Experiential Learning Programme 2019
Experiential Learning Programme 2019
Experiential Learning Programme 2019
Nitin raj anand
TO :-
Dr.Hidayat Mir
Dr. Manoj Kundu
This course lays a very solid foundation for business or employment
in any area of Horticultural Production.
In this courses basically we were learn various aspects :
Form Block
Color Brown
Shape Rectangle
Organic Organic
Size 30x30x12 cm
Compression Ratio 51
Dimension 30x30x10cm
Grade Screened
Nitrogen 0.24%
Diameter 30x30x12cm
Phosphorous 0.01%
Now it’s filled with cocopit & vermicompost mixing of
TRICODERMA mixture .
Seed information of each plant :
1) Cucumber:
G.P: 95%
P.P: 98%
Weight: 8.40 gm
No of seeds: 308
2)Bottal gourd:
P.P: 98%
Weight: 10gm
No of seeds: 92
3)Bitter gourd:
G.P: 95%
P.P: 98%
Weight: 10gm
4)Sponge gourd:
G.P: 95%
P.P: 98%
Weight: 10gm
No of Seeds: 900
G.P: 90%
P.P: 98%
Weight: 10gm
Sowing of Brinjal & chilli on seed bed& their
Line sowing of chilli and brinjal was practiced.
Seeds sown in line by maintaining spacing of 7cm.
Due to very small in size seeds sown in1-2 inch depth of
Moisture should be maintain because temperature and
sowing of seeds in just surface of soil.
Seedling Preparation
1. Protection from heat shock
2. Protection from microbial infection
3. Hardening of seedlings before sales
4. Moisture should be maintained
Selling cost- Rs 4/plant.
seed cost-Rs 1437
1200gm vermicompost+cocopit in a single Tray & 25gm gm in
a single pit.
Rs 6/kg-vermicompost, 5kg block is 220Rs(15 kg after
8.8Rs/tray for 600gm of soaked cocopit.
Cost of single 1200gm-8.8+3.6=12.4Rs/tray.
Total no of tray 45,so total cost of
Cost of fungicide-Rs 25appx.
Fibre bag+plastic cup cost=175+200=375RS
1437+603+25+375=2440Rs/45 tray.]
Kisan mela
Marketing Place: B.A.U Sabour, Bhagalpur
Net wt. – 40
Germination % - 70%
Spacing :- The seeds are sown on both sides of the beds of width 2.5 metre at a distance
of 60 cm. Sow two seeds at one place to ensure good stand
Nursery management :
Nursery is a place where seedlings, cuttings and grafts are raised with care
before transplanting. It is very convenient to look after the tender seedlings. It is
easy to protect the seedlings from pests and diseases.
Seed sowing and germination : Seed sowing was done at half inch
depth . Deep sowing delays the germination . germinate and emerge in
three days under optimum conditions. During this time seed coat remains
Once cotyledons emerge, roots developed quickly. For proper
germination, soil temperature must be above 15°C. If the soil is too cold
and wet poor seedling emergence will take place.
Field preparation before transplantation :
A well-prepared field controls weeds, recycles plant nutrients, and provides an
easy growth of plants .
It typically involves ploughing (to till or dig-up, mix, and overturn the soil) ;
harrowing to break the soil clods into smaller mass and incorporate plant
residue and levelling the field.
We had dig the soil upto 30 cm diameter around each plant before transplanting.
Transplanting :
In first week of march, transplanting of cucumber was done at the depth of
2.5-4 cm and at 2 – 4 leaf stage .
Pickling cucumbers have to be very precise on planting dates to avoid quality
detoriation of fruit .
Close spacing increases yields, provides more uniform maturity and reduces
weed problems. It also results in shorter fruit with a lighter color.but
intervention in intercultural operation and harvesting.
On the other hand, high plant population requires more seeds and slightly
higher fertilizer rates.
Trellising :-
Cucumber vines can be trained on trellises to save space and improve yield and
fruit quality. Staking was done using bamboo stick .
Disadvantages include:
extra cost of trellising materials
labor to erect the system, dismantle it and training the vines
Irrigation & weeding
Maximum yields and fruit quality will be realized only if the plants receive
adequate and timely moisture. Cucumber plants have shallow roots and require
ample soil moisture at all stages of growth.
Harvesting :- Fruits are picked when tender and young when seeds
inside the fruit are still soft. Fruits must be picked before change in
icolour i.e. from green to yellow.
Red pumpkin beetle
T/m : Spray of imdaclorpid @1 ml in 3 litre water.