Ys%, XLD M Dka S%L Iudcjd Ckrcfha .Eiü M %H: The Gazette of The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

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N. B.– Part IV(A) of the Gazette No. 2,117 of 29.03.2019 was not published.

YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;l%s iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h

The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
wxl 2"118 – 2019 wfm%a,a ui 05 jeks isl=rdod – 2019'04'05
No. 2,118 – Friday, April 05, 2019

(Published by Authority)

PART I : SECTION (IIA) – Advertising

(Separate paging is given to each language of every Part in order that it may be filed separately)

  Page Page

Post - Vacant … … … –– Examinations, Results of Examinations &c. … 1129

Note.– (i) State Land (Special Provisions) Bill was published as a supplement to the Part II of the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka of March 22, 2019.
(ii) Motor Traffic (Amendment) Bill was published as a supplement to the Part II of the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka of March 29, 2019.

Important Notice Regarding Acceptance of Notices

For Publication in the Weekly “Gazette”
Attention is drawn to the Notification appearing in the 1st week of every month, regarding the latest dates and times of acceptance of Notices
for publication in the weekly Gazettes, at the end of every weekly Gazette of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

All notices to be published in the weekly Gazettes shall close at 12.00 noon of each Friday, two weeks before the date of publication.
All Government Departments, corporations, Boards, etc. are hereby advised that Notifications fixing closing dates and times of applications in
respect of Post-Vacancies, Examinations, Tender Notices and dates and times of Auction Sales, etc. should be prepared by giving adequate time
both from the date of despatch of notices to Govt. Press and from the date of publication, thereby enabling those interested in the contents of such
notices to actively and positively participate please note that inquiries and complaints made in respect of corrections pertaining to notification will
not be entertained after three months from the date of publication.
All notices to be published in the weekly Gazettes should reach Government Press two weeks before the date of publication i.e. notices
for publication in the weekly Gazette of 26th April, 2019 should reach Government Press on or before 12.00 noon on 12th April, 2019.
Electronic Transactions Act, No. 19 of 2006 - Section 9
“Where any Act or enactment provides that any proclamation, rule, regulation, order, by-law, notification or other matter shall be
published in the Gazette, then such requirement shall be deemed to have been satisfied if such rule, regulation, order, by-law, notification or other
matter is published in an electronic form of the Gazette.”

Gangani Liyanage,
Government Printer.
Department of Govt. Printing,
Colombo 08,
01st January, 2019.
  This Gazette can be downloaded from www.documents.gov.lk

1127-B 81510- 5,403 (04/2019)

I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05

Rules and Instructions for Candidates everything he has with him/her. Breach of this requirement shall be
considered as an attempt to commit an act of dishonesty.
“All candidates are bound to act in conformity with the provisions of the 13. Candidates are forbidden to copy or attempt to copy from the answer
Examinations Act, No. 25 of 1968.” script of another candidate, a book, paper containing notes or any other
All candidates are bound to abide by the rules given below. A candidate source. A candidate should not attempt to look at the answer script of
who violates any of these rules is liable to one or more of the following any another candidate. A candidate should refrain from helping another
punishments at the discretion of the Commissioner of Examinations :— Candidate and also from getting help from another candidate or a person.
(i) Suspension from the whole or part of the examination or one subject Every completed answer sheet should be kept underneath the sheet on
or a part thereof ; which the answer is being written. Sheets of writing paper should not be
(ii) Disqualification from one subject or from the whole examination ; strewn all over the desk.
(iii) Debarment from appearing for an examination for a period of one 14. A candidate will under no circumstance whatsoever be allowed to
year or two years ; leave the Examination Hall even for a brief period during the course of the
(iv) Debarment for life ; paper. However in an emergency if a candidate needs to leave the hall, he/
(v) Suspension of the certificate for a specified period ; she shall be allowed to do under the surveillance of the supervisor or his
(vi) Reporting the candidate’s conduct to his Superiors or handing over assistant. He/she shall be subject to search before leaving the hall as well
the candidate to the Police or making a complaint to the Police over as before re-entering it.
his action. 15. Impersonation while answering a paper or before the commencement
The Commissioner reserves himself the right to take action at any time of the Examination is a punishable offence. Tampering with identity cards,
before the Examination or at any stage of it or thereafter, and his decision presenting false identity cards or tampering with someone’s identity are
also such offences. Candidates are warned not to commit such offences.
shall be deemed final. In the case of examinations for recruitment to the 16. Assistance given to a candidate in a dishonest manner by a person
Public Service, the decision of Commissioner of Examinations shall be who is not a candidate, is considered a serious offence.
subject to the Supervision of the Public Service Commission. Candidates should adhere to the following instructions for their own
1. All candidates should conduct themselves in a quiet manner in and safety :–
around the Examination Hall so as not to disturb or obstruct the Supervisor, (i) Be at the Examination Hall well in time. It is sufficient to be at
his assistants or the other candidates. They should enter and leave the the Examination Hall 10 or 15 minutes before the commencement of each
Examination Hall as quietly as possible. paper. If you have any doubt as to the location of the Examination Hall,
2. Candidates should obey the Supervisor. Therefore, when the make inquiries on a day prior to the date of Examination and be sure of its
Examination is in progress and before the commencement of the location.
Examination as well as immediately after the end of the Examination they (ii) In case of any doubt regarding your entry for a paper or eligibility
should act in accordance with the instructions of the Supervisor and his to sit a paper you should bring it to the notice of the Supervisor and get
assistants. your doubts cleared. Failure to do so may result in your candidature for the
3. Under no circumstances whatsoever will a candidate be allowed into subject being cancelled.
the Examination Hall after the lapse of half an hour after the commencement (iii) When appearing for the Examination, candidates should produce
of a paper. No candidate will be permitted to leave the hall till after half an their identity cards at every paper they sit. If a candidate fails to produce
hour from the time of commencement of the paper. Candidates who come identification documents at the Examination Hall, his candidature is liable
late for Practical and Oral Examinations are liable to be refused admission. to be cancelled. In case a candidate forgets to bring such documents into
4. Every candidate should sit at the desk bearing his/her index number the Examination Hall, it should be brought to the notice of the Supervisor
and not at any other desk. Unless with the permission of the supervisor no and arrangements should be made to produce them before the Examination
candidate should change his/her seat. The occupation of a seat other than concludes.
the one assigned to him by a candidate is liable to be considered as an act (iv) Standard stationery (i.e. writing paper, graph paper, ledger paper,
with a dishonest intention. precis paper) will be supplied. If you receive any stationery that is different
5. Absolute silence should be maintained in the Examination Hall. A from the kind generally distributed or distributed to the others it should be
candidate is forbidden to speak to, communicate with or have dealings with promptly brought to the notice of the supervisor. No paper other than those
any person within or outside the Examination Hall other than a member issued at the Examination Hall should be used for answering questions.
of the Examination Hall Staff. If there is an urgent need for a candidate Excess paper and other material should be left on the desk, in good
to communicate with another, prior permission must be obtained from the condition. When log tables are supplied they should be used with care and
supervisor. left on the desk when you leave.
6. A candidate’s answer script is identified only by the Index Number (v) Candidates should bring their own pens, pencils, bottles of ink,
and his/her name should not be written on the answer script. Another erasers, pieces of cloth, rulers, geometrical instruments, coloured pencils,
candidate’s index number appearing on the answer script of a candidate is coloured chalk, etc.
considered as an attempt to commit a dishonest act. Answer scripts bearing (vi) When you start answering you should promptly write down your
an index number that is difficult to decipher is liable to be rejected. Index Number and the name of the Examination on each sheet of paper
7. Candidates should write only on the paper provided and should used. Write neatly and legibly on both sides of the paper. Leave a blank
not write anything on the blotting paper, question paper, desk or any other line after the answer to each part of a question. After the answer to a full
place. Non conformity with this rule could be taken as an act with dishonest question leave one or several blank lines. Do not crowd in your work.
intentions. (vii) The left-hand margin of the answer sheet is set apart for you to enter
the number of the question you answer. The right hand margin is reserved
8. Any paper or answer book supplied should not be torn up, crushed, for the examiner’s use and nothing should be written there. Number your
folded or erased. Each and every sheet of paper used for rough work answers correctly as incorrect numbering leads to confusion.
should be tied up with the answer script. It should be a part of the answer (viii) You should read carefully the instructions given at the head of the
script. (Such rough work should be neatly crossed out.) Anything written question paper, with regard to the compulsory questions and the manner in
inside the Examination Hall should not be taken out. If a question has been which the other questions should be selected. Disregard to these instructions
answered twice, the unnecessary answer should be neatly crossed out. is often liable to affect you adversely.
Failure to abide by these requirements may be considered as an attempt (ix) When Mathematics Questions are answered, give all details of
to cheat. calculations and any roughwork, in their serial order as part of the working
9. When answering questions in Mathematics the submission of correct of the problem. Necessary sketches, diagrams and figures should be
answers with incorrect working or with no working at all and in art if accurate and sufficiently large. In an answer running into serveral pages if
the work of art is similar or very close in resemblance to that of another reference must be made to a diagram drawn in an earlier page, that diagram
candidate in concept, in form or in execution it is liable to be considered should be drawn repeatedly.
as a dishonest act. (x) At the end of each paper, arrange your answer sheets in the order you
10. The removal of any paper or stationery supplied to candidates out of answered the questions. Then using the piece of twine supplied, tie them
the Examination Hall is prohibited. All such material remains the property up at the top left hand corner. Do not tie up at the top right hand corner.
of the Commissioner of Examinations. Breach of this rule shall be liable to (xi) You should personally handover your answer script to the Supervisor
be considered an act with dishonest intention. or to an Invigilator. Or else remain in your seat till it is collected. Failure
11. While in the Examination Hall a candidate should not have with him to do so may result in the loss of your script and your being treated as an
or near him any book, note book, pocket note book, exercise book, sheet absentee for the paper. On no account should your script be handed over to
of paper or pieces of paper other than the stationery supplied to him. Nor a peon or an attendant.
should any handbag, travelling bag or parcel other than the candidate’s (xii) If it becomes necessary for you to speak to the Supervisor or an
boxes of colours and boxes of instruments where necessary or any file Invigilator, or if you need stationery, remain in your seat and raise your
cover, card board pad, folded newspapers, brown papers should be brought hand.
into the Examination Hall. Breach of this rule is a punishable act.
12. A candidate is strictly forbidden to keep with him any book, note Commissioner General of Examinations,
book or a sheet of paper with written notes once inside the Examination Department of Examinations,
Hall. Should the Supervisor so requires, each candidate is bound to declare Pelawatta, Battaramulla.
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Examinations, Results of Examinations & c.

Recruitment of B.Sc. (Nursing) of Ceylon Thaprobane Branch should be affixed
Graduates for the Orientation and in the cage given in the application. This fee
Co-ordination Course in is neither refunded nor allowed to transfer to
Nursing – 2018-2019 another examination for any reason.

Applications are called from eligible Sri Lankan (c) Signature of the applicant should be attested
citizens who have obtained the B. Sc. in Nursing from by an officer in the Sri Lanka Administrative
National Universities recognized by the University Grants Service /an officer in the Sri Lanka Educational
Commission to recruit to the orientation and co-ordination Administrative Service/a Principal of a
course in nursing of the Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Government School/ a Justice of the Peace/
Indigenous Medicine. an Attorney at - Law/ or an officer who holds
a permanent and pensionable post in the Public
01. From the applicants, 25% of the annual training Service and obtains a consolidated salary not
requirement will be selected based on a priority list prepared less than Rs. 240,360/- per annum.
according to the effective date of the degree and GPA and
considering the existing vacancies. (d) On the top left hand corner of the envelop in
which the application is enclosed, it should be
02. Other Educational Qualifications relevant to the Post : mentioned the words “Recruitment of B.Sc.
(Nursing) Graduates for Orientation and Co-
Should have Completed B.Sc. in Nursing in a National ordination Course in Nursing – 2018 - 2019
University recognized by the University Grants Commission. and the relevant Degree and the academic
year. The applications should be sent by
03. Physical fitness and other qualifications : registered post to reach the Director (Admin)
0l, Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous
(a) Each candidate should be fit physically to serve in
Medicine,’’Suwasiripaya”, 385,Rev. Baddegama
any part of Sri Lanka.
Wimalawansa Thero Mawatha, Colombo 10,
(b) Should be a fit physically to discharge duties in before 30.04.2019
the post.
(c) Should be a Sri Lankan Citizen. Note: Candidate should have satisfied qualifications
given under above (2) and (3) and all other
(d) Should be excellent in character. qualifications by 30.04.2019 in all respects.
(e) Both males and females may apply.
(f) Should be not less than 18 years and not more 5. Applications of the employees of pubic or semi-
than 35 years of age as at 30.04.2019. government institutions should be sent through the respective
Head of Department. And you should also note that this is
(g) The effective date of the degree should be a date
an external recruitment and you cannot be reverted to the
prior to 30.04.2019.
current post if you are able or not be able to complete the
relevant course successfully.
04. Method of Application :
6. Applications which are not in compliance with the
(a) The application should be prepared in accordance
terms of the general circular, incomplete, not in compliance
with the specimen form appended to this. Papers
with the specimen form of application, not completed
in the size of A4 should be used for this. Cages
the basic qualifications and in which no bank receipt is
from 1 to 12 should appear on the first page and
cages from 13 to 15 should appear on the second affixed and not registered on or before 30.04.2019 will be
page and 16 should appear on the third page. rejected without any notice and receipt of applications is not
(b) Receipt obtained by paying the amount of
Rs. 300 to the credit of the account of the 7. From the applicants who have fulfilled above
Director General of Health Services - Collection qualifications, applicants selected based on a priority list
of Examination Fees No 7041318 of the Bank prepared considering the effective date of the degree and the
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GPA are only called for the interview. A general interview the Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous
will be conducted by an interview board appointed by Medicine from time to time.
the Secretary to the Ministry of Health, Nutrition and
Indigenous Medicine and the interview board will check the (c) Training of those who do not complete the training
qualifications mentioned in the Nursing Service Minute and successfully at the end of the training period,
this Gazette notification and the physical fitness. whose work and conduct are not satisfactory or
who fail to adhere to terms and conditions of the
Note : training school may be terminated at any time
without compensation.
(a) The number of the recruitments to the training
and the number of applicants called for interview (d) During the period of training, the monthly
will be decided by the Secretary of the Ministry of allowance paid to the student nurses in the third
Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine on the year is paid subject to the provisions given in
exigency of service. Public Administrative Circular 03/2016.

(b) No section contained herein shall be deemed to (e) At the time he/ she is admitted to the training,
imply or be construed to mean that all those who he/ she should enter in to an agreement and a
attended the interview are recruited to the training. surety bond with the Director General of Health
Services that he/ she will complete the training
(c) Particulars of the applicants who are qualified, successfully, not abandon the training course
disqualified at the interview and those who and serve in the post concerned in the hospital of
are not selected are published on the web site relevant provincial council or the Line Ministry
www.health.gov.lk and no one will be informed in to which he/she is appointed or in Department
person. of Health for at least a period of 5 years if an
appointment is granted at the completion of
8. Applicants should produce at the interview the the said training. The agreement and the surety
originals of the following documents and the copies certified
bond should be submitted to the ETR branch on
by himself / herself :
the same day of registration. If he/ she resigns
(a) Birth certificate, from the training or leaves the training during
(b) Originals of the degree certificate and the the training period or his/her training has to be
certificate which indicates the GPA (Certified terminated in terms of above (c) or fails to serve
copies of these documents should be sent along in the post concerned in the hospital of relevant
with the application), provincial council or the Line Ministry to which
(c) National Identity Card or valid passport or driving he/she is appointed or in Department of Health
license. for a period of 5 years after the appointment
he/she should refund the Department of Health
9. Procedure of training : the expenses incurred by the Government and
the amount of the surety bond. If not legal action
Course Duration of the course Medium will be taken to recover the said amount as per
the agreement.
Orientation and 06 Months English
course in nursing 10. Terms of engagement.– At the end of the training,
grant or not grant of permanent appointments to the post
(a) Selected applicants are attached to the relevant concerned will be decided based on the number of vacancies
training schools to follow the orientation and existing at the time. If the Ministry of Health, Nutrition and
coordination course. The course should be Indigenous Medicine decided to grant permanent
followed in the medium of English. appointments to the post concerned, candidates will be
appointed to the post of Staff Nursing Officer in Grade III
(b) Trainees admitted to the training schools shall subject to the conditions in the scheme of recruitment
be subject to the rules and regulations of the applicable to the training they were admitted and considering
training schools and any other order imposed by the number of vacancies and they will be placed on the
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05 1131

salary relevant to the salary code MT-7 2016 mentioned in to the Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine
Schedule I of the Public Administration Circular 03/2016. It shall be final and in case of any inconsistency between the
shall be noted that if a candidate is granted an appointment, text in Sinhala, Tamil and English, the text in Sinhala shall
he /she will be paid salary according to the provisions in prevail.
Schedule II of the Public Administration Circular 03/2016.
11. Particulars regarding the educational and other Ministry of Health, Nutrition and
qualifications should be mentioned carefully and accurately Indigenous Medicine.
in filling the applications. If the certificates were found to
be false after admission to the training or after receiving an Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine,
appointment, action will be taken to refer the case to the “Suwasiripaya”,
Criminal Investigation Department in order to take legal Rev. Baddegama Wimalawansa Thero Mawatha,
action and to cancel the appointment and dismiss from the Colombo 10,
training/ post and disciplinary action will be taken and his/ 22nd March, 2019.
her name will be entered into the blacklist which is an index
of the names of persons who will not be employed by the
government. Further, action will be taken to recover the Specimen Form of Application
allowance paid to him/ her during the period of training,
expenses borne by the Government and the sum of the Recruitment of B.S.C (Nursing) Graduates
surety bond. for the Orientation and Coordination
Course in Nursing -2018-2019
12. Selected applicants should submit themselves to a
medical examination within the first month of the training to Read the General Circular carefully before perfect the
prove that they are physically and mentally fit to follow the application.
course concerned and to serve in any part of the island and
the applicants found not to be fit in the medical examination 01. (a) Last name with initials.(In English capital letters)
will not be eligible to continue the course. :––––––––––––.
(b) Name in full (In English capital letters) :–––––––––.
13. Trainees have no right to engage either in trade union
activities or in private practice during the period of training. (c) Name in full (In Sinhala/Tamil) :––––––––––––.
If found to have done so, action will be taken to terminate 02. N.I.C. No. :––––––––––––.
the training or to take any other appropriate action.
03. Postal Address :––––––––––––.
14. All recruited as above will be subject to all rules 04. Permanent Address :––––––––––––.
and regulations applicable to the Public Officers, and
05. Telephone No. :––––––––––––.
provisions of the Establishments Code of Democratic
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, polices prescribed by 06. (a) District of residence :––––––––––––.
the Department of Health, Procedural Rules of the Public (b) Whether you are a permanent resident in this
Service Commission, Financial Regulations and the Nursing district ? :––––––––––––.
Service Minute and amendments made thereto from time to
time and general regulations imposed by the Government 07. (a) Date of Birth :
from time to time. Year :–––––––. Month :–––––––. Date :–––––––.
(b) Age as at 30.04.2019 :
15. Ministry is not bound to provide residential facilities
at the training schools for the applicants recruited to the Years :–––––––. Months :–––––––. Days :––––––.
training. If so provided assessed house and room rental, 08. Gender : Female Male
water and electricity bills will be charged.
(Mark x in the relevant cage)
16. In case any problem arises in respect of any matter 09. Whether you are a citizen of Sri Lanka :
regarding recruitment to the training which is covered or not
Yes No
covered by this Gazette notification decision of the Secretary
(Mark x in the relevant cage)
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05

10. Civil Status : Single Married 16. Certification of the Head of Department if the candidate
is serving in the Public service /Provincial public
(Mark x in the relevant cage) Service (Delete irrelevant words) :
11. Height : Feet :––––––––––––. Inches :––––––––––––.
12. Education Qualification : I hereby certify that the above candidate Mr/Mrs/Miss
......................... holds the post of ............................. in this
Degree Department.
date of Academic
Ob- GPA University
the year
tained I certify that the particulars furnished in the application
are true and he / she can /can not be released if he /she is
selected for the post.

I also inform that he / she was explained that this is

13. Have you ever been convicted before a court of law ? an external recruitment, he / she cannot be reverted to
Yes No the current post in any manner after he / she successfully
completes or not complete the training concerned.
(Mark x in the relevant cage)
If so give particulars :––––––––––––. –––––––––––––––,
Signature and official frank of
14. Certificate of the applicants : the Head of Department.
I solemnly declare that l read carefully and understood
the Gazette Notification and perfected it subject to all Date :––––––––––––.
conditions therein, that I do not attend any full time course Name of the Head of Department :––––––––––––.
and that the particulars furnished by me in the application Post :––––––––––––.
are true and correct to my knowledge. Address :––––––––––––.

I am also aware that if this declaration or any particulars 04–210

contained herein are found to be false or incorrect I am
liable to be disqualified for the training and if so found after ––––––––––––––––––
appointment I am liable to be dismissed.
First Efficiency Bar Examination
1 am also aware that this is an external recruitment and if for Grade III Documentation
I complete /not complete the training successfully I cannot Assistants and Editors in the
be reverted to the current post in any manner. Legal Draftsman’s Department - 2019

Affix here the bank receipt obtained by 01. It is hereby notified that the First Efficiency
paying Rs. 300 Bar Examination for Editors and Documentation
Assistants will be held by the Department of
Examinations, Sri Lanka in July 2019 in accordance
Signature of the applicant.
Date :––––––––––––. with the provisions of the relevant approved
scheme of recruitment for Editors and Documentation
15. Attestation of the signature of the applicant : Assistants of the Legal Draftsman’s Department.
I hereby certify that Mr/Mrs/Miss .............................
who submit this application is personally known to me and 02. (i) This examination will be held by the
he/she placed his /her and signature on .................... in my Commissioner General of Examinations of the
presence. Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka, and the
––––––––––––––, candidates are subject to rules stipulated by him
Signature and official frank of Attestor. with regard to the holding of the examination
Date :––––––––––––. and the release of results. The decision of the
Full name of Attestor :––––––––––––. Commissioner General of Examinations with
Post :––––––––––––. regard to the holding of the examination and the
Address :––––––––––––. release of results shall be final.
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(ii) The rules stipulated for candidates have been 05. Identity of the applicant.– Every applicant shall
printed separately in the Gazette notification. If prove his identity to the satisfaction of the supervisor of the
these rules are violated by any candidate, he/she examination hall in respect of every subject he/she appears
shall be liable to a punishment imposed by the at such examination hall. For such purpose any one of the
Commissioner General of Examinations. following documents will be accepted:-
National identity card issued by the Commissioner-
03. Examination fees.– The candidates can sit for the
General, Department of Registration of Persons; or
subjects prescribed for the examination in one occasion
or separately. No fees will be charged from candidates (ii)
A valid passport.
sitting for the examination for the first time, either for the
entire examination or for any single subject only. Where (iii) With regard to the candidature of the applicants
the candidate sits for this examination on any subsequent who are unable to submit one of the aforesaid
occasion, an examination fee of Rs.250/- will be charged for documents, the decision of the Commissioner-
a single subject and Rs.500/- will be charged for the entire General of Examinations will be final.
examination. The examination fees may be paid to any post
office or sub post office in the island or to any district / 06. The Commissioner General of Examinations will
divisional secretariat to the credit of Revenue Head 20-03- issue admission cards together with copies of the time table
02-13 of the Commissioner General of Examinations and to the applicants who have referred their applications to
the receipt issued shall be affixed at the appropriate place in him as aforementioned, on the presumption that only those
the application form. (It may be useful to have a photocopy who have qualifications specified in the Gazette notification
of the receipt with the candidate) The fees paid will neither have made applications. Soon after the admission cards are
be refunded nor be transferred for any other examination issued to the applicants, the Department of Examinations,
under any circumstances. Sri Lanka will publish a notification in the newspapers and
it's website to that effect. If there are applicants who did not
04. Applications.– The application shall be prepared in receive admission cards after 2 or 3 days of the publication
accordance with the specimen application form annexed of the said notification, such candidates shall inform
hereto. The application shall be prepared using both sides the Department of Examinations through the telephone
of an A 4 size paper and the headings 01 to 05 shall be on numbers given in the notification. When doing so the
the first page and the balance portion shall be taken to be applicant shall mention his/her full name, address, National
the second page. In the applications prepared in the Sinhala Identity card number and the name of the examination and
language, the name of the examination should appear in the when making such inquiry the applicant shall be ready
caption of the application in English in addition to Sinhala. with a copy of the application which the applicant retained
Likewise, in the applications prepared in the Tamil language, with him, the copy of the receipt received when making
the name of the examination should appear in the caption the payment of fees and a copy of the registered article
of the application in English too. The application form may receipt. If the applicant is from outside Colombo, it will be
be typed but it should be filled correctly and legibly in the useful to make inquiries through a request letter referred
handwriting of the applicant. The application prepared by the to the Department of Examinations via fax, stating the
applicant shall'be sent through the Head of the Department, candidates fax number and other information given above,
by registered post to the "Commissioner General of enabling him to receive a copy of the admission card through
Examinations, Organizations (Establishment and Foreign fax.
Examinations) Branch, Department of Examinations, P.0
Box 1503, Colombo", to be reached before 03.05.2019. 07. The signature of the applicant in the application and
When the application is sent, the name of the examination in the admission card for the examination should be attested
should be mentioned on the top left hand corner of the by the Head of the Department or any officer authorized by
envelope. Incomplete applications and applications received him. An applicant should sit for the examination in the hall
after the closing date will not be accepted. The applicant
prescribed for him/her under the index number given to him/
shall ensure that the completed application is in conformity
her on the date of the examination. The admission Card in
with the specimen application form and the applications
which his/her signature is attested should be handed over to
which are not in conformity with the specimen application
the supervisor of the examination. An applicant who fails to
form will be rejected. (It will be useful for the applicant to
submit the admission Card will not be allowed to sit for the
keep a Photocopy of the completed application with him /
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05

08. The post held by the applicant and place of work at Note. * An applicant can sit for the above subjects
the time of making the application is relevant to all matters separately.
relating to the examination and any changes in respect
thereof after sending the application will not be taken into * The failure to pass the above examination
consideration. within the prescribed period will result in
deferment of the increment.
09. The Head of the Department must approve duty
leave for applicants who have received admission cards
13. The issue of an admission card to an applicant shall
issued by the Commissioner-General of Examinations
not be considered as he/she has fulfilled the qualifications to
enabling them to sit for the examination. No travelling
be eligible to sit for the examination.
expenses will be paid.

10. This examination will be held in Sinhala, Tamil and 14. The decision of the Legal Draftsman in respect of any
English media only. If the applicant has joined public service matter not specified in this Gazette notification shall be final.
through competitive examination he/she should sit for the
examination in the medium in which he/she sat for the said 15. If there is any inconsistency between Sinhala, Tamil
competitive examination and any applicant who has joined and English versions of this notification, Sinhala notification
public service without sitting for a competitive examination shall prevail.
shall sit for this examination in the medium in which he/she
sat for the examination through which he/she got qualified to Legal Draftsman,
enter the public service. The applicant shall sit for all Legal draftsman’s Department,
subjects of the examination in one medium. An applicant Colombo 12.
will not be permitted to change the medium mentioned in
his application later.
11. This examination will be held only in Colombo.

12. Examination Procedure.– The Examination relevant First Efficiency Bar Examination For Grade III
to the above posts is comprised of the following subjects. Documentation Assistants and Editors of the Legal
Draftsman's Department -2019
Question paper Time Pass marks
(1) Establishment and
01 hour 100 40 For office use only
Procedure code
(2) Basic knowledge
The medium in which the candidate intends to
in Financial 01 hour 100 40
sits for the examination:
Sinhala - 2
Tamil - 3
Syllabus : English - 4
(Write the relevant number in the cage;
Name of Examination Syllabus
01. 1.1 Name in full (In English capital letters) :–––––––.
01. Establishment and 1 Chapters vii, viii, xii, xiv,
Example : (Herath Mudiyanselage
Procedure code xxiv of volume l of the
Establishment code.    Saman Kumara Gunawardhana)
1.2 Name giving the last name first and the first letters
2. Procedural rules of the Public of the other names thereafter (in English capitals
Service Commission. letters) :–––––––––––.
02. Basic knowledge Chapters iv, v, vi, ix of Financial (Example : Gunawardana H. M. S. K.)
in financial Regulations. 1.3 Name in Full :–––––––––––.
Regulations. (in Sinhala/Tamil)
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05 1135

02. 2.1 Name and address of Office/Department / I state that the details given above are correct and that I
Institution :–––––––––––. am entitled to sit this examination in the medium indicated
(in English capital letters) by me in this application and I have paid the examination fee
(Admission Card will be posted to this address) of Rs. ................... and the receipt is annexed hereto. Further
2.2 Name and address of Office/Department/Institution I state that I agree to the rules imposed by the Commissioner
:–––––––––––. General of Examinations regarding the holding of the
(in Sinhala/Tamil) examination, and issuing of the results.
2.3 Private Address :–––––––––––.
(in Sinhal a/Tamil) –––––––––––––––,
2.4 Telephone No. : Signature of the Applicant.
Date :–––––––––––.
Mobile :
The applicant should place his signature before the Head
Fixed :
of the Department or any officer authorized to sign on behalf
of the Head of the Department.
03. National Identity Card No. :
Attestation of the Signature :

04. Male/Female : 4.1 Male -0 I do hereby state that Mr./Mrs./Miss .............................. is

Female - 1 an officer of my Department who is known to me personally
(insert the relevant number in the cage) and he/she placed his/her signature before me and has
affixed the receipt obtained on payment of the prescribed
05. Subject/Subjects which you sit for the examination this examination fee.
year :
Subject Subject No.
Signature of attesting officer.
Name :–––––––––––.
Designation :–––––––––––.
Address :–––––––––––.
06. Date of Birth : Date :–––––––––––.
(Confirm by placing official seal)
Year : Month : Date :
Certificate of the Head of the Department :
07. Present Post :
I certify that -
7.1 Post :–––––––––––.
7.2 Number of the Appointment letter :–––––––––––.
1. I perused the details given in this application; and

08. 8.1 Do you sit for this examination for the first time? 2. that the officer concerned is eligible to sit for this
:–––––––––––. examination.
8.2 If this is not the first time that you sit for this
examination, the amount of examination fees paid –––––––––––––––,
:–––––––––––. Signature of Head of the Department and
8.3 The office to which the examination fees were Official Seal.
paid :–––––––––––.
Name :–––––––––––.
8.4 Receipt Number :–––––––––––. Designation :–––––––––––.
8.5 Date :–––––––––––. Address :–––––––––––.
Date :–––––––––––.
Affix the receipt here (only if relevant). (It may be
useful to have a photocopy of the receipt with you) 04–230
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05

MINISTRY OF MAHAWELI DEVELOPMENT the paragraph (2) of the Gazette Notification are
(vi) The examination will be held in Sinhala, Tamil
Department of Forest Conservation and English media. No Candidate will be allowed
to change the medium of language indicated in
the application.
FOREST FIELD ASSISTANT OF THE DEPARTMENT 03. Age Limit.– not be less than 18 years and not more
OF FOREST CONSERVATION - 2019 than 45 years of age on the closing date of application.
(Accordingly, only the persons whose date of birth falls
Applications are invited from qualified citizens of on 05.05.2001 or before that date and after 05.05.1974 are
Sri Lanka at 05.05.2019 for the recruitment to vacant 140 eligible to apply.)
Posts of Forest Field Assistant in the Forest Department.
(Examination will be held in July 2019). 04. Educational and other Qualifications.– All applicants
should have completed below mentioned qualifications
01. Salary Scale : satisfactorily:
(i) Should pass the General Certificate of
(i) PL-2 - 2016 According to Public Administration Education (Ordinary Level) Examination in six
Circular No. 3/2016 - Rs.25,250 -10x270, (06) subjects with at least two credit passes in
10x300,10x330, 12x350- Rs. 38,450. not more than two sittings.

02. General Terms of Engagement and Service (ii) The applicants shall possess at least level -2 of
Conditions: National Vocational Qualification as relevant
to the post and as decided by the Tertiary and
(i) This post is permanent & pensionable. Should Vocational Education Commission.
make Contributions to the Widow / Widower and
(iii) The height of the male applicant should not be
Orphan’s Pension Scheme.
less than 05 feet 02 inches and the chest should
(ii) The appointment will be subjected to a probation not be less than 32 inches.
period of three years. (iv) Minimum height of the female applicant should
(iii) Planning and implementation of a suitable be of 05 feet.
programme for the protection of all the forests (v) The applicant should possess physical and
that belong to Forest Field Assistant Division mental fitness to serve in any part of the island.
with the help of the Beat Forest Officer under
(vi) Applicant should be a citizen of Sri Lanka and
the supervision of Range Forest Officer, be alert should possess a sound character.
on the forest crimes, arresting offenders and
assisting relevant legal activities are the duties of 05. Method of Recruitment :
the Forest Field Assistants.
i. Minimum marks that has to be scored for each
(iv) The selected applicants will have to assist Senior subject at the written exam by the applicants
Officers in arduous and risky duties such as qualified under above paragraph 02 is 40%.
protection of forests, investigation of forest Twice the number of applicants as the number
crimes, arresting criminals and forest products to be recruited will summon for the structured
and producing them to the courts. Often these interview based on the descending order of those
officers will have to engage in these activities marks. Recruitment will be made to available
personally even on public holidays and at night. 140 vacancies based on the descending order
Because of the above mentioned arduous and of the total marks obtained from the written
risky duties of the Forest Field Assistants, it will test and at the structured interview to available
be practically difficult to women to engage in number of vacancies by the date of recruitment.
those activities. Results will be notified to each and every
applicant by the Commissioner General of
(v) General Condition of service pertaining to the Examination personally by post or through the
appointments in Public service mentioned in web site www.results.exams.gov.lk .
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05 1137

(ii) When there are several applicants that have scored same marks for the last vacancy, only the applicants who
have scored marks higher than that marks will be recruited as per paragraph 5.1.

(iii) The applicants selected based on the qualifications mentioned under above 5.1, should sit and pass the
Dendrology Test (Preliminary Level) within a period of three (03) years and will be confirmed in the post at the
end of a satisfactory service of three (3) years.

06. Syllabus.– The written competitive examination consists of two question papers:

i. The applicants should sit for both of these question papers in one medium of language. They should score at least
40% of the marks for each paper in-order to pass the written test.

Subject No. :

01 Intelligence Test Duration –01 hour, Marks- 100

This question paper consists of 50 multiple choice and short answer questions in-order to assess
the logical ability, analytical competence and decision making ability of the applicant. (All the
questions should be answered )
02 Technical Test Duration - 2 hours, Marks - 100
Knowledge on Forest Resources and its effects on organisms, Ecology of Sri Lanka,
Geographical importance, Agricultural Economy of Sri Lanka, Importance facts regarding
Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment, Forest Department and its mission
and objectives, Knowledge on Natural Environment, Forests and vegetation, importance on
the close relationship between forests and people, basic knowledge on geography (shape and
geographical features of the earth) and general knowledge of the applicants will be assessed.
(All the questions should be answered)

(ii) Marks will be allocated for the interview as follows.

Areas to be tested at the interview Maximum number of marks Minimum marks required for selection
1. Additional educational qualifications 20
2. Additional professional qualifications 30
3. Experience 20
Not relevant
4. Competency in computer 10
5. Language proficiency 15
6. Skills at the interview 5
Total 100

07. Applications and other Information :

(i) The applications should be in conformity with the specimen application appended at the end of this notice. It
should be prepared on papers sized 21 x 29 cm. (A4 size) using both sides by the applicants and nos 01-7 II in
the specimen application should be included in page 01 and the rest in page

02. The application should be completed by the applicant in own handwriting and in the medium of language
in which the candidate is eligible to sit for the examination. The applications should be sent under the
registered cover to the Commissioner General of Examination, Organizational & Foreign Examination Branch,
Department of Examination, P.O. Box 1503, Colombo, to reach on or before 05.05.2019. “Recruitment to
the post of Forest Field Assistants (open) – 2019” should be clearly indicated on the top left hand corner of
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05

the envelope (Applications should not be sent 09. The applicant must produce any one or all the
to any personal name or to any other address). documents given below when required :
Retaining a photocopy of the completed
application will be useful. (i) Birth Certificate;

(ii) Educational Certificates;

(ii) Incomplete and delayed applications will be
rejected without prior notice. (iii) A certificate obtained from Grama Niladari
recently (With the countersign of the Divisional
(iii) No complaints regarding lost of applications in secretary)
the post will be entertained.
(iv) Two character certificates;
(iv) The signature of the applicant should be (v) Other relevant certificates;
attested in the application as well as in the
admission. An applicant applying through the
Note.– Documents /certificates or photocopies of
institution should get his signature attested
them should not be sent along with the application.
by the Head of the institution or any officer
authorized by him. Other applicants should
get their signatures attested by a Principal of 10. The examination centers and Admission cards:
a Government School/ Retired Officer, Grama
Niladhari of the Division, Justice of Peace, (i) The examination will be held at the
Sworn Commissioner, Lawyer, Public Notary, examinations centers in towns mentioned in
Commissioned Officer in the Army, Navy, schedule 1 of this notice. The town where the
Air force or an Officer holding a staff grade candidate wishes to sit for the examinations
permanent post in Public Service or Provincial and its number should be mentioned as first and
Public Service, the Chief Incumbent of a second choice at the Head of the application.
Buddhist temple, a clergy in charge of other
religious place or a recognized clergy. When there are no sufficient applicants to
hold the examination in a particular town,
(v) The applications which are not in conformity those applicants will be directed to the town
with this notice will be rejected. mentioned as their second choice or to another
closer town. Further, when there are no
(vi) Applicants who are already in government sufficient applicants to hold the examination
service should forward their applications in all proposed towns or majority, the
Commissioner General of Examination will
through their head of the institution/
take necessary actions to hold the examination
in Colombo.
(vii) Receipt of the application will not be
(ii) Admission cards will be issued by the
Commissioner General of Examination to
the candidates who are within the age limit
08. Examination Fees :
mentioned in the notice and have sent duly
(i) Examination Fee is Rs.600. The receipt obtained perfected application forms on or before
on payment of this fee before 05.05.2019 to any the closing date 05.05.2019 along with the
Post office or sub post office under the revenue receipt obtained after paying examination fee.
Head No 20-03-02-13 of the Commissioner A notice in this regard will be published in
General of Examinations should be pasted in the newspaper by the Department of Examination,
relevant place given in the application (Retaining as soon as the admission cards were issued. If
a photocopy of the receipt with the applicant will the candidate has not received the admission
be useful). card even after 02 or 03 days of the publication
of the notice, he / she should inquire from
(ii) The Fee is not refundable and not transferable to the Organizational and Foreign Examination
any other examination. Branch of the Department of Examination.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05 1139

During these inquiries the applicant should 14. If there is any inconsistency among Sinhala, Tamil
mention the name of the examination applied, and English texts of this notice then Sinhala text shall be
full name, National Identity Card number and accepted.
address accurately. It may be more effective
to submit a fax number if any, along with Conservator General of Forests.
the other information to obtain a copy of the
admission card if you are outside Colombo. It Forest Department,
Rajamalwatta Road,
will be benefitted if you can produce a copy of
the application, a copy of the receipt obtained
26th March, 2019.
after paying examination fee and the receipt
obtained after sending the application by Model Application
registered post during inquiries.
open competitive examination for recruitment to the post
(iii) The issue of an admission card to a candidate of forest field assistant for the department of
does not necessarily mean that he or she forest conservation– 2019
has the requisite qualifications to sit for the
examination and the admission card in which Town in which it is expected to sit for the examination.
his / her signature has been duly attested should
be submitted to the head of the Examination Town No. of the Town
centre on the very first day.
1 choice

2st choice
(iv) The candidates are subjected to the rules and
regulations imposed by the Commissioner (Complete as per Schedule -1)
General of Examination regarding the conduct
of the examination and issue of results. Those 01. Medium of Examination
who violate such rules and regulations will be Sinhala - 2
subjected to any punishment determined by the Tamil - 3
Commissioner General of Examination. English - 4
(Write the relevant number in the cage)
11. Identity of the candidate.– A candidate must prove
identity to the satisfaction of the invigilator and only one of 02. I. Full name (In block capitals) :–––––––––––.
the following documents will be accepted: II. Full name (In Sinhala /Tamil) :–––––––––––.

(i) National Identity Card issued by the Department 03. I. Address to which admission card to be posted :
of Registration of persons. :–––––––––––.
(ii) A valid passport. (In block capitals)
II. Permanent Address (In Sinhala / Tamil) :––––––––.
(iii) A valid driving license.
04. Gender : Male - 0
12. Punishment for Furnishing False Information:
Female - 1
If a candidate is found to be ineligible, prior to or after
the selection, his candidature or selection is liable to be (Write the relevant number in the cage)
cancelled at any stage. If any of the particulars furnished 05. National Identity Card No. :
by a candidate who is in public service, is found to be false
with his knowledge or if he has willfully suppressed any
important fact, he will be liable to dismissal from Public 06. Mobile Phone No. :

13. Actions will be taken as per the decisions of the 07. I. Date of Birth :
Conservator General of Forests with regards to the matters
that have not been mentioned in this notice.  Year : Month : Date :
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05

II. Age at 05.05.2019 :

Years : Months : Days :

08. Citizenship : By descent - 1 (Write the relevant number in the cage)

By Registration - 2

09. Physical fitness :

(i) Height :–––––––––––.
(ii) Chest :–––––––––––. Inches (This is not relevant to the female applicants)
10. Educational Qualifications:
(i) General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) :
1st attempt 2nd attempt
Year :–––––––––. Index No, :–––––––––. Year :–––––––––. Index No, :–––––––––.
Subject Grade Subject Grade

(ii) Other Educational Qualifications :–––––––––––.

11. Professional / Other Qualifications :–––––––––––.
12. (i) The Post Office / sub post office to which the examination fee was paid :–––––––––––.
(ii) Number of the cash receipt and date :–––––––––––.

Please affix the cash receipt here

13. (i) Have you ever been convicted for any offence by a Court of Law? Yes / No. :–––––––––––.
(ii) if Yes ,give details :–––––––––––.
14. If you are already employed, give particulars
(i) Institute :–––––––––––. (iii) Designation :–––––––––––.
(ii) Date of first appointment :–––––––––––. (iv) Salary :–––––––––––.
15. Names and address of two non-related referees :
(a) ––––––––––––––––
(b) –––––––––––––––––
16. Declaration of the applicant :
I hereby certify that the particulars furnished by me in this application are true and correct. I am aware that if any
particulars given in the application are found to be incorrect prior to my selection, I am liable to be disqualified and if it
is found after the selection, I am liable to be dismissed without any compensation. Further I hereby declare that I will be
subjected to the rules and regulations imposed by the Commissioner General of Examination for conducting Examinations
and issue of results.
Signature of the Applicant.
(Should place the signature before the attestor)
Date :–––––––––––.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05 1141

17. Attestment of the applicant’s signature: Town Number of the Town

Matara 08
I do hereby certify that applicant Mr. /Mrs./ Miss..............
................ is known to me personally and he / she placed his Hambantota 09
/ her signature before me on ......................... 2019. Jaffna 10
Mannar 11
–––––––––––––, Vavuniya 12
Signature of the Attestor. Mulative 13
Kilinochchi 14
Name of the attestor :–––––––––––.
Batticaloa 15
Designation :–––––––––––.
Address :–––––––––––. Ampara 16
Date :–––––––––––. Trincomalee 17
(Place the rubber stamp) Kurunegala 18
Puttalam 19
18. If the applicant is in Public / Provincial Public Service, Anuradhapura 20
the relevant Head of the Institution should complete Polonnaruwa 21
the following.
Badulla 22
I hereby certify that the applicant Mr./ Ms .......................... Monaragala 23
is serving in this Ministry / Department/Office as a Ratnapura 24
.......................... holding a permanent/ temporary post and Kegalle 25
the particulars furnished by him / her are true and correct. He
/ She can be released / cannot be released from the present 04–278
post if he / she is selected for the above post.
Signature of the Head of the Department Department of Meteorology
or an Officer Authorized by him.
Open Competitive Examination for Recruitment
Name :–––––––––––. to the Post of Meteorological Observer/
Designation :–––––––––––. Communicator (Training Grade) of Sri Lanka
(Place the rubber stamp) Technological Service - 2019
Date :–––––––––––.
1.0 Applications are invited from qualified citizens
(No document or a copy of it should be annexed other of Sri Lanka for the Open Competitive Examination for
than the receipt obtained after paying examination fee) Recruitment to the Post of Meteorological Observer/
Communicator (Training Grade) of Sri Lanka Technological
Schedule - 1
Service in the Department of Meteorology, to fill 30
vacancies in the post. Which will be held on July, 2019 and
Town and the number of the town in which Examination
Centers are to be established. closing date is 06.05.2019.

Town Number of the Town 2.0 Candidates who have fulfilled qualifications based
on skill tested under results of a written examination to be
Colombo 01 conducted by the Commissioner General of Examinations
Gampaha 02 are recruited as Meteorological Observers/ Communicators
Kalutara 03 of Sri Lanka Technological Service for a 02 year period
Kandy 04 of training. The officers who pass the aptitude test to be
Matale 05 faced at completion of such training are appointed as
Meteorological Observers/ Communicators, Grade III of
NuwaraEliya 06
Sri Lanka Technological Service. This post is permanent
Galle 07
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05

and pensionable and is subject to a three year probationary failure to pass this examination within the due
period. period of time will result in deferment of the next
salary increment.
3.0 General Terms and Conditions of Service :
Second Language Proficiency of the stage pertinent
The Appointing Authority will decide the number to the post should be obtained within 05 years of
of appointments and the effective date of such Confirmation in the Post as specified in Public
appointments. The Appointing Authority is Administration Circular No: 1/2004. Failure
authorized to refrain from filling any number of to achieve that proficiency within the relevant
vacancies or all vacancies. period of time will result in suspension of salary
increments till achievement of such proficiency.
A candidate selected subject to general conditions
governing appointments in Public Service, 3.8
A proficiency equivalent to G.C.E. (O/L) should be
amendments made or to be made hereafter to obtained in English Language as the link language
the Service Minute of Sri Lanka Technological prior to completion of 05 years in Grade III.
Service as published in the Gazette Extraordinary
No. 1930/12 of 01.09.2015 of the Democratic
4.0 Salary scale :
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, provisions in
the Establishments Code and Code of Financial
4.1 Monthly allowances and adjustment allowances
Regulations and Procedural Rules of the Public
Service Commission as published in the Gazette will be paid as follows as per Schedule V of
Extraordinary No: 1589/30 of 20.02.2009 will be the Public Administration Circular 03/2016
recruited to Training Grade of the Service for a of 25.02.2016 for the post of Meteorological
period of 02 years. Observer/ Communicator (Training Grade) of Sri
Lanka Technological Service during the 02 year
training period.
Selected candidates should serve in any area in the
Table I

Hours of duty will not often be general office
Post Monthly allowance
hours and may fall both day and night as well as on
Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. Duties From From From
may also have to be performed on functional 01.01.2019 01.01.2020 01.01.2021
schedules. (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
An agreement should be signed with the
Service 21,532/- 24,336/- 27,140/-
Department that the two year training will be fully
Year 1
completed and following such two year training,
05 years will be served in the Department and a Year 2 21,770/- 24,605/- 27,440/-
bond should also be written and signed prior to
commencement of the training with certification
Table II
of two sureties accepted by the Department to the
effect that, in case he/she vacates training after the
date of commencement of the training, or fails to Post Adjustment allowance
serve in the Department the agreed period of time, From From From
the amount spent by the Government for training 01.01.2019 01.01.2020 01.01.2021
and a valid sum of Rs. 250,000/- will be paid to the (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
Technological 4,306/- 1,502/- -
An officer recruited in a medium other than
Year 1
the Official Language should pass the Official
Language test during the probation period. The Year 2 4,235/- 1,400/- -
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05 1143

As per Public Administrative Circular No. 03/2016 6.0 Examination procedure:

of 25.02.2016, the monthly salary scale pertaining to
Meteorological Observer/ Communicator Grades III, II and 6.1 This examination will be held in exam centers
I of Sri Lanka Technological Service is Rs. 31,040-10 x 445- in Colombo city only. It will be conducted
11x660-10 x 730- 10x750 - Rs. 57,550 (MN 3 - 2016). in Sinhala, Tamil and English mediums. An
applicant should select one medium and all
5.0 Qualifications.- following qualifications will apply question papers in the examination should be
for recruitment to Training Grade of the Meteorological answered in that language only. Later changes
Observer/ Communicator of Sri Lanka Technological will not be permitted to the applied mediums.
Examination will consist of two question
5.1 Should be a citizen of Sri Lanka.
Marks Duration
5.2 Should be not below 18 years and above 30
years of age by the closing date of applications. IQ 100 01 hour
(Accordingly, only those who were born on Subjective Technical 100 02 hours
or before 08.04.2001 and after 08.04.1989 are
eligible to apply for this.) 6.2 Question Paper Syllabus :
5.3 Every candidate should posses a physical and I. IQ Question Paper;
mental fitness sound enough to serve and perform This question paper consists of 50 questions
duties of the post in any area in Sri Lanka. in the types of multiple choice and questions
5.4 Should have completed following educational expecting short answers to determine
qualifications: logical reasoning, analytical level and
power of decision making of the applicant
and all questions should be answered.
(A) Passing G.C.E. (Ordinary Level)
Examination with six (06) subjects in
II. Subjective Technical Question Paper:
one sitting with Credit Passes for Consists of a questionnaire to determine
Sinhala/Tamil/English Language, Science, knowledge in the subjects of Mechanical
Mathematics and another subject. Science, Units and Dimensions, Properties
of Matter, Vibration and Waves, Heat and
(B) Passing G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Electricity and all questions should be
Examination with 03 subjects in one sitting. answered.
Subject composition should be one of the
following: 6.3 Applicants must score at least forty percent
(40%) of the marks allocated for each paper to
(1) Physics, Pure Mathematics and Applied be qualified for appointment and recruitments
Mathematics will be made to fill the number of vacancies
allocated for the competitive examination
(2) With Physics based on merit order of results. (Applicants
(i) One out of the subjects of Pure who fail to prove basic qualifications at the
Mathematics/Applied/ Combined Interview will not be recruited even if they
Mathematics and have reached the specified level of skill).

(ii) One out of the subjects of Chemistry/ 6.4 Examination results.– Examination results
Agriculture/ Information Technology/ will be notified to the applicants by the
Computer Science Commissioner General of Examinations
through post or the website www.results.
Note.– It is compulsory for every applicant to exams.gov.lk.
have completed the qualifications for the post
on or before the closing date for receiving these 7.0 Punishments for false information.– Extra care
applications. must be taken to provide accurate information in filling the
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05

application. In case any applicant is found to be disqualified application in your possession. Applicant
as per rules and regulations of this examination, his/ her must check whether the application filled
candidacy may be invalidated anytime before, during or conforms to the application appearing in
after the examination. the notice of examination. Or else, the
application may be rejected.
8.0 Examination fee.– Examination fee is Rs. 750. The
fee may be paid to any Post/ Sub-post Office in the island II. Appointments will be issued only to
or any District / Divisional Secretariate to the credit of the name with initials given in the
revenue head No. 2003-02-13 of the Commissioner General application and, therefore, name must be
of Examinations and the receipt received in the name of the mentioned accurately following the specimen
applicant must be well pasted with one of its edges at the given in the application. It will not be
allocated place in the application. Money orders or stamps permitted to make any amendment to the name
are not accepted for examination fee and the fee so paid or insert/ remove any parts in it.
for examination will not be refunded or transferred for any
other examination for any reason whatsoever. It may be 9.7 Issuance of an admission card by the Commissioner
beneficial to keep a photocopy of the receipt. General of Examinations to all applicants who
have forwarded their applications by the closing
9.0 Applications : date to sit the Competitive Examination on the
presumption that only those who have satisfied

9.1 Applications must be prepared in the qualifications specified in the Gazette notification,
medium of language in which you sit for the will not be treated as an acceptance that the
examination. applicant has satisfied qualifications required for
this post. In case it is revealed that any applicant has
9.2 Name of the Examination appearing in the head not fulfilled required qualifications at the occasion
of applications submitted in Sinhala and Tamil of verifying qualifications specified in the gazette
must also be written in English in addition to that notification by calling them for an interview, their
language. candidacy will be invalidated.

9.3 Application must be prepared by using both sides 9.8 Receipt of applications will not be notified. No
of 21 x 29 (A 4) sized papers in keeping with complaint on disappearance of applications at the
the specimen application given at the end of this post will be considered.
notification. Application must be prepared in
such a way as to contain heads 01 to 04(E) 9.9 Recruitment to Posts in Technical Service -
on page 01, heads 05 to 09.3 on page 02, Department of Meteorology" should be clearly
heads 10 to 15 on page 03 and heads 16 to written on top left hand corner of the envelope sent
17.3 on page 04. containing the application.

9.4 Application must be filled in handwriting of the 9.10 The duly filled application should be sent by
applicant. registered post to reach the following address on
or before 06.05.2019.
9.5 It must be accurately filled since no later change of
Commissioner General of Examinations,
the medium of language to sit the examination will Organization & Foreign Examination Branch,
be permitted. Department of Examinations of Sri Lanka, P.O.
Box 1503, Colombo.
9.6 I. Applications which are not in conformity
with given specimen, examination fees 9.11 The applicants presently employed in Public
have not been paid by the due date and Service or Provincial Public Service should send
not filled duly and are incomplete will be their applications through their respective Heads
rejected without information. Applicants of Department while those who are employed in
must bear the loss incurred by non- Government Corporations, Local Authorities etc.,
completion of applications duly. It will should send them through their respective Heads
be beneficial to keep a photocopy of the of Institution, on or before the due date.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05 1145

10.0 Sitting the examination : 11.0 One of the following documents should be presented
to the Supervisor of Examination in proof of identity of the
Soon after issuing admission cards to applicants, applicants :
Department of Examinations of Sri Lanka will I. National Identity Card issued by the Department
publish a paper notice to that effect. In case the of Registration of Persons,
admission is not received even after a passage II. Passport,
of 2 or 3 days of such notice, the same must
III. Valid driving license.
be informed to the Department of Examinations
of Sri Lanka following the procedure specified
12.0 Candidates are also subject to rules and regulations
in the notice. It will be informed in that notice
set out by Commissioner General of Examinations on
to make such enquiries from the Department
conducting the examination, any violation of which will
of Examinations by carrying the copy of the
make him or her subject to a punishment imposed by the
application kept in your possession, copy of
Commissioner General of Examinations.
the receipt of examination fees, receipt of
registered post dispatch of the application and
13.0 A decision on any matter not mentioned herein
by providing name of the examination, full
will be taken by the Director General of Meteorology. All
name of the applicant, his National Identity
applicants are obliged to follow general rules and regulations
Card No. and address, and if you are an
of examination mentioned in this Gazette.
applicant from a remote area from Colombo, it
will be more beneficial to make such inquiry by
14.0 In the event of any incongruity or inconsistency is
referring a letter of request containing your fax
observed between Sinhala, Tamil and English texts of this
No. and your details above said to the fax No. notification, at such instances Sinhala text will prevail.
given in the notice in order to receive a copy of
the admission card by fax. It will be beneficial A.K. Karunanayake,
to keep photocopies of completed application Director General (Acting),
and cash receipt in your possession. Department of Meteorology.

Admission issuing to applicant should not be Department of Meteorology,
considered as a qualification when he or she Bauddhaloka Mawatha,
face to exam or qualify to relevant designation. Colombo 07,
On 29th March, 2019.
Signature of the applicant must be certified
in the application as well as in the admission Specimen Application
card for the examination. An applicant applying
Open Competitive Examination for Recruitment to the
for the examination from any institution must
Post of Meteorological Observers/Communicators
get his application certified by Head of his
(Training Grade) of the Sri Lanka Technological Service
Institution or an officer authorized by him in the Department of Meteorology - (2019)
and other applicants must get their signature
certified by a Principal of a government school • Medium of Examination
/ a retired officer, Grama Niladhari of the Sinhala -2
Division, a Justice of Peace, a Commissioner Tamil -3
for Oath, an Attorney at Law, a Notary Public, English -4
a Commissioned Officer of the Three Forces, (Please state the relevant number in the box)
a permanent staff grade officer of the Public
or Provincial Public Service . Viharadhipathi 01. (a) Name in full (in block letters) :––––––––––––.
of a Buddhist temple or a Nayaka thero, any (Example: HERATH MUDIYANSELAGE
dignitary of clergy of any other religion in SAMAN KUMARA GUNAWARDHANA)
charge of a place of worship or holding a (b) Last name with initials: (in block letters with last
considerable position. Any applicant who fails name first) :––––––––––––.
to forward his application in that manner is not (Example: GUNAWARDHANA, H.M.S.K)
permitted to sit the examination. (c) Name in full (in Sinhala/Tamil) :––––––––––––.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05

02. National Identity Card number :

03. Sex : Male - 0

Female - 1 (Please state the relevant number in the box)
04. Permanent address:
(a) In Sinhala :––––––––––––.
(b) In English (In block letters) :
(Application will be posted to this address)

(d) District of permanent residence :––––––––––––.

(e) Divisional Secretariat Division :––––––––––––.
(f) Telephone number: Fixed :––––––––––––.
Mobile :

05. (a) Date of birth: Year : Month : Date :

(b) Age as at ............. : Years : Months : Days :

06. Civil status : Married - 1

Single - 2 (Please state the relevant number in the box)
07. Ethnicity :
Sinhala - 1, Tamil -2, Other-3 (Please state the relevant number in the box)
08. Education qualifications :
(a) G. C. E. (Ordinary Level) Examination :
First attempt Second attempt
Year :–––––––––. Index No. :–––––––––. Year :–––––––––. Index No. :–––––––––.
Serial Subject Pass Serial Subject Pass
No. No.

(b) G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Examination :

Year :–––––––––. Index No. :–––––––––.
Serial Subject Pass
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05 1147

09. Professional qualifications/Technical qualifications : (e) I will not change any information mentioned here
9.1 Degree/ Diploma :––––––––––––. by me.
9.2 Institution which awarded the Degree/ Diploma
:––––––––––––. –––––––––––––,
9.3 Effective date of the Degree/ Diploma certificate Signature of the applicant.
:––––––––––––. Date :––––––––––––.

10. Other qualifications :––––––––––––. 16. Certification of the signature of the applicant :

Have you ever been found guilty of an offense at a I certify that ..................................... the applicant is
court of law or is there any on-going judicial procedure personally known to me and that his/her signature was placed
against you? Yes/ No under para.15 of the above document on .........................
before me. I further certify that the examination fee has been
If yes, please state details :––––––––––––. paid and the relevant receipt has been attached.

12. If the applicant is already employed in public service ––––––––––––––,

or provincial public service, the designation and the Signature of the certifier.
name and address of the Department in which he/ she is
currently employed :––––––––––––. Date :––––––––––––.
Name of the certifier :––––––––––––.
Name and address :––––––––––––. Designation :––––––––––––.
Address :––––––––––––.
13. If the applicant has resigned from public/ provincial (Must be affirmed with the official stamp)
public service, reason for such resignation :–––––––––.
17. Recommendation of the Head of Department:
14. Payment of examination fees: (Applicable only to applicants employed in the public/
provincial public service)
Name of the post office/ sub post office to which
examination fee was paid :––––––––––––.
17.1 I certify that Mr./ Mrs./ Miss ...............................
Receipt No. :––––––––––––. whose details are mentioned above, is employed
Date of payment :––––––––––––. at ........................ in the capacity of .......................
with effect from ...............................
Please paste the payment receipt here.
Please keep a photocopy of the receipt with you. 17.2
As per the personal file of the aforesaid officer,
his/ her performance/ conduct and attendance is
15. Attestation of the applicant: satisfactory/ not satisfactory,
he/she has earned/ not earned all salary increments,
(a) I declare that information furnished by me in this he/she has/ has not been subjected to disciplinary
application is true and accurate. action.
(if subjected to disciplinary action, please state
(b) I understand that in the event the statement made by details)
me is proven false, I shall become ineligible to be .................................................................................
recruited to this position and that my employment
shall be terminated if it is proven so after recruitment. 17.3
If selected for the post applied for, it is possible/
not possible to release the officer from the position
(c) Receipt for the payment of Rs. ....................... as currently held by him/ her.
examination fee has been attached as specified.
I declare that I am bound by the rules and regulations Signature of the Head of Department.
that may be imposed by the Commissioner General Official stamp.
of Examinations regarding the holding of the Date :––––––––––––.
examination and the issuing of results.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05


All the Gazettes could be downloaded from the www.documents.gov.lk
(Issued every Friday)
1. All Notices and Advertisements are published at the risk of the Advertisers.
2. All Notices and Advertisements by Private Advertisers may be handed in or sent directly by post together with full payments to the Government
Printer, Department of Government Printing, Colombo 8.
3. The office hours are from 8.30 a.m. to 4.15 p.m.
4. Cash transactions will be from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
5. All Notices and Advertisements must be pre-paid. Notices and Advertisements sent directly by post should be accompanied by Money
order, Postal Order or Cheque made payable to the Government Printer. Postage stamps will not be accepted in payment of Advertisements.
Post Office - Borella will be the paying office for Money Orders.
6. To avoid errors and delay “copy” should be on one side of the paper only and typewritten.
7. All signatures should be repeated in block letters below the written signature.
8. Notices re-change of name from Non-Government Servants and Trade Advertisements are not accepted for publication.
9. Advertisements purporting to be issued under Orders of Courts will not be inserted unless signed or attested by a Proctor of the Supreme Court.
10. The authorised scale of charges for Notices and Advertisements is as follows from January 01st, 2013 :‑
    Rs. cts.
One inch or less ... ... ... 137 0
Every addition inch or fraction thereof ... ... ... 137 0
One column or 1/2 page of Gazette ... ... ... 1,300 0
Two columns or one page of Gazette ... ... ... 2,600 0

(All fractions of an inch will be charged for at the full inch rate.)
11. The “Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka” is published every Friday. Day of publication is subject to alteration in
any week where Public Holidays intervene.
12. All Notices and Advertisements should reach the Government Printer, Department of Government Printing, Colombo 8, as shown in
schedule of Separate Notice published at the end of each part of the Gazette of the first week of every month.
13. All communications regarding non-receipt, change of address and of the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka should be
addressed to the Government Printer, Department of Government Printing, Colombo 08.
14. Revised subscription rates effective from JANUARY 1st 2013 :

*Annual Subscription Rates and Postage

Price Postage
Rs. cts. Rs.   cts.
Part I :
Section I ... ... ... ... ... 4,160 0 9,340 0
Section II (Advertising, Vacancies, Tenders, Examinations, etc.) 580 0 950 0
Section III (Patent & Trade Mark Notices etc.) ... .. 405 0 750 0
Part I (Whole of 3 Sections together) ... ... ... 890 0 2,500 0
Part II (Judicial) ... ... ... ... ... 860 0 450 0
Part III (Lands) ... ... ... ... ... 260 0 275 0
Part IV (Notices of Provincial Councils and Local Government) 2,080 0 4,360 0
Part V (Stage carriage permits and Book List) ... ... 1,300 0 3,640 0
Part VI (List of Jurors and Assessors) ... ... ... 780 0 1,250 0
Extraordinary Gazette ... ... ... ... 5,145 0 5,520 0
Subscription to the “Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka” are booked per periods of not less than 12 months
so as to terminate at the end of a calendar year only.
* Rates for Single Copies (if available in stock)
Price Postage
Rs. cts. Rs.   cts.
Part I :
Section I ... ... ... ... 40 0 60 0
Section II ... ... ... ... 25 0 60 0
Section III ... ... ... ... 15 0 60 0
Part I(Whole of 3 Sections together) ... ... ... 80 0 120 0
Part II ... ... ... ... 12 0 60 0
Part III ... ... ... ... 12 0 60 0
Part IV (Notices of Provincial Councils and Local Government) 23 0 60 0
Part V ... ... ... ... 123 0 60 0
Part VI ... ... ... ... 87 0 60 0
*All single copies could be obtained from Government Publications Bureau, No. 163, Kirulapone Mawatha, Polhengoda, Colombo 05.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05 1149


THE Weekly issue of the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is normally published on
Fridays. If a Friday happens to be a Public Holiday the Gazette is published on the working day immediately
preceding the Friday. Thus the last date specified for the receipt of notices for publication in the Gazette also
varies depending on the incidence of public holidays in the week concerned.

The Schedule below shows the date of publication and the latest time by which notices should be
received for publication in the respective weekly Gazette. All notices received out of times specified below
will not be published. Such notices will be returned to the sender by post for necessary amendment and return
if publication is desired in a subsequent issue of the Gazette. It will be in the interest of all concerned if those
desirous of ensuring the timely publication of notices in the Gazette make it a point to see that sufficient time
is allowed for postal transmission of notices to the Government Press.

The Government Printer accept payments of subscription for the Government Gazette.

Note.—Payments for inserting Notices in the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
will be received by the Government Printer.
The Schedule

   Month Date of Publication Last Date and Time of

Acceptance of Notices for
           Publication in the Gazette

April 05.04.2019 Friday — 22.03.2019 Friday 12 noon

12.04.2019 Friday –– 29.03.2019 Friday 12 noon
18.04.2019 Thursday –– 05.04.2019 Friday 12 noon
26.04.2019 Friday –– 12.04.2019 Friday 12 noon

May 03.05.2019 Friday — 18.04.2019 Thursday 12 noon

10.05.2019 Friday –– 26.04.2019 Friday 12 noon
17.05.2019 Friday –– 03.05.2019 Friday 12 noon
24.05.2019 Friday –– 10.05.2019 Friday 12 noon
31.05.2019 Friday –– 17.05.2019 Friday 12 noon

June 07.06.2019 Friday — 24.05.2019 Friday 12 noon

14.06.2019 Friday –– 31.05.2019 Friday 12 noon
21.06.2019 Friday –– 07.06.2019 Friday 12 noon
28.06.2019 Friday –– 14.06.2019 Friday 12 noon

Gangani Liyanage,
Government Printer.

Department of Government Printing,

Colombo 08,
01st January, 2019.

Printed at the Department of Government Printing, Sri Lanka.

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