Participants Guide Risk Management
Participants Guide Risk Management
Participants Guide Risk Management
Welcome to the Risk Management in Development Projects course, offered by the Inter-American
Development Bank (IDB) on the edX platform.
This course was designed and organized by the Inter-American Institute for Economic and Social
Development (INDES) of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) within the framework of its
Operations Learning Program (OLP). Its objective is to strengthen project teams’ capacity to
preemptively manage events that may affect a project to improve its chance of success.
Course content is based on the IDB’s new risk management methodology (OP-1699-1), which is aligned
with A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), Sixth Edition, of the
Project Management Institute.
The course is free of charge. It has five content modules and one introductory module, and it is
composed of instructional videos, readings, practical exercises and questionnaires. Remember that you
can take the course under any of the following tracks:
• Audit Track: Having limited and free access to the course material. With this option you will not
get a verified certificate at the end of the course and you will not have access to graded
assessment questionnaires.
• Verified Certificate: in this option you can obtain a verified certificate issued by the IDB and edX
that you can share on your CV and on LinkedIn.
To obtain a verified certificate for the course, you must meet three requirements:
1. Passing the course by obtaining at least 65% of the total points in graded activities
2. Paying $25, which is edX's minimum cost for issuing certificates
3. Undergoing edX’s identity verification
Therefore, if you wish to obtain the course certificate, you must opt for the verified certificate track.
The course will be available from March 26 to December 17 and it has no prerequisites.
To take the course you will need a computer or mobile device with Internet access. If this is your first
time taking a course on edX, we recommend that before you start you take the edX Demo course, which
will teach you how to navigate this course. If you are already familiar with the platform, we recommend
that you review the contents of the first section of the course, “Start here,” where you will find all the
information you will need to successfully complete this course.
We estimate that you will have to dedicate approximately 3 hours per week, during 10 weeks, to
complete all course activities, so we invite you to reflect and actively participate in individual and group
Course content is structured into five modules with specific objectives that are aligned with the course’s
overall objectives. Below you will find each module’s objectives, their learning resources, the
approximate time that should be dedicated to them, and the weight of the activities that carry a score.
Learning Objectives:
• Become familiar with the edX platform and identifying how to access learning resources.
• Identify participation rules and guidance and help resources included in the course.
• Identify each module’s assessments and distinguishing the types of questions you will find in the
course’s questionnaires.
• Identify the overall objective of the course and the tasks that must be performed to pass the
• Identify the group you belong to and the tutor assigned to your group.
Learning Objectives:
Video: Risk Management as a Knowledge Area of
Project Management
Learning Objectives:
The following table shows a breakdown of Module 2’s learning resources, the approximate time that
should be dedicated to them, and the weight of the activities that carry a score.
Case Study: Strengthening the Health Sector 10
Conclusions of Module
Video: Main Lessons, Module 2 5
Learning Objectives:
The following table shows a breakdown of Module 3’s learning resources, the approximate time that
should be dedicated to them, and the weight of the activities that carry a score.
Questionnaire: Knowledge Assessment 30 20%
Conclusions of Module
Video: Main Lessons, Module 3 5
Learning Objectives:
• Identify the appropriate strategy when planning the response for each prioritized risk.
• Recognize critical success factors when planning risk responses.
• Identify the elements of a response plan for identified risks.
• Acknowledge the importance of implementing risk responses in a timely manner and in
accordance with the cost-benefit analysis.
The following table shows a breakdown of Module 4’s learning resources, the approximate time that
should be dedicated to them, and the weight of the activities that carry a score.
Management for Video: Implementing Risk Responses 5
Prioritized Risks
Conclusions of Module
Video: Main Lessons, Module 4 5
Learning Objectives:
• Acknowledge the importance of monitoring the risk matrix to attain the project’s objectives.
• Identify the different tools and techniques used to perform risk monitoring.
• Identify the basic elements that should be included in a risk monitoring session.
• Recognize critical success factors in a project’s Monitoring Risks process.
The following table shows a breakdown of Module 5’s learning resources, the approximate time that
should be dedicated to them, and the weight of the activities that carry a score.
The Risk Management in Development Projects course is mainly aimed at employees of national,
subnational, and municipal entities, who help develop and execute projects or who perform specific risk
management activities, as well as officials who manage the respective national public investment
systems. We recommend that participants have basic knowledge of project management.
The course is free of charge for all participants.
As you saw under the Course Structure section above, the first learning resource in each module is a
page that contains the module’s description and its learning objectives, activities, and assessments. We
recommend that you carefully read this initial page so as to keep in mind the activities you must
perform to successfully complete the course.
In the design of the course, we have combined passive learning resources, such as videos and readings,
and active learning resources, such as group practical activities, in which your participation and
commitment are the cornerstones of learning.
It is important to keep in mind that learning results from making a conscious effort to research, analyze,
reflect on, and share topics of interest. We therefore urge you to get the most out of the course by
actively participating in it.
Each module (or section) is divided into subsections, within which you will find several types of
components or learning resources.
• Key Concepts: The definitions of the main concepts that you will learn in the module. You may
access the full course glossary in the Glossary tab.
• Presenter Videos: The course’s main learning resource. Videos are short and feature the
participation of experts in each subject.
• Exercise Videos: The course has four (4) videos where they are solved practical risk
management exercises based on a project case study: Strengthening the Health Sector. In the
videos you can find the solution of the most common mistakes related to each risk management
• Readings: Texts that contain the conceptual content of the course and are organized by topic.
• Practical Activities (Not graded): Exercises like multiple choice questions, a collaborative board
and drag and drop exercises, which should be developed throughout the course and that aim to
put in practice Risk Management for development projects.
• Knowledge Assessment Questionnaires (Not graded): Tests that include six to ten questions
each and are used to gauge how much you have learned in each module. All participants,
regardless of the track they chose, will have access to ungraded exercises in which you can
check your understanding of the most important concepts of each module. These exercises do
not count toward passing the course.
• Knowledge Assessment Questionnaires (Graded): Tests that include six questions each and are
used to gauge how much you have learned in each module. The questionnaires will only be
accessible to participants who chose the verified certificate track and count towards passing the
The course is five weeks long and will be open for three months. We estimate that you will have to
dedicate 4 to 6 hours per week, on average, to review all study materials and carry out practical
activities, assessment questionnaires, and surveys.
We suggest that you block some time in your schedule daily to get the most out of the course and to
make your learning experience more satisfactory. Below you will find a schedule with the deadlines for
each activity. We recommend that you write them down in your calendar and set up alerts so that you
do not forget your commitment to the course.
Remember that, if you chose to do the course in the Audit Track, you will have access free to course
material, however, you will not have access to the knowledge assessment questionnaires that are
graded. For more information, visit the unit Course Tracks.
• Ungraded Exercises: all participants, regardless of the track they chose, will have access to the
ungraded exercises (multiple-choice questions, the collaborative board and drag and drop
exercises) in which you can check your
understanding of the most important concepts of each module. These exercises do not count
toward passing the course.
• Graded Knowledge Assessment Questionnaires: multiple choice tests of six (6) questions,
whose objective is to gauge how much you have learned in each module. The questionnaires
will only be accessible to participants who chose the Verified Certificate Track. To pass the
course, you will have to answer all the graded questionnaires, and obtain an average equal to or
greater than 65% among all graded activities.
To see your progress, you can go to the Progress section of the course, which is always available on the
At the end of each module there is a questionnaire, which contains multiple-choice questions. The
objective of these questionnaires is to consolidate knowledge and determine whether you have reached
the learning objectives.
To obtain a verified certificate for the course, you must meet three requirements:
• Passing the course by obtaining at least 65% of the total points in graded activities
• Paying $25, which is edX's minimum cost for issuing certificates
• Undergoing edX’s identity verification. The deadline for choosing the verified certificate option
is December 7, 2020 at 06:59 PM, Washington, D.C., time (December 7 at 11:59 PM, UTC). You
can start the course in the Audit Track and if the contents and methodology meet your
expectations, you can change to the Verified Certificate Track, considering the requirements
mentioned here and the deadline to make this change. If you would like to choose this option,
you may download a tutorial on how to obtain a verified certificate.
The most important dates that you will need to keep in mind are:
International Project Management Expert, Consultant at the Inter-American Development Bank, and PMI
Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) ®
Vanessa is Spanish, born and raised in Barcelona. She studied Political and Administrative Sciences at
Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) and at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. She then
completed a master's degree in International Relations at Madrid’s Diplomatic School and a graduate
specialization in Political and Electoral Management, also at UAB. Vanessa obtained a Master of Fine
Arts (MFA) from New York University (NYU), where she also became a Project Management Professional
and she obtained the Project Management Institute’s PMP certification. Vanessa has been working in
public-sector project management for more than fifteen years. She initially worked for Spain’s Ministry
of Economy, focusing on reimbursable cooperation funds, and she later became the head of governance
projects at the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). Vanessa has been a
consultant at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) since 2012, where she has carried out
workshops on project planning in the kick-off and advanced-execution phases and facilitated courses on
project management through the PM4R methodology for public executing agencies and civil society
Allan Quijano
Allan is from Mexico City. He studied International Relations, specializing in International Law, at
Universidad de Monterrey and El Colegio de México. Allan has been working in project management for
development for more than eight years. He was initially employed at the Government of the United
Kingdom’s Department for International Trade and he later collaborated in regional projects at the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Allan has been working at
the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) since 2012, where he has been responsible for operations
management for investment programs, technical cooperation, and humanitarian aid projects in Mexico.
Allan works at the Office of Strategic Planning and Development Effectiveness, incorporating the risk
management methodology of the Project Management Institute (PMI) to programs funded by the IDB
and to the analysis of execution capacity of public organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Santiago Fretes
Santiago holds a Master of Business Administration degree with an emphasis on Marketing from INCAE
Business School in Costa Rica, where he graduated with distinction. He has a Specialization in Project
Management for Development certified by Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay, and Fundação
Getulio Vargas, Brazil. Santiago also has a Diploma in Public-Private Partnerships for the Development of
Infrastructure and Services taught by Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,
Mexico, in partnership with the IDB. Santiago has been a professor of Finance and International
Marketing in master’s degree programs in Paraguay. He is a PMP candidate and a staff member certified
by the IDB as risk management advisor and kick-off workshop facilitator. Santiago has extensive
experience in planning and supervising sovereign-guaranteed operations, managing development
projects, and working with multilateral lending organizations in general. He has worked in the private
sector, heading digital marketing and communications consultancies. Santiago has also worked in the
public sector and he has been part of executing units for projects financed by multilateral organizations.
The following services will be available for the duration of the course:
At the edX Help Center you will find answers to frequently asked questions about getting started with
your course, basic edX information, certificate information, and other related topics.
On the platform you will find two tabs with frequently asked questions:
• General Frequently Asked Questions (General FAQs): Here you will find answers to general
topics in the course, such as deadlines or questions about the format of assessment
questionnaires. If you do not find answers to your queries in this section, you may send your
tutor an email. Response time is up to 24 hours from Monday to Friday and up to 48 hours
during the weekend.
• Technical Frequently Asked Questions (Technical FAQs): Here you will find quick answers to
technical questions. If you do not find an answer to your question in this section, at the end of
the page there is a form through which you can request personalized technical attention.
In the platform you will find the Glossary tab, which has the key terms of the course. You can access it
throughout all five weeks of the course.
Since we use the edX platform for course delivery, we adopt edX’s accessibility policy.
Since we use the edX platform for course delivery, we address academic integrity issues through edX’s
honor code.
Since we use the edX platform for course delivery, we address privacy issues through edX’s privacy
If you chose for the verified certificate, you will be able to complete all the graded activities until the
end of the course. After this date, the option to perform the assessments will be disabled.