A Study On "Optimizing Returns Through Developing Effective Option Trading Strategy: With Reference To Stock Options Traded in National Stock Exchange"
A Study On "Optimizing Returns Through Developing Effective Option Trading Strategy: With Reference To Stock Options Traded in National Stock Exchange"
A Study On "Optimizing Returns Through Developing Effective Option Trading Strategy: With Reference To Stock Options Traded in National Stock Exchange"
e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 19, Issue 10. Ver. I. (October. 2017), PP 90-98
Abstract: Options are effective risk management tools which are used worldwide. Options are a type of
derivative instruments which will offer only the right but not the obligation to trade in a specific underlying
asset. In order to occupy this right the option holder should pay premium while entering into an option
contract. This Premium will act as a source of expense to the option holder and the same is a source of return
to the option writer. Therefore option traders must be very careful while deciding on the price of an option
contract that is the premium. It is a well known fact that premium outlay can be minimized by effectively
implementing option trading strategies. This research study involves optimizing the returns to the option trader
by analysing and identifying four option trading strategies which are popularly known as cheap option trading
strategies in terms of premium outlay. For the study two most actively traded index options and fifty most
actively traded individual stock option contracts have been identified and the profit or loss profile is created in
order to determine the optimal strategy which involves less premium outlay thereby optimizing returns to the
option trader.
Keywords: Bear Put Spread, , Bull Call Spread, Long Iron Condor, Options, Option Trading strategies(OTSs),
Short Put Synthetic Straddle
Date of Submission: 29-09-2017 Date of acceptance: 07-10-2017
I. Introduction
It is a well known fact that option premium which is also known as price of an option contract is a
source of expense to the option holder. Hence it should be minimized in order to optimize returns by trading in
options contract. This premium can be minimized by effectively implementing the option trading strategies
rather than trading in single option contract. For the same purpose four option trading strategies which are
comparatively cheap are chosen for the study and a comparative study is made in order to find out the optimal
strategy which will optimize the returns to the option trader. These four cost effective option trading strategies
are Bull Call Spread, Bear Put Spread, Short Put Synthetic Straddle and Long Iron Condor.
6.6 Selection Criteria for OTSs: Based on the results obtained from the analysis of Primary data it was found
that Option Premium will act as the major source of expense to the option trader. The small portion of the same
which supports the above statement is mentioned below:
Source: Survey
Analysis and Interpretation: From the above table and chart it can be interpreted that most of the option
traders believe that option premium acts as major source of expense while trading in options contract. This
research study makes an attempt to find an effective option trading strategy which is cost effective in terms of
payment of premium.
IX. Conclusion
From the above stated analysis and findings following conclusion can be made:
• Bull call ladder OTS will not have a significant impact on optimizing the returns to option trader as it gives
negative premium payoff in case of index options.
• Bull call ladder OTS will not have a significant impact on optimizing the returns to option trader as it gives
negative premium payoff in case of individual stock options.
• Bear put ladder OTS will not have a significant impact on optimizing the returns to option trader as it gives
negative premium payoff in case of index options.
• Bear put ladder OTS will not have a significant impact on optimizing the returns to option trader as it gives
negative premium payoff in case of individual stock options.
• Short put synthetic straddle OTS will have a significant impact on optimizing the returns to option trader as
it gives positive and maximum premium inflow out of all four OTSs selected.
• Short put synthetic straddle OTS will have a significant impact on optimizing the returns to option trader as
it gives positive and maximum premium inflow for 27 individual stock options out of 50 individual stock
options selected. Compared to other three OTSs this strategy is optimal and effective in minimizing the
premium expense to the option trader.
• Long iron butterfly OTS will have a significant impact on optimizing the returns to option trader as it gives
positive and optimal premium inflow out of all four OTSs selected.
• Long iron butterfly OTS will have a significant impact on optimizing the returns to option trader as it gives
positive and optimal premium inflow for 23 individual stock options out of 50 individual stock options
selected. Compared to other three OTSs this strategy is optimal and effective in minimizing the premium
expense to the option trader next to Short put synthetic straddle OTS.
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Comparison of Premium Outlay for Selected OTSs
Bull Call Ladder Bear Put Ladder Short Put Synthetic Straddle Long Iron Butterfly
Selected Indices Premiu Premiu Premiu Premiu
No Premi Total Total Total Total
& Stocks m Premiu m Premiu m Premiu m
. um Premiu Premiu Premiu Premiu
Receive m Paid Receive m Paid Receive m Paid Receive
Paid m m m m
d d d d
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No. 4481, Journal no. 46879.