Determinants of GRI-based Sustainability Reporting: Evidence From An Emerging Economy
Determinants of GRI-based Sustainability Reporting: Evidence From An Emerging Economy
Determinants of GRI-based Sustainability Reporting: Evidence From An Emerging Economy
10,1 Determinants of GRI-based
sustainability reporting: evidence
from an emerging economy
140 Nurlan Orazalin and Monowar Mahmood
Bang College of Business, KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Received 10 December 2018
Revised 1 May 2019
20 June 2019
12 August 2019 Abstract
Accepted 14 August 2019 Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent and determinants of sustainability
performance disclosures reported by publicly traded companies in Kazakhstan by using the Global Reporting
Initiative (GRI) framework. Among the different possible determinants, stand-alone sustainability reporting
(SR), reporting language, leverage, cash flow capacity, profitability, size, age and auditor type were selected to
investigate their impacts on the quality and scope of sustainability information.
Design/methodology/approach – The study analyzes data from publicly traded companies at the
Kazakhstani Stock Exchange for the years 2013–2015. To investigate the extent, nature and quality of
sustainability reports, the study measures and analyzes economic, environmental and social performance
parameters, as suggested in the GRI guidelines.
Findings – The results indicate that determinants such as stand-alone reporting, reporting language,
firm profitability, firm size and auditor type substantially influence the extent, nature and quality of
sustainability-reporting practices of Kazakhstani companies.
Practical implications – The findings of the study suggest that managers, practitioners, regulators and
policy makers in emerging economies should adopt the GRI guidelines to report sustainability performance
disclosures and focus on specific factors to improve the quality of sustainability disclosures.
Originality/value – This study is one of the first studies to investigate the extent, nature and possible
determinants of corporate SR in central Asian-emerging economies.
Keywords Environmental performance, Kazakhstan, Social responsibility, Global reporting initiative,
Economic contribution, Sustainability performance disclosures
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
Increased concerns of global warming and widespread income inequality have raised
questions about the contributions of modern business organizations toward achieving
sustainable economic growth and social development of the world (Bapuji et al., 2018;
Kolk et al., 2017; Lodhia and Hess, 2014; van Zanten and van Tulder, 2018). Organizations
are now under increased pressure to meet the diverse needs and expectations of different
stakeholders and justify their license to operate and earn profit (Bose et al., 2018; Pope and
Lim, 2019; Siddiqui and Uddin, 2016). In response to the stakeholders’ expectations, business
organizations use sustainability reports, including information on economic, environmental
and social activities to provide insights of their sustainability-related activities (Bose et al.,
2018; Higgins and Coffey, 2016). The use of such sustainability reports helps organizations
communicate effectively with stakeholders, improve corporate reputation and justify their
legitimacy in society (Kılıç et al., 2015; Pope and Lim, 2019). Therefore, the importance of
sustainability reporting (SR) is increasing overwhelmingly among managers and all other
stakeholders (Kuzey and Uyar, 2017; Orazalin and Mahmood, 2018).
Sustainability reports provide a wide range of information to stakeholders so that they
can assess a firm’s economic, environmental and social activities (Kuzey and Uyar, 2017;
Journal of Accounting in Emerging
Economies Orazalin and Mahmood, 2018; Sotorrío and Sánchez, 2010). In other words, SR is one of the
Vol. 10 No. 1, 2020
pp. 140-164
principal channels for managers to convey and disseminate information on sustainability
© Emerald Publishing Limited
activities to all stakeholders. Moreover, SR enables firms to meet their social, environmental,
DOI 10.1108/JAEE-12-2018-0137 and ethical responsibilities toward the environment and the society in which they operate
(Boolaky et al., 2018; Md Zaini et al., 2018) and to manage risks and improve corporate Determinants
financial stability (Orazalin et al., 2019). Usually, global investors evaluate business of GRI-based
strategies and risks, customers are concerned about the quality of products and services, SR
and employees wish to work in companies that are held accountable for their sustainability
activities (Belal and Owen, 2007). All these needs and expectations have led to an increased
prevalence of SR (Lee, 2008; Orazalin and Mahmood, 2018).
Unlike previously reported environmental and CSR reports, sustainability reports are 141
commonly prepared in accordance with the widely known reporting framework, the Global
Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines (Global Reporting Initiative, 2013). The GRI is one of
the most widely acceptable and recognized sustainability-reporting systems in the world
(Dissanayake et al., 2019; Pope and Lim, 2019; Wachira et al., 2019). It provides a set of
common elements of SR (Watts, 2015) and helps organizations present sustainability reports
with better uniformity and comparability across different countries (Kuzey and Uyar, 2017;
Simmons et al., 2018). In most emerging economies, the adoption of SR practices is still
voluntary and business organizations are yet to understand the importance of such
reporting practices (Aboud and Diab, 2018; Md Zaini et al., 2018; Piñeiro-Chousa et al., 2019).
However, the adoption of such standardized reporting practices in emerging economy
contexts could improve the credibility and acceptance of information to diverse stakeholder
groups (Agyei and Yankey, 2019; Kiliç et al., 2016; Manawadu et al., 2019; Wachira et al.,
2019). Considering the importance and the assumed benefits of SR, many organizations in
emerging countries have already started preparing and disseminating sustainability reports
on a regular basis, which help organizations achieve competitive advantages (Aboud and
Diab, 2018; Beck et al., 2018; Md Zaini et al., 2018; Mukherjee and Nuñez, 2019). Given that
drivers of SR have changed over time and will be a subject of further changes in the future
(Lodhia, 2015; Pope and Lim, 2019), research on GRI-based reporting is needed to identify
future directions of SR practices in the emerging market context (Kuzey and Uyar, 2017;
Orazalin and Mahmood, 2018; Yadava and Sinha, 2016). Therefore, the present study
explores the extent and quality of sustainability performance disclosures reported by public
companies in Kazakhstan and investigates the relationships between the underlying factors
and GRI-based sustainability information.
Earlier studies have revealed variations in the adoption of standardized reporting practices
among different countries (Boolaky et al., 2018; Piñeiro-Chousa et al., 2019) and found that the
adoption of different reporting practices is heavily influenced by both internal and external
factors (Agyei and Yankey, 2019; Aribi et al., 2018; Bose et al., 2018; Hessayri and Saihi, 2018;
Phiri et al., 2019). However, empirical studies examining the factors influencing SR as well as
variations of SR practices in emerging markets are quite limited (Boolaky et al., 2018;
Kuzey and Uyar, 2017; Md Zaini et al., 2018; Orazalin and Mahmood, 2018). Business
organizations in emerging economies are still unaware of the necessity as well as the demand
for voluntary SR practices (Mahmood and Orazalin, 2017), though the adoption of such
voluntary reporting practices could enhance the firm’s value over time(Agyei and Yankey,
2019; Beck et al., 2018; Mukherjee and Nuñez, 2019). Moreover, it is not possible to generalize
the research findings from developed countries to emerging markets because of the differences
in civil society, policy development, regulatory frameworks, institutional systems and
stakeholders’ expectations (Belal and Owen, 2015; Kuzey and Uyar, 2017; Uddin et al., 2017).
In addition, the underlying factors driving CSR reports in emerging markets may not be the
same as those in the developed economies (Boolaky et al., 2018; Piñeiro-Chousa et al., 2019;
Uddin et al., 2018). Thus, examining the nature and extent of voluntary disclosures in emerging
markets contributes to the academic debate because understanding SR practices in these
markets provides some indication on the extent to which business the environment and
economic development affect sustainability activities (Ghazali, 2007; Kuzey and Uyar, 2017).
Considering the dearth of knowledge on corporate reporting practices in emerging markets,
JAEE especially in the Central Asian region, the present study aims to investigate the extent,
10,1 nature, and possible determinants of corporate SR practices in the context of the emerging
market, i.e., Kazakhstan.
The present study makes several contributions to the literature. First, to provide an
overview of the extent, nature and quality of SR, this study analyzes and measures
economic, environmental and social performance indicators of SR based on the GRI
142 guidelines. Second, by using both individual and composite SR indices, this study examines
the impacts of the possible determinants of SR, including stand-alone SR, reporting
language, leverage, cash flow capacity, profitability, size, age and auditor type on the
quality and scope of sustainability information. Finally, this study attempts to provide
empirical evidence on SR practices in the emerging market of Kazakhstan, representing
the Central Asian and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) regions and suggests that
policy makers, regulators, practitioners and business organizations consider the necessary
conditions for the development of SR practices in the future. The findings of the study will
encourage managers to adopt GRI guidelines in reporting practices and focus on specific
factors to improve the quality and acceptability of SR in the context of emerging economies.
Therefore, the present study extends the existing literature in the emerging market context
by examining the extent and determinants of sustainability performance disclosures
reported by publicly traded companies in Kazakhstan by using the GRI framework.
The remainder of the paper consists of five sections. Section 2 discusses the current state
of SR practices of public companies in Kazakhstan. Section 3 presents the theoretical
framework, reviews prior literature and develops hypotheses. Section 4 describes data and
the research methodology. The findings, analysis and discussion are presented in Section 5.
Section 6 concludes the paper.
160 144
80 Figure 1.
60 The total number of
40 21 officially registered
20 1 2 2 2 3 6 9 9 business organizations
0 0 0 0 0
0 from former Soviet
republics that provide
A enia
Ta jan
rk stan
yr an
G s
M ia
Li va
az nia
U ia
U ista
sustainability reports
in alignment with
GR4 standards
Source: GRI Database available at
JAEE with laws and regulations for cases in which mandatory corporate disclosures are
10,1 insufficient (Cheung et al., 2010). In this regard, SR serves as a tool for legitimizing business
activities, and indicates that a reporting organization is operating within the acceptable
norms and values of society. According to the legitimacy theory, CSR disclosure might be
used as a tool to manipulate stakeholders’ perceptions about the firm, demonstrate
compliance with laws and regulations and allow the firm to pursue other economic benefits
144 (Arena et al., 2018). As stated by Haniffa and Cooke (2005), SR might be used as a tool to
legitimize corporate activities toward stakeholders, and therefore, companies have more
incentives to disclose higher levels of sustainability information.
The signaling theory suggests that companies voluntarily disclose more economic,
environmental and social information to communicate their superior position in the market
in order to promote a positive impression among the stakeholders (Crowther and Aras, 2014;
Kuzey and Uyar, 2017; Orazalin and Mahmood, 2018). Managers distinguish themselves
from other market participants by providing more information and signaling certain firm
characteristics hidden from stakeholders (Spence, 1973). In other words, from the signaling
theory perspective, companies improve their corporate disclosure practices to send
messages to different stakeholders about their sustainability performance to improve
corporate reputation and image (Ruhnke and Gabriel, 2013). Prior research carried out on
the extent of SR indicates that sustainability disclosures have value relevance and
sustainability information serves as a signaling device to stakeholders (Crowther and Aras,
2014; Kuzey and Uyar, 2017; Orazalin and Mahmood, 2018).
3.4 Financial capacity and sustainability reporting
Free cash flow capacity shows a firm’s ability to generate cash flows from its core
operations and measures the availability of financial resources for costly sustainable
investments and voluntary disclosures (Kuzey and Uyar, 2017; Orazalin and Mahmood,
2018). In other words, free cash resources demonstrate a firm’s financial capacity, which
enables it to support the proprietary costs of high-quality sustainability reports to meet its
stakeholders’ expectations and needs, thus serving as the signaling device. From the
signaling theory perspective, firms with better financial capacities are likely to disclose
more information to all stakeholders in order to create a positive impression (Alsaeed, 2006).
As noted by Reverte (2009), the most obvious relationship between sustainability
information and firm performance depends on the availability of economic resources, which
indicate confidence by management in terms of financial capacity. Sìmnett et al. (2009) and
Ruhnke and Gabriel (2013) supported this notion and concluded that companies with higher
financial capacity are likely to have higher levels of external assurance statements and
sustainability disclosures. By using the data of top companies listed on the Istanbul Stock
Exchange, Aksu and Kosedag (2006) provided evidence that financial capacity is positively
associated with SR, thus concluding that firms with greater cash resources tend to have
higher levels of sustainability disclosure. Josée Ledoux et al. (2014) concluded that
companies with greater cash resources have a greater tendency to support proprietary costs
based on data from companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. As mentioned above,
financial capacity in terms of free cash flows supports the signaling theory, and is therefore
considered an important factor influencing the extent and quality of sustainability
performance disclosures. Based on the discussion above, it is assumed that companies with
higher financial capacity are likely to disclose more extensive sustainability information.
Therefore, our next hypothesis is as follows:
H4. Financial capacity is positively related to the quality of sustainability performance
disclosures reported by Kazakhstani companies, all else being equal.
4. Research methodology
4.1 Sample and data collection
The initial sample of our study includes publicly traded companies at the Kazakhstani Stock
Exchange for the years 2013–2015. We exclude financial institutions due to their different
accounting implications and specific industry characteristics. Furthermore, we eliminate
companies with missing data on sustainability disclosures from our sample. Based on these
filters, 53 companies satisfy the selection and reporting criteria in accordance with the GRI- Determinants
reporting system, and therefore, are included as samples in this study. After removing of GRI-based
13outliers from both tails, our final sample comprises 146 firm-year observations spanning SR
three main industries, including energy, manufacturing and service companies. Although
the sample size is relatively small, it presents enough data to conduct relevant statistical
analyses and to provide preliminary empirical evidence in order to inform future research.
Moreover, the sample size is comparable with other studies examining the link between SR 149
and its determinants (e.g. Branco et al., 2014; Dissanayake et al., 2016; Yang and Yaacob,
2012). We hand-collect data on sustainability performance from CSR reports and annual
reports available on the webpage of the Kazakhstani Stock Exchange and company
websites. These reports are used to assess and measure individual dimensions of
sustainability performance and construct individual subindex scores and a composite SR
index. We obtain financial data from audited financial statements available on the webpage
of the Kazakhstani Stock Exchange ( and the depository that contains
financial reports of public companies ( The sample includes some foreign
companies that disclose financial reports in foreign currency rather than local currency, i.e.,
Kazakh tenge. Therefore, for consistency, accounting data reported in Kazakh tenge were
converted into US dollars by using historic exchange rates provided by the National Bank of
Kazakhstan for the period 2013– 2015.
SPI N Dit ¼ a0 þb1 ðSAREP it Þþb2 ðSRLN Git Þ þb3 ðLEV it Þþb4 ðFCF it Þþb5 ðROE it Þ
We performed the Hausman test to decide whether to rely on the fixed effect (FE) or the
random effect (RE) models. The Hausman specification test shows that the difference
between the FE and RE models is statistically insignificant. Therefore, the RE models
are the most appropriate for longitudinal data analyses such as ours. The estimated results
from the RE models are presented in Table VI.
SAREP 0.697** 1
SRLNG 0.519** 0.381** 1
ROE 0.078 −0.076 0.084 1
LEV −0.128 −0.127 −0.017 0.219** 1
FCF 0.063 −0.033 0.070 0.458** −0.105 1
AGE −0.024 −0.013 0.048 −0.028 −0.151 0.117 1
SIZE 0.517** 0.442** 0.533** 0.132 −0.184* 0.262** 0.088 1 Table V.
AUDIT 0.374** 0.176* 0.369** 0.168* −0.069 0.253** 0.255** 0.529** 1 Pearson correlations
Notes: *,**Correlation is significant at 5 and 1 percent level, respectively (two-tailed) among variables
the highest at 0.535. The correlations among the independent variables indicate that
multicolinearity is not an issue in the analyses because the estimated coefficients are
relatively low. As noted by Pallant (2007), multicolinearity arises only if the correlation
coefficients among the explanatory variables exceed 0.700. As shown in Table V, none of
the correlation coefficients among independent variables exceed this maximum threshold
value, which indicates the absence of multicolinearity issues in our study.
Table VI reports random effect regression estimations of the SR model with ECON
(Model 1) as the measure of economic disclosure, ENVI (Model 2) as the measure of
environmental disclosure, SOCI (Model 3) as the measure of social disclosure, and SPIND as
the measure of the overall sustainability disclosure. The reported coefficients of SAREP are
positive and significant with all individual SR dimensions and the composite SR index.
These results support H1 and indicate that Kazakh companies that issue separate stand-
alone sustainability reports disclose more economic, environmental, and social information.
The findings confirm the signaling role of SR and support those of Dhaliwal et al. (2014),
Gray and Herremans (2012), Mahoney et al. (2013) and Orazalin and Mahmood (2018) that
companies provide more extensive sustainability information by disclosing separate stand-
alone sustainability reports. Similarly, SRLNG is positively related to the ECON, ENVI and
SPIND variables. However, the reported coefficient of SRLNG is statistically insignificant
for explaining the variance in the ECON variable. In general, these findings are consistent
with H2, in which companies presenting their sustainability disclosures in English provide
more information on the environmental and social aspects of SR, which in turn improves
the overall quality of sustainability performance disclosures of Kazakh companies. This
empirical evidence supports the findings of Hales et al. (2011) and Leventis and Weetman
(2004), where reporting sustainability information in English has a positive impact on
JAEE (1) (2) (3) (4)
voluntary disclosures in general. Overall, our empirical results indicate that English used for
SR and a disclosure of separate stand-alone sustainability reports are important factors in
the dissemination of SR information in the context of Kazakhstan.
Contrary to our expectations, the estimated coefficients of LEV are negative and do not
support our initial hypothesis regarding the positive impacts of leverage on SR. In
particular, the variable LEV is negatively associated with ENVI and SPIND at the 10 and 5
percent significance levels, respectively. These findings support the evidence provided by
Branco et al. (2014) and Sierra et al. (2013) that highly leveraged companies are reluctant to
provide more sustainability information. One possible explanation for the lack of the
positive relationship is that creditors and lenders pay less attention to the importance of SR
(Liu and Anbumozhi, 2009). Another possible factor that might explain a weak association
between leverage and sustainability disclosures is that highly leveraged firms focus more
on short-term goals rather than long-term strategies (Kuzey and Uyar, 2017). The reported
coefficients of FCF show that financial capacity does not explain the variation in
sustainability performance ratings. These results do not support the signaling theory, and
therefore, are inconsistent with the notion that financial capacity leads to better
dissemination of SR. Thus, H4 is not supported. These findings confirm those of Artiach
et al. (2010) and Kuzey and Uyar (2017) that financial capacity has no impact on the
dissemination of sustainability information.
The variable ROE, representing profitability, is positively associated with all SR
variables including ECON, ENVI, SOCI and SPIND at the 5 percent significance level. These
results indicate that more profitable companies provide more transparent and detailed
information to stakeholders on sustainability, and thus demonstrate higher levels of SR
practices in general. Thus, these findings support H5 in the context of the signaling theory.
Overall, the results are in line with the findings of Waddock and Graves (1997), Liu and
Anbumozhi (2009), Ruhnke and Gabriel (2013) and Kansal et al. (2014), who concluded that
there is a positive link between sustainability disclosure and profitability. The positive
relationship can be explained by the fact that profitable companies disseminate more
information on sustainability performance in order to promote a strong corporate image and
positive impression among stakeholders in the context of Kazakhstan. The estimated
coefficient of AGE is negatively associated with ENVI at the 10 percent significance level.
However, the AGE is not associated with other SR variables. These findings indicate that
firm age has no impact on sustainability performance of Kazakhstani public companies. Determinants
Thus, H6 based on the legitimacy theory is not supported. of GRI-based
With regard to firm size, the SIZE variable is positively related to ENVI, SOCI and SPIND SR
at the 10 percent significance level. These findings suggest that larger companies in
Kazakhstan disclose more transparent and extensive information on the environmental and
social dimensions of SR. Therefore, H7 is partially supported. This empirical evidence is
consistent with the findings of Dissanayake et al. (2016), Kuzey and Uyar (2017), Nazari et al. 155
(2015) and Sumiani et al. (2007), that larger companies provide higher levels of sustainability
information. Finally, we provide some support for H8. In particular, the reported coefficients
show that AUDIT is positively related to ECON and SPIND at the 10 percent significance
level. These findings suggest that companies audited by Big Four auditing firms disclose
more extensive information on economic performance and report higher-quality
sustainability disclosures in general. This positive link between sustainability disclosure
and auditor type is similar to that reported by Haniffa and Cooke (2002) and Orazalin and
Mahmood (2018).
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Further reading
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disclosures”, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Vol. 23 No. 5, pp. 351-379.
Patten, D.M. and Zhao, N. (2014), “Standalone CSR reporting by US retail companies”, Accounting
Forum, Vol. 38 No. 2, pp. 132-144.
Schaltegger, S. and Wagner, M. (2006), “Integrative management of sustainability performance,
measurement and reporting”, International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance
Evaluation, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 1-19.
Sharif, M. and Rashid, K. (2014), “Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility (CSR)
reporting: an empirical evidence from commercial banks (CB) of Pakistan”, Quality and Quantity,
Vol. 48 No. 5, pp. 2501-2521.
Spence, M. (2002), “Signaling in retrospect and the informational structure of markets”, American
Economic Review, Vol. 92 No. 3, pp. 434-459.
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