Journal of Air Transport Management: Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Farah Zeghal Mansour, Mohamed Haouari T
Journal of Air Transport Management: Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Farah Zeghal Mansour, Mohamed Haouari T
Journal of Air Transport Management: Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Farah Zeghal Mansour, Mohamed Haouari T
Keywords: Given a daily flight schedule and a set of aircraft fleets, the integrated aircraft routing and crew scheduling
Aircraft routing problem requires finding a maintenance feasible set of aircraft routes and crew pairings such that each individual
Crew pairing flight is covered by exactly one aircraft route and one crew pairing. Although these problems are interdependent,
Robust airline planning they have been traditionally solved sequentially, where the aircraft routing problem, which is solved first, de-
fines a set of periodic aircraft rotations that impose some restrictions on short connections that are subsequently
accommodated by the crew pairing problem. A major drawback of this sequential approach is that it ignores
most of the interdependencies between the two problems. In particular, it fails to build robust solutions that are
resilient to unpredictable disruptions (like adverse weather, aircraft breakdowns, etc.) that translate into delayed
and canceled flights. In this paper, we propose an integrated robust model that incorporates the aircraft routing
and crew pairing problems within a single framework that aims at generating aircraft routes that are both robust
and cost-effective while accommodating technical constraints. A peculiar feature of the proposed model is that it
includes a polynomial number of variables and constraints. We solve the resulting integrated model by using a
general-purpose solver. Computational results obtained by using data from major airlines demonstrate the
benefits of the proposed robust model.
1. Introduction sectors such as the pharmaceuticals, automotive and the textiles in-
dustries, and it is more than half the size of the global financial services
On January 1, 1914, the world witnessed the first scheduled pas- industry.
senger airline service linking St. Petersburg and Tampa, Florida. In the current context of volatile markets and shrinking prices,
Although, this line lasted three months only, it paved the way for to- airlines compete by using various Operations Research (OR) models
day's air transport prosperity. Since then, the use of commercial avia- and algorithms to neatly manage their complex operations and pro-
tion has grown more than seventy-fold, an achievement that is un- cesses (Barnhart et al. (2003)). In this regard, typical airline processes
matched by any other major form of transport. A disposal income and that intensively use OR techniques include:
living standards, reduced air travel costs, deregulation and globaliza-
tion enlarged the demand for air services, all of these and other factors • Schedule design (Warburg et al. (2008), Jiang and Barnhart (2009)
foreshadow a perennial appeal of the sector. and Eltoukhy et al. (2017)): This planning process requires de-
A proper appraisal of the economic importance of air industry re- termining which cities to fly to and at what times so as to generate a
quires highlighting its contributions to the global business. Actually, in schedule that offers the highest potential revenue. The generated
2016, airlines worldwide carried upward 3.6 billions of passengers and schedule constitutes the basis of the airline operations.
53 million tones of freight. It supported a total of 62.7 million jobs • Fleet assignment (Sherali et al. (2006) and Dožić and Kalić (2015)):
globally, where 9.9 million of them are direct jobs. The total economic This planning process deals with assigning aircraft types, each
impact of the worldwide aviation industry accounted for $ 2.7 trillion, having a different capacity (number of seats), to the scheduled flight
roughly 3.5% of world's gross domestic product (GDP).1 Actually, the legs, based on aircraft fleet sizes, operational costs, and expected
aviation industry contributes to the world GDP more than any other revenues.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Ben Ahmed),, (F. Zeghal Mansour), (M. Haouari).
Received 15 March 2018; Received in revised form 21 July 2018; Accepted 31 July 2018
Available online 20 August 2018
0969-6997/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Ben Ahmed et al. Journal of Air Transport Management 73 (2018) 15–31
• Aircraft routing (Lacasse-Guay et al. (2010) and Al-Thani et al. sophisticated branch-and-price or branch-and-cut algorithms.
(2016)): This planning process includes the determination of the Furthermore, a major goal of our model is to produce a cost-efficient
sequence of flight legs to be flown by each individual aircraft so as robust integrated solution. In this case, robustness is achieved through
to cover each flight exactly once while satisfying maintenance re- embedding two effective modeling features: (i) connections having very
quirements. short buffer times are aggressively avoided both in aircraft routes and
• Crew scheduling (Gopalakrishnan and Johnson (2005) and crew schedules as well, and (ii) connections that are simultaneously
Kasirzadeh et al. (2015)): This planning process involves the as- covered by aircraft routes and crew schedules are promoted. In so
signment of qualified crews to each flight leg while satisfying nu- doing, a delay that occurs on a given flight has a limited chance to
merous complex work rules. propagate to downstream flights and thereupon cause severe disrup-
tions. Therefore, our model aims at deriving schedules that are less
These problems are typically solved sequentially, where the solution sensitive to reactionary delays (i.e. delays caused by late arrival of
of one problem serve as an input for the following. Clearly, this divide- aircraft or crew from previous flight). It is well-documented that reac-
and-conquer strategy offers the significant advantage of considerably tionary delays represent the major cause of delays3 that have been
reducing the computational burden, but at the cost of producing sub- plaguing airlines worldwide, and whose impact is more dramatic. As
optimal solutions. Nevertheless, over the last decade, several authors shown in Table 1 below, because of the so-called snowball effect, a
successfully addressed the foregoing problems in some integrated reactionary delay can be, under specific circumstances, up to seven
fashion (Shao et al. (2017)). The basic premise behind such approaches times greater in magnitude than the source delay.
is to catch the interdependencies that exist between the various plan- More precisely, we make the following contributions:
ning stages, and produce more cost-effective solutions.
A glaring fact in this context, is that optimized schedules are scar- • We propose a polynomial-size mixed-integer nonlinear program-
cely implemented as planned. The reason behind this paradoxical si- ming model for the robust integrated aircraft routing and crew
tuation is that several random (uncontrollable) adverse incidents fre- pairing problem. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
quently disrupt scheduled flights. These disruptions are usually contribution in this regard. Our model builds upon the aircraft
attributed to several causes such as aircraft breakdowns, air-traffic routing model of Haouari et al. (2013) and the crew pairing model
congestion, crew shortages, aircraft arriving late, and inclement of Zeghal Mansour et al. (2018). We apply the Reformulation-Lin-
weather conditions, etc., and translate into delayed and canceled earization Technique (RLT) of Sherali and Adams (1990, 1994) to
flights, and thereby additional financial burden and profit loss. provide an equivalent lifted linear mixed-integer programming
Actually, the number of disrupted flights has spiraled during the last formulation.
years along with the air industry expansion. In this context, it has been • We assess the empirical performance of the proposed model through
reported that 18.58% of US airlines flights were delayed by more than an extensive computational study that was carried on realistic in-
15 min in2016.2 stances based on data provided by major airlines. In particular, we
The sizable expenses generated by flight delays are arguably provide evidence that instances with up to 336 flights, and 95 air-
straightforward to quantify, consisting of (1) cost of flights' operations craft can be optimally solved within reasonable CPU times.
(e.g. additional fuel and maintenance costs), (2) passengers' delay costs • We evaluate the performance of the derived robust solution, using a
(including passengers' accommodation and meals), (3) crews' overtime Monte-Carlo simulation study, and we show that our solutions
payment, and (4) revenue losses that are incurred by, refleeting deci- substantially outperform solutions produced by a non-robust ap-
sions, cancelled routes as well as passengers that are reaccommodated proach.
on different airlines (AhmadBeygi et al. (2008)). Cook and Tanner
(2015) estimated that a 1 min of delay may cost up to €1.75 per pas- The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we
senger. It is noteworthy that these estimates downplay the cost of the review the literature pertaining to integrated airline operations models.
damages inflicted to airlines' reputation, which is translated into loss of In Section 3, we present a formal problem description along with the
future business. associated underlying aircraft and crew graphs. In Section 4, we pro-
In response to these challenges, airlines are seeking to implement vide a detailed description of the proposed integrated model. This
novel tools and techniques for building robust schedules that are less model is first introduced as a nonlinear mixed-integer program. Next,
vulnerable to unpredictable disruptions when they occur (see Chtourou the Reformulation-Linearization Technique (RLT) is employed to derive
and Haouari (2008), Ben Ahmed et al. (2017b) and Ladier and Alpan an equivalent linear model. In Section 5, we report the results of our
(2016) among others). In this context, robustness can be achieved computational experiments that were carried out on realistic data from
through embedding a schedule with specific patterns, that allow it to major airlines. Finally, in Section 6, we provide some concluding re-
exhibit (i) resilience (or, flexibility), which is defined as the ability to marks and outline directions for future research.
easily recover after a disruption, or (ii) stability which refers to the
ability to absorb or mitigate flight delays with limited impact on the
2. Literature review
downstream flights. During the last, the issue of designing robust airline
schedules has been intensely investigated by many authors. We refer to
Since the pioneering applications of Operations Research in the
Muter et al. (2013), Cadarso and Marín (2013), Jamili (2016), Ben
airline industry in the early 1960s, it has been realized that solving the
Ahmed et al. (2017a) and Yan and Kung (2018), for the most recent
integrated aircraft routing and crew pairing problem is a cumbersome
task that goes well beyond the capabilities of the optimization tech-
In this paper, we address the robust integrated aircraft routing and
nology that was available at these times. However, prompted by the
crew pairing problem (RIARCP). This model achieves the integration of
joint development of sophisticated optimization techniques, speeded-up
two stages: it requires simultaneously determining periodic main-
computers, together with enhanced commercial optimization solvers,
tenance feasible aircraft routes and crew pairings. In contrast to pre-
several approaches have been proposed during the last 15 years in the
vious integrated models, our model includes a polynomial number of
literature to address numerous variants of integrated aircraft routing
variables and constraints. Therefore, it can be directly solved using a
and crew pairing models. In this section, we shed light on the most
general-purpose solver without requiring the implementation of
Understanding the Reporting of Causes of Flight Delays and Cancellations,
M. Ben Ahmed et al. Journal of Air Transport Management 73 (2018) 15–31
Table 1 the crew are assigned will arrive late. This model was extended by
Basic reactionary multipliers by delay magnitude (Cook and Tanner (2015)). Mercier et al. (2005), who penalizes aircraft swap along restricted
Delay (min) 5 15 30 60 90 120 180 240 300 connections. Later, this model was further enhanced by Mercier and
Soumis (2007), where flight departure time can be suitably shifted
Basic multiplier 1.52 1.70 1.97 2.51 3.05 3.60 4.68 5.77 6.85 backward or forward within a 5-min gap. The problem was modeled
using a path formulation and solved using a hybrid solution strategy
that combines a Benders decomposition approach and a dynamic con-
relevant contributions in this regard. We shall start by reviewing non- straint generation procedure.
robust integrated models, and next focus on robust ones. At this stage, it is noteworthy that numerous contributions have
drawn inspiration from the seminal work of Cordeau et al. (2001) and
2.1. Non-robust integrated models successfully built airline schedules that promote crews following air-
craft. In particular, Weide et al. (2010) investigated the robust in-
A first attempt to partially integrate the schedule planning, aircraft tegrated aircraft routing and crew pairing problem. Starting from an
routing and crew pairing problem was proposed in Klabjan et al. initial solution, they iteratively solve both aircraft routing and crew
(2002), where, the crew pairing problem is solved while ensuring the pairing problems, to deliver an integrated aircraft and crew schedule.
feasibility of aircraft routes through plane-count constraints. In this The incumbent solution yielded a small number of crews changing
case, maintenance checks are assumed to be performed overnight when aircraft and incurred less costs than others implemented in practice.
all aircraft are grounded. Later, Cohn and Barnhart (2003) proposed a Gao et al. (2009) addressed an integrated fleet assignment and crew
path-based formulation to integrate crew pairing and maintenance pairing model, where station purity is accommodated by restricting the
routing problems. The proposed solution approach requires im- number of fleet types and crew bases allowed to serve each airport. A
plementing a branch-and-price algorithm to solve the integrated pro- clear advantage of imposing station purity is that restricting the number
blem, which can be easily extended to take into account some restric- of crews allowed to serve at each airport may promote finding solutions
tions on short connections. Yao et al. (2005) addressed an integrated that exhibit an increased number of move-up crews opportunities.
aircraft routing and crew pairing model while also considering flexible On the other hand, Dunbar et al. (2012) investigated an iterative
departure times during peak demand days. The authors show that a approach to accurately estimate propagated delays and to yield robust
flexible departure time strategy has a positive impact on schedules plans for aircraft and crews. Dunbar et al. (2014) extended the former
profitability and allows a more efficient aircraft utilization. Sandhu and approach by considering stochastic delay information. In this regard,
Klabjan (2007) investigated an integrated fleet assignment and crew the authors developed two new algorithms that embed delay scenarios
paring problem while (partially) accommodating aircraft routing con- within the aircraft routing and crew pairing problems, which are solved
siderations. However, for the sake of computational tractability, aircraft in an integrated fashion. They additionally proposed an heuristic-based
maintenance restrictions were ignored. Furthermore, Papadakos (2009) approach that modifies flight departure times in order to minimize total
successfully integrated three main planning stages: fleet assignment, propagated delay costs. Also, Dück et al. (2012) investigated an in-
aircraft routing and crew pairing. This tour de force was achieved by tegrated stochastic crew scheduling and aircraft assignment model that
applying an enhanced Benders decomposition technique combined with involves delay propagation through aircraft routes as well as crew
accelerated column generation. Recently, Shao et al. (2017) presented a schedules. This model by a heuristic column-based iterative approach.
novel modeling approach for solving the integrated fleet assignment, Recently, Ruther et al. (2017) studied the operational variant of the
aircraft routing, and crew pairing problem. Additionally, their model integrated maintenance routing and crew pairing problem. In practice,
conservatively includes some pertinent operational considerations, such routes and crew pairing are optimized over a short planning horizon
as itinerary-based demands and other mandated aircraft and crew re- few days before operation. Besides, exact aircraft locations and the
quirements. They solved the integrated model using a Benders de- maintenance and flying history of each individual aircraft are accom-
composition approach along with several acceleration algorithmic ex- modated beforehand. The robustness of the resulting integrated model
pedients. is enhanced by promoting the assigning of crews and aircraft on the
Furthermore, Salazar-González (2014) investigated an integrated same connections when the connection time is not long. The proposed
fleet assignment, aircraft routing, crew pairing problem, and crew model is solved using a sophisticated branch-and-price model with
rostering problem. The author proposed a heuristic approach that re- many pricing problems.
quires decomposing the genuine problem into subproblems that are
solved using a commercial solver. Recently, Cacchiani and Salazar- 3. Problem description
González (2017) proposed two distinct MILP formulations to model the
integrated fleet assignment, aircraft routing and crew pairing problem. 3.1. Problem definition, terminology, and notation
The first model rely on path variables to describe aircraft routes and
crew pairings. Whereas, the second one uses arcflow variables to model In the sequel, an aircraft type refers to a certain model of aircraft. All
aircraft routes and path variables to describe crew pairings. Both aircraft of the same type share the same cockpit configuration and
models aim at minimizing an aggregated cost function, and were solved number of seats in each compartment. An aircraft family is comprised of
using exact algorithms. Computational experiments demonstrated that the union of all aircraft types that share the same cockpit configuration
arc-path formulation significantly outperforms the arc-arc formulation, and cockpit rating. For instance, the popular Airbus A320 family in-
and provided substantial improvement on tractability and optimality. cludes several aircraft types that consist of variants of A318, A319,
A320 and A321. A particular cockpit crew should be allocated to only
2.2. Robust integrated models one aircraft family.
Each aircraft should undergo a preventive maintenance check be-
In their pioneering paper, Cordeau et al. (2001) investigated an fore accumulating a specified number of flying hours since the last
integrated aircraft routing and crew scheduling problem where the maintenance check. This mandatory preventive maintenance requires
schedule robustness was achieved through forcing crews to follow air- the aircraft to remain grounded at a maintenance station for a specified
craft on short connections. In fact, crews that change form one aircraft time duration. A maintenance feasible aircraft route (or, rotation), is a
to another are likely to be delayed, particularly when there is not en- sequence of legs to be served by a single aircraft that satisfies the fol-
ough connection time. For instance, if an inbound flight endured a lowing restrictions: (i) the departure station of the first leg and the
disruption, then both the operating aircraft and the aircraft to which arrival station of the last leg must correspond to the same maintenance
M. Ben Ahmed et al. Journal of Air Transport Management 73 (2018) 15–31
station; (ii) the time elapsed between the arrival time of the last leg and subsequent flight might be immediately delayed. Due to the fact that
the departure time of the first leg must exceed the time required for each single flight delay may cause the delay of multiple downstream
performing a maintenance check; and (iii) the total flying time should flights, and thereby seriously damage the schedule adherence, it is
not exceed a specified time limit. worth covering each critical connection that is included in a crew
A duty period is a single workday of a crew that is comprised of a pairing by an aircraft route. Furthermore, assume that the aircraft turn
sequence of flight legs with short rest periods, or sits, separating them. time is 30 min and that an aircraft route includes a 35 min connection.
It also includes briefing and debriefing periods at the beginning and end Although being feasible, it is easy to realize that this latter connection is
of the period. A pairing is a sequence of duty periods with overnight highly sensitive to minor delay. That is, if the aircraft is arriving late by
rests between consecutive periods. Each pairing begins and ends at the just 15 min, then this will cause a delay of the immediate subsequent
same station (the crew base). Because of the restrictive work-rules flight.
building optimal legal duties and pairings is a highly complex problem. To promote the derivation of a robust schedule, we propose an
A feasible pairing should satisfy the following constraints: (i) Minimum objective function that amounts to maximizing the sum of the rewards
and maximum sit-time between consecutive flights. However, if both minus the sum of penalties, where:
flights are served by the same aircraft then the sit-time can be shorter
than the legal minimum and equal to the aircraft turn-time. We refer to • A reward is granted to each connection (whether it is critical or not)
such a connection as a short connection; (ii) Maximum flying time be- that is both covered by a crew pairing and an aircraft route. In so
tween two consecutive rests; (iii) Maximum number of landings be- doing, solutions where the crew is following the aircraft are pro-
tween two consecutive rests; (iv) Maximum time in a pairing away from moted.
base; (v) Maximum number of duties in the pairing. Furthermore, each • A penalty is incurred for each covered critical connection. In so
crew should be granted a specified minimum rest time after a com- doing, both aircraft and pairing connections that exhibit short buffer
pleting a pairing. times are prevented. These buffer times aim at absorbing un-
In this paper, we investigate the following integrated daily aircraft predictable delays. However, if the crew follows the aircraft on a
routing and crew pairing problem. We are given a set L of daily flights to critical connection, then the corresponding crew penalty is can-
be operated by a single aircraft family that consists of a set of K aircraft celled.
types. We denote by NAk the number of aircraft of type k. We assume Remark 1. Traditionally, airlines do not evaluate the cost of a crew
that the fleeting decisions were made at a preceding stage, and we schedule in monetary ways. Rather, they apply a particular metric denoted
denote by Lk the set of legs that will be served by an aircraft of type k. by the flight-time credit (FTC) (Schaefer et al. (2005)). The FTC of a
For each flight j ∈ L , we denote by t j the corresponding flying time, DTj pairing is the difference between its total duration and the its total block time
and ATj the departure and arrival times, respectively, and DSj and ADj (flying time). In what follows, we shall estimate the FTC of a pairing as the
the departure and arrival stations, respectively. It is noteworthy that all sum of idle times (that is, sum of sit-times and layovers).
time parameters are expressed in minutes and thereby are defined
Remark 2. The model that is presented in this paper differs to a great extent
within the time interval [0,1440) .
from the one addressed by Cacchiani and Salazar-González (2017), who
The Robust Integrated Aircraft Routing and Crew Pairing Problem
likewise provided a compact formulation to solve the integrated aircraft
(RIARCP) requires finding a set of aircraft routes and crew pairings such
routing and crew pairing problem. First and foremost, Cacchiani and
that the following constraints are accommodated:
Salazar-González (2017) proposed an acyclic/non-periodic formulation
• The total number of required aircraft of each type k should not ex-
the number of aircraft that can undergo maintenance at once. In contrast,
our model accommodates planned maintenance checks that have to be
ceed the available size of the corresponding subfleet.
• Each pairing along with the corresponding duties should satisfy all
scheduled, either overnight or by daytime, before accumulating a maximum
number of flying hours. Finally, the authors considered building single-day
the aforementioned legal and structural constraints.
• The total number of required crews should not exceed the available
crew pairings. Therefore, several crews' work rules were ignored (namely,
restrictions on layover duration and total pairing duration). Whereas, our
number of crews.
• Each short connection that is included in a pairing should be cov-
model incorporates all of the aforementioned work rules, without requiring
the implementation of column generation/branch-and-price algorithm to
ered by an aircraft route, and vice-versa.
• The operational costs of crew pairings should not exceed a preset
solve it.
value. By appropriately setting this latter value, this constraint en-
sures that the generated solution is cost-effective. 3.2. Underlying graphs
Prior to describing the objective function, we introduce the concept The proposed integrated mixed-integer programming model is
of a critical connection. This concept refers to a feasible aircraft or crew based on two types of associated directed graphs: one for aircraft routes
connection where the idle time is larger than the minimum legal time and one for crew pairings. The former, was first described in Haouari
but smaller than a specified threshold (say, 80 min. However, in prac- et al. (2013), and the latter was recently introduced by Zeghal Mansour
tice, this parameter should be adjusted empirically). To clarify the re- et al. (2018). For the sake of making the paper self-contained, both
levance of critical connections, consider the following simple example graphs are described below.
where a crew pairing covers a connection having a corresponding sit-
time of 45 min, while the minimum sit-time is 40 min. Assume that no 3.2.1. Aircraft routing graphs
aircraft route was assigned to this connection. Therefore, at this con- For each sub-fleet k, we define a digraph GkAR = (V k , Ak ) where each
nection a crew must be transferred from an arriving aircraft to a dif- node j ∈ V k corresponds to a daily flight leg that belongs to Lk . An arc
ferent departing aircraft. In case where the arriving aircraft was subject (i, j ) ∈ Ak if and only if the following two compatibility conditions hold:
to a 40-min delay, then two subsequent flights might be immediately (i) The arrival station ASi of flight i coincides with the departure station
delayed. In contrast, if the crew was following the aircraft then only one DSj of flight j, and (ii) the total connection time is greater than or equal
M. Ben Ahmed et al. Journal of Air Transport Management 73 (2018) 15–31
to the minimum aircraft turn-around time. For the sake of computa- from base),
tional convenience, arcs that exhibit a connection time larger than 24 h •μ max
: Maximum number of landings within a duty,
are not included. The weight of the arc (i, j ) ∈ Ak is t j. Hereafter, we •υ max
: Maximum number of duties within a pairing,
denote by A ≡ ∪k = 1, … , K Ak the set of all aircraft connections.
For each sub-fleet k, we denote by Sk the set of maintenance stations The crew pairing graph GCP = (V , B ) is defined as follows. The node
where an aircraft of type k can be serviced, Mk the maintenance check set V is derived by adding a dummy start node to V . That is, we have
duration, tmax the maximum flying time between two consecutive V ≡ V ∪ {0}, where the dummy node 0 represents both the start and the
maintenance checks (note that t j ≤ tmax , ∀ j ∈ Lk ) and τk the aircraft end of a pairing. Similar to the aircraft routing graph, an arc (i, j ) is
turn-time. associated with each feasible connection between flights i and j that can
The set of arcs Ak is given by the union of six arc subsets A1k , A2k , A3k , be served consecutively by the same crew in a pairing. Hence, an arc
and A4k that are defined as follows: (i, j ) ∈ B if and only if the following two compatibility conditions hold:
(i) The arrival station ASi of flight i coincides with the departure station
• An arc (i, j) ∈ A k
1 if and only if a maintenance check could be DSj of flight j, and (ii) the total connection time is greater than or equal
planned between the arrival of flight i and the departure of flight j, to the minimum sit-time and smaller than the maximum layover
and both flights are required to be served consecutively on the same duration. In addition, we define for each flight node j ∈ LD that departs
day. Hence, (i, j ) ∈ A1k ⇔ (1) ASi ∈ S; and (2) ATi + Mk ≤ DTj.. from the crew base an arc (0, j ), and or each flight node j ∈ LA that
• An arc (i, j ) ∈ A2k if and only if a maintenance check could be arrives to the crew base an arc (j, 0). The correspond arc subsets will be
planned between the arrival of flight i and the departure of flight j, referred to as BD and BA, respectively.
and the same aircraft is required to serve flight leg j the day after The arcset B includes subsets B1 and B2 that are defined as follows:
serving flight leg i. Hence, (i, j ) ∈ A2k ⇔ (1) ASi ∈ S; and
(2) DTj < ATi + Mk ≤ DTj + 1440. 1 An arc (i, j ) ∈ B1 if and only if legs i and j ∈ L can be consecutively
• An arc (i, j ) ∈ A3k if and only if a maintenance check could not be served by a same crew during the same duty period. That is, each arc
planned between the arrival of flight i and the departure of flight j, (i, j ) ∈ B1 corresponds to a short rest period within a duty. Hence,
and both flights are required to be served consecutively on the same (i, j ) ∈ B1 ⇔ (1) the sit-time sij is bounded by aircraft turn-time and
day. Hence, (i, j ) ∈ A3k ⇔ (1) ASi ∉ S or (2) DTj < ATi + Mk . the maximum allowed sit-time (i.e., sij ∈ [mink = 1, K {τk }, smax ]); (2) the
• An arc (i, j ) ∈ A4k if and only if a maintenance check could not be maximum flying time with a duty is satisfied (i.e., ti + t j ≤ φmax ), and
planned between the arrival of flight i and the departure of flight j, (3) the maximum duty duration is satisfied (i.e., ti + t j + sij ≤ λ max ),
and the same aircraft is required to serve flight leg j the day after where the sit-time sij is computed as follows:
serving flight leg i. Hence, (i, j ) ∈ A4k ⇔ (1) ASi ∉ S or • sij = DTj − ATi , if DTj > AT,i in this case the arrival of flight i and the
ATi + M > DTj + 1440; and (2) DTj < ATi + τk ≤ DTj + 1440. departure of flight j occur on the same day,
• sij = DTj + 1440 − ATi , if DTj < ATi , in this case the arrival of flight i
We denote by AM k
≡ A1k ∪ A2k the set of maintenance arcs for sub- and the departure of flight j occur on two consecutive days.
fleet k, and ANM ≡ Ak \AM
k k
, the set of non-maintenance arcs. 2 An arc (i, j ) ∈ B2 : An arc (i, j ) ∈ BL connects two consecutive flights i
Furthermore, we observe that arcs that belong to A2k ∪ A4k correspond and j ∈ L that can be performed consecutively by the same crew in
to wraparound ground connections that link pairs of flights that are two consecutive duty periods within the same pairing. Therefore,
flown on two consecutive days. On the other hand, connections that each arc (i, j ) ∈ B2 corresponds to a layover within a multi-day
belong to A1k ∪ A3k correspond to pairs of consecutive flights that depart pairing, where the layover time lij is computed as follows:
on the same day. Let nak denote the number of wraparound flights in Lk • lij = DTj − ATi , if ATi + l min ≤ DTj ≤ ATi + l max , in this case the ar-
(that is, those flights whose arrival time occurs on the day after their rival of flight i and the departure of flight j occur on the same day.
departure day). We make the following observations: • lij = DTj + 1440 − ATi , if ATi + l min ≤ DTj + 1440 ≤ ATi + l max , in
this case the arrival of flight i occurs one day before the departure of
Claim 1. A cycle (j1 , j2 , …, jp , j1 ) in GkAR corresponds to a rotation of an
flight j.
aircraft of type k that consecutively covers flight legs j1 , j2 , …, jp and returns
to j1 in a cyclic fashion. • lij = DTj + 2880 − ATi , if ATi + l min ≤ DTj + 2880 ≤ ATi + l max , in
this case the arrival of flight i occurs two days before the departure
Claim 2. A cycle (j1 , j2 , …, jp , j1 ) in GkAR that covers wg wraparound ground of flight j.
connections and wf wraparound flights spans (wg + wf ) consecutive days.
Hence, (i, j ) ∈ B2 ⇔ (1) The layover duration is bounded by the
minimum and the maximum layover time (i.e., lij ∈ [l min , l max ]), and (2)
3.2.2. Crew pairing graph the maximum duration of a pairing is satisfied (i.e., ti + t j + lij ≤ ηmax ).
Let LD ⊂ L denote the set of flights that depart from the base station, Furthermore, we define the set of short connections B S ⊂ B1 that
and LA ⊂ L the set of flights that arrive to the base station. Define sij as include all those connections that exhibit sit-times that are shorter than
the sit-time between consecutive flights i and j that are included in a minimum sit-time.
same duty period, and lij as the layover time between two consecutive We observe that:
flights i and j that belong to two consecutive duty periods within a same
pairing. Furthermore, we provide the following additional notation. Claim 3. A cycle (0, j1 , j2 , …, jp , 0) in GCP corresponds to a pairing that
consecutively covers flight legs j1 , j2 , …, jp .
• s / s : Minimum/Maximum sit-time between two consecutive
min max
flights within a same duty,
• : Maximum flying time within a duty,
φ max
4. A compact mixed-integer programming model
• λ : Maximum duty duration. We assume that the longest flight
duration is shorter than the maximum duty duration (i.e., t j ≤ λmax , 4.1. Critical connections
j ∈ V ),
• l min / l max : Minimum/Maximum layover duration between two con- For each arc (i, j ) ∈ Ak (k = 1, …, K ) we define the aircraft planned
secutive duties within a same pairing, (note that l min is also the idle time Iija as the difference between the departure time of flight j and
minimum rest time after a completing a pairing), the aircraft ready time. That is,
• ηmin / ηmax : Minimum/Maximum duration of a pairing (i.e. time away
M. Ben Ahmed et al. Journal of Air Transport Management 73 (2018) 15–31
4.2.1. Additional parameters λj yij = (λi + sij + t j ) yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B1, (20)
ρ: reward (or, prize) that is collected if a connection is simulta- νj y0j = y0j , ∀ j ∈ LD , (21)
neously covered by an aircraft route and a crew pairing.
ε: tolerance (or, margin) on the solution's crew operational costs in νj yij = νi yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B1, (22)
comparison with the baseline cost.
νj yij = (νi + 1) yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B2, (23)
FTC: The schedule's baseline cost.
ηj y0j = t j y0j , j ∈ LD , (24)
4.2.2. Decision variables
ηj yij = (ηi + sij + t j ) yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B1, (25)
x ij : binary variable that takes 1 if flights i ∈ L and j ∈ L are served
consecutively by the same aircraft, and 0 otherwise ηj yij = (ηi + lij + t j ) yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B2, (26)
yij : binary variable that takes 1 if flights i ∈ L and j ∈ L are served
ηj ≥ ηmin yj0 , ∀ j ∈ LD , (27)
consecutively by the same crew, and 0 otherwise
z ij : binary variable that takes 1 if a crew follows an aircraft on a ηj yj0 + l min ≤ 1440dj , ∀ j ∈ LA , (28)
connection (i, j ) ∈ A ∩ B
uj : total accumulated flying hours for an aircraft since its last
∑ dj ≤ nbcrew ,
maintenance check after serving flight leg j ∈ L (j,0) ∈ BA (29)
μj : total number of landings after serving flight leg j ∈ L
φj : total accumulated duty flight duration after serving flight leg yij ≤ x ij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B S , (30)
λj : total accumulated duty duration after serving flight leg j ∈ L 0 ≤ z ij ≤ x ij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ A ∩ B, (31)
νj : total accumulated number of duties after serving flight leg j ∈ L
0≤ z ij ≤ yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ A ∩ B, (32)
ηj : total accumulated time away from base after serving flight leg
j∈L t j ≤ uj ≤ tmax , ∀ j ∈ L, (33)
dj : integer variable that corresponds to the duration (in days) of the
pairing that ends with flight j (if any), j ∈ LA . 1 ≤ μj ≤ μmax , ∀ j ∈ L, (34)
M. Ben Ahmed et al. Journal of Air Transport Management 73 (2018) 15–31
x ij ∈ {0,1}, ∀ (i, j ) ∈ A, (39) Constraints (30) enforces crew to follow aircraft on short connec-
tions. Finally, Constraints (31)–(32) enforce that if z ij = 1 then a crew
yij ∈ {0,1}, ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B, (40) follows the aircraft on the critical connection (i, j ) ∈ B C .
dj ≥ 0, integer, ∀ j ∈ LA . (42) Following Haouari et al. (2013) and Zeghal Mansour et al. (2018)
who proposed compact models for the aircraft routing and the crew
pairing problems, respectively, we enhance the solvability of the pro-
posed robust integrated model by applying the Reformulation Linear-
4.3. Objective function
ization Technique of Sherali and Adams (1990, 1994) to derive a tight,
equivalent linear model representation of the problem.
The objective function (5) maximizes the total reward that is col-
Toward this end, we define new variables that shall be substituted
lected from connections where crews are following aircraft, minus the
to the nonlinear terms. These variables are defined as follows:
sum of the penalties that are incurred by including critical connections
in aircraft routes and penalties that are incurred by critical connections αij = ui x ij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ A, (43)
that are covered by crew pairings without being covered by any aircraft
route. βij = μi yij ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B, (44)
M. Ben Ahmed et al. Journal of Air Transport Management 73 (2018) 15–31
Table 2
Description of the data sets.
Data Set A318 A319 A320 A321 E190 E170 F70 B737 B738 B739 Total Turn Time (min) Sit Time (min)
I1 26 26 35 30
I2 42 42 35 30
I3 18 25 5 48 45 40
I4 2 35 9 46 45 40
I5 12 18 10 40 45 40
I6 12 12 35 30
I7 18 27 30 20 95 45 40
I8 17 26 12 60 45 40
∑ δji = t j + ∑ δij ∀ j ∈ L, dropped from Model 50–84, and the new objective function reads as
(j, i) ∈ B (i, j ) ∈ B1 (61) follows:
0≤ z ij ≤ yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B C ∩ A, (69) The inputs for the RIARCP come from daily fleet assignment solu-
tions obtained from international airline companies. The data includes,
yij ≤ βij ≤ (μmax − 1) yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B1, (70) for each aircraft family, the number of available aircraft, a daily flight
yij ≤ βij ≤ μmax yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B2 ∪ BA, schedule with the flight numbers, departure and arrival times, origin
and destination airports and the operating aircraft type. Moreover, they
ti yij ≤ δij ≤ (φmax − t j ) yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B1, (72) also specify the respective turn times, to be imposed between two
consecutive flights. The data sets comprise eight sets of instances,
ti yij ≤ δij ≤ φmax yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B2 ∪ BA. (73) hereafter referred to by Ii , i = 1..8. They concern midsized- and narrow-
body aircraft such as Airbus 320 and Boeing 730 families. Table 2
ti yij ≤ ζij ≤ (λ max − sij − t j ) yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B1, (74) displays for each data set the number of aircraft types, as well as the
number of available aircraft.
ti yij ≤ ζij ≤ λ max yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B2 ∪ BA, (75) Each of the first five sets of instances comprises seven instances.
yij ≤ σij ≤ (νmax − 1) yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B2, They differ by few flights that are scheduled only several days a week.
The last three instances sets comprise one instance that repeats daily. In
yij ≤ σij ≤ νmax yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B1 ∪ BA, (77) the sequel, we denote each instance by Iij , i = 1..8 and j = 1..7 .
Furthermore, since the actual number of crews was not available, we
ti yij ≤ ϑij ≤ (ηmax − sij − t j ) yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B1, (78) estimated this parameter by inflating the lower bound that is derived by
solving the linear programming relaxation of the non-robust model
ti yij ≤ ϑij ≤ (ηmax − lij − t j ) yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B2, (79) with the objective of minimizing the total number of crews.
The main characteristics of the different instances are described in
max(ηmin , t j ) yj0 ≤ ϑj0 ≤ ηmax yj0 , ∀ (j, 0) ∈ BA, (80)
Table 3, where we indicate for each instance set the number of flights, the
x ij ∈ {0,1}, ∀ (i, j ) ∈ A, (81) average of flight durations and their standard deviation, respectively.
In addition, we assumed that each aircraft must undergo at least one
yij ∈ {0,1}, ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B, (82) maintenance check before accumulating 100 h of flying time. The
duration of a maintenance check was set to 8 h.
z ij ∈ {0,1}, ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B ∩ A, (83) Regarding duty and pairing parameters, we relied on the standard
dj ≥ 0, integer , ∀ j ∈ LA . rules mentioned in the literature and set the corresponding parameters
to the following values: the maximum number of landings within a
duty, μmax = 4, the maximum flying time within a duty, φmax = 8 hours,
4.10. The non-robust variant of the IARCP problem the maximum duty duration, λmax = 12 hours, the maximum sit time
between two consecutive flights within a same duty, smax = 4 hours, the
In a preprocessing step, we start first by solving a non-robust version maximum number of duties within a pairing, υmax = 3, the maximum
of our integrated model with the objective of computing the optimal time away from base, ηmax = 96 hours, the minimum duration of a
crew operational costs. Toward this end, Constraints 59 and 68–69 are pairing, ηmin= 5 h, the minimum layover duration l min = 9 hours and
M. Ben Ahmed et al. Journal of Air Transport Management 73 (2018) 15–31
Table 3
Characteristics of the data instances.
Class Instance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I1 No. of flights 62 72 76 80 78 78 86
Average duration (min) 72.50 74.44 74.14 75.88 75.06 75.58 76.86
Standard deviation (min) 13.95 14.60 13.66 14.03 14.18 14.17 15.91
I2 No. of flights 130 154 154 156 156 142 146
Average duration (min) 92.08 91.98 92.63 92.56 93.24 93.49 93.53
Standard deviation (min) 17.18 16.96 17.13 17.60 18.21 18.40 18.15
I3 No. of flights 210 212 212 212 214 192 216
Average duration (min) 114.71 114.53 114.53 114.53 114.16 116.93 113.98
Standard deviation (min) 31.56 31.41 31.41 31.41 31.41 32.45 31.26
I4 No. of flights 140 142 118 148 150 146 154
Average duration (min) 162.97 162.07 158.08 158.04 157.16 159.40 155.37
Standard deviation (min) 99.22 98.69 98.23 98.25 97.74 98.39 96.78
I5 No. of flights 82 88 80 92 89 80 80
Average duration (min) 136.84 133.66 131.95 146.64 149.14 156.20 154.44
Standard deviation (min) 43.69 46.32 50.53 38.44 38.99 33.25 33.81
I6 No. of flights 60
Average duration (min) 86.58
Standard deviation (min) 16.79
I7 No. of flights 336
Average duration (min) 115.42
Standard deviation (min) 36.67
I8 No. of flights 136
Average duration (min) 126.25
Standard deviation (min) 32.29
the maximum layover duration, l max = 33 hours. Finally, the tolerance • PM : The number of all crews that follows aircraft.
on the solutions crew operational costs was set to ε = 5%. • PM : The number of critical aircraft connections.
5.2. Computational results We run both NR and RIARCP-RLT models on a testbed of 38 instances.
A summary of the computational results is provided in Table 4, where we
To analyze the performance of our approach, we provide the fol- provide, for each instance, the required CPU time is sec., the solutions' cost
lowing measures: (FTC ) along with the different aforementioned performance metrics.
Table 4 shows that the RIARCP problem can be solved within rea-
• PM : The number of pairing connections that are shorter than
c sonable CPU times, even for large instances. It also shows that this
30 min. problem is computationally more tractable than the NR variant.
• PM : The number of pairing connections that are shorter than
In Table 5, we provide for each class of instances, and for all per-
40 min. formance metrics, but PM2 and PM3, the cumulative percentage devia-
• PM : The number of pairing connections that are shorter than
c tion 100 ×
, where PM (NR) and PM (RIARCP ) are
50 min.
• PM : The number of aircraft connections that are shorter than
30 computed over all of the instances of each class, respectively.
Looking at Table 5, a striking observation is that, most of measures
30 min.
• PM : The number of aircraft connections that are shorter than
of performances were substantially improved. A greater achievement
can be noticed in metrics related to crew pairings. Indeed, the number
40 min.
of pairing connections that are shorter than 30 min (PMc30 ) was im-
• PM : The number of aircraft connections that are shorter than
proved by 86.67–100%, the number of pairing connections that are
50 min.
shorter than 40 min (PMc40 ) was reduced by 42.86–100%, and the
• PM : The number of critical pairing connections.
number of pairing connections that are shorter than 50 min (PMc50 ) was
• PM : The number of crews that follows aircraft on critical pairing
reduced by 26.67–100%.
With regard to aircraft connections, the number of critical aircraft
Table 4a
Summary of results for NR and RIARCP-RLT on class I1 –based instances.
Instance CPU (in s ) FTC c c c PM1 PM2 PM3 PM4 a a a
PM30 PM40 PM50 PM30 PM40 PM50
1 NR 4.43 38680 1 9 12 22 0 1 20 14 14 14
RIARCP 3.67 40210 0 3 4 9 9 43 18 5 5 5
2 NR 9.31 43710 6 13 17 24 0 6 29 20 20 23
RIARCP 6.52 45860 0 4 5 12 12 46 22 7 7 8
3 NR 9.09 47840 4 12 20 28 0 4 38 21 22 23
RIARCP 7.85 50230 0 6 7 11 11 45 21 9 9 10
4 NR 14.11 49380 5 13 18 26 0 5 38 24 25 27
RIARCP 7.19 51650 0 9 10 18 18 49 32 11 11 12
5 NR 9.66 49055 1 10 16 30 0 1 40 27 31 31
RIARCP 12.69 51390 0 7 9 16 16 50 29 12 13 13
6 NR 11.43 48485 2 10 16 26 0 2 34 25 26 28
RIARCP 9.07 50870 0 4 5 12 12 47 25 8 8 8
7 NR 21.06 55700 3 10 14 26 0 3 46 28 31 33
RIARCP 13.23 58400 0 11 13 26 26 56 40 17 18 18
M. Ben Ahmed et al. Journal of Air Transport Management 73 (2018) 15–31
Table 4b
Summary of results for NR and RIARCP-RLT on class I2 –based instances.
Instance CPU (in s ) FTC c c c PM1 PM2 PM3 PM4 a a a
PM30 PM40 PM50 PM30 PM40 PM50
1 NR 94.78 80255 19 31 39 26 0 19 62 40 42 46
RIARCP 47.91 84120 0 10 17 35 35 87 47 20 21 23
2 NR 194.12 94295 21 33 45 34 0 21 95 65 70 74
RIARCP 427.54 99005 0 20 29 49 49 86 80 41 44 44
3 NR 817.84 94325 18 34 41 38 0 18 89 60 63 67
RIARCP 100.48 98720 0 20 29 49 49 92 79 40 42 44
4 NR 3042.37 97015 19 34 46 36 0 19 98 62 70 73
RIARCP 243.04 101380 0 20 30 53 53 102 87 43 46 46
5 NR 313.64 94750 23 37 45 37 0 23 96 60 68 73
RIARCP 163.55 98800 0 19 29 55 54 92 89 42 46 46
6 NR 694.00 86515 11 16 29 38 0 11 83 47 58 63
RIARCP 131.67 90475 0 8 18 39 39 93 65 31 32 34
7 NR 905.76 89750 21 34 47 33 0 21 83 54 62 66
RIARCP 122.08 94085 0 19 30 39 39 83 66 41 41 41
Table 4c
Summary of results for NR and RIARCP-RLT on class I3 –based instances.
Instance CPU (in s ) FTC c c c PM1 PM2 PM3 PM4 a a a
PM30 PM40 PM50 PM30 PM40 PM50
Table 4d
Summary of results for NR and RIARCP-RLT on class I4 –based instances.
Instance CPU (in s ) FTC c c c PM1 PM2 PM3 PM4 a a a
PM30 PM40 PM50 PM30 PM40 PM50
1 NR 93.35 81309 9 13 18 28 0 22 75 46 56 62
RIARCP 44.85 84875 0 0 0 15 15 73 40 12 17 22
2 NR 121.72 82515 14 20 23 21 0 24 81 45 58 64
RIARCP 75.85 86120 0 0 0 16 16 70 43 17 22 28
3 NR 134.81 84304 16 20 24 24 0 26 82 42 51 57
RIARCP 281.09 88490 0 0 0 18 18 72 48 16 19 23
4 NR 125.03 82519 18 20 22 22 0 28 88 48 60 65
RIARCP 125.47 86525 0 0 0 19 19 73 52 16 22 27
5 NR 131.41 84584 12 18 21 26 0 30 79 42 54 60
RIARCP 231.77 88794 0 0 0 20 20 77 48 16 18 23
6 NR 108.86 83214 11 12 15 31 0 23 77 47 59 64
RIARCP 277.40 87145 0 0 0 18 18 75 46 15 18 22
7 NR 150.14 88654 17 21 24 22 0 38 90 50 63 69
RIARCP 184.04 93085 0 0 0 16 16 75 51 14 18 24
connections (PM4 ) was tremendously decreased, by the same token, the for the non-robust solution the percentage of connections where crews
remaining metrics have significantly decreased in magnitude. In fact, follow the aircraft typically ranges between 4 and 28%, this percentage
the number of critical aircraft connections (PM4 ) was reduced by varies between 45.78 and 71.67% for the robust solution. In other
8.11–42.66%, PMc30 was reduced by 25.87–66.88%, PMc40 was reduced words, the generated robust solutions exhibit a significant number of
by 25.90–66.58%, while PMc50 was decreased by 23.90–61.68%. connections are covered by crews following the aircraft. Even more
In Table 6, we provide, for each class of instance Ii , i = 1..8, the total remarkably, we see from the last column of Table 6 that for the vast
number of crews to follow aircraft (PM3 ), the ratio majority of critical connections, crews were forced to stay in the robust
∑I ⊂ I PM3
R1 = 100 ×
ij i
, the total number of crews to follow aircraft on solutions on the same aircraft. This is in sharp contrast with the non-
total connections
∑I ⊂ I PM2 robust model where no critical connection was simultaneously covered
ij i
critical pairing connections (PM2 ), and the ratio R2 = 100 × total criticals . by a crew pairing and an aircraft route.
Table 6 demonstrates that the RIARCP model efficiently promotes Furthermore, we see from Table 4, that the FTC gap between the NR
solutions where crews following aircraft. Indeed, we observe that while and the RIARCP problems is marginal (strictly less than 5%). Hence, the
M. Ben Ahmed et al. Journal of Air Transport Management 73 (2018) 15–31
Table 4e
Summary of results for NR and RIARCP-RLT on class I5 –based instances.
Instance CPU (in s ) FTC c c c PM1 PM2 PM3 PM4 a a a
PM30 PM40 PM50 PM30 PM40 PM50
1 NR 6.77 60200 3 7 14 27 0 10 32 23 26 27
RIARCP 5.11 62919 0 2 7 20 17 52 26 14 16 17
2 NR 13.45 62414 1 4 13 34 0 5 35 21 24 27
RIARCP 6.23 64218 0 0 3 21 21 58 28 12 14 16
3 NR 6.61 55549 2 5 11 24 0 7 32 21 23 25
RIARCP 4.18 58019 0 1 4 21 18 48 21 13 15 17
4 NR 11.98 65489 2 5 11 33 0 7 41 26 28 29
RIARCP 6.88 67053 1 1 7 26 26 60 34 18 21 24
5 NR 8.94 58958 3 6 10 22 0 9 33 20 25 27
RIARCP 6.73 61774 0 1 5 23 23 54 30 13 15 18
6 NR 7.74 56459 2 4 10 27 0 6 30 19 23 25
RIARCP 5.36 57349 0 2 7 22 19 54 22 11 13 15
7 NR 5.09 59250 2 6 13 26 0 8 32 22 26 27
RIARCP 5.85 59615 1 1 6 20 16 48 22 9 10 12
Table 4f
Summary of results for NR and RIARCP-RLT on class I6 –based instances.
Instance CPU (in s ) FTC c c c PM1 PM2 PM3 PM4 a a a
PM30 PM40 PM50 PM30 PM40 PM50
1 NR 5.52 34865 8 12 15 7 0 8 32 27 28 29
RIARCP 3.93 36585 0 3 11 20 20 43 25 14 15 17
Table 4g
Summary of results for NR and RIARCP-RLT on class I7 –based instances.
Instance CPU (in s ) FTC c c c PM1 PM2 PM3 PM4 a a a
PM30 PM40 PM50 PM30 PM40 PM50
Table 4h
Summary of results for NR and RIARCP-RLT on class I8 –based instances.
Instance CPU (in s ) FTC c c c PM1 PM2 PM3 PM4 a a a
PM30 PM40 PM50 PM30 PM40 PM50
1 NR 57.01 79580 14 20 23 22 0 34 61 36 42 49
RIARCP 41.12 83390 0 0 2 25 25 70 40 19 21 25
proposed solutions are both robust and cost-effective. of delay ζ j assigned to each delayed flight j is computed as follows:
ζ j = (ζmax − ζmin ) r j + ζmin
5.3. Monte-Carlo simulation study
where ζmin and ζmax are the minimum and maximum primary delays,
To further demonstrate the robustness of the solutions derived by
RIARCP-RLT models, we carried out a Monte-Carlo simulation proce-
Table 6
dure that was proposed by Aloulou et al. (2013). The proposed proce- Comparison between models NR and RIARCP-RLT with respect to the number
dure is based on a 3-step methodology that can be described as follows: of crews following aircraft.
Total connections PM3 R1 (%) PM1 PM2 R2 (%)
Step 1: Random generation of primary delays. Primary delays were
arbitrary generated following a beta distribution Be (α, β ) . The amount I1 NR 532 22 4.14 182 0 0.00
RIARCP 532 336 63.16 104 104 100.00
Table 5 I2 NR 1038 111 10.69 242 0 0.00
Summary of performance deviations between NR and RIARCP-RLT models in RIARCP 1038 635 61.18 319 318 99.69
I3 NR 1468 425 28.95 239 0 0.00
RIARCP 1468 672 45.78 454 453 99.78
Class c c c PM1 PM4 a a a I4 NR 998 221 22.14 174 0 0.00
PM30 PM40 PM50 PM30 PM40 PM50
RIARCP 998 515 51.60 122 122 100.00
I1 100.00 42.86 53.10 42.86 23.67 56.60 57.99 58.66 I5 NR 591 52 8.80 193 0 0.00
I2 100.00 47.03 37.67 −31.82 15.35 33.51 37.18 39.83 RIARCP 591 374 63.28 153 140 91.50
I3 99.49 99.56 53.87 −89.96 8.11 25.78 25.90 23.90 I6 NR 60 8 13.33 7 0 0.00
I4 100.00 100.00 100.00 29.89 42.66 66.88 66.58 61.68 RIARCP 60 43 71.67 20 20 100.00
I5 86.67 78.38 52.44 20.73 22.13 40.79 40.57 36.36 I7 NR 336 65 19.35 24 0 0.00
I6 100.00 75.00 26.67 −185.71 21.88 48.15 46.43 41.38 RIARCP 336 163 48.51 64 64 100.00
I7 100.00 100.00 94.94 −166.67 23.86 40.32 39.42 38.89 I8 NR 136 34 25.00 22 0 0.00
I8 100.00 100.00 91.30 −13.64 34.43 47.22 50.00 48.98 RIARCP 136 70 51.47 25 25 100.00
M. Ben Ahmed et al. Journal of Air Transport Management 73 (2018) 15–31
Table 7a
Comparison between NR and RIARCP-RLT model on class I1 –based instances with respect to simulation metrics.
Instance TD Deviation (%) TSD Deviation (%) TD15 Deviation (%) TSD15 Deviation (%) OT (%) OT15 (%)
Table 7b
Comparison between NR and RIARCP-RLT model on class I2 –based instances with respect to simulation metrics.
Instance TD Deviation (%) TSD Deviation (%) TD15 Deviation (%) TSD15 Deviation (%) OT (%) OT15 (%)
Table 7c
Comparison between NR and RIARCP-RLT model on class I3 –based instances with respect to simulation metrics.
Instance TD Deviation (%) TSD Deviation (%) TD15 Deviation (%) TSD15 Deviation (%) OT (%) OT15 (%)
M. Ben Ahmed et al. Journal of Air Transport Management 73 (2018) 15–31
Table 7d
Comparison between NR and RIARCP-RLT model on class I4 –based instances with respect to simulation metrics.
Instance TD Deviation (%) TSD Deviation (%) TD15 Deviation (%) TSD15 Deviation (%) OT (%) OT15 (%)
Table 7e
Comparison between NR and RIARCP-RLT model on class I5 –based instances with respect to simulation metrics.
Instance TD Deviation (%) TSD Deviation (%) TD15 Deviation (%) TSD15 Deviation (%) OT (%) OT15 (%)
respectively, and r j is a random parameter drawn from beta distribution ζ j = max (DTi + ti + τk + ζi − DTj, 0) . Consequently, using a push-
Be (α, β ) . Note that α and β are set as follows. Recall that the mean μ and back recovery strategy, that postpones flight's departure until its
the mode λ of the beta distribution are given by scheduled plane is ready, we can sequentially derive the updated
α α−1 departure times of all the scheduled flights.
μ= and λ= Step 3: Computation of performance measures. To evaluate the
α+β α+β+2
performance of the derived solutions, we pull out the following
Hence, given two estimates of ζμ and ζλ of the mean and mode of the performance measures:
primary delays, the corresponding parameters α and β are derived.
• TD : Total delay.
In our experiments, we delay the departure time of each flight with
• TD15: Total delay, when the delay is more than 15 min.
a probability of Pd = 0.15. In addition, we used the following parameter
• TSD : Total secondary (i.e. reactionary) delay.
setting: ζmin = 5 min , ζmax = 80 min , ζμ = 25 min , and ζλ = 15 min . Thus,
• TSD15: Total secondary delay, when the delay is more than 15 min.
the obtained values of α and β are 1.467 and 4.033, respectively.
• OT : On-time performance.
at time DTi , and is served by an aircraft of type k, exhibits a delay of Table 7, we report the obtained Monte-Carlo simulation study re-
ζi , then its subsequent downstream flight cannot be served earlier sults for both NR and RIARCP-RLT solutions. We also display for each
than DTi + ti + τk + ζi . Consequently, flight j that is planned at time class of instances, and for all performance metrics, but OT and OT15 , the
DTj and served immediately after i, may be delayed up to percentage deviation 100 ×
M. Ben Ahmed et al. Journal of Air Transport Management 73 (2018) 15–31
Table 7f
Comparison between NR and RIARCP-RLT model on class I6 –based instances with respect to simulation metrics.
Instance TD Deviation (%) TSD Deviation (%) TD15 Deviation (%) TSD15 Deviation (%) OT (%) OT15 (%)
Table 7g
Comparison between NR and RIARCP-RLT model on class I7 –based instances with respect to simulation metrics.
Instance TD Deviation (%) TSD Deviation (%) TD15 Deviation TSD15 Deviation (%) OT (%) OT15 (%)
Table 7h
Comparison between NR and RIARCP-RLT model on class I8 –based instances with respect to simulation metrics.
Instance TD Deviation (%) TSD Deviation (%) TD15 Deviation (%) TSD15 Deviation (%) OT (%) OT15 (%)
Looking at Table 7, a striking observation is that, all measures of number of variables and constraints and is thereby amenable to be directly
performance have markedly improved on most instances when em- solved by invoking a general-purpose solve without resorting to sophisti-
bedding robustness's features. The solutions delivered by RIARCP cated optimization methodologies. To the best of our knowledge, this is
models exhibit enhanced on-time performances with comparison to NR the first contribution in this regard. The singular simplicity and flexibility
ones. For instance, the on-time performance (OT ) and the 15 min on- in implementation of the proposed approach makes it very attractive. We
time performance (OT1 5) were improved by up to 11.23% and 9.53%, tested the empirical performance of the proposed model on instances
respectively. Table 7 also shows that total delay (TD ) and total sec- based on publicly available data which pertains to major international
ondary delay (TSD ) were reduced in average by up to 30.6% and 58.52%, airlines. We found that the model successfully delivers cost-effective so-
respectively. This provides empirical evidence that RIARCP model lutions that typically exhibit few short connections along with a large
builds optimized schedules that are less vulnerable to delays, and number of connections where the crews follow the aircraft. We also show
substantially outperforms NR schedules. that the solutions delivered by our model include up to 71.67% of con-
nections where crew remains on the same aircraft. Furthermore, we ob-
6. Conclusion served that the required CPU times are moderate.
A first possible direction for future research is to incorporate addi-
During the last decade, the global commercial airline industry has been tional realistic aircraft routing constraints (such as capacitated main-
witnessing an unprecedented period of prosperity as the number of pas- tenance stations), and/or different crew pairing rules. The flexibility of
sengers keeps growing and airlines keep expanding their networks. the proposed MIP model enables to readily accommodate these exten-
However, a negative side effect of this success is that the number of dis- sions. Furthermore, a second possible direction for future research is the
rupted flights has been soaring and thereby damaging airlines reputation additional integration of the fleet assignment problem within a single
and profitability. To mitigate the impact of aircraft arriving late, we pro- compact model framework. The resulting integrated fleet assignment,
posed a robust integrated model that simultaneously builds aircraft routes aircraft routing, and crew pairing model will make it feasible to gen-
and crew pairing while accommodating maintenance constraints along erate effective robust solutions by simply invoking an MIP solver.
with crew-related work constraints. To generate robust solutions that are
less vulnerable to minor disruptions, the proposed model aggressively Acknowledgment
penalizes both aircraft and pairings short connections. Furthermore, so-
lutions where the crews follow the aircraft are promoted as much as This research was made possible by NPRP Grant No. 06-818-5-094
possible. The proposed model is a mixed-integer nonlinear program that is from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member ofThe Qatar
linearized using the Reformulation-Linearization technique (RLT). An ap- Foundation). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility
pealing feature of the derived MIP model is that is includes a polynomial of the authors.
To enhance the solvability of the proposed non-linear RIARCP problem, we apply the RLT of Sherali and Adams (1990, 1994) to derive a tight,
equivalent linear model representation of the problem. To begin with, consider constraints (8)–(9). We can linearize these constraints by using the
αij = ui x ij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ A, (A.1)
M. Ben Ahmed et al. Journal of Air Transport Management 73 (2018) 15–31
∑ αij = uj , ∀ k ∈ K , j ∈ Lk ,
i :(i, j ) ∈ Ak (A.7)
∑ αji = uj , ∀ k ∈ K , j ∈ Lk .
i :(j, i) ∈ Ak (A.8)
Finally, by (A.6)-(A.8), we obtain:
tj ∑ x ij ≤ uj ≤ tmax ∑ x ij , ∀ k ∈ K , j ∈ Lk .
i :(i, j ) ∈ Ak i :(i, j ) ∈ Ak (A.9)
Proposition 1. Constraints (A.3)-(A.9) along with can be replaced by the following restrictions, which, together, with (6) and (7), are equivalent to
these constraints even in the continuous (LP) relaxation sense:
∑ αji = t j + ∑ αij, ∀ k ∈ K,
i :(j, i) ∈ Ak k
i :(i, j ) ∈ ANM (A.10)
textj ∈ Lk , (A.11)
t j x ji ≤ αji ≤ (tmax − ti ) x ji , ∀ k ∈ K , (j, i) ∈ ANM , (A.12)
t j x ji ≤ αji ≤ tmax x ji , ∀ k ∈ K , (j, i) ∈ AM . (A.13)
∑ αij = ∑ αji, ∀ k ∈ K , j ∈ Lk .
i :(i, j ) ∈ Ak i :(j, i) ∈ Ak
We next eliminate the α− variables from theses restrictions using the identities (A.3)-(A.4), which yields:
∑ αji = t j + ∑ αij, ∀ k ∈ K , j ∈ Lk .
i :(j, i) ∈ Ak k
i :(i, j ) ∈ ANM
Furthermore, by substituting (A.4) into (A.5) and combining this with (A.6) for k∈ K, (i, j ) ∈ ANM , we obtain (A.12), and we retain the in-
equalities in (A.6) for k ∈ K , (i, j ) ∈ AM , as indicated in (A.13). ■
For the sake of convenience, we define the following parameter:
⎧tmax − ti, ∀ k ∈ K , (j, i) ∈ ANM ,⎫
btj = k
⎨ tmax , ∀ k ∈ K , (j, i) ∈ AM . ⎬
⎩ ⎭
Hence, (A.12)-(A.13) can be expressed as follows (after rearranging indices):
ti x ij ≤ αij ≤ bijt x ij , ∀ k ∈ K , (i, j ) ∈ Ak . (A.14)
Finally, we used (6) to equivalently rewrite (10). We obtain the following constraint:
∑ ⎛1 − ∑ xij⎞ ≤ NAk
⎜ ⎟ − nak , ∀ k ∈ K.
⎝ i :(i,j)∈A1 ∪A3 ⎠
j ∈ Lk (A.15)
Next, we linearize Constraints (15)–(16) using the following substitution:
βij = μi yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B, (A.16)
M. Ben Ahmed et al. Journal of Air Transport Management 73 (2018) 15–31
Then, linearizing these inequalities using (A.16), we obtain after rearranging indices i and j:
yij ≤ βij ≤ μmax yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B \BD . (A.20)
Similarly, multiplying (33) by yij ((i, j ) ∈ B \BA) , we obtain:
yij ≤ βij ≤ μmax yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B \BA. (A.21)
Moreover, multiplying each of (11) and (12) by its corresponding μj and linearizing, we get:
∑ βij = μj , ∀ j ∈ L,
(i, j ) ∈ B (A.22)
∑ βji = μj , ∀ j ∈ L.
(j, i) ∈ B (A.23)
Proposition 2. Constraints (A.18)-(A.23) can be replaced by the following restrictions (A.24)-(A.26), which, together with (11) and (12), are
equivalent to these constraints even in the continuous (LP relaxation) sense:
∑ βji = 1 + ∑ βij , ∀ j ∈ L,
(j, i) ∈ B (i, j ) ∈ B1 (A.24)
∑ βij = ∑ βij , ∀ j ∈ L.
(i, j ) ∈ B (j, i) ∈ B
We next eliminate the β − variables from these restrictions using the identities (A.18) and (A.19), which yields:
1+ ∑ βij = ∑ βji , ∀ j ∈ L,
(i, j ) ∈ B1 (j, i) ∈ B (A.27)
which yields (A.24). ■
Similarly, we can linearize (17)–(26) and (28) in a likewise fashion by using the substitutions:
δij = φi yij , ∀ (i, j ) ∈ B, (A.28)
∑ δji = t j + ∑ δij, ∀ j ∈ L,
(j, i) ∈ B (i, j ) ∈ B1 (A.36)
M. Ben Ahmed et al. Journal of Air Transport Management 73 (2018) 15–31
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