Sattvic Revolution: M.Sc. in Environmental Management National University of Singapore

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in Environmental Management
National University of Singapore

ESE5901: Environmental Technologies

Application of Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology
for Sewage Treatment in Urban Context

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution

Project team members

(1) Supriyanto (A0133087H)

(2) Nazifa Zabeen Siddiqua (A0134135R)
(3) Mutu Tantrige Osada Vishvajith Peiris (A0123406U)
(4) Prerna Shah (A0123445M)

The project team members hereby declare that this report and the work described
in it represent our own work, unaided except as may be specified in the report,
and that the report does not contain material that has already been used to any
substantial extent for the award of any degree, project work or a comparable

On behalf of the team, this project report is submitted by:

Prerna Shah

Signature ---------------------------------

Date 08th April 2015

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution

Project team members

List of Images
List of Tables
List of Figures

1. Abstract 6
2. Introduction 7
2.1. Global Situation
2.2. Local Situation
2.2.1. Dhaka, Fast Growing Mega City
2.2.2. Water supply and Sanitation facilities in Korail Slum,
3. Problem Statement 9
3.1. Scope of the Project
3.2. Significance of the Project
3.3. Project Methodology
4. Proposed technologies
4.1. Overview
4.2. Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology
4.2.1. Origin and Evolution of the SBR Technology
4.2.2. Description of SBR Process and examples of its use
4.3. Advantages and Disadvantages of SBR Technology
4.3.1 Comparison SBR Technology with Similar Technologies
4.3.2 Limitations of SBR Technology in Use
5. Application of the SBR Technology for selected Community
5.1 Legal Requirements for Sewage treatment
5.2 Use of New Technologies for Optimization
5.2.1 UV Treatment of Treated Water for Disinfection

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
5.2.2 Sludge Recycling Technique
5.3 Operation and Maintenance of the Treatment Plant
6 Discussion
6.1 Overall Solution to Address the Sewage Contamination Problem
6.2 Feasibility of the Project
6.2.1 Legal Feasibility
6.2.2 Schedule Feasibility
6.2.3 Cultural Feasibility
6.2.4 Technical Feasibility
6.2.5 Economic Feasibility
6.3 Necessary Improvements and required areas of Future Research
7 Conclusion
8 References
9 Acknowledgements

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution

List of Images

Picture 1 : Korail Slum in the City of Dhaka

Picture 2 : Conventional Treatment Plants used for Sewage Treatment
in many countries
Picture 3 : Trickling Filter & Activated Sludge System
Picture 4 : Location of UV Disinfection
Picture 5 Sludge Composting Tanks located next to SBR Tank
Picture 6 : Maintenance and after service of SBR sewage treatment

List of Tables

Table 1 : Fact Sheet: Korail, Dhaka

Table 2 : The difference of SBR with its Past Developments
Table 3 Water quality standards adopted for plant design and
discharge (based on Environmental Protection Rules,
Table 4 : Comparison of Technologies of Sewage Treatment
Table 5 : Treated waste water discharge standards for surface
water bodies
Table 6 : Stages of the project with timeline
Table 7 : Estimation of Cost Items for 1 unit of SBR

List of Figures

Figure 1 : Operation phase of SBR process

Figure 2 : Schematic illustration of SBR for serving rural community
Figure 3 Schematic presentation of the SBR process in Buxar,
Figure 4 : Schematic Diagram of SBR Treatment Plant with 30m 3 of
daily capacity

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
ASP Activated Sludge Process

BOD Biological Oxygen Demand

CMFR Completely Mixed Flow Reactor

COD Chemical Oxygen Demand

GDP Gross Domestic Product

IDEA Intermittently Decanted Extended Aeration

EPA Environmental Protection Agency (USA)

MBR Membrane Bio Reactors

MDG Millennium Development Goals

NGO Non-Governmental Organization

PFR Plug Flow Reactor

RBC Rotating Biological Contactor

SBR Sequencing Batch Reactor

TDS Total Dissolved Solids

TSS Total Suspended Solids

UV Ultra Violet

USA United States of America

WHO World Health Organization

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution

With the threat of ‘Water Wars’ increasingly becoming real, fresh water
requirements can only be met by either enhancing water use efficiency or
managing demand. Waste water treatment is fast emerging as a potential source
of regulating the demand side of the equation. Furthermore, The Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) require signatory nations to extend access to
improved sanitation to at least half the urban population by 2015 and enable
100% access by 2025. This means that greater resources will need to be
allocated for building waste water treatment plants in cities. In the case of
developing countries, simple and cost effective technologies will be required to
cater to the low income developments where sanitation issues are ever so dire.

Korail, the largest slum in the fast growing city of Dhaka (Bangladesh) has limited
sanitation facilities due to which the people suffer from numerous health hazards.
This project is an attempt to provide a comprehensive waste water treatment
system to the residents of this area. After carefully assessing the available
technologies, the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) was found to be most suitable
because of its optimized performance, low costs involved and simplicity in

The SBR variant with periodic influent, a react phase and no idle phase is utilized
owing to its operational efficiency. New technologies for UV treatment and sludge
recycling are put in place for maximizing the efficiency of the plant, followed by
maintenance guidelines and overall feasibility of the project.

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution

2.1 Global Situation

Water quality is a growing concern among the developing World as it undermines
not only the economic growth but also the physical health and environmental
quality of a nation. Every day, nearly 2 million tonnes of sewage and other
effluents drain into the World’s waters so much so that the UN estimates more
people dying from consuming unsafe water than all forms of violence, including
war (WHO, 2002). Lack of adequate sanitation is one of the most significant forms
of water pollution; worldwide 2.5 billion people live without improved sanitation of
which 70% reside in developing countries (UNICEF WHO 2008). The situation is
overly precarious in cities where population pressures have led to an enormous
rise in squatter settlements hardly equipped with any water treatment systems.
The implementation of cost effective technologies, inter agency coordination and
renewed political will is critical for urban water security in these areas.

2.2 Local Situation

2.2.1 Dhaka, Fast Growing Mega City

Cities are practically observed to be the engines of economic growth in this age of
globalization. Bangladesh witnessed tremendous rate of urbanization during the
last few decades. The physical growth of the city is, however, associated with
multi-faceted problems. Growing pressure of population and lack of planned
infrastructural growth are resulting in slums and squatter settlements. Currently
the population of Dhaka city is around 15.5 million & every year up to 400,000
new migrants move to the city. As a result, majority of population living in slums,
suffer from different kinds of water and excreta-borne diseases that worsen their
poverty situations. Therefore, it is essential to take measures for treatment of
domestic waste water in financially viable and technically feasible manner.

2.2.2 Water supply and Sanitation facilities in Korail Slum, Dhaka

The Korail slum in Dhaka is situated over 170 acres of government land owned by
the state-owned Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited, the Public
Works Department and the Ministry of Information and Communication. It is the
largest slum in the capital city and shares its borders with two wealthy

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
neighbourhoods, Banani and Gulshan. Over 40,000 people live in Korail. 3.7 is
the average household size. About 76% of the sanitary facilities are non-water
sealed latrines and only 10.4% are water-sealed (Kulkarni, 2012). Normally Korail
slum have bucket latrines, which are partially hygienic. The open disposal of
human excreta pollutes the nearby water bodies, canals and drains causing
severe water pollution. This range from ground to river water contamination,
depends on the soil characteristics and distance between the water sources and
latrines. Besides, solid waste management and drainage system are totally
unsatisfactory in the slum area. Many motivational work and public awareness
campaigns from government and NGO side are being launched to improve the
slum-dwellers’ awareness level.

Picture 1: Korail Slum in the City of Dhaka (Source:

Table 1: Fact Sheet: Korail, Dhaka (Source:Ahmed & Mohuya, 2013)

Location : Gulshan Thana, Dhaka

Permanency : 25 years
Area : 170 Acres
Number of Households : 10961
Average HH size : 3.7
Population : 40767
Sex : Male 21,286 and Female 19,481
Water Facility : 2 water points (1 DCC and 1 DWASA)
Sanitation Facility : 10.4% water sealed (bucket) latrines, 76% non-
water sealed latrines & 13.4% Hanging latrines
Drainage Facility : Discontinuous semi-pucca drain
Solid waste Facility Open dumping

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution

3.1 Scope of the Project

As the health and hygiene issues related to waste water are common in Korail,
this project is focused to address that issue and suggest a feasible, economic
solution to that problem. The scopes of this waste water management project for
Korail are as following:

The project is focused for treatment of domestic waste water only.

 The treatment technology is restricted to treat biological waste from

domestic units where black water from toilets and grey water from
bathrooms will be taken into the treatment plant.

 Waste water from laundries is excluded due to non-biodegradable nature.

 The kitchen waste water is also excluded due to high level of BOD, COD
content as well as the high quantity of oil & grease.

 Those sources are possible to include into the sewage treatment plant with
pre-treatment which needs further study in detail to provide comprehensive

 The treatment plant capacity is limited to 40 families in the urban locality due
to its limitations of spaces, cost and efficiency of the plant.

 The average household size considered here is 4, based on the data from
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.

3.2 Significance of the Project

As per the regulations, industrial waste water has been regulated in most of the
countries. Domestic waste water treatment is not considered as a priority in many
developing countries due to lack of financial allocations, inconsistency with
development policies and social welfare, increased poverty level and complexity
of the issues. Therefore the project is significant on providing hi-tech solution for
the treatment of domestic waste water in financially viable and technically feasible
manner. Sewage has been contaminated many water bodies in Bangladesh. In
2012, 57% of urban population has the improved access to sanitation (World

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
Bank, 2012) which shows the threat imposed by sewage contamination in water
bodies in the country. Also the health expenses on hygienic issues and water
borne diseases have imposed extra burden on government expenditure on
health. Additionally the pollution of water bodies has created eutrophication and
depletion of fishing stocks. So sewage treatment project is expected to address
the following issues that Dhaka faces today with regard to urban population:

 Protection of urban population from water borne diseases created from

sewage contamination.

 Protection of aquatic eco systems and thereby maintain a healthy fish stock
in the water bodies.

 Reduce the dependency on ground water by providing reusable water

through sewage treatment.

 Strengthen the economy of fishing community by maintaining healthy fish

stock through treatment of sewage.

 Provide organic fertilizer through sludge recycling which can be used for
agriculture activities.

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
3.3 Project Methodology

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution

4.1 Overview

Sewage treatment has been an increasingly popular breakthrough to mitigate

water issue, particularly to minimize the negative impact of contaminated water
before it is introduced into a water body such as a river. Furthermore, the
challenge of water scarcity in some parts of the globe makes the value of water
more precious so that the effort to change sewage into water resource brings
positive impact either to fulfil water demand or to overcome water pollution. Some
experts have successfully designed a simple technology of Sequencing Batch
Reactor (SBR) the basic principle of which is an activated sludge process to
remove some hazardous nutrients on the sewage such as carbon, nitrogen and
phosphorus so that it will not contaminate water if it is discharged into river. In
order to meet water consumption standard, Ultra Violet (UV) treatment is widely
used to disinfect pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

4.2 Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology

4.2.1 Origin and Evolution of the SBR Technology

The use of sewage treatment is started in the late nineteenth century with
involving chemical precipitation. The development of activated sludge system as
a scientific basis of SBR technology began with some monumental experiments,
used widely in USA and England as follows (Wilderer, et al., 2001, p. 6):

Dupre & Dibdin : founded aeration had a bit influence on the sewage
Mather & Platt : explained the accumulation of impurity at the bottom of
(1893) aerated basin
Fuller (1893) : demonstrated the value of artificial aeration of sewage
filter changing rough bed material
Fowler (1897) : shown a clear effluent with rapid settling of particle
Fowler (1912) : highlighted bubble-aerated wastewater in a tank
followed by a sedimentation step to clarify sewage
Ardern & Lockett : activated sludge treatment by non discharging the

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
(1914) deposited solid formed during the cyclic aeration of
sewage in a fill and draw system
Pasveer (1960) : explained that non-oxidation dicth technology or
Intermittently Decanted Extended Aeration (IDEA) to
separate clarifier and solids recycle during continuous-
flow operation with tree different phases including
aeration, sedementation and displacement
Irvine & Davis : used the term of ‘Sequencing Batch Reactor’ for a
(1969) single basin reactor for the full scale treatment of an
industrial wastewater in USA.

4.2.2 Description of SBR Process and examples of its use

The technology of SBR is a series of process phase including fill, react, settle,
draw and idle (optional) with four various SBR applications as follows :

1. System with periodic influent, a react phase and an idle phase

2. System with a periodic influent, a react phase and no idle phase

3. System with interrupted influent, a selector and no react and idle phases

4. System with a continuous influent.

In terms of sewage treatment, we select SBR number (2) because of its efficiency
of operational process. This technology only needs double tanks with first tank
for influent storage and second tank for SBR system with its process of removal
toxic nutrient in a single tank as shown at Figure . aeration will happen during
react phase and then is followed the separated sludge from treated water (settle)
and finally withdrawal of the treated water (draw).

Figure 1: Operation phase of SBR process (source: Wilderer, Irvine & Goronszy, 2001)

The illustration of a SBR plant serving a small community in a rural area as shown
at Figure with its operating system as follows:

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
 Fill in tank 1: when tank 2 reaches its high water level pump 1 starts and pump
2 shuts off. Tank 1 completes react, settle, draw and idle before fill begins.

 React in tank 1: mixing and aeration begin at the end of the fill phase in tank 1

 Settle in tank 1: mixing and aeration required for react is stopped and settle is
allowed to begin.

 Draw in tank 1: draw begins at the time that settle ends.

 Fill in tank 1: when tank 2 reaches the end of its fill phase, tank 1 accepts the
influent. Tank 2 then goes through its phases of react, settle, draw and idle as
described above for tank 1, and becomes ready to begin its next fill phase.
The cycle repeats in each tank. When influent flow rates are low, the cycle
times are long, and when the flow rates are high, the times are short.

Figure 2: Schematic illustration of SBR for serving rural community

Originally, SBR was a result of the evolution of sludge bulking control in the
possibility of uncontrollable variations in the main influent parameter and
environmental factor. The distinctive feature of SBR compare to previous
technology is representated at Table .

Table 2: The difference of SBR with its Past Developments

Completely mixed flow Sequencing batch

Plug flow reactor (PFR)
reactor (CMFR) reactor (SBR)
 It is needed three tanks  The result of wastewater  Periodic exposure of the
during a process, in treatment can be microorganism to
which if all tanks in the effectively improved by defined process
cascade are aerated and controlling over the conditions in efectively
there is no variation in system inherent achieved in a fed-batch
the mass flow rate of raw unsteady state system in which
waste, the resulting environment. exposure time,
stepwise goes down in frequency of exposure
 Repeating changing of

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
Completely mixed flow Sequencing batch
Plug flow reactor (PFR)
reactor (CMFR) reactor (SBR)
the substrate activated sludge and amplitude of the
concentration. between zones with respective concentration
zone with low and high can be set independently
 Variation influent flow
substrate concentration, of any inflow conditions.
and concentration make
respectively is very
uncontrolled activated  It happens in a single
effective method of
sludge system into tanks with a series of
controlling the excess
unsteady state process including fill,
growth of microorganis.
behaviour and the react, settle, decant and
resulting performance is  In practiced, this system idle (optional).
frequently unpredictable imposes suboptimal
 Biomass separation
selective pressure on the
occurs in the biological
microorganism and are
reactor and not in a
therefore unable to
separate clarifier
respond well during the
peak loading periods.  The unit operation takes
place in each reactor in a
time sequence that is
progressively repeated in
a periodic manner and
not from tank to tank as
they do in spacial system

4.2.3 Case Study: Sewerage Project in Buxar (Bihar, India)

The town of Buxar, situated on the westernmost region of Bihar state, is one of
the fast growing urban agglomerations in India. With a population of 83168
persons (Census, 2001), including about 20% of slum dwellers, this town lacked a
comprehensive sewage treatment facility. This project was implemented under
the National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) in order to provide a
comprehensive wastewater collection, treatment and disposal system so that no
untreated water is discharged into the sacred river Ganga.

Prior to the implementation of this Project, waste water typically flowed into
individual Septic Tanks connected to road side gutters which further drained into
nearest depressions creating a pond there. These ponds of open sullage had
become a potential threat to the health of the residents as they were a breeding
ground of mosquitoes. Kutcha (temporary) toilets and open defecation were a
common sight.

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
Consequently, it was decided to develop a sewerage plant based on the SBR
wastewater treatment. The minimum space and energy requirement, overall
simplicity, low maintenance cost and the ability to handle extremely high organic
and hydraulic shock loads were the key criteria for the selection of this

Table 3: Water quality standards adopted for plant design and discharge (based on Environmental
Protection Rules, 1986)

Adopted influent quality Effluent standards

S. S. Parameters
Parameters Unit Values Unit surface
No. No. (max)
1 BOD Mg/l 300 1 Mg/l 100
BOD (5 days
2 COD Mg/l 700 2 Mg/l 30
at 20 degree C
3 Mg/l 600 3 COD Mg/l 250

The fill and draw activated treatment system is followed wherein aeration and
sedimentation/clarification are carried out sequentially in the same tank. The basic
biological treatment cycle comprises: (1) Fill-Aeration (2) Settlement and (3)
Decanting, constituting a repetitive cycle to remove BOD, COD, Suspended Solids,
Biological Nitrogen and Phosphorous

Figure 3: Schematic presentation of the SBR process in Buxar, Bihar

Disinfection of Screening, grit
treated sewage removal and
through chlorination sedimentation


Screened and de-gritted sludge constitutes the primary treatment, followed by SBR
and chlorination in the Disinfection Tank. The capacity of the entire treatment plant is
16 mld.

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
The adjoining table shows the typical
outlet quality which falls well within the
regulatory standards of the State.
Moreover, it provides for an additional
capacity enhancement to 25 mld required
by the year 2041, based on population
growth predictions. A predictive operation
and maintenance schedule also adds to the feasibility of the project. Therefore, it is a
good case in point for the practical implementation of SBR in not only our current
study area of Korail, Dhaka but even in other low income housing developments
across Asia.

4.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of SBR Technology

4.3.1 Comparison SBR Technology with Similar Technologies

As it was mentioned, there are various types of sewage treatment technologies

available in the world. Common treatment technologies such as Sludge Digestion
(Bio Gas plants), Rotating Biological Contactors (RBC), Trickling Filter, Activated
Sludge Process (ASP), SBR, and Membrane Bio Reactors (MBR) are competing
technologies for treatment of sewage.

Picture 2: Conventional Treatment Plants used for Sewage Treatment in many countries (Source:

Trickling Filter, Activated Sludge Process has been selected to compare with SBR
treatment system to validate the advantages of SBR in terms of sewage

Picture 3: Trickling Filter & Activated Sludge System (Sources:,&

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution

The comparison of technologies is as follows.

Table 4: Comparison of Technologies of Sewage Treatment (Source: Centre for Science and
Environment, India –

Parameter Trickling Filter SBR
BOD Removal 85-90% >95% >98%
Lower limit of BOD effluent 15 mg/l <10 mg/l <10 mg/l
Capital Cost High Moderate High
Operating Cost Minimal High Minimal
Land Requirement High Low Low
Operator Control Limited Low Low
Shock loads Rapid recovery Very slow Rapid recovery
Foaming None Often Low
Odour Yes Minimal Minimal
Energy Consumption High Low Moderate
Noise Minimal Moderate Minimal
Hydraulic washout No Yes Yes
Plugging Yes No No
Drying of media Yes No No
Output of sludge Moderate High Moderate

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
Wilderer, Irvine & Goronszy, (2001) conducted a survey to evaluate the
performance of existing plant during 1998 and 1999 with some discoveries as

1. Mostly plant designs in Germany use effluent hydraulic buffer tank due to its
effectiveness in controlling possible uncertain performance.

2. The performance of the plants was very effective with respect to nutrient

3. Plant design and mechanical equipment were often inadequate, particularty

for the measuring devices needed to run the plant in an automatic mode.

4. When comparing SBR with other sewage treatment technology, SBR is much
more economically because the simple operation and the need of a single
tank in its operation.

4.3.2 Limitations of SBR Technology in Use

SBR Treatment process is biological hence there are some limitations in

treatment of different types of domestic waste water. The key limitations are as

 Since SBR is biological treatment system, non-bio-degradable waste coming

from laundries, kitchen and wash rooms cannot be treated by using this
technology. Most of the cases, laundry waste is not treated by using SBR.

 SBR system is effective in specific organic load. Maximum organic load

which SBR can handle is about 600-800 mg/l in general and exceeded BOD
loads are not possible to treat by using SBR.

 SBR treatment plants have a maximum capacity of treatment about 1000 m 3

per day. When it exceeds sludge handling is become difficult and can lead to
failure in treatment process.

 Due to the use of membrane inside of the tank, in a failure of single

membrane unit, all the membranes of aeration tank have to be replaced.

 High initial investment needed for the technology. As SBR technology is

developed with continuous research & development, its cost is comparatively
high for developing countries.

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution

5.1 Legal Requirements for Sewage treatment

The sewage treatment is one of the key components of environmental pollution

control and widely used in many countries. In Bangladesh, rules & regulations
governing waste water treatment regulation is as follows.

Table 5: Treated waste water discharge standards for surface water bodies (source: Bangladesh
Ministry of Environment & Forest (

Unit of Maximum Limit

No Indicator
Measurement of Discharge
1 pH value at ambient temperature - 6.0 – 8.5
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 5
2 mg/l 30.0
days at 20 ºC
3 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/l 250.0
4 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/l 50.0

5 Fecal coliform count mg/l 0.0

6 Oil & Grease Content mg/l 10.0
Temperature of discharge (within 15 m
7 ºC 40 ºC
downstream from the effluent outlet)
Note 1: All efforts should be made to remove colour and unpleasant odour as far as
Note 2: These values are based on dilution of effluents by at least 8 volumes of clean
receiving water. If the dilution is below 8 times, the permissible limits are
multiplied by 1/8 of the actual dilution.

5.2 Use of New Technologies for Optimization

The treatment plant consists of major components that use different technologies
to produce the output. Treated effluent is being re-used by the community and
sludge is expected to be used for composting. Energy requirement is expected to
be met from renewable sources; plant is free from chemical use during its
complete operation.

By considering the space availability, cost and durability, concrete tank option
was selected for the project. The treatment process is illustrated as following
schematic diagram.

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
Figure 2: Schematic Diagram of SBR Treatment Plant with 30m3 of daily capacity

Refer to the annexure 1 for the design calculation of treatment plant and components of SBR treatment plant.

5.2.1 UV Treatment of Treated Water for Disinfection

Disinfection is considered as the final stage of waste water treatment to eliminate

the disease causing bacteria and virus which may likely to present in the water
after the sewage treatment. It is important to make sure that SBR treatment has
been effectively operated before sending water into UV treatment system. The
effectiveness of UV system depends on characteristics of water, intensity of UV
radiation, exposure time of micro-organisms and reactor configuration (USEPA,

For the daily treatment of 30 m3 of treated water, following criterion is used in

selection of UV dose. American National Standards Institute has set the standard
of minimum UV light requirement at 38 mWs/cm2 for devices that treat visually
clear water (NESC, 2000). Based on the international standards, UV disinfection
system has to be placed at the outlet of SBR treatment plant programmed with
the functioning during every discharge cycle.
Picture 4: Location of UV Disinfection units in a) Indoor unit together with control panels of SBR plant b)
outdoor house-in with separated connection for the effluent discharge tank (Sources:,

Generally UV light has to be

replaced every 1500 hours of
use and its daily use will be
the discharge time cycle of
approximately 2 hours.

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
5.2.2 Sludge Recycling Technique

Treatment plant is expected to reach its maximum level of sludge storage in tank
1. The removed sludge is expected to use for composting due to high nutrient
content. The composting of sludge can be done by using on-site underground
tank as per Picture .

Picture 5: Sludge Composting Tanks located next to SBR Tank (Source:

Sewage is pumped into the tank by using submerged pump in the buffer tank.
The expected quantity of sewage after 6 months is around 750 kg – 1000kg for
the composting. The sludge is mixed with wooden chips, paddy husk and organic
matter to create humus. The operation is expected to handover to the community
after extensive training and handling of composting process.

5.3 Operation and Maintenance of the Treatment Plant

As the treatment plant is biological in nature, the operation has to be carefully

observed. The treatment plant is designed for treatment of domestic sewage and
waste water. Therefore influent must NOT contain the biologically incompatible
types of waste water which may result in adverse quality of the effluent from the
 Rain water, drain water, cooling water

 Swimming pool water

 Chemicals, pharmaceuticals, mineral oils, solvents,

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
 Solid substances such as food remains, plastics and sanitary products,
coffee filter bags, bottle caps and other household articles (must be
removed through screener)

 Large quantities of milk

 Large quantities of blood

 Large amounts of grease (has to be sent through a grease separator)

Monthly check of following components of the treatment plant must be performed

by a technically qualified person:

 Visual control of the process (sludge buffering, turbidity, discoloration)

 Visual check for congestion of inlet and outlet

 Read and log operating hours meter of control panel

 Check air filter in the control cabinet of air compressor

The physical tests must be performed every 03 months to check the process
happening inside of the treatment plant.

 Checking of sludge level in 1st chamber and dispose of sludge into compost
tank when 70% of sludge storage content reached in the tank.

 Measuring of O2 concentration (> 2 mg/l) in the effluent sampler.

 Measuring sludge proportion by volume (< 400 ml/l) in the SBR-Reactor

during the aeration phase.

 Taking a sample for laboratory tests (BOD, COD, TSS, TDS, etc.)

 Clean up or change filter cartridge (if required) of rotary vane air


Picture 6: Maintenance and after service of SBR sewage treatment plant

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution

6.1 Overall Solution to the Sewage Contamination Problem

Urban water related issues are common in developing countries. Water security
has been identified as a Millennium Development Goal (MDG) by United Nations
due to the fact that human lives depend on clean and safe water (OECD, 2012).
Currently access to safe sanitation in the world is 63% but open defecation still
takes place in many developing countries (WHO, 2012). It is a challenging task
for most of the developing countries to exert trade-off between development
needs and waste water management issues. Overall solution for the sewage
contamination problem can be initiated with a strong political leadership.
Singapore, once a country with many pig farms and sewage contaminated water
bodies, transformed into a role model in waste water management due to the
strong political commitment and visionary leadership of late Prime Minister Lee
Kuan Yew. Similar trends are visible in recent past where Indian Prime Minister
Narendra Modi pledged to construct more ‘toilets before temples’ which show the
changing priorities of political manifestos in creating overall solutions.

The water-witch is used to scoop up all the flotsam

brought down by the current and empties its "bucket"
into large rubbish bins on a barge. Some people also
treat the river as a toilet - and then allow their children
to bathe in it. Photo taken on August 8, 1983. Photo:
Arthur Lee/ The Straits Times - See more at:

Senior BJP leader L.K. Advani on Sunday expressed

concerns over the increasing level of pollution in the
river Ganga, saying it was claiming more lives than
those caused by bomb blasts. Published on August 14,
2011. Photo: File Photo/ The Hindu - See more at:

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
The waste water contamination has different faces in different countries. So the
solutions and technologies used to purify water will be context specific. But there
are constant variables available to provide solutions to sewage contamination
issue by considering the developing countries with urban poverty in tropical
 Pollutant sources must be clearly identified before step into the relevant
technological solution. The contamination types and the level of pollution are
key requirements before initiating the planning of solution.

 The technology used for treatment/purify the waste water sources must be
well established in the context. (Most of technologies developed in
temperate regions may not work effectively in tropical conditions).

 Waste water sources must be advised and feedback must be taken in the
planning stage of waste water treatment solution. If it involves underserved
settlements in urban areas, special attention must be provided to the
economic, social and environmental conditions to provide an effective waste
water treatment solution.

 The operation and maintenance of treatment work must be a priority concern

before initiation of project. If the project has been outsourced to private
company by the public sector, proper management plan including operation
plan, treated effluent quality, discharge of residue, back-up plan upon
breakdown must be provided and approved.

 Involvement of pollutant sources into the solution is important for long term
success of waste water treatment project. In case of urban underserved
settlers, the involvement in the construction, operation and phase out stages
will provide opportunities in cost cutting and providing effective solution
which suits the local conditions.

 Availability of spare parts of the treatment plant and technology transfer is

also considerable if the project involves the overseas product. Technical-
know-how and operation process is required in long run.

The ideal solution for point sources of pollution is the on-site treatment before
discharging the effluent in to the environment. Many countries in the world
adopted central treatment in urban sewage treatment context. It is also possible

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
for individual treatment plant solutions if the pollutant sources are dispersed in the
geography and waste water generators are affordable. Treatment of non-point
sources of waste water is difficult and requires comprehensive planning and
design of plant as well as the spatial context. The key challenge for the
developing countries in sewage treatment is working around the minimal financial
allocations. Challenges of poverty elimination and economic stability are justified
by the common strategy of “develop first, clean up environment later” which is
now proven wrong in many countries.

6.2 Feasibility of the Project

Feasibility is concerned with the possible commitment of SBR technology into

practical use, particularly on the targeted area, which should meet with the local
regulation, timing of project, cultural community, technical performance, and
economic capacity. This thereby must be realistically tested prior to implement
SBR into wastewater treatment. The decision of using SBR requires
comprehensively analysis from multidimensional perspective so this technology
will overcome all its limitations. Without these considerations, none of the projects
meet the respective pollution control standards.

6.2.1 Legal Feasibility

Technology has a legal obligation to provide its user with needed information and
specific ability that correspond to local regulations. In terms of the quality of
effluent from SBR which its lower limit of BOD is less than 10 mg/l as shown at
Table 4, it can be concluded that this performance is appropriate with the
Bangladesh regulation that requests the maximum limit of discharge into river at
30 mg/l as represented at Table.... This means an inability to generate water as
mentioned on the role may lead a failure of empirical use of SBR. The similar
approach is applied to every pollution control measure such as COD, PH, TSS,
TDS, Oil & Grease, etc.

6.2.2 Schedule Feasibility

Timing is one of the important parts to consider while undertaking a project. The
simple and short period to build one single unit of SBR has become the main
reason to omit other technology that has a longer installation schedule. The

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
normal time to establish one package SBR using double tanks is about 10-12
weeks with 30,000 L per day capacity of water treatment (Klaro, 2014). Compared
to ‘activated sludge system’ that consumes at least three tanks will need more
time to finish completely one unit plant (Wilderer, Irvine & Goronszy, 2001). The
project timeline is also context specific which may vary due to technical
clarifications, approval issues and other bureaucratic reasons. But generally it is
accepted to complete such project in 6 months of timeline. The SBR treatment
plant project under study is expected to complete the commissioning at the end of
6 month period
Table 6: Stages of the project with timeline

No Description of the activity
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Design of the plant and selection of site of installation
Earth work, excavation and concrete tank
3 Installation of membranes, control panel & UV filter
Construction of effluent collection tank & distribution
5 Supplying of inlets from houses into buffer tank
6 Commissioning of the plant and testing of output

7 Community consultation

6.2.3 Cultural Feasibility

Nowadays people are increasingly aware regarding environmental issues. The

negative impact of these global phenomena, such as pollution and water scarcity,
have been a warning to people to look for alternative way to deal with these
problems by using environmental technology to convert wastewater into fresh
water. This therefore becomes a cultural capital which shows the importance of
SBR. Consequently, the presence of SBR is to close the gap between
environmental problem and people needs.

6.2.4 Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility refers to the ability of SBR to overcome wastewater compare
to other technologies. As highlighted in below SBR has several merits like the
ones mentioned below:

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
 The flexibility of installation that can be built underground with average
measurement of plant to about 5 x 10 m will reduce the land need. Hence,
the cost of investment will decrease.

 Simple operation with automatic technology is very convenient for common

people, particularly for urban dwellers.

 The ability to adjust time and energy will help user to manage energy

 All needed materials for building one unit SBR are available in the market.

6.2.5 Economic Feasibility

An affordable technology is the primary consideration for people to choose the

product, particularly in the developing countries such as Bangladesh, India,
Indonesia and Sri Lanka with comparatively low financial strength. SBR with low
maintenance cost and space requirements can be a solution and even preference
to tackle wastewater, however high capital cost during installation, this technology
is much cheaper and affordable for community in long run.

There are number of cost factors to be considered in designing of waste water

treatment facility for any urban area. Design, construction and operation of SBR
type sewage treatment involves following cost features.

Table 7: Estimation of Cost Items for 1 unit of SBR

Stage Description Cost (%)

Planning and design of the plant
1  Preliminary survey of the site 10%
 Planning and design of the treatment plant
Concrete tank construction
 Soil testing, ground water table and load pressure study
 Excavation work for concrete tank
2  Construction of tank with 16mm steel reinforced concrete 30%
 Asphalt work and fiberglass lamination of internal walls
 Construction of effluent storage tank and influent buffer tank
Sewage treatment plant installation
 Installation and commissioning of membranes, retrofit kit and
3 control panel of SBR plant 40%
 Installation of solar panel and electrical components
 Installation of UV treatment components

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
Stage Description Cost (%)
 Installation of sludge recycling unit and cutter pumps
Commissioning of the plant
 Supply of sewer network into the treatment plant
4 20%
 Effluent water quality testing and technical training for
maintenance work

The expected benefits for the community are ranging from socio-economic to
environmental aspects. The most important benefit is in terms of health and
hygiene. Sewage treatment reduces the water contamination and clean waters
mean the reduction of health expenditure for the community. As the urban
underserved communities consist of children aged 5 years or below prone to
number of water borne diseases, health savings from treatment plant installation
can lead to better living standards too.

6.3 Necessary Improvements and required areas of Future


Although SBR technology has its limitations, it can be considered as one of the
efficient methods of waste water treatment. Membrane use is widely known in
various aspects of waste water treatment. Therefore, the following improvements
can be done for future use of SBR technology in solving urban water issues.

SBR process uses aerobic treatment method to remove the pollutants in waste
water. But it can be improved if ‘multiple barrier approach’ prescribed by WHO is
followed. SBR can be improved by using aerobic and anaerobic treatment
methods together to perform an optimum treatment method. The tank 1 which
acts as the settling tank (buffer tank) can be used as an anaerobic chamber to
treat sewage inside.

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
After a comprehensive analysis from various feasibility angles and an overall
performance review with respect to other competitive technologies, it can be
concluded that SBR is the most efficient technology for wastewater treatment in
our current site of Korail, Dhaka. The ultimate success however, depends on the
careful monitoring and operational maintenance of the plant, which requires
people with a certain skill set and business acumen. Although SBR is a simplistic
model, community involvement can create a sense of ownership that leads to
better management of the plant in the long run. It also becomes a potential role
model for areas dredged in unhygienic conditions to get inspired and take the

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution

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Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution
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NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution

 NEWate Visitor Center (Staff and PUB officials), Koh Sek Lim Road,
 Klaro GmbH – Sewage & Waste Water Treatment Company, Beyrueth,
 Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment & Forests –
 Center for Science and Environment – India

NUS, MEM, Semester 2 (AY2014/15)
Module: ESE5901 (Environmental Technology)
Project group name: Sattvic Revolution

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