this haplogroup exists in 60% of the non Gypsy PTDC/ANT/70413/2006. The primers used to type M242 mu-
Iberian males (Beleza et al. 2006), we can extrapolate that, tation were kindly provided by Maria Brión (Institute of Legal
from the remaining 40% of the Iberian non-Gypsy gene Medicine, Santiago de Compostela, Spain).

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J., Zhivotovsky, L. A., King, R., Torroni, A., Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., Please note: Blackwell Publishing are not responsible
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materials supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than
J: inferences on the neolithization of Europe and later migratory
events in the Mediterranean area. Am J Hum Genet 74, 1023–1034. missing material) should be directed to the corresponding
Sengupta, S., Zhivotovsky, L. A., King, R., Mehdi, S. Q., Edmonds, author for the article.
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C 2008 The Authors Annals of Human Genetics (2008) 72,215–227 227
Journal compilation 
C 2008 University College London

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