Fluvial Design Guide
Fluvial Design Guide
Fluvial Design Guide
1.6 Geomor phology and r iver Geomorphology has a significant role to play in
the design of river enhancement, rehabilitation
engineer ing
and restoration schemes. The nature of this
The nature of a river channel has a major impact involvement is fourfold:
on river engineering practice. A steep upland
· establishment of the degree of physical
gravel-bed river, for example, is very mobile
habitat degradation - what should be present
during floods, with large volumes of sediment
and what is missing (catchment baseline
being moved during such (relatively rare) events
causing major changes to the channel morph-
ology. Lowland fine-sediment rivers, on the other · establishment of what channel morphology
hand, are not so violent and so generally adjust and substrate is appropriate under current
progressively rather than intermittently. water and sediment transport regimes,
Engineering practice reflects these differences, including the use of historic sources to
both in terms of the strengths of the materials determine the channel response to extreme
used for river works and in the timing of river events (fluvial audit);
maintenance measures.
R&D TECHNICAL REPORT W109 W5-027 6 Version 11/01
· design of appropriate channel morphology · provide the first stage in planning reach
(see Chapter 3); and rehabilitation or restoration.
· post-project appraisal. Its basis lies in understanding the sediment
budget of a reach in the context of the river
Restoration of physical habitat diversity does not
catchment and thus focuses on the sources,
guarantee biological diversity, as poor water
transport and deposition of sediments. A fluvial
quality may impair biological recovery, despite
audit is a stand-alone procedure that uses a
apparent physical naturalness. Physical habitat
combination of field and archive data. Three
restoration should not be undertaken without
products are produced:
prior assessment of the cause of environmental
degradation. · a time chart of catchment and river channel
changes that may have affected the geo-
1.9 Emer ging pr actice in the morphology of the system;
Envir onment Agency
· a catchment map which indicates the location
Standard procedures on geomorphology have of those features important to the
now emerged from the Agency R&D programme. development of the river channel; and
A comprehensive guidance document was
published in 1997, which includes example · a detailed map of the reach.
briefs for the four procedures mentioned above These are then used to identify and assess the
and outlined further below (reference 10). A processes that have led to the current status of the
standard Agency training course should also be reach in question, and to develop
available. Further advice can be obtained from geomorphologically based solutions to the project
the Agency headquarters at Bristol. requirements. Cost is dependent on the level of
1.9.1 Catchment baseline sur veys information required and can range from 0.1 to
10% of the project cost.
A catchment baseline survey is a strategic tool for
assessing the geomorphology of river channels 1.9.3 Bank er osion assessment
throughout a river network. Existence of a The central tenet for appropriate river bank
catchment baseline survey provides information management is to identify the cause and probable
on the restoration potential and physiographic rate of bank erosion. The procedure focuses on
conservation value of rivers affected by identifying erosion processes, the mechanism of
development proposals, and therefore allows failure and the processes responsible for weaken-
rapid and consistent response to such requests for ing the bank, so leading to failure. Erosion may
information. Estimated costs are £110 per km for only be a temporary adjustment, or may be
a survey plus report. The survey data takes the occurring at such a low rate as not to require
form of a series of 1:10 000 scale maps of the intervention. Increasingly, it is recognised that
river network with reaches classified according to eroding banks have important conservation value,
their susceptibility to degradation from human providing habitat and landscape quality.
activity, restoration potential and conservation
value. The second principle of appropriate bank
management is to gauge whether retreat can be
1.9.2 Fluvial auditing allowed to continue, or should be treated. Carried
A geomorphological assessment of channel out in conjunction with a fluvial audit, bank
stability and sediment sources, termed a ‘fluvial erosion assessments provide solutions that tailor
audit’, is critical when assessing the cause of an management to the cause of the problem and can
erosion or siltation problem. The technique is be used to provide guidance on appropriate
used to: mitigation techniques. The reconnaissance
method for addressing river bank management
· assess the causes of a perceived management issues comprises a series of guidance sheets for
problem prior to proposed capital, main- compiling field evidence.
tenance or conservation work; and
To derive flood estimates for return periods other Volume 4 of the FEH provides a comprehensive
than 2 years, it is necessary to construct a flood technical rewrite of the FSR unit hydrograph
growth curve. In FSR methodology, there were rainfall-runoff method incorporating the
fixed flood growth curves for specified Hydro- numerous enhancements contained in 18 Flood
metric Areas. The FEH advocates a more flexible Studies Supplementary Reports and other
approach whereby a flood growth curve is relevant research published in the Institute of
tailored to the site of interest, based on an Hydrology (IH) Report series, various technical
analysis of the pooled annual maximum data for journals and conference proceedings. Whilst the
hydrologically similar gauged catchments. Catch- basic unit hydrograph rainfall-runoff method-
ment similarity is initially judged in terms of size, ology is not greatly altered from these earlier
wetness and soils as represented by the publications, some of the model parameter
descriptors AREA, SAAR and BFIHOST. estimation equations have been updated in the
FEH. Tables B.1 to B.3 of Volume 4 of the FEH
Routines within WINFAP-FEH can provide an summarise the various changes to the model
initial pooling group of gauged catchments parameter estimation equations and provide the
whose annual maximum flood data can be details for the equations currently recommended.
analysed to provide a growth curve for the site of
interest. Some stations may need to be deleted
from this initial pooling group if it is strongly
heterogeneous, while other stations may need to
be added to ensure that there are sufficient years
of record to adequately define the growth curve
up to the target return period.
For partly urbanised catchments, the as-rural
growth curve needs to be adjusted for
urbanisation using the equation given in Section
9.2.4 of Volume 3. This adjustment is carried out
automatically within WINFAP-FEH.
2.3.6 Rainfall-r unoff methods
If the complete design flood hydrograph is
required for a study catchment, then this is most
often calculated using the FSR rainfall-runoff
model. The figure opposite illustrates the main
steps in the FSR unit hydrograph rainfall-runoff
method. In summary, a design storm rainfall
profile is converted to a flood hydrograph using
a deterministic unit hydrograph and losses model.
The main steps in the approach are:
· construct a total rainfall hyetograph for the
design event;
· assess the proportion of rainfall which
contributes directly to the flow in the river
(constant percentage runoff);
3.2.8 Unifor m and non-unifor m flow 3.2.9 Steady and tr ansient flow
Uniform flow occurs in a channel with a constant The above description assumes steady flow
cross-section when the gravity forces just balance conditions, implying a constant or near-constant
the resistance forces. Under these conditions, the discharge (with time) along the channel. If the
energy lost along a reach is the same as the fall in discharge varies rapidly, as can happen during
bed level, with the result that the depth, cross- the passage of a flood or during operation of
sectional area and velocity of the flow are gates, for example, ‘transient’ flow conditions
constant and the energy line, water surface and occur. The analysis of these conditions is
bed are all parallel. True uniform flow rarely complex, needing to take into account such
2. Amin, M (1988) Surge prediction at Barrow- 13. Doornkamp, J C (Ed) (1989) The greenhouse
in-Furness, Proudman Oceanographic effect and rising sea levels in the UK,
Laboratory; Birkenhead including a selection of papers presented at
the MAFF Conference for River and Coastal
3 Arnell, N W et al (1994) The implications of Engineers, Loughborough, 11-13 July 1989,
climate change for the National Rivers M1 Press, Nottingham
Authority, Institute of Hydrology for the
National Rivers Authority, R&D Report 12 14. El-Jabi, N et al (1992) Stage discharge
relationships in tidal rivers, ASCE Journal of
4. Boorman, L A et al (1989) Climatic change, Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean
rising sea level and the British coast, Natural Engineering, Vol 118 Nº 2, March/April
Environment Research Council ITE 1992, pp 166-174
Publication 1, HMSO, London
15. Environment Agency (1999) 1:10,000
5. Bray, M J (1992) Sea level rise and global Indicative flood plain maps for England and
warming: Scenarios, physical impacts and Wales, Environment Agency
policies, University of Portsmouth,
Department of Geography for the Standing 16. Flather, R A (1982) The west coast surge
Conference on Problems Associated with the prediction experiment 1981-82, Institute of
Coastline (SCOPAC) Oceanographic Sciences, Godalming
6. Cooper, A J and Dearnaley, M, Flow (1996) 17. Graff, J (1981) An investigation of the
Guidelines for the use of computational frequency distribution of annual sea level
models in coastal and estuarial studies, HR maxima at ports around Great Britain,
Wallingford Sediment Transport Models Academic Press, London
Supplementary Report Nº 456 18. Graff, J et al (1977) The analysis of annual
7. Co-tidal and Co-range lines (1971) Admiralty extreme tidal levels at certain ports on the
Chart Nº 5058, British Isles and Adjacent south coast of England, Parts 1 and 2,
Waters, Hydrographer of the Navy Institution of Oceanographic Sciences,
8. Department of the Environment and
Meteorological Office (1990) Global climate
R&D TECHNICAL REPORT W109 W5-027 28 Version 11/01
19. Havno, K (1996) Flood mapping and risk 31. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
assessment based on joint probability (1999) Flood and coastal defence project
extreme value analysis, Proceedings 31st appraisal guidance, FCDPAG3, MAFF,
MAFF Conference for River and Coastal London
Engineers, pp 3.4.1–3.4.12
32. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
20. Hedges, T and Reis, M T (1999) Risk (1993) Strategy for flood and coastal defence
assessment of coastal defences, Proceedings in England and Wales, P61471, 39pp,
34th MAFF Conference River and Coastal MAFF, London
33. Morris, D G and Flavin, R W (1996) Flood
21. HR Wallingford/Lancaster University risk map for England and Wales, Institute of
(1998), The joint probability of waves and Hydrology Report Nº 130
water levels – JOINSEA – a rigorous but
34. National Rivers Authority (1993)
practical new approach, HR Wallingford
Methodology for collating tidal water level
Report SR 537
data, Note 197, National Rivers Authority,
22. Hydrographer of the Navy (1999) Admiralty Bristol
Tide Tables 2001, Vol 1: United Kingdom
35. Ovadia, D C (1980) A regression model for
and Ireland
the statistical prediction of extreme sea levels
23. Institution of Civil Engineers (1953) at Liverpool, Institute of Oceanographic
Conference on the North Sea floods of 31 Sciences, Report Nº 102
January to 1 February 1953, Institution of
36. Owen, M, Hawkes, P, Tawn, J, and Bortot, P,
Civil Engineers, London, December 1953
(1997) The joint probability of waves and
24. Institution of Civil Engineers (1996) Land water levels: a rigorous but practical
drainage and flood defence responsibilities, approach, Proceedings 32nd MAFF
3rd edition, Thomas Telford, London Conference of River and Coastal Engineers
25. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 37. Pugh, D T (1987) Tides, surges and mean
(1990) Climate change: the IPCC scientific sea level: a handbook for engineers and
assessment, Cambridge University Press, scientists J Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester
38. Pugh, D T (1990) Is there a sea level
26. Irish Sea Forum (1993) Seminar on rising problem? Proceedings ICE, Part 1, Vol 88,
sea level and coastal defences, Ulster June 1990, pp347-366
Museum, Belfast, 22 April 1993, Irish Sea
39. Roberts, L E J & Kay, R C (Eds) (1990) The
Forum, Liverpool
effects of sea level rise on the UK coast,
27. Lennon, G W (1965) Storm surges on the Environmental Risk Assessment Unit,
west coast of the British Isles in 1965, University of East Anglia
Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides,
40. Samuels, P (1996) The effects of climate
Internal Note Nº 29
change on flood and coastal defence in the
28. Macmillan, D H (1966) Tides, C R Books UK, Proceedings 31st MAFF Conference for
Ltd, London River and Coastal Engineers, pp 2.2.1–2.2.10
29. Mantz, P A & Wakeling, H L (1979) 41. Smith, J A (1994) The operational storm
Forecasting flood levels for joint events of surge model data archive, Proudman
rainfall and tidal surge flooding using Oceanographic Laboratory; Birkenhead
extreme value statistics, Proceedings ICE,
42. Taylor, D R (1995) An analysis of sea level
Part 2, Vol 67, pp 31-50
change in the Severn Estuary, University of
30. Meadowcroft, I (1996) Risk assessment for Bristol
coastal and tidal defences, Proceedings 31st
43. The United Kingdom Climate Change
MAFF Conference for River and Coastal
Review Group (1991) The potential effects of
Engineers, pp 3.3.1–3.3.12
R&D TECHNICAL REPORT W109 W5-027 29 Version 11/01
climate change in the United Kingdom, The
Stationery Office, London
44. Thompson, G (1995) The use of joint
probability analysis for the design of flood
defences, Proceedings 30th MAFF
Conference for River and Coastal Engineers,
pp 3.2.1–3.2.12
45. University of Liverpool (1992) The Irish Sea:
global warming and climatic change,
Seminar held on 26 April 1992, University of
Liverpool, Liverpool University Press
46. Warrick, et al (1993) Climate and sea level
change: observations, projections and
implications, International Workshop on
climatic change, sea level, severe tropical
storms and associated impacts held in
September 1987, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge
47. Westerink, J J et al (1992) Tide and storm
surge predictions using finite element model,
ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol
118, Nº 10, October 1992, pp 1373-1390
48. Woodworth, P L (1999) Trends in British
Isles mean sea level, CCMS Proudman
Oceanographic Laboratory, Proceedings 34th
MAFF Conference of River and Coastal
6.1 Scope of the Chapter · limits imposed by the physical size of the
model and the scale available;
This chapter covers the key factors involved in
the computational and physical modelling of · the time taken for model construction and
river systems. testing; and
· the time needed for making revisions and
6.2 Basic Concepts and Common
repeating testing.
Concer ns
6.2.3 Calibr ation and ver ification
6.2.1 Types of model
The accuracy of a model is generally examined
Two types of model are available for modelling through a process of calibration and verification.
river systems: The model is first calibrated, using data recorded
· computational models, for reach and basin- during a number of events covering the range of
wide analysis; and conditions for which it is to be operated. It is then
verified using data from other, independent,
· physical models, for detailed analysis of local events to show how well the conditions predicted
hydraulic features. match those that occurred.
6.2.2 Uses and concer ns
When examining calibration and verification
Computational models enables the engineer to: results the limitations and uncertainties inherent
· consider basin-wide impacts of fluvial works; in the way physical reality is represented in the
model must be recognised. Uncertainty in para-
· examine a wide range of design options in a meters such as hydraulic roughness, the accuracy
short time; and of flow and level measurements or estimates and
· achieve, in most cases, greater accuracy and the variability of physical processes such as
confidence in the results. sediment movement, may all contribute to
modelling inaccuracy.
Increased use of computational modelling has
also introduced a number of concerns for the 6.3 Hydr ologic Modelling
project manager, including:
Hydrologic models include:
· appreciating the simplifications and
assumptions inherent in the methods; · statistical models, such as the methods
presented in the Flood Estimation
· selecting the appropriate model to use for a Handbook; and
· river basin models, which vary greatly in
· understanding the results and their accuracy; complexity, but all include a rainfall/runoff
and simulator and flood routing along river
· management and budget control of modelling reaches.
specialists. Hydrologic models may be used to produce
The use of physical modelling avoids some of inflow hydrographs for a hydrodynamic model of
these concerns, but adds others, including: a river system. They may also be used in
isolation, for example to assess the effect of flood
· understanding the physical scaling laws detention basins in a catchment.
governing the design and operation of the
· the software available to the project team; 6.5 Estuar ine System Modelling
Computational modelling of estuaries is generally
· the budget. similar to river modelling, but with the addition
Early design of the model is also required to of a seaward boundary where the levels follow a
direct the data collection exercise properly. The tidal curve. Estuarine modelling may be required
design must consider the above points, together to provide a realistic downstream boundary
with: condition for a fluvial model. In other cases the
fluvial model may be extended into the estuary.
· the geographical extent of the model; Care must be exercised where an estuary is:
· the ‘scale’ (cross-section spacing) of the · wide, with significant flow variations across
model and the law of diminishing returns in its width; or
terms of increased data density;
· stratified, with significant stratification of
· the boundaries of the model, which may need saline and fluvial flows.
to coincide with gauging stations, weirs, or
other well defined fluvial features; and Additional model types are available for
estuarine modelling, for simulation of the above
· calibration and verification locations and conditions. These include 2-D models, either
accuracy. allowing horizontal or vertical variation of
Data required for the model includes: parameters through a cross section, and full 3-D
models, allowing variation in both planes. It
· topographic data for model definition; should be noted that such models are generally
· flow and level data for model calibration; more difficult and costly to build and calibrate,
and the data requirements being greater.
11. Gardiner, J L (1991) River projects and 23. National Rivers Authority (1995) Scoping
conservation, a manual for holistic appraisal Guidance for the Environmental Assessment
J Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester of Projects, National Rivers Authority,
12. Hazards Forum (1996) An engineer’s
responsibility for safety; safety by design 24. National Rivers Authority (1995) Further
Hazards Forum Guidance for the Environmental Assessment
8.1 Scope of the Chapter main channel and at higher stages with overbank
flow. Research in recent years has shown that the
This chapter covers the design considerations
interaction between flow in the main channel and
involved in carrying out works to modify a river
that on the higher berm or floodplain is complex,
channel. These may involve works affecting the
particularly in meandering rivers. For major
river banks alone, works altering the cross
channel modifications with great complexity to
section of the entire channel, or - more rarely -
the flow patterns, recourse to physical modelling
the construction of a new channel, for example as
may be necessary.
a flood relief or cut-off channel.
8.2.2 River Mor phology
8.2 Basic Concepts and Common River channels, except where provided with a
Concer ns hard lining (generally in urban areas), have
Rivers and river channels may serve a number of erodible banks and bed. All natural river
functions, which include: channels are thus mobile, changing both their
plan form and their gradients, although the latter
· catchment drainage; may be of very long-term scale. The concept of
· conveyance of flow; channel stability must be considered in the
context of the scale of the life of the proposed
· conveyance of sediment; works.
· control of groundwater levels; Rivers vary considerably in their behaviour and
· habitat for flora and fauna; and characteristics, from steep, braided watercourses
transporting gravels, cobbles and even boulders,
· navigation and recreation. to meandering lowland rivers and estuaries,
8.2.1 Two-Stage Channels and carrying silts and clay-sized material. In certain
types of catchment, streams may be ephemeral. It
is important that both the nature and régime of
Rivers are commonly considered to comprise the length of river under consideration, within the
only the channel between defined banks. In the context of the overall catchment and the
UK, it is generally found that flows in excess of processes at work in the particular location, are
around the annual average flood (approximately understood. Many problems associated with
a two-year return period) exceed the natural bank channel modifications result from an incomplete
height and flow across the floodplain. In the consideration of their potential interaction with
design of any channel modifications, fluvial morphology. Further details are given in
consideration must be given to this out-of- Chapter 1.
channel flow.
8.2.3 Envir onmental Consider ations
Floodplain widths may be limited by man-made
obstructions; in particular, many rivers are Environment Agency policy is that, almost
constrained between flood embankments. Envir- without exception, all river channel modifications
onmental considerations may also favour the use must sustain, improve or re-establish the natural
of two-stage channels, with a defined low-flow habitats. Environment Agency policy actively
channel and berms, and areas adjacent to the discourages the culverting of sections of
channel which become inundated only under watercourses, although short lengths of culverts
moderate flood flows. may be unavoidable in certain circumstances.
Environmental and ecological considerations thus
The designer must give detailed consideration to dictate much of the design of river channel
the different flow conditions, both within the
9.1 Scope of the Chapter be less than that caused if the impounding
structure were to fail in a rapid and uncontrolled
This chapter covers the design of works to store
manner. This assumption, however, needs to be
flood flows, with the objective of reducing
examined individually for each case.
flooding further downstream. It concentrates on
the hydraulic aspects of such works; the design of
9.4 Off-line Stor age Wor ks
individual components is covered in other
chapters. Off-line storage works generally comprise:
· an intake structure - diverting water to the
9.2 Oper ation storage area when the river flow or level
Flood storage works are either ‘on-line’, in which exceeds a pre-determined value;
the water is stored within the river channel and
· a storage area - a reservoir separated from the
its floodplain, or ‘off-line’, in which the water is
river, formed either by low ground levels
diverted from the river channel, stored in a
(natural or excavated) or by retaining
separate area and subsequently released back to
structures (embankments and/or walls); and
the river or another watercourse.
· an outlet structure - returning water from the
9.3 On-line Stor age Wor ks storage area to the river after the flood peak
is past.
The components of on-line storage works
include: A gravity rather than pumped intake arrangement
is normally adopted on economic grounds, as the
· an impounding structure - generally an earth
inflow rates required are generally high and
or concrete structure across the river and
operation relatively infrequent. Weirs can be
floodplain, behind which the water is stored;
used and have the advantage of beginning to
operate whenever river levels rise above a given
· a flow control structure - generally set in the value. They provide no control over water levels
impounding structure, to control the outflow in the storage area, however, and need to be long,
from the storage area. if a significant discharge is required for a limited
additional rise in river level. For this reason, a
The flow control structure can be a fixed throttle
gated arrangement is often used.
(such as a flume or orifice), sized to have little
effect on normal flows, but requiring a significant The storage reservoir generally lies within the
rise in upstream water level to discharge flood flood plain and is isolated from it by purpose-
flows. Such arrangements also require an built walls or embankments (the implications for
overflow weir or spillway to cater for extreme reservoir design through the Reservoirs Act
events, which would otherwise lead to the safe (1975) are raised later - in paragraph 9.5.5). The
water level upstream of the impounding structure volume available for storage in the reservoir
being exceeded. depends on the water depth that can be obtained,
which is controlled by existing ground and peak
Often, the control structure incorporates gates,
flood levels. This depth is often limited, making
which are normally left open, but are operated
it necessary for the reservoir to cover a large area.
during floods to ensure that downstream flows do
Choosing a site where the ground is low (either
not exceed the design flow of the downstream
naturally or as a result of excavations, for
flood defences. Again, the operation rules need to
example for gravel pits) increases the depth
cater for extreme events, which could overwhelm
available but may mean that pumps are needed to
the impounding structure. If this is likely to
empty the reservoir after the flood has passed.
occur, the normal response is to increase the
outflow and accept that some damage may be The outlet may be by gravity (generally using
caused downstream; this damage would generally gates), pumped or by a combination of the two
R&D TECHNICAL REPORT W109 W5-027 49 Version 11/01
(with gravity discharge initially, then pumping to is filled during the first; the risk of such floods
drain the lowest sections). The outlet capacity occurring needs to form part of the hydrological
depends on the volume stored and the time analysis.
allowed for the system to be fully drained, noting
that the standard of protection is reduced
9.5.5 Reser voir s Act (1975)
whenever the reservoir contains water. Emer- If the storage reservoir is capable of restricting
gency overflow arrangements are needed to more than 25 000 m3 of water above the adjacent
protect the reservoir and these may form a major ground level, it is likely to come within the scope
part of the facility if the inlet is uncontrolled. of the Reservoirs Act (1975). This places an
obligation on the owner to have the reservoir
9.5 Key Design Consider ations inspected by a properly qualified person at
regular intervals.
Some of the factors needing consideration during
the design of a flood storage scheme are dis- 9.5.6 Impact on Local Flow Conditions
cussed below.
The scheme may cause rapid changes in flow
9.5.1 Flood Volume/Dur ation conditions locally (near the intake, outlet or any
overflow arrangements). This could cause
The design of the scheme is controlled by the
unexpected effects (water level changes,
assumed flood volume and flood hydrograph
scouring) upstream or downstream.
shape rather than the flood peak. It is essential
that the hydrological studies are carried out with 9.5.7 Public Safety
this in mind.
Public safety must be considered, particularly in
9.5.2 Timing of Inflow remote locations or where there is recreational
use of flood storage areas which are normally
The storage volume available is generally only a
kept empty, including the need for early warning.
small fraction of the total flood volume. It is
therefore important that the scheme does not 9.5.8 Public Health Consider ations
begin to operate too early, as the reservoir may
then be filled before the flood peak is reached. Local public health must be considered especially
in urban areas downstream of storm sewage
9.5.3 Contr ol Ar r angements overflows.
The scheme’s performance during a flood is 9.5.9 Planning Per mission
generally sensitive to the flood characteristics.
Optimising the performance requires a The need for planning permission can be an
sophisticated control system, which integrates important consideration.
level and flow data from the catchment upstream 9.5.10 Loss of Development Potential
with conditions at the area being defended. A
detailed understanding of the river system and its Loss of development potential may give rise to
response during floods is needed, to set operating substantial compensation claims.
rules which will not be compromised during 9.5.11 Statutor y Power s
normal, extreme or emergency conditions.
The Agency has no statutory powers to operate
The corollary is that the impact of the change in reservoirs. Consideration must be given to the
the overall behaviour of the river system needs to negotiation of resettlement or compensatory
be examined and that changes may be required to payments.
the flood warning systems.
9.5.12 Impact of River Maintenance
9.5.4 Consecutive Floods
Operation of the scheme is likely to be sensitive
If a flood occurs while the storage reservoir still to small changes in water level and may therefore
contains water from a preceding flood, the be affected if the river maintenance arrangements
standard of protection provided by the scheme are altered, affecting the channel roughness.
will be significantly reduced. This can also
happen if a flood has two peaks and the reservoir
R&D TECHNICAL REPORT W109 W5-027 50 Version 11/01
9.5.13 Envir onmental Implications and
J oint Use
The development of a flood storage scheme
usually provides opportunities for environmental
enhancement. Opportunities for recreational
development are generally more limited, because
of potential conflict with the flood defence
Water quality needs to be considered where the
flood storage scheme involves the creation of a
permanent body of water.
9.5.14 Dr ainage of the Ar ea
Consideration must be given to how the area can
be drained, after the scheme has been
9.5.15 Visual Impact
The visual impact of bunds and walls in urban
areas must be considered.
10.1 Scope of the Chapter · extreme low water levels in the river;
This chapter covers design considerations for · design flood conditions;
flood and earth retaining walls, flood banks and
· maximum credible flood conditions (floods
channel banks.
exceeding the design event may overtop the
structure but should not cause collapse);
10.2 Basic Concepts and Common
Concer ns · reverse water loading, where this is possible
after overtopping or where flood water is
10.2.1 Pur pose and For m stored;
Flood walls and embankments may fulfil one or · maximum rate of drawdown and resulting
more of the following roles: maximum difference in water levels between
· excluding water from an area; one side of the structure and the other side;
· retaining water within an area; · extreme eroded bed levels at the toe of the
wall or bank in times of maximum flow;
· acting as part of a conveyance - as part of the
channel conveying water past the areas being · maximum current velocities; and
defended; · conditions during construction.
· retaining soil and water as part of:
10.2.3 Effects of Str uctur es on River
- a flood defence structure; Hydr aulics
- a channel bank; or New banks and walls should be designed to
- an ancillary structure, such as a bridge or minimise scour and sedimentation, both at the
road embankment; and site of the structure and elsewhere. Their effect
on the flow and flooding characteristics of the
· serve a secondary purpose, such as a wharf or river system should be assessed. The role of the
road. banks and walls as components in the flood
The choice of appropriate structural form in a defence system needs to be fully understood.
given case may be influenced by a number of 10.2.4 Geotechnical Consider ations
factors, including:
Flood banks and walls frequently have to be
· the purpose(s) of the wall or bank; constructed in areas where the soils are weak and
· aesthetics and the environmental setting - highly variable due to erosion and redeposition
landscape and townscape; when river channels have changed their course
and depth. Ground investigations need to be
· land availability and cost; particularly careful and thorough. Interpolation
between boreholes needs to be considered with
· geotechnical considerations;
great care. An allowance for anticipated
· access for construction; and settlement over the life of the structure may have
to be made.
· construction and maintenance costs.
10.2.5 Continuity
10.2.2 Per for mance and Loading
Cr iter ia Continuity of the flood defence needs to be
maintained, both during and after construction.
Performance and loading criteria are as listed in Details at each end of a new defence need to be
Chapters 4 and 5 of the NRA’s R&D Note 199. designed to avoid outflanking or creating points
Particular design conditions, which need to be of weakness.
considered, include:
R&D TECHNICAL REPORT W109 W5-027 53 Version 11/01
10.2.6 Water Pr essur e Effects 10.2.8 Maintenance
Where there can be water level differences Access for, ease of and cost of maintenance need
between one side of the bank or wall and the to be considered at the design stage. Loads
other side, the effects of water pressure arising from maintenance equipment should be
transmitted to the lower side should be allowed for.
considered. Assessment of uplift should allow for
a range of assumptions, particularly where
10.2.9 Envir onmental and Community
cutoffs are used. For example the transmission of Effects
water pressure through sheet pile cutoffs may The effects of the structure on habitats,
range from 100% to virtually nil. Where it is conservation, landscape and townscape needs to
practicable, water pressure should be relieved by be considered from the earliest stages in the
drains. Where that is not possible, the design project.
should allow for the forces to be resisted.
The introduction of a flood bank or wall in an
10.2.7 Top Level urban area can cause problems for the adjacent
properties with regard to security and privacy. It
Economic, environmental and technical consid-
may also sever existing access routes, or
erations affect the choice of top level for a flood
introduce requirements for steps or ramps,
wall or embankment. In general, the top level
affecting use by people in wheelchairs or pushing
should be set at a figure, which allows for:
· the maximum stillwater level of the design
event during the life of the structure; 10.3 Par ticular Design Issues
· wave runup, which varies according to the Affecting Str uctur es
exposure, fetch, local winds, and the details 10.3.1 Sheet-Pile Walls
of the structure;
The following points should be considered in the
· maximum acceptable overtopping rate; design of sheet-pile walls:
· construction tolerances; · the design life, corrosion rates, areas of
· forecast local settlement before the structure accelerated corrosion and methods of red-
is refurbished; ucing corrosion;
· regional long term changes in ground and · the economics of using high-yield steel-sheet
water levels; piles;
· freeboard to allow for errors or variations in · if the pile section is sufficient to withstand
the above estimates and for wear and tear being driven;
until made good by maintenance; · abrasion by sand and gravel in fast-flowing
· the function of the structure; and rivers or where wave action is possible;
· risks associated with high structures · the dangers of using cantilever sheet-pile
designs for all but the smallest walls;
The function is also relevant to deciding on the
top level in some cases, such as if a flood bank · the safe design of tie-rods affected by settle-
acts also as a weir into a flood storage area, when ment of backfill (allow for rotation at each
the top level has to suit the operation of the flood end);
storage system. · the safe design of connection details of
Economic considerations can affect the choice of waling to sheet piles (allow for combination
design return period and hence the top level of a of tension and shear due to vertical loading
flood bank or wall. from soil and live loads on waling);
· the safe design of self-anchored corners
(diagonal tie-rods put high forces into the
Fixed Weirs
Gated structures
Fish passes
Drop structures
· Generally relevant
o Relevant – some cases
River morphology · · · · · ·
Assessment of design flows · · · · · · · · · ·
Navigation requirement · · ·
Passage of fish · · · · · · ·
Gate design · o ·
Ecological & environmental impacts of structure · · · · · · · ·
Ecological & environmental impacts of construction · · · · · · · · · ·