Notice To Dakay Construction
Notice To Dakay Construction
Notice To Dakay Construction
“It shall be unlawful for any person to usurp any portion of a right-of-way, to
convert any part of any public highway, bridge, wharf or trail to his own private use or to
obstruct the same in any manner x x x”.
and the provisions of the National Building Code of the Philippines (PD No. 1096) and its
implementing Rule and Regulations, as well as other relevant laws and rules of the
government, and in the interest of public safety and the common good, you are notified of
the following obstructions and prohibited uses, which are marked x, within the right-of-way
(ROW) of the national road in the vicinity of your premises.
xx Construction materials such as sand, gravel, cement, lumber and steel bars,
earth spoils, waste materials, debris, embankment, heaps, or the like.
You are hereby given seven (7) days from receipt of this notice within which to voluntarily
remove the above-stated obstructions and prohibited uses within the road-of-way. If you fail
to do so, we will take appropriate measures to remove the said obstruction and prohibited
uses and charge to you the corresponding costs we would incur, and we will also resort to
proper sanctions provided for any existing laws and rules of the government.
I take note of the obstructions and prohibited uses within the road right-of-way as marked
above, and I will voluntary remove the same within a period of _______ () days starting on
Name of Recipient
Date received: ______________