Chapter 4. Solutions: Yk Yk Yk Uk Uk K Yk Yk Yk Uk Uk K Yk Yk Yk Uk K

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Chapter 4.


4.1 Determine the asymptotic stability and the BIBO stability of the following systems

y ( k  2)  0. 8 y ( k  1)  0. 07 y ( k )  2u ( k  1)  0. 2 u ( k )
k  0,1, 2 ,...

y ( k  2)  0.8 y ( k  1)  0. 07 y ( k )  2 u ( k  1)  0. 2 u( k )
k  0, 1, 2,...

y ( k  2)  0.1 y ( k  1)  0. 9 y ( k )  3. 0u ( k )
k  0, 1, 2 ,...

To determine the asymptotic stability or BIBO stability, we z-transform to obtain the transfer
function. The system is both BIBO stable and asymptotically stable if its poles are all inside
the unit circle (without transfer function reduction).

y ( k  2)  0. 8 y ( k  1)  0. 07 y ( k )  2u ( k  1)  0. 2 u ( k )
k  0,1, 2 ,...

2 z  0.2 2 z  0.1
G ( z)  
z 2  0.8z  0.07  0.7 z  0.1
z 

Stable: | 0.7 | < 1 and | 0.1 | < 1

y ( k  2)  0.8 y ( k  1)  0. 07 y ( k )  2 u ( k  1)  0. 2 u( k )
k  0, 1, 2,...

2 z  0.2 2 z  0.1
G ( z)  
z  0.8z  0.07
 z  0.7  z  0.1

Stable: | - 0.7 | < 1 and | - 0.1 | < 1

y ( k  2)  0.1 y ( k  1)  0. 9 y ( k )  3. 0u ( k )
k  0, 1, 2 ,...

3 3
G( z)  
z 2  0.1z  0.9  z  0.05 2  0.9  0.052

Stable: Complex conjugate poles with square magnitude | 0.9 | < 1

4.2 Biochemical reactors are used in different processes such as waste treatment and alcohol
fermentation. By considering the dilution rate as the manipulated variable and the biomass

concentration as the measured output, the biochemical reactor can be modeled by the following
transfer function in the vicinity of an unstable steady-state operating point 1

G(s) 
 5.888s  1

Determine GZAS(z) with a sampling rate T=0.1 and then consider the feedback controller

z  1.017
C ( z) = -
z 1

Verify that the resulting feedback system is not internally stable.

The discretized process transfer function is

G ZAS ( z ) = 1  z 1  Z  G(ss)   z 0.11004
 
Although the transfer function from the reference input to the system output

Y ( z) 0.1004

R ( z ) z  0.8997

appears to be asymptotically stable (note that the pole is inside the unit circle), the controller
results in pole-zero cancellation outside the unit circle and therefore the system is not internally
stable according to Theorem 4-5. This can also be verified by considering the transfer function
between the disturbance input D and the system output Y
Y ( z)  0.10045( z  1)

D( z ) ( z  1.017)( z  0.0997)

The pole at 1.017 is outside the unit circle and therefore the system output is unbounded when a
disturbance occurs in the system.

4.3 Use the Routh-Hurwitz criterion to investigate the stability of the systems
5( z  2)
a) G( z) 
( z  0.1)( z  0.8)
10( z  0.1)
b) G( z) 
( z  0.7)( z  0.9)

The Routh-Hurwitz criterion requires the substitution

1 w
1 w

B. W. Bequette, Process Control – Modeling, Design, and Simulation, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle

River (NJ), 2003.

The systems investigated in (a) and (b) are both second order and the following conditions
(see Example 4.4) can be used. For the second order polynomial

F(z) = a2 z2 + a1 z + a0 = 0

The stability conditions are:

i) a2 - a1 + a0 > 0
ii) a2 - a0 > 0
iii) a2 + a1 + a0 > 0

5  z  2 5  z  2
a) G( z)   2
 z  0.1 z  0.8 z  0.9 z  0.08
i) 1 - (-0.9) + 0.08 > 0
ii) 1 - 0.08 > 0
iii) 1 + (-0.9) + 0.08 > 0

Hence, the system is stable. This is obvious since its poles are inside the unit circle.

10( z .1) 10( z  1)

b) G( z)   2
( z  0.7)( z  0.9) z  1.6z  0.63
i) 1 - (-1.6) + 0.63 > 0
ii) 1 - 0.63 > 0
iii) 1 + (-1.6) + 0.63 > 0

Hence, the system is stable. This is obvious since its poles are inside the unit circle.

4.4 Repeat Problem 4.3 using the Jury criterion.

The conditions for the Jury criterion are equivalent to those of Problem 4.3. The
conditions are:
F(1) > 0
F(-1) > 0
a2 > | a0 |

5  z  2 5  z  2
a) G( z)   2
 z  0.1 z  0.8 z  0.9 z  0.08
i) 1 + (-0.9) + 0.08 > 0
ii) 1 - (-0.9) + 0.08 > 0
iii) 1 > 0.08

Hence, the system is stable.

10( z  0.1) 10( z  0.1)

b) G( z)   2
( z  0.7)( z  0.9) z  1.6z  0.63
i) 1 + (-1.6) + 0.63 > 0

ii) 1 - (-1.6) + 0.63 > 0
iii) 1 > 0.63

Hence, the system is stable.

4.5 Obtain the impulse response for the systems of Problem 4.3 and verify the results obtained
using the Routh-Hurwitz criterion. Also determine the exponential rate of decay for each
impulse response sequence.

The impulse response sequence is the inverse z-transform of the z-transfer function.

G( z) 5( z  2) 125 135.714 10.714

a)    
z z ( z  0.1)( z  0.8) z z  01
. z  0.8
5( z  2) 13.5714 8.5714
G ( z)   
( z  0.1)( z  0.8) z  0.1 z  0.8

125 ( k )  135.714 (0.1) k  10.714 (0.8) k , k 0

g(t)  
 0, k 0
13.5714 (0.1) k 1  8.5714 (0.8) k 1 , k 1
 0, k 1

Exponential rate of decay is (0.8)k, which clearly goes to zero asymptotically. We have
either of the bounds

 

i 0
h(i )  2 135.714  0.8i 
i 0 1  0.8
 1357.14  
 
i 0
h(i )  2 13.5714  0.8i 
i 0 1  0.8
 135.714  

G( z) 10( z  0.1) 1587

. 57.143 55.556
b)    
z z ( z  0.7)( z  0.9) z z  0.7 z  0.9
10( z  0.1) 40 50
G( z)   
( z  0.7)( z  0.9) z  0.7 z  0.9

.  ( k )  57.143 ( 0.7) k  55.556 ( 0.9) k , k 0
g(t )  
 0, k 0
40 ( 0.7) k 1  50 (0.9) k 1 , k 1
 0, k 1

Exponential rate of decay is (0.9)k, which clearly goes to zero asymptotically. We have
either of the bounds

 

i 0
h(i )  2 57.143  0.9 i 
i 0 1  0.9
 1142.86  

 
 h(i )  2 50  0.9
i 0 i 0

1  0.9
 1000  

4.6 Use the Routh-Hurwitz criterion to find the stable range of K for the closed-loop unity
feedback systems with loop gain
K ( z  1)
a) G( z) 
( z  0.1)( z  0.8)
K ( z  0.1)
b) G( z) 
( z  0.7)( z  0.9)

The characteristic equation for a system with forward gain G(z) and unity feedback is

1 +G(z) = 0  N(z) + D(z) = 0

where N(z) and D(z) are the numerator and denominator of the transfer function

K ( z  1)
a) G ( z ) 
( z  0.1)( z  0.8)

The closed loop characteristic equation is

( z  0.1)( z  0.8)  K ( z  1)  z 2  ( K  0.9) z  0.08  K  0

This is a second order polynomial and the Routh-Hurwitz test yields the stability
conditions are

i) a2 - a1 + a0 > 0
ii) a2 - a0 > 0
iii) a2 + a1 + a0 > 0


(i) 1  (K 0 .9) + (0.08 K) > 0  1.98 2 K > 0  K < 0.99
(ii) 1  (0.08 K) > 0  K >  0.92
(iii) 1 + (K 0 .9) + (0.08 K) > 0  0.18 > 0

The stable range of K is: 0.92 < K < 0.99

K ( z  0.1)
b) G ( z ) 
( z  0.7)( z  0.9)

The closed loop characteristic equation is

( z  0.7)( z  0.9)  K ( z  0.1)  z 2  ( K  1.6) z  0.63  0.1K  0

This is a second order polynomial and the Routh-Hurwitz test yields the conditions of
Problem 4.3. The stability conditions are

(i) 1  (K 1.6) + (0.63 + 0.1K) > 0  3.23 0.9 K > 0  K < 3.589
(ii) 1  (0.63 + 0.1K) > 0  K < 3.7
(iii) 1 + (K 1.6) + (0.63 + 0.1K) > 0  1.1 K  0.03 > 0  K > 0.0273

The stable range of K is: 0.0273 < K < 3.589

4.7 Repeat Problem 4.6 using the Jury criterion.

The systems are all second order and the Jury criterion gives the same three conditions
obtained in Problem 4.6 for each systems. The remainder of the analysis is identical to
Problem 4.6.

4.8 Use the Jury criterion to dermine the stability of the following polynomials
a) z 5  0.2 z 4  z 2  0.3z  0.1  0
b) z 5  0.25 z 4  0.1z 3  0.4 z 2  0.3 z  0.1  0

a) z 5  0.2 z 4  z 2  0.3z  0.1  0

The first two conditions require the evaluation of F(z) at z = 1
(1) F(1) = 1 + 0.2 +1+0.3  0.1 =2.4 > 0
(2) (1)5 F(1) = (1)(1 +0.2 + 0.3  0.1 ) = 0.2 > 0

Row z0 z1 z2 z3 z4 z5
1 0.1 0.3 1 0 0.2 1
2 1 0.2 0 1 0.3 0.1
3 0.99 0.23 0.1 1 0.32
4 0.32 1 0.1 0.23 0.99
5 0.8777 0.0923 0.0067 0.9164
6 0.9164 0.0067 0.0923 0.8777
7 0.0199 0.1277 0.131

(3) |a0| = 0.1 < a2

(4) | b0 |=0.99 > | b4 | = 0.32
(5) | c0 | =0.8777< | c3 | = 0.9164 Condition violated
We conclude that the polynomial is unstable. The polynomial has roots outside the unit circle.

b) z 5  0.25 z 4  0.1z 3  0.4 z 2  0.3 z  0.1  0

The first two conditions require the evaluation of F(z) at z = 1
(1) F(1) = 1  0.25 + 0.1+ 0.4 + 0.3  0.1 =1.45 > 0
(2) (1)5 F(1) = (1)( 1 0.25 0.1+ 0.4  0.3  0.1 ) = 1.35 > 0

Row z0 z1 z2 z3 z4 z5
1 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.1  0.25 1
2 1  0.25 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.1

3 0.99 0.22 0.14 0.41 0.275
4 0. 275 0.41 0.14 0.22 0.99
5 0.9045 0.3306 0.1001 0.4664
6 0. 4664 0. 1001 0. 3306 0. 9045
7 0.812 0.2752 0.2288

(3) |a0| = 0.1 < a2

(4) | b0 |=0.99 > | b4 | = 0.275
(5) | c0 | =0. 9045 > | c3 | =0.9164
(6) | d0 | =0. 812 > | d2 | =0. 2288

We conclude that the polynomial is stable. The polynomial has no roots outside the unit

4.9 Determine the stable range of the parameter a for the closed-loop unity feedback systems
with loop gain

1.1( z  1)
a) G( z) 
( z  a )( z  0.8)
1.2( z  0.1)
b) G( z) 
( z  a )( z  0.9)

1.1( z  1)
a) G( z) 
( z  a )( z  0.8)

The closed loop characteristic equation is

( z  a)( z  0.8)  1.1( z  1)  z 2  (0.3  a ) z  0.8a  1.1  0

This is a second order polynomial and the Routh-Hurwitz test yields the stability
conditions are

i) a2 - a1 + a0 > 0
ii) a2 - a0 > 0
iii) a2 + a1 + a0 > 0


(i) 1  (0 .3 a) + (0. 8 a1.1) > 0  1.8 a 0.4 > 0  a > 2/9
(ii) 1  (0. 8 a1.1) > 0  a < 
(iii) 1 + (0 .3 a) + (0. 8 a1.1) > 0  0.2 0.2 a > 0  a < 1

The stable range of a is: 2/9 < a < 1

1.2( z  0.1)
b) G( z) 
( z  a )( z  0.9)

The closed loop characteristic equation is

( z  a)( z  0.9)  1.2( z  0.1)  z 2  (0.3  a ) z  0.9a  0.12  0

This is a second order polynomial and the Routh-Hurwitz test yields the stability
conditions are

(i) 1  (0 .3 a) + (0. 9 a0.12) > 0  1.9a 0.82 > 0  a > 41/95
(ii) 1  (0. 9 a 0.12) > 0  0.88 0.9 a > 0 a < 44/45
(iii) 1 + (0 .3 a) + (0. 9 a 0.12) > 0 1.42 0.1 a >0  a < 14.2

The stable range of a is:  41/95 < a < 44/45

4.10 For a gain of 0.5, derive the gain margin and phase margin of the systems of Problem 4.6
analytically. Let T = 1 with no loss of generality since the value of T in radians is all that is needed
for the solution. Explain why the phase margin is not defined for the system of Problem 4.6(a).

Hint: The gain margin is obtained by finding the point where the imaginary part of the frequency
response is zero. The phase margin is obtained by finding the point where the magnitude of the
frequency respone is unity.

K ( z  1)
a) G ( z ) 
( z  0.1)( z  0.8)

The frequency transfer function is

0.5(e j  1)
G ( e j ) 
e j 2  0.9e j  0.08
0.5  cos    1  j sin    

cos 2   0.9 cos    0.08  j sin  2   0.9 sin    

The phase crossover occurs when the imaginary part is zero

sin    2 cos2     0.9 cos    0.92

  cos    1 2 sin    cos    0.9 sin   
 2 sin     cos    0.91  0

which yields

sin  pc   0 or cos pc   0.91

The second value corresponds to the positive real-axis intersection

G (e j  )  0.5435
 cos 1 ( 0.91)

The first value corresponds to the negative-real axis intersection we seek and to the value z = 1.
The intersection with the negative real axis is given by
G ( 1)  0.5051

The gain margin is given by

GM   1.98
GM dB  20 log 1.98   5.93 dB
At a gain of 0.5, the magnitude of the frequency response remains below unity for all
frequencies. Hence, the phase margin is not defined.

0.5( z  0.1)
b) G ( z ) 
( z  0.7)( z  0.9)

The frequency transfer function is

j 0.5(e j  0.1)
G (e )  j 2
e  1.6e j  0.63
0.5  cos    0.1  j sin    

cos 2   1.6 cos    0.63  j sin  2   1.6 sin    

The phase crossover occurs when the imaginary part is zero

sin   2 cos2     1.6 cos    0.37

  cos    0.1 2 sin   cos    1.6 sin    sin    0.2 cos    0.21  0

which yields

sin  pc   0
Thus, the negative-real axis intersection corresponds to the value z = 1. The intersection with
the negative real axis is given by
G ( 1)  0.1393

The gain margin is given by

GM   7.1778
GM dB  20 log 7.1778  17.112 dB

To find the phase margin, we evaluate the magnitude squared of the frequency response

G (e ) 
2 
0.25  cos    0.1  sin 2   

 cos 2   1.6 cos    0.63 2   sin  2   1.6 sin     2
0.25 0.2 cos    1.01
 1
2.52 cos 2     5.216 cos    2.6969

This yields the equation
cos 2     2.08968 cos    0.97  0

We solve for the frequency and obtain the positive solution  = 0.801 rad/s

PM  180  G (e j )  25.872

Computer Exercises

4.11 Write a computer program to perform the Routh-Hurwitz test using a suitable CAD tool.

A MATLAB function to bilinearly transform a given polynomial and test its stability is given

% Function to perform the bilinear transformation

% then test stability using the Routh-Hurwitz criterion
% The function returns the stability status (con) and the
% transformed polynomial sump.

function [con,sump]=drouth(pol)
% First perform the bilinear transformation to obtain the
% polynomial sump i.e z=(w+1)/(w-1)
np=[1,1]; nn=[1,-1]; sn=nn; l=length(pol);
for i=3:l
sn=conv(sn,nn); sump=conv(sump,np)+pol(i)*sn; end
% Test the polynomial coefficient using the necessary
% stability condition that all must be positive
for i=1:dl
if sump(i)<0; con = 'Unstable'; return; end
% If all coefficients are positive, use the Routh-Hurwitz
% criterion
dlp = dl; a = sump;
for j=1:dl-2
for i = 1:ni-1
b(i) = a(2*i+1)-a(1)*a(2*i+2)/a(2);
if b(1) <= 0; con = 'Unstable'; return; end
if dlp/2 > ni; b(ni)=a(dlp); end
for k = 2:2:dlp
a(k-1) = a(k); a(k) = b(k/2); end
dlp = dlp-1; end
con = 'stable';

4.12 Write a computer program to perform the Jury test using a suitable CAD tool.

A MATLAB function to test the stability of polynomial using the Jury test is given below.

% Function to perform the Jury stability test

% The function returns the stability status (con)
% Use 1=stable, 0 = unstable
function con=jurytest(pol)
l = length(pol); n = l-1;
if polyval(pol,1)<=0 | (-1)^n*polyval(pol,-1)<=0|abs(pol(l))>pol(1)
if l <= 3; con = 1; return; end
% criterion
dlp = l; a = pol;
for i = 1:l-3
for j=1:dlp-1
b(j) = a(dlp)*a(dlp+1-j)-a(1)*a(j); end
dlp = dlp-1;
if abs(b(1)) <= abs(b(dlp)); con = 0; return; end
for k = 1:dlp; a(k)=b(k); end

Note: We could assign character values to con, 'unstable' or 'stable'but we prefer to

use number to simplify the questions that follow)

4.13 Write a computer program that uses the Jury test program of Exercise 4.12 to determine the
stability of a system with an uncertain gain K in a given range [Kmin , Kmax]. Verify the
answers obtained for Problem 4.6 using your program.

The following program shows that the stability ranges obtained for Problem 4.6 are correct.
It calls the function jurytest. If Kmax=0.99 or Kmin=-0.92, instability results.

% Program JuryRange
% Set K = Kmin, call jury, increment K until K>= Kmax or an
% polynomial is encountered
Kmin =-0.921; Kmax=0.989; Kstep=0.001; % Define Kmin, Kmax,
while K< Kmax
pol=[1, K-0.9, 0.08-K];% Statement to evaluate the coefficient
of pol
if con==0; 'unstable', K, return; end

4.14 Show how the program written for Exercise 4.13 can be used to test the stability of a
system with uncertain zero location. Use the program to test the effect of a  20%
variation in the location of the zero for the systems of Problem 4.6, with a fixed gain equal
to half the critical value.

0.495( z  a)
The open-loop transfer function is G ( z )  , 0.8  a  1.2
( z  0.1)( z  0.8)
The closed loop characteristic equation is
0.495( z  a )  ( z  0.1)( z  0.8)  z 2  0.405 z  0.08  0.495a, 0.8  a  1.2
The program JuryRange with Kmin=0.8, Kmax=1.2, and the above polynomial shows that
the system is stable for the given range of zero locations.

4.15 Show how the program written for Exercise 4.13 can be used to test the stability of a
system with uncertain pole location. Use the program to test the effect of a  20%
variation in the location of the first pole for the systems of Problem 4.6, with a fixed gain
equal to half the critical value.

0.495( z  1)
The open-loop transfer function is G ( z )  , 0.64  p  0.96
( z  0.1)( z  p )
The closed loop characteristic equation is
0.495( z  1)  ( z  0.1)( z  p)  z 2   0.395  p  z  0.1 p  0.495, 0.64  p  0.96
The program JuryRange with Kmin=0.64, Kmax=0.96, and the above polynomial shows
that the system is stable for the given range of pole locations.

4.16 Simulate the closed-loop systems of Problem 4.6 with a unit step input and (i) gain K
equal to half the critical gain, (ii) gain K equal to the critical gain. Discuss their stability
using your simulation results.

a)For K = Kcr = 0.99, we obtain the unstable step response.

Step Response







0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Time (sec)

Figure 4-1 Step response of the unstable system of Problem 4.5(a) at the critical gain.

For K = Kcr/2 = 0.495, we obtain a stable step response but because the system has a zero
at 1, the response decays to zero. This is similar to the response to the response of an
analog system with a differentiator or numerator s.

Step Response










0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45
Time (sec)

Figure 4-2 Step response of the system of Problem 4.5(a) at half the critical gain.

b) For K = Kcr = 3.589, we obtain the unstable step response.

Step Response





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Time (sec)

Figure 4-3 Step response of unstable system of Problem 4.5(b) at the critical gain.

For K = Kcr/2 = 1.8945, we obtain a stable step response. The system is type zero and
the steady-stae error is small but not zero.

Step Response









0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time (sec)

Figure 4-4 Step response of unstable system of Problem 4.5(b) at half the critical gain.

4.17 For unity gain, obtain the Nyquist and Bode plots of the systems of Problem 4.6 using
MATLAB and determine

i) The intersection with the real axis using the Nyquist plot then using the Bode plot.
ii) The stable range of positive gains K for the closed-loop unity feedback systems.
iii) The gain margin and phase margin for a gain K = 0.5

( z  1)
a) G( z) 
( z  0.1)( z  0.8)

The MATLAB commands are

>> z=tf('z')
Transfer function:
Sampling time: unspecified

>> g=(z-1)/(z-.1)/(z-.8)

Transfer function:
z^2 - 0.9 z + 0.08

Sampling time: unspecified

>> nyquist(g)
>> bode(g)

Nyquist Diagram




System: g
Real: -1.01
Imag: 5.72e-016
Imaginary Axis

Frequency (rad/sec): -3.14







-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Real Axis

Figure 4-5 Nyquist plot for the system of Problem 4.5(a) with unity gain.

Bode Diagram

System: g
Frequency (rad/sec): 3.14
-1 Magnitude (dB): 0.0873

Magnitude (dB)






Phase (deg)



-135 System: g
Frequency (rad/sec): 3.14
Phase (deg): -180
-1 0 1
10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)

Figure 4-6 Bode plot for the system of Problem 4.5(a) with unity gain.

iv) The intersection with the real axis using the Nyquist plot then using the Bode plot.

From the Nyquist plot, the intersection with the real axis is at 1.01 and the system is
closed-loop unstable. From the Bode plot, at an angle of 180 the corresponding
magnitude is 0.0873 dBs, i.e. magnitude greater than unity. The corresponding
magnitude is

G  j 3.24   10 0.0873 20  1.01

v) The stable range of positive gains K for the closed-loop unity feedback systems.

To put the system on the verge of instability, we need to reduce the gain to the critical
gain Kcr = 0.99 (as shown in Problem 4.5).

vi) The gain margin and phase margin for a gain K = 0.5

We use the MATLAB commands

>> margin(g*.5)

Bode Diagram
Gm = 5.93 dB (at 3.14 rad/sec) , Pm = Inf



Magnitude (dB)







Phase (deg)




-1 0 1
10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)

Figure 4-7 Phase margin and gain margin for the system of Problem 4.5(a) with a gain of 0.5.

The gain margin is 5.93 dB at a frequency of 3.14 rad/s, which is the phase crossover
frequency obtained earlier. The phase magin is infinite since the frequency response
magnitude remains below unity or zero dBs.

( z  0.1)
b) G ( z ) 
( z  0.7)( z  0.9)

The MATLAB commands are

>> z=tf('z')
Transfer function:
Sampling time: unspecified

>> g=(z+.1)/(z-.7)/(z-.9)

Transfer function:
z + 0.1

z^2 - 1.6 z + 0.63

Sampling time: unspecified

>> nyquist(g)
>> bode(g)

i) The intersection with the real axis using the Nyquist plot then using the Bode plot.

From the Nyquist plot, the intersection with the real axis is at 0.279 and the system is
closed-loop stable. From the Bode plot, at an angle of 180 the corresponding
magnitude is 11.1 dBs, i.e. magnitude greater than unity. The corresponding
magnitude is

G  j 3.24   10 11.1 20  0.279

ii) The stable range of positive gains K for the closed-loop unity feedback systems.

To put the system on the verge of instability, we need to reduce the gain to the critical
gain Kcr = 3.584 (which is approximately the same as the value of 3.589 obtained in
Problem 4.5).

Nyquist Diagram




Imaginary Axis





-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Real Axis

Figure 4-8 Nyquist plot for the sytem of Problem 4.5(b).

x 10 Nyquist Diagram


System: g
Real: -0.279
Imag: 3.41e-017

Imaginary Axis
Frequency (rad/sec): -3.14




-0.3 -0.295 -0.29 -0.285 -0.28 -0.275 -0.27 -0.265 -0.26 -0.255 -0.25
Real Axis

Figure 4-9 Nyquist plot for the sytem of Problem 4.5(b) showing intersection with the real axis.

Bode Diagram



Magnitude (dB)


-5 System: g
Frequency (rad/sec): 3.14
Magnitude (dB): -11.1


Phase (deg)


System: g
Frequency (rad/sec): 3.14
Phase (deg): -180
-1 0 1
10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)

Figure 4-10 Bode plot for the system of Problem 4.5(b) with unity gain.

Nyquist Diagram




0.2 System: g
Real: -0.279
Imag: -3.41e-017

Imaginary Axis
Frequency (rad/sec): 3.14





-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Real Axis

Figure 4-11 Nyquist plot for the sytem of Problem 4.5(b) with unity gain showing intersection with
the real axis.

vii) The gain margin and phase margin for a gain K = 0.5

We use the MATLAB commands

>> margin(g*.5)

The gain margin is 17.1 dB at a frequency of 3.14 rad/s, which is the phase crossover
frequency obtained earlier. The phase magin is 25.9 at a frequency of 0.8 rad/s. We can
also obtain the phase margin and gain margin using the Nyquist plot as shown in Figure
Figure 4 -13 by clicking on the plot and selecting
All stability margins

Bode Diagram
Gm = 17.1 dB (at 3.14 rad/sec) , Pm = 25.9 deg (at 0.801 rad/sec)




Magnitude (dB)





Phase (deg)


-1 0 1
10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)

Figure 4-12 Phase margin and gain margin for the system of Problem 4.5(b) at a gain of 0.5 using
the Bode plot.

Nyquist Diagram

System: untitled1 System: untitled1
Phase Margin (deg): 25.9 Gain Margin (dB): 17.1
2Delay Margin (samples): 0.564 At frequency (rad/sec): 3.14
Imaginary Axis

At frequency (rad/sec): 0.801 Closed Loop Stable? Yes

Closed Loop Stable? Yes





-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Real Axis

Figure 4-13 Phase margin and gain margin for the system of Problem 4.5(b) at a gain of 0.5 using
the Nyquist plot.

4.18 For twice the nominal gain, use MATLAB to obtain the Nyquist and Bode plots of the
oven control system of Example 4.10 with a sampling period of 0.01 and determine

i) The intersection with the real axis using the Nyquist plot then using the Bode plot.
ii) The stable range of additional positive gains K for the closed-loop unity feedback
iii) The gain margin and phase margin for twice the nominal gain.

i) The intersection with the real axis using the Nyquist plot then using the Bode plot.

We obtain the Nyquist plot (Figure 4.14), zoom in on the point (1, 0) of the Nyquist
plot (Figure 4.15), and the Bode plot (Figure 4.16). To obtain more accurate values for
the intersection in the Nyquist plot, we use the command

>> nyquist(gdt*2,[5:.01:6]) % Obtain Nyquist plot for 5 to 6 rad/s.

The intersection with the negative real axis is at 0.576 which corresponds to the value
on the Bode plot since

20 log10(0.562) = 4.8

Nyquist Diagram


Imaginary Axis



-5 0 5 10 15 20
Real Axis

Figure 4-14 Nyquist plot for the oven control system.

Nyquist Diagram



System: untitled1
Real: -0.576
Imag: 0.000424
Imaginary Axis

Frequency (rad/sec): -5.24




-0.6 -0.58 -0.56 -0.54 -0.52 -0.5 -0.48 -0.46 -0.44 -0.42 -0.4
Real Axis

Figure 4-15 Nyquist plot for the oven control system in the vicinity of the point (1, 0).

Bode Diagram


System: untitled1
-20 Frequency (rad/sec): 5.24
Magnitude (dB): -4.8

Magnitude (dB)









Phase (deg)

System: untitled1
-225 Frequency (rad/sec): 5.26
Phase (deg): -180




-2 -1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)

Figure 4-16 Bode plot for the oven control system.

ii)The stable range of additional positive gains K for the closed-loop unity feedback

The gain margin is given by

GM    1.74
To put the system on the verge of instability, we can increase the gain to the critical
value Kcr = 1.74 and the allowable range of positive gains is [0, 1.74]

iii) The gain margin and phase margin for

twice the nominal gain .

We use the MATLAB command

>> [gm,pm]=margin(gdt*2)
gm =
pm =

The Bode plot including the margins of Figure 4.17 is obtained using

>> margin(gdt*2)

Bode Diagram
Gm = 4.82 dB (at 5.25 rad/sec) , Pm = 15.5 deg (at 3.93 rad/sec)


Magnitude (dB)






Phase (deg)





-1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)

Figure 4-17 Phase and gain margins show on the Bode plot for the oven control system.

Th gain and phase margins can also be obtained using the Nyquist command as shown in
Figure 4.18 by clicking on the plot and selecting
All stability margins

Nyquist Diagram

2 System: untitled1
Gain Margin (dB): 4.82
At frequency (rad/sec): 5.25
Imaginary Axis

Closed Loop Stable? Yes


System: untitled1
Phase Margin (deg): 15.5
Delay Margin (samples): 6.9
-2 At frequency (rad/sec): 3.93
Closed Loop Stable? Yes




-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Real Axis

Figure 4-18 Phase and gain margins show on the Nyquist plot for the oven control system.

4.19 In many applications, there is a need for accurate position control at the nanometer
scale. This is known as nano-positioning and is now feasible due to advances in
nanotechnology. The following transfer function represents a single-axis nanopositioning

G ( s )  4.29 E10
s  631.2 s  9.4 E 6
 
s 2  638.8s  45E 6 
   
s 2  178.2s  6 E 6 s 2  412.3s  16 E 6 s 2  209.7 s  56 E 6  s  5818

a) Obtain the DAC-analog system-ADC transfer function for a sampling period of 100 ms and
determine its stability using the Nyquist criterion.
b) Obtain the DAC-analog system-ADC transfer function for a sampling period of 1 ms and
determine its stability using the Nyquist criterion.
c) Plot the closed-loop step response of the system of (b) and explain the stability results of (a) and
(b) based on your plot.

d) Obtain the DAC-analog system-ADC transfer function for a sampling period of 100 ms and
determine its stability using the Nyquist criterion.

>> gd=c2d(g,.1)

Transfer function:
0.5801 z^6 - 0.0001393 z^5 + 1.051e-008 z^4 - 3.084e-013 z^3 + 3.704e-018 z^2 + 4.488e-027 z +
z^7 - 0.0003086 z^6 + 3.139e-008 z^5 - 1.068e-012 z^4 + 1.424e-017 z^3 + 2.807e-026 z^2 + 1.769e-
035 z - 4.254e-055

>> nyquist(gd)

A. Sebastian and S. M. Salapaka, “Design Methodologies for Robust Nano-Positioning,” IEEE TRANS.
CONTROL SYSTEMS TECH., VOL.13, NO.6, November, 2005.

Nyquist Diagram



System: gd
Real: -0.58
Imag: 5.86e-016
Imaginary Axis

Frequency (rad/sec): -31.4





-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Real Axis

Figure 4-19 Nyquist plot for the nano-positioning system with a sampling period T=100ms.

e) Obtain the DAC-analog system-ADC transfer function for a sampling period of 1 ms and
determine its stability using the Nyquist criterion.

>> gd1=c2d(g,.001)

Transfer function:
0.9063 z^6 + 1.227 z^5 + 1.16 z^4 + 1.114 z^3 + 0.9899 z^2 + 0.4766 z + 0.05919
z^7 + 1.82 z^6 + 2.191 z^5 + 1.865 z^4 + 1.79 z^3 + 1.114 z^2 + 0.4459 z - 0.001336

Sampling time: 0.001

>> nyquist(gd1)

Nyquist Diagram

Imaginary Axis




-4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Real Axis

Figure 4-20 Nyquist plot for the nano-positioning system with a sampling period T=1ms.

f) Plot the closed-loop step response of the of the system of (b) and explain the stability results of
(a) and (b) based on your plot.

The step response of the system with sampling period 1 ms is shown in Figure 4 -21 and the system is
clearly unstable as predicted by the Nyquist criterion. The analog subsystem is unstable at a gain of unity
but at a slow sampling rate, the digital system appears stable. The system will have intersample
oscillations and this is revealed by the instability of the digital system with the faster sampling rate of 1

x 10




0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2

Figure 4-21 Step response for the closed-loop digital system with a samping rate T=1 ms.


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