Oils, Fuels, Coolants: Industrial and Marine Engines

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Issue 2 en

Oils, Fuels, Coolants

Industrial and Marine Engines

Part No.
1 588 376 ©
Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2
Engine oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Oil grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Oil analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Diesel fuel (diesel fuel oil) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Requirements and testing norms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Fuel properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Formula for calculation of engine output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Water and micro-organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Grades of diesel fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Alternative fuels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
RME (Rape Methyl Ester) fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Coolant composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Low temperature properties of the coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Dosage table for glycol anti-freeze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Internal cleaning of cooling system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Summary of volumes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Lubricating oil volumes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Coolant volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

2 00:03-01
Engine oil

The following generally applies: A - If the sulphur content is above 0.3% by weight
maximum of 400 hours operating but does not exceed 1.0% by weight in the fuel,
the oil change interval must be halved (200 h).
time between oil changes
- Viscosity requirements are shown in the figure
With oil change intervals at a maximum of 400 below.
hours operating time, the engine oil must meet the - For operation at extremely low ambient
following requirements: temperature: Consult your nearest Scania
representative on how to avoid starting
Oil grade difficulties.

The engine oil must comply with the requirements Important! Make sure that the oil can cope with
of the following oil classifications as a minimum: all temperature variations up to the next oil
ACEA E3, E4 or E5
- The Total Base Number (TBN) should be Note: Additives must not be mixed with
minimum 12-13 (ASTM 2896). the oil.
- Check with your oil supplier that the oil meets
these requirements.
- The specified oil change intervals are
applicable provided that the fuel sulphur Avoid spillage when changing oil. Dispose of
content does not exceed 0.3% by weight. used oil and filters through an authorised
waste disposal contractor.

-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 °C

SAE 20W-30

SAE 30

SAE 40

SAE 50

SAE 5W-30

SAE 10W-30

SAE 15W-40

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

00:03-01 3
Oil analysis

The 400 hour oil change interval can be extended If an extension of the oil change interval is being
or reduced depending on the result of the oil considered, the following procedure is
analysis programme. recommended:
Some oil companies can offer an oil analysis. - First take an oil test after the normal oil change
We recommend that the following analytical interval and then after every 200 operating
values are determined from an oil test made at the hours and try to have each test analysed as
end of an oil change interval: soon as possible after taking it.
- The oil’s Total Base Number (TBN) The oil must be changed:
- Viscosity - when the Total Base Number (TBN) has been
reduced by half.
- Fuel dilution
- when the viscosity has increased more than
- Water content 20%.
- Wear metal content: Fe, Cu, Pb, Mo, Cr, Al - when wear metals, carbon or oxidation have
- Impurity content: Si, Na increased rapidly.
- Carbon content and oxidation - when the carbon content is 3% maximum
according to the IR method DIN 51452.
Initially, monitor the engine oil analytical data
over a period of several oil changes to determine The result of a series of analyses is used as the
typical values for the specific engine at basis for establishing a suitable oil change
recommended intervals. interval.
Contact Scania for the normal values.
- If the values are normal, it is possible to extend Note:
the oil change interval.
• Always send a sample of unused oil of the
- If the values show that the oil is in poor same type together with the first sample of
condition, the reasons for the abnormal values used oil to the analysis laboratory.
should be investigated and the necessary action
should be taken. It may be necessary to reduce • When a rapid change in the analysis values
the oil change interval. occurs, the analysis and oil change intervals
must be reduced and the cause found.
• The Total Base Number (TBN) is affected by
the engine operating conditions and primarily
by the sulphur content in the fuel.
• If the operating conditions have changed, a
new oil analysis programme must be carried
out to determine the new oil change interval.

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

4 00:03-01

Diesel fuel (diesel fuel oil) Approved exhaust values

Short term use of fuel with a higher sulphur
content than 0.05% by weight will not cause
! WARNING! permanent damage to the catalytic converter.
Diesel fuel is harmful to the skin and eyes. The catalytic converter may, however, require
Use protective gloves and safety goggles fuel with low sulphur content for some time after
when handling diesel fuel. this to regain its normal efficiency.

Addition of RME
The diesel fuel composition is very important for
Scania approves of the addition of RME (Rape
engine and injection pump operation and life.
Methyl Ester) to the diesel fuel.
Quality requirements Scania may also approve of running on pure RME
under certain conditions.
If the engines are to attain their stated perfor- For more detailed information about RME, see
mance characteristics and comply with the Alternative fuels.
emission requirements of public authorities, the
diesel fuel used should comply with one of the
following specifications:
• European standard: EN 590
• Diesel fuel complying with Swedish
environmental classification: SS 15 54 35
The table on page 7 indicates the requirements
and test standards for the most important

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

00:03-01 5
In extreme temperatures

At temperatures lower than those specified for the

diesel fuel, paraffin wax may precipitate from the
fuel and block filters and pipes. The engine can ! WARNING!
then lose power or stop. It is not permitted to mix kerosene with
The diesel fuel is adapted for use in the specific diesel fuel that is already adapted for the
climate of each country. If a vehicle or an engine climate concerned. The injection pump
is to be operated in a temperature zone with lower may be damaged. All use of paraffin other
temperature than normal, first identify the than kerosene is forbidden, as it causes
temperature properties of the fuel concerned. engine damage.
- If the fuel concerned cannot cope with the
expected temperatures, and diesel fuel is not
available with the correct temperature proper- Note: It is prohibited to use kerosene in
ties, we recommend that an electric fuel heater engine fuel in some countries.
is installed as a preventative measure.
- The low temperature properties of diesel fuel Important! It is not permissible to mix petrol
may be improved by adding kerosene as a with diesel fuel. Petrol may cause wear to
preventative measure. A maximum of 20% the fuel injection pump and it may also
may be added. When refuelling, the kerosene cause damage to the engine.
should be added first, so that it mixes
thoroughly with the diesel fuel.
- To prevent water in the fuel from freezing and
forming ice, a maximum of 0.5-2% alcohol
(isopropanol) may be added. Drain the fuel
tanks and drain or change fuel filters regularly

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

6 00:03-01
Requirements and testing norms

complying with
Properties Unit standard Test method
EN 590
SS15 54 35
Ignitability ASTM D 4737
CET index, minimum 50 46 ISO 42641)
CET rating, minimum 50 49 ISO 5165 2)
Viscosity at 40° mm2/s 1.4-4.03) 2.0-4.5 ISO 3104
Density at 15°C kg/m3 800-820 820-860 ASTM D 4052
ISO 3675
Sulphur (by mass), maximum 4) % 0.001 0.05 ASTM D 3120,
ASTM D 4045,
ISO 4260, ISO 8754
Filtration ability in cold weather class A-F EN 116
(CFPP), maximum °C -10 A: +5 B: 0 IP 309
summer °C -265) C: -5 D: -10
winter E: -15 F: -20
Turbidity temperature, ASTM D 2500
maximum °C ±0 −
summer °C -165) −
Distillation ISO 3405
Initial boiling point, minimum °C 180
Temperature at 65% distillation, °C 250
maximum °C 285 390
Temperature at 95% distillation,
Water (by mass) maximum mg/kg 2006) 2006) ASTM D 1744
6) 6)
Water and sediment % 0.05 0.05 ASTM D 2709
(by volume), maximum
Ash (by mass), maximum % 0.01 0.01 ISO 6245
7) 7)
Carbon residue, micromethod % 0.3 0.3 ISO 4262
(by mass), maximum
Corrosive effect on copper, 3 according 1 1 ISO 2160
hours at 50°C, maximum to
Aromatic hydrocarbons (by % 5 - SS 15 51 16
volume), maximum IP 391
PAH, % by volume, maximum % 0.02 - SS 15 51 16
Oxidation stability, maximum g/m 25 25 ASTM D 2274
Particle content mg/kg 24 24 DIN 51 419
Flashpoint °C 56 55 ISO 2719

Notes 1) - 7), see next page

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

00:03-01 7
Notes 1) - 7) as follows: 4. When choosing a method, consideration
should be given to the expected sulphur
1. The procedure includes the following content and area of application of the method
recommendations for application. However, concerned.
the procedure can be applied outside these
limits. 5. The requirements in the table generally
apply. They should be adjusted to meet the
Recommended requirements which are to be expected from
Property statistical information about temperatures
within the area concerned.
ASTM CET rating 32.5-56.5 6. When delivered, diesel fuel oil should be
Density at 15°C 0.805-0.895 kg/m3 clear and free from visible impurities.
Distillation: 7. The carbon residue limit in the table applies
Temperature at 10% 171-259°C to the product before the addition of an
distillation ignition improver if this is used. The use of
50 % 212-308°C an additive does not exempt the manufacturer
90 % 251-363°C from having to meet the carbon residue
requirement of a maximum mass of 0.30%
2. Since no information can be obtained on the before the addition of additive.
CET rating according to ISO 5165, it is
permissible to only use the CET index
according to ASTM D 4737 or ISO 4264.
The CET index should then correspond to the
numerical value for the CET rating.
3. Diesel fuel oil according to this standard may
have poor lubrication qualities. If this is the
case, it should be remedied. Additives must
not contain substances which can reduce the
operation of emission control devices
(catalytic converters, particle filters).

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

8 00:03-01
Fuel properties

The permitted limits for the properties below are Aromatic hydrocarbon content
shown in the table on page 7.
Many of the known carcinogenic substances in
fuel are aromatic hydrocarbons. A raised aromatic
Density hydrocarbon content increases the emission of
Fuel density is measured in kg/m3. Fuel of lower mutagenic substances and leads to increased
density has a lower energy content and gives less carbon deposits in the exhaust gases. A reduced
engine output. aromatic hydrocarbon content means, however,
that the density is lower than it is on the current
Warm fuel has a lower density than cold fuel. This standard fuel contributing to a reduced output.
means that the engine output decreases with an
increase in the air temperature and therefore in the
fuel temperature. Boiling range
Winter fuel generally has a lower density than By increasing the lower boiling point limit, i.e. by
summer fuel. removing the lowest boiling hydrocarbons, the
emission of gaseous hydrocarbons is reduced.
Viscosity These are removed when passing through a
catalytic converter and have no effect on the
The viscosity is a measurement of how viscous or engine function.
fluid the fuel is. Low viscosity means that the Reducing the upper limit removes the higher
internal leakage in the injection pump increases boiling aromatic hydrocarbons which give rise to
and the pump pumps a smaller volume at a given soot and mutagenic (carcinogenic) substances in
control rod position than if the viscosity is high. the exhaust gases.
Warm fuel has a lower viscosity than cold fuel.
High viscosity gives somewhat more engine
output. CET index, CET rating
To reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides, the injec-
Sulphur content tion of the fuel must take place as late as possible.
In order for it to be burnt in time, it must have a
The sulphur in the fuel is converted to sulphur high ignitability, CET rating. Even without
dioxide in the engine. If there is a catalytic retarded injection, an increase in the CET rating
converter the sulphur dioxide is converted to gives a certain reduction in emissions of nitrogen
sulphuric acid. The sulphur content does not oxides.
affect the engine function. However, the perfor-
mance of the catalytic converter is impaired if the If the CET rating falls below the value indicated
sulphur content is too high. in the table, it may be difficult to start the vehicle.
The sulphur contributes to particle emissions.
Higher sulphur contents result in higher particle Filtration ability
emissions. This refers to the lowest temperature at which the
diesel fuel can be used without clogging the fuel
filter and fuel lines.

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

00:03-01 9
Formula for calculation of engine output

When the engines are delivered, the output is This formula does not take into account viscosity,
indicated for fuel with a density of 840 kg/m3. which also affects the output. If the viscosity is
If fuel with a different density is used, the change less than that specified in the table on "Require-
in output is calculated approximately with the ments and testing norms", the reduction in output
formula: is somewhat greater than in the above example.
A reduction in viscosity gives a reduction in
output depending on the clearance in the injection
P pump element.
Necorr = Ne x
840 As a standard value, a viscosity reduction of
1.2 cSt is estimated to result in a reduction in
output of 1%.
Necorr = Output with the fuel used
Note: The injection pump must not be
Ne = Specified output adjusted to compensate for the loss
of output on certified engines.
P = Density of the current fuel There is a risk of serious engine
in kg/m3 at + 15°C damage if it is refilled with fuel with
a higher density and viscosity after
any adjustment.
840 = Density which is used as a
standard in output

e.g. Density of the current fuel: 810 kg/m3.

Specified engine output 500 hk.

The corrected output becomes:

Necorr = 500 x = 482 hk

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

10 00:03-01
Water and micro-organisms

Fuel initially contains a reduced quantity of water De-contamination

from the manufacturing process. The water
content may increase, e.g. as a result of conden- Tanks:
sation, during prolonged and unsuitable storage. - Clean large supply tanks carefully inside and
Small quantities of water in the fuel do not affect dry them before filling them with new fuel.
the engine operation. However, micro-organisms - Drain the water a few days after filling and at
grow in the water. The microbes obtain nourish- regular intervals from then on in accordance
ment from the oil and their growth is therefore with the oil supplier’s instructions.
greatest in the boundary layer between the water
and oil. In an emulsion the boundary layer is very
large and emulsification therefore encourages Engines installed in vehicles, boats etc.:
- Clean the entire fuel system, otherwise the
The cause of breakdowns can generally be attri- microbial flora will spread again.
buted to badly maintained supply tanks. Water,
dirt, fungi and/or bacteria have collected in tanks - Rinse the fuel lines and blow them dry.
which are rarely cleaned or drained. They form a Replace fuel filters.
mass which can block filters. - Clean the fuel tank.
There are additives which counteract this, but we - If the contamination was very serious, it may
would warn against their use since they are be necessary to inspect the injectors and
hazardous environmental toxins which affect the injection pump and remove any deposits that
microflora. may have formed. Experience has shown that
In our experience the established oil companies biological tissue can penetrate the fuel filter
maintain their tanks in such a way that contamina- and may create deposits in those parts of the
tion of this kind does not occur. Where problems system beyond the filter.
have occurred, the tank has not been maintained
- Biocides may be used as a last resort. The
individual tank owner should refrain from
The oil companies do not use toxic substances, handling such substances. Any such use should
but rely entirely on regular cleaning and drainage take place with the assistance of the fuel
of water from the tanks. The latter should, supplier.
however, be carried out only some days after the
tank has been filled, so that the water has sunk to
the bottom.
Drainage is carried out at all stages of the distri-
bution, both in depots and at filling stations. Heat
is applied to larger, cooled tanks to reduce the fuel
viscosity, resulting in internal circulation to
accelerate the precipitation before draining the

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

00:03-01 11
Grades of diesel fuel

Summer and winter fuels Environmental fuel

(Available on markets with cold climates) Environmental fuel with markedly reduced
Fuel can be adjusted to the seasons by adding sulphur contents and therefore emissions is
lighter components and removing components available on various markets. Normally the
which can crystallise out at low temperatures. It is density and viscosity is also lower for these fuels.
mainly the higher paraffinic hydrocarbons which By using output correction curves (formulae), the
crystallise out and these help to increase the outputs can be corrected for the effect of density
ignition value. and viscosity.
The winter fuel has a lower density and lower See the table on page 7 for the specification of
viscosity. This results in a reduction in engine diesel fuel complying with Swedish
output. environmental classification.

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

12 00:03-01
Alternative fuels

RME (Rape Methyl Ester) fuel With a 5% addition of RME to industrial and
marine engines, the increase in NOX emissions is
negligible. At higher levels in the mixture, and up
What is RME?
to 100% RME, the increase in NOX is so
Pure vegetable oils are not suitable to be used as significant that the emissions will be well outside
vehicle fuel. Rape methyl Ester (RME) is made the specifications in the engine certificate/exhaust
from methanol and rape seed oil and is sold in emission approval.
certain countries. Emissions of nitrogen oxides, NOX , are increased
The RME used must comply with either German by up to 30% with pure RME operation of
standard DIN V 51 606 or Swedish standard industrial and marine engines for Stage 2.
SS 15 54 36.
Other properties of RME
What emissions come from RME?
RME is biodegradable and not dangerous to
Scania has conducted tests using standard engines health.
that have not been adjusted or adapted, in order to RME has poorer low temperature characteristics
investigate what happens when a vehicle is run on than diesel. The limit for full operability is minus
RME, or various mixtures of diesel and RME. 5 °C. Special additives are required for use at
The results show that for industrial and marine lower temperatures (to a maximum of minus
engines the emission values are slightly reduced 20 °C).
for hydrocarbon HC, carbon monoxide and The injection pumps, gaskets, and hoses currently
particulates compared with diesel fuel. in use have not been adapted for RME, and must
The net addition of carbon dioxide into the therefore be replaced.
atmosphere ceases, since RME is not a fossil fuel. Certain types of ancillary equipment, e.g.
auxiliary heaters, cannot be operated on RME
without modifications.
RME has inferior storage characteristics to diesel.
A maximum of 5 months is recommended.

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

00:03-01 13


Avoid skin contact. Scania Anti-corrosive and ethylene glycol

Skin contact can cause irritation. are highly dangerous to consume.
Hot coolant can cause burns.
Use protective gloves.
Scania Glycol Anti-Freeze is available in the
following container sizes:

Coolant composition Description Part no. Volume

The coolant must always contain a corrosion Glycol 584 122 5l

inhibitor approved by Scania so that the cooling Glycol 584 123 30 l
system is not exposed to corrosive attack.
Glycol 584 124 210 l (barrel)
First filling: Also refer to the instruction manual.

- If Scania Glycol Anti-Freeze is not available,

If there is a danger of freezing:
the following glycol anti-freezes can be used in
- We recommend in the first place Scania Glycol Scania Industrial and Marine Engines:
Anti-Freeze which is free from nitrites and BASF G48
phosphates but contains silicates to improve
the corrosion protection for aluminium. BASF D542
- The glycol content should be 30 - 60% by Shell Glysantin
volume depending on the ambient temperature.
30% by volume provides anti-freeze protection These products are also free from nitrites and
down to -16 °C. phosphates.
- The low temperature properties of the coolant
Note: Glycol concentrations lower than are shown in the diagram on page 16 using an
30% by volume do not provide example of a coolant with a glycol mix of 30%
sufficient corrosion protection. by volume.
Glycol concentrations higher than
- Use the dosage table on page 17 to calculate
60% do not improve anti-freeze
the necessary amount of glycol.
protection and have a negative
effect on engine cooling capacity. Important! Avoid mixing different types and
brands of glycol anti-freezes, since mal-
Important! Never top up with water alone or functions may occur in the form of sludge
only glycol anti-freeze alone! Fluid losses formation and a reduction in the corrosion
must always be replaced with pre-mixed protection.
coolant having the same glycol concen-
tration as that in the engine. If the glycol
content drops, both anti-freeze protection
and protection against corrosion are

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

14 00:03-01
If there is no danger of freezing: Important! Never top up with only water or only
anti-corrosive! Fluid losses must always be
- Scania Anti-corrosive must be used as a replaced with premixed coolant: water +
corrosion inhibitor in the coolant if there is no 10% by volume Scania Anti-corrosive.
danger of freezing. Overdosing can cause the formation of
- The correct corrosion inhibitor content is sludge and a reduction in the corrosion
7-12% by volume and must never be less than protection.
7% by volume.
Note: No additives other than those
- First filling: Water + 10% by volume Scania
Anti-corrosive. recommended by Scania may be
used in the coolant.
- The inhibitor in Scania Anti-corrosive is free
from nitrites and phosphates but contains Coolant filter
silicates to improve the corrosion protection for
aluminium. - Only coolant filters having mechanical filters
without a corrosion inhibitor may be used.
Scania Anti-corrosive is available in the
following container sizes:
Description Part no. Volume
- The water for the coolant should be as free as
Scania Anti-corrosive 584 119 0.5 l possible from sludge and particles.
Scania Anti-corrosive 584 120 5l - Use drinkable water with a pH value of 6 - 9.
Scania Anti-corrosive 584 121 210 l

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

00:03-01 15
Low temperature properties of the coolant

Important! The engine must not be subject to

severe loads when there is icing in the
cooling system. Malfunctions without any
risk of damage often occur when there is
slight icing in the coolant.

% by volume of glycol anti-freeze - Example with 30% glycol by volume

- Ice slush starts to form at -16°C.
- At -30°C there is a risk of malfunctions
- No risk of damage by freezing with a
minimum content of 30% glycol by volume
Curve A:Ice formation starts (ice slush)
Curve B:Temperature at which there is a
risk of damage by freezing
1. Safe area
2. Malfunctions may occur (ice
3. Risk of damage by freezing

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

16 00:03-01
Dosage table for glycol anti-freeze

% glycol by Cooling
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60
volume system
Ice slush starts capacity,
-6 -9 -12 -16 -22 -27 -36 -46 -55 dm3
to form at °C
5 6 8 9 11 12 14 15 18 30
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 40
8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 30 50
9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 36 60
11 14 18 21 25 28 32 35 42 70
12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 48 80
14 18 23 27 32 36 41 45 54 90
Glycol dm3 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 100
(litres) 17 22 28 33 39 44 50 55 66 110
18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 120
20 26 33 39 46 52 59 65 78 130
21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 84 140
23 30 38 45 53 60 68 75 90 150
24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 96 160
26 34 43 51 60 68 77 85 102 170
27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 180
29 38 48 57 67 76 86 95 114 190
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 200

Note: The zone marked A should be avoided. There is insufficient corrosion

protection. Only for calculating glycol mix.

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

00:03-01 17
Internal cleaning of cooling system

Removing oil and grease Removing deposits

- If possible, run the engine until it has reached - If possible, run the engine until it has reached
operating temperature and then drain the operating temperature and then drain the
cooling system. cooling system.
- Remove the thermostat(s). - Remove the thermostat(s).
- Fill the system with clean, hot water mixed - Fill the system with clean, hot water mixed
with liquid dishwasher detergent intended for with some of the radiator cleaning agent
household machines. available on the market which is based on
Concentration 1% (0.1/10 l). sulphamic acid and contains dispersing agents.
- Run the engine for approximately 20-30 - Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the
minutes until it has reached operating concentration and cleaning period.
temperature. Do not forget the cab heating - Run the engine for the specified time and then
system (if fitted). drain the cooling system.
- Drain the cooling system. - Refill the system with hot water and run the
- Fill the system again using clean, hot water and engine for about 20-30 minutes.
run the engine for about 20-30 minutes. - Drain the water from the system.
- Drain the water from the system. - Reinstall the thermostat(s).
- Reinstall the thermostat(s). - Fill the system with coolant. See page 14 for
- Fill the system with coolant. See page 14 for coolant composition.
coolant composition.
Note: Handling cleaning agents for the
Note: The cooling system must never be cooling system: Read the warning
cleaned with caustic soda. There is label on the container.
a risk of damage to aluminium parts.

Avoid spillage when draining coolant. Dispose

of used coolant through an authorised waste
disposal contractor.

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

18 00:03-01
Summary of volumes

Lubricating oil volumes

Engine type Max. Min.

9 engine
20 16

25 20

12 engine
33 28

28 20

14 engine
30 25

26 20

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

00:03-01 19
Coolant volumes

Industrial engines

Cooling system volume*(litres)

Engine type Radiator area
0.75 m2 1.0 m2 1.2 m2
D9, DC approx. 50 - -
DI9 approx. 53 - -
DC12 approx. 54 approx. 59 approx. 63
DI12 approx. 56 approx. 61 approx. 65
D14 approx. 82 approx. 87 approx. 91
DC14 - approx. 87 approx. 91
DI14 approx. 85 approx. 90 approx. 94
* The volume information includes the radiator, engine,
expansion tank and for DI engines also the charge air

Marine engines

Cooling system
Engine type volume (litres)
with heat exchanger
D9 33
DI9 33
DI12 40
DI14 95*
* Including 10 l expansion tank

Part no. for sealant

Silicone for charge air cooler, oil sump, etc . 816 064
Silicone for cylinder liner, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584 010
Thread seal for screws. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561 019
(equivalent to Loctite 572)

Part no. for locking fluid

For locking threads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561 200
(equivalent to Loctite 270)
For locking very large threads . . . . . . . . . . . . 561 238
(equivalent to Loctite 275)

© Scania CV AB, Sweden 2001-05:2

20 00:03-01

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