Datasheet: 4D Universal Programming Adaptor
Datasheet: 4D Universal Programming Adaptor
Datasheet: 4D Universal Programming Adaptor
W W W . 4 D S Y S T E M S . C O M . A U
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Description ...................................................................................................................3
1. Description
This datasheet covers the 4D-UPA (Universal Programming Adaptor) which is compatible with multiple 4D display
modules. It is included in the IoD-09TH Starter Kit (SK) pack but can be sold separately, and is a quick and easy way
to interface to the 4D display modules.
The 4D-UPA (Universal Programmer Adaptor) is a universal programmer designed to replace all current 4D
programmers, such as the uUSB-PA5, gen4-PA, gen4-IoD-PA, and the 4D Programming Cable. It can be used for
programming gen4 display modules, gen4-IoD display modules, IoD-09TH display modules, uLCD and uOLED display
modules. It can also be used for interfacing to a breadboard for prototyping, or for interfacing to virtually any host.
The 4D-UPA has a 30-way FFC connector at the top of the module, for connecting to gen4-uLCD-xx display modules.
On the opposite side is a 10 way FFC connector, for connecting to gen4-IoD-xx display modules. Located centrally in
the larger rectangular outline, are pads associated with the gen4-uLCD-xx modules. These break out all the signals
which come to/from the gen4-uLCD-xx modules. 5 of the signals are the universal 4D RESET/GND/TX/RX/5V signals,
these are located together to enable interfacing/programming of the uLCD and uOLED display modules, such as the
uLCD-43DT and uOLED-128G2.The outer 2 sets of 6 holes are for mounting and programming the IoD-09TH display
module. The IoD-09TH pads are slightly offset, enabling a simple 'friction fit' interface to the 4D-UPA, no soldering or
headers are required - although headers can be soldered if needed.
The 4D-UPA utilises the Silicon Labs CP2104 USB to Serial Bridge IC. More information about this can be found from
the Silicon Labs website. A link to the driver is available on our website.
USB 2.0 compliant Full Speed 12Mbps maximum speed.
Hardware or Xon/Xoff handshaking supported, 300bps to 2Mbps
UART supports 5, 6, 7, 8 data bits, 1, 1.5, 2 stop bits, odd/even/mark/space and no parity
Supports Windows 2000 and above, MAC (OSX-8 and above) and Linux (2.4 kernel and above)
USB powered
-10 to +60 degrees Celsius temp range
2. Mechanical Dimensions
3. Schematic Diagram
4. Programming Modes
The following pictures show how to connect the 4D-UPA to various hardware and display modules.
Figure 3. gen4 display (gen4-uLCD-43DCT-CLB), connected to the 4D-UPA using a 30-way FFC cable, and Jumper
wires connecting to the Arduino Adaptor Shield, on top on an Arduino.
When connecting another device (such as an Arduino – shown in the previous Figure 3) to the 5-way interface pins
on the 4D-UPA, while connecting a 4D Display module to the 30-way FFC, the connection to the other device
(Arduino for example) utilises the UART0 serial port on the gen4 display. This is also used by the USB controller to
program the gen4 display module. Therefore, each time you program to the display module, the 5-way cable needs
to be disconnected to the other device (Arduino for example) so the serial UART will not have conflicts and fail.
Alternatively, separately wiring to other GPIO pins on the 4D-UPA to utilise the UART1/2/3 (as is available on
selected gen4 display modules) will allow this conflict to be avoided, due to utilising a separate UART. Adjustments
to the settings in Workshop4 to utilise comms to a different UART, is required. The ViSi Genie Settings was changed
for the previous set-up to work.
The FFC cables supplied by 4D Systems (included with products) have the following specifications:
30 Pin Flexible Flat Cable, 150mm Long, 0.5mm (0.02") 10 Pin Flexible Flat Cable, 150mm Long, 0.5mm (0.02")
pitch pitch
Cable Type: AWM 20624 80C 60V VW-1 Cable Type: AWM 20624 80C 60V VW-1
Heat Resistance 80 Degrees Celsius Heat Resistance 80 Degrees Celsius
Connections on the opposite side at each end (Type B) Connections on the opposite side at each end (Type B)
7. Legal Notice
Proprietary Information
The information contained in this document is the property of 4D Systems Pty. Ltd. and may be the subject of patents
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4D Systems endeavours to ensure that the information in this document is correct and fairly stated but does not
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4D Systems makes no warranty, either expressed or implied with respect to any product, and specifically disclaims all
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Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your
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Images and graphics used throughout this document are for illustrative purposes only. All images and graphics used
are possible to be displayed on the 4D Systems range of products, however the quality may vary.
In no event shall 4D Systems be liable to the buyer or to any third party for any indirect, incidental, special,
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4D Systems products are not fault tolerant nor designed, manufactured or intended for use or resale as on line control
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8. Contact Information