Special Tests For The Knee
Special Tests For The Knee
Special Tests For The Knee
Lachman Test
The Lachman test is the best test to diagnose an ACL tear. With the patient lying flat and relaxed,
the examiner bend the knee slightly, about 20 degrees. The examiner then stabilizes the thigh
while pulling the shin forward. Both the amount of translation (shifting) as well as the feel of the
endpoint offer information about the ACL.
Anterior Drawer Test
The anterior drawer test is also performed with the patient lying flat. The knee is bent 90 degrees
and the shin is pulled forward to check the stability of the ACL. An intact ACL will only allow the
shin to come forward slightly. A torn ACL will allow the shin to move further forward.
Pivot Shift Test
The pivot shift test is a difficult maneuver to perform on a patient who is not under anesthesia. This
test places a stress on the knee joint that forces a subluxation (partial dislocation) in patients who
do not have an ACL. This test recreates the type of instability that caused the ACL injury.
Posterior Drawer Test
The posterior drawer is performed similarly to the anterior drawer test. This test detects injury to
the PCL. By pushing the shin backward, the integrity of the PCL is tested. Excessive movement of
the shin backwards is a sign of PCL injury.
Varus and Valgus Instability
Varus and valgus instability tests check the LCL and MCL, respectively. With the patient lying flat,
and the knee held at about 30 degrees of flexion, the shin is shifted to each side. Insufficiency of
the LCL or MCL will allow the knee to "open up" excessively. The test is repeated with the leg
straight. If the knee still opens up excessively, then more than just the LCL or MCL was torn.
Dial Test
The dial test checks the rotation allowed at the knee joint. Patients who have posterolateral
rotatory instability, may have excessive rotation at the knee joint. The test is done with the patient
lying face down, and the knees bent about 30 degrees. The feet are turned outwards and compared
to each other. Excessive rotation is a sign of posterolateral corner injury.