A History of Marine Attack Squadron 223

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The document discusses the history of Marine Attack Squadron 223 from its formation in 1942 through 1978.

The purpose of this document is to provide a concise record of the squadron's accomplishments and contribute to the development of unit integrity and pride.

The time period covered in this document ranges from 1942 when the squadron was first formed through 1978 when the document was published.

On the front cover:

The Brewster F2A-1 was the first aircrafi assigned to

VMF-223 when it was commissioned on I May 1942 at the
Marine Corps Air Station Ewa, Oahu, Hawaii. (USMC Photo

First Lieutenant Brett A. Jones, USMC



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This history is one of a series being prepared by the Marine Corps History and Museums
Division to bring to light the achievements of individual squadrons while at the same time
showing the growth and development of Marine aviation. Marine Attack Squadron 223 has
a long and illustrious career of outstanding accomplishments and has produced some of the
finest aviators in the history of the Marine Corps. This work sketches the achievements and
personalities that have made VMA-22 3 such an outstanding Marine squadron.
The author, First Lieutenant (now Captain) Brett A. Jones, was a member of VMA-223
from February 1974 to July 1975 and worked closely with the History and Museums staff to
produce this monograph. First Lieutenant Jones graduated from Oklahoma State
University in December 1971 with a Bachelor of Science degree in sociology. Upon
graduation he was commissioned in the Marine Corps and sent to Pensacola for flight
training. After a brief tour in Yuma he joined VMA-223.
The History and Museums Division welcomes any comments on the narrative and
particularly requests additional information or illustrations which might enhance a future

Brigadier General, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret)
Director of Marine Corps History and Museums

Reviewed and Approved:

15 June 1978


This history was compiled for the purpose of providing a concise and accurate record of a
distinguished squadron's accomplishments. It is the author's belief that a thorough
knowledge of the past contributes immeasurably to the development of strong unit in -
tegrity. Just as ''Espirit de Corps" is instilled in a Marine by a thorough knowledge of
Marine Corps history, unit pride can be instilled by the awareness of unit's ac-
The history of Marine Attack Squadron 223 has been one of constant endeavor. The
original ''Bulldogs'' at Guadalcanal initiated a tradition that has continued for over 30
years. It is sincerely hoped that this work will assist in the continuation of that tradition.
The History and Museums Division provided the research materials for the monograph
and the editing was done by several of the History and Museums staff members. Mr. James
S. Santelli and Major William J. Sambito initially edited the manuscript, and Lieutenant
Colonel Gary W. Parker completed the monograph for publication.

First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps


Foreword .
Table of Contents

From Birth to Guadalcanal 1

From the Solomons to Okinawa 5

A Force in Readiness: 1946-1950 11
Entering the Jet Age 14
Vietnam 20
The Return to Garrison 27

Footnotes 31

Appendix A: Chronology 33
Appendix B: Commanding Officers 35
Appendix C: Streamer Entitlement 37

A History of Marine Attack Squadron 223
From Birth to Guadalcanal—From the Solomons to Okinawa—A Force in Readiness: 1946-1950—
Entering the Jet Age—Vietnam—The Return to Garrison

From Birth to Guadalcanal designated all four squadrons of MAG-23 for the
The devastating attack on Pearl Harbor by the defense of a beachhead on Guadalcanal. According to
Japanese in December 1941 had decimated the the plan, the forward echelon of MAG-23, consisting
aircraft of the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing (MAW) of VMF 223 and Marine Scout Bombing Squadron
leaving only 15 planes which were considered combat (VMSB) 232 and commanded by Major Richard C.
worthy. Marine Fighting Squadron (VMF) 223 was Mangrum, would be flown to the airstrip on
commissioned at the Marine Corps Air Station Guadalcanal from a carrier. Both squadrons lacked
(MCAS) Ewa, Oahu, Hawaii on 1 May 1942 in an carrier experience; nearly all the pilots were fresh
effort to help restore the combat potential of the 1st from flight school where they had logged about 275
MAW. hours apiece in SNJ trainers. The veteran Japanese
The squadron's immediate function was to naval pilots they would face averaged approximately
conduct local operations on the Hawaiian Sea 800 hours of flight time prior to the bombing of Pearl
Frontier as part of the newly formed Marine Aircraft Harbor. The VMF-223 aviators, except for Captains
Group (MAG) 23. Under the leadership of Captain Smith, Rivers J. Morrell, Jr., and Marion F. CarP,
John L. Smith, the first commanding officer of the and one veteran enlisted pilot, Technical Sergeant
"Rainbow" squadron, later to become known as the John D. Lindley, were second lieutenants ranging in
"Bulldogs," the unit began training operations in age from 19 to 21 and had been in the Marine Corps
the Brewster F2A fighter. Captain Smith, a 28-year- for only a few months.
old native of Lexington, Oklahoma, was to dlis- The squadrons sailed tor Guadalcanal on board the
tinguish himself as an aviator during World War II, escort carrier USS Long Island (CVE 1) on 2 August
and his leadership was to bring VMF-22 3 into the 1942. Prior to departure, the Buffalo was replaced
spotlight in the air over Guadalcanal. with the new Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat. This plane
When World War II began the Marine Corps land- became the standard fighter for Marine pilots during
based squadrons in the Pacific were flying the F2A, the early actions of World War II. This single-seat,
built by Brewster in the late 1930s. The Brewster carrier fighter was powered by a Pratt and Whitney
was powered by a Wright R-1820-24 engine which R-1830-56' engine which produced 1,200 horsepower
could produce 1,200 horsepower at 2,500 revolutions at 2,500 rpm and had a maximum airspeed of 332
per minute (rpm); the plane could attain an airspeed miles per hour with a service ceiling of 34,300 feet.
of 323 miles per hour and had a service ceiling of The aircraft was equipped with racks for two 250-
34,000 feet. It was armed with four wing-mounted pound bombs, one under each wing, or the bombs
.50 caliber machineguns and could carry two 100- could be replaced with external fuel tanks. Six .50
pound bombs. As was demonstrated in the Battle of caliber machineguns, three in each wing, and six
Midway, 4-6 June 1942, the aircraft was unable to five-inch rockets completed the Wildcat's ar-
mament 2
cope with Japanese fighters and was appropriately
dubbed the Brewster "Buffalo." It soon was
replaced by superior aircraft.' Rivers J. Morrell, Jr., retired from the Marine Corps in
As early as June 1942, Admiral Chester M. July 1959 as a brigadier general. Marion E. Carl rose to the
Nimitz, Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet, had rank of major general and retired in June of 1973.

276—044 0 - 79 - 2
USMC Photo 35714
The Grumman F4F Wildcat fighter had a 1200-horsepower Pratt & Whitney engine. This land/carrier-based
aircraft was the standard navalfighter during the early Pacific war.

The Long Island and its escorts stopped at the had grossly underestimated the U.S. strength at 800-
island of Efate, New Hebrides, where Captain Smith 1000 troops instead of a division. At daybreak the
traded eight of his inexperienced pilots kr better of VMF-223 unleashed the fury of their
qualified pilots from Major Harold W. Bauer's Wildcats on the enemy, catching many of the
VMF-212.' On the afternoon of 20 August, the Japanese on the beach. The strafing runs were the
Long Island, accompanied by the cruiser USS Helena first shots fired in anger by the VMF-223 pilots.
(CL 50) and destroyer USS Dale (DD 353), launched At noon, about 19 hours after their arrival at
the Marine planes about 200 miles southeast of Guadalcanal, the VMF-223 pilots had their first taste
Guadalcanal. At 1700, MAG-23 began landing at of aerial combat. Captain Smith was the first to down
Henderson Field, named in honor of Major Lofton R. an enemy Zero, but his victory was lessened by the
Henderson, a Marine aviator who was killed earlier loss of an F4F which crash-landed on Henderson
in the war while leading Marine dive bombers in the Field after being severely shot up. The score
Battle of Midway. "A shout of relief and welcome remained one to one for the day.
went up from every Marine on the island," reported Prior to VMF-223's arrival at Guadalcanal, Rear
Lieutenant Herbert L. Merillat.3 The arrival of Admiral Raizo Tanaka, the Tokyo Expressman, had
MAG-23 and the Rainbow squadron coincided with gathered a force at Rabaul, New Britain, which he
the first bloody battle that Major General Alexander mistakenly considered formidable enough to dislodge
A. Vandegrift's ist Marine Division fought on the Marines from the island. The enemy had a
Guadalcanal. special naval landing force of 800 men and an Army
Just after midnight on 21 August 1942 firing broke detachment of 700 men. This time the Japanese
out about 3,000 yards east of Henderson Field and would support the landing with three carriers and
the Battle of the Tenaru River had started. The three destroyers. American intelligence reported this
Japanese were reinforcing their command on movement, and the carriers USS Enterprise (CV 6),
Guadalcanal with 900 troops of the Ichiki Detach- Saratoga (CV 3), and Wasp (CV 7) waited for the
ment* via the "Tokyo Express.** The Ichiki enemy force about 100 miles southeast of Guadal-
Detachment attacked the Marines early in the canal. On 24 August, the Cactus Air Force**** met
morning and was slaughtered. Japanese intelligence the enemy aircraft from the carrier Ryujo and the
Battle of the Eastern Solomons was underway. At
1420 the two MAG-23 squadrons augmented by five
Bauer later received the Medal of Honor for action against Army P400s,** which had arrived from New
the enemy over Guadalcanal.
• 'These troops were from the detachment of Colonel Kiyone

Ichiki which was originally scheduled to take Midway. * Cactus was Guadalcanal's code name.
''The Japanese destroyers and transports which trans- '''''The P-400 was the early version of the Bell P-39
ported troops from New Britian and the Northern solomons to fighter equipped with a 20mm cannon, two .50 caliber and four
Guadalcanal became known as the "Tokyo Express." .30 caliber machineguns.

__l - -


USMC Photo 52801
Wildcats on the fighter strip at Guadalcanal. Note
runway and living conditions (above), Marine air-
crews use dirt and chemicals to save a burning
Wildcat set afire by a Japanese air raid on
Guadalcanal (left),

Corps ace.* Aerial combat on the 29th resulted in

four enemy fighters and four enemy bombers
destroyed, and the following day another 14 enemy
aircraft were sent flaming to earth. The score
continued to favor the Rainbow pilots as the air
USMC Photo 50516 action over Guadalcanal increased.
Marines learned very early in the war not to
dogfight with the more maneuverable Zero. Instead,
the enemy's bombers became the primary targets.
Caledonia; intercepted an enemy flight of 15 bombers As the bombers approached, usually 26 at a time in a
and 12 fighters. These Japanese aircraft never series of ''V'' formations, it was possible for the
reached Henderson Field. The Marines shot down 10 Wildcats to dive on the bombers and destroy a few
bombers and half of the fighters. Captain Carl alone before the Zeros jumped the Grummans. The tactics
was credited with two bombers and a fighter. The which evolved and remained, while the Marines were
victory was not without its cost; three of Captain flying the F4F, were primarily hit-and-run; a direct
Smith's pilots, Second Lieutenants Elwood R. Bailey, overhead or a high-side attack on the bombers
Lawrence C. Taylor, and Roy A. Corry, failed to (avoiding their tail guns), one quick burst at an
return, and one pilot was shot down and later attacking Zero, and then run. If a pilot unin-
recovered. tentionally became entangled in a dogfight with the
From the beginning of the war and especially after faster, better climbing Zero, it was necessary to rely
Bataan and early New Guinea fighting, many on his wingman to shoot the enemy off his tail, which
American aviators regarded the Zero and its pilots as is where the Zero could usually be found. This two-
opponents of malevolent perfection. During the plane mutually protecting tactic evened the odds.
Battles of the Coral Sea and Midway, the enemy Conditions at Guadalcanal were miserable and
gained more prowess and the U.S. fighter pilots were were continually growing worse. The field was either
acquiring a distinct inferiority complex. On 24
August the Rainbow squadron and the other units at
Guadalcanal destroyed the theory that the Zero was 'Colonel Gregory "Pappy" Boyington, a lieutenant in
invincible. 1941, resigned his commission to fly with the famed "Flying
Tigers" of China. During his months with the "Tigers,"
On the 26th, as VMF-223 enjoyed continued Boyington shot down six Japanese planes. Upon his return to
success against enemy air raids, Captain Carl shot the Marine Corps in September 1942, he was awarded the
down two more planes becoming the second Marine distinction of being the Corps' first ace.

a bowl of black dust or a quagmire of mud. Refueling Bullets began flying all over the place. The cockpit
had to be done by hand from 55-gallon drums and filled up with smoke blinding me. I never did get a look at
what was on my tail before I bailed Out.
radio communications from Henderson Field did not The parachute opened at 10,000 feet and I floated down
exist beyond 20 miles. The diet for the Marines off Near Island a few miles off the coast of Guadalcanal,
consisted of dehydrated potatoes, Spam, or cold hash, about 30 miles from home. I was dunked into the ocean
and sometimes Japanese rice. Malaria and dysentery 400 yards off the island and started to swim to shore. I got
became constant companions. Sleep in mud-floored within hailing distance of the beach, but the current
prevented me from landing.
tents was constantly interrupted by bombardments I was just about to give up when a native boy paddled
from Japanese ships and planes. Enemy cruisers, Out in a canoe, grabbed me, and hauled me aboard more
destroyers, and submarines often lay offshore lobbing dead than alive.
shells at Henderson Field. After being taken ashore, the native gave Captain
VMF-22 3 joined other elements of MAG-23 on 2 Carl a drink of coconut milk and then brought the
September 1942 in intercepting a 40-plane enemy aviator from the island to a native village on
raid. During the ensuing battle, the squadron Guadalcanal where he was fed and housed for the
downed another seven enemy aircraft. On the 12th, night.
the island was hit with a bombardment from seven The natives agreed to take me to headquarters the next
Japanese destroyers while 42 enemy planes attempted morning. Before we got Out of the village, a Japanese
party began heading for it. I went into the jungle and hid.
to obtain air superiority. The Cactus Air Force shot
Early the next morning we started home. Two native
down 15 of the attacking planes, but the airfield police and a large group of native villagers accompanied
received several hits. Meanwhile, enemy troops me. On the way I found a deserted radio shack and spent
attacked just south of Henderson Field. The four hours trying to get it going.
following day, while ground units were fighting the We went a short way further on when we encountered
large groups of natives fleeing in our direction. They told
Battle of Bloody Ridge, the field was attacked three
us there were 2,000 Japanese between us and the U.S.
more time by aircraft. The airfield, although severely headquarters and that it was impossible to get through
damaged, remained firmly in Marine hands. them.
During the months of August and September Captain Carl was then taken to the hut of an
1942, Guadalcanal was continually augmented by educated native who had studied medicine. The man
aircraft and pilots from various commands. The had a small launch and agreed to take the young pilot
carriers USS Hornet (CV 12) and the Wasp, after up the coast to headquarters.
receiving battle damage, sent some of their F4Fs We planned to leave at three-thirty that day, but the
ashore until the flattops could be repaired. The engine wouldn't start. I was a former aeronautical
engineer so I spent all the rest of the day taking it apart
growing Cactus Air Force intercepted 31 Japanese and finally got it running. We left at dawn and had no
planes over Henderson Field on 27 September and 11 trouble arriving.
enemy aircraft were destroyed. The next day the Captain Carl's first question when he arrived was
Emperor's ''Eagles'' from Rabaul in New Britain "What's Smitty's score?'' He grimaced when he
arrived with a flight of 55 planes determined to was told that Major John L. Smith, his dosest
neutralize Marine aviation on Guadalcanal. Once competitor, had shot down a total of 16' planes and
again the determined American pilots met the pulled ahead of Captain Carl during the five days that
enemy, this time sending 24 of the attacking planes he was missing. "Ground him for five days,
to a watery grave. Of those destroyed, VMF-223 was General," Captain Carl said to Brigadier General
credited with seven. The Japanese, determined to Roy S. Geiger, commander of the 1st MAW. "That
make the island a major battleground, sought air will give me a chance to catch up.' '4
supremacy and control of the sea, but once again the Keeping records was one of the last priorities
enemy had underestimated the air force necessary to during the autumn of 1942. Even the original name
achieve their goal. of the island, "Guaduncanar," was changed,
Captain Marion E. Carl was shot down early in probably due to a misprint or mispronunciation that
September 1942 and was listed as missing in action stuck.' It was not possible to say who was flying from
for five days. His journey back to Cactus was an Guadalcanal at any given time. An example of this
adventure many pilots had to face during the war in occurred on 3 October 1942, when a Japanese air
Pacific. Captain Carl gave the following account of attack was met by 29 fighters; 15 were from the
that incident: Navy's Fighter Squadron (VF) 5, five from VMF-

223, and nine from VMF-224 (including two pilots
on temporary duty from VMF-2 12). With the units
becoming so entangled, almost anybody could be
your wingman.
The action in the skies over Guadalcanal during
September and early October cost the lives of five
VMF-223 second lieutenants: Zennith A. Pond,
Noyles McLennan, Richard A. Haring, Willis S.
Lees Ill, and Charles Kendrick.6 After the first week
of October, the Japanese air raids ceased. The uneasy
calm lasted until 1220 on the 11th when radar at
Henderson Field reported two flights of unidentified
aircraft at 138 miles heading toward Guadalcanal.
The aircraft at Guadalcanal were scrambled, in-
duding 16 planes from VMF-223, and they in-
tercepted the invading force of 34 bombers and 29
Zeros. Seven bombers and four Zeros were destroyed
and the remaining enemy aircraft had to turn back
when they were unable to locate Henderson Field
because of a low overcast which blanketed the island.
This enemy armada, which had the mission of USMC Photo 11984
destroying the airfield, was only the air portion of a
Major John L. Smith, USMC, who was credited
with downing 19 Japanese aircraft and subsequently
large invading force. Two cruisers and six destroyers
were steaming toward Guadalcanal carrying a
received the Medal of Honor.
landing force complete with heavy artillery and
tanks. U.S. intelligence had located this task force was an impressive 111 1/2. In recognition of this
and "search and destroy'' ships were en route to achievement, those units supporting the 1st Marine
intercept the enemy convoy. The American warships Division on Guadalcanal and neighboring Tulagi
surprised the Japanese at Cape Esperance and dealt received the Presidential Unit Citation.
them a devastating and costly defeat.
After less than two months of combat, MAG-23 From the Solomons to Okinawa
packed its equipment, readied its aircraft, and
departed Guadalcanal on 13 October 1942 bound for Marine Fighting Squadron 223 arrived at San
California. The Rainbow squadron had, during its Diego on 17 October 1942 and remained in MAG-
short time at Henderson Field, written a new chapter 23, which was also arriving from Guadalcanal. VMF-
in Marine Corps aviation. VMF-223 had been the 223's personnel were given leave from 16 November
first Marine fighter squadron to arrive iii the to 4 January 1943, then the squadron began
Solomons. Major John L. Smith had led his pilots on reorganizing and training. On 26 January Major Carl
multiple combat missions during which the squadron became the new commanding officer of VMF-22 3.
accounted for 83 Japanese aircraft destroyed. For his On 27 May 1943, for reasons unknown, the
action during this period, Major Smith was awarded Rainbow squadron changed its nickname and became
the Medal of Honor. Also during the struggle for the VMF-22 3 "Bulldogs." The change in nickname
Guadalcanal, Captain Carl earned his second Navy was followed the next month by a change in squadron
Cross for extraordinary heroism in aerial combat. aircraft.
Captain Carl's first award of the Navy Cross came During June, VMF-223 received 18 Vought-
during the Battle of Midway. These two men, Smith Sikorsky F4U-1 Corsairs to augment its inventory of
and Carl, contributed greatly to the success of F4F Wildcats and North American SNJ trainers.
Marine aviation in Guadalcanal by downing a total of The F4U was a single seat, low-wing monoplane
37 1/2 enemy aircraft, 19 and 18 1/2 respectively. powered by a single Pratt and Whitney 2,000-
The final tally of enemy aircraft destroyed by the horsepower engine. Capable of climbing to over
Cactus Air Force between 20 August and 12 October 35,000 feet, the Corsair was the first American

fighter to reach speeds in excess of 400 miles per
hour.7 The "U-birds," as they were called, became
the standard fighter for Marines during the
remainder of World War II. Because of the sound and
effectiveness of the diving Corsair, the Japanese
name for this plane meant ''Whistling Death.''
On 22 June, First Lieutenant Alexander H.
Edwards was engaged in mock aerial combat with
Major Carl and made a tight left turn which stalled
his F4U causing his plane to go into an inverted spin.
Lieutenant Edwards noticed that he was in a spin at
5,500 feet and bailed out at 3,300 feet when he was
unable to get his Corsair under control. After he had
bailed out, the plane came out of the spin and crashed
about eight miles east of El Toro. Except for a bruised
nose and a bruised ego, the young pilot escaped
On 18 July 1943, the squadron terminated flight
operations at the Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), USMC Photo A707812
El Torn and completed final preparations for Left to right: Major John L. Smith, Lieutenant
redeployment to the Pacific. During the previous six Colonel Richard C. Mangrum, and Captain Marion
months of training, the squadron had operated with E. Carl, three giants of Marine aviation.

about 50 aircraft, mostly F4Us and SNJs. Aside from

a few minor ground accidents, only one aircraft loss
occurred during this period.
On 19 July, the Bulldogs traveled by train to the
Naval Air Station (NAS), Alameda, California, and
boarded the seaplane tender USS Wright (AV 1) on
the evening of 20 July. Seven days later, the
squadron arrived at MCAS, Ewa, headquarters of the
4th Marine Base Defense Aircraft Wing (4th
MBDAW). During operations from Ewa, Second
Lieutenant Phillip R. Aikins was killed when his F4U
crashed into a mountain peak about eight miles
northeast of the air station.
The training and combat air patrols over Hawaii
came to an end on 1 August 1943, and the squadron
was underway to Midway Island. The squadron's
aircraft with some enlisted men and pilots made the
trip by ship while 36 officers and men packed the
remainder of the squadron's equipment in transport
aircraft for the flight to Midway. On 5 August, the
entire unit was on Midway as a part of MAG-22
where it was immediately divided into two sections.
One section, under Major Carl, operated from Sand
Island while the executive officer, Major Robert P.
USMC Photo A 140897 Keller, took charge of the second section operating
Major General Marion E. Carl led VMF-223 in from Eastern Island.
World War II against the Japanese and is credited The Bulldogs completed their training on Midway
with downing 18 1/2 enemy airplanes. on 18 October 1943. During its short stay, the unit


USMC Photo 306513

The Chance Vought-Sikorsky F4U-1 which became the standard fighter for Marines during World War II and
continued in use during the Korean War.

had lost four F4Us and one pilot. Three of the ac- tinued in the skies over Rabaul, but by 4 January
cidents were the result of engine failures encountered 1944, enemy resistance had dwindled considerably
while over water. Between 18 and 21 October, the and VMF-223 secured flight operations. The final
entire squadron was airlifted back to Oahu where it score for this campaign was 14 Japanese fighters
was reassigned to MAG-23. Immediately, the destroyed, 10 probables, and four damaged. Only one
squadron began assembling its equipment for another VMF-223 pilot, First Lieutenant Bernard E. Sahl,
transfer. On 30 October, the entire unit sailed from became a casualty when he failed to return from a
Hawaii on board the escort carrier USS Breton (CVE flight on Christmas Day 1943.
23). On the 10th day at sea, 14 Corsairs were On 4 January 1944, the squadron began
catapulted from the Breton with Espiritu Santo, New preparations for a move to Bougainvile in the
Hebrides as the destination. On 11 November, the Northern Solomons. The ground echelon embarked
aircraft took off for the Marine Corps Air Base, on board the minesweeper USS Chandler (DMS 9)
Quoin Hill, Efate, New Hebrides. Meanwhile, the and sailed on 19 January arriving at Torokina,
remainder of the squadron had shifted from the Bougainville on the 25th. The aircraft remained at
Breton to the auxilary transport USS Tyton (APH 1) Barokoma Field while the flight personnel flew to
and was en route to Quoin Hill. On 18 November, Sidney, Australia, for a short rest period.
VMF-223 joined MAG-12, 2d MAW at Quoin Hill. The ground echelon prepared for the arrival of the
After routine training was completed on 28 squadron aircraft and helped to service the VMF-215
November, the squadron was airlifted to Barokoma Corsairs at Piva "Y" Airfield on Bougainville. On
Field, Vella Lavella Island. VMF-223 was in combat 20 January, the squadron was reassigned from
once again. MAG-12, 2d MAW to MAG-24, 1st MAW. The
The first major aerial contact with the enemy flight echelon returned from Australia and on 17
occurred on 23 December 1943. A 48-plane fighter February rejoined the rest of the squadron at Piva
sweep over Rabaul located about 15 enemy fighters "Y" strip on Bougainville. The squadron now,
off the coast of New Ireland. The Bulldogs scored however, had a new commanding officer. On 4
four kills and three probables. Throughout the February, Major Carl was reassigned to Head-
remainder of the month, Japanese opposition con- quarters Squadron, MAG-12 and Major Robert P.

Kellert assumed command of the Bulldogs. Combat
operations began immediately as the Bulldogs
harassed the enemy ground units with strafing at-

tacks destroying numerous trucks and barges on
On 25 February 1944, Major Harlan E. Stewart
was killed during a strafing mission. While diving on
a target, Major Stewart's aircraft was hit by an-
tiaircraft fire and crashed just offshore about three
miles from Piva "Y" strip.
Shortly before dawn on 8 March, the enemy hit
the Piva ''Y'' strip with a heavy artillery barrage
which destroyed the ready room, two vehides, one USMC Photo 55429
F4U, and damaged two other Corsairs. The shelling Marines bore sighting an F4U on Guadalcanal
killed Private First Class John W. Carter and caused using their homemade apparatus constructed of
Major Keller to be hospitalized with a shrapnel coconut logs.
wound in the hip.
Enemy shellings became so intense that on 13
March, all 20 aircraft assigned to the squadron were tour rotated to the U.S. while the remaining 18 pilots
departed for Sidney for R&R. The ground personnel,
flown to Green Island for dispersal. Two days later,
the ground echelon embarked on board an 1ST and on board the SS President Tyler, departed Green
sailed for Green Island. For its action at Piva airstrip, Island on the 24th bound for Bougainville where they
the squadron received a letter of commendation from serviced planes for Marine Observation Squadron
Major General Ralph J. Mitchell, Commander, (VMO) 251. The squadron was also reassigned to
Aircraft, Solomon Islands, for devotion to duty and MAG-24, 1st MAW.
tireless effort in maintaining operations from the The pilots returned to Espiritu Santo on 6 July
airstrip during hostile shellings.
and, with a number of new pilots assigned, began
On 14 March 1944, the squadron was assigned to training in gunnery and tactics. With 20 new F4Us,
MAG-14, 1st MAW. Two weeks later, the flight the ffight echelon left Espiritu Santo and joined the
personnel flew to Efate Island where those pilots with remainder of the squadron on 1 August. While
three combat tours departed for duty in the U.S., and operating from the Piva "North" airstrip, VMF-223
the remaining pilots left for rest and recreation began flying missions over New Ireland, Rataval,
(R&R) in New Zealand and Australia. The ground Rabaul, Duke of York Islands, and Cape Lambert on
personnel, meanwhile, remained on Green Island New Britain. Warehouses, huts, and personnel were
servicing the planes of VMF-114. The pilots rejoined bombed and strafed as the squadron continued in the
the ground echelon on 7 May 1944, relieving VMF- campaign of attrition against the Japanese on Gazelle
Peninsula, New Britain, and on Bougainville. Using
For the next two months, the Bulldogs operated every conceivable technique of ordnance delivery the
from Green Island flying escort, air-sea rescue cover, Bulldogs bombed and strafed enemy bivouac areas,
and strafing missions. The action over Rabaul again supply dumps, villages, and coastal installations
was costly to the squadron. Five pilots, First throughout the Northern Solomons and Bismarck
Lieutenants Raymond P. Mumme, James W. Lizer, Islands. On 8 December 1944, combat operations
Charles F. Inman, and Second Lieutenants John C. were secured and preparations were made for yet
Perkins, Jr., and Lawrence W. Pingree, were lost another move. Although the action of this tour was
between 12 May and 16June.8 Right operations on not as intense as the Bulldogs had encountered
Green Island were secured on 18 June and the flight previously, another pilot, Second Lieutenant Hadley
echelon left for Turtle Bay, Espiritu Santo Island. V. Baker, was killed when his plane was hit by
Eighteen pilots who had completed a third combat antiaircraft fire.
After more than three weeks of preparation, the
transfer began. The flight echelon took off on 8
'Robert P. Keller rose to the rank of lieutenant general January for Samar in the Philippines Islands and after
before retiring from the Marine Corps in 1974. brief stops at Emirau, Hollandia, Owi, and Peleliu,


276—044 0— 79 — 3
the planes landed at Guiuan Strip, Samar. The he was hospitably treated. A native nurse washed his
remainder of the squadron made the trip by surface flying suit and dressed the coral cuts on his feet. On the
27th he was taken to Tingu Island, and early that day the
vessel arriving on 12 January 1945. Filipinos took him in a sailboat to Baybay, then to where
Living and operating conditions at Guiuan airstrip he was able to contact American Army forces. He went
were poor even by Western Pacific standards. The from there to Burauen where he spent the night and the
runway was still being constructed and there was following day he returned.9
inadequate space provided for the proper dispersal of Operations from Guiuan strip were characterized
aircraft. Five planes were damaged while taking off by many missions during which the pilots had great
and landing, due partly to the limited runway difficulty finding suitable targets. The few good
available and partly to pilot error. In spite of the targets remaining were protected from air attacks
miserable operating conditions, VMF-223 flew because they were located among the civilian
combat sweeps over Southern Luzon, Lingayan, communities. The Corsairs of VMF-223 continued
Cebu, Mindanao, Negros, and other islands in the hitting the enemy lines of communications, his
Philippines. harbors, and escape routes. They kept his airfields
Second Lieutenant Kenneth G. Pomasl was useless by repeated attacks and steadily diminished
reported missing in action on 23 January 1945. On his supply of motor transport equipment. From
the afternoon of the 29th, he returned to the base by February through April 1945, the squadron flew
way of Baybay, Burauen, and Tacloban. The missions in support of the Army's Operation
following is an account of his adventure: VICTOR. This operation was a series of hard-fought
On the day he became lost from his flight of four battles aimed at driving the well-fortified Japanese
aircraft, he flew around until he was low on gas. Letting Out of the Philippines. During this period, four more
down through the overcast, he found himself over land, Bulldogs were killed in action: First Lieutenant
which later turned out to be Mactan Island off Cebu. He
made a power landing in the water, one-half mile from
Glenn J. Amo, and Second Lieutenants Milton H.
land, and got Out of the plane. After inflating his rubber Thompson, Roy C. Pratt, and Robert Huxham.
boat, he climbed in and secured his backpack and shoes, Preparations for another move started in May
which he had removed in the water, to the raft. Almost 1945. The advance echelon embarked on board an
immediately, three native canoes came out to him, and LST and sailed for the squadron's new home in
Lieutenant Pomasi was transferred to one of the canoes
while his rubber raft was placed on another. The Japs Okinawa where it joined MAG-14, 2d MAW.
from Mactan Island started shooting at the party and Meanwhile, the remaining pilots flew familiarization
everyone went into the water. Lieutenant Pomasi did not hops in the new F4U-4s which the squadron had
see his native friends after this. His raft which had fallen received during May. The new Corsair had changed
into the water, drifted into shore, and soon a Japanese little in appearance, but it did have a larger engine
soldier paddled out in it. When he came within two
hundred feet of Pomasl he began to aim a rifle, but the giving the plane a maximum speed of 446 miles per
pilot fired first with his .45. After exchanging several hour, or 41 miles per hour faster than the F4U-1.
more shots the Jap paddled back to shore and was seen no The advance echelon reached the island of Okinawa
more. on the morning of 29 May and began unloading
Lieutenant Pomasl waited until after dark before
swimming into shore. When he landed on the shore, he
equipment. On 11 June, 30 VMF-223 planes landed
had been in the water for more than seven hours. He went at Kadena Airfield, Okinawa, and operations began
into the jungle which came down almost to the water's two days later.
edge, and finding a place to his liking remained there all On 21 June, 10 days after Second Lieutenant Alvin
that night and the next day and the following night. He H. Perry was killed when his aircraft was hit by
had a canteen full of water but no food, and he was
plagued with mosquitoes. At noon of the second day after
ground fire, the squadron was able to record its first
his landing, the 25th of January, he set Out walking enemy aircraft shot down since February 1944. The
northward for awhile, but the coral hurt his feet (he had following narrative describes that action:
lost his shoes with the raft) and he reversed his direction, Four F4Us flown by First Lieutenant Martin T.
moving south and west. After about three-fourths of a Tiernan, John C. Groot, Arthur C. Evans, and Second
mile, he broke into a clearing around which huts were Lieutenant Roy A. McAlister, Jr., participated in a
built. Soon after he was discovered by the Filipinos who successful interception of enemy fighters while flying a
took him into the jungle again, and built a couch on barrier combat air patrol between Yokoate and Kikai
which he could lie. They brought him food (eggs, boiled Islands at 1830, 21 June 1945. After a routine and
chicken,) and he was able to make himself understood by negative mission, the planes were vectored to reported
one of the natives who spoke a little English. That night enemy aircraft 10 miles northwest of Tokuno Shima.
he was transferred to a smaller island, Santa Rosa, where Flying at an altitude of 10,000 feet, on a general heading

3 '.&.Z

USMC Photo 78262-A

A flight of Marine Corsairs returning from a mission somewhere in the Pac/ic. VMF-223 flew the famed
Corsair during WWII.

of 180 degrees, Lieutenant Tiernan spotted a formation of the left wing of the formation. Both pilots followed the
fighter planes composed of three four-plane divisions tactics which Lieutenant Tiernan and Groot used, and
heading approximately north at 8,000 feet. Thinking that each accounted for a plane.
they were Army P-47s, the four F4Us went down in a None of the enemy planes showed any disposition
recognition run. The sun which was low in the west to fight, and scattered at the initial contact, jettisoning
obscured the wing markings until the planes were within what appeared to be bombs of approximately 250 pounds
200 yards. At that time the formation was discovered to in size.
be an enemy flight of 12 Tojos. The Japanese planes The remaining eight planes were able to reach a large
were flying with all 12 nearly abreast with two divisions in cloud bank laying east of Yokoate Island, at which time
the center and a section on either wing. contact was broken off. Had he (Lieutenant Tiernan)
Lieutenant Tiernan and his wingman immediately instructed his flight to attack when he first sighted the
attacked the right section. Tiernan closed to within 50 enemy, he feels certain that at least four other planes
yards at an indicated airspeed of 280 knots before shooting might have been accounted for. In view of the regrettable
the enemy wingman down with one short burst which hit losses due to over zealous pilots who have shot down
the cockpit. . . He was turning to get the section leader
. friendly planes, it is considered that Lieutenant Tiernan
when he noticed tracers coming past his right wing, and showed excellent judgment. When it became apparent
he pulled up as Lieutenant Groot closed to 50 yards and that the enemy had managed to escape in the weather, the
shot the plane down with two short bursts . . . Both flight returned without incident ..

enemy planes went down in increasingly steeper dives, In the initial interception by this squadron, using F4U-
smoking, and crashed into the water. 4s, the pilots expressed keen satisfaction with the new
at the same time Lieutenant's Evans and plane. . The F4U-4 proved it could outclimb, outdive,
. .

McAlister were attacking the section which was flying on and outfly the Tojo, and since the enemy aircraft did not
stay to find out, it is thought that the Tojo pilots shared
this opinion)0
Tojo—a single-engine Japanese fighter armed with four .50
caliber guns with a few equipped with two wing or cowling By the end of June 1945, operations on Kadena
mounted 40mm cannons. had ceased and VMF-223 was ordered to Awase

Airfield on the eastern coast of Okinawa. Early July the surrender and a recognition of the cessation of
saw the Bulldogs conducting strikes against hostilities. The squadron gradually adopted a
Sakishima Gunto and fighter sweeps over Kyushu, peacetime routine which included air shows to
the southernmost island of Japan. Now for the first demonstrate U.S. air power, surveillance missions,
time, squadron pilots saw the homeland of Japan and and an active athletic program for the men. Training
China when they escorted units of the U.S. fleet hops became the primary flight activity. Fighter
north along the Chinese coast. Virtually no enemy tactics continued to be emphasized and extended
planes rose to challenge U.S. supremacy of the air. navigational training flights were made over Japan.
Although the Japanese pilots were unable to knock Constant construction and repair of squadron
down VMF-22 3 aircraft, three pilots were lost during was required as several typhoons hit
July. First Lieutenant William V. Everett failed to Okinawa. One typhoon, with winds of 110 knots,
return from a fighter sweep over Kyushu on 16 July. remained in the area for an entire day. The camp area
On the 2 3d, Second Lieutenant Otto A. Mittelstadt was totally destroyed and a majority of the aircraft
crashed after apparently becoming disoriented when received damage to the control surfaces.
his division flew into a cloud bank. The following On the morning of 15 December 1945, two pilots,
day, Second Lieutenant Ward B. Kindlesparger, Jr., Second Lieutenants Arthur J. Halenkamp and
was killed as the result of a mid-air collision with Stanley K Kazorski were killed in a mid-air collision
First Lieutenant Guy M. Oliver. Both planes ex- four miles north of le Shima. Another accident
ploded upon impact, and although Lieutenant Oliver occurred on 14 January 1946 during a familiarization
managed to bail Out safely, no trace of Lieutenant hop. Second Lieutenant George Jackson, a new pilot
Kindlesparger was found. in the squadron, accidentally went into an inverted
On 15 August 1945, official word was received spin and crashed near the village of Suga, Tiara.
that the war was over. The squadron, however, Lieutenant Jackson and a civilian woman on the
continued to fly combat air patrol in the event some ground were killed in the crash and three other
of the more fanatical Japanese tried to make one last civilians were injured.
effort against the Americans. On 24 January 1946, after more than three years of
During a defensive patrol on 16 August, a division involvement in the war, VMF-223 ceased flght
of Corsairs sighted what appeared to be a "Wolf operations and began preparing for transfer to the
Pack" of Japanese submarines in formation. After United States. The squadron had earned two
the flight received permission to attack from the Presidental Unit Citations, one at Guadalcanal and
central fighter director on Okinawa, the planes dived the other at Okinawa. The first commanding officer,
on the submerged targets. Before any ordnance was Captain John L. Smith, had won the Medal of Honor
expended, the "submarines" began spouting water for his actions over Guadalcanal. Six pilots had
and the target was then recognized as a group of become air aces winning two Navy Crosses, three
whales. The pilots pulled out and departed the area Distinguished Flying Crosses, and six Air Medals.
thankful they had not embarrassed themselves The Bulldogs were returning home as a proven
further by attacking the defenseless whales. combat unit.
The month of August had begun with the men of
VMF-223 enthusiastically preparing for the invasion
A Force in Readiness: 1946-1 950
of the Japanese home islands. When peace became a On 3 February 1946, the flight echelon of VMF-
reality, the Bulldogs expected to be called upon to 223 boarded the escort carrier USS Cape Gloucester
serve as part of the occupational forces assigned (C\TE 109) and sailed for San Diego on 6 February.
throughout Japan. As time passed and no orders After a brief stop at Guam from 9 through 14
were received, the officers and men of VMF-223 February, the ship continued on to NAS, North
realized that their job was done. Island, San Diego, arriving on 28 February. The rear
The Bulldogs continued to conduct combat air echelon, meanwhile, had embarked on board the
patrols supporting minesweeping operations north escort carrier USS Prince William (CVE 31) and
and west of Amami 0 Shima. The Marines remained began its journey home on 12 February. By 2 March,
on alert for some attempt by the enemy to strike the squadron was located at the Marine Corps Air
against the arsenal developing on Okinawa. All Depot (MCAD), Miramar, San Diego, and was
observations, however, indicated an acceptance of reassigned to MAG-33, Marine Air West Coast.

Before the unit became comfortable at Miramar,
word was received to prepare for a move to MCAS,
El Toro. On 11 March, the squadron was at El Toro
and was able to resume its flying.
Although the Bulldogs experienced postwar at-
trition in personnel, they did receive some personnel
from Marine Torpedo Bomber Squadron (VMTB)
233, VMF-511, and Carrier Aircraft Service Detach-
ment (CASD) 10 when these units were deactivated
in March 1946. Fulfilling its primary mission of
training personnel for carrier and land-based
operations in the Pacific, VMF-223 conducted flight
training which included familiarization, gunnery,
night flying, section and division tactics, navigation,
instruments, and field carrier landing practice.
USMC Photo A707811
Flight operations were plagued by numerous Major Michael R. Yunck led the squadron from 10
aircraft accidents. Although some of the accidents June 1947 to 6March 1948.
were caused by material failure, most were the result
of pilot error. On 20 June 1946, a Corsair crashed
while landing at El Toro. It appeared as though the mainland near Oceanside, California. On 12 January
pilot, after touching down, reached for the flap lever 1947, VMF-223 participated in its third air show
and by ndstake, pulled the wheels lever, retracting since arriving at El Toro. This show, a function of
the landing gear. National Preparedness Week, gave the Bulldogs a
August 1946 was an exceptionally bad month for chance to show their skills in gunnery, glide bomb-
the squadron. Three planes were either destroyed or ing, and rocket firing.
seriously damaged while landing or taking off. On 23 The squadron was next involved in flying
August, an aircraft was destroyed when the pilot simulated air support for a mock amphibious landing
tried to abort a takeoff and skidded off the runway. on 13 March. This exercise was followed on 22
On the 26th, an aircraft was taxied into a truck that through 24 March by Operation CONFUSION.
was being used in construction work on the runway. During this operation, VMF-223 remained in an
The next day, a plane swerved off the runway alert status and was scrambled to intercept and
because of faulty brakes. The Corsair then ran into a "attack" convoys of a U.S. task force operating off
ditch, sheared off both wheels, and flipped over. the coast of southern California.
On 9 June 1947, VMF-223 was converted into a
During the autumn of 1946, the squadron con-
transitional training unit with the mission of training
tinued to train. Five pilots qualified for carrier
transport and bomber pilots in the Corsair. On 10
landing on board the USS Shangri-La (CV 38) in
June, Major Michael R. Yunck took command. *The
September. On 10 OctOber, a pilot "spun in" during
syllabus was divided into two phases: the first phase
field carrier landing practice when he lost control in
was conducted in the SNJ trainer and the second
the turbulent air which is often encountered when
phase in the Corsair. Unfortunately, the squadron
there is not enough interval between landing aircraft.
continued to average an accident per month as new
Five days later, 13 pilots went on board the USS
pilots attempted to master the fighter aircraft.
Rendova (CVE 114) for carrier qualifications. During
the short cruise, one aircraft crashed into the catwalk During the months that followed, the Bulldogs
when the pilot failed to level his wings upon touch- were involved in intensive training. By September
down. 1947, 74 pilots had completed training and were
As another form of training, the Bulldogs, along
with planes from the Army and the Navy, par- 'Yunck, who retired in 1967 as a colonel, was a World War
II ace and the winner of two silver Stars. In 1963 he was selected
ticipated in the first large-scale postwar amphibious
as the second recipient of the Alfred A. Cunningham trophy as
exercise. From 21 through 27 November, the the Marine aviator of the year. Colonel Yunck was critically
squadron flew support missions for the Army's 2d wounded in Vietnam while flying as a co-pilot in a helicopter,
Infantry Division at San Clemente Island and on the and as a result of these wounds his right leg was amputated.

transferred to tactical squadrons. On 3 October, The squadron immediately undertook a rigorous
VMF-223 ceased to function as a fighter transition schedule of field carrier landing practice in
unit and to the joy of all squadron members, the preparation for the upcoming carrier qualifications.
Bulldogs once again resumed operations as a VMF. On 23 August, 10 pilots flew to Norfolk, Virginia
The change in mission assignment did not, un- where they joined other fleet pilots on board the
fortunately, stop the pilots from having accidents. escort carrier USS Palau (CVE 122) for a three-day
On a flight from Litchfield Park, Arizona to El Paso, qualification cruise. The training was completed
Texas on 19 December, eight Corsairs strayed from without an accident, but one veteran pilot, Captain
the intended course and ran low on fuel. While William E. Cannon, died of disease. On the 23d,
approaching Carlsbad, New Mexico, one of the pilots Captain Cannon reported to the dispensary with
reported a low fuel warning light and headed into the symptoms of polio, and when the pilots returned
nearest field, Carlsbad municipal airport. As the pilot from carrier qualifications, they learned their friend
circled to land, the engine began to sputter. had died of respiratory poliomyelitis.
Assuming that he was out of fuel, the pilot attempted Extensive field carrier landing practice and tactical
to make a downwind emergency landing on the air exercises were the primary operational com-
4,000-foot strip. During the approach he found mitments during the remainder of the summer.
himself high and fast, a logical situation to expect Flight training was temporarily interrupted on 28
when attempting to land downwind. When the August when the squadron was directed to evacuate
Corsair finally touched down, there was only 1,500 aircraft because of an approaching hurricane.
feet of runway remaining. The pilot immediately Twenty planes were immediately launched for
applied both brakes but the aircraft continued off the Cleveland, Ohio, where they remained for five days.
runway. After hitting a pole that sheared off the left After a month of training at Cherry Point, the
wing and crushing a fence, the F4U came to rest. squadron made another deployment, this time to
Throughout January and February 1948, the Barin Field, Alabama, located near Pensacola,
squadron flew simulated close air support missions Florida. Arriving on 17 October 1948, the pilots
for the lst Marine Division units undergoing am - immediately began field carrier landing practice.
phibious training in the Aliso Canyon area. For 33 Before the first day of this deployment was over, the
days the Bulldogs operated under simulated combat squadron had an accident. First Lieutenant Dwayne
conditions from the newly designated Marine Corps E. Adams crashed during takeoff and was killed.
Auxiliary Airfield, Camp Pendleton. After returning to Cherry Point, the squadron
An operational readiness inspection was conducted hardly had time to celebrate the Marine Corps birth-
by the 1st MAW* on 8 March. The inspection day on 10 November before it was again preparing for
consisted of three parts: The first part required the another short cruise. On 15 November a detachment
squadron to plan and conduct a mass attack on a of aircraft departed for Norfolk and boarded the
designated target; next, the pilots demonstrated their carrier USS Saipan (CVL 48). Before the flight
skills in flying close air support; and the final phase returned on 18 November, each pilot had qualified
included gunnery, navigation, bombing, rocket
with at least 10 carrier landings. During this training
firing, instrument flying, and field carrier landings. period, the commanding officer, Major Richard W.
When the scores were announced at the conclusion Wyczawski, made the 17,000th landing on board the
of the inspection, VMF-223 received the highest Saipan.
score of all MAG-33 squadrons.
VMF-223 was detached from MAG-33 on 7 June During November and December, the squadron
1948 and reassigned to MAG-14, 2d MAW, located began its fixed gunnery training syllabus. By the
at MCAS, Cherry Point, North Carolina. The flight holidays, most of the pilots had completed this phase
echelon, consisting of three ffights of eight F4Us of training and were given leave. One pilot who did
landed at Cherry Point on 10 June without a mishap. not take leave, Captain John Callahan, the squadron
On 1 August, Marine "Fighting" Squadron 223 was flight officer, was killed on the morning of 24
redesignated Marine "Fighter" Squadron 223 and December 1948, when his F4U crashed into Little
was reassigned to MAG-li. Lake about seven miles west of Cherry Point.
After the turn of the year, the members of VMF-
'On 1 October 1947, Marine Air West Coast was 223 began preparing for their next deployment. On
redesignated the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing. 15 February 1949, 24 aircraft departed for the Naval

Air Station, Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico. The home, the Bulldogs of VMF-223 were confident that
Bulldogs, for the next three and a half weeks, par- they were a force in readiness capable of carrying out
ticipated in maneuvers with U.S. naval units in the their mission anywhere in the world.
Caribbean. After completing this training, the unit
departed for home arriving at Cherry Point on 14 Entering the Jet Age
Routine training kept the Bulldogs busy until 14 Shortly after returning from duty in the
July when the unit deployed to MCAS, Edenton, Mediterranean, VMF-22 3 underwent an almost total
North Carolina. While deployed the pilots became changeover in personnel. Since practically all the
proficient in carrier flight procedures by conducting unit's experienced pilots had been transferred, the
simulated shipboard operations from Edenton and Bulldogs faced a major training program in order to
Fenterss Field, a deactivated Navy field near Oceana, regain their proficiency as a combat ready force. The
Virginia. Returning to Cherry Point on 30 July, the squadron concentrated on basic air work, air-to-air
squadron immediately began preparation for another gunnery, and rocket firing. By the end of spring
short cruise. On 7 August, the squadron boarded the 1950, the pilots of VMF-223 had achieved good
carrier USS Franklin D, Roosevelt (C\TB 42) at proficiency, and tactics and dive bombing were being
Norfolk for nearly two weeks of training at sea. emphasized in training.
For the men of VMF-223, arriving back at Cherry In early May 1950, the squadron learned that it
Point meant performing the necessary maintenance would receive the McDonnell F2H Banshee to
on the planes, packing the squadron equipment, and replace the F4U-4s. Operations were then centered
saying goodby to their families. The unit was about on preparing and training for the new aircraft. On 16
to leave for an extended cruise to the Mediterranean. May 1950, Major Thomas G. Bronleewe took
On 31 August 1949, the squadron journeyed to command of the squadron. * Flight operations were
NAS, Quonset Point, Rhode Island where it boarded interrupted on 25 June 1950 when the unit was put
the carrier USS Leyte (CV 32). The Leyte sailed for on alert in response to North Korea's surprise in-
the British colony of Gibraltar on 6 September and vasion of South Korea. All aircraft were scrambled
after extensive maneuvering to avoid a hurricane kr combat air patrols on 25 and 26 June, but the alert
docked on 15 September. One week later the ship was cancelled on the 27th and the unit resumed its
sailed again, this time for Malta where the pilots flew normal training schedule.
air support for a 21st Marines Battalion Landing The squadron was informed on 5 July 1950, that it
Team (BLT) exercise. During one phase of the would immediately begin receiving the new
training, squadron aircraft were making simulated Grumman F9F Panther aircraft instead of the F2Hs.
attacks on a carrier when an external fuel tank broke By 23 July the Bulldogs possessed 12 F9F-2 jet
loose from one of the Corsairs and narrowly missed aircraft. The Panther was a single-seated fighter and
the ship. As a result, future ''attacks'' on ships of could be either carrier or land based. Powered by a
the Sixth Fleet were limited to 15 degree dives and Pratt and Whitney engine with 5,750 pounds of
250 knots. thrust, the aircraft's primary mission was the
For the five and a half months the squadron was destruction of opposing aircraft. The F9F could carry
embarked on board the Leyte, VMF-223 showed its four fuselage-mounted 20mm guns, up to six 500-
presence throughout the Mediterranean. The pound bombs, and two six-shot rocket packs. The
following is a chronological listing of the squadron's total ordnance capacity was 3,465 pounds." Because
movement while deployed with the Sixth Fleet: of the ejection seat in the jet, all pilots had to go to
September 1949 Malta, Sardinia, France the Naval Air Material Center at Philadelphia for
October 1949 Malta, Greece, Cyprus training in the ejection seat.
November 1949 Greece, Italy, Sicily On 1 September 1950, VMF-223 was tranferred
December 1949 Sicily, Italy from MAG-il to MAG-14 at Cherry Point. The
January 1950 North Africa, Gibraltar
operating strength of the squadron was increased as
The Bulldogs departed Gibraltar on 17 January numerous reservists were assigned for training.
1950, after having conducted extensive training and
support missions throughout the Mediterranean.
'Bronleewe went on to a distinguished career and com-
After unloading at Norfolk, the squadron proceeded manded MAG-32 when it deployed for the Cuban crisis in
to Cherry Point arriving on 29 January 1950. Finally 1962.


-- —

USMC Photo 530003
A VMF-223 Grumman F9F-4 Panther jet set for takeoff at Cherry Point, North Carolina, The Panther was a
land- and carrier-based, low-wing monoplane with the primary mission of destroying enemy aircraft.

Major John M. Winkler, USAF, joined the unit on 2 Franklin D. Roosevelt for carrier qualifications. In
October to become the first Air Force representative addition to the qualifications, the Bulldogs flew
to be assigned to VMF-223 under the pilot exchange simulated combat missions in support of the Ninth
program. Secretary of Defense Joint Civilian Orientation
The squadron was placed on alert on 19 November Cruise on 2 July. For its outstanding performance of
and again on 6' December. With each alert, the duty while deployed with the Roosevelt, the Com-
Bulldogs made final preparations in expectation of manding General, Fleet Marine Force, Altantic,
movement orders to Korea. With no change in the lieutenant General Leroy P. Hunt, presented the
squadron's status, the Bulldogs resumed normal squadron with a Letter of Appreciation. On 4 July,
training and prepared for possible combat. The VMF-22 3 left the ship at Norfolk and returned to
syllabus for the new jets consisted of familiarization Cherry Point.
flights, section and division tactics, instruments, After one month on dry land, it was back to sea for
rocket firing, gunnery, night radar-controlled the Bulldogs. This time it was on the carrier USS
bombing, and occasional ground-controlled intercept Tarawa (CV 40) which the squadron boarded on 3
flights with Marine Air Control Group 1. August while it was moored at NAS, Quonset Point.
The next phase of training for the pilots was carrier The squadron was soon involved in Air Defense
qualifications, and from 11 to 23 February 1951, 18 Exercise FOX during which the unit defended the
aircraft were deployed to NAS, Cecil Field, task force against land-based aggressor aircraft. Upon
Jacksonville, Florida, for field carrier landing returning to Cherry Point on 12 August, VMF-223
practice. The Bulldogs returned to Jacksonville on 7 immediately departed for the Army's Camp Pen-
May for the final period of field carrier landing dleton in Virginia in support of Operation CAMID
practice before actual qualifications at sea. During N, a combined cadet/midshipman exercise. The
this training, the unit had its first accident in the new hard work and the constant deployment of VMF-223
jets. A squadron F9F had just become airborne when was rewarded in August when the unit was given the
it was struck in the rear by a Navy F2H maneuvering Commanding General, 2d MAW's Semi-Annual
over the field for a landing. The Panther pilot Efficiency Trophy for the period of January through
brought his jet in for a crash landing and suffered a June1951.
back injury when the disabled aircraft hit a stump The Bulldogs did not rest long before they were off
after skidding off the runway. again on another deployment to NAS, Norfolk and
On 19 June the squadron went on board the USS participation in Operation LANT FLEX 52. On 14

September, the entire complement of 24 F9Fs was amphibious training at Onslow Beach. This exercise,
hoisted on board the USS Saipan bound for Roosevelt Operation PHIBEX 1-53, was the first simulated
Roads. By 1 October, VMF-223 was flying extensive atomic threat training for the squadron. By late
close air support missions for 2d Marine Division September VMF-223 was again bound for Roosevelt
units involved in the fleet exercise. On 30 October Roads, this time with 21 planes in support of
1951, the squadron boarded the USS Midway (CVB Operation TRAEX IT-PHASE I. After a successful
42) and sailed for North Carolina. While the unit was deployment, the detachment returned to Cherry
deployed on board the Midway, the Bulldogs con- Point on 28 October. The final exercise of the year
ducted fighter sweeps and air combat patrol missions for the Bulldogs was on 10 November 1952. During
until the task force arrived off Camp Lejeune. The Operation TRAEX Il-PHASE II, held at Onslow
pilots then returned to flying close air support as the Beach, the squadron participated in its first joint
2d Division units stormed ashore on Onslow Beach. amphibious/helicopter assault. For the Bulldogs the
The training missions were completed on 17 year ended on a sad note; Captain Douglas F.
November and VMF-223 returned home to Cherry Hollingsworth and Second Lieutenant Harold G.
Point. Brown were killed when their planes collided while
With the squadron back in garrison, mechanics they were on a cross-country flight.
worked many hours performing maintenance on the After the turn of the new year, the squadron began
aircraft. Even with this extra effort by the main- preparing for a carrier deployment to the Caribbean.
tenance department, aircraft availability decreased For two and a half weeks in January, VMF-223 was
and the tempo of operations was reduced until March at NAS, Oceana, Virginia for field carrier landing
1952 when the unit received a complement of F9F-4s practice. On 16 February 1953, 26 squadron Pan-
to replace the older jets. On 19 March the Bulldogs thers departed for Naval Auxilary Air Station,
flew the new jets to Roosevelt Roads in support of 2d Mayport, Florida, where the jets were hoisted on
Marine Division units involved in Operation board the attack carrier USS Bennington (CVA 20).
ANGLEX 52. The exercise provided excellent The ground echelon was already on board having
training for the pilots and flight operations were joined the ship at Norfolk. The carrier left Florida on
completely successful. the 24th and headed for Cuba. The squadron cruised
the Caribbean as part of the force in readiness until it
An accident occurred in mid-April which
returned to Cherry Point on 10 May. The Panthers
restricted the use of the F9F-4s. During a routine
hardly had time to cool before the squadron boarded
gunnery hop, a pilot felt heavy vibrations which
the attack carrier USS Antietam (CVA 36) at
seemed to be coming from the engine of his jet. The
Norfolk for a short deployment. This time the unit
pilot returned to the field and when he was on final
participated in a demonstration for observers from
approach, the engine quit. The plane crashed ap-
the Armed Forces Staff College and the Industrial
proximately 1,000 feet short of the runway. The pilot
College of the Armed Forces.
was not injured, but the jet was destroyed. A sub-
sequent investigation revealed that four other New landing techniques using the canted deck
squadron aircraft had similar defects in the engines. carrier were tested and demonstrations were given of
Permission was obtained to return the remaining the effectiveness of accurate ordnance delivery in
aircraft to Cherry Point on 19 April, and nine days dose air support. Returning to Cherry Point on 30
later all F9F-4s were grounded until a modification May 1953, the squadron resumed training pilots
was made on the engines. bound for Korea.
Throughout this period, pilots scheduled for Marine Fighter Squadron 223's role as a training
assignment to Korea received first priority for squadron ended on 7 August 1953 when the unit
training, including field carrier landing practice at boarded naval shipping at Morehead City, North
Edenton. In addition to the routine training, the Carolina and sailed for Japan. On 11 September the
squadron provided dose air support on 13 June for squadron arrived at Yokosuka, Japan and then
Operation TRAEX I-PHASE II at Camp Lejeune proceeded to NAS, Atsugi where it was assigned to
and participated in an air show for the Commandant MAG-il, ist MAW. The Bulldogs conducted
of the Marine Corps, General Lemuel C. Shepherd, normal training operations, including close air
Jr., at Camp Lejeune on 1 July. support for Marine ground units at Camp Fuji, until
August 1952 found the unit involved in supporting May 1954.



USMC Photo A346121

Boston Red Sox baseball star Ted Williams receives a check out on a new instrument panel with other Marine
Corps fighter pilots. Captain Williams was called to active duty for the Korean War.

Later that month a small detachment of F9Fs was rations continued at a steady pace throughout
undergoing aerial gunnery training at Nigato Air the spring of 1955. On 4 March, the squadron's first
Force Base when an overly zealous pilot continued ''Plane Captain of the Month'' award was presented.
his run on a towed target until it was too late to avoid This was an incentive for the enlisted men and
a collision. Fortunately, there was no injury to the carried special significance and prestige because the
pilot and only minor damage to the jet as the incident recipient was chosen by the squadron pilots.
was followed by a normal landing. Another accident From the end of June through September 1955, the
occurred on 16 June when the right landing gear on Bulldogs conducted extensive training in close air
one of the Panthers collapsed on landing roll-out. support which included participation in Operations
The aircraft left the runway and collided with a MARLEX and FIREAX at Camp Pendleton. Over
number of bomb trailers. The accident resulted in 1,500 hours were flown during the three-month
substantial damage to the plane and destroyed 33 period which included three deployments to Marine
bomb trailers. Luckily, the pilot escaped serious Corps Air Facility (MCAF), Mojave. The following
injury. month, the training routine was interrupted as 12
During the squadron's tour of duty in Japan, two squadron pilots flew to North Carolina and back in
famous baseball players were members of the outfit. four days. After returning to El Toro on 20 October,
Ted Williams, the well-known left fielder of the VMA-223 departed for Mojave and began con-
Boston Red Sox, was a Bulldog pilot and Jerry ducting ordnance missions which included air-to-air
Coleman, a player with the New York Yankees, also gunnery, dive bombing, and strafing. When the
served with VMF-223. squadron returned to El Toro, it had accumulated
The squadron continued flight operations until it 1,452 sorties and 2,072 flight hours during October.
left Japan on 22 September 1954. At that time, Rumors of a carrier deployment to the Far East
VMF-223 was reassigned to MAG-15, Air FMFPac sparked the Bulldog's training schedule in early
at MCAS, El Toro, California. On 1 December 1954, 1956. On 10 February, 16 pilots, including an at-
the designation of the Bulldogs was changed from tached Air Force exchange pilot, carrier qualified on
Marine Fighter Squadron to Marine Attack board the USS Wasp (CV 18). The remainder of the
Squadron 223. The purpose of the change was to squadron pilots completed qualifications later in the
emphasize the role of attack aviation in the Marine month. By March word was received that VMA-223
Corps and the dual capability inherent in the aircraft. would go on board the Wasp in April for sea duty. In

In mid-August 1957, VMA-223 received the first
delivery of the North American FJ-4B Fury jets. By
autumn, the squadron was operating with two dif-
ferent models of the Fury. The FJ-4 was used for
training, while the FJ-4B, a newer version, was used
as an attack aircraft to carry out the mission of the
ARINE5O .. squadron. Powered by a Wright engine which

4 generated 7,800 pounds of thrust, the Fury could fly

above 40,000 feet and was capable of speeds in excess
of 600 knots. With external fuel tanks, this single-
seat, high-performance jet had an operational range
USMC Photo A195035
of more than 1,300 miles.'3
The North American FJ-4B Fury was used by
VMA -223 as an attack aircraft.
Upon acquisition of the new aircraft, the squadron
began a new training syllabus for all its pilots. Flight
time was divided between routine flights at El Toro
late March, some 22 officers and enlisted men of the
and special weapons training at China Lake. Pilots of
unit journeyed to North Island, San Diego for a one
VMA-223 completed their first air-to-air refueling
day sea cruise. This was "ladies day" on board the with the Furys in January 1958 and soon every pilot
aircraft carrier, and the Marines took their wives on a
was qualified in this new phase of tactical jet
tour of the ship pointing out the duties that pilots and
crews perform. The Bulldogs conduded preparations For the next two years, Marine Attack Squadron
for embarkation on 22 April 1956 and boarded the
223 remained at El Toro conducting training with
occasional deployments to NAS, Fallon and other
During the 48,000-mile cruise which took the bases in the local area. Operations were focused on
Bulldogs to Hawaii, Guam, the Philippines, Hong the attack mission of the squadron. Conventional air-
Kong, and Japan, the squadron operated as a unit of
to-ground deliveries and close air support using
Carrier Air Group 15. While in Guam, VMA-223 napalm, 2.75-inch rockets, and 20mm cannon played
participated in Armed Force Day observances and in
an important role in the training syllabus.
the Philippines the squadron took part in com-
missioning ceremonies at the Navy's new air base at From 17 to 29 January 1960, the Bulldogs
Cubi Point. The Bulldogs received an Air FMFPac deployed to MCAS, Yuma, Arizona, a base which
Aviation Safety Award for the period of April had recently been acquired from the Air Force. The
through June 1956 in recognition of their accident- squadron concentrated on training in special weapons
free operations. delivery, conventional bombing, and air-to-ground
The six-month tour ended in late October 1956 rocketry. Close air support tactics were practiced
when the ship, with VMA-223 on board, arrived at with simulated strikes flown at 29 Palms and Camp
NAS, Alameda. At 1344 on 31 October, a voice Pendleton. On 3 June the unit was presented with its
called El Toro tower, "This is Marine 6218 over fourth AirFMFPac Quarterly Aviation Safety
Long Beach at 22,000 feet with a flight of 19 F9F Award. After deployment to MCAS, Yuma and
aircraft." The call came from Major Victor E. NAS Fallon during July and August 1960, the
Allen, commanding officer of the Bulldogs, who led squadron won its fifth such award. This award read
the flight which brought the squadron home.'2 in part: "This achievement denotes a high degree of
Flight operations were again underway by early leadership and supervision, the employment of sound
November as the squadron resumed a rigorous maintenance techniques, effective training programs,
training schedule. Combat readiness was the keynote and excellent air discipline."4
of future operations, and the unit participated in In mid-January 1961, VMA-223 began receiving
many simulated combat exercises. Typical of VMA- light attack aircraft to replace the squadron's FJ-4
223's activities was the unit's participation in an fighter aircraft. The new aircraft assigned was the
exercise on 27 June during which 24 F9Fs from Douglas A4D-2 Skyhawk, later redesignated the A-
MCAF, Mojave supported the 4th Marine Corps 4B. This single-seated lightweight attack bomber was
Provisional Atomic Exercise Brigade at the Nevada much smaller but superior in performance to many
test site. operational jet fighters. Designed on a completely


USMC Photo A149220

An A4D-2N (later known as the A-4C) Sky hawk belonging to VMA -223 parked at MCAS El Toro.

functional basis with emphasis on simplification of hour. The squadron then turned its attention to the
structure and equipment and powered by a Wright J- art of in-flight refueling. Working with the Lockheed
65 turbojet engine which produced 7,700 pounds of KC-130 Hercules refuelers of VMGR-352, in-flight
thrust, the A-4B was superb for the attack role. Two refueling missions continued until all pilots were
2Omm cannons were mounted in the wing roots and a qualified. The remainder of the summer was spent
number of attachment points under the wings and training at El Toro with an occasional deployment to
fusciage could accommodate rockets, torpedoes, MCAS, Yuma. On 2 November, VMA-223
missiles, and a wide variety of bombs)' The Skyhawk deployed on board the USS Hancock (CVA 19) for
could fly faster over greater distances than any other day and night carrier qualifications which ended on
aircraft of its type. On 15 October 1955, the Skyhawk 12 November.
established a new world's speed record over the 500- Marine Attack Squadron 223 set a Marine Corps
kilometer closed circuit at Edwards AFB with a speed record in December by earning 39 Navy "E's" for
of 615.163 mph. Additionally, since the jet was small "Efficiency" in ordnance competition at MCAS,
enough to fit standard aircraft carrier elevators Yuma. The "E" certificates, awarded to individuals
without the need for folding wings, it was ideally for accuracy in bombing and strafing, were won by all
suited for carrier operations. but two of the squadron pilots who took part in the
Training again became paramount as the pilots competition.
adjusted to their new jet aircraft. As the aviators In preparation for a deployment to the Far East in
became accustomed to the characteristics of the March 1963, VMA-223 spent the first week of
Skyhawk, the combat capabilities of the unit in- February at Yuma practicing conventional and
creased. The Bulldogs demonstrated their expertise nuclear weapons delivery and helicopter escort.
in May 1962, when they participated in Operation Upon their return to El Toro, the Bulldogs made
ESAX, a close air support exercise held at 29 Palms. their final preparations prior to departing for Japan.
rating from El Toro, the squadron flew as many The squadron left California on 30 March 1963 on
as 55 sorties a day providing close air support for Military Air Transport Service (MSTS) C-135
ground units and assisting in the training of tactical aircraft and relieved El Toro-bound VMA-211. All
air control parties from Camp Pendleton. squadrons planes and equipment were exchanged
While the Bulldogs were involved in firing Builpup with VMA-211, and on 2 April the Bulldogs were
missiles at ground targets at China Lake in June assigned to MAG-12, 1st MAW.
1962 ,the squadron reached its 12,000th accident-free During its tour at MCAS, Iwakuni, the squadron




USMC Photo A148572

An A-4E jet from VMA-223 is being towed to the after part of the flight deck of the USS Valley Forge (LPH 8)

made several deployments to Okinawa and the awards. This was truly an admirable record that was
Philippines where the Bulldog pilots concentrated on to be improved in the future.
rocket firing, bomb and napalm delivery, and nuclear
loft bombing. For the one year the unit was in Japan, Vietnam
it was ready for combat assignment with the 1st
MAW, but fortunately peace prevailed and 30 March On 1 September 1965, VMA-223 departed NAS,
1964, VMA-223 exchanged places with El Toro- North Island on board the helicopter carrier USS
based VMA-121. Again the squadrons swapped both Valley Forge (LPH 8). The Bulldogs arrived at
aircraft and equipment. On 2 April 1964, the unit MCAS, Iwakuni, Japan on 15 September where they
was reassigned to MAG-15, 3d MAW. Flight were assigned to MAG-13, 1st MAW. The squadron
operations at El Toro were resumed on 14 April. remained in Japan training until 15 December.
In early June VMA-223 received the new A-41E Then, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel
Skyhawks. The A-4E, the newest in the A-4 series, Alexander Wilson, it joined MAG-12 at Chu Lai,
had an increased payload and operational range and Vietnam, relieving VMA-311 which returned to
was powered by a Pratt and Whitney engine which Japan after operating in Vietnam since 1 June 1965.
produced 8,500 pounds of thrust. Deployments to Before the day had ended, VMA-223 had flown its
NAS, Fallon and MCAS, Yuma enabled the first combat mission in Vietnam.
Bulldogs to become proficient quickly in the new jet. Marine Attack Squadron 223 was involved initially
The squadron also sent detachments to various with Operation HARVEST MOON which had
aircraft carriers to keep the pilots current in carrier begun on 8 December. HARVEST MOON was a
qualifications. In April 1965, six pilots from VMA- coordinated USMC/Army of the Republic of
223 set an impressive record while on board the USS Vietnam (ARVN) operation conducted midway
Yorktown (CVS 10). With only four Skyhawks, the between Da Nang and Chu Lai about 15 miles inland.
pilots made 1,200 carrier landings without a mishap. For the Marines, this was the largest operation since
The squadron safety record was now one of the most their arrival in Vietnam. Major participating ground
envied in the Marine Corps. During fiscal years 1957 units were 2d Battalion, 7th Marines; 2d Battalion,
through 1964, VMA-223 earned 17 quarterly safety 1st Marines; 3d Battalion, 3d Marines; 1st Battalion,

5th ARVN Regiment; 11th ARVN Ranger Bat- portion of the 8,000-foot runway was undermined
talion; and the 1st Battalion, 6h ARVN Regiment. that the Seabees had to begin extensive repairs.
Aviation units induded fixed-wing aircraft from Meanwhile, air operations from Chu Lai continued.
MAGs -11 and -12 and helicopters from MAGs -16' With the absence of half the runway, the pilots were
and -36'. By the time HARVEST MOON ended on forced to use jet-assisted takeoffs (JATO) and
20 December, all the Bulldog pilots had flown with MOREST (arrested) landings.
MAG-12 flights and considered themselves combat On 3 February, VMA-223 established a new
veterans.16 record for the number of sorties flown by a MAG-12
From 1800 on 24 December until 2400 on the squadron in a 24-hour period. Launching its first
25th, a 30-hour Christmas cease-fire was observed by sortie at 0837, the squadron flew 59 combat sorties
American forces. During this period, air operations and two test hops before the last sortie was recovered
were limited to fixed-wing helicopter escort and exactly 18 hours and 37 minutes later. The Bulldogs
helicopter logistical and administrative flights. gained the spotlight again on the 19th when First
Besides flying a few of these missions, the VMA-223 Lieutenant Durwood K. Schnell returned from a
personnel spent that time improving the defensive mission to discover that his flight represented the
positions in the squadron area and adding a personal 20,000th combat flight hour for Chu Lai-based
touch to the working and living spaces. aircraft.
The weather, for flying purposes, was generally During the entire month of February, VMA-223
good in January but during Operation MALLARD, and other MAG-12 units supported Operation
January 10-13, it tested the pilots' instrument DOUBLE EAGLE which was conducted in two
capabilities. With the assistance of ground control phases. Phase I began 28 January in the area 20 miles
radar, TPQ-10, the pilots were able to deliver their southeast of Quang Ngai City and involved four
bombs without visual contact with the target. The USMC infantry battalions and supporting units.
rainy weather also had its effect on the airfield Although the fighting was sporadic, Marine air and
facilities. By 16 January so much of the northern ground units accounted for 312 enemy killed during
five days of operations.
During PHASE lIthe Marines swept the Quang
Ngai area and then turned their attention to Tam Ky
Dong Ha
. Qang Tr, which was about 25 miles north of Chu Lai. Here the
1 •
1 Marine air-ground team accounted for another 125
1 Khe Soot,

. / enemy dead.
•Hue On 3 March, eight USMC/ARVN infantry
battalions teamed up and conducted Operation
LAOS UTAH. VMA-223 and other MAG-12 squadrons
• t, Sh'oa
pounded the enemy for five days during which they
Ha, Van
delivered over 186'tons of ordnance while the friendly
•Dat4ang ground units advanced. The result of this air-ground
effort was 586' members of the 21st North Viet-
'L. AnHoa

namese Army (NVA) Regiment killed. By the end of
Jr March, the squadron had accumulated a monthly
• /
'0 1
—I flight time of more than 1,000 hours.
• Tam Ky
—.Kha Dac Although runway facilities were limited while the
QUANC TJN • Chu Lm Seabees were making the necessary repairs, and
many flights were conducted in less than favorable
weather conditions, the squadron continued the high
tempo of operations without a single aircraft ac-
/ When the commanding officer of VMA-223,
/ DucPho
Lieutenant Colonel Robert B. Sinclair, returned from
r— a mission on 29 April, he was met at the airfield by



USMC Photo A370858

A Skyhawk from VMA-223 being loaded with napalm at Chu Lai, Vietnam. VMA-223, as part of MAG-12,
worked out of Chu Lai in support of III MAF operations in South Vietnam.

Colonel Leslie E. wn, the commanding officer of air controller (FAC) in a light observation plane
MAG-12. The reason for the greeting was to reported that he had had spotted about 40 Viet Cong
congratulate the Bulldog leader for flying the in trench lines only 150 meters from the ARVN
squadron's 10,000th accident-free hour. Lieutenant forces. The Skyhawks immediately began hitting the
Colonel Sinclair attributed the safety record to the trenches with napalm. After expending all their
professional attitude of the maintenance crews, bombs, the pilots began spraying the area with 2Omm
ordnance teams, ground crews, and the pilots. fire. By the time the two Bulldogs pulled off target,
Captain James R. Shea and First Lieutenant 20 VC had been killed, 19 structures destroyed, and
Harvey F. Crouch, Jr., were on alert status on 6'May the enemy attack came to an abrupt end.
when the word came to launch. Within minutes the On 14 May the JATO bottles were put away and
pilots were airborne and on their way to the target, a replaced by a bi-directional catapult system. This
friendly outpost 30 miles south of Chu Lai under catapult was powered by two jet engines, the same as
attack by VC forces. Naval gunfire was lifted as the those in the Phantom jet fighter, and could launch an
A-4s arrived over the target 15 minutes later. The aircraft either north or south. For all practical
heavily armed jets orbited the target until a forward purposes, Chu Lai was an aircraft carrier, minus the
During the afternoon of 3 June 196, a VMA-223
'Colonel Brown was promoted to lieutenant general in 1975 plane was shot down and the pilot killed while at-
and became the Chief of Staff, Headquarters, U. S. Marine tacking VC troops in the open approximately 75
Corps and later, in 1977, Commanding General, FMFPac. fliiles south of Chu Lai in II Corps. Captain Ralph W.

Caspole, flying the lead position in a two-plane and replacements were not arriving fast enough to
section, had expended his Mark-77 napalm bombs keep the unit at combat strength. This did not seem
and was strafing with 20mm fire when his jet burst to hamper the Bulldogs' performance. During the
into fire as he was pulling out of a run. The A-4 month each pilot averaged 32 sorties and 41 hours of
crashed near the target area and the wingman plus flight time as the squadron accumulated a total of
two other Skyhawks of VMA-223, which were 1,100 flight hours.
diverted to provide rescue cover, orbited the area In September 1966, VMA-223 reached its low
while helicopters searched for the downed pilot. The point in personnel strength with only 18 aviators, 6
rescue operations were terminated after it was ap- ground officers, and 132 enlisted men assigned.
parent the pilot had not survived the crash.'7 Considering the unit had 32 officers and 184 enlisted
On 16 June, a squadron section standing alert duty men in June, this was a significant reduction. Even
was once again scrambled. The flight, led by Captain with this reduced number of personnel, the squadron
Lynn A. Hale, launched at about 0350 to provide logged 925 sorties and 1,216 flight hours while
emergency dose air support for a U. S. Marine receiving a bomb damage assessment (BDA) of 238
reconnaissance patrol of 18 men. The patrol, which structures either destroyed or damaged, 30 secondary
was on Hill 488 in Quang Tin Province, was being explosions, 26 enemy killed, 18 storage bunkers
overrun by an estimated regiment of NVA. By the destroyed, 5 bridges either damaged or destroyed,
time Captain Hale and his wingman arrived on and numerous supply routes hit. The only damage to
target, another flight that was on station providing the squadron's jets was one hit by small arms fire
support had just expended its ordnance and was through the right wing of First Lieutenant Robert
departing. Captain Hale, aware of the four enemy .50 Tieken, Jr.'s A-4 and a small arms hit in the tail
caliber guns in the area, began the attack depending section of an A-4 piloted by Captain James S.
on the illumination from flares to locate the enemy. Harmon.
The Skyhawks made repeated runs flying low over On 21 September the command suffered seven
the mountainous terrain delivering their ordnance casualties when Chu Lai came under mortar attack.
with extreme accuracy while under fire from the The enemy barrage of 25-30 rounds began at 0117
enemy machineguns. With their ammunition ex- and lasted only five minutes. The initial rounds
pended and the enemy advance apparently stalled, impacted short of the runway, but the subsequent
the ffight returned to base. Shortly after sunrise the rounds fell in a pattern progressing across the runway
section was again scrambled to assist the Marine towards the group command post, and into the
patrol. Once again the duo attacked the enemy enlisted men's living area. All casualties sustained
allowing the patrol to move to safety. For his actions multiple wounds from shell fragments. Corporal
during these missions, Captain Hale was awarded the Wayne E. Bostwick was seriously wounded and
Distinguished Flying Cross. treated at the U. S. military hospital at Da Nang and
While eight large-unit operations were conducted subsequently evacuated to the United States. The
in July 1966, the majority of VMA-223's missions other men wounded, Sergeant Richard E. Hicks,
supported Operation HASTINGS just south of the Corporals Willie P. Deloatch, and Dennie L.
DMZ. Operation HASTINGS, which began on 7 Peterson. Lance Corporals Michael C. Ransom, and
July, was the largest Marine/ARVN offensive Douglas H. Wood, and Private First Class Dietmar
operation to date, involving seven USMC and five H. Fouche were treated at Chu Lai and returned to
ARVN battalions. The enemy consisted of three duty within five days.
regiments of the 324B NVA Division. Before the Also during the month of September, Captain
first NVA attack could be launched, ground units Charles A. Dixon flew the squadron's 15,000th
supported by Skyhawks, Phantoms, and numerous accident-free hour. Additionally, Second Lieutenant
flights of helicopters hit the enemy and drove them David A. Marshall flew his 100th combat mission on
back across the DMZ. When HASTINGS ended on the 16th to become one of the first Marine second
3 August, the enemy toll was 824 killed and 14 cap- lieutenants of the Vietnam War to accomplish this
tured. The air-ground team had done its job well.'8 feat in fixed-wing tactical aircraft.
Personnel shortages became a problem during The monsoon season in October and November
August. Squadron members who had completed brought continuous torrential rains and high winds
their overseas tours rotated back to the United States to Vietnam which severely curtailed flight

operations. The Bulldogs managed to fly 1,000 hours
in October and they were able to destroy numerous
enemy tunnels, structures, and personnel in —r-
On 1 December the Bulldogs were able to leave the
monsoon rains and combat operations. Under the
command of Lieutenant Colonel Leonard C. Taft,
VMA-223 exchanged places and aircraft with VMA-
121 at Iwakuni, Japan, and once again came under
the control of MAG-15. USMC Photo A421611
A VMA -223 pilot launches from the hot pad at
While assigned to MAG-15, a detachment was
Chu Lai in March 1967. The A-4E is armed with
sent to NAS, Cubi Point for participation in the close
four, 19-shot 2.75 rocket pods. The centerline pod is
air support exercise MUD PUPPY II. At the same
an auxiliary fuel tank.
time the Bulldogs at Iwakuni provided support for
Operation HAPPY FACE. During this annual
operation at MCAS, Iwakuni, orphans from the area
was about to roll in on target, his plane was hit by a
were brought on board the base for a day of fun, food,
surface-to-air missile (SAM); the plane was
and gifts while many of the men worked the con-
destroyed and Major Snyder was killed. Three days
cessions or became volunteer fathers for the day.
later, Captain George A. Kinser was rescued by a
Despite adverse weather, the squadron managed to
helicopter approximately three miles northwest of
deploy some A-4s to NAS, Naha, Okinawa for live
Dong Ha after ejecting from his A-4 which had been
ordnance training. The final deployment before
disabled by enemy ground fire. In all, two aircraft
returning to the war zone was to Cubi Point for
were destroyed and seven others damaged due to
participation in MUD PUPPY HI. Then on 1 March
enemy action during May 1967.19
1967 VMA-223 was back at Chu Lai, Vietnam
much refreshed after its brief tour in Japan.
The June monthly total of 938 sorties and 1,149
flight hours reflected the decline in enemy activity
It was not long before the enemy officially
which followed large scale assaults of the previous
welcomed VMA-223 back into country. On 6'March
month. For Major Martin A. Yarnell and Captain
Chu Lai was hit by approximately 60 rounds of 82mm
Henry E. Lecy, the situation on 16 June did not seem
mortar fire. The majority of the rounds fell in the
any different than they had experienced in May.
company grade officers living area, but only minor
While standing the alert duty, a call came to launch
injuries were suffered.
in support of a Marine unit which was in heavy
On 15 March the Bulldogs lost an aircraft. An A- contact with Viet Cong forces 25 miles southwest of
4, piloted by Captain Stanley P. Krueger, was hit by Da Nang. Two Marine positions 150 meters apart
ground fire and the pilot's only course of action was were under attack. The Marines in one position were
to head out to sea and eject. An Air Force SAR fighting hand-to-hand with the VC while the second
helicopter quickly arrived and returned the uninjured position was under heavy automatic weapons fire.
Captain Krueger to safety. Using white smoke, the tactical air controller,
Combat missions continued during the spring of airborne, put the Skyhawk pilots directly on
1967 in support of Ill Marine Amphibious Force target—a tree line with fighting holes and trenches
ground units and the Seventh Air Force. in May the that protected the VC weapons. Carrying 250- and
tempo of operations increased and the squadron 500-pound bombs, the two jets rolled in on the
responded by flying 1276 sorties in 1645 flight hours enemy positions. The VC responded with automatic
establishing a new record for an A-4 squadron. weapons fire in an attempt to stop the attacking
Unfortunately, this accomplishment was not without planes. At almost tree-top level, the Bulldog pilots
its cost. dropped their ordnance right on top of the enemy. By
On 10 May, while Major Carmine W. Depietro the time the A-4s had expended their ammuntion,
and Captain Stephen W. Lind pounded the enemy in the Marines on the ground were able to repulse the
the Dong Ha area killing 25 NVA soldiers, Major remaining VC forces.
Robert L. Snyder, a MAG-1 2 staff officer flying with The squadron ended the month and fiscal year
the Bulldogs, was also in the Dong Ha area. As he with an impressive total of 24,535 consecutive ac-

cident-free flight hours of which 14,736'hours were utilizing "in-country'' procedures for effective
flown in a combat environment. On the basis of its control of Marine air. Again, from 9-24 January
continuing performance and impressive safety 1968, the Bulldogs had a detachment at Cubi Point.
record, VMA-223 was selected by MAG-12 as the This deployment was for the express purpose of
group's nominee for the Commandant's Aviation training newly joined pilots in conventional ordnance
Efficiency Trophy for fiscal year 1967. delivery.
During the month of July, the squadron operated In addition to the training received during these
almost exclusively in support of Ill MAF ground deployments, the pilots practiced aerial refueling,
units deployed in the I Corps area. Ground tactics, and instrument flying. After a deployment to
operations were light compared to May and parts of Naha Air Base, Okinawa, from 3-16 March, the
June, but the steady pace of air operations on all 31 Bulldogs prepared for the return to Vietnam. On 17
days of the month saw the squadron amass a total of April, the advance party, consisting of 7 officers and
1,423 flight hours and 1, 106'sorties. This total placed 42 enlisted men, departed MCAS, Iwakuni and
VMA-223 as the high squadron in MAG-12 for the arrived the following day at Chu Lai. The squadron
third consecutive month. aircraft were flown to Vietnam on the 22d while the
During August combat operations continued remainder of the squadron personnel boarded
primarily in support of ground operations throughout VMGR-152 's KC-130s. On the morning of 23 April,
the I Corps area, although 65 sorties were flown VMA-223 with 29 aviators, 4 ground officers, and
north of the DMZ against enemy artillery and an- 224 enlisted men was again in Vietnam.
tiaircraft positions which were influencing 3d Marine Flight operations, consisting primarily of close air
Division operations. On 13 August 1967, Captain support missions, were conducted as the Bulldogs
Wesley R. Phenegar, attached to Headquarters and provided assistance for operations of the 82d and
Maintenance Squadron 12, was flying a VMA-223 lOist Airborne Divisions, 1st Air Cavalry Division,
aircraft when the jet developed engine trouble and 1st Korean: Marine Brigade, as well as Marines in I
crashed killing the pilot. Corps. In total, the squadron supported 12 ground
During the autumn months, VMA-223 continued operations and flew direct air support missions into
providing support to ground units in RVN as well as North Vietnam hitting artillery sites that were
striking enemy targets north of the DMZ. With the threatening elements of the 3d Marine Division.
exception of a few .50 and .30 caliber hits, the A-4 On 1 May 196, Lieutenant Colonel Erin D. Smith
pilots managed to evade fire. On 20 November the relieved Lieutenant Colonel Anthony as com-
squadron received its third consecutive CNO manding officer. Unfortunately, Lieutenant Colonel
Aviation Safety Award. The Bulldogs commanding Smith's tour did not begin the way a new skipper
officer., Lieutenant Colonel Arthur W. Anthony, Jr., would like. On 6 May, Captain Manuel A. Guzman
attributed this accomplishment to the skill, was involved in a mid-air collision with an A-4E
dedication, and professionalism of the unit's during a close air support mission in the A Shau
maintenance personnel. Valley. Captain Guzman, leading a two-plane
Upon completion of normal operations on 1 section, was passing through 10,000 feet over the
December 1967, VMA-223 was officially relieved at target when his jet collided with another A-4 which
Chu Lai by VMA-211. The Bulldogs, having ac- was departing the target area. Captain Guzman lost
cumulated 15,414 combat sorties and 19,826'combat control of his jet and had to eject immediately, while
flight hours, left Vietnam for another tour at Iwakuni the pilot of the other Skyhawk was able to reach the
with MAG-15. This time their respite was to last coast before having to eject. Both pilots were rescued
more than four months. by helicopter. Then on 24 May, Captain Steven J.
From Japan the squadron sent two small detach- Driscoll was shot down by .50 caliber fire while
ments to NAS Cubi Point and one to Okinawa. The attacking an enemy gun position 30 miles northwest
first deployment to the Philippines, from 10-15 of Chu Lai. Once again the pilot successfully ejected
December, consisted of 5 pilots, 16'enlisted men, and and was rescued by helicopter.
4 planes which provided air support for the 9th Not all the losses that befell the squadron in May
Marine Amphibious Brigade's Special Landing Force occurred in the skies over Vietnam. On 13 May,
on Operation BLT LEX 1-6g. The exercise also after a night combat mission, Corporal Arthur L;
included the training of tactical air control parties in Waldorf was critically burned in a flash fire which

USMC Photo A26453
A Skyhawk in flight over South Vietnam VMA -223 flew the A -4Efor six years from 1964-19 70.

occurred during refueling operations on the flight Tn an effort to reduce Communist influence around
line. Corporal Albert J. Faung, seeing Corporal its base, VMA-223 launched an aggressive civic
Waldorf engulfed in flames, rushed to him, tore off action program. In June 196, the men of the
his burning clothing, and helped him to a nearby squadron donated $480 to establish a scholarship
water barrel. Corporal Waldorf was evacuated to fund for children of the Dong Cong School at Chu
Japan, but died from his injuries on 22 May. Cor- Lai. The Bulldogs also devoted many off-duty hours
poral Faung was awarded the Navy and Marine to the construction and repair of school facilities.
Corps Medal for his heroic attempt to save Waldorf
from the flames. The rash of aircraft mishaps seemed to come to an
The series of mishaps that plagued the unit during end in June, and for the next three months the
May continued on into June. On 6'June a Skyhawk squadron operated with the same degree of success
was taxiing into the line when the left brake failed. they had enjoyed prior to May. During this period of
The plane veered to the right and ran off the taxiway July through October 196, VMA-223 averaged
hitting a passenger boarding ramp with the right over 1,000 hours a month of accident-free flight time.
wing tip. The nose and main gear then sank into soft A few Skyhawks received hits from small arms fire,
sand and the aircraft overturned. The pilot, Captain but none were seriously damaged nor were any of the
Charles B. Coltrin, was uninjured, but the jet was pilots injured. The Bulldog's missions kept them
seriously damaged. On 25 June, Captain Coltrin was primarily over RVN, but in July they flew 120
again in the cockpit attacking an automatic weapons missions against targets in North Vietnam.
position near Khe Sanh when his Skyhawk was hit by Although unit strength remained relatively
.50 caliber fire. Captain Coltrin ejected safely and was constant, the squadron lost six combat-experienced
recovered by helicopter. pilots in August through normal rotation or
On 24 June Major Ralph K. Park's aircraft settled assignment to forward air controller (FAC) billets.
back onto the runway after takeoff rupturing the Replacements were equal in number, but five of the
centerline fuel tank. The aircraft slid down the six new pilots lacked combat experience. In response
runway leaving a trail of flames behind it; ap- to the buildup of enemy forces in the Chu Lai area
proaching the end of the runway Major Park ejected. and the increasing threat of ground attack, the
Major Park suffered a fractured ankle and first and VMA-223 Ground Defense Company, led by
second degree burns and the Skyhawk received major Captain Jon M. Zayachek, conducted tactical
damage and was transferred to the rework facility in briefings, test fired and zeroed its weapons and
Japan. fortified its defensive positions. The defense company

was alerted during two nights in August, but there tures,and 5 gun sites. The 1,723 tons of explosives
were no fire incidents or contact with the enemy. dropped also accounted for 43 secondary fires and 28
hi October, monsoon rains caused many missions secondary explosions. The following month was
to be cancelled, however, the Bulldogs still managed nearly identical for the Bulldogs with approximately
to fly 890 hours. While the majority of the flight time the same results.
was in support of small unit operations, the squadron Later in January, a squadron A-4, piloted by
did take part in the following large-scale operations.2° Captain Michael P. Green, was shot down while
Operation Unit flying close air support for units of the lst Marine
MAUI PEAK 7th Marines/5lst ARVN Regiment Division near Thuong Duc. Captain Green received
SCOTLAND II 4th Marines/2d ARVN Regiment several hits from enemy small arms fire, but he
LANCASTER II 26th Marines managed to get the crippled Skyhawk out over the
NEVADA EAGLE .. U.S. Army's Americal Division
ocean before he ejected. A U. S. Navy boat picked

All hopes of salvaging the squadron's safety record him up and returned him, uninjured, to Chu Lai.
was lost on 1 October 1968. A single-plane ground-
February 1969 was another record month for the
controlled bombing mission flown by First
men of VMA-223. The squadron flew 965 sorties,
Lieutenant David I. Habermacher, Jr., came to an
177 more than any other MAG-12 unit, and set a
abrupt end when the A-4 crashed on takeoff. Due to a
new record for the month of February. The previous
blown tire the plane lifted off on the extreme left side
record for that month was set in 1968 by VMA-121
of the runway. The right main gear struck an
when it flew 908 sorties. Also during the month, the
arresting gear engine and the left gear struck a
squadron reached 30,000 hours flown in support of
revetment. As the aircraft began to settle, Lieutenant
combat operations since it first arrived in Vietnam.
Habermacher safely ejected. The Skyhawk hit the
ground and burst into flames completely destroying March was another successful month for the unit
the jet. as it continued pounding the enemy with the same
results it had had in the previous few months. The
On 15 October 1968, Lieutenant Colonel Smith
squadron personnel took a few minutes out of their
ended his tour as commanding officer and Major schedule on 10 March when the MAG-12 com-
I.eonard T. Preston, Jr., became the number one mander, Colonel Thomas H. Nichols, Jr., visited the
Bulldog. Unfortunately, his tour did not begin very unit to congratulate First Lieutenant Dennis R.
well either. On 21 October, Captain David A. Grose on completing VMA-223's 25,000th combat
Weliman landed at Chu Lai just after dark. With his sortie.
attention focused primarily on watching the runway
ahead of him, Captain Wellman did not notice that he
On 21 March 1969, the squadron provided
was on the right edge of the runway until just before assistance for Marine units under attack, but this
the right wing of his jet struck the arresting gear time the help came from the men on the ground
revetment. As the aircraft continued up the runway, rather than the pilots in their Skyhawks. During the
the wing separated from the fuselage. The pilot early morning hours, the VC rocketed the Chu Lai
suffered an injured shoulder, and the A-4 was complex. Several rockets impacted in the line area of
destroyed. VMA-211 and VMA-311. In a valiant attempt to
save the aircraft of these squadrons from further
During November, VMA-223 flew 1,110 hours damage, a number of men from VMA-223 assisted
and 1,035 sorties of which 1,070 hours and 997 the neighboring squdrons in pushing aircraft to more
sorties were flown in support of combat operations. secure areas. During this period, five Bulldogs:
The Bulldogs flew 75 more sorties than any other Master Sergeant John D. Simmerman, Staff Sergant
squadron in MAG-12 during the month. The Stanley I. Spawn, and Lance Corporals Edwin D.
squadron also exceeded, by 275 sorties and 202 Montgomery, Kenneth R. Moore, and Robert D.
hours, the previous November high for a MAG-12 Shepard, distinguished themselves and were awarded
Vietnam-based squadron. More than 1,433 tons of the Bronz.e Star for their courage and dedication.
aviation ordnance were expended, and air operations Throughout the months of March-September the
were conducted all 30 days of the month. Bulldogs continued flying without an accident and
In December it was business as usual for the conducted air operations every day for seven con-
members of VMA-223. The mission flown by the secutive months.
pilots cost the enemy 185 bunkers, 243 struc- On 10 April Major Preston relinquished command

of the squadron to Lieutenant Colonel Merrill S. 1/2 years in the Far East, VIvIA-223 arrived at El
Newbil. During Newbill's tour as commanding Toro, and for this squadron at least, Vietnam had
officer VMA-223 again lead the other squadrons in become history.
MAG-12 in sorties and flight time.
Lieutenant Colonel Newbili completed his tour as The Return to Garrison
commanding officer 27 September and was replaced
by Lieutenant Colonel James W. Lazzo. The
Marine Attack Squadron 223 was assigned to
MAG-33, 3d MAW, El Toro and placed in a cadre
squadron closed out a fairly quiet September with 588
status upon its return to the United States. During
flight hours logged, but the Bulldogs now had ac-
cumulated a very respectable total of 11,400 accident-
March the squadron had only 6' officers and 22
enlisted men, and their 20 A-4s had been transferred
free hours.
to VMA-214, the Black Sheep squadron.
Between 1 October and 31 December 1969, bad
On 31 July, while still in a cadre status, the
weather and the enemy's avoidance of large-scale
squadron received its first replacement aircraft, an A-
engagements decreased the number of Bulldog
4F. The A-4F was 2.3 feet longer and had a 1,150
commitments to the point that the unit averaged only
pound increase in takeoff weight over the A-4E. This
515 hours and 420 sorties per month. During this
newest A-4 also had a larger wheel base, an increased
three-month period, VMA-223 supported three
fuel capacity to 870 gallons, more advanced avionics,
major operations in I Corps:
wing-lift spoilers for improved crosswind per-
GENEVA PARK 84 sorties
formance, and nose wheel steering.22 Twelve ad-
111 sorties
VICTORY DRAGON 187 sorties ditional A-4Fs were acquired from August to
President Richard M. Nixon, on 16' December December 1970. On 1 September VMA-223 joined
1969, announced his intention to withdraw 50,000 MAG-1 3 at El Toro.
men from Vietnam. This was the third such During the first six months of 1971, VMA-223
reduction in U. S. strength, and MAG-12 began faced the usual problems associated with building and
preparations to leave Vietnam.21 training a reconstituted squadron. One of the most
serious of these problems was the lack of experienced
On 14 January 1970, VMA-223 launched 10
sorties as Lieutenant Colonel Lazzo led his Bulldogs
personnel. Most of the aviators assigned to the
on their final day of combat operations. The men squadron were fresh out of flight training. The few
available staff noncommissioned officers worked long
then set about the task of packing equipment and
preparing the jets for the long trans-Pacific flight hours training the enlisted men and providing the
home. On 28 January, having expended more than pilots with ready aircraft. In spite of these difficulties,
34,260 tons of ordnance and flying 32,068 sorties in the squadron was able to increase its total flight hours
38,375 hours during the Vietnam deployment
from 891 for the last half of 1970 to 2,543 for the first
six months of 1971.
VMA-22 3 was on its way home.
Accompanied by F-4 Phantoms from VMFA-542, On 28 February, the squadron made its first
20 VMA-22 3 Skyhawks in four five-plane divisions movement since returning from Vietnam. With
led by Lieutenant Colonel Lazzo, departed from Chu eight aircraft, VMA-223 deployed to MCAS Yuma,
Lai on Operation KEY WALLOP, the largest trans- Arizona, for two weeks of training. During this
Pacific flight to date. The grueling flight, which training cycle, new pilots were introduced to con-
spanned more than 8,000 miles, required more than ventional weapons delivery while the more ex-
20 hours of flight time per aircraft. Rest and perienced pilots had the opportunity to regain their
maintenance stops were made in the Philippines,
Guam, Wake Island, and Hawaii and inflight On 25 May, after 21 months of command,
refueling was accomplished along the way with lieutenant Colonel Lazzo was relieved by Major
Alfonso Oseguera. The squadron then began
Marine KC-130s. On 8 February 1970, after nearly 5
preparations for its second deployment. On 1 June,
18 pilots, 108 enlisted men, and eight Skyhawks
departed for NAS Faflon, Nevada, for three weeks.
'The first reduction in U. S. strength, 25,000 men, was
announced on 8 June 1969 followed three months later, on 17
After an annual administrative and material in-
September, by the announcement of another reduction of spection in July 1971, the unit deployed to MCAS
40,500 men. Yuma. Training was conducted in nudear weapons


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USMC Photo A331747

A-4Es of Marine Attack Squadron 223 parked on a ramp at NAS Cubi Point while en route back to the United

delivery and advanced tactical conventional weapons following month the squadron was again put to the
procedures. On 3 January 1972, the Bulldogs test; this time it was a nudear weapons acceptance
returned to El Toro. inspection. On both occasions the squadron
During the early months of 1972, VMA-223 demonstrated a high degree of professionalism and
conducted routine flight operations centered around successfully completed the requirements that were
nuclear and conventional weapons delivery, SATS placed upon it.
operations, and instrument refresher training. In October the Bulldogs added another dimension
Preparations for a permanent move to MCAS Yuma to their aerial abilities. The high thrust of the A-4
were initiated during March and on 1 June the move was similar to many of the aircraft possessed by
began. By the third week in June, the squadron's Communist countries, and it soon became an in-
relocation was completed. valuable asset in training fighter aircrews in com -
Though severely handicapped by personnel bating aircraft of this type. Consequently, the VMA-
shortages, the squadron continued to prepare pilots 223 pilots acquired the role as aggressors for air
for combat should the need arise. The transition to a combat maneuvering (ACM) training. A detach-
peacetime environment had been completed suc- ment was sent first in October to Nellis AFB where
cessfully. During the period of July through the squadron pilots proved to be extremely skilled
December 1972, the unit flew more hours than any competitors when opposing fighters from the USAF
other 3d MAW tactical squadron. The Bulldogs Fighter Weapons School.
continued training and in May 1973, with only 72 Later in the month, the pilots went to NAS
hours notice, VMA-223 deployed to NAS Fallon Miramar where they opposed Navy fighters from
with 16 jets for a training readiness exercise. The VF-1 and -2. The Bulldogs' ACM reputation was

a- -t

USMC Photo A707810

A VMA-223 Skyhawk injlight, The Bulldogs are stationed at MCAS Yuma.

further enhanced during February 1974 when the Iwakuni, Japan. The termination of the transpac
unit was selected to evaluate an air combat operation resulted in the change of administrative
maneuvering range for the Marine Corps. From 11 and operational control from the 3d MAW to the 1st
through 22 February, the squadron flew ACM MAW and assignment to MAG- 12.
missions involving dissimilar types of aircraft. The
While deployed overseas VMA-223 worked as
efforts of the ground personnel and the aggres- adversary aircraft against the Navy's F-14 Tomcats
siveness of the aviators contributed significantly to
at NAS Cubi Point, P.1., and flew in support of
the successful evaluation of the ACM range.
Operation MULTIPLEX, a Japanese Air Self-
Throughout the remainder of 1974 and 1975, the
Defense Force exercise. The squadron also par-
officers and men of the Yuma-based VMA-223 ticipated in Exercise COPE THUNDER III at Clark
continued flight operations and intensive training. AFB, P.1., and from 14 October to 3 November
From 20-23 January 1976 the Bulldogs had a live supported MAG-lO in the major amphibious
firing air-to-air gunnery exercise, and at the end of operation KANGAROO II! BEACH UNK in
April the squadron participated in a live Sidewinder Australia. Capping off the year the squadron flew on
missile shoot. The experience gained from these board the USS Enterprise (CVN 65) for carrier
exercises became evident when VMA-22 3 topped all qualification.
squadrons in the 3d MAW bombing competition
held during May 1976. The Bulldogs won first place VMA-22 3 constantly maintains its alertness and
in both team and individual pilot competition. readiness and has proven its worth from Guadalcanal
From on 2 3-31 July 1976, a transpac flight of all 17 to Vietnam. It stands ready to answer the call of its
aircraft was conducted from MCAS Yuma to MCAS country anytime, anywhere.


From Birth to Guadalcanal Entering the Jet Age

Unless otherwise noted, the material in this section is Unless otherwise noted, the material in this section is
derived from Robert Sherrod, History of Marine Corps dervied from VMA-223 Unit Diaries, 1950-1960; Flight
Aviation in World War Ii, (Washington: Combat Forces Press, Jacket, May 1950- April 1965.
1952), hereafter, Sherrod, Aviation; and Marine Fighting 11.Jane'sAircraft, 1949- 1950, p. 228c.
Squadron 223 War Diaries, August 1942 - June 1943 hereafter, 12. Flight Jacket, 6 November 1956, p. 1.
VMF-223 War Diary and date. 13. Jane's Aircraft, 1957-1958, pp. 343-344.
1. Jane's Alithe World's Aircraft 1942, compiled and edited 14. Flight Jacket, 20 September 1960, p. 2.
by Leonard Bridgman, (New York: MacMillan Co., 1943) p. 15.Jane'sAircraft, 1957-1958, pp. 285-286.
156c., hereafter, Jane's Aircraft and date.
2. Ibid. p. 185c.
3. Sherrod, Aviation, p. 79. Vietnam
4. The Tampa Tribune, 1 October 1942, p. 12. Unless otherwise noted, the material in this section is
5. Flight Jacket, (MCAS El Toro, California) 3 August derived from 1st MAW Command Chronologies, Infor-
1962, p. 5, hereafter, Flight Jacket and date. mational Services Office Appendix, June 1965 - December
6. USMC World War II Casualty Report, Case History 1969; MAG-12 Command Chronologies, June 1965 - June
Cards, (HistRefSec, Hist&MusDiv, HQMC). 1969; VMA-223 Command Chronologies, June 1965 -
February 1970. All chronologies are located in HistRefSec,
Hist&MusDiv, HQMC.
From the Solomons to Okinawa 16. Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, Operation of the Marine
Unless otherwise noted, the material in this section is Forces in Vietnam, December 1965, (HistRefSec,
derived from Sherrod, Aviation; VMF-223 War Diaries, July Hist&MusDiv, HQMC)p. 8. hereafter, Marines in Vietnam.
1943 - August 1945; and VMA-223 Squadron History File 17. 1st MAW SitRep msg 03223Z, dtd 3Jun66, cited in 1st
(HistRefSec, Hist&MusDiv, HQMC), hereafter VMA-223 MAW Command Chronology, Daily SitRep Appendix, June
HistFile. 1966.
7.Jane'sAircraft, 1943- 1944, p. 234c. 18. Marines in Vietnam, August 1966, p. 3.
8. USMC Casualty Report, op. cit. 19. Marinesin Vietnam, May 1967. p. 11.
9. VMF-223 WarDiary, January 1945. 20. Marines in Vietnam, October 1968, p. 27.
10. Ibid., June 1945. 21. LtGen Keith B. McCutcheon, "Marine Aviation in
Vietnam 1962-1970,'' Naval Review 1971 (Annapolis: U.S.
Naval Institute, 1971) p. 153.
A Force in Readiness: 1946 to 195C
Material in this section is derived from VMF-223 Muster The Return to Garrison
Rolls, February 1946 - 15 December 1949; Flight Jacket, Material in this section is derived from VMA-223 Command
February 1946 - June 1948; Windsock, (MCAS Cherry Point, Chronologies, January 1970 - June 1974.
North Carolina), July 1948 - January 1950. All material is 22. McDonnell Douglas "News" Market Intelligence
located in HistRefSec, Hist&MusDiv, HQMC. Report, Oct 66, p. 2.


1 May 1942 Activated as Marine Fighting Squadron 223, 29 Jan 1950 Returned to MCAS, Cherry Point.
MAG-23, 2d MAW, FMF at NAS Barbers 4Sep 1950 Redesignated VMF-223, MAG-14, 2d MAW,
Point, Territory of Hawaii. Air FMFLant.
2 Aug 1942 Departed Pearl Harbor. 21 Jul 1953 Reassigned to MAG-il.
22 Aug 1942 Arrived at Guadalcanal and assigned to 1st 7 Aug 1953 Departed Morehead City, North Carolina on
MAW. board the USS Deuel for Far East deployment.
18 Dec 1942 Redesignated VMF-223, MAG-23, Service 11 Sep 1953 Arrived at Yokosuka, Japan and assigned to
Group, Marine Aircraft Wing Pacific, FMF. MAG-li, 1st MAW, Air FMFPac at NAS
13 Oct 1942 Departed Guadalcanal. Atsugi.
17 Oct 1942 Arrived at San Diego, California and redesignated 30 Sep 1954 Relocated to MCAS El Toro and assigned to
VMF-223, MAG-23, 1st MAW, FMF. MAG-15, Air FMFPac.
19 Jul 1943 Departed San Diego. 1 Dec 1954 Redesignated Marine Attack Squadron 223.
27 Jul 1943 Arrived at Pearl Harbor and assigned to MAG-22, 12 Sep 1955 Redesignated VMA-223, MAG-15, 2d MAW,
4th Marine Base Defense Air Wing. Air FMFPac.
1 Aug 1943 Arrived Naval Operating Base, Midway Island. 23 Apr 1956 Embarked on board the USS Wasp and sailed from
18 Aug 1943 Redesignated VMF-223, MAG-22, FMF. San Diego for a deployment to the Far East.
13 Nov 1943 Arrived at Efate, New Hebrides and assigned to 4 Nov 1956 Returned to MAG-15, MCAS El Toro.
MAG-12, 2d MAW. 30 Mar 1963 Departed El Toro for Far East tour.
19 Jan 1944 Departed Efate. 2 Apr 1963 Arrived at MCAS Iwakuni, Japan and assigned to
25 Jan 1944 Arrived at Bougainville, British Solomon Islands MAG-12, 1st MAW, FMFPac.
and assigned to MAG-24, 1st MAW. 2 Apr 1964 Returned to MCAS El Toro and assigned to
14 Mar 1944 Departed Bougainville. MAG-15, 3d MAW, Air FMFPac.
16 Mar 1944 Arrived at Green Island, British Solomon Islands 1 Sep 1965 Departed San Diego on board the USS Valley
and assigned to MAG-14, 1st MAW. Forge for Far East deployment.
24 Jun 1944 Reassigned to MAG-24, 1st MAW. 15 Sep 1965 Arrived at Iwakuni, Japan and assigned to MAG-
12 Jan 1945 Arrived at Samar, Philippine Islands. 13, 1st MAW, FMFPac.
23 May 1945 Reassigned to MAG-14, 2d MAW. 16 Dec 1965 Deployed to Chu Lai, RVN and assigned to MAG-
22 Jun 1945 Arrived at Okinawa Shima and assigned to MAG- 12, 1st MAW, FMFPac.
24, 1st MAW. 4 Dec 1966 Departed RVN for Iwakuni, Japan and assigned to
11 Feb 1946 Departed Okinawa. MAG-15(Rein), 9th MAB, FMFPac.
28 Feb 1946 Arrived at Marine Corps Air Depot Miramar, San 1 Mar 1967 Returned to Chu Lai, RVN and rejoined MAG-
Diego, California and assigned to MAG-33, 12(Rein).
Marine Air West Coast. 3 Dec 1967 Deployed to Iwakuni, Japan and rejoined MAG-
15 Mar 1946 Relocated to MCAS El Toro, California. 15(Rein).
1 Oct 1947 Redesignated VMF-223, MAG-33, 1st MAW, 23 Apr 1968 Returned to Chu Lai, RVN and rejoined MAG-
FMF. 12.
8 Jun 1948 Relocated to MCAS Cherry Point, North Carolina 28 Jan 1970 Departed Chu Lai, RVN on trans-Pac flight to
and assigned to MAG-14, 2d MAW. California.
1 Aug 1948 Squadron designation changed from Marine 8 Feb 1970 Arrived MCAS El Toro and assigned to MAG-33,
Fighting Squadron 223, MAG-14 to Marine 3d MAW, FMFPac.
Fighter Squadron 223, MAG-li. 1 Jun 1972 Relocated to MCAS Yuma, Arizona and assigned
5 Sep 1949 Embarked on board the USS Leyte and sailed from to Marine Combat Crew Readiness Training
Quonset, Rhode Island to Gibraltar and France. Group 10, 3d MAW.
Oct 1949 - Port calls at Malta, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Sicily, 23 Jul 1976 Deployed to Iwakuni, Japan and assigned to
Jan 1950 and North Africa. MAG-12, 1st MAW.


Capt John L. Smith 1 May 1942 - 31 Dec 1942

lstLt Conrad G. Winter 1 Jan 1943 - 13 Jan 1943
Capt Howard K. Marvin 14 Jan 1943- 25 Jan 1943
Maj Marion E. Carl 26 Jan 1943 - 3 Feb 1944
Maj Robert P. Keller 4 Feb 1944- 2 Jul 1944
Maj David Drucker 3 Jul 1944 - 13 Oct 1944
Maj Robert F. Flaherty 14 Oct 1944 - 30 Mar 1945
Maj RobertW. Teller 31 Mar 1945 -16 Apr 1945
Maj Howard E. King 17 Apr 1945 -23 Jul 1945
Maj Julius W. Ireland 24 Jul 1945 - 27 Feb 1946
Maj James M. Johnson 28 Feb 1946-21 May 1947
Maj Arthur F. O'Keefe 22 May 1947-8 Jun 1947
Maj Michael R. Yunck 10 Jun 1947 -6 Mar 1948
Maj George F. Bastian 7 Mar 1948 - 5 May 1948
LtCol Nathan T. Post, Jr 6 May 1948- 14 Jul1948
Maj Richard W. Wyczawski 15 Jul 1948 - 24 Mar 1949
Maj George F. Vaughan 25 Mar 1949- 1 May 1949
Maj Darrell D. Irwin 2 May 1949- 15 May 1950
Maj Thomas G. Bronleewe, Jr 16 May 1950 - 19 Mar 1951
Maj Robert R. Baker 20 Mar 1951 -9 Apr 1951
LtCol Frank E. Hollar 10 Apr 1951- 15 Jul 1951
LtCol Hoyle R. Barr 16 Jul 1951 -8 Jul 1953
LtCol Honore G. Dalton 9 Jul 1953 - 20 Jan 1954
LtCol Arvid W. Blackmun 29 Jan 1954- 14 Jun 1954.
Maj James M. Burns 15 Jun 1954- 31 Aug 1954
LtCol John McGuckin 1 Sep 1954 - 4 Nov 1954
Maj Robert B. Laing 5 Nov 1954-20 Sep 1955
Maj Victor E. Allen 21 Sep 1955 - 4 Dec 1956
LtCol Willard C. Lemke 5 Dec 1956- 22 May 1958
Maj Ernest A. Buford, Jr 23 May 1958-21 Oct 1958
LtCol Dave E. Severance 22 Oct 1958 -9 Nov 1959
Maj Boris J. Frankovic 10 Nov 1959- 1 Aug 1960
Maj Marvin R. Stout 2 Aug 1960 - 12 Nov 1961
LtCoI Norman L. Hamm 13 Nov 1961 - 30 Mar 1964
LtCol Lawrence H. Brandon 31 Mar 1964 - 30 Sep 1964
LtCol Tolbert T. Gentry 1 Oct 1964- 15 Apr 1965
Maj Harold C. Colvin 16 Apr 1965 - 15 Jul 1965
LtCol Roy C. Gray, Jr 16 Jul 1965 -27 Sep 1965
LtCol Alexander Wilson 28 Sep 1965 - 2 Apr 1966
LtCoI Robert B. Sinclair 3 Apr 1966- 26 Nov 1966
LtCol Leonard C. Taft 27 Nov 1966 - 25 Mar 1967
LtCol Claude E. Deering 26 Mar 1967 - 26 Sep 1967
LtCol Arthur W. Anthony 27 Sep 1967 - 30 Apr 1968
LtCol Erin D. Smith 1 May 1968- 15 Oct 1968
Maj Leonard T. Preston, Jr 16 Oct 1968- 10 Apr 1969
LtCol Merrill S. Newbill 11 Apr 1969 - 27 Sep 1969
LtCol James W. Lazzo 28 Sep 1969-25 May 1971
Maj Alfonso Oseguera 26 May 1971 - 31 May 1972
LtCol Donald W. Dane 1 Jun 1972- 7 Jun 1973

Ma) Martin J. Lenzini .8 Jun 1973 - Jun 1974
Ma) Ronald E. Merrihew 21 Jun 1974 - Jun 1975
LtCol John A. Rooke 28 Jun 1975-23 Apr 1976
LtCol Gordon 0. Booth 24 Apr 1976- 12 Aug 1977
Major Phillip R. Hemming 13 Aug 1977- 22 Aug 1977
LtCol Robert H. Melville 23 Aug 1977- 31 July 1978
Major Phillip R. Hemming 1 Aug 1978 - 10 Sep 1978
LtCol Samuel D. Turner, Jr 11 Sept 1978 -

Guadalcanal, 22 Aug - 13 Oct 1942
Okinawa, 25 Jun - 14 Jul 1945
Vietnam, 16 Dec 1965 - 1 Dec 1966 and 1 Mar - 15 Sep 1967
Vietnam, 16 Dec 1965 - 15 Apr 1966
Vietnam, 15 Sep-i Dec 1967
Vietnam, 24 Apr - 31 Mar 1969
Capture and defense of Guadalcanal, 21 Aug - 13 Oct 1942
Treasury- Bougainville operation, 13 Nov - 15 Dec 1948
Consolidation of the northern Solomons, 17 Feb 1944 - 11 Jan 1945
Consolidation of the southern Philippines, 10 Mar - 11 Jun 1945
Okinawa Gunto operation, 25 Jun - 14 Jul 1945
1 May 1942- 31 Dec 1946
Okinawa, 2 Sep 1945 - 11 Feb 1946
Europe, 6 Sep 1949 - 17 Jan 1950
27 Jun 1950 -27 Jul 1954
1 Jan 1961 - 15 Aug 1974
Japan, 11 Sep 1953 -27 Jul 1954
Vietnam Defense Campaign, 16 Dec - 24 Dec 1965
Vietnamese Counteroffensive Campaign, 25 Dec 1965 - 30 Jun 1966
Vietnamese Counteroffensive Phase II, 1 Jul - 4 Dec 1966 and 1 Mar - 31 May 1967
Vietnamese Counteroffensive Phase III, 1 Jun -2 Dec 1967
Vietnamese Counteroffensive Phase IV, 23 Apr - 30 Jun 1968
Vietnamese Counteroffensive Phase V, 1 Jul - 1 Nov 1968
Vietnam Counteroffensive Phase VI, 2 Nov 1968- 22 Feb 1969
Tet 69/Counteroffensive, 23 Feb - 8 Jun 1969
Vietnam, Summer-Fall 1969,9 Jun - 31 Oct 1969
Vietnam, Winter-Spring 1970, 1 Nov 1969- 7Feb 1970
10 Mar - 11 Jun 1945
12 Jan - 15 May 1945
16 Dec 1965 - 4 Dec 1966, 1 Mar 1967 - 20 Sep 1969
21 Sep 1969 - 7 Feb 1970

On the back cover.'
The squadron insignia for VMF-223 shows the "Fighting

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