Unit 1: Family Relationships - 1. A TV Family
Unit 1: Family Relationships - 1. A TV Family
Unit 1: Family Relationships - 1. A TV Family
1.Combine these words and part-words to form at least ten more family words.
2.Use as many of the words as you can to describe your own family relationships.
The American series Pacific Heights is set in Pacific Heights, California. Max Dalton and Phil
Turner, his son-in-law, run a large cosmetics corporation, DCC, which has been in the family for
over 150 years. Max became managing director of Dalton Cosmetics Corporation five years ago
when his father died and soon afterwards took Phil on as his junior partner. Together they have
transformed DCC from a small family business into a successful multinational company.
Max’s second wife, Sarah, is a dynamic woman in her early fifties who runs her own business.
Max has two daughters by his first marriage. There’s a big age gap between them: Penny is in her
5. Read these children’s definitions of a mother and choose the one you like best:
o A mum is a person who cares for you and tucks you in at night. When you’ve made a
mistake she says it’s all right. (Jan, age 13)
o Mothers are people who sit up worrying about you and when you come home they
yell at you. ( Gary, age 13)
o A mum is a woman who says “go to bed’ and when she says that, you stay very quiet
and she forgets about you.(Aishling, age 9)
o A mother is a superwoman who can be in two places at once. (Judy, age 10)
o A mum is a person who cries when you do something bad, and cries even harder
when you do something good.(Robin, age 14)
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o A mum is someone who always knows when there is something wrong even if you
don’t tell her.(Lisa, age 14)
o Mothers are people who are angry when you’re at home and sad when you’re away.
(Vinay, age 12)
7. In your opinion, what are the roles of a father or a mother? Make a list of the things they
should do. Do you think these roles should be different?
1.Read and explain the following words:
shopping cooking washing-up/cleaning up driving ironing family accounts
cleaning vacuuming make decisions keep in touch make up one’s mind
Thanksgiving dinner turkey pie miss dish
2.According to an article in the Daily Mail, these are some of the things you’ll never hear men
♦ Let’s ask that woman for directions.
♦ Hi, Mum, I just rang for a chat.
♦ Where’s the toilet cleaner?
And these are some of the things you’ll never hear women say:
♦ Would you please stop sending me flowers? It’s embarrassing.
♦ Do you think I’d look better if I put on a few kilos?
♦ I’ve just killed that enormous spider In the bath.
Do you / don’t you agree? Why?
3.Do or make? Complete these expressions using one verb for all the expressions in Column
A and one verb for all the expressions in Column B:
…the shopping …the beds
…the cooking …dinner when there are guests
…the washing up …an effort to keep in touch
…the important decisions with family and friends
…the odd jobs around the house …family appointments to see
…most of the driving doctors or teachers
…arrangements for baby-sitters …the biggest mess in the
…the washing kitchen
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…the ironing …the longest phone calls
…the family accounts …the most noise
…the vacuuming
4. What kinds of stereotypes of men and women could you make ? If you are a woman,
complete the sentences in column A; if you are a man, complete the sentences in Column B:
Men are good at…
Men like…
Men never…
Men aren’t very good at…
The best thing about being a man
The worst thing about being a man
- women are good at…
- women like…
- women aren’t very good at…
- women never…
- the best thing about being a
woman is…
-the worst thing about being a
woman is…
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5. Think of your own family. Who makes / does things in it?
For example:
My mother does the shopping and cooking, but we take it in turns to do the
We make all the important decisions together.
3. Read the following article and decide what you think is the most appropriate
a. Twins reunited after a lifetime apart.
b. Twin sisters trapped in a single mind.
c. Bringing up twins – the parents’ story.
At first it’s hard to believe. They speak in unison, walk in step, dress identically to
the last button and match each other mouthful for mouthful at the dinner table. But this is
no trick with mirrors. This is everyday East London where everyone knows Greta and
Freda Chaplin, the identical twins.
The twins do everything together. Whether they are out shopping or doing the
housework they mirror each other’s actions and mannerisms down to the finest detail.
They do everything at the same time – clean their teeth, eat, drink; if they’re having fish
and chips, they will pick a chip up at the same time. To vacuum the floor both twins
grasp the handle of the hoover at the same time and they guide it slowly around the carpet
together. When they make tea, both their hands are on the bottle as they pour the milk.
Listening to them talk is like hearing one person with a slight echo a split second later.
They have two black coats, but one came with green buttons and one black. They
4. Read the article again and decide if the following statements are True or False.
- Greta and Freda live in England.
- They speak nearly at the same time.
- They feel the need to look exactly the same.
5. Find words or phrases in the text you have just read with the following
• at the same time
• to hold tightly
• a very short time
• to exchange
• part of your body, above your hips.
• to agree that something is true
• to become angry suddenly
• part of a woman’s body where a baby develops before it is born.
• certain, sure
• anxiety, pressure
7. Use the phrasal verbs above in sentences of your own, or to describe yourself and
your family situation.