Assessment - 3
Assessment - 3
Assessment - 3
induction of staff
Assessment - 3
Assessment: 3
Submission details
The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your trainer. Any variations to this
arrangement must be approved in writing by your trainer.
Submit printed copy of required evidences (your answers) to your Trainer with the
"Assessment Cover Sheet" (Filled out and signed appropriately) attached on top of your
The Trainer/Assessor may further prompt and question in order to receive answers of
appropriate quality or if further clarification required and to validate authenticity of your
submitted work.
To be prepared on an individual basis.
You must provide detailed answer for every question aligning them with the fact in the
given scenario.
Assessment must be typed.
Students are required to keep a copy of all work submitted.
There is no word limit, but answer must be sufficiently detailed & relevant
Makro - a South African company with a branch in Australia
Bruno van de Wit, the human resources manager at Makro (Aust), has just been handed a
resignation letter from Mark the Operations Manager. Mark plays a critical role in the
distribution of the company’s products. Without him the company performance will be
badly affected.
The Managing Director, Bruno's boss, instructs him to hire a replacement for Mark within 2
weeks. Bruno has to ensure that the new appointee meets all of the selection criteria which
1. five year experience in operations management
2. a university degree
3. three year experience at management level
4. a thorough understanding of the principles of logistics
Bruno's boss gives him a few notes about the position so that Bruno can create a job
description. Bruno will also need to make sure that the job description does not contravene
any legislative requirements for example, Anti- Discrimination, OH&S and Employment
Equity laws.
Bruno is also instructed to speak to the Distribution Manager, the Fleet Manager, and the
Finance Manager to find out if there are any other requirements that the new appointee
might need to know in order for them to be successful in the job. Once you have completed
all the necessary Questions you have to meet with the Managing Director to get the final
approval and sign off for the recruitment process to start.
- Operations Manager
- Department of Operations & Logistics
- 5 staff report to him
- OM reports to me
- weekly meetings & written reports
An individual in this position usually prepares program budgets, facilitates several programs
around the company, controls inventory, handles logistics and interviews and supervises
employees. A person interested in operations management needs to have a strong
leadership background and must know how to handle problems quickly and efficiently. In
addition, they must have great communication skills.
One of the duties an operation manager has to perform is to provide a work environment
that engenders positive energy, creativity and teamwork among employees. To ensure that
this goal is achieved, operations managers try to reach compromises with employees by
conducting meetings, listening to each department’s issues and concerns, and setting a
professional example by showing leadership qualities.
In order for a department to run smoothly, an operations manager has to set rules and
procedures for employees to follow. This includes setting policies in the workplace to ensure
effective implementation and adherence among each and every employee in the
An operations manager usually handles a company’s operating budget to determine how
much the company has spent and what it can purchase in the near future. Being an
operations manager is all about serving customers; therefore the individual needs to know
how much money is in a company’s budget to provide the products and services that will
retain customers.
Operations managers are also representatives at committee meetings and functions. The manager
will be a spokesperson for the company and will need to discuss the various objectives and plans the
organisation has in store to make its business more successful.
Handling issues is also a top priority among operations managers. Many issues that operations
managers have to face include risk management, shipment delays, client dissatisfaction and
employee problems. This is when leadership skills come into play, as operations managers have to
make effective decisions that will not only help the company run smoothly but also serve to prevent
difficult situations in the future.
Operation managers are also responsible for hiring employees inside an organisation, as well as
supervising and evaluating employees and their job performance. In addition to being a recruiter,
operations managers give directions to employees on certain job Questions, resolve problems
concerning employees, ensures work performance, establishes procedures and creates work
Question 1
Write an advertisement with selection criteria for the operations manager vacancy at
Makro. Ensure that the ad does not contravene any legislation, that it is as short as possible
to save money, but covers the important roles and responsibilities of the position.
Anuncio Makro
En necesario que esta persona cuente además con habilidades para distribuir tareas, bajo
parámetros basados en estrategias metodológicas que ayuden a realizar los procedimientos
con mayor eficiencia, controlar y evaluar el presupuesto que tiene la compañía en función a
la compra y distribución de la materia prima para su posterior procesamiento, crear una
ambiente labora con alta calidad, desempeñando funciones básicas de liderazgo y
promoviendo la creatividad y el trabajo en equipo en los empleados, además, de asegurarse
que cada trabajador cumpla con los requisitos establecidos en las políticas y normas
reglamentarias de la compañía. Respeto a lo anterior el gerente de operaciones debe contar
con la capacidad para crear todos los planes de gestión y establecer las metas y objetivos de
la compañía para desarrollar un alto índice de crecimiento y debe encargarse de todo
relacionado con el servicio al cliente, donde se demuestre la facilidad para satisfacer las
necesidades de los consumidores y la solución a los problemas que se puedan generar, y
finalmente es el encargado de la contratación y selección del personal necesario para
realizar las operaciones o actividades pertinentes de la compañía
Question 2
Write a job description.
En general la vacante para ser desarrollada abarca criterios en base contar con habilidades en
relación a distribuir y plantear tareas necesarias para cumplir con los requisitos que requiere la
compañía, además de contar con la experiencia y conocimientos en todas las áreas operativas
y de gestión que ayuden a la empresa a crear un alto grado de prestigio y rentabilidad, en
donde se vea reflejado todo el trabajo en equipo y liderazgo implementado por el gerente
proyectado estándares altos de calidad y generando confianza y fidelidad de los empleados
hacia la compañía.
Question 3
Create a schedule of topics and questions that have to be covered in interviews.
Cronograma de preguntas para entrevistas
Question 4
Assuming your interview panel and the applicants are able to come and you have a free
hand with appointment times, draft two schedules of interviews; one for five candidates and
one for ten candidates.
Horario de entrevistas
Con el fin de evaluar las capacidades físicas y emocionales de los aspirantes, se desarrolla un
cronograma para dos días, donde se expongan una programación para llevar acabo las
entrevistas a cada uno de los participantes
Hora Participante Responsable
Inicio Finalización
8:00 am 8:30 am Participante 1 Coordinador recursos humanos
8:30 am 9:00 am Participante 2 Coordinador recursos humanos
9:00 am 9:30 am Participante 3 Coordinador recursos humanos
9:30 am 10:00 am Participante 4 Coordinador recursos humanos
10:00 am 10:30 am Participante 5 Coordinador recursos humanos
10:30 am 11:00 am Participante 6 Coordinador recursos humanos
11:00 am 11:30 am Participante 7 Coordinador recursos humanos
11:30 am 12:00 pm Participante 8 Coordinador recursos humanos
2:00 pm 2:30 pm Participante 9 Coordinador recursos humanos
2:30 pm 3:00 pm Participante 10 Coordinador recursos humanos
Hora Participante Responsable
Inicio Finalización
8:00 am 8:30 am Participante 1 Coordinador recursos humanos
8:30 am 9:00 am Participante 2 Coordinador recursos humanos
9:00 am 9:30 am Participante 3 Coordinador recursos humanos
9:30 am 10:00 am Participante 4 Coordinador recursos humanos
10:00 am 10:30 am Participante 5 Coordinador recursos humanos
Question 5
Write a pro forma letter template advising applicants that they have failed to be shortlisted.
Querido aspirante
En consideración a los documentos y perfil del aspirante a gerente de operaciones de la compañía Makro
sede Australia, nos permitimos exponer nuestro agradecimiento y alto interés por su candidatura, de forma
cordial expresarle su gran experiencia y conocimiento adquirido, desafortunadamente no ha sido
seleccionado dentro del grupo de aspirantes para continuar con el proceso de selección del área
especificada, le agradecemos su participación y el tiempo invertido en este proceso.
Managing Director
Question 6
Write a pro forma letter template advising shortlisted applicants that they have failed to be
Querido participante
En relación al desarrollo y selección de los aspirantes a tomar el cargo como gerente de operaciones de la
compañía Makro con sede en Australia, exponemos su alta capacidad y su gran habilidad para dirigir y
controlar los procesos que hacen relevancia al crecimiento y rentabilidad de una compañía, además de
conocer los criterios necesarios para manejar personal y contribuir en grandes medidas con los intereses
de la organización. En este momento le informamos que desafortunadamente no ha cumplido con la
totalidad de los estándares que la compañía necesita para desempeñar el cargo, por esta razón no ha
sido seleccionado para continuar con el proceso de admisión en la empresa, le agradecemos su
cooperación y su tiempo
Managing Director
Question 7
Write a pro forma letter template requesting a reference check on shortlisted applicants.
Verificacion de referencias
Australia, st 2024
Cordial saludo
La empresa Makro se encuentra en proceso de selección de un nuevo gerente de operaciones, para ello
se ha realizado todo el proceso de preselección de los aspirantes, estudiando todas sus habilidades y
experiencia obtenida en el transcurso de su vida laboral. Para la empresa, le es necesario verificar todas
las referencias que ha expuesto el aspirante, para ello requerimos de su colaboración. Nos gustaría
conocer acerca del trabajo realizado por el aspirante XXXXXXXXXX, las ventajas y desventajas que se
tuvo mientras esa persona estuvo en el cargo asignado. Agradecemos su colaboración y pronta
Managing Director
Question 8
Write a congratulatory letter for the successful applicant. The letter should tell them when
and to whom to report and confirm whether the applicant is intending to accept the offer of
the position.
Querido participante
En el emocionante proceso de selección del nuevo gerente de operaciones de la empresa Makro con
sede en Australia, nos permitimos felicitarlo por su gran capacidad para dirigir y desarrollar estrategias de
planeación en las diferentes áreas, además de contar con el conocimiento y experiencia necesaria para
cumplir con los estándares de alta calidad que requiere la compañía, por esa razón no complace
informarle que ha sido seleccionado como el nuevo gerente de operaciones de la empresa Makro. Es
necesario que confirme si siesta de acuerdo con pertenecer a la compañía. Para la firma de su contrato se
debe acercar a las instalaciones de la organización el día 5 de noviembre del año 2020, donde se reunirá
con el director general Bruno, quien será el encarado de mostrarle las instalaciones y los procedimientos
que debe llevar acabo para realizar su trabajo. Le agradecemos su tiempo y una pronta respuesta.
Managing Director
Question 9
Create a contract of employment for the successful applicant including information on
national standards, legislations and WHS issues
The Employee will be employed on the following basis permanent full-time position.
Employer will employ Employee in the following position: COO
Employee will be responsible for the following duties:
Directly in a transparent responsible manner all the daily operations and activities carried out by
the company.
Prepare and establish budgets for all programs and areas managed by the company
Create a work environment conducive to work, encompassing a positive, creative and teamwork
Verify that all procedures and policies that the company has are complied with and developed in
the correct way and described by Australian laws
Provide all relevant information to the operations management system to the academic council,
describing the performance of the company.
It will analyze and seek to mitigate all potential risks that may affect the interests of the workers
and the company.
It will be in charge of selecting and hiring the necessary and trained personnel to carry out each
of the activities that the company does
The Employer may change these duties and responsibilities during the course of the Employee’s
employment after consultation with the Employee.
The terms and conditions of the relationship between Employer and Employee shall be
determined by any applicable policies and procedure manuals, employee manuals, or other
written governing documents belonging to and utilized by Employer and Employer's company, as
well as by this Agreement. In case of any dispute or conflict between this Agreement and other
written policies and/or procedures owned and utilized by Employer or Employer's company, this
Agreement shall govern.
In relation to compliance with the occupational safety and health standards established by
Australian regulations, the employee must ensure that all the laws presented below, under all
the measures and demand planning that the government has, these are:
The employee will not be exposed to pressures or workloads, which exceed the times or
responsibilities that may affect the emotional and physical state of the person
The employee will have the necessary spaces and times to carry out their tasks, without being
exposed to an environment or treatment that affects their interest or that of the company
The employee will have all the relevant insurance and training established by law to carry out
high-risk operations.
Employee is expected to work within the following schedule: Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to
5:00 pm
The starting date for the employment is November 5 th, 2020, Employee will be expected to begin
work on the Starting Date. This Agreement shall continue in full effect until terminated by either
of the parties as outlined below. This Agreement will automatically renew for the same duration
as established in the initial term (i.e. the same number of days, months or years as established
in the initial term) and will continue to renew until either party provides notice, in writing, of its
intention to cease automatic renewals, at which point, this Agreement will terminate prior to the
following renewal date.
Employer may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without notice, for any reason or
no reason at all. Employer does not need cause to terminate Employee's employment.
Employee may terminate this Agreement at any time, by giving the employer not less than 4
weeks' written notice. Oral notice shall not suffice.
This Agreement shall remain in effect in the event a section or provision is unenforceable or
invalid. All remaining sections and provisions shall be deemed legally binding unless a court rules
that any such provision or section is invalid or unenforceable, thus, limiting the effect of another
provision or section. In such case, the affected provision or section shall be enforced as so
None of the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived by any act or
acquiescence of either Party. Only an additional written agreement can constitute waiver of any
of the terms of this Agreement between the Parties. No waiver of any term or provision of this
Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any other term or provision or of the same provision on a
future date. Failure of either Party to enforce any term of this Agreement shall not constitute
waiver of such term or any other term.
IN WITNESS OF THIS AGREEMENT the parties have executed this Agreement in duplicate on the
date set out at the head of the Agreement.
Name of Employee
Signature of Employee
Name of Employer Representative
Signature of Employer Representative
Question 10
Create a checklist of interview questions for the panel, making it clear who asks what.