Extra High Voltage XLPE Cables: Lntrodllctioll
Extra High Voltage XLPE Cables: Lntrodllctioll
Extra High Voltage XLPE Cables: Lntrodllctioll
o Extra high voltage XLPE cables
&J-i s. N. Parwal*
1 lntrodllctioll - Deformation resistance EHV power cables (66 kV and above)
- Flexibility are generally manllfactul'ed in single
With the incrcas ing power dell1i1nds in - Im pact resistance corc instcad ef Lhree core construetion,
cities lll'ban areas and industrial ccn-
J - Low illtrinsic agcing because, for such cables, the sizc ef
tres, the use of EHV underground - Ease of handling conductor is large and the insulation
cables is rapidly gaining grou nd. The - Ease of installation and jointing thickness is great, thereby maki ng the
oi l fi lled power cable, were used exten- - QuiCk jointing and restoratie n ef th ree eore cable diameters tOO large.
sively umi! 1970. Associated with these service This will also restllt in a loss of Ilex-
eables were the inherent problems of - Sim ple and reliable aceessories ibility and limit the length during
ll1aintenance, oil leakagc and par- - Small number of joints mamifactlll'e und increase the number
ticularl y the risk of fire due to the - Minimum ma_intenance service of joints per route km. The heav ier
prescnce of large flll10UIlt S cf c il in lhe - Free from fire and e ther risks three core cables will also cause all-
installation. These problems have been Lang life. round handling and tra nsport pro-
overcome with the technologieal blems.
dcvelopment of extruded solid syn-
thetic dielew 'ic for EHV power cables. 4 EHV XLPE cable
Cross Linked Polyethylene (XLPE) cOllstructioll
is now weil established as a "cplace-
ment fb l" conventiOl1H\ paper cables in 3 EH V cable design In the design and eonstruction of solid
medium, high and extra high vOltages. dieleetrie insulated cables, the basic
The follow ing facta rs are considered
XLPE insulated cables up to 275 kV coneept for all cables of 6.6 kV and
for the design of EHV XLPE cables:
hove been in service in many count ries above remains the same. The cable
- System voltagc
fü r Qver a decade. Experimental essemially consists of the following
- Maximum fault level
lengths of 500 kV cable havc been pro- - Load to bc earried elements (fig. I):
duced ami are unde!" evaluation. - Elcctrical stress
XLPE insulated EHV eables are 4. 1 Conductor
- AC breakdown stress
considered toduy us the most reliable - Impulse breakdown stress The eonductor is made out (Jf drawn
and prefen ed choiee for seeondary - Basic im pulse level ul1ncaled copper 01' aluminium wil'e,
transmission of power duc to theil' - Instullation condition and is stranded and eircularl y com-
lcchnical and economic advan tages. - Expeeted li fe of eable. pacted with clean and smooth finish,
2 Advantages of XLPE cablcs
XLPE eables have the fo llowing
superior Lcchnical characteristics: EfiV XLPE mbles vs oil flllet! c(lbles
- High dieleeu'ie strength
- Low diclcctric losses Propcrties UnilS XLPE Oil filled
cables cables
- Higher thermal tolerance dudng
- co ntinuous operati on Diclcctric constant 2.3 3.5
- short time overload DieleClric power faclor 5x 10" 4.5xlO-3
- short ci rc uit Volumc rcsislivity (m in) Ohm .cm. tx10'6 Ix 10'4
.t 27 'e
COnlinuolls condliClor
ICmpCnllUrC (max) 'e 90 85
.. s. N. PlIrwul is u univcrsity grnduutc in clcc- Shorl time overload
trieft! eJlgineerilig. studied further COf>t IICCQulll- temperalure (max) 'e 130 t05
ing, having over 20 YC<lI'S extensive experience in Shorl circuit tCmpCrltlurc (max) 'e 250 200
plnnning, produc~ion , engineering, design. Rcsistance 10:
teMins. quality contro l, tcchnology dcvelop- a) Water absorpt ion Excellent Poor
UlCnt , projcct planning, diversification, modcr-
b) Flame propagation Pair Poor
nisation, cost control and mallagcmcnl with
lcading cllblc cOlllp.lnics in Il1<1ia producillg LV c) Abrasion Exccllent POOr
und HV power cablc$, r~ H V enbles. FRLS and d) Chemicol Excellem Fair
FS cables, com rol. signalling und inSt ru lllcnlll- c) Partial dischnrgc Poor Excell ent
lion cables ami wires. ovcl'head bare conuuclors, Electrical parameters
AAAC Ilnd Aß cllblcs, winding wiI'cS alld Strips. a) CUI'I'ellt I'a ling (%) 108 tOO
Prcsclltly he is wQrking 118 Ch icf Gene r"l b) Silori eireuit rating (%) 140 100
Manager in charge of Marketing ami Prod\lcl c) Diclcctric losses (%) 9 100
Developmelll o[ The Premier Cable Co. LId.,
Kcrn l" ,
approx . 350 mm
an overlap and the seam is sealed
direetl y under the jacket. The applica-
tion of nluminium/plaSlic laminate tape
in combination with swellable nOIl-
WQven water blocking tape, under the
metall ie Screen, protects the cable
from radial and longitudinal entry of
Fig. 2. uraer riglullc.ss feSI
8 Water tightness test
A test set up to check the water
tighlncss, based On Europeml practicc,
6 Dcvclopmcnts of EHV XLPE 7 Watcl'pl'ooting was developed as shown in rig. 2.
cables A samplc of 6 In cuble is subjected
Whcn cables are laid directl y into the to a bending test and the cable is then
The CDCC manufacturing technology ground, it is likely that moisture may eut into lengths of 3 m cach. The water
has been used since 1982, by an im- defuse into the cable through thc tightness test is carried out on these:
partant Indian cable producer, and a plastic sheath , 01' water may enter due - A 10 mm wide ring is cut in the mid-
phused programme of developmcnt 01' to dumuge of the outer sheath. The die of each sampie so tllat the semi-
cables over 33 kV wus taken up. The plas tic material consists of hydro-car- conduCl ive insulation screen i s seen,
fol!owing cables were produccd and bon crystals and amo rpholls parts and - SampIes are placed in a sealed water
teslcd cxtcnSivcly in our ülctory and at water can pass through amorphous tank so that the stripped part of
independant test hauses. purts by the principle of osmosis. Thu, cable is inside the tank . Water is
- 66 kV I Core 240 l1un 2 AI XLPE the plastic sheath does not have a mlcd and the pressure of 0.13 bar
Cable in 1984 perfect water impervious effect, and mai ntained,
- 66 kV I Core 630 mm 2 AI XLPE will allow the ingress of moisture into Each sampie is then subjected to the
Cable in 1985 the cable. following:
- 110 kV I Core 400 mm2 Cu XLPE Walcr is always a deteriorating factol' - 24 h at ambient temperature without
Cable in 1987 for any electrical insulation systeIn. current,
- 132 kV I Core 630 Illm 2 AI XLPE For EHV XLPE cables it is more so - 10 consecutive thermal cycles of 8 h
Cable in 1988 becHuse the electrical stresses develop' each havi ng 4 h heating per iod by
The test results 01' these cables have ed are much lligher than in the medillln passing the current in the conductor
met the stringent specific3lion rC- 01' high voltage cables. und maintaining at 100 oe
quircmcnls. Thc ptescnee of water and an elee- temperature followed by 4 h cooling
The 110 kV and 132 kV XLPE tricHI fi eld may cause the formation of period.
cablcs were made with and without «water lrces» in the insulation. Gnee No water leakage can be observe"
w(l terproofing construclion. the trees (Ire formed, the deterioration from both ends. •
214 W IR E 40 (1990) 2