Orgasm and Ejaculation PDF
Orgasm and Ejaculation PDF
Orgasm and Ejaculation PDF
Orgasm and ejaculation are two separate physiological processes that are sometimes difficult to distinguish. Orgasm is an intense tran-
sient peak sensation of intense pleasure creating an altered state of consciousness associated with reported physical changes. Antegrade
ejaculation is a complex physiological process that is composed of two phases (emission and expulsion), and is influenced by intricate
neurological and hormonal pathways. Despite the many published research projects dealing with the physiology of orgasm and ejac-
ulation, much about this topic is still unknown. Ejaculatory dysfunction is a common disorder, and currently has no definitive cure.
Understanding the complex physiology of orgasm and ejaculation allows the development of therapeutic targets for ejaculatory
dysfunction. In this article, we summarize the current literature on the physiology of orgasm and ejaculation, starting with a brief
description of the anatomy of sex organs and the physiology of erection. Then, we describe
the physiology of orgasm and ejaculation detailing the neuronal, neurochemical, and hormonal
control of the ejaculation process. (Fertil SterilÒ 2015;104:1051–60. Ó2015 by American Soci- Use your smartphone
ety for Reproductive Medicine.) to scan this QR code
Key Words: Erectile function, male sexual function, ejaculation, orgasm and connect to the
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jaculatory dysfunction is one of of the penis. In this section, we summa-
the most common male sexual THE MALE GENITAL ORGANS rize some of those mechanisms.
dysfunctions that is often mis-
The male genital system consists of
diagnosed or disregarded. At present,
external and internal reproductive and Cerebral Control
there is no definitive cure for ejacula-
sexual organs such as the penis, pros-
tory dysfunctions (1). New research on Cerebrally controlled penile erections
tate, epididymis, and testes. Figure 1
the physiology of ejaculation keeps are induced through erotic visual stim-
shows the gross anatomy of the ejacu-
emerging to identify targets of treat- uli or thoughts. The main cerebral
latory structures. Table 1 provides a
ment. However, knowledge about this structures involved in erection are con-
summary of the functional anatomy
topic is still lacking. In the present tained within the medial preoptic area
of these organs (2–5).
article, we summarize the current liter- (MPOA) and paraventricular nucleus
ature on the physiology of ejaculation. (PVN) in the hypothalamus (6). Dopa-
We describe the anatomy of the organs PHYSIOLOGY OF ERECTION mine is the most important brain
involved and the erection physiology. The penile erection results from com- neurotransmitter for erection, likely
We discuss the physiology of orgasm plex neurovascular mechanisms. through its stimulation of oxytocin
and ejaculation as two separate physio- Several central and peripheral neuro- release (7). Another important neuro-
logical processes. In addition, we logical factors in addition to molecular, transmitter is norepinephrine, which is
describe the neurochemical and hor- vascular, psychological and endocrino- demonstrated through the erectogenic
monal regulation of the ejaculation logical factors are involved, and the effect of the a-2 agonist (Yohimbine)
process. balance between these factors is what (8). Several other brain neurotransmit-
eventually determines the functionality ters are involved in the erection process
to varying degrees such as nitric oxide
Received July 15, 2015; revised August 17, 2015; accepted August 26, 2015; published online
(NO), a-melanocyte stimulating hor-
September 16, 2015. mone (a-MSH), and opioid peptides (9).
A.A. has nothing to disclose. B.N.B. has nothing to disclose. T.F.L. has nothing to disclose.
Reprint requests: Amjad Alwaal, M.D., M.Sc., King Abdulaziz University, Department of Urology, P. O.
Box 80215, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 21589 (E-mail:
Autonomic Control
Fertility and Sterility® Vol. 104, No. 5, November 2015 0015-0282/$36.00
Copyright ©2015 American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Published by Elsevier Inc.
Parasympathetic stimulation is the main mediator for penile tumescence,
There is no standard definition of orgasm. Each specialty such
as endocrinology or psychology examines this activity from
each one's perspective, making it difficult to reach a
consensus on the definition. Orgasm is generally associated
with ejaculation, although the two processes are physiologi-
cally different (20). Certain physiological features are associ-
ated with orgasm, including hyperventilation up to 40
breaths/min, tachycardia, and high blood pressure (21). In
fact, faster heart rate was found to be an indicator of ‘‘real’’
male orgasm during intravaginal intercourse, differentiating
it from ‘‘fake’’ orgasm (22). Orgasm is also associated with
powerful and highly pleasurable pelvic muscle contractions
(especially ischiocavernosus and bulbocavernosus) (23),
along with rectal sphincter contractions and facial grimacing
(21). There is also an associated release and elevation in PRL
and oxytocin levels after orgasm; however, the significance
Gross anatomy of the ejaculation structures. (Reprinted with of this elevation is not entirely clear (24).
permission from Sheu G, Revenig LM, Hsiao W. Physiology of Studies using positron emission tomography, which mea-
ejaculation. In: Mulhall JP, Hsiao W, eds. Men's sexual health and
fertility: a clinician's guide. New York: Springer; 2014:15.) sures changes in regional cerebral blood flow, have identified
Alwaal. Normal male sexual function. Fertil Steril 2015. areas of activation in the brain during orgasm. Primary
intense activation areas are noted to be in the mesodience-
phalic transition zones, which includes the midline, the
zona incerta, ventroposterior and intralaminar thalamic
although central suppression of the sympathetic nervous sys-
nuclei, the lateral segmental central field, the suprafascicular
tem also plays a role. Parasympathetic supply to the penis is
nucleus, and the ventral tegmental area. Strong increases
derived from the sacral segments S2-S4 (10). However, pa-
were seen in the cerebellum. Decreases were noted at the en-
tients with sacral spinal cord injury still maintain erections
torhinal cortex and the amygdale (25).
through psychogenic stimulation, although of less rigidity
Quality and intensity of orgasms are variable. For
than normal. These psychogenic erections do not occur in pa-
instance, short fast buildup of sexual stimulation toward
tients with lesions above T9 (11), suggesting that the main
orgasm is associated with less intense orgasms than slow
mechanism for these erections is central suppression of sym-
buildup. Early orgasms are less satisfying than later orgasms
pathetic stimulation (12). Patients with lesions above T9 still
in life as the person learns to accept the pleasure associated
may maintain reflexogenic erections. This implies that the
with orgasms. Lower levels of androgen are associated with
main mechanism for reflexogenic tumescence is the preserva-
weaker orgasms, such as in hypogonadism or in older age
tion of the sacral reflex arc, which mediates erection through
(20). It has been suggested that pelvic muscle exercises,
tactile penile stimulation (13, 14).
particularly the bulbocavernosus and ischiocavernosus mus-
cles, through contracting those muscles 60 times, 3 times
Molecular Mechanisms daily for 6 weeks will enhance the pleasure associated with
The penis at baseline is in a flaccid state maintained by the orgasm (20). However, the effort and time associated with
contraction of corporal smooth muscles and constriction of such exercises prevent their utilization. The orgasm induced
cavernous and helicine arteries leading to moderate state of through deep prostatic massage is thought to be different
hypoxia with partial pressure of oxygen of 30–40 mm Hg from the orgasm associated direct penile stimulation.
(15). During sexual arousal, NO is released from cavernous Although penile stimulation orgasms are associated with
nerve terminals through the action of neuronal NO synthase 4–8 pelvic muscle contractions, prostatic massage orgasms
(16). The NO activates guanylate cyclase, which in turn con- are associated with 12 contractions. Prostatic massage or-
verts guanosine triphosphate to cyclic guanosine monophos- gasms are thought to be more intense and diffuse than penile
phate (15, 17), leading eventually to smooth muscle stimulation orgasms, but they require time and practice and
relaxation and vasodilation (18). Although the initiation of are not liked by many men (20, 26, 27).
tumescence is through neuronal NO synthase, the Following orgasm in men is a temporary period of inhibi-
maintenance of erection is through endothelial NO synthase tion of erection or ejaculation called the refractory period.
This is a poorly understood phenomenon, with some investi- inal fluid (1, 31). The organs involved in the ejaculation
gators suggesting a central rather than spinal mechanism process receive dense autonomic nerve supply, both
causing it (28). Elevated levels of PRL and serotonin after sympathetic and parasympathetic, from the pelvic plexus.
orgasm have been suggested as a potential cause; however, The pelvic plexus is located retroperitoneally on either side
there is much debate about their exact role (29). More research of the rectum, lateral and posterior to the seminal vesicle
is still needed in the area of male orgasm (20). (32). It receives neuronal input from the hypogastric and
pelvic nerves in addition to the caudal paravertebral
sympathetic chain (33). The sympathetic neurons play the
predominant role in the ejaculation process. Their nerve
Ejaculation is a physiological process heavily controlled by terminals secrete primarily norepinephrine, although other
the autonomic nervous system. It consists of two main neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine and nonadrenergic/
phases: emission and expulsion. The main organs involved noncholinergic also play important roles (34). The role of the
in ejaculation are the distal epididymis, the vas deferens, hypogastric plexus in emission is best demonstrated
the seminal vesicle, the prostate, the prostatic urethra, and clinically by the loss of emission after non-nerve sparing
the bladder neck (30). para-aortic lymph node dissection for testicular cancer (35),
and induction of emission in paraplegic men through electri-
Emission cal stimulation of superior hypogastric plexus (35). Input from
genital stimulation is integrated at the neural sacral spinal
The first step in the emission phase is the closure of bladder level to produce emission (36). The emission phase of ejacula-
neck to prevent retrograde spillage of the seminal fluid into tion is also under a considerable cerebral control, and can be
the bladder. This is followed by the ejection of prostatic secre- induced through physical or visual erotic stimulation (37).
tions (10% of the final semen volume) containing acid phos-
phatase, citric acid, and zinc, mixed with spermatozoa from
the vas deferens (10% of the volume) into the prostatic urethra. Expulsion
Subsequently, the fructose-containing seminal vesicle fluid Expulsion follows emission as the process of ejaculation cli-
alkalinizes the final ejaculatory fluid. The seminal vesicle fluid maxes, and refers to the ejection of semen through the urethral
constitutes 75%–80% of the final seminal fluid. Cowper's meatus. The semen is propelled through the rhythmic contrac-
glands and periurethral glands produce a minority of the sem- tions of the pelvic striated muscles in addition to the
demonstrated a threefold increase of hyperthyroidism in pa- is the reason for recommending Tamoxifen as a first-line
tients with premature ejaculation compared with controls, a treatment for idiopathic oligospermia by the World Health Or-
finding that was more pronounced in patients with acquired ganization (136). Finkelstein et al. (137) showed that E2
rather than lifelong premature ejaculation. They also showed deficiency, along with androgen deficiency, contributes to
an increase in intravaginal ejaculation latency time by 84.6 decreased libido and erectile function.
34.2 seconds (P¼ .001) upon treatment of hyperthyroidism.
These findings suggest that thyroid hormones do not only
affect the ankle reflex, but also the ejaculatory reflex, and
screening patients with ejaculatory dysfunction for thyroid Testosterone, through its central and peripheral androgen re-
hormone abnormalities is warranted (102). ceptors, has a well-known role on male sexual function, partic-
ularly on libido (138). Low T levels are associated with delayed
ejaculation, whereas high levels were associated with prema-
Glucocorticoids ture ejaculation (102). This is likely because the emission phase
Cortisol (F) levels in several animal studies were found to be of the ejaculation relies on the NO-PDE5 system, which is influ-
elevated during arousal and ejaculation (121–123). In enced by T (138, 139). Testosterone facilitates the control of the
horses and donkeys, F was elevated 30 minutes after ejaculatory reflex through its androgen receptors in the MPOA
ejaculation, with unknown significance of this finding (124, and other areas in the central nervous system (140).
125). In addition, F levels were sharply elevated after Furthermore, pelvic floor muscles involved in ejaculation are
electroejaculation in several anesthetized animal studies androgen dependent (141). There are likely multiple
(126, 127). In humans, however, there was no change in F mechanisms involved in T action and further research is
levels whether during sexual stimulation or orgasm (128– needed to identify specific targets for treatment in the
131). Although hypercortisolism in men was associated with ejaculatory reflex. Table 2 summarizes the neurochemical and
reduced libido, no effect was identified on orgasm or hormonal regulation of ejaculation.
ejaculation (132). Replacement of F in Addison disease was In conclusion, ejaculation is a complex process involving
associated with improvement in overall sexual function several anatomical structures and under extensive neuro-
including orgasm (133). Data in humans are still too chemical and hormonal regulation. Orgasm, although associ-
preliminary to draw final conclusions, and further research ated with ejaculation, is a distinct physiological process,
is needed. different from ejaculation. Many aspects of these physiolog-
ical processes are still unknown and further research is needed
to identify treatments for ejaculatory dysfunction.
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