Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

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Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges



Steel Bridges




5.1.1 General

In section 1.4, bridges were classified according to the structural systems of

the main girder in the longitudinal direction into several types such as beam
and frame bridges, arch bridges, cable stayed bridges, and suspension bridges.
The cross section of the main girder used in any of these bridge types may be a
solid web girder or a truss girder depending on the values of the design actions.
For short and medium spans, solid web girders in the form of I-section or box
section are usually used. These girders are usually fabricated from welded
plates and thus are called "Plate Girders". Plate girders may be defined as
structural members that resist loads primarily in bending and shear. Although
shaped similarly to the commonly used hot-rolled steel I-beams, plate girders
differ from them in that they are fabricated from plates, and sometimes angles,
that are joined together to form I-shapes. They are characterized by thin webs,
which are usually deeper than those of the deepest available rolled shapes.
Such girders are capable of carrying greater loads over longer spans than is
generally possible using standard rolled sections or compound girders. Plate
girders may also be used as long-span floor girders in buildings, as crane
girders in industrial structures, and as bridge girders in all types of bridges.

5.1.2 Cross Sections of Plate Girders

Several cross sections may be used for plate girders as shown in Fig. 5.1.
Early plate girders were fabricated by riveting, Fig. 5.1(a). Their flanges
consisted of two angles riveted to the web ends and cover plates riveted to the
outstanding legs of the angles. Structural welding, which began to be widely
used in the 1950s, has significantly simplified the fabrication of plate girders.
Modern plate girders are normally fabricated by welding together two flange
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

plates and a web plate as shown in Fig. 5.1(b). Although not commonly used,
other variations are possible as shown in Fig. 5.1(c).

Cover plates Flange plate


Web Web
plate plate

(a) Riveted (b) Welded (c) Delta

Fig. 5.1 Cross Sections of Plate Girders

Because a plate girder is fabricated from individual elements that constitute

its flanges and web, a significant advantage offered by a plate girder is the
freedom a designer can have in proportioning the flange and web plates to
achieve maximum economy through more efficient arrangement of material
than is possible with rolled beams. This freedom gives a considerable scope for
variation of the cross-section in the longitudinal direction. For example, a
designer can reduce the flange width or thickness in a zone of low applied
moment as shown in Fig. 5.2. Equally, in a zone of high shear, the designer can
thicken the web plate. Furthermore, the designer has the freedom to use
different grades of steel for different parts of the girder. For example, higher-
grade steel St. 52 might be used for zones of high applied moments while
standard grade steel St. 37 would be used elsewhere. Also, “hybrid girders”
with high strength steel in the flange plates and low strength steel in the web
offer another possible means of more closely matching resistance to
requirements. More unusual variations are adopted in special circumstances,
e.g., girders with variable depth, see Fig. 5.3.
Steel Bridges

Welded 4


(a) Width (b) Thickness

Fig. 5.2 Transition of Flange Plate Width and Thickness

Fig. 5.3 Plate Girder Bridge with Variable Depth



Any cross-section of a plate girder is normally subjected to a combination of

shear force and bending moment. The primary function of the top and bottom
flange plates of the girder is to resist the axial compressive and tensile forces
arising from the applied bending moment. The primary function of the web
plate is to resist the applied shear force. Under static loading, bending and
shear strength requirements will normally govern most plate girder design,
with serviceability requirements such as deflection or vibration being less
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

The first step in the design of plate girder section is to select the value of the
web depth. For railway bridges, the girder depth will usually be in the range
L o /12 to L o /8, where L o is the length between points of zero moment.

However, for plate girder roadway bridges the range may be extended to
approximately L o /20 for non-composite plate girders and to L o /25 for

composite plate girders.

Having selected the web plate depth, the effective flange area to resist the
applied moment can be computed from the relation, see Fig. 5.4(b):

M = F e A e h e ………………………..… (5.1)

Where: F e = allowable bending stress at flange centroid,


h e = effective depth for flange,


A e = equivalent flange area.


bf Fb fw

f e Ae
fe tw
d = hw



f e Ae


(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5.4 Proportioning of Plate Girder Flanges

Flange Stress: According to ECP 2001, girders with laterally supported

compression flanges can attain their full elastic strength under load, i.e., F b = R R

0.64*F y for compact sections and F b = 0.58 * F y for non-compact sections. If


the compression flange is not supported laterally, then appropriate reduction in

the allowable bending stresses shall be applied to account for lateral torsional
buckling as set in the Code.

The equivalent flange area A e is made up of the actual area of one flange, R R

plus the part of the web area that contributes in resisting the applied moment.
The moment resistance M w of the web can be defined by; Fig. 5.4 (c):R R
Steel Bridges

M w = (0.5 Fw ) (0.5 A w ) (2h w /3) = F w h w A w /6 ………………(5.2)


where A w = area of web and F w = maximum bending stress for web. From

the above equation it can be seen that one sixth of the total web area can be
considered as effective in resisting moment M w with lever arm h w and stress R R R R

F w . Consequently, the area required for each flange will be:


A f = A e - A w / 6................................................ (5.3)

Substituting for A e from Eqn. 5.1 gives:


A f = ( M / F b d ) - A w / 6................................... (5.4)


An optimum value of the plate girder depth d which results in a minimum

weight girder can be obtained as follows:

Express the total girder area as: A g = d t w + 2 A f ................................... (5.5)


The moment resistance of the girder can be expressed as

M = F b Z x .......................................... (5.6)

Where Z x is the section modulus of the girder. Substituting from Eqn. 5.6 into

Eqn. 5.4 gives:

A f = Z x / d - A w / 6 ....................................... (5.7)

Substituting from Eqn 5.7 into Eqn. 5.5 gives:

A g = 2 Zx / d + 2 Aw / 3 = 2 Zx / d + 2 d t w / 3 ......... (5.8)

By introducing a web slenderness ratio parameter, β = d/t w , Eqn 5.8 can be R R

expressed as
A g = 2 Zx / d + 2 d2 / 3 β ................................................. (5.9)

A g is minimum when ∂ A g / ∂ d =0 which gives:


d3 = 1.5 β Zx ................................................................... (5.10)

Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

Substituting Z x = M / F b , Eqn 5.10 gives:


d= 3
1.5 β M / F ......................................... (5.11)

The value of β will normally lie in the range 100 to 150. With M expressed
in meter-ton units and F in t/cm2 units, the above equation gives the optimum

girder depth in meters as:

d = ( 0.25 ~ 0.3) 3 M / F .................................. (5.12)

For steel St. 52 with F b = 0.58 F y this equation gives:


d = ( 0.2 ~ 0.24 ) 3 M ........................................ (5.13)

Design Considerations:

For efficient design it is usual to choose a relatively deep girder, thus

minimizing the required area of flanges for a given applied moment. This
obviously results in a deep web whose thickness t w is chosen equal to the R R

minimum required to carry the applied shear. Such a web may be quite slender,
i.e. has a high d/t w ratio, and may be subjected to buckling which reduces the

section strength. A similar conflict may exist for the flange plate proportions.
The desire to increase weak axis inertia encourages wide, thin flanges, i.e.
flange with a high b/t f ratio. Such flanges may also be subjected to local


Design of plate girders therefore differs from that of rolled sections because
the latter generally have thicker web and flange plates and thus are not
subjected to buckling effects. In contrast, the freedom afforded in material
selection in plate girder design makes buckling a controlling design criterion.
Thus, in designing a plate girder it is necessary to evaluate the buckling
resistance of flange plates in compression and of web plates in shear and
bending. In most cases various forms of buckling must be taken into account.
Figure 5.5 lists the different buckling problems associated with plate girder
design. A brief description of each form is given below:
Steel Bridges







Fig. 5.5 Plate Buckling Problems Associated with Plate Girders

Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

a) Shear Buckling of the Web Plate

If the web width-to-thickness ratio d/t w exceeds a limiting value, the web

will buckle in shear before it reaches its full shear capacity. Diagonal buckles,
of the type shown in Fig.5.5a, resulting from the diagonal compression
associated with the web shear will form. This local buckling reduces the girder
shear strength.

b) Lateral Torsional Buckling of girder

If the compression flange is not supported laterally the girder is subjected to

lateral torsional buckling which reduces the allowable bending stresses, see
Fig. 5.5b.

c) Local Buckling of the Compression Flange

If the compression flange width-to-thickness ratio exceeds a limiting value,

it will buckle before it reaches its full compressive strength as shown in Fig.
5.5c. This local buckling will reduce the girder’s load carrying resistance.

d) Compression Buckling of the Web Plate

If the web width-to-thickness ratio d/t w exceeds a limiting value, the upper

part of the web will buckle due to bending compression as shown in Fig. 5.5d.
Consequently, the moment resistance of the cross section is reduced.

e) Flange Induced Buckling of the Web Plate

If particularly slender webs are used, the compression flange may not
receive enough support to prevent it from buckling vertically rather like an
isolated strut buckling about its minor axis as shown in Fig. 5.5e. This
possibility may be eliminated by placing a suitable limit on d/t w .

f) Local Buckling of the Web Plate

Vertical loads may cause buckling of the web in the region directly under
the load as shown in Fig. 5.5f. This buckling form is known as web crippling.
The level of loading that may safely be carried before this happens will depend
upon the exact way in which the load is transmitted to the web and the web
Steel Bridges

Detailed considerations of these buckling problems will be presented in the

following sections.


5.3.1 General

In the previous section, it was shown that plate girders might be subjected to
different forms of local plate buckling. In order to study the effect of local
buckling on the strength of the cross-section, knowledge of the theory of
buckling of rectangular plates is essential. Flanges can be modeled as long
plates under uniform compression with one long edge assumed simply
supported and the other long edge free. Webs can be modeled as long plates
with the two long edges as simply supported. The compression on the plate
edge may be uniform, as in the girder flange, see Fig. 5.6 a, or non-uniform, as
in the girder web, see Fig. 5.6 b. In addition, the web plate may be subjected to
shear stresses as shown in Fig. 5.6 c.

In the following sections, a brief treatment of the buckling of plates is given.

The results are then used to study the effect of plate buckling on the strength of
plate girders.

5.3.2 Buckling of Plates under Uniform Edge Compression Theoretical Buckling Resistance

Consider a uniformly compressed plate of thickness t, width b, and length a

simply supported along its four edges as shown in Figure 5.7. Up to a certain
load, the plate remains compressed in its own plane. However, as the load
increases and reaches a critical value, the plane state of the plate becomes
unstable. Further increase in load causes the plate to deflect laterally, resulting
in the out-of-plane configuration shown in Fig. 5.7. This phenomenon is
referred to as plate buckling, and the stress that causes it is called the critical
buckling stress.
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges


(a) Flange under Compression



(b) Web under Bending

(c) Web under Shear

Fig. 5.6 Modeling of Plate Girder Components



Fig. 5.7 Buckling of Simply Supported Plate under Uniform Compression

Steel Bridges

The value of this buckling stress can be determined by applying structural

mechanics theories to study the behavior of the plate. The assumptions used to
solve this stability problem are those used in thin plate theory (Kirchhoff’s
1. Material is linear elastic, homogeneous and isotropic.
2. Plate is perfectly plane and initially stress free.
5. Thickness “t” of the plate is small compared to its other dimensions.
4. In-plane actions pass through its middle plane.
5. Transverse displacements w are small compared to the plate thickness.
6. Slopes of the deflected middle surfaces are small compared to unity.
7. Deformations are such that straight lines, initially normal to the middle
plane, remain straight lines and normal to the deflected middle surface.
8. Stresses normal to the thickness of the plate are of a negligible order
of magnitude.
Based on these assumptions, the governing differential equation of the plate
buckling is expressed as:

∂4w ∂4w ∂4w ∂ 2w

D( 4 + 2 2 2 + ) + tf x = 0 .................................. (5.14)
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y 4 ∂x 2

where f x R R = normal stress

D = plate bending rigidity = E t3 / 12(1 - ν 2)

E = Elastic Modulus = 2100 t / cm2 P

t = Plate thickness
ν = Poisson’s ratio = 0.3

The solution of this equation gives the elastic buckling stress Fcr of the plate as:

π2 E
Fcr = k c   = 1898 kc (t/b)2 ....................................... (5.15)
12 (1 − υ )  b 

where kc = plate buckling factor which depends on the type of stress

distribution, the edge support conditions, and the plate aspect ratio α = a/b. For
the case considered it can be expressed as:

kc = (m / α + α / m)2 ................................................... (5.16)


where m = number of buckling half-waves in the longitudinal direction. For

each value of m, there exists a corresponding buckling stress and a buckled
configuration. Fig. 5.8 shows the dependence of kc on the ratio α for various
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

values of m. The buckling mode for values of α < 2 , has one half wave, for
values 2 < α < 6 , two half waves, etc.

Fig. 5.8 Plate Buckling Coefficient kc under axial compression

Referring to the curve for m = 1, it is seen that kc is large for small values of
α and decreases as α increases until α = 1 (i.e., square plate) when k reaches its
minimum value of 4. The value of kc increases again as α increases. Similar
Steel Bridges

behavior is obtained for other values of m. Therefore, kc = 4 may be considered

as valid for all values of m and is used as the basis for design.

Fig. 5.9 shows examples of buckled configurations of the plate for m=1,2,5.
In a physical sense, Eqn. 5.16 can be interpreted to mean that a plate, simply
supported on all four edges and uniformly compressed along the shorter sides,
buckles in half – waves whose lengths approach the width of the plate, see Fig.
5.9 d.


a a
(a) m=1 (b) m=2


(c) m=3


w- w+ w-

(d) Wave Pattern

Fig. 5.9 Buckling Configurations

The above discussion applies to plates simply supported along their four
edges. Plate girder sections may comprise plates, which are free along one
longitudinal edge, and supported along the other edges, e.g., flange plates.
Solution of the governing differential equation under these boundary
conditions yields the value of the plate buckling factor kc = 0.425.
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

Substituting the values of kc into Eqn. 5.5, the critical buckling stress is
obtained as:
1- For a plate with simple supports, ( kc =4 ) Fcr = 7592 / (b/t)2 P P

2- For a plate with a free edge, (kc =0.425) Fcr = 807 / (b/t)2 P P

Fig. 5.10 shows the relationship between Fcr and (b/t) according to these

Critical Buckling Stress Fcr (t/cm2)

k=23.9 (Bending)

k =0.425

0.0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Plate Slenderness Ratio (b/t)

Fig. 5.10 Critical Buckling Stress Fcr under Compression and/or Bending

Analogy with buckling of Axially Loaded Columns:

At this point, it is instructive to compare and understand the differences

between this buckling behavior of simply supported plates and that of axially
loaded simply supported columns for which the critical load is given by: Pcr =
π2 E I / L2. The simply supported column buckles into one half-wave of length

L and the value of the critical buckling load is inversely proportional to L2 and P P

is independent of the column width. By contrast, because of the supports along

the unloaded edges, a plate buckles into multiple half-waves the length of
Steel Bridges

which approach the plate width b. The critical stress in the simply supported
plate is inversely proportional to b2 and independent of its length a.
P P Buckling of Plates under Linearly Varying Edge Compression

The above results can be extended to cover the general case of a plate
subjected to a linearly varying compressive stress, e.g., due to bending
moment in the plane of the plate as shown in Fig. 5.11 .

w+ w- w+ w-


Fig. 5.11 Buckling of Plate due to Bending

The critical elastic buckling stress for this case is expressed as:

π2 E
Fcr = k σ   ....................................................... (5.17)
12 (1 − υ )  b 

where the value of the plate buckling factor kσ is given by:

kσ = (for 1 > ψ >-1) ........... (5.18)
(1 + ψ ) 2
+ 0.112 (1 − ψ ) + (1 + ψ )

And kσ = 5.98 (1 - ψ)2 P P (for -1 > ψ >-2)........... (5.19)

where ψ = σ2/σ1 = ratio of smaller stress σ2 to larger stress σ1 . The value ψ

= 1 corresponds to uniformly distributed compressive stress, where as the
value ψ = -1 corresponds to the case of pure bending (σ2 = - σ1). The
intermediate values, -1 < ψ < +1, correspond to combined bending and

For the special case of pure bending, i.e., ψ = -1, the value of kσ is equal to
25.9, giving:
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

π2 E
2 2
t t
Fcr = 23.9   = 45362   ............................... (5.20)
12 (1 − υ )  b 

A plot of the relationship between Fcr and (b/t) according to Eqn. 5.20 is
shown in Fig. 5.10.

Fig. 5.11 shows a typical buckling pattern of a plate initiated by bending of

the plate. This bend-buckling is somewhat different than the buckling of a
uniformly edge-compressed plate in that the out-of-plane deformation in the
tensile zone of the plate is zero (shown by w = 0). The plate buckles in a single
half-wave transversally (i.e., depth wise) and in multiple half-waves
longitudinally (i.e., length wise). As shown in Fig. 5.11, the lengths of the
buckling waves approach 2/3 b. Buckling of Plates under Edge Shear

Fig. 5.12(a) shows a plate under the action of edge shear stresses. These
stresses are equivalent to tension and compression stresses that are equal in
magnitude to the shear stresses but inclined at 45o. The compressive stresses

may cause the plate to buckle as shown in Fig. 5.12 (a). The buckling mode is
composed of multiple wave forms which are skewed with respect to the edges.
The half-wave length is equal to about 1.25 b for long simply supported plates.

According to the elastic buckling theory, the critical buckling shear stress
can be expressed as:
π2 E
2 2
t t
q cr = k q   = 1898 k q   ............................ (5.21)
12 (1 − υ 2 ) b b

where kq is a shear buckling factor calculated from elastic buckling theory

according to the plate aspect ratio α = a/b as follows:

kq = 4.00 + 5.34 / α2 P P α < 1 ......................... (5.22 a)

kq = 5.34 + 4.00 / α2 P P α > 1 ......................... (5.22 b)

A plot of the relationship between qcr and (b/t) according to Eqns. 5.21 and
5.22 is shown in Fig. 5.13 for different values of α.
Steel Bridges

q q q

q q q ==

q q q

(a) Plate under Pure Shear (b) Element in (c) Principal Stresses
pure shear

~1.25 b

w+ w- w+

(d) Wave Pattern

Fig. 5.12 Shear Buckling of Plates

Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges





Fig. 5.13 Critical Buckling Stress due to Shear
Steel Bridges

5.3.3 Resistance of Actual Plates

The buckling theory described in the previous section is based on

assumptions (1) to (8) of section that are never fulfilled in real
structures. The consequences for the buckling behavior when each of these
assumptions is not valid are now discussed. Effect of Inelastic Behavior

The first assumption of linear elastic behavior of the material is obviously

not valid when the value of Fcr according to these equations exceeds the
material yield strength Fy. This behavior is typical for thick plate panels having
low (b/t) ratios. In this case failure is governed by yielding rather than
buckling. If the material is considered to behave as linear elastic-ideal plastic,
the buckling curve must be cut off at the level of the yield stress Fy as shown
in Figure 5.14.

Fig. 5.14 Effect of Inelastic Behavior on Plate Buckling

Accordingly, two regions must be considered for establishing strength:

1. for large (b/t) values: Fcr < Fy , i.e., Elastic buckling governs the design.
2. for low (b/t) values: Fcr ≥ Fy , i.e, Yielding governs the design.
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

For design purposes, it is convenient to define a plate slenderness parameter

λ in terms of the ratio of the yield stress to the critical stress Fy/Fcr as:

Fy Fy b Fy
λ= = =   ............................ (5.23)
Fcr t 1898 k
k (1898)  

A plot of Fcr/Fy versus λ is shown in Fig. 5.15. Curve (a) represents the
theoretical buckling curve defined by Eqn. 5.18, while the horizontal line at Fcr
= Fy represents the yield condition. The value λ = 1 represents the limit
between elastic buckling and yield. Consequently, the plate fails due to elastic
buckling when λ >1 and due to yield when λ < 1.


1.0 A B


Fig. 5.15 Non-dimensional Buckling Curve Effect of Imperfections and Residual Stresses

The second and fourth assumptions of a plate without geometrical

imperfections and residual stresses are also never fulfilled in real structures.
Plates in fabricated structures are likely to have some initial out-of-plane
deviations. When the plate is loaded, these deviations will start growing in
depth and thus cause additional stresses on the cross section. Furthermore,
steel plates as well as rolled sections contain residual stresses. Residual
stresses in rolled sections are mainly caused by uneven cooling after hot
rolling. Plates in welded plate girders are subjected to high temperatures during
flame-cutting and welding. Shrinkage due to cooling of the hot areas is resisted
by the remaining cold parts of the cross section. As a result, the areas adjacent
Steel Bridges

to the weld or flame cut are subjected to high tensile strains which may be
several times the yield strain, and the rest of the cross-section is subjected to
compression. As compressive and tensile residual stresses in the cross-section
balance, residual stresses do not cause any resultant axial force or bending
moment on the cross-section. However, those parts of the cross section where
the residual stress is of the same nature as the applied stress will reach yield
earlier. With further loading these yielded parts will not contribute any
resistance to the cross section and thus the effective stiffness, and consequently
the plate buckling strength, will be reduced. Residual stresses are less
important for plates subjected to shear or bending stress than plates under
compression because the applied stresses and the residual stresses are likely to
be of a different nature in different parts of the plates.

Tests have shown that the reduction in plate buckling strength due to
imperfections and residual stresses is most pronounced for plates with
intermediate values of (b/t). For design purposes, this effect is considered by
using a reduced value of the limit plate slenderness λ0 < 1. Because of
statistical variations in material properties and imperfections which are not
sufficiently well known to be quantified accurately, the appropriate value of λ0
differs substantially from country to country. A review of the international
design codes shows that λo varies approximately from 0.6 to 0.9. ECP has
adopted the following limiting values for the plate slenderness parameter:

1. λo = 0.74 for Class 2 elements in compression.

2. λo = 0.90 for Class 2 elements in bending.
3. λo = 0.80 for elements under pure shear.

These values can be used to calculate the limiting slenderness ratios of

different parts in a plate girder section as follows:

a)Limiting b/t Ratio for Flanges under Uniform Compression:

The flange plate in a plate girder cross-section is essentially a uniformly

compressed long narrow plate. As shown in sec., the elastic buckling
stress may be calculated from Eqn. 5.15 using the appropriate value for the
plate buckling factor k =0.425. Furthermore, to account for the reduction in
buckling strength due to residual stresses and imperfections a reduced value of
λ = λo = 0.74 is used. Substituting a value of k = 0.425 and λo = 0.74 in Eqn.
5.23 gives:
Fy b Fy
0.74 = =   ....................................... (5.24)
Fcr  t  1898 k
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

which gives:   ≤ 21 / Fy ................................................ (5.25)
 t  lim
= 11 for St. 52,
= 15.5 for St. 37.

Whenever the width–to–thickness ratio of the plate girder compression

flange exceeds the a.m. limit, the flange is considered a “slender” element
whose strength is affected by local buckling as explained in the next section.

b)Limiting (d/t) Ratio for Webs under Pure Bending:

The web plate in a plate girder cross-section is essentially subjected to a

linearly varying normal stress due to bending. As shown in sec., the
elastic buckling stress may be calculated from Eqn. 5.17 using the appropriate
value for the plate buckling factor k = 25.9. Furthermore, to account for the
reduction in buckling strength due to residual stresses and imperfections a
reduced value of λ = λo = 0.90 is used. Substituting a value of k = 25.9 and λo
= 0.90 in Eqn. 5.23 gives:

Fy d Fy
0.90 = =   ....................................... (5.26)
Fcr t 1898 x 23.9

which gives:   ≤ 190 / Fy .................................................. (5.27)
 t  lim
= 100 for St. 52,
= 122 for St. 37

Whenever the width–to–thickness ratio of the plate girder web exceeds the
a.m. limit, the web is considered a “slender” element whose strength is
affected by local buckling as explained in the next section.

c)Limiting (d/t) ratio for Webs under Pure Shear:

As shown in sec., the elastic buckling stress for a plate under pure
shear may be calculated from Eqn. 5.21 using the value for the plate buckling
factor k defined by Eqns. 5.22. For a narrow long plate, α >> 1 which gives kq
=5.34. Furthermore, to account for the reduction in buckling strength due to
residual stresses and imperfections a reduced value of λ = λo = 0.80 is used.
Defining the plate slenderness parameter in shear λq as:
Steel Bridges

Fy / 3 Fy / 3
λq = = 2 .............................. (5.28)
q cr t
k q (1898)  

Substituting a value of kq = 5.34 and λo = 0.80 in Eqn. 5.23 gives:

  ≤ 105 / Fy ............................................. (5.29)
 t  lim
= 55 for St. 52,
= 67 for St. 37

Whenever the width–to–thickness ratio of unstiffened plate girder webs

exceeds the a.m. limit, the web is considered a “slender” element whose shear
strength is affected by local buckling as explained in the next section. Effect of Large Displacement:

Fig. 5.16 shows typical behavior of a compressed plate loaded to its ultimate
load. As shown in the figure, the stress distribution remains uniform as the
loading increases until the elastic buckling stress Fcr is reached. Unlike one
dimensional structural members, such as columns, compressed plates will not
collapse when the buckling stress is reached. Further increase in load beyond
the elastic buckling load corresponding to the stress Fcr can be achieved before
failure takes place. However, the portion of the plate farthest from its side
supports will deflect out of its original plane. This out-of-plane deflection
violates assumption (5) of small displacements and causes the stress
distribution to become non-uniform. The stresses redistribute to the stiffer
edges and the redistribution becomes more extreme as buckling continues. The
additional load carried thus by the plate beyond its elastic buckling stress Fcr is
termed the “post-buckling” strength. Tests have shown that the post-buckling
strength is high for large values of (b/t) and very small for low values of (b/t).

In order to estimate the post-buckling strength, the non-uniform stress

distribution can be replaced in design calculations by equivalent rectangular
stress blocks over a reduced "effective width" be as shown in Fig. 5.17.

This equivalent uniform stress has the same peak stress and same action
effect of the non-uniform stress distribution. The effective width of the element
is computed from the condition that if the maximum stress is considered
uniform over that width, the total section capacity will be the same.
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

By applying this model, an "effective cross-section" is obtained from the

original cross-section by deducting the ineffective areas where local buckling
occurred. This design procedure is then the same used for sections not
subjected to local buckling effect provided that the stresses are calculated
using the effective section properties.

Low b/t
Average Stress

High b/t Post buckling


Straight line indicates

uniform stress prior to

Average Axial Strain

Fig. 5.16 Actual Plate Buckling Strength

f max f max

b = bE /2 bE /2

(a) Actual Non-Uniform Stress (b) Equivalent Uniform Stress

Fig. 5.17 Effective Width Concept

Definition of the "Effective Width":

According to this procedure, the effective width can be expressed in terms of

the plate slenderness λp defined by Eqn. 5.23 as:
Steel Bridges

be = ρ * b.......................................................... (5.30)

where ρ = reduction factor = (λp - 0.2) / λp2 P P

For the general case where the plate is subjected to a linearly varying
compression, e.g., due to bending, the reduction factor can be expressed in
terms of the stress ratio ψ as:

ρ = (λp - 0.15 - 0.05*ψ) / λp2 ....................................... (5.31)


Tables 5.1 and 5.2 give the effective width of compression elements for the
case of stiffened elements, e.g., girder webs, and unstiffened elements, e.g.,
girder flange, respectively.

Non-effective zone
Centroidal axis Centroidal axis of
effective section

Figure 5.18 Effective Cross Section for Girder in Bending

For members in bending test results have shown that the effective widths
may be determined on the basis of stress distributions calculated using the
gross section modulus, Zx , even though the formation of "effective holes" in
the compression parts will shift the neutral axis of the effective cross-section as
shown in Fig. 5.18. An iterative process is not, therefore, necessary to compute
the effective section properties.
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

Table (5.1) Effective Width and Buckling Factor for Stiffened

Compression Elements
For 1 > > -1:
k -1> >-2
[(1+ ) 2+ 0.112(1- )2 ] 0.5+(1+ )
f2 f1 1 1> >0 0 0 > > -1 -1
k 4.0
7.81 7.81-6.29 +9.78 2 23.9 5.98(1- )2
Factor 1.05+

Effective Width be for

Stress Distribution 2
= ( p -0.15 - 0.05 )/ p < 1

f1 f2
be = b

b e1 b e2 b e1 = 0.5 b e
b e2 = 0.5 b e

be = b
b e1 b e2 b e1 = 2 b /(5- )
b e2 = b e b e1

f1 bc bt
be = bc = b /(1- )
b e1 b e2
f2 b e1 = 0.4 b e
b e2 = 0.6 be
Steel Bridges

Table (5.2) Effective Width and Buckling Factor For Unstiffened

Compression Elements
Effective Width be for
Stress Distribution 2
= ( p -0.15 -0.05 ) / p < 1

1 1> >0 0 0 > >-1 -1

Buckling factor k 0.43 1.70 1.7-5 +17.1 23.8
+ 0.34

c 1 > > 0:


bc bt be

Buckling factor k 0.43 0.57 0.85 0.57-0.21 +0.07

1 > > 0:



In determining the effective width of compression elements in a given cross-

section, the following assumptions can be made:
1. To determine the effective width of flange plate, the stress ratio ψ may be
based on the properties of the gross cross -section.
2. To determine the effective width of the web plate, the stress ratio ψ may be
obtained using the effective area of the compression flange but the gross
area of the web.
3. Generally the centroidal axis of the effective cross section will shift by a
distance, e, measured from the centroidal axis of the gross cross section, see
Figure 5.18. This eccentricity should be considered when calculating the
properties of the effective cross-section.
4. When the cross section is subjected to an axial force, N, the stress
calculations shall take into account the additional moment Δ M= N * eN,
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

where eN = eccentricity of the centroidal axis when the effective cross

section is subjected to uniform compression.

The actual plate girder strength is therefore represented by:

1- For plates with low values of (b/t); i.e., λ < λo, the strength is computed
directly from the yield strength divided by the appropriate safety factor.

2- For plates having higher values of (b/t), λ > λo, the strength is computed
from the yield strength or the elastic buckling strength by applying the
effective width concept to account for the stress reduction due to residual
stresses and imperfections and the stress increase due to post-buckling.

Fig. 5.19 summarizes the strength of actual plates of varying slenderness. It

shows the reduction in strength due to residual stress and imperfections for
intermediate slender plates, region BC, and the increase due to post-buckling
strength for slender plates, region CD .


1.0 A Yield B

D Post-Buckling Strength
Elastic Buckling

1.0 λ
Fig. 5.19 Actual Plate Buckling Strength in Compression


5.4.1 General

It has been shown in the preceding section that the strength of plates is
affected by local buckling when the plate slenderness ratio exceeds a limiting
value. These limiting values are:
Steel Bridges

i) For flange plate under uniform compression:   ≤ 21 / Fy
 t  lim

ii) For web plate under pure bending:   ≤ 190 / Fy
 t  lim

iii) For web plate under pure shear:   ≤ 105 / Fy
 t  lim

Whenever the width–to–thickness ratio of the girder web plate or flange

plate exceeds the a.m. limit, the plate is considered a “slender” element whose
strength is affected by local buckling. This effect is considered in the design of
plate girder sections as follows:

5.4.2 Plate Girders Under Bending Moment:

Plate girders subjected to the action of bending moment should be designed

using the section modulus determined for the effective cross-sections as shown
in section and Table 5.1 and 5.2. This means that the bending stress
computed from the familiar bending formula fb = Mx / Zeff should not exceed
the allowable bending stress value:

a) For the compression flange: the allowable bending stress is equal to 0.58 Fy
if the flange is laterally supported otherwise lateral torsional buckling
governs the design.

b) For the tension flange: Two checks have to be made:

i) the maximum tensile stress should not exceed 0.58 Fy
ii) the maximum stress range due to live load application should not exceed
the allowable fatigue stress range, as shown in section 3.3.

According to ECP 2001; for plate girders without longitudinal stiffeners:

a- The web plate thickness of plate girders without longitudinal stiffeners (with
or without transverse stiffeners) shall not be less than that detemined from:

tw ≥ d fbc / 145 > d/120 …………………… (5.32)

b- Where the calculated compressive stress fbc equals the allowable bending
stress Fbc, the thickness of the web plate shall not be less than:
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

tw ≥ d Fy / 190 ……………………………. (5.33)

Grade tw ≥
of t  40 mm 40 mm < t  100
St 37 d/120 d/130
St 44 d/110 d/120
St 52 d/100 d/105

If the assumed web thickness is not sufficient to resist buckling due to

bending, the section strength can be increased by providing a thicker web. In
plate girders with practical proportions, the flanges carry most of the applied
bending moment, ~ 85 %, while the web carries all the shear force and a small
part of the moment, ~ 15 %. Therefore, increasing the web thickness to resist
bend-buckling is not effective. A more economic solution is usually achieved
by limiting the web plate thickness to the minimum value required to resist the
applied shear force. If this thickness is not sufficient for bend-buckling, the
plate buckling strength is increased by providing the web plate with
longitudinal stiffeners as shown in Fig. 5.20.



Fig. 5.20 Web Plate with Longitudinal Stiffeners

A longitudinal stiffener essentially forces the web to buckle in a higher

mode by forming a nodal line in the buckled configuration, with waves much
shorter than those of the longitudinally unstiffened plate. Analytically, the
stiffener subdivides the plate into smaller sub-panels, thus increasing
considerably the stress at which the plate will buckle. Theoretical and
experimental studies have shown that the optimum location of one longitudinal
stiffener is at 0.2d from the compression flange. The presence of this stiffener
increases the plate buckling coefficient to 42.5 as compared to 23.9 for a
Steel Bridges

longitudinally unstiffened web, i.e., about 280 % increase in the elastic

buckling stress.

The corresponding slenderness limit for this case becomes:

  ≤ 320 / Fy ................................................ (5.34)
 t  lim

According to ECP 2001; for Girders Stiffened Longitudinally:

a- The web plate thickness of plate girders with longitudinal stiffeners (with or
without transverse stiffeners), placed at d/5 to d/4 from compression flange,
shall not be less than that determined from:

tw ≥ d fbc / 240 > d/240 …………………...… (5.35)

b- Where the calculated compressive stress fbc equals the allowable bending
stress Fbc, the thickness of the web plate shall not be less than:

tw ≥ d Fy / 320 …....………………………..…. (5.36)

Grade tw ≥
of t  40 mm 40 mm < t  100 mm
St 37 d/206 d/218
St 44 d/191 d/200
St 52 d/168 d/175

For deep webs, e.g., depth larger than ~ 2.5 meters, a single longitudinal
stiffener is usually not sufficient to prevent web buckling due to bending. The
buckling strength of such webs is further increased by providing multiple
longitudinal stiffeners in the region between the neutral axis and the
compression flange.

5.4.3 Web Plates Under Pure Shear:

The effect of residual stresses and imperfections on the shear buckling stress
of plate girder webs is treated in a different manner. Instead of considering an
effective section for the buckled plate, the critical buckling stress in shear as
calculated from Eqn. 5.21 is divided by a suitable factor of safety to give the
allowable buckling shear stress. This stress is empirically modified to allow for
residual stresses and imperfections. For plate girders with practical
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

proportions, an economic solution can be obtained in most cases by using a

thin web stiffened transversally by stiffeners as shown in Fig. 5.21.


Fig. 5.21 Web Plate with Transverse Stiffeners

Post Buckling Stress in Shear: For transversely stiffened girders where the
transverse stiffener spacing lies within the range 1 < a/d < 3, full account may
be taken of the considerable reserve of post-buckling resistance. This reserve
arises from the development of "tension field action" within the girder.

Figure 5.22 shows the development of tension field action in the individual
web panels of a typical girder. Once a web panel has buckled in shear, it loses
its resistance to carry additional compressive stresses. In this post-buckling
range, a new load-carrying mechanism is developed, whereby any additional
shear load is carried by an inclined tensile membrane stress field. This tension
field anchors against the top and bottom flanges and against the transverse
stiffeners on either side of the web panel, as shown. The load-carrying action
of the plate girder than becomes similar to that of the N-truss in Figure 5.22 b.
In the post-buckling range, the resistance offered by the web plates is
analogous to that of the diagonal tie bars in the truss. The total shear buckling
resistance for design is calculated by adding the post-buckling resistance to the
initial elastic buckling resistance.

In this case, the shear buckling factor kq, is computed from Eqn. 5.21
according to the value of α = d1/d and the slenderness parameter in shear λq as
determined from Eqn. 5.28.
Steel Bridges

Fig. 5.22 Tension Field Action in Plate Girders

The calculation of the allowable shear buckling stress then depends, as

illustrated in Figure 5.23, upon whether the web is:

1. thick (λq < 0.8 , region AB in Fig. 5.23) in which case the web will not
buckle and the shear stress at failure will reach the shear yield stress of the web
qb = 0.35 * Fy .................................... (5.37)

2. intermediate (0.8 < λ q < 1.2, region BC in Fig. 5.23) which represents a
transition stage from yielding to buckling action with the shear strength being
evaluated empirically from the following:

qb = (1.5 - 0,625 λq ) (0.35*Fy) ................... (5.38)

Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

3. slender or thin (λq > 1.2, region CD in Figure 5.23) in which case the web
will buckle before it yields and a certain amount of post-buckling action is
taken into account empirically:

qb = (0.9 / λq ) (0.35*Fy) ...................... (5.39)

In all cases the calculated shear stress qact should not exceed the allowable
buckling shear stress qb .


q cr

q y = Fy 3 A B

0.75 q y C qb
Post Buckling Strength
Elastic Bucling
0.8 1.2 2.0
q 0.8 q > 0.8 q
Thick Thin
webs webs

Fig. 5.23 Buckling Shear Stress

Web plate without transversal stiffeners: The web plate of a typically

unstiffened plate girder has a large aspect ratio α. For such a case, the
allowable buckling shear stress qb is obtained from the Eqn. 5.21 using a value
of kq = 5.34 as:

For (d/t) <159/ Fy : qb = [1.5 – (d/t) Fy / 212] [0.35 Fy] < 0.35Fy…..(5.40)

For (d/t) > 159/ Fy : qb = {119 / [ (d/t) Fy ] } {0.35 Fy}………………..(5.41)

The forgoing equations may require relatively thick webs making the
resulting design uneconomic.

Effect of Longitudinal Stiffeners on Shear Buckling

Both shear and bending strengths of a plate girder are increased by the
presence of a longitudinal stiffener. Its location is, therefore, a key factor that
Steel Bridges

affects both. Theoretical and experimental studies have shown that the
optimum location of one longitudinal stiffener is at 0.2d from the compression
flange for bending and 0.5d for shear. It is important to note that these criteria
for location of the stiffeners are based on elastic buckling considerations. The
longitudinal stiffener may be more effective in contributing to the ultimate
strength of the plate girder under combined bending and shear if placed
somewhere between 0.2d and 0.5d from the compression edge of the web. In
bridge design practices, 0.2d has been adopted as the standard location for a
longitudinal stiffener. Theoretical and experimental studies have shown that
the contribution of the longitudinal stiffener placed at 0.2d to the shear
buckling stress is relatively small and is usually neglected, see Fig. 5.24.

Fig. 5.24 Effect of Longitudinal Stiffeners on Shear Buckling


In general, any cross-section of a plate girder will be subjected to bending

moment in addition to shear. This combination makes the stress conditions in
the girder web considerably more complex. The stresses from the bending
moment will combine with the shear stresses to give a lower buckling load.
The interaction between shear and bending can be conveniently represented by
the diagram shown in Fig. 5.25, where the allowable bending stress is plotted
on the vertical axis and the allowable buckling shear stress of the girder is
plotted horizontally. The interaction represents a failure envelope, with any
point lying on the curve defining the co-existent values of shear and bending
that the girder can just sustain. The equation representing this interaction
diagram is:

Fb = [ 0.8 - 0.36 (qact / qb)] Fy ............................................ (5.42)

Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

The interaction diagram can be considered in 3 regions. In region AB, the

applied shear stress qact is low (< 0.6 qb) and the girder can sustain the full
bending stress Fb based on the effective width beff for the compression flange
At the other extreme of the interaction diagram in region CD, the applied shear
stress is high (= qb) then the allowable bending stress is reduced to 0.44 Fy to
allow for the high shear. In the intermediate region BC the allowable bending
stress is reduced linearly from 0.58 Fy to 0.44 Fy.

0.58 Fy
Bending Stress

0.44 Fy C

0.6 q b qb
Shear Stress
Fig. 5.25 Interaction between Shear and Bending

5.5 Flange Plate Curtailment:

Welded girders offer more flexibility than design with rolled sections. Since
the total design moment varies along the girder span, flange plates of varying
thicknesses, and sometimes of varying widths, may be butt welded to provide a
section strength that closely approximates the variation in bending moment.
Theoretical locations at which flange-plate thickness or width may be changed
along the girder length can be determined as follows; Fig. 5.26(a):
1. The resisting moments of the girder with several selected flange plate
areas are calculated.
2. The above values of the resisting moments are super-imposed on the
graph of the total design moment. This plot is then used to determine
the required length of each size flange plate.
Steel Bridges


M2 Z2

M1 Z1
(a) Moment of Resistant Diagram


2 4

(b) Transition in Thickness

Welded 4

(c) Transition in Width

Fig. 5.26 Curtailment of Flange Plates

The actual changes in flange plate thickness or width are made near
theoretical locations. Although a minimum steel weight results from such
changes, an excessive number of changes should be avoided since the cost of
making and testing the necessary butt welds increases the over-all cost of the
fabricated girder. For a simple span, the flange is usually made from three
plates of two sizes; a center plate covering 40 - 60 % of the span, and two
plates butt-welded to the center plate.

When flange plates of different thicknesses are butt-welded, design codes

require a uniform transition slope between the offset surfaces not exceeding
1 in 4, Fig. 5.26(b). If plates of different widths are joined, the wider plate
must taper into the narrower plate with the same slope or with a radius of 60
cm, Fig. 5.26(c).
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges


Having designed the main girder to resist the action of applied loads, the
next step in the design of plate girder bridges is to design various details
needed to arrive at a complete bridge. These details include:

1. Connection between web and flange plates.

2. Stiffeners.
3. Splices
4. Lateral Bracings.
5. Bearings.

These details are governed in the next sections.


The connection between the flange plate and the web plate is usually
executed using fillet welds on both sides of the web plate. This weld should be
designed to transmit the horizontal shear flow between web and flange plate at
any point along the girder plus any load applied directly to the flange.

Shear Effect:

The effect of horizontal shear flow between the web and the flange can be
considered with reference to Fig. 5.27 as follows:


Q act

Fig. 5.27 Horizontal Shear Flow between Web and Flange

Steel Bridges

Horizontal shear/unit length = shear flow

τ act = Q act Sf / I.................................................... (5.43)

Q act = shear force,
Sf = first moment of area of flange about neutral axis,
I = moment of inertia about neutral axis.

If the allowable shear stress in welds is qw, then the weld size s can be
calculated from the equation:

weld strength = qw * (2 s) ≥ τ act ......................... (5.44)

i.e., weld size s ≥ τ act / 2 qw ............................... (5.45)

Direct Load Effect:

In deck bridges where the wheel loads are transmitted to the girder web
through the direct contact between the girder flange and the web, the flange-to-
web weld is also subjected to a vertical load in addition to the horizontal shear
stress. The direct load in railroad deck bridges, where sleepers rest on the top
flange, is taken as the train wheel load (12.5 ton) plus impact distributed over
one meter. For flanges carrying ballasted decks, the train wheel load may be
assumed distributed over 1.5 meter. In roadway deck bridges, the truck wheel
load (10 ton) plus impact is distributed over a length of 1 meter.

w / m'


Fig. 5.28 Direct Load Effect on Flange-to-Web Weld

Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

The effect of these external loads should be superimposed on the a.m. shear
stresses. If the external direct load per unit length of flange is w, the resultant
shear on the weld shall be, see Fig. 5.28:

τ R = τ 2 + w 2 ................................................ (5.46)

and the weld size is computed from:

s > τ R / 2 qw ................................................... (5.47)

The calculated weld size (s) should satisfy the following requirements:

1. The maximum size of fillet weld should not exceed the thickness of the
thinner plate to be welded.
2. The minimum size of fillet welds as related to the thickness of the
thicker part to be joined is shown in the following table:

t (max. of t1 or t2) Size s

(mm) (mm) t2
< 10 ≥4
10-20 ≥5 t1
20 - 30 ≥6
30-50 ≥8
50-100 ≥10

Cover-plated sections:

For economic design, the cross-section of the main girder is usually changed
along the bridge length according to the structural requirements.

A flange may comprise a series of plates joined end-to-end by full

penetration welds. Three schemes can be used to accomplish changes in the
flange plate areas:
a) varying the thickness of the flange plates, Fig. 5.26b
b) varying the width of the flange plates, Fig. 5.26c, or
c) adding cover plates at regions of high moment, Fig. 5.29.

Proper connection in the region of cover plate cut-off presents a some what
special case of the previous procedure. Welds connecting a cover plate to a
flange should be continuous and capable of transmitting the horizontal shear
between the cover plate and the flange. The “theoretical end” of the cover plate
Steel Bridges

is the section at which the stress in the flange without that plate equals the
allowable stress. The “terminal distance” is the extension of the cover plate
beyond the theoretical end. Welds connecting the cover plate to the flange
within the terminal distance should be of sufficient size to develop the
computed stress in the cover plate at its theoretical end. This distance can be
calculated as follows; see Fig. 5.29:



Fig. 5.29 Weld at Cover Plate End

Let point A be the theoretical end of the cover plate A2 with a girder having
a continuous flange A1. The size of weld connecting the cover plate to the
flange plate can be computed from shear flow considerations as:
Horizontal shear / unit length = qc= Q x Sc / I ............... (5.48)
where S c= first moment of area of cover plate about neutral axis.
Weld strength = q w x(2 s) > qc ................................... (5.49)

i.e., weld size = s > qc / 2 q w.................................... (5.50)

Let ∆x be the terminal distance of the cover plate extending from point A to
point B. The shear force between the cover plate and the flange is equal to the
resultant force in the cover plate, i.e.,

∆P2 = P2 = f A * A 2 ≤ q w * s * ( 2∆x ) ................................. (5.51)

f A
i.e. ∆x = A 2 ...................................................... (5.52)
2 s qw
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges


In section 5.4, it was found that different types of stiffeners were needed to
increase the buckling strength of plate girder webs. In particular, longitudinal
stiffeners were used to increase the bend-buckling strength while transverse
stiffeners were used to increase the shear buckling strength. In order for these
stiffeners to effectively perform these functions, they should be adequately
designed as shown in the following sections:

5.8.1 Longitudinal Stiffeners

Where required, ((d/t) > 190/ Fy ), a longitudinal stiffener, Fig. 5.30,

should be attached to the web at a distance d/5 from the inner surface of the
compression flange measured to the center of the stiffener when it is a plate or
to the gage line when it is an angle. Longitudinal stiffeners are usually placed
on one side of the web. They need not be continuous, and they may be cut at
their intersection with the transverse stiffeners when both are provided on the
same side of the web.

bs ts

Fig. 5.30 Web Plate with Longitudinal Stiffeners
The primary function of the longitudinal stiffener is to increase the bend
buckling strength of the web plate. To perform this function efficiently, a
longitudinal stiffener must meet the following requirements:
1. Because the resistance to bend buckling is increased as a consequence of
higher buckling mode owing to the presence of a longitudinal stiffener,
it should be sufficiently stiff to maintain a longitudinal node in the
buckled web. For this reason, the stiffener should be proportioned so
that it has the following minimum value of its inertia:
I ≥ 4dw tw3 ......................................................... (5.53)
Steel Bridges

where I = moment of inertia, cm4, of longitudinal stiffener about the edge


in contact with web,

If a second longitudinal stiffener is needed at the neutral axis; i.e., when

((d/t) > 320/ Fy ), its inertia should not be less than dw tw3. P

2. To avoid local buckling of the stiffener, it must meet the width-thickness

limit of non-compact compression elements; i.e., bs/ts ≤ 21 / Fy

3. The computed bending stress in the stiffener should not exceed the
allowable bending stress for the stiffener steel.

5.8.2 Transverse stiffeners

Transverse stiffeners, Fig. 5.31, should be used where dw / tw exceeds the

value given in Eqn. 5.22; i.e.

  ≤ 105 / Fy ................................................. (5.54)
 t  lim

or when the actual shear stress exceeds the allowable shear stress given by
Eqn. 5.29,5.30:

For (d/t) <159/ Fy : qb = [1.5 – (d/t) Fy / 212] [0.35 Fy] < 0.35Fy … (5.55)

For (d/t) > 159/ Fy : qb = {119 / [ (d/t) Fy ] } {0.35 Fy} ………..…… (5.56) Cross Sections

Transversal stiffeners are usually fabricated of plates welded to the girder

web. They may be used in pairs (one stiffener welded on each side of the web)
with a tight fit at the compression flange. When a concentrated load is applied
on the plate girder flange, transverse stiffeners in pairs are required to prevent
crippling in the web immediately adjacent to the concentrated load. These
stiffeners are designed as bearing stiffeners, see 5.8.3.
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

Fig 5.31 Transverse Stiffeners

Alternatively, transverse stiffeners may be made of single plates welded to

only one side of the web plate. In this case they must be in bearing against the
compression flange (to prevent its twisting) but need not be attached to the
compression flange to be effective. When only single stiffeners are used, it is
usual to place them on the inside face of the web for aesthetic reasons. In some
cases a stiffener may be used as a connecting plate for a cross frame or a lateral
support (see sec. 5.10 bridge bracings), which could result in out-of-plane
movement in the welded flange-to-web connection. In such cases, attachment
of the stiffener to the compression flange may be necessary and the connection
should be adequately designed to transmit the lateral force developed at the
connection. Transverse stiffeners need not be in bearing with the tension
flange, but they should be terminated within a distance of four to six times the
web thickness from the tension flange. Transverse stiffeners should not be
welded to the tension flange to avoid fatigue problems, see sec. 5.7.
Steel Bridges Design Considerations:

The primary function of the transverse stiffener is to increase the shear

buckling strength of the web plate. To perform this function efficiently, the
stiffener must meet the following requirements:

1. Stiffeners should project a distance bs from the web of:

a) at least bf / 4, where bf is the flange width and

b) at least (dw / 30 + 5) cm for stiffeners on both sides of the web, or

(dw/30 + 10) cm for stiffeners on one side only, where dw is the girder
depth, cm.

2. To avoid local buckling of the stiffener, it must meet the width-thickness

limit of compression elements; i.e., bs/ts ≤ 21 / Fy

3. Intermediate transverse stiffeners should be designed to resist a force Cs

equal to:
0.35 Fy
Cs = 0.65 ( − 1) Q act . …………………………..(5.57)

where qb = allowable buckling stress , Qact actual shear force at stiffener

location. A part of the web equal to 25 times the web thickness may be
considered to act with the stiffener area in the design of the intermediate

4. Transverse stiffeners should be designed as a compression member with

a buckling length of 0.8dw.

5. The connection between the transverse stiffener and the web should be
designed on the stiffener design force such that the weld in either the
upper or the lower thirds of the stiffeners should transform the design

Welding of the stiffener across the compression flange provides stability to

the stiffener and holds it perpendicular to the web. In addition, such welding
provides restraint against torsional buckling of the compression flange of the
girder. For situations where the stiffener serves as the attachment for lateral
bracing, the weld to the compression flange should be designed to transmit a
force that equals 1 percent of the compression force in the flange.
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

Welding of stiffeners perpendicular to the tension flange should be avoided

because a severe fatigue condition may be created, see section 3.3. In
situations where the stiffener has to be connected to the tension flange, the
weld is made parallel to the tensile stress direction as shown in Fig.5.32.
Intermediate stiffeners should be terminated not closer than 4 times the web
thickness from the tension flange. To prevent web crippling, however, the
distance between stiffener-web connection and face of tension flange should
not exceed 6 times the web thickness.

Fig 5.32 Welding of Transverse Stiffener to Tension Flange

5.8.3 Bearing Stiffeners

Bearing stiffeners, Fig. 5.33, are required where concentrated loads are to be
transmitted to the web through flanges. Such locations are:
a) end bearings and intermediate supports of plate girders where the
bottom flanges receive the reactions,
b) points of concentrated loads applied to the top girder flange.

The function of these stiffeners is to distribute reactions or concentrated

loads into the web to create web shear. Additionally they prevent the
possibility of local crippling and/or vertical buckling of the web.
Steel Bridges

Section Elevation

12 tw
6 tw 6 tw
End End

25 tw

12.5 tw 12.5 tw
Intermediate Intermediate

(a) TWO Plates (b) FOUR Plates

Fig 4.33 Bearing Stiffeners

To effectively perform these functions, bearing stiffeners should be

sufficiently stiff against buckling. Therefore, it is preferred to have bearing
stiffeners consisting of plates provided in pairs (i.e., placed on both sides of the
web), and their connection with the web should be designed to transmit the
entire reaction to the bearings. They must bear firmly on the flanges (i.e., fit
tightly against the loaded flanges) through which they receive the reaction (or
the concentrated load), and extend as far possible to the outer edges of the
flanges. The ends of bearing stiffeners must be milled to fit against the flange
through which they receive their reactions.
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

To provide space for continuous fillet welds at the girder web-flange

connection, the side corner on one edge of the stiffeners must be clipped to
ensure tight fit against the flange. This results in a reduced contact area
between the stiffener and the loaded flange. This reduced contact area of the
stiffener should be adequate to transmit the reaction without exceeding the
permitted bearing stress on either the flange material or the stiffener material.

Design Considerations:

Bearing stiffeners are designed as concentrically loaded columns. A portion

of the web extending longitudinally on both sides of the bearing stiffeners is
considered participating in carrying the reaction. Depending on the magnitude
of the reaction to be transmitted, the design may require two (one on each side
of the web) or four or more stiffeners (symmetrically placed about the web).
The cross sectional area of the fictitious column is defined as follows:

1. when two stiffener plates are provided, the column section consists of
the two stiffener plates and a centrally loaded strip of the web equal to
12 tw for bearing stiffeners at girder ends and 25 tw for bearing stiffeners
at interior supports

2. If there are four or more stiffener plates, the column section consists of
the areas of all stiffener plates and a centrally loaded strip of the web
plate whose width is equal to that enclosed by the stiffener plates plus a
width equal to 12 tw for bearing stiffeners at girder ends and 25 tw for
bearing stiffeners at interior supports.

a) Buckling Check: The actual compressive stress in the fictitious column

should not exceed the allowable buckling stress of the stiffener cross section
considered to act as a column with a buckling length of 0.8 dw. The radius of
gyration of the section is computed about the axis through the center of the

b) Compression Check: The compressive stress in the stiffener plate alone

should be less than the allowable stress in compression for the stiffener steel.

c) Bearing Check: The calculated stress on the actual contact area between
the stiffener and the bottom flange should not exceed the allowable bearing
stress. According to ECP: F bearing = 2 F t , where Ft is the allowable tensile
stress of the material.
Steel Bridges

Connections of bearing stiffeners to the web should be designed to transmit

the concentrated load, or reaction, to the web
Apart from the simplest of bridges, with relatively short spans, the main
girders of bridges are made up of elements connected together in the
fabricating shop. For example, a plate girder is normally fabricated by welding
together top and bottom flanges, web plates and stiffeners. Normally, as much
of the fabrication as possible is carried out in the fabricating shop as shown in
Fig. 5.34.

Fig. 5.34 Plate Girder Assembly Sequence

Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

However, due to the reasons given below, most bridges consist of a number
of sub-assemblies connected together at site. Consequently, site connections,
referred to as splices, are required between sections of the main girders where
these cannot be delivered to site and erected in one piece.

Splices for girders should be avoided whenever possible. However, there are
conditions when splicing of girders is unavoidable. One is the available length
of plates and shapes; another is the length limit imposed by the transportation
facilities from the fabricating shop to the site of the structure. Occasionally, the
capacity of the erecting crane may set the maximum weight of one piece to be
handled. The maximum length of plates obtainable from local mills is 6 meters
while the maximum length of rolled shapes is 12 meters. Transportation
facilities vary greatly with local conditions. Where good highways lead from
the fabricating shop to the site, special arrangement can be made to transport
long and heavy pieces. Where direct railroad transportation is used, the length
of the pieces is governed by tunnel and bridge clearances, especially on curves.
Sometimes it is a matter of balancing the extra cost of splice against the
additional cost of transporting heavier and longer pieces.

The location of splices has a major influence on the economics of the design,
fabrication and erection of bridges. In addition, the detailing of splices
influences the fatigue and corrosion resistance of a bridge.

The designer must always, from initial concept through design and analysis
to final detailing of the bridge, keep the connections in mind. At all stages he
must know where the connections will be, how they will be designed and
detailed, how they will be fabricated and when they will be fitted together.

The relative position and orientation of the elements to be joined can make
the difference between a straightforward, effective connection and one that is
difficult to design, detail, fabricate and erect. It is for this reason that the
connections should be considered at an early stage in the design process.


There are two basic methods of making splices. Welding, using butt welds
or fillet welds, and bolting, see Fig. 5.35. Where the main elements of the
splice can be connected together with full strength butt welds, the design is
simple and the effect of any loss of section due to the bolt holes does not arise.
Steel Bridges

a) Welded Splice

b) Bolted Splice

Fig. 5.35 Plate Girder Splices

When making a decision as to whether welding or bolting is to be used, the

following are some of the points that should be considered:
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

Aesthetics: Butt-welded connections are normally less obtrusive than bolted


Access: Adequate and safe access is required for both methods of connection;
but protection from wind and rain is also required for satisfactory welding.

Temporary support: The support of the member while the connection is being
made has to be considered. This is particularly significant in a welded splice,
where the location and alignment of the elements to be spliced must be
maintained during welding. This often requires the use of temporary erection
cleats and, if these are welded, the effect of the welding needs to be taken into
account when making any fatigue checks (even if they are removed after

Corrosion: Particular care is required to ensure that the corrosion protection

prevents rusting between the plates in a bolted connection and that the weld
area is properly cleaned before painting in a welded connection. Both types of
connection should then perform adequately as far as resistance to corrosion is

Details: Bolted cover plate splices take up additional space, compared with
butt welded splices. This could be a problem, for example, where deck plates
are fixed to top flanges, particularly when a relatively thin wearing surface is
to be applied to the deck plates.

Cost: The cost of the various options should also be taken into account when
making decisions regarding the type and position of connections.

5.9.2 Welded Splices:

Welded Splices are usually made in the fabricating shop and therefore are
called Shop Splices. The locations of these splices are usually dictated by the
available plate lengths. Web and flange plates are usually spliced in the
workshop by full penetration butt welds of the V-type, Fig. 5.36. For thicker
plates, usually above 20 mm, a double V weld is used to reduce the amount of
welding and to balance the welding on both sides and thus eliminating angular

In large girders, web and flange plates may be formed of plates of various
widths or thicknesses that are butt-welded together along both transverse and
longitudinal seams. When plates of different thicknesses are butt-welded,
design codes require a uniform transition slope between the offset surfaces not
Steel Bridges

exceeding 1 in 4, Fig. 5.36(a). If plates of different widths are joined, the wider
plate must taper into the narrower plate with the same slope or with a radius of
60 cm, Fig. 5.36(b).
flange splice

web splice

flange splice

Double V Weld

60° 1
Welded 4

(a) Transition in Thickness (b) Transition in Width

Fig 5.36 Welded Splices

All details of welding procedures should be arranged to minimize distortion

and residual stresses. All important welds, particularly field welds, should be
inspected by one of the following weld inspection methods:
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

Table 5.3 Characteristics of Common Weld Inspection Methods

Inspection Characteristics and
Method Applications
Most common, most
Detects surface imperfections
Visual (VT) economical. Particularly
good for single pass.
Detects surface imperfections
Will detect tight cracks, only.
open to surface. Deep weld ripples and scratches
may give false indications.
Will detect surface and
subsurface cracks to ~ 2
Requires relatively smooth
Magnetic mm depth with proper
Particle magnetization.
Careless use of magnetization
(MT) Indications can be
prods may leave false indications.
preserved on clear plastic
Detects porosity, slag, Detects must occupy more than ~
voids, irregularities, lack 1.2 % of thickness to register.
of fusion. Only cracks partial to impinging
c (RT)
Film negative is beam register.
permanent record. Radiation hazards.
Detects cracks in any
orientation, Slag, lack of
Surface must be smooth,
fusion, inclusions,
Equipment must be frequently
lamellar tears, voids.
Can detect a favorably
Ultrasonic Operator must be qualified.
oriented planar reflector
(UT) Exceedingly coarse grains will
smaller than 1mm.
give false indications.
Regularly calibrate on 1
Certain geometric configurations
½ mm dia. drilled hole.
give false indication of flaws.
Can scan almost any
commercial thickness.

5.9.3 Bolted Splices

Splices made in the field are called Field Splices and are usually made using
bolts because of the difficulty sometimes encountered in field welding. The
location of field splices is usually dictated by length limits imposed by the
available transportation facilities, or by weight limits imposed by the capacity
of the erecting cranes.
Steel Bridges

Untorqued, bearing bolts in normal (2mm) clearance holes are not generally
used for splices in bridges. In most splices the deformation associated with slip
into bearing would be unacceptable. To avoid the slip, fitted bolts, in close
tolerance holes, or High Strength Friction Grip (HSFG) bolts are required, Fig.
5.37. Generally HSFG bolts are used, since this avoids the need to match and
ream the holes. The pretensioning of the bolts also improves their fatigue life
and prevents the nuts working loose due to vibration.

Fig. 5.37 Example of Bolted Splice

5.9.4 DESIGN

The most straightforward procedure for the design of a splice is to consider

the load paths by which the forces are transmitted through the splice. The load
paths must be sufficient to carry all the applied forces, moments and shears.
The load paths must be complete and in equilibrium, i.e., there must be no
weak or missing links. They should be as direct as possible.

Splices should be designed to carry the maximum bending resistance of the

girder section and the actual shear force at the splice location.
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

The following points must be considered in the design and detailing of


1- Care is required to ensure that the worst combinations of moments and

forces that can occur at the splices are used for their design. They are not
necessarily the moment and forces used for the design of the members.
It follows that the moments and forces supplied by a computer program
for the design of the members may not be sufficient for the design of the
2- The centroidal axes of members (and elements of members) should
intersect wherever possible. If it is not possible, the effects of any
eccentricity should be taken into account in the design.
3- Wherever practicable, the centroidal axis of the splice material should
coincide with the centroidal axis of the elements joined. If this is not
possible, the effect of any eccentricity should be considered in the
4- When a section changes at a splice location, the smaller section should
be used in calculations.
5- Avoid severe stress concentrations. This is particularly important where
fatigue could be a problem.
6- When friction type bolts are to be used, adequate clearances must be
provided to allow the use of suitable tightening tools.
7- When shims or packs are needed, for example, where there is a change
of flange plate thickness, it is essential that the surfaces of the packs or
shims comply with the requirements assumed for the faying surfaces in
the design.
8- When the bridge girder is continuous, the splices are usually positioned
near to where the inflection point (zero moment) would be if the bridge
were subjected to uniform loading. The maximum moment (and shear)
that the splice can be subjected to under the possible loading patterns
must be determined. Bolted Web Splice

The girder web transmits primarily shearing stresses, and web splices are
most efficiently located at points of small shear, although practical
requirements may dictate otherwise. In general, the shear force to be spliced in
the web is much smaller than the shear capacity of the web. Most bolted web
splices, except those for very heavy girders, are controlled by minimum
dimension requirements rather than stress computations. For example, two
splice plates are usually employed one on each side of the web; the splice
plates must have not less than the minimum thickness; and must be extended
Steel Bridges

the entire depth of the girder from flange to flange. In all cases the net section
through the splice plates must provide the required area to resist the shear and
the required section modulus to resist the bending moment safely.

When a web splice is to transmit a pure shear Q (without any moment at the
splice location), the bolts should be designed to resist a force Q applied at the
centroid of the bolt group, Fig. 5.38. This means that the bolts should be
designed to transmit load Q, with an eccentricity e. When the depth d of the
web is much greater than the eccentricity e, the design is often made for a
direct shear Q, neglecting the eccentricity. In this case for a given bolt
diameter, the bolt resistance R is known, and the required number of bolts is
simply Q/R.

If, In addition to shear Q, there is a moment M at the splice section, then the
portion of the total moment carried by the web must be transmitted by the web
splice. This moment ,Mw , is obtained as: Mw = M I w / I g , where I w and
I g = net moments of inertia of web and girder, respectively.

The splice is then designed to resist a shear force Q plus a bending moment
Ms = Q * e + Mw. A check is then made of the resulting force in the extreme
bolt and the bending stress in the splice plate. Bolted Flange Splice

Girders flanges carry normal stresses due to bending moment, and therefore
whenever possible, for economy of material, flange splices should be located
at sections other than those of maximum moment. The flange splice is
designed to carry that portion of the total design moment not carried by the
web splice. The flange splice plates transmit the moment couple across the
splice in axial tension or compression, and into the girder flange by double
shear on bolts, see Fig. 5.38b:

Bolt Design: Flange splice moment = Mf = M - Mw ............................ (5.58)

Flange couple C = T = Mf / d ........................................... (5.59)
Number of splice bolts = T / Rleast ...................................... (5.50)
where Rleast is the bolt resistance.

Splice Plate Design:

The net section of the splice plates is designed to carry the flange force T.
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges



Inside Plate
Outside Fill as required
Plate Q

Splice Elevation

(a) One Gauge Line (b) Two Gauge Lines

Flange Splice

Fig 5.38 Bolted Splice of Plate Girder


A bridge is actually a space structure that not only carries the vertical
gravity loads to the supporting piers and abutments, but also resists:

a) Transversal loads caused by wind, seismic and centrifugal loads,

b) Longitudinal loads caused by braking and thermal effects.
Steel Bridges

The analysis and design of the bridge is usually simplified by breaking it

down into planar and linear components, such as stringers, cross girders, main
girders and bracing systems. The effect of vertical loads on bridge elements
has been presented in the preceding sections. In this section, the effect of
transversal loads due to wind on bridge elements is presented.

5.10.1 Transmission of Wind Loads

The horizontal wind pressure on the bridge is assumed to be transmitted to

the bridge supports using suitable systems of bracings. In general it may
consist of Upper, Lower, and Transversal bracing as shown in Fig. 5.39. The
wind load is assumed to be carried to the bridge supports as follows:



Fig. 5.39 Bridge Bracings

5.10.2) In deck bridges

a) The wind load on the upper half of the web of the exterior girder as well as
that on the live load on the bridge is assumed to be carried by a horizontal
bracing truss in the plane of the top flange to the span ends. The flanges serve
as the chords of the lateral bracing truss, and are connected together by the
cross girders plus a system of diagonal members. The diagonal members may
be single or double diagonals, or may be of the K- type, see Fig. 5.40. In a
deck bridge provided with a deck slab, the slab may be assumed to act as a
horizontal diaphragm transmitting wind loads to the span ends. In this case the
bracing truss is needed only temporarily during erection before the slab
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

(a) single diagonals (b) double diagonals (c) K-bracing

Fig. 5.40 Lateral Bracing Truss Systems

b) The wind load on the lower half of the web of the exterior girder of a deck
bridge is usually much smaller in value than that on the top flange (being the
unloaded chord) and thus may not need a complete lateral truss. Instead, wind
load on the bottom flange may be transmitted to the upper plane using:
a) intermediate cross frames (Fig. 5.41),
b) intermediate inverted U-frames (Fig.5.42), or
c) intermediate diaphragms (Fig. 5.43)

In addition, these intermediate systems facilitate erection and serve also to

brace the compression flange of the girder. According to ECP 2001, lateral
bracing of the compression flange of deck girders should be designed for a
transverse shear in any panel equal to 2.0 % of the total axial stress in the
flange in that panel, in addition to the shear from specified lateral forces.

Intermediate cross frames and diaphragms should be spaced at intervals up

to 8 meters. They should be placed in all bays. Cross frames should be as deep
as practicable. The angle of cross frame diagonals with the vertical should not
exceed 60 degrees.

In order to transmit the end reactions of upper bracings to the bridge

supports, end cross frames are provided at the bridge ends and over interior

5.10.3) In Through bridges

Neither cross bracings nor top lateral bracing can be used in most cases of
through plate girder bridges. Furthermore, the top flange is subjected to
compression in regions of positive moments and therefore must be braced to
prevent its lateral buckling. Lateral bracings are normally located near the
bottom flanges. These flanges thus also serve as the chords of the lateral
bracing truss, and are connected together by the floor beams plus a system of
diagonals. In such regions, the top compression flange should be stiffened
against lateral deformation with solid web knee brackets as shown in Fig.
5.44. The brackets should be attached securely to the top flanges of the bridge
Steel Bridges

cross girders and to stiffeners on the main girders. They should be as wide as
clearance permits and should be extended to the top flange of the main girder.

Fig. 5.41 Cross Bracing for Deck Bridges - Intermediate Cross frames



Fig. 5.42 Cross Bracing for Deck Bridges - Intermediate U- frames

Fig. 5.43 Cross Bracing for Deck Bridges - Intermediate Diaphragms

Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

These knee brackets are designed to carry the share of wind loads on the
bridge main girder and the moving live load (truck or train). When the bracket
is also used to support the compression flange against lateral torsional
buckling, it should be designed to carry additionally a stability force that is
equal to 2 % of the flange compression force.


Sec S-S
w / m'

b S



Fig. 5.44 Knee Bracket for Through Bridges

Steel Bridges


Bearings are needed in bridges to fulfill the following functions:

1- transfer forces from one part of the bridge to another, usually from the
superstructure to the substructure;
2- allow movement (translation along and/or rotation about any set of axes)
of one part of the bridge in relation to another;
The main sources of movements in a bridge are due to temperature changes
and axial and bending strains arising from applied loads. In general, it is not
recommended to fully restrain a bridge against temperature movements. This
becomes obvious if we consider a steel plate girder of cross sectional area 500
cm2. If this girder is subjected to a 30o C rise in temperature and is restrained

from expanding axially, an axial stress of E α ΔT = (1.2*10-5) *2100*30 =


0.756 t/cm2 is induced in the girder. The corresponding restraining force


required is 0.756*500 = 378 ton. Neither the girder nor its supporting structure
can carry such a force. Movements caused by bending strains arise from the
rotation of the member around the hinged bearing that is always located at a
distance from the neutral axis of the member.

To achieve the required degrees of freedom of movement, a complete

bearing usually consists of several components, each permitting a particular
movement, the sum of which is the total freedom required. This can be
achieved by using any of the following bearing types:


Bearings may be classified according to their deformation behavior into

three basic types: a) fixed bearings,
b) hinged bearings,
c) expansion bearings.

a) A fixed-end bearing completely restrains the member end from

translation and rotation. It is capable of supplying a vertical and a horizontal
reaction plus a restraining moment. Considering the expense of fixing a heavy
steel member at the ends, the use of such a bearing is usually limited to sites
having very strong rocky soils. Typical applications of this type of bearings are
found at supports of arch bridges and sloping leg frames bridges.

b) A hinged bearing will permit rotation of the member ends, and this is
usually accomplished by a pin, see Fig. 5.45. Hinges carrying heavy vertical
loads are normally provided with lubrication systems to reduce friction and
ensure free rotation without excessive wearing.
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

Fig. 5.45 Examples of Hinged Bearing

c) Expansion bearings permit movement as well as rotation of the

superstructure. They are usually provided in two forms: the sliding type and
the rolling type. Sliding type bearings are used only for short spans and small
loads since they cause high friction forces between the sliding plates. Rolling-
type bearings achieve their translational movement by using cylindrical rollers,
see Fig. 5.46.

Fig.5.46 Roller Bearings

Bearings may also be classified according to the material used in their

fabrication into:
a) steel bearings,
b) elastomeric bearings,

A brief description of each of these types is given next.

Steel Bridges


i) Roller Bearings

Roller bearings consist essentially of one or more steel cylinders between

parallel upper and lower plates, see Fig. 5.47. Gearing or some other form of
guidance should be provided to ensure that the axis of the roller is maintained
in the desired orientation during the life of the bearing. Roller bearings with a
single cylinder can permit translation parallel to the longitudinal bridge axis
and rotation about a horizontal axis in the transversal direction. Multiple
cylinders on the other hand require another element such as a rocker or a
knuckle bearing to permit rotation.

ii) Rocker Bearings

Rocker bearings consist primarily of a curved surface in contact with a flat or

curved surface and constrained to prevent relative horizontal movement, see
Fig. 5.47. The curved surface may be cylindrical or spherical to permit rotation
about one or more axes. Rocker bearings on their own do not permit translation
and are usually used at the fixed end of a bridge to complement roller bearings.
They can also permit rotation by the rolling of one part over another.

iii) Knuckle Pin Bearing

Knuckle pin bearings consist of a steel pin housed between an upper and a
lower support each having a curved surface which mates with the pin, see Fig.
5.47. Transversal lateral loads may be transmitted by flanges on the ends of the
pin. This type of bearing permits rotation by the sliding of one part on the

iv) Leaf Pin Bearing

Leaf bearings consist of a pin passing through a number of interleaved plates

fixed alternatively to the upper and lower bearing plates, see Fig. 5.47. They
permit only rotational movements, but can be used in conjunction with roller
bearings to provide rotation and translation.
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

Fig. 5.47 Steel Bearings: Roller , Rocker, Knuckle Pin, and Leaf Pin
Steel Bridges


The main component of elastomeric bearings is a rubber pad that distributes

the loads from the superstructure to the substructure and uses its material
flexibility to accommodate the rotation and longitudinal movement of the
superstructure. Translational movement is accommodated by shear in the
elastomer, one surface of which moves relative to the other. Rotational
movement is accommodated by the variation in compressive strain across the
elastomer as shown in Fig. 5.48.

a) Original b) Shear c) compression d) rotation

Fig. 5.48 Deformation of Elastomeric Bearing Under Load

The rubber used is either natural rubber or synthetic rubber (neoprene).

Because of their relative simplicity and minimal fabrication effort, elastomeric
bearings are now widely used in new bridges.

Elastomeric bearings are available in two basic forms;

1- Plain elastomeric pads which are single unreinforced pads of elastomer

of relatively thin section;

2- Reinforced elastomeric pads comprising one or more layers of

elastomer bonded to reinforcing plates in sandwich form. Two main
types of reinforcements are used:
i) steel,
ii) polytetraflouroethylene (PTFE) also known as Teflon.

A steel reinforced elastomeric bearing consists of discrete steel thin plates

strongly bonded between adjacent layers of elastomer as shown in Fig. 5.49,
and 5.50. The design of this type of bearings consists of finding the plan
dimensions, number of elastomeric layers and their corresponding thicknesses,
and steel plate thicknesses. Because these calculations depend largely of the
properties of the rubber used, the design of these bearing types is usually taken
from their manufacturer's certified design tables.
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

Fig. 5.49 Steel Reinforced Elastomeric Pad

Fig. 5.50 Steel Reinforced Elastomeric Bearing

The other type of reinforced elastomeric bearings uses PTFE which is a

fluorocarbon polymer, one of a group of plastics remarkable for their extreme
chemical resistance, wide range of working temperatures and low coefficient
of friction. These features make PTFE an ideal material for bearings. A PTFE
bearing incorporates fabric pads with PTFE-stainless steel sliding interface to
permit large translational movements. The design of these bearings also
depends largely on the properties of the fabric used, and therefore is usually
taken from their manufacturer's certified design tables.
Steel Bridges


i) Roller Design:
The maximum contact stress (f in t/cm2) between a roller and a flat surface is

given by the following Hertz formula:

f= = 0.423 ............................ (5.61)
2πr (1 − υ 2 )L Lr

Where V = reaction in tons

r = radius of roller, cm
E = modulus of elasticity of steel, t/cm2 P

υ = Poisson’s ratio of steel

L = roller length, cm

Since the contact stress is confined and limited to a small area, it is

permissible to use a high allowable stress, even exceeding the ultimate tensile
strength of the material. For fixed, sliding and movable bearings with one or
more rollers, the allowable contact stresses shall be as given below when the
surface of contact between the different parts of a steel bearing is a line:

Material Allowable Contact Stress

(t/cm2) P P

Cast Iron Cl 14 5.00

Rolled Steel St 44 6.50
Cast Steel CST 55 8.50
Forged Steel FST 56 9.50
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

Thus for bearing rollers made from structural steel St 44, resting on flat
plates, using f = 6.5 t/cm2, E = 2100 t/cm2, and υ = 0.30 the above equation


V = 0.0550 d * L ............................................ (5.62)

where d is the diameter of roller in cms.

For other materials the following values are used:

Material Allowable Reaction
Rolled steel St 37 0.040 d*L
Cast Steel CST 55 0.095 d*L
Forged Steel FST 56 0.117 d*L

Fig. 5.51 Roller Bearing with Single Roller

It is recommended to use a single roller bearing made of special high tensile

alloy steels, Fig. 5.51. However, bearings containing multiple cylinders of
normal quality steels can be used, see Fig. 5.52. In bearings consisting of only
one roller, the round surface accommodates the rotation as well as the
longitudinal movement. With two or more rollers, an independent pin must be
provided to allow end rotation of the bridge due to bending deflection, see Fig.
5.52. Furthermore, for bearings employing more than two rollers, the
maximum permitted design loads given above for single rollers should be
reduced by 20 % to allow for uneven loading of the rollers caused by
dimensional differences.
Steel Bridges

Fig. 5.52 Roller Bearing with Multiple Rollers

To save space between rollers, they can be flat sided, as shown in Fig. 5.53.
Such rollers should be symmetrical about the vertical plane passing through
the centre and the width should not be less than one-third of the diameter or
such that the bearing contact doesn’t move outside the middle third of the
rolling surfaces when the roller is at the extreme of its movement.

ii) Base Plate Design:

The rollers are seated on a base plate which distributes the vertical load to
the concrete abutment or pier. The area of this plate is computed from the
allowable bearing stress on the concrete which is 70 kg/cm2 for concrete C250

and 110 kg/cm2 for concrete C350. The anchor bolts connecting the base plate

to concrete are designed to transmit any transversal or longitudinal frictional

forces resulting from movements. In some rare cases these bolts are designed
to carry tension when the bearing is subjected to negative reactions.
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

Fig. 5.53 Roller Bearing with Flat Sided Rollers HINGED BEARINGS

The design of hinged bearings is similar to that for a roller bearing except
that the contact stress used for the pin design is computed from Hertz formula
for the case of bearing between two cylinders. If the pin is made of cast steel,
the diameter is given by:
d = 1.334 V/L
where d = diameter of pin in cm,
V = vertical load in ton,
L = length of pin in cm.

An example of a hinged bearing is shown on Fig. 5.54

Fig. 5.54 Hinged Bearing

Steel Bridges


5.12.1 GENERAL

The following example illustrates the application of the design principles

presented in this chapter to the design of a two-lane plate girder roadway
bridge. The span measures 27 m between the centers of bearings. The bridge
cross section provides for a clear roadway having two 3-m-wide traffic lanes in
addition to 1.00 m wide median and two 1.5 m side walks. The bridge is to be
designed according to the Egyptian Code of Practice ECP2001 using steel
grade ST. 52. An elevation, plan, and a cross-section of the bridge is shown in
Fig. 5.55. The bridge deck consists of a 22 cm reinforced concrete slab covered
by an 8 cm asphalt wearing surface. The deck is carried by four main girders
spaced at 1.75 meters center-to-center.

The straining actions on an intermediate main girder due to dead loads and live
loads plus impact at the critical sections are shown in the following table:

Action At Support 6 m from support Mid section

Load Case (t) (m.t.) (t) (m.t.) (t) (m.t.)
Dead Load DL1 62 0 35 250 0 385
Add. Dead Load DL2 18 0 10 75 0 115
Live Load LL+I 100 0 60 460 25 700
Sum 180 0 105 785 25 1200

In this chapter, the main girder shall be designed as non-composite. A

composite design of the main girder is presented at the end of chapter 6.

5.12.2) Main Girder Design

i) Girder depth, d:
An estimate of the girder depth is obtained from Eq. 5.12 as:

d = (0.25 ~ 0.3) 3
Assuming Fb < 0.58 Fy ≅ (0.58 × 3.6) = 2.1 t/cm2, the required girder depth is

d = ( 0.25 ~ 0.3) 3 = 2.10 → 2.5 m
Use d = 2.25 cm
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges



HEB 360 HEB 360

HEB 600





6000 15000 9000
Main Girder



PL.24x500 PL. 36x600

Main Girder
6x4500 =27000








Fig. 5.55 Bridge Arrangement for the Design Example

Steel Bridges

ii) Web thickness, tw:

According to section 5.4.3, transverse stiffeners may be omitted if the actual

shear stress does not exceed the allowable shear stress given by Eqns. 5.40 ,
5.41. Usually d/t > 1.59 Fy gives:

qb = ( 119 / (d/t) Fy ) (0.35 Fy)

With the actual shear stress given by qact = Q / (d * t), the minimum thickness
for a web without transverse stiffeners is obtained from:

t2 = Q / (41.65 Fy )

Substituting Q = 180 at support gives:

t2 = 180 / 41.65 3.6 ) = 2.27 i.e., t = 1.51 cm


Either use t = 16 mm (next even integer) without transverse stiffeners, usually

an uneconomic solution, or a smaller value t = 14 mm with transverse
stiffeners. Stiffener spacing d1 is controlled by:

a) cross girder spacings = 4.50 m

b) aspect ratio α =d1/d = ~ 1

A suitable value for d1 would be 2.25 m

iii) Check of web buckling due to shear:

Using transversal stiffeners at a distance d1 = 2.25 m, then

Aspect ratio: α = d1 / d = 225/225 = 1

Buckling Coefficient Kq = 4 + 5.34 / α2 = 9.34 P P

Fy / 3 d/t Fy
λq = 2
t 57.34 Kq
Plate Slenderness K q (1898)  
225 / 1.4 3.6
= = 1.74 > 1.2
57.34 9.34
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

Buckling Shear Stress: qb = × ( 0.35 × 3.6) = 0.652 t / cm2

Actual Shear Stress:

q act = = 0.571 t / cm 2 < q b ( O.K .)
225 × 1.4

i.e., Web Plate is safe against buckling due to shear at support

Since shear decreases away from support, the location where the transverse
stiffeners are not needed can be found from the unstiffened web equation:

t2 = Q / (41.65 Fy )

Substituting t = 1.4 cm gives Q = 154 t. This value is located at ~ 2 m from

the support so that the transverse stiffener is only needed between the support
and the first cross girder. Note that transverse stiffeners are always used at
cross girder locations where the concentrated reaction of the cross girder is
transmitted to the main girder.

iv) Flange Plate

From Eqn. 5.7:

Af = (M / (Fb d)) – Aw / 6

1200 225 × 1.4

= − = 214.167 cm 2
2 × 2.25 6

Assume flange width bf = (0.2 ~ 0.3) d = (48 ~ 72) cm

Use bf = 60 cm and calculate the required flange thickness as:

tf = 214.167/ 60 = 3.56 cm

Provide two 600 × 36 mm flanges,

Check the b/t ratio for compression flange local buckling acc. to Eqn. 5.25
for st. 52:

bf / 2ft < 21 / 3.6 = 11

Steel Bridges

actual bf / 2tf = 600 / (2× 36) = 8.333 < 11 O.K. for non-compact flange

Check d/t ratio for web buckling due to bending acc. to Eqn. 5.27 for st. 52:

d / t < 190 / 3.6 = 100

actual d / t = 225 / 1.4 = 160.714 > 100 i.e., web is slender

It is therefore necessary to use longitudinal stiffeners to prevent web

buckling due to bending. First longitudinal stiffener at d/5 = 225/5 = 45 cm
from compression flange (top).

Note that, according to Eqn. 5.34, no need for another longitudinal stiffener at
d/2 since d/t = 160.74 < 320 / 3.6 = 168.65.

v) Check of Bending Stresses:

Section properties:
Inertia Ix = 1.4 (225)3 / 12 + 2 * (60 × 3.6) (114.3)2 = 6973232 cm4

Modulus Zx = 6973232 / 116.1 = 60062 cm3 P

Actual bending stress fb = Mmax / Zx = 1200 × 100 / 60062 = 1.998 t/cm2 P P

a) Check of Bending Compression:

Since the girder compression flange is supported laterally by deck slab, the
allowable bending stress in compression Fb = 0.583 Fy = 2.10 t/cm2. P P

Girder is safe in bending compression

The lateral stability of the girder during erection (before the deck slab hardens)
should be also checked. For this case:
Dead load bending stress fDL = 385*100/ 60062 = 0.641 t/cm2 P

The allowable lateral torsional buckling stress is computed as:

Lu /rt = 2700/15.5 = 177.42 Fltb = 12000 / (177.42)2 = 0.381 t/cm2

Since fDL > Fltb then the girder must be supported laterally during erection
using upper wind bracings.
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

b) Check of Bending Tension:

i) Allowable tensile stress = 0.583 Fy = 2.10 t/cm2 P

Girder is safe in bending tension

ii) The girder tension flange should also be checked for Fatigue:

Straining Actions for fatigue: According to ECP, live loads on roadway

bridges are reduced by 50% for fatigue assessment; i.e.
MLL+I = 0.5 ×700 = 350 mt
Actual stress range fsr = fmax - fmin =0.5 * fLL+I

fsr = 350 × 100 / 60062 = 0.583 t/cm2 P

The allowable fatigue stress range (Fsr) is obtained as follows:

* From ECP Table 3.1.a: ADTT >2500, Number of cycles = 2 ×106 P

Detail Class = B′ (case 4.2 of Table 3.3)

Table 3.2 gives Fsr = 1.02 t/cm2 > fsr (O.K.)

Girder is safe against Fatigue

vi) Curtailment of Flange Plates

The girder section has been designed to carry the maximum moment at the
point of mid span. As the moment decreases away from that point, the girder
section can be reduced accordingly. The section at maximum moment is
usually taken to cover ~ 40 – 60 % of span, i.e., 10.8 – 16.2 meters. Assume
that the section covers the middle 15 meters and find the reduced section to
cover the end 6 meters from each support where the bending moment value is
785 m.t. and the shear value is 105 ton. By similar calculations the reduced
section has a flange plate of 500*24 mm. The moment of inertia of the reduced
section is 4431667 cm4. Note that this section is subjected to the combined

action of shear and bending. The actual shear stress is

q act = = 0.333 t / cm 2 < 0.6 * q b = 0.6 * 0.652 = 0.391
225 × 1.4
Therefore no reduction of the allowable bending stress is required. The actual
bending stress is
fb = Mmax / Zx = 785 × 100 / 38570 = 2.035 t/cm2 P P

< Fb = 0.583 Fy = 2.10 t/cm2. P P

Steel Bridges


Each flange shall be connected to the web by a fillet weld on each side.
These welds must be designed to resist the horizontal shear between the flange
and the web as follows:

* Shear Effect:
Q = maximum shear force (at support) = 180 t
S = Static moment of flange = 50 * 2.4 * (112.5+1.2) = 13644 cm3 P

Shear force / unit length = τ = QS/I = 180 * 13644 / 4431667 = 0.554 t/cm'

* Direct Load Effect

The effect of direct load on top flange of deck bridges is calculated assuming
the maximum wheel load (10 t) plus impact (40 %) is distributed on a 1 m
w = P / 1 m = 10*1.4 /1 = 1.4 t/m = 0.14 t/cm'

The resultant shear flow is thus given by

τ R = τ 2 + w 2 = (0.554) 2 + (0.14) 2 = 0.572 t/cm'

The allowable weld stress qw is equal to 0.2 Fu, i.e., qw = 0.2 * 5.2 = 1.04 t/cm2.P P

Using this value, the required weld size is computed from

s = τR / 2qw = 0.572 / (2 * 1.04) = 0.274 cm

* Fatigue Considerations:
The allowable fatigue stress range, Fsr according to ECP Table 3.2, for a weld
detail D (case 23.1 of Table 3.3) and 2 * 106 cycles is 0.71 t/cm2. The actual

stress range is
τ sr = 0.5* QLL+I * S / I = 0.5*100 * 13644 / 4431667 = 0.154 t/cm'

The resultant shear stress range is thus given by

τ R = τ 2 + w 2 = (0.154) 2 + (0.14) 2 = 0.208 t/cm'

The required weld size from fatigue considerations is

s = τ sr / 2 Fsr =0.208 / (2 * 0.71) = 0.146 cm
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

This value is smaller than the value computed from shear stress
considerations so that fatigue does not govern the design. Furthermore, both
values are less than the 6 mm minimum size permitted for a 24 mm thick
flange plate according to ECP. Therefore, use 6 mm fillet weld.

5.12.4 STIFFENERS End Bearing Stiffener at Support:

A pair of bearing stiffeners should be provided at each end to transmit the end
reaction to the supports. The stiffener is designed as a compression member as
Reaction = 180 t

Using a stiffener plate on each side of web:

h 225
min. width: x ≥ +5= + 5 = 12.5 cm
30 30
50 1.4
max. width x ≤ − = 24.3 cm
2 2

Try width bs= 20 cm

minimum thickness from b/t < 21 / Fy = 11 for St. 52

t ≥ 20 / 11 = 1.82 cm Try ts = 2 cm

a) Check bearing area at stiffener ends:

Bearing area = 2 *(20 - 2) * 2 = 72 cm2 P

Bearing stress = = 2.5 t/cm2 P P < fbearing = 2 * Fb = 4.2 t/cm2


b) Check column action:

Area A = 12 * 1.4 + 2 * 20 * 2 = 103.92 cm2

Interia I = 2 (2*20+1.4)3 / 12 = 11826 cm4


i = I / A = 10.688 cm, = 0.8 * 225 / 10.688 = 16.84
Fpb = 2.1 - 0.000135 (16.84)2 = 2.062 t/cm2

fact = 180 / 103.92 = 1.739 t/cm2 < Fpb P P

Steel Bridges

c) Design of weld between stiffener and web:

Stiffener-web welds must be capable of carrying the end reaction of 180 t.

With fillet welds on opposite sides of each stiffener, four lines of welds are
used. They extend the total length of stiffeners.

Thus, Total weld length = 4 * (225 - 2 * 2) = 944 cm.

Average shear on weld = 180 / 944 = 0.191 t/cm'.

Weld size required to carry the end reaction is, with allowable weld stress of
0.2 * 5.2 = 1.04 t/cm2,

s= = 0.183 cm

This, however, is less than the 5 mm minimum size of weld required for a 20
mm thick stiffener plate. Therefore, use 5 mm fillet weld. Intermediate Transverse Stiffeners:

Intermediate transverse stiffeners will be provided at d1 = 2.25 m as required to

resist buckling due to shear. Using a single stiffener on the inside of each
girder. The design of the first intermediate stiffener adjacent to the end bearing
is as follows:

a) Stiffener Size:
min. width: bs ≥ + 10 = 17.5 cm
max. width: bs ≤ 50 / 2 - 1.4/2 = 24.3 cm

Use bs = 20 cm.

Min. thickness to resist local buckling = 20/11 = 1.818 cm

Use stiffener plate 200 * 20 mm.

b) Strength Requirements:

Shear force at the stiffener location = 150.7 t

0.35 Fy
Force carried by stiffener = Cs = 0.65 ( − 1) Q act .
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

0.35 * 3.6
C s = 0.65 ( − 1) 150.7 = 96.4 t

Column area = 20 * 2 + 25 * 1.42 = 89 cm2 P P P

Interia I = 2 (20)3 / 3 = 5333 cm4


i = I / A = 7.74 cm, =0.8 * 225 / 7.74 = 23.256

fpb = 2.1 - 0.000135 (23.256)2 = 2.027 t/cm2 P P P

fact = 96.4 / 89 = 1.083 t/cm2 < fpb P P

c) Weld between Stiffener and Web

Welding between the stiffener and the web plate in either the upper or lower
thirds of the stiffener should be designed to transmit the design force Cs.
Weld length = (225/3) * 2 = 150 cm (2 for weld on both sides)

Weld Force / unit length = 96.4 / 150 = 0.642 t/cm'

With allowable weld stress of 0.2 * 5.2 = 1.04 t/cm2, the required weld size P P

required to carry this force is,

Weld size = 0.642 / (1.04) = 0.617 cm use 7 mm weld.

Note that, for fatigue reasons, the weld and also the stiffener, is stopped at
∼ 60 mm from the tension flange. Longitudinal Stiffener:

One longitudinal stiffener will be welded to the web at d/5 = 45 cm from the
compression flange.

Assume: width = 20 cm and thickness = 2 cm as calculated for the transverse

stiffener, then:
Iact = 2 * 203 / 3 = 5333 cm4

Imin = 4 dw tw3 = 2470 cm4 < Iact

P P P P O.K.

Therefore, use a 200 * 20 mm plate for the longitudinal stiffener.

Steel Bridges

Details of Stiffener Attachments


A bolted field splice will be executed at 6m from the support. The design shear
and moment at the splice location are:
Shear Force:
QDL = 45 t
QLL+I = 60 t
Total Shear = 105 t
Bending Moment:
M DL = 325 mt
M LL+I = 460 mt
Total Moment = 785 t

The value of the bending moment to be used for the design of splice is the
moment capacity of the cross section, which is computed for the smaller
section at the splice as follows:
Gross moment of inertia Ig = 4431667 cm4 P

Gross section modulus Zg = 38570 cm3 P P

Bending moment capacity Mnet = 38570 * 2.1 /100 = 810 mt

Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

50 4x100 100 4x100 50

200 100
PL.24x500 PL. 36x600


50 100

2 Plates 16x400x810
50 100 200 100 50 PL.500x16 Top & Bottom


PL.200x16 2 Plates 16x200x1000
Top & Bottom


2 Plates 10x600x2100




50 100 50 2 Plates 16x500x1000
100 100
ELEVATION Top & Bottom


a) Web Splice:

The web splice carries a bending moment equal to the total design moment
on the section multiplied by the ratio of the moment of inertia of the web to the
moment of inertia of the entire section. In addition to this moment, the web
splice also carries the design shear at the splice location and the moment due to
the eccentricity of the shear force.

Using three columns of M 24 High Strength Friction Type bolts of grade

10.9 at a vertical pitch of 10 cm (21 rows) and a horizontal pitch of 10 cm, see
Fig. 5.56 , the design is checked as follows:
Steel Bridges

Moment of inertia of web Iw = 1.4*2253 /12 = 1328906 cm4 P P P

Moment of inertia of girder section Ig = 4431667 cm4 P

Moment carried by web Mw = Mdes * Iw / Ig = 242.89 m.t.

Eccentricity moment Me = Q * e = 105 * 0.15 = 15.75 m.t.

Total moment on web splice Ms = 242.89 + 15.75 = 258.64 m.t.

i) Check of Bolt Resistance:

Bolt force due to shear = Shear / Bolt Number = 105 / 21*3 = 1.667 t

Bolt force due to moment :

∑ x2 = 21*(52+152+252)= 18375

∑ y2 = 2*3*(102+202+302+402+502+602+702+802+902+1002)= 231000

∑ d2 =18375 + 231000 = 249375 cm2


Hl component = Ms * y / ∑ d2 = 25864 * 100 / 249375 = 10.372 t P P

Vl component = Ms * x / ∑d2 = 25864 * 5 / 249375 = 0.519 t P P

Resultant shear force /bolt = √ (1.667+0.519)2 + 10.3722 P P P P = 10.6 t

The allowable bolt resistance for M 24 friction type high strength bolt acting in
double shear is equal to 2 * 6.94 = 13.88 t. Therefore, the design is safe.

ii) Design of Splice Plate:

Assume two splice plates 10 * 600 * 2100 mm,

Gross Inertia Ig = 2 * (1 * 2103 / 12) = 1774667 cm4 P P P

Bending Stress = 25864 * (210/2) / 1774667 = 1.53 t/cm2 < 2.1 t/cm2 P P P P

Shear Stress = 105 / (2*210*1) = 0.25 t/cm2 < 1.26 t/cm2 P P P

Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

b) Flange Splice:

The flange splice carries that portion of the total moment not carried by the
web plate. The flange splice plates transmit the moment couple across the
splice in axial tension (at bottom) or compression (at top), and into the girder
flange by double shear on M 24 High Strength Friction Type bolts of grade

i) Flange Bolts:

Design moment on flange splice = 810 – 242.89 = 567.11 m.t.

Flange force = 567.11 / 2.25 = 252 t

(This value can also be calculated from the flange strength as 50*2.4*2.1 =
252 t)

No. of M 24 double shear bolts = 252 / ( 2*6.94 ) = 18.15 bolts

Use 5 rows * 4 bolts each = 20 bolts.

ii) Splice Plates:

area required = 252 / 2.1 = 120 cm2


assume one outside plate 16 * 500 = 80 cm2 P

plus two inside plates 16 * 200 = 64 cm2 P

P Area provided = 80+64 = 144 cm2

Steel Bridges


Wind loads on the Bridge

200 kg / m2
a) Unloaded Case:

wind pressure = 200 kg/m2 P

100 kg / m2

b) Loaded Case:
100 kg / m2

wind pressure = 100 kg/m2 P P

Bracing Systems and Transmission of Wind Loads:

Since the bridge has a deck slab, it will carry all wind loads on the bridge
after erection and thus no upper horizontal lateral bracings are needed.
However, during erection, an upper bracing is needed to support the
compression flange laterally and to carry wind loads on the bridge before the
slab hardens.
The wind loads on the bridge are transmitted to the bridge supports as
1- Wind loads on the lower half of the main girder can be carried
directly by a system of lower horizontal lateral bracings to the bridge
bearings. However, it is more economical to transmit these loads to
the deck level using intermediate knee brackets at each cross girder
working with the cross girders as inverted U-frames, see Fig. 5.56.
2- Wind loads on the upper half of the main girder and deck slab
during erection are carried directly by an upper horizontal lateral
bracings to the bridge ends.
3- After the slab hardens, wind loads on the moving trucks (height = 3
m) and the bridge main girder and deck slab (case of loaded bridge)
are carried directly by the concrete slab to the bridge ends.
Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

4- End brackets (or end cross frames) shall be provided at the bridge
ends to transmit wind reactions at the deck level to end bearings
located at the lower level, see Fig. 5.56.



s s s s



s s s s




4 @ 1750 = 7000



Fig. 5.56 Transversal Bracing Systems

Steel Bridges

1- Design of Intermediate Brackets (at each cross girder):

Wind pressure q = 200 kg/m2 (Unloaded Bridge governs)


Wind load ω = 0.2 * 4.5 = 0.9 t/m’

Max moment on bracket section s-s (cross girder section HEB600)

Mmax = 0.9 * (2.25-0.6)2 /2 = 1.225 m.t.


Assume Section: Web: PL 200*16; Flange: Pl 200*12

Centroid at 14 cm from web, Iy = 2624 cm4 P

P P Bending Stress fb = 1.225*100* 14 / 2624

= 0.654 t/cm2 < 2.1 t/cm2 P P P P

2. Design of Upper Bracings:

6x4500 =27000


Main Girder
Main Girder




Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

Upper bracing carries wind load on bridge during erection; i.e., case of
unloaded bridge governs

Joint load (at each bracket) = 0.9 * (2.25+0.30) = 2.295 ton

End Reactions Rw = 3 * 2.295 = 6.885 ton

Tan θ = 7 / 4.5 = 1.5555 θ = 57.265

Max. Force (in first diagonal) = C = T = 6.885 / (2*sin θ) = 4.09 ton

Design for Compression; assume 2 L 100*100*10

Diagonal Length = √4.52 + 72 = 8.32 m


Lb / i = 0.75 * 832 / (0.45*10) = 138.67 < 140 for bridge bracings

Fbuck = 0.85*{7500 / (138.67)^2 } = 0.332 t/cm2


fa = C/A = 4.09/(2*19.2) = 0.107 t/cm2 < Fbuck O.K.


3. Design of End Bracket (at Bearings):

End brackets carry wind reactions from upper level to bearings at lower
level. Compare wind loads for the two cases of unloaded and loaded bridge
and design for the critical case which is the loaded one here.

For loaded bridge:

Joint load W = 0.1*4.5*(2.25+0.30+3.00) = 2.5 t

End reaction Rw= 3 * 2. 5 = 7.5 t

Max moment on bracket section s-s:

Mmax = ( 7.5/2 ) * (2.25-0.6)= 6.1875 m.t.

Assume Section: Web: Pl 300*16 ; Flange: Pl 200*12

Centroid at 19.8 cm from web, Iy = 7505 cm4 P

Bending Stress: fb = 6.1875 *100* 19.8 / 7505 = 1.632 t/cm2 < 2.1 t/cm2 O.K
Steel Bridges


Each main girder transmits its end reactions to piers through one expansion
bearing at one end and one hinged bearing at the other end. The roller bearing
should be designed to permit movements resulting from variations of
temperature between ± 30 oC, and to allow rotation of the girder ends under

live loads. Both bearings are fabricated from forged steel.

i) Roller Bearing:
The expansion bearing incorporates a flat sided roller to permit the required
movements and a base plate to distribute the load to the concrete foundation as

500 15
300 Keeper Plate
3 3

? 20 PINTLE 400 ROLLER 50





75 250 75 500



? 25 mm

Chapter 5: Plate Girder Bridges

Roller Design:
The roller length is taken equal to the bottom flange width minus 5 cm
clearance each side. By Hertz formula for forged steel,
Reaction V = 0.117* d * l
180 = 0.117*d*40
Roller Diameter d ≥ 38.46 cm Use d = 40 cm
Use flat sided roller with width b > d/3 = 40/3 =13.33 cm to resist overturning.
Select b = 16 cm

The 160-mm-thick roller web rests on a steel base plate while its curved top
bears against the girder bottom flange. Thus, the compressive stress in the 40-
cm-long web is:
fp = = 0.281 t/cm2 < 2.00 t/cm2

16 * 40
= Allowable compression for forged
steel according to ECP

Base Plate:
The rocker is seated on a base plate, which distributes the 180 tons load to the
concrete pier. Allowable bearing stress on the C350 concrete is 110 kg/cm2. P P

Net area of the plate = 180 * 1000 / 110 = 1636 cm2. P P

For a width of 40 cm , min. length of plate = 1636 / 40 = 40.9 cm.

Use base plate 40*50 cm

Thickness of plate must be large enough to keep bending stresses caused by

the bearing pressure within the allowable. Under dead load and live load plus
impact, the base pressure is:

p= = 90 kg/cm2 P

40 * 50

The bending moment in the middle of a 1 cm wide strip of plate (at the bearing
point) is:
90( 20) 2
M= = 18000 = 18
Steel Bridges

With the basic allowable stress Fb= 0.72*Fy = 0.72*3.35=2.412 t/cm2 for ST 52

(Fy=3.35 t/cm2 for thicknesses > 40 mm and Fb =0.72 Fy for rectangular section

bent about their minor axis ), the thickness of base plate required is:

6M 6 * 18
t= = = 6.69, say 7 cm
Fb 2.412

Use a base plate 400 * 70 mm by 500 mm long.

ii)Hinged Bearing:

The same detail is used for the hinged bearing except that the roller bottom is
welded to the base plate to prevent translation as shown below:



75 250 75


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