Case Study Martin Textiles N Starbucks - Memorandum
Case Study Martin Textiles N Starbucks - Memorandum
Case Study Martin Textiles N Starbucks - Memorandum
Q1. What constitutes operation for your organization of which you are a
country of origin?
Question 1
Economic cost
The production cost that is labour cost if Martin Textile shift its production to Mexico
will be reduced to less than USD2 per hour as compared to wage rate paid to its
unionised New York plant(USD12.50 per hour) and non unionised textile plant in
The production too will be able to avoid cost disadvantage that they have to face in
US due to tougher and stricter labour law, regulations and standards imposed by
advantage of lower labour cost allowing them to better compete with Asian and
European rival.
NAFTA agreement that came into force in Jan 1, 1994 which one of its contents
stated that abolition by 2004 tariff on 99% goods traded between Mexico, Canada
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and US. Therefor, the production can enjoy free tariff within next 10 to 15 years and
Martin’s major customer will be able to enjoy and benefits from the lower prices of
products made in Mexico since the production has taken advantage of the lower
Question 2.
Social Costs
Martin Textile will have to face the situation whether the Mexican workers could be
as loyal and productive just like its present employees in New York. In Mexico the
production might be facing too low productivity, poor workmanship, high turnover
in Mexico. The question that should be ask is will the production able to create
good labor relationship atmosphere and which give full attention to quality as in
By not focusing more on moral obligations to workers in Mexico or the welfare are
no longer the main concern of the company, the production will be able to focus
and concentrate fully on cost cutting, maximizing profits and consumer satisfaction
in United States.
Question 3
In Martin’s case both costs and benefits are very much independent of each other.
Eventhough its seems to be dependent but not all times both cost and benefits
comes together or related to one another. Martin’s will have to decide which costs
and benefits that will benefit its company most in order for the company to survive
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in the textile business. Not to forget the NAFTA contents or tariff that might have an
Question 4
It is most likely that Martin Textile shift all production to Mexico. A good
compensation should be given to the former workers and to maintain the key
John Martin and to have a rep office in US. The cost of paying the compensation
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Question 1
operators. Starbucks will get the initial licensing fees and royalties on store
succesful formula and technological know-how. Starbucks will lose control over
b. Licensing format would not give Starbucks the tight control over management,
marketing and strategy in the licensee firm’s country in order to maximize its
decision making will be done by liscensee firm. Where normally the decision
c. Although Starbuck could license its product its real competitive advantage
comes from its management skills and marketing capabilities which are often
the firm could it self. As a result the licensee firm may not be able to fully exploit
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Question 4
Starbuck realised that pure licensing agreement would not give Starbuck the
the company had established a join venture with Sazaby Inc in Japan. Starbuck
first foreign direct investment. After Japan, the company embarked on aggresive
Bon Appetite Group. Starbucks license its format to the Swiss company by using
the same agreement used successfully in Asia. Starbuck shifted its international
contract, it needs tight control over licensee firm to maximize its profitability in that
country and its skills and capabilities are not amenable to licensing.
Through join venture Starbucks benefits from local partners knowladge of host
system. Starbucks provides the technological know-how and products. The local
partners will provide marketing expertise and local knowladge necessary for
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